• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,102 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Nopony Can Hear You Squee

“Mmmmfff... mrmmmfff...”

“Hey... I think she's coming to.”

“Finally! Talk about a deep sleep!”

“Uhm... Miss? Is everything okay?”

“Grnnnfhh...” Rainbow's forehead tensed. Her ears folded back, and her legs started shivering uncontrollably. “Hmmmff—no... No!” She shot up with a gasp, eyes twitching. “Cloudsdale! F-foundations... crumbling...” She sat in the grass beside a boulder, heaving, covered in sweat.

Two ponies hopped back, startled—a mare and a stallion, both young and with matching blue coats.

“Verlaxion's sleet!”

“It's like she has a fever or something!”

“Ma'am, are... are you okay?”

“I... I-I...” Rainbow looked every which way.

It was an hour past dawn. A bright sun peeked over the craggy rocks to the east, casting a mess of shadows across the tall grass and orange soil. The Silt Path in the distance was full of early morning travelers hauling their wares east and west. A few curious ponies glanced towards the scene where the two equines stood above Rainbow Dash and the boulder.

“My brother saw you as we were passing by,” said the mare. “It's... eheh... very peculiar to see a traveler collapsed off the side of the road.”

“Are you okay?” the stallion asked. “Did bandits beat you up or something?”

“We tried waking you up, but you seemed really... really out of it.”

“I... uhm... erm...” Rainbow looked to her right—then did a double-take at a lavender shape.

Twilight hovered calmly at her side. She smiled and said, “They've been here for around ten minutes, Rainbow. Rarity and I tried waking you ourselves, but...”

“...you couldn't hear a single word we said,” Rarity uttered in an anxious tone. “It was as though you were... deeply locked in whatever nightmare you were having.”

Rainbow Dash clenched her head, seething. Bulbs of sweat clung to her muzzle and chin.

“For a moment there, we were afraid you were suffering another dizzy spell,” Twilight said. She gulped. “In your sleep.”

“Not... d-dizzy...” Rainbow murmured. She clenched her eyes shut. “Why do the nightmares keep happening?”

“Nightmares?” The mare looked at the stallion.

“Are... you okay, ma'am?” Her brother remarked. With a nervous smile, he reached into his saddlebag and produced a canteen. “Look... I know there are established rules about accepting gifts from strangers, but perhaps some water could—”

“I... I have my own...” Rainbow rummaged through her saddlebag. “At least, I think... I...” She fumbled some more.

“We don't mean to pry,” said the mare. “Only that, where we were raised, it's customary to assist other ponies in need. Most travelers on the Silt Path—when they need to rest for the night—stay at an inn or a shelter.”

“You heading east or west?” the stallion asked with a friendly smile. “Because if you're heading west, there's the Four Brazier Inn. I know it's busy with the Month of Thawing coming up and all, but surely they'd have a room for you!”

“Been there,” Rainbow muttered. She finally found her canteen and took a swig. “Mmmfff... heading east.”

“Rainbow...” Rarity hissed. “I know these may be a friendly pair, but don't give away your—

“Hey! What a coincidence!” The mare grinned. “We're heading east too! Well... northeast. To Kunmane!”

“Jewel of Stone Prefecture!” the stallion quoted with a smug grin.

“Heehee! What he said!” The mare rolled her eyes with a smirk. “Of course, it's our hometown—hence the pilgrimage. But still, it's where anypony who's anypony goes to celebrate Unification Day.”

“You making a delivery there?” the stallion asked. “Or are you headed south to the limestone springs?”

“I... uhm...” Rainbow Dash turned and gazed at the upper mountains. Yaerfaerda shimmered slightly north of where the Silt Path was leading. “Yeah. I'm totally headed to Kunmane.” She offered a fuzzy smile. “What a coinkydink, for sure.”

“Rainbow!” Rarity hissed again. “Honestly! Do you need another two hours of shuteye?”

“Calm down, Rarity,” Twilight said with a wave of her hoof. “We don't exactly know where the Silt Path leads.”


“This could be the break Rainbow needs.”

“But she doesn't know these strangers!”

“No, but they seem rather harmless to me. Also, if they knew Rainbow Dash was wanted, I'd imagine they would have done something to restrain her before she even woke up.”

Rainbow sat in tense silence, listening to both her friends.

Meanwhile, the two ponies were in the process of responding gleefully:

“—that fantastic?”

“Hey, if you need a guide, we're willing to serve!” The mare winked. “Free of charge, too!”

“It's the spirit of Unification Day, after all,” the stallion added.

“So, what do you say?”

“Rainbow...” Rarity said. “Whatever you do, be cautious.”

“Rarity—” Twilight began.

Rarity floated closer. “Not everyone here is a Keris or a Swab or a Sinrar.”

Rainbow took a deep breath. “So... you two are headed to Kunmane?”

“Hehehe...” The mare rolled her eyes. “Did we repeat ourselves a thousand times or what?”

“And... mrmmff...” Rainbow Dash stood up, catching her balance. “...there are bandits about these spots or what?”

“Well...” The mare bit her lip, glancing at her brother.

“They've been known to hide out in the Petrispines,” he said. “Most ponies headed to Kunmane are safer in groups.”

“Well...” Rainbow cracked the tired joints in her neck. “I've been known to kick the butts of thugs in my day. So, if you two are willing to guide me to Kunmane, I promise to protect you.” She added with a wink. “Free of charge.”

“Hey! It's a deal!”

“Hehe! Wow, this Unification Day is already looking up!”

As Rainbow gathered her things, Rarity sighed, folding her forelimbs. “While I appreciate an optimistic attitude, forgive me if I'm a tad bit reserved in this country.”

