• Published 21st Apr 2024
  • 210 Views, 16 Comments

Sunset: Agent of DATS - PK-Pony 2002

Digimon Data Squad, but with Sunset Shimmer as the protagonist.

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Prologue- Part 5: The things to come

Author's Note:

Disclaimer! I do not own My Little Pony or Digimon, they belong to their respective owners!

Also, try to guess who the four D.T.U agents are.

Anyways, on with the chapter!

About 2 hours after Sunset met Agumon and they became partners at David's request we see that Sunset has reached her apartment.

Once inside the apartment, we see that her apartment isn't the biggest or in the best condition.

"Alright, we're here." Sunset says as she lets Agumon out of the Data Link Digivice. Agumon then takes a look around the apartment.

"This is where you live? Why aren't you living with your family? I at the very least know Humans your age don't normally live alone!" Agumon says incredulously.

Sunset winces at that.

"Well, my parents aren't exactly around for me to stay with them and this was the best I could afford with the job I have." Sunset says honestly, while her parents and brother weren't dead they were in Equestria and she wasn't going to risk going back there. Though she did wonder how her family took her disappearance.

Agumon looks at Sunset for a moment, before nodding her head.

"Anyways, I have some homework I need to finish. So I need you to find something to do while I complete it." Sunset says, earning a nod from Agumon.

With that Sunset began working on her homework and Agumon went through Sunset's books, trying to learn the English language since the Digital World's written language is Digi-code.

Back at the DATS base, we see Evan and Aaron standing in front of Commander Luna, informing her of how the mission went.

"So by the time you got there the Digital Gate and equipment being used to make it were damaged and the D.T.U agents were unconscious?" Questions Commander Luna.

"Yes ma'am, our best guess is that someone learned what they were doing and stopped them in their tracks." Says Aaron, while Evan looks thoughtful.

"Yeah, but that raises the question of who knew about it and how they knew." Says Evan, earning nods from Aaron and Commander Luna.

"That is true. However, there are high ranking DATS agents that have been doing some deep cover work for a while now. It could very well have been one of them." Says Commander Luna.

"There are?" Aaron asks in surprise, he'd been working for DATS for 2 years and he hadn't known that!

"Indeed, though for safety reasons I request that you not bring this up if you can help it." Says Commander Luna, earning nods from both Evan and Aaron.

"Good, now agent Aaron, I need you to search for 'Raptor One' while agent Evan finishes up his school work." Commander Luna says.

"Yes ma'am!" Aaron says, while Evan nods, knowing he needs to complete his math homework.

With that, Aaron and Evan go to do their tasks and Commander Luna goes to her office. Once inside her office she looks to her Digimon partner, Lunamon.

"So, what did they say?" Asks Lunamon.

"According to agents Aaron Hope and Evan Smith, the D.T.U agents were knocked unconscious and the Digital Gate damaged. I think it's safe to assume either agent David Frank or agent Cole Taylor got to them first." Says Commander Luna, Lunamon nodding her head.

"I see, was it wise to let the entire team go deep cover? If the D.T.U realizes they are still around we could have a real problem." Says Lunamon.

"I know, but they said they had a plan and their plans almost always go without a hitch." Says Commander Luna.

"True, so when is Nicholas due to come back?" Asks Lunamon.

"He'll be back in a little over a week. I still can't believe we needed to send different agents to France because of those D.T.U neanderthals." Commander Luna says, the displeasure in her voice apparent.

"I know, how did they even get Ultimate level Digimon into the real world?" Asks Lunamon.

"We're still trying to figure that out, at the very least it wasn't a Mega level Digimon." Commander Luna says, knowing how destructive they could be.

Lunamon nods her head in agreement.

"Still, what happened to the Digimon the D.T.U gave the alias 'Raptor one'?" Commander Luna asks, mostly herself rather than her partner.

"Well, let's think. What type of Digimon are typically associated with Dinosaurs?" Lunamon asks her partner.

"Well, there's Agumon and their counterparts, not to mention Guilmon and Black Guilmon." Says Commander Luna, secretly hoping that the D.T.U weren't searching for a Guilmon, knowing how powerful a Guilmon's Digivolution Route can be.

"That gives agent Aaron something to work with." Says Lunamon.

"True, I'll inform him to search for a Digimon resembling a Dinosaur." Says Commander Luna, immediately contacting Aaron to inform him of the potential candidates.

Meanwhile, in an unknown, underground base we see four people, quietly discussing the situation they're in.

This ain't right, we shouldn't be doin' this." Says a 35 year old woman with peach skin, turquoise eyes and tangly light orange hair. She wears a uniform similar to the ones the D.T.U agents at the warehouse were wearing, but clearly isn't involved with them by choice.

"Ah know dear, but what choice do we have? We can't go home with Neighsay and his supporters still running around like they own Equestria. Plus what about Adrien? We can't risk his safety." Says a 35 year old man with lightly tanned skin, ruby red hair and green eyes. Also wearing the D.T.U uniform. This man is clearly the woman's husband, and like her he wasn't involved with the D.T.U by choice.

"Not to mention the D.T.U promised to help us get home if we joined them." Says a 29 year old woman with slightly tanned skin, cobalt blue hair and purple eyes. She also wears the D.T.U uniform and wasn't fond of working for the D.T.U.

"I think we can all agree that while the D.T.U has some... questionable policies they're probably our only way of getting home and reuniting with our families." Says a 34 year old man with tan skin, teal colored hair and blue eyes. Like the others, he wears the D.T.U uniform. He might not like working for the D.T.U, but he is determined to see his wife and daughter again.

There quiet conversation is interrupted by a voice over the intercom.

Would agent Firius Flynn please head to the Commander's office, the Commander has a mission for you.

"Well, wish me luck." "Says the 29 year old woman, now known as Firius Flynn, though in Equestria she has a different name.

When the other three nod, she heads to the Commander's Office. When she gets to the door, she opens it and is greeter by a man who's face is covered by darkness.

"You wanted to see me sir?" Asks Firius, making the man nod.

"Yes, as you know our attempt at building a Digital Gate was stopped by an unknown person, and that we are currently unable to locate 'Raptor One'." We need you to attempt to track both Raptor One and the unknown person down. Says the unknown Commander of the D.T.U.

"Got it, do we have any leads?" Asks Firius.

The Commander nods his head and points to a TV screen, showing some security feed showing the blurry image of Sunset.

"This girl was the last thing the warehouse district security cameras were able to record before they went offline for 48 minutes. You are to track her down and capture her so we can interrogate her." Says the Commander, making Firius nod, mentally wincing at what the Commander might have in store for the young teen.

"Good, now get to work." Says the Commander, making Firius salute for before leaving the office.

"Soon, the Digital World and the Human World will be mine to rule." The D.T.U Commader says quietly a gleam in his unseen eyes.

To Be Continued...

Comments ( 3 )

Chapter 5 uploaded!

Amazing chapter!

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