• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 19,434 Views, 1,942 Comments

The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 55: Arrival

"Is he going to be alright?" Twilight asked with worry in her voice as they watched the gnoll pace up and down the train station while constantly muttering to himself.

"What do you mean?" Shining Armor asked with a confused voice, "He doesn't seem that worried to me. Look! He's smiling."

"That's no smile..." Purple Haze replied as she watched Scar, "That's a snarl."

"Oh..." for the first time since his arrival at the station Shining Armor took the time to study the gnolls face. One look at Scar's eyes was enough to tell him that this could get troublesome. "I didn't think that this would pose such a probl..." The gnoll started to play with the handle of his maul uneasily, "He's not going to become violent is he?"

Purple Haze gave a sigh. Had she known what would happen the moment they sat foot onto the station she would not have brought him along. "I trust him enough not to do anything that could endanger the ponies, but you should have informed us about this before we arrived... With his experience with magic his reaction is no surprise at all." She took another look at Scar, "Wait here, I'll see if I can talk with him."


Scar was at a complete loss, nothing like this had ever happened to him before. The ponies didn't seem to mind but it disturbed him greatly. He could feel it on his skin, even the smells had changed.

"Hey..." he turned to see Purple Haze walk up to him, "Are you going to be okay?"

He shook his head, "Scar is far from okay..." He continued to pace up and down, all the while muttering to himself.

"Look, I know it disturbs you but it's only for as long as we stay. The moment we leave it will stop. Besides..." she added as he stopped to look at her, "It looks pretty on you."

Scar furrowed a brow, "Gnoll isn't supposed to look pretty... And gnoll is not supposed to look SHINY!" he waved his arms at her angrily. Just like the ponies, his whole form was covered in a shiny mantle. "Is one thing for ponies to look shiny, but gnoll? No. Scar looks ridiculous!"

"And since when do you care about your looks?"

"Is not all." he showed her his maul, just like him it was covered in a shining gloss. "Tag too! How does shiny Tag scare evil things? Rats will laugh when they see Scar!"

Purple Haze raised an eyebrow, "Tag? Seriously? You're really going to keep that name?" she shook her head, "Look, just like I said... It will stop once we leave. Now come on, princess Cadence is expecting us and we're running late. There's even going to be food." she tried to bribe him.

"Better be good food..." the gnoll grumbled as he set to follow her.

"And for Celestias sake stop snarling like that! You're going to set the locals into a panic!"


The walk to the castle had been uneventful. The ponies on the streets eyed him with fearful eyes, but that was to be expected. The smell of their fear surrounded him like a veil. He found it unpleasant. At least Shining Armors presence seemed to calm them down somewhat.

Had he been seen walking the streets alone there would have been a panic for sure. It disturbed him that he still couldn't walk among them on his own. What was even more disturbing was the fact that all of them were shiny. But nothing could compare to the hell Twilight was putting him through. The whole way to the castle she didn't stop talking about the history of the place for one second. He could already feel a headache starting to grow in the back of his head.


When they finally arrived at the castle Scar found himself at a loss once again. "What are ponies doing?" he whispered to Shining Armor.

"They always do this. It's their way of greeting one another." Shining Armor answered as they watched Twilight and Cadance perform their ritual.

"Is gnoll supposed to..." Scar asked with dread in his voice. Being shiny was one thing, but this...

Shining Armor laughed, "Only if you want to."

The gnoll spared the two ponies another look as they finished their dance, "No... no, Scar does not."

Cadance walked up to them, "Hello Purple Haze, and hello Scar. I am happy you joined Twilight for her visit. We only have few chances to see our friends these days." she smiled at them. "I hope you had a good journey?"

"Was good." Scar answered as he watched her, she looked even more shiny than the other ponies. If that was even possible. "Though Scar is not happy about shiny Tag..."

"Shiny Tag?" Cadance replied clearly confused.

"Don't mind him, he's just being stubborn as always." Purple Haze replied with a smirk.

"Scar is not, only says Tag looks silly all shiny."

"I still don't understand what a shiny tag is but you look very pretty. If you want I can make it stay like that a bit longer even after you left..." There was a low rumble starting to escape the gnolls chest, "Or maybe not... heh."

"Don't be rude to the princess Scar." Purple Haze warned him.

"As long as gnoll doesn't stay shiny..." he grumbled as he squinted his eyes at the princess.

"Maybe we should move on..." Cadance said as she watched the gnoll nervously, his mood shift had been unexpected. She would avoid the subject in the future. "We have some food prepared for you. I hope you are hungry."

"Pony food?" Scar asked with a dry voice. He wasn't in the mood for bread or salad. What he wouldn't give for a squirrel right now... so crunchy and sweet... a perfect snack.

"Scar... what did I tell you about being rude?" Purple Haze said with a stern voice. "I'm sure there's something you can enjoy too."

"Actually,..." Shining Armor said with a small smile, "We had some delegates from the griffin kingdom here yesterday. As it is custom by them, they brought along some meat for themselves. They left behind quite a bit because they had to leave early, so..." The gnoll had suddenly stepped up very close to him.

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