• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 19,458 Views, 1,942 Comments

The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 65: Morning Appointments

Twilight gave a sigh as she walked through her library. Scar and Purple Haze had arrived in the middle of the night, and the gnoll had left in the morning before she had a chance to talk with him. The reason was simple, he had overheard them at the morning table. He was supposed to head to Canterlot Central that day for a checkup on his wounds, and apparently that didn't sit very well with him. Purple Haze had given chase the moment she realized Scar had fled.

An image of Purple Haze hunting a frantically running gnoll flashed before Twilight's inner eye, causing her to giggle at the idea. There would be time for questions later anyway. Pinkie had been preparing a welcome-back party for the two since Twilight had come back, after throwing Twilight and Spike her own welcome-back party of course.

She stopped by the gnoll's huge hammer, it was leaned against the wall of the library. The sheer size of it still amazed her, how he was even able to lift it with a single arm always reminded her of the gnoll's sheer strength. As Twilight turned away from the hammer she saw that a little book was lying on the ground. She assumed it to be the gnoll's, since it certainly wasn't hers. She knew all the books in the library simply by sight.

She bent down to pick it up carefully, but at that moment a seductive voice spoke up directly from behind her in a tone that was anything but decent. "Oh my, oh my... What pleasant sights this early in the morning. The yard certainly looks like it could use a trim but I do enjoy the wilder sides of life."

Twilight whirled around with a crimson flush on her cheeks, horn already glowing in magic ready to blast whoever had dared to make such an unacceptable remark. Much to her surprise the only thing she could see was the gnoll's hammer... had the stone always been black? "Hello?" she called out, "Is anypony here?" No answer, only silence greeted her. Upstairs she could hear Spike snore softly in his bed.

"I'm... probably just hearing things..." Twilight said with uncertainty as she returned her attention to the book again.

Just as she was about to pick it up again though she could hear a lusty voice whisper, "Oh yes, do bend down a little more..."

This time there were sparks flying from Twilight's horn and her eyes were glowing in a menacing white as she spun around, "Alright! I know somepony is there! Show yourself!" Again the only thing she could see was the gnoll's hammer. But there was no place to hide... She cast a small spell to detect any life signs, but the only thing that gave off a soft glow was the gnoll's hammer.

This piked the unicorn's interest. She stepped a bit closer, scrutinizing every inch of its surface. Why was it glowing? That wasn't what the spell was supposed to do, had she made a mistake? Just as her nose was only inches away from the hammer though, "Bonjour, mon amour..."

All through Ponyville, a single, high-pitched scream could be heard followed by an explosion that shook the ground.


Purple Haze turned around as she heard the echo of the blast coming from Ponyville. A little mushroom cloud was rising over the library, just what was Twilight up to now? She returned her mind to the task at hand, tracking the gnoll. She cursed herself for letting Scar overhear them. At least he couldn't have gone far, his foot prints were still fresh. She was close on his trail.

She continued her search, following the gnoll's trail further, keeping her head low as she took in every detail on the ground. At Sweet Apple Acres though, she lost his trail. She gave a silent groan of dismay, they would be late for their appointment if she wouldn't find him soon. "Scar, come on! We'll be late! I know you don't like it but it's only for your own good!" there was no answer.

"I know you can hear me!" she listened for a response, but none came. "Dammit, that gnoll is so stubborn at times..."

"Well howdy there, Purple Haze. You just back?"

Purple Haze turned to Applejack as she trotted towards her, "Hi Applejack, came in yesterday night."

"And we sure are glad to have you and the big fella back with us. Everypony has been in such a worry since we heard what happened. If Twilight hadn't come back to tell us what was going on we would've come to see you with the next train." Applejack gave a laugh, "Already had the tickets bought too!"

She looked at the scar that ran down from Purple Haze's mane towards her eye. "Ah hope that there scar isn't giving you any problems?"

Purple Haze trailed the scar with a hoof, "Thanks for asking, but I'm good. At first I was thinking of changing my mane to cover it, but then I decided that..." a little flush crept to her cheeks, "Well, you know..."

"That it wouldn't look so bad next to a certain gnoll?" Applejack's grin widened as she saw Purple Haze's flush spread, "Ah shucks, I think it looks good on you. Makes ya look like a real fighter." She looked around herself, "Speaking of certain gnolls... you wouldn't happen to be looking for him?"

Purple Haze gave a sigh, "I am. He ran off this morning, probably trying to ditch his appointment at the hospital. I've been looking for him all morning but I lost his trail somewhere around here. You didn't happen to see him pass by?"

Applejack shook her head before growing a smug smile, "Ah haven't seen him pass, but there's a snoring pile of leaves down in the south yard Ah am sure you'd be interested in. Want me to get ma rope?"

Purple Haze got a little smile on her face, "No no, I have my ways of handling him. Though he's probably going to need a new ear after I'm done with him." She shook her head with a laugh, some things never changed. "Now lets see that pile of leaves."

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