• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 78: Memories

"Scar's clan lived on mountain far in north, where the trees stand tall as far as it can see." the gnoll spoke with a somber voice, "Strong clan with many gnolls, had caves in mountain that went deep down..." he looked outside the window for a moment before turning to her again.

"Scar remembers its father, was hunter. Patient, fierce..." he made a fist and held it in the air, "Strong, so strong. Was strongest gnoll Scar ever knew, could shatter rocks with one strike!" he made a crushing motion with his fist before letting out a sigh, "Had much respect among gnolls... Never talked much, but clan listened when father talked. Showed Scar many things, how to hunt, how to fight... and to be patient with others and itself."

He dropped his fist, "And it remembers mother..." he closed his eye, "It can still smell her fur... warm... safe. Always held it close and told it stories of the sky and mountains. Was clan shaman, wise and respected. Always kind with all but also stern..." he chuckled, "Mother was only one able to scare father... never needed to say a word, one look was enough. Showed Scar way of nature and told it stories of its clan to prepare it..."

"Prepare you?" Purple Haze asked.

"Scar was smarter than most gnolls, learned to talk much earlier than other pups. So clan decides Scar would be fit to become shaman." he said with a strange voice.

"You didn't want to be a shaman, did you?"

He shook his head, "Scar did not, but only because it was young and its head was full of dreams. Wanted to be big hunter, strong and fierce like father! Took time for it to understand what being shaman meant... took time to find peace with itself... So while other pups played Scar learned to listen, and it came to learn many things even though it was still much younger than other gnolls."

Scar looked outside the window again, "So Scar learned, and parents were proud... were happy days." he stared into the darkness. Purple Haze waited for him to continue. He breathed in deep before he went on, "Then, black sleep came."

"Black sleep?"

The gnoll nodded, "Was strange... gnolls would start to become confused, forgot things... forgot how to talk, to hunt, even to eat... forgot family. In the end gnolls would simply sit and stare into distance before heart would forget to beat..." his voice sounded sad, "Mother and healers tried to help clan, used all wisdom the clan had but nothing helped. One by one, gnolls went to sleep... brothers, friends, father... mother..."

He hung his head, "When mother started to forget to eat Scar went hunting, tried to feed mother, told mother stories but mother didn't hear it anymore... didn't even recognize Scar in the end." he closed his eye, "When mother finally slept clan was gone, and Scar was alone... it still remembers how silent the caves were that day... was no longer home, was grave... so Scar left..."

Scar didn't look up after this, he simply sat there and hung his head. He had tried so hard to forget, to come to peace with himself. His voice became bitter, "If Scar had only been stronger, if it had been smarter... maybe it..." he felt an old pain in his chest.

Two hoofs wrapped themselves around his head and held him close, "It's alright, it wasn't your fault." Purple Haze said with a soft voice, he felt a lump in his throat.

"Scar should have tried harder."

"You did everything you could, it's not your fault." she held him closer, "It's not your fault." she whispered softly.

For the first time since his mother had died, the gnoll cried.


Back in Manehatten, princess Luna surveyed the entrance of the sewers as the last remains of the rats' presence were removed. Her sister had initially intended to do this herself, but for some reason Celestia had returned early and clearly stressed. Strangely enough she had also ordered the kitchen to bring her a fresh batch of donuts.

Luna shook her head with a sigh, these were strange times indeed.

"Princess Luna?" she turned around to see Lieutenant Berryshakes and two guards walk up to her.

"Yes, Lieutenant?"

"May we state a request?"

"A request? Please, explain."

She pointed to the other two guards, "These are private Whistler and private Greenfield..." the two guards saluted, "I, I mean we... we would like to request to be assigned under Marshall Purple Haze's command."

Luna raised an eyebrow, "Lieutenant, I know it is a custom that the Air Marshalls command a small squad of guards, but these are normally pegasi. For what reasons do you wish to join her travels?"

Berryshakes' eyes lit up, "Seeing her fight along the gnoll's, I mean along Scar's side was something we had never seen the likes of before. Their bravery was inspirational! The ferocity with which they attacked! And seeing those poor captives... we wish to aid them in their fight to protect Equestria." the two guards nodded in agreement to this, "Also..."


"I would like Scar to teach me more about tracking. If I had been able to see what he is able to see... we could have found the ponies in Shoretrot much earlier. I wish for him to teach me more."

Luna turned to the two guards, "Do her words represent your interests as well?"

"We may not be as 'suited' for learning to track..." they had both witnessed the gnoll shove the fox droppings into Berryshakes mouth, "But we are more than devoted to assist them in their fight! It would be an honor to stand at Marshall Purple Haze's and the gnoll's side! We are both willing to do our best to aid them!"

Luna watched the three ponies with a small smile, she could clearly see the devotion in their eyes. It seemed that both Scar and Purple Haze had made quite a reputation for themselves in these past days.

Unknown to Purple Haze and Scar, this would be the beginning of a group that would soon make a name for itself in Equestria. Unknown to a purple unicorn, a certain tree would soon become very crowded.

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