• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,102 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Steam Ships and Snow Banks

"Master!" A deckhoof hollered into a spray of stormy water across a steamship's starboard side. "Master Chandler!"

Brye Chandler marched across the teetering deck. Two servants struggled to keep in pace with him as the vessel rocked back and forth. One nervously held an umbrella.

"Mrmmmfff... damn squalls..." Chandler huffed and puffed, bundling himself with an extra-thick cloak studded with jades. "Alright, out with it!" He stood, shivering before the sailor. "I expected to wait out the whole trip to the outlying harbors below deck. This had better be good."

The sailor gulped and said, "Sir, that pegasus-shaped shadow we spotted earlier? Along the northern horizon?"

"What about it?"

"Turns out it wasn't a phantom after all." He gestured at the rolling waves. "We lit a beacon, and the winged figure is incoming. Appears to be a messenger."

"Yes, so?!" Chandler frowned. "Probably come to alert us of a passing convoy! It's standard procedure! Why bring me out in this... mmmfff... torrent?!"

"Sir, he's bearing blue and white colors."

Chandler's eyes widened. "...that message is coming from Steamfall!" He shoved his way past the two servants and approached the starboard side. "Well, where is he then?! Brighten the beacons! Give him the signal to land!"

"Sir, he has the signal! Right now, he just needs room!"

With a grunt, Chandler backed up. Voices hollered across the steamship. Bright lights swam through the drizzle. Then—within a hot minute—a soaking wet figure landed in a heap of wings and leather.

"Mmmmf!" An exhausted pegasus collapsed across the sea-stained deck. He winced, panting and wheezing for breath. "Important... news... fr-from the n-north...!" He coughed and sputtered.

"Well?!" Chandler stomped his hoof. "Procure the letter!"

A deckhoof reached in, fumbled with the deliverer's forelimbs, and grabbed a cylinder. He opened it up, then slid a scroll out.

"Dammit—allow me!" Chandler swiped the scroll from servant and ripped the seal. His green eyes swam swiftly across the unfurled page.

"Mmmm... w-water... fresh water, please," the messenger wheezed.

Chandler merely stepped over him. He paced and paced... then came to a stop. The executive's ears drooped as his expression paled.

"Sir?" A deckhand leaned forward. "What is it?"

"... ... ...dammit, Longaze..." Chandler stared across the sea, snarling. "I thought you had it under control." His teeth gritted. "Now I have my tail lifted for all of Rohbredden to gawk..."


"Rrrrnngh..." Chandler crumpled the sheet up and tossed against the wincing body of the messenger. "Change course!"

"But, sir! We're almost to the shoreline—"

"Damn the harbors!" Chandler marched angrily towards the lower deck. "All the coal from South Barge is tainted anyway! Set course for Consortium HQ!"

"Aye, sir!" The deckhoof hollered. "Hard to starboard!"

Bells rang and ponies galloped back and forth. Chandler marked into the dark underbelly of the teetering ship until all that shone was the green sheen of his hard eyes. "I'm going to be running this damned kingdom even if I have to grab it by the genitals!"

Thick violet hooves plowed through the snow of a mountain peak.

Remna came to a stop for the first time in hours. Her breath produced powdery vapors in the lofty morning air. With her back to the rising sun, it afforded her an easy glance at the jagged ridges looming to the northwest.

"We're getting close," she muttered, green eyes narrowing. Her hoof pointed at a trio of sharp peaks. "Those... those mountains over there? They're the final barrier... the lasting bulwark of the Wyvern Tribe's hidden sanctuary! We'll be there within days. Should be an easy stretch. Nothing between us and our destination, except for Snow Bloods and the occasional manticore of course." Her hard nostrils flared. "And if worse comes to worst, we can feed one to the other and skate on by."

Silence... save for panting breaths, light and stifled.

"...?" Remna pivoted, gazing down the mountain slope. "What's taking you so long, little pony?"

"Grfff... jee... I dunno..." Rainbow huffed and puffed, fumbling to catch up with the deep hoofsteps left by the bounty hunter. "Maybe the mountains... or the sl-slick snow... or... y'know..." Rainbow frowned. "Gravity."

