• Published 13th Oct 2015
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Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

  • ...

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Somber Salutations to Be Had


"Wy'lymym symlym!"

Several sarosians high above paused in battle, gawking at the broken patch of clouds through which Rainbow had been forcefully shoved by the combined force of Keris and Starstorm.

"W'ynlppa yln H'luun ly'slym w'lynym!"

"Ywm! S'lyssa wy'lymmlym sylym'wylm!"


Blades drawn, several nightblood warriors broke from the fight and dove to the rescue...

...only for Ariel to fly directly in front of them. She blocked their charge with forelimbs outstretched.

"No! No! She's alright!"

The sarosians merely sneered at her.

"Trust me!" Ariel stared them down, frowning. "This is all part of the plan!" Taking a deep breath, she then shouted, "There's a thick wave of reinforcements coming from the west! The Blood of Luna needs us to perform a temporary retreat!" She gestured to one sarosian. "Fire the signal! We head east! And you!" She caught the attention of another group. "Signal for the 'drop,' then head to the platforms! The Stardust is about to make its move and you're the backup!"

The warriors exchanged glances... then nodded in one accord. Shrieking to one another, they flocked east while two separate groups primed their runic cannons.

"Wildcard!" Ariel yelped, already flapping her wings and cruising east. "Wildcard! Time to go! Move your kitty cat butt!"


Wildcard punched a hapless pegasus in the muzzle with his metal fist.

Panting, he twirled his combined nightsticks and turned to face a line of soldiers.


His shoulders shook upon hearing Ariel's shouting voice. Goggles glinted with the fresh flash of bright blue light from above. The first of two flares was being fired high into the misty troposphere. As it exploded, the Desperado could spot a dense wave of Rohbredden reinforcements flying up from the lower west clouds.

Beak clenched, the griffon split his nightsticks back into two, pocketed them into his bandolier, and turned tail. He sliced eastward in a swift glide...

...bursting a cloudbed to vapors just above Windburst's rattled skull.

"Grffff!" The sergeant wrestled with three separate sarosians who were lingering behind the group flocking east. Fanged teeth and whalebone blades nipped at his feathery neck. "Go... huff on some... guano!"

The group overpowered him. One particularly strong midnighter raised his hoof to slam hard into Windburst's beak.

WHAM! A savage paw from above slammed across the bat pony's cheek, followed by a merciless uppercut. The sarosian nearly backflipped from the combined blows.

Windburst wheezed, flailing back as Raptr's figure soared in, knocking the attackers off him completely. The sarosians grasped their pummeled companion... and flew east instead of re-engaging with the two Talon members.

A breath later, Raptr was reaching over to support Windburst's figure in a steady hover.

The Sergeant gulped, visibly dazed. "I owe you one, rookie."

"Didn't think I'd live to hear that," Raptr replied. Before he could say anything else, he and his superior were greeted with the sound of whipping winds. They looked around themselves to see that the sarosians had formed a hasty retreat. What's more, Chandler's reinforcements were flying speedily after them with passionate vigor. "Looks like the battle's shifted!"

"Obviously." Gulping, Windburst squinted up at the remnants of a blue plume of runic fire. "That magic. They're signaling each other."

"What the heck is Rainbow Dash planning?"

"I don't know." Windburst flapped his wings, urging himself and Raptr east. "But one thing's for sure: we gotta stick with the soldiers."

"What if it's just another trap?"

"Doesn't matter!" Windburst's beak clenched hard. "Whatever the Commander and Starstorm's got planned with Rainbow, they'll be needing us to keep tabs on the battlefront!"

"Have you seen what happened to Chandler's armada?" Raptr asked, flying even with Windburst as they followed the eastward chase of the sarosians. "I lost track of it during that final charge! There isn't much of the world left, y'know!"

"Beats me. But if Keris and Rainbow can work something out, then maybe we won't have to worry about—"

Windburst's speech was interrupted by a brilliant flash of purple light. He and Raptr looked up, gawking at a fresh runic flame.

"What in the Hell does that mean?" Raptr asked.

Windburst could only shrug. "Limited time sale on saddlebags?"

The purple flare arced over a stormcloud...

...and illuminated the lower twilight of the world's edge. It's pulsating aura could easily be seen from the Emeraldian platforms.

"And now there's a purple one!" Flynn exclaimed, his metal lens rotating above a bright grin. "Everything's right on track!"

"Hell yeah!" Logan shifted the weight of his axe and approached the western edge of the granite. "Time to get my hooves wet!"

"Stave your manic enthusiasm for a sane second, mortal," Remna droned. She turned to look back at Flynn. "The blue flare just seconds ago..." Her draconian eyes narrowed. "...that means Enix's flock is retreating. Yes?"

