• Published 21st Apr 2024
  • 210 Views, 16 Comments

Sunset: Agent of DATS - PK-Pony 2002

Digimon Data Squad, but with Sunset Shimmer as the protagonist.

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Prologue- Part 1

Author's Note:

Dislcaimer! I do not own My Little Pony or Digimon Data Squad, they both belong to their repestcive owners[.

Anyways, on with the chapter!/b]

In a world known as Equestria: A world known for it's sentient magical creatures and magical knowledge we start our story in a castle in a place known as Canterlot with a not so happy ruler.

This ruler's name is Princess Celestia and she is currently looking at three Unicorn Royal Guards with a very displeased look, not that anypony can blame her.

"So, do any of you want to explain why you thought firing stunning spells into a room filled with magical artifacts was appropriate?" Celestia asks, eyes narrowed and arms crossed.

While to of the guards are looking nervous, one of the guards is calm.

"Permission to speak Princess?" Asks the calm guard. This Unicorn Guard has a white coat, a blue mane and blue eyes.

"Yes Private Shining Armor, you may." Princess Celestia says, trying to stay calm.

"Princess, as far as I was aware these two were firing spells into the Artifact Chamber for no reason, I heard noise coming from that wing of the castle and went to investigate when the Captain came over, yelled at us and threatened to have us arrested." Says Shining Armor, who is still a Private in the Royal Guard and the older brother of Twilight Sparkle: The future student to Princess Celestia, not that anyone knows that yet.

Celestia is quiet for a moment, before nodding her head.

"Very well, Private Armor, please return to the barracks. I have an assignment for you we need to discuss later." Says Celestia.

Shining Armor salutes at that.

"Yes, Princess." Says Shining Armor, leaving the throne room, leaving the two foolish guards to their fate.

"Now, why did you two fire stunning into chamber filled with magical artifacts when my student ran into that room?" Celestia asks, patience running thin.

"W-well, as you remember you o-ordered Sunset to stay in her private study because someone informed you that Sunset Shimmer was studying forbidden magic and you ordered the guards to apprehend her if she managed to sneak out." Says the first guard.

Celestia nods her head at that, remembering that very clearly.

"W-well, at exactly 11:00 Sunset Shimmer managed to overpower the guards stationed outside her study and managed to reach the hall where the Artifact Chamber was when we noticed her and tried to stop her from getting inside the room by using a stunning spell. We didn't expect her to get to the door that quickly and she had already entered the room when the spell entered as well." The second guard says.

Celestia is quiet for a few moments, before finally speaking.

"Very well, you two are ordered to return to the barracks and to remain their until me and your captain can discuss your punishment." Celestia says, both guards nod and hurry back to the barracks, not wanting to anger her any further.

Once both guards were out of sight Celestia heads to her private chamber for the the night and locks the door, tears forming in her eyes.

When Celestia had received word that Sunset had entered the Artifact Chamber and had disappeared after entering the room she nearly had a mental breakdown when she realized what happened.

Sunset had entered the Mirror Portal created by her and Luna's old mentor: Starswirl the bearded. Based on her analysis of the mirror firing that stunning spell at it had caused the calibrations to be changed, meaning the exit point is now a different location, potentially a different world.

This meant she had no idea where Sunset was, with no way to find her. There was also the fact that Celestia had no idea why Sunset had started studying forbidden magic, she had planned on asking her the next day. Now she might never know why.

As she thought about Sunset, she also thought of her sister: Princess Luna. Much like the situation with Sunset she hadn't noticed something was off until it was too late.

"Sunset, wherever you are, please stay safe." Celestia says softly.

What Celestia doesn't realize is that Sunset's biggest adventure was going to happen a year from now.

To Be Continued...