"Hrmmfff..." Remna merely turned tail and began her heavy march down the western slope. "For a pegasus, it must be terribly taxing to use your spindly legs for any length of time."

"Yeah, well... for an earth pony..." Rainbow gnashed her teeth, pausing to wince and catch her breath. "It m-must suck..." She stretched her back like a cat, grimacing. "...having to leak the fertilizer... out of your ears every morning..." She huffed. "...jerk."

"Uhm, Dashie?" Pinkie hovered at Rainbow's side. "I really really really wouldn't suggest joking with this super cereal meanie-head."

"Who said I was joking..." Rainbow grumbled, glaring uphill.

Remna's fiery dreads gradually disappeared as she descended the other side. "If the trek is so exceedingly laborious, then perhaps you could try using your wings to cut down on time."

"Believe me!" Rainbow grunted and struggled to push herself up over the mountain crest. "If I could use my wings... I would!" She yelped slightly from aching joints. "Just so I could fly away from you!"

"Cute," Remna grumbled, growing more and more distant as she marched swiftly ahead. "Do us both a favor. Conserve your breath for screams. If your helpless body is almost eaten alive by another errant frost wyrm, I need to know as soon as possible so you won't die before my delivery to the Wyverns is made."

Rainbow frowned.

"Yeesh..." Rarity hovered close by. "Charming to the last."

"Why'd the Despies have to fix Dashie up with somepony so... so...?"

Twilight interjected. "'Sociopathic?'"

Fluttershy looked at the others. "Remember everypony, she is helping Rainbow Dash despite her obvious misgivings. I'd much rather describe her as... 'abrasive.'"

"Fluttershy, I can handle 'abrasive,'" Rainbow Dash grumbled. "Heck, I have handled 'abrasive.' Nuzzled it like a friggin' pillow, even. But this?" She shook her head with an iron frown. "This is downright jerksuckery."

"That's not a word, Rainbow," Twilight Sparkle droned.

"It is as soon as this melon fudge ups and croaks, swear to Celestia."

"Are you plotting my death up there?" Remna's voice echoed.

"No ma'am! Neither of us are that lucky!"

"Well, keep it down! You might spark an avalanche!"

"But I was just answe—"

"Shhhhh!" And the violet figure continued marching.

Rainbow Dash growled. "I'm not sure how much more of this brow-beating I can take," she muttered.

"You have to hoof it to her," Rarity remarked. "She's quite observant."

"Yeah, Rainbow." Pinkie nodded. "You might wanna save talking to your invisible friends for when it's slightly less crazy to talk to your invisible friends."

"Not like it's going to matter with this mare," Twilight Sparkle remarked. "I doubt any sudden concern for Rainbow's mental health is going to distract her from her task."

"Yes." Rarity blinked. "She's quite intent to drag you to Wyvern Point—whether you're a prancing pony or a crazy corpse."

"Girls, please..." Fluttershy shivered. "Let's use the 'c'-word less, please?" She gulped. "Rainbow's been through enough scary scrapes as it is."

"You gotta admit!" Pinkie smirked. "With this mountain of muscle nearby, you can at least count on Rainbow being safe!"

"Don't be so certain, Pinkie," Rainbow muttered.

"Huh?" Pinkie blinked. "Why not?"

"A funny thing about tough ponies." Rainbow shuffled awkwardly down a long, long snowbank. "The harder they look on the surface, the softer and more dependent they are on the inside."

"And just how is that relevant to anything, darling?" Rarity remarked.

Rainbow merely exhaled, her ears drooping.

Twilight Sparkle stared at her, raising an eyebrow.

"Let's just keep moving," Rainbow murmured. "The sooner we arrive at Wyvern Point, the quicker we'll be done with this meathead."

"Careful, Dahie," Pinkie said. "She can already hear your murmurs! What if she can hear your thoughts as well?"

"If that was the case, she would have murdered me hours ago."

"Brbrbrbrrrr..." Fluttershy trembled. "Let's not use the 'm-word' either."

"No promises." And Rainbow marched on.

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