"But they held their position for so damn long!" Flynn said with a smug grin. "Now that the purple signal's burning through the sky, that can only mean Chandler's taking our bait like a ravenous shark! It's time to help Bard out with the drop!"

"But... if the Austraeoh was in trouble..." Remna's brow furrowed. "...they would find a way to inform us as well...?"

"Therre was no colorred signal designed forr that, drragon one," Kepler said from the very edge.

"And why not?" Remna growled.

Kepler adjusted his fogged spectacles. Tusks shone in a flash of lightning. "The Austrraeoh did not wish to accept failurre."

Remna said nothing to that.

"Hey walrus guy!" Logan hollered towards the end of the world. "Got your shit ready?"

"By crrude excrrement, I assume you rreferr to my alchemic tools!" Kepler pointed a claw at a rain-soaked satchel. "Therre it be, frriend! Rready forr yourr experrt application!"

"Bitchin'." Logan trotted over and heaved the bag over his shoulder along with his axe. "Now... if only those bat ponies would get their velvety plots over here..."

"There are six headed this way at full speed, Big Show," Flynn said, gazing west with his prosthetic eye. "It'll be your time to shine soon enough!"

Remna gazed past him. She observed the golden spokes with the rattling alicorn chains right above the deluge. "Is the Gondola any closer?"

"Harrd to tell, Axan," Kepler said, shaking his head. "The speed of the moving chains has not changed."

Remna growled, "If that lift does not arrive soon, all is lost."

Kepler glared back at her. "If we lose hope in Rrainbow, it will mean nothing once it does arrrive!"

Remna was silent. The air chimed with empty, dangling chalices between the thunder.

"The Darrk Side continues to wait! Rright now, we must finish ourr business in the light!"

With a somber breath, Remna turned to face west once again. Her slitted eyes lingered on the purple flare...

...just as the lunar dust dissipated, falling like snow into the narrow spaces between stormclouds. Lightning flickered, melting them away... and the ensuing thunder serenaded the bodies of two bloodied warriors in intense combat.

"Rrrrrgh!" Seraphimus blocked and dodged multiple axe swings.

"Eee-eee-eee!" Enix twirled and swung and sliced with her blades.

Seraphimus backflipped, ducked a savage swing, then slammed two of her rear paws hard into Enix's belly. Whump!

Enix flew back from the blow, then slammed her back into a vertical column of dark-gray clouds.

"Htttt!" Seraphimus charged straight at her, serrated talons raised.

Enix crossed her blades—Clannnng!—blocking Seraphimus' attack. She headbutted the enraged griffon, then swung her whalebone weapons apart. "Hresssh!"

Seraphimus flew backwards from the dual swipe. Her charcoal eyes twitched, reflecting one of the axes being thrown at her skull. Swisssssh! She ducked—barely—and a few headcrest feathers were lopped off at the base of their quills.

Sucking in her breath, Enix kicked off the cloud and came sailing down at her opponent with the single axe swinging savagely. She shrieked into the storm as a fork of lightning illuminated her dark descent. In the ensuing blackness, her blade struck nothing—for Seraphimus had used the blinding strobe to strafe sideways, unseen.

Enix's eyeslits darted from side to side. She only had one good ear now, so she tilted her skull left—hearing nothing but thunder. She then tilted her skull right—

"RAAAAAAAAUGH!" Seraphimus speared her in the side, shoving her beak deep into Enix's ribs. Schlunnnk!

The nightblood warrior opened her muzzle to scream, but her lungs were too agonized to produce a breath. She slammed her elbow down onto Seraphimus' skull.

Seraphimus bore the brunt of the blow. As vision flickered in her brain, she managed to overpower Enix, grasping for control of the axe. The two struggled for a bit, wrestling for the hilt. At last, with a bloody roar, Seraphimus simply kicked the blunt middle of the blade. CRACK! Pale whalebone bits splintered between them. Seraphimus plunged through the calcified cloud, shoving Enix down... down... down through the narrow pocket of storms. Each flash of lightning illuminated a splash of blood as Seraphimus' merciless talons raked and sliced at Enix's trembling, guarding fetlocks.

At last, air found its way back into Enix's lungs, and it came out in a high-pitched shriek that broke the heavens.

"East!" Ariel shouted, flying at the front of the sarosian flock. "Fly east until you reach the clouds we built above the shoals! Wait for the Drop to finish! You'll know it when you hear it!" She turned and gestured at the midnighters around her. "We'll hold our position there in the sky! The last stand! The Central Guard must not advance any further!"

