• Published 21st Apr 2024
  • 210 Views, 16 Comments

Sunset: Agent of DATS - PK-Pony 2002

Digimon Data Squad, but with Sunset Shimmer as the protagonist.

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Prologue- Part 2

Author's Note:

Disclaimer! I do not own My Little Pony or Digimon, they belong to their respective owners!

Anyways on with the chapter!

One year after Sunset went through the mirror portal in a world inhabited by creatures known as Humans, we see a 14 year old girl with long red and yellow hair, fair skin and greenish blue eyes wearing an orange shirt, black jacket, blue jeans and red shoes walking back to her apartment back from school.

This girl is none other than Sunset Shimmer; The wayward student of Princess Celestia. Well, I should rather say former student, have not been in Equestria for a year.

After entering the mirror portal, Sunset found herself in this world. A world known as Earth in the country of America in the state of New Jersey.

A few days after ending up in the Human world, Sunset managed to set herself up using the bits she had brought with her in order to get quite a bit of money and managed to get herself set up as Sunny McShane: A young teen who lost her parents and was looking for a place to live.

After getting a citizenship set up she immediately got a cheap apartment and got an after school job stocking shelves at a store.

Needless to say, Sunset was living life as best as she could, though she was still slightly bitter with Celestia for not checking to make sure Chancellor Neighsay wasn't making things up.

You see, Sunset hadn't actually been studying forbidden magic. Neighsay had made that up in order to get Sunset in trouble with Celestia since in his eyes Sunset was a 'second class Unicorn'. Heck there were spells on the books in order to know who took them off the shelves even if they weren't rented out!

"Alright, once I get home I've got homework to finish and since I have off work today I can spend some time playing some video games. I really want to finish playing Pokemon Ultra Sun, I've nearly finished the Team Rainbow Rocket episode." Sunset says.

"Hey, Sunny!" A voice says, getting her attention.

Turning around Sunset sees a 13 year old boy with light brown hair, purple eyes and pale skin. The boy wears a gray hoodie, blue jeans and gray shoes.

"Oh, hey Evan, how are you doing?" Says Sunset. Sunset had met Evan Smith a few months ago, after starting her finale year of Middle School. He was the type of teen to spend most of his free time either playing video games, listening to music or sketching and drawing.

"Doing pretty good, just wanted to chat for a bit before heading to work." Admits Evan, which gets Sunset's attention.

"Work, you got a job?" Questions Sunset, she hadn't known he was looking for one.

"Yeah, it was something that was recommended to me." Admits Evan, earning a nod from Sunset.

"Fair, anyways I've got to get home and start doing that homework, see you this Saturday at the gaming club." Says Sunset.

"Okay, later Sunny." Says Evan.

With that Sunset and Evan head their separate ways, not knowing they'd be meeting today again in a very unexpected way.

At the same time in the sewers, we see a small orange dinosaur-like creature with red bracers on its claws running away from something.

"Got to keep moving, can't let them catch me." The dinosaur-like creature says in a female voice. Not want wanting whoever was after her to catch her.

A few hour later we see Sunset walking through town, having finished her homework and wanting to explore for a bit.

Eventually, Sunset saw a game store and decided to see what games they had. Before she could get there, she ended up bumping into some pretty rude guys.

"Watch it!" One of them says, knocking Sunset to the ground.

"Hey!" Sunset yells, peeved at the men.

That's when she notices that they were heading to an alley way.

Now, normally Sunset wouldn't follow people into an alley way, that's just asking for trouble. However, she was getting this... feeling that she needed to follow them, she didn't know why, she just was.

Thankfully, if there was trouble she head a recording device that she always kept on her.

So, with steeled resolve she followed the guys into the alley way, praying she wouldn't get caught.

At the same time in a building that the genuine public had very little access to, we see that a woman with dark blue hair and turquoise eyes in a strange uniform is in the middle of looking over some papers on a desk when red light stars flashing and an alarm starts going off.

She immediately presses a button on her ear piece and begins talking to someone.

"What is the situation?" Asks the woman.

"Commander, we have received word that the D.T.U has been spotted downtown near that new game store that just opened up." Says a voice that belongs to a 20 year old male.

"What are they doing?" Asks the Commander.

"They appear to be searching for a Digimon, the codename it was given is Raptor One." Says a voice belonging to a 20 year old female.

"Meaning it's probably a dragon, reptile or dinosaur Digimon. Thank you for the information Mike and Molly."

"What should we do Luna? Asks a small rabbit-like creature at the now named Luna's side. The rabbit-like creature is known as Lunamon.

"Send Agents Hope and Smith, only trained field agents have a chance of stopping the Digimon Termination Unit." Luna says with a grim tone in her voice.

To Be Continued...