Wildcard took up the rear. He had a full survey of the surviving members of Xarchellus' defenders. But that wasn't what had stolen his attention at the moment.

"...?" In a jerking motion, the griffon looked back and behind him. His goggled eyes searched the clouds below. Silent, he tilted his head to listen.

Beyond the thunder... beyond the wingflaps and angry shouts of the pursuing Frostknifers...

"... ... ..." Wildcard's flesh and metal talons clenched tightly.

"Use whatever you can to hold back the enemy!" Ariel shouted to their allies. "Stormclouds! Lightning! Even rainwater! Those of you with cannons, lock and load your last runes! We have to buy Rainbow Dash time to board the Gondola!" Looking back, she hollered: "Wildcard! How close are the enemy reinforcements?"

No response.

Ariel's ears drooped. "Wildcard?"

Wildcard was gone.

"Grkkk..." Enix choked on her own blood. Squinting through one good eye, she coiled her muscles, flew backwards, and flung a left hoof... then a right.

Seraphimus easily dodged the blows, twirled to the side, then kicked Enix hard in the flank.

"Aaaugh!" Clothed in over two dozen fresh scars, Enix barreled sideways.

Fwooooosh! Seraphimus was there in a blur. She greeted Enix's lopside glide with an uppercut. WHAM! She followed this with a full set of talons slicing mercilessly across the sarosian's backside. Sliiiiiiink!

"Eeeeeeeeeugh!" Enix plummeted back.

Th-Thump! Seraphimus' claws closed tightly around Enix's trembling neck. The griffon lifted her in a vice-like choke hold. The two hovered a hundred feet above the choppy waves. Enix dangled like a bird-of-prey's last meal, and her wings could barely move.

Seraphimus took a few deep, fuming breaths. Just as her claws began sinking in...

...Enix managed a wheezing chuckle through her fangs.

Seraphimus raised an eyecrest at that. "Pleasure?"

"Hrkkk..." Enix's slitted pupils rolled back. "A good death."

The griffon exhaled heatedly. "A pitiful life." Schiiiiiing! She unsheathed a dagger from her belt. The crest of Queen Verlaxion glinted with moisture and lightning. "I'll make this quick so you won't have to taste the pain of the Rainbow Rogue's betrayal."

Enix's velvety lids closed. "Syl'pymmyl, H'Luun," she whispered to the dark winds.

And Seraphimus shoved the dagger straight into Enix's throat...

...only for it to suddenly stop in mid-air. The tip of the blade quivered mere millimeters from the sarosian's jugular vein.

Seraphimus blinked at the hilt of the blade as it magically resisted her. Off in the distance, a metallic vibration intensified. "... ... ...Jordan." She threw a sharp look over her shoulder.

A shadow murked towards her. Twin lenses glinted in the stormlights.

"Httt!" Seraphimus spun about. She flung the knife up at the smokey figure.

Cl-Clank! Twin nightsticks deflected the dagger with a flash of sparks. With a mute snarl, Wildcard descended upon her with the full weight of righteousness.

WHAM! Seraphimus and Wildcard went plunging one way...

...and Enix's limp figure fell the other.

A flash of lightning showed the three bodies splitting. The waves below sprayed hungry mists before the inevitable thunder cascaded, enshrouding the delicious chaos of the moment.

"Ryckmun!" a voice jubilantly shrieked through the gnarled chambers of Bleak's Plummet. All around the huddled sarosians, runes embedded in the walls flickered to life with renewed vigor. "S'lywymym th'yslla ly'symylm syl thy'wymyn!"

"Ly'symwym!" Echo hollered back, suddenly grinning. As more shrieks rang through the corridors, he let loose a high-pitched chirp. "Eee-eee-eee! Sy'wysslym Xarchellus w'ylymm syl my'wym!"

It took all of Nicole's will-power to wrench her gaze from the flares and flashes of the ongoing battle to the east. "What? What is it? Sounds like good news!"

"Only the goodest!" Echo beamed. "The rune-keepers are making progress! I'm being told that we're minutes away from the lunar stones being re-enchanted!"

"Does... does that mean—?"

Echo nodded, patting Nicole's shoulder. "We're just minutes away from taking another dive." He gazed out the translucent window, eyeslits narrowing. "At this rate... those bastards will never catch up to us."

"Then... this is going to work?"

"For us and the rest of Bleak's Plummet, totally."

Nicole gulped, her eyes locked once again on the shadows beyond the tempestuous waves. "And... and Rainbow and the rest?" She bit her lip. "How will we know they've made it?"

Echo took a deep breath, his smile fading for the moment. "Red."


"A red flare," Echo said. "That's the signal for Enix and her nightblood butt-buddies to fly west and rejoin the Exodus."

"And... and it will mean that Johnny and Rainbow made it to the elevator, right?" Nicole tilted the brim of Bard's hat and looked directly at Echo. "Right?"

He swallowed. "We can only hope."

There was more than a little bit of trembling.

"It will arrive here any m-minute!" Rainbow Dash stammered, wet and shivering. Her voice cracked, echoing against the broken and bent shell of the wooden shipwreck around them. "Mortuana's half-sister and the Emeraldinians from the far west b-built it ages ago—"

"Don't get hung up on the tiny details, Rainbow," Twilight insisted—

"Rrrrr..." Rainbow clenched her teeth. "Bottom line is—the Gondola will take us to the Dark Side so I c-can finish my flight to the Midnight Armory along with the Herald! We're just trying to fight off Chandler's thugs until the thing gets here! That's it! We d-don't want to kill you guys!"

Keris nodded, waving a talon. "And..." His hawkeyes narrowed. His posture was calm despite the tension in everyone's voices. "...that giant floating structure to the west?"

"It's Bleak's Plummet!"

"That's Bleak's Plummet?" Starstorm wheezed, finally getting up on all four limbs.

Rainbow Dash nodded. "The sarosians... the midnighters..." She gulped. "Princess Luna spoke to them through her enchantment on my pendant." She held a hoof to the Element of Loyalty. "She c-convinced them to assist us. They're loyal to me and everything I say. The goal here is just to hold out until the Gondola arrives! I promise!"

"I believe you, Rainbow—"

"No, listen!" Rainbow's eyes narrowed on Keris. "The Seventh Tribe has no quarrel with Rohbredden or the Central Guard. Luna and I sent them on a mass exodus west... back home! Back to Equestria!" Her ears twitched in earnest as she spoke. "They're going to head through the southern waters—avoiding all continentals and colonialists and windigoes. Once they get to the Grand Choke, they're gonna be in for a tough time but—you have to believe me—they have no intention of messing with anypony from Rohbredden—"

"You want us to allow them safe passage," Starstorm declared.

"Bleak's Plummet looks big, but it's like a giant hard-boiled egg! It's super squishy and fragile! They can't fight off a single squadron of Central Guardians! You have to understand—"

"Say no more," Keris insisted. He stepped closer to the petite pegasus. "I will do everything in my power to make sure that their westward journey is unchallenged."

Rainbow gazed at him, trembling. She gulped. "Theanim Mane—"

"He will assist the cause with no less passion," Keris said. "This, I can assure you."

Applejack looked at Rainbow. "He's tellin' the truth, sugarcube."

Rarity spoke up: "I think we all know that already, Applejack."

Rainbow glanced at her friends, then at Keris. Her ears drooped as the trembling increased. "I'm... I'm s-sorry for everything."

"Rainbow Dash..." Keris exhaled.

"For... for Verlaxion. For Frostknife. The windigoes." She grimaced, flinching as more thunderous blasts rocked the wooden shipwreck around them. "For... f-for everything! And now this... this crud." She clenched her teeth. "I had to blow up the first ship. We hadn't planned for that. It was the only way to stage this like we needed to. And now we've got to put the drop on another ship or else they'll ruin everything—"

"Shhhhhh..." Keris rested a talon on Rainbow's shoulder. "We both know that Chandler's the real obstacle here. We've been trying our best to hamper his progress. We've only been moderately successful."

Rainbow took a deep breath, staring him down. "It's not Chandler I'm worried about."

Keris blinked.

Starstorm cleared her throat. "Commander, we can't linger much longer."

"The Sergeant's right." Keris nodded, facing Rainbow again. "Your defense force is noble—but they are outnumbered."

"I'm guessing there isn't much you can do about that."

"At the first opportunity I get, I will command our forces to retreat back to Frostknife."

"Yeah?" Rainbow arched an eyebrow. "What are the odds of that happening?"

"This 'drop' you speak of." Keris cocked his head aside. "I assume the aim is to completely disable what's left of Chandler's armada?"

"Yeah." Rainbow nodded. "Assuming Bard and company have our backs."

"And they totally-doodily-do!" Pinkie Pie chirped, giggling.

Rainbow glanced at her, then back at Keris. "We just might spook Chandler badly enough for him to give authority to you."

"That could still happen." Keris nodded. "In the meantime, you should return to your Herald. We will protect them from both sides of the front."

"I... I couldn't have gotten this far without you, dude..." Rainbow's voice took on a squeaking tone. "Once the Gondola arrives and I'm Dark Side bound, I'll be out of your feathers—I swear. Rohbredden... Kihutaja... I'll be out of everyone's hair."

Keris managed a smile. "We're better for having had you... if even for a blink."

Rainbow's muzzle dropped. "But... Verlaxion... the windigoes..."

"Yes, it pains us. Endangers us. But one day... we will have peace because of it." Keris took a breath. "Perhaps then... our children will be ready for the truth. Not just to embrace it... but to share it with the likes of Equestria's descendants. And we will be friends once again."

Applejack smiled. She looked at Rainbow.

Rainbow took a shuddering breath. Misty eyes reflected Keris' calm expression. "When you see Theanim... tell him Echo is safe. Happy... and he's going home."

"You have my word." Keris leaned forward. "Now... hit me."

Fluttershy and Rarity did double-takes.

Rainbow blinked. "What?"

"For this encounter to be convincing... it will have to look as though you overpowered us both in battle," Keris said.

"Otherwise, the Central Guard might suspect something," Starstorm said, approaching the two. "Their superstitious belief in the Blight will do the rest."

"Okay..." Rainbow tightened her muscles. "...though I can't say I'll enjoy this." She looked at Starstorm—

"No." Keris stood in the way. "Just me."

Starstorm looked at him. "But—"

"My prerogative." He pointed a talon at her. "I need you to help round up the Talon once again. Track down Seraphimus." He looked at Rainbow. "Nullify all threats."

Rainbow breathed, rearing her hooves. "Thank you."

Keris stared into her limbs. "Good luck, Rainbow Dash."

WHAM! She punched him savagely across the beak.

Keris took the blow. He squinted at her. Magenta eyes piercing.

Rainbow brought both fetlocks together and whalloped him twice more. WHAM!

Twilight and Pinkie winced.


Sputtering blood, Keris leaned into Rainbow Dash. Rainbow gripped him while Starstorm grasped both "combatants" from the side. A combined breath... a mental countdown... and—


—all three bodies went careening out the top of the shipwreck, showering the tempestuous waters with loose chunks of wood.

The advancing line of Central Guardians glanced down in mid-flight.

"Rrrrrrgh!" Rainbow Dash spread her wings out in a violent display. Starstorm and Keris were tossed off like ragdolls. "Stupid punks!" she spat, gnashing her teeth in the twilight. "You call that 'Rohbredden's Finest!' Ha!" With a flick of her short tail, she turned east and ascended rapidly. "Verlaxion's children are even lamer than she was! You're not worth my time!"

Starstorm and Keris plummeted...

...until a group of armored soldiers dove down, catching their bodies.


"The Rainbow Rogue! You found her!"

"How did you—"

"Grkkk!" Keris gargled blood, raising a weak talon towards the thunderous sky. "Powerful! Far... m-more powerful than I anticipated...!"

"We didn't stand a chance on our own against her!" Starstorm added, wheezing.

"The Talon c-can't afford to engage her on its own!" Keris stammered. Spitting blood, he frowned towards the heavens. "We need the Central Guard! Either we bear the full weight of Verlaxion's wrath on her or we don't fight her at all!"

"Then... th-then what are your orders, sir?"

"Signal the soldiers!" Keris hollered. "Tell them to wait right here!"

"Wh-what?!" one soldier gasped. "But... but the Rogue is getting away—"

"Wait here to regroup!" Keris insisted. He flapped his wings, managing a weak but stable hover. "Then—once we're one full squadron again—we will form a line and break through the final thunderclouds!" He hollered at the rest of the guardians as they flew close. "She's got nowhere left to run! Stay strong!" He waved a talon in the air. "Hold position and standby for orders!"

"You heard your Commander!" Starstorm exclaimed.

The soldiers blinked at one another. Then—with a shared scowl—they tilted towards the heavens and shouted at the rest of the straggling groups: "Hold here to regroup! Commander's orders!"

"Guardians of Rohbredden...!"

"Form up!"

"Form up!"

"Show of arms!"

Fluttershy squinted at the airborne troops behind as they grew more and more distant. She turned to face Rainbow in mid-flight. "It's working! The line is holding!"

"Good!" Rainbow stammered, piercing the clouds in her ascent. "That should give us some breathing room!"

"What now?" Applejack asked.

"We gotta meet up with Ariel and the others, right?" Pinkie asked.

"They're up there!" Twilight pointed at the top of a line of thunderclouds above the shoals. "I can sense the runic cannons being recharged!"

"Good..." Rainbow Dash shuddered, squinting into the mists and lightning. "...now we wait for the Drop. If anything will egg Chandler on one last time... it's that."

"Come on, Bard..." Rarity wrung her forelimbs together. "Come on, you handsome devil, you..."

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