“Oh calm down, Rarity,” Twilight said, starting to fade into a lavender light as she drifted into Rainbow's pendant. “I'll wake the others, Rainbow.”

“You do that,” Rainbow said.

“Hmmm?” The mare looked back while shouldering her belongings. “What was that?”

“Er... you... uh...” Rainbow cleared her throat. “You carry heavy loads well...?” She winced as the words exited her muzzle.

“Heheheh...” The stallion nudged his sister. “Told you that you make a good packhorse!”

“Oh hush.” The mare rolled her eyes and led the three back towards the Silt Path. “I swear... every foal of Verlaxion is born a comedian.”

“Only the pink ones,” Rainbow muttered.

Past a set of craggy hills, the Silt Path split into three smaller roads that then snaked off into three separate directions in the wilderness. Rainbow counted her lucky stars that she actually stumbled upon a group of ponies who knew where the paths led. The siblings drew her along the northernmost of the three paths. It was a surprisingly even patch of land for a spell, flanked by short green grass and thick emerald shrubbery. A tall face of porous limestone loomed to the distant northwest, and Rainbow could feel the multiple shadows of steep rockfaces crossing over their bodies as they approached the immense mountains that were still blocking rays of the morning sunrise at that hour.

Here, the pilgrims along the Silt Path were as casual as ever, strolling at a leisurely pace while they chatted and shared stories of the travels that brought them that far. There were far more taking the path northeast than southwest, and—sure enough—next to none of them traveled alone. The ponies marched in groups of five, six, or more. Rainbow felt remarkably tiny with just two corporeal companions at her side.

“So, do you have a name, miss?” asked the stallion.

“Uhm...” Rainbow glanced at Pinkie, Fluttershy, and the two unicorns. “I'm... uhhh...” She glanced at the thick green bushes flanking the path. “...Scootabelle?”

Rarity did a double-take. “I beg your pardon?” Pinkie and Fluttershy giggled.

“Scootabelle...” The mare slowly nodded. “How interesting. Must not be from around here because that's not a common name to Stone Prefecture! Heehee!”

“My name is Reeds,” the stallion said, then pointed at his sister with the matching blue coat. “This here is Sweet.”


“Yes.” The mare stuck her tongue out. “Just that. Sweet.” She gestured at her brother. “We're twins, in case you can't tell.”

“Parents thought they'd give us super simple names,” Reeds said. “Makes it easier for when they have to yell at us.”


“So... uh...” Rainbow Dash shifted the weight of her saddlebag. “What do you two do for a living?”

“Well, a little bit of this and a little bit of that,” Reeds explained. “Lately, we've taken to fishing in Lime Spring Lake.”

“Where's that?”

“Not surprised you haven't heard of it,” Sweet said. “It's located far south of here, in a remote pocket along the southeastern tip of Seed Prefecture.”

“It's a deep lake, though!” Reeds exclaimed. “Members of the Scientific Order believe that it's connected to the Sunset Tract through underwater aquifers!”

“Oh! How interesting!” Twilight grinned. “I wonder how many ponies they know in the Order?”

“Maybe they know Thunker Meat!” Pinkie said with a grin. “That's what you guys said the Nealenders used to call him, right? Ask Sweet and Reeds if they ever heard of a 'Thunker Meat!'”

“No. Don't.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “Honestly... morning ponies.”

“Eh... Rarity's right.” Twilight smiled, blushing slightly. “Let's not get too social.”

“Awwww... why not, though?” Fluttershy sighed happily. “These ponies are really nice. I like them.”

“Just get the information you need from them, Rainbow,” Rarity said. “Then find an excuse to break off so we can continue this journey on our own.”

“Agreed.” Twilight nodded.

Rainbow cleared her throat. “So... uhm... what's so big about Kenmare.”

“Huh?” Reeds glanced aside. “Do you mean Kunmare?”

“Er... yeah.” Rainbow blinked. “You said it's your hometown?”

“And an awesome place at that!” Sweet chirped.

“Heh...” Rainbow smirked, tilting her hat slightly forward. “I'll be the judge of that.”

“It's one of the oldest towns in all of Rohbredden,” Reeds said. “On account of how isolated it is.”

“Yeah.” Sweet nodded. “The Petrispines used to act as a defensive barrier against outside intrusion. Because of the forest, almost none of the other tribes could reach it during the Frost Wars.”

“Frost... Wars...?”

The two siblings gawked at Rainbow.

“Wow... are you Colonialist or something?” Sweet said.

“Erm... n-not that we have a problem with that or anything,” Reeds said with a nervous smile. “Some of my father's oldest friends... erm... moved to the colonies at some point. Ahem.”

“Heh... you caught me,” Rainbow said. She ignored the multiple face-hoofs of her ghostly companions and continued, “Guess I could use a bit of a brush-up on my Continentalist history.”

“Well, the Frost Wars is what many of us call the battles between the Six Tribes before Verlaxion's Blessed Thawing,” Reeds explained. “It was a horrible bunch of conflicts that nearly killed off everyone living in Rohbredden. I mean... heh... as if it wasn't bad enough that we were dealing with such terrible weather and famine.”

“As a matter of fact, Kunmane was one of the last bastions of the Earth Pony Tribe to accept Verlaxion's Blessing!” Sweet said.

“Yeah! Our ancestors were stubborn, bloody warriors to the core!”

“I know you can hardly tell now...” Sweet stuck a tongue out, giggling. “But get on our bad side and we can tear heads off!”

“That's... uh... nice to know,” Rainbow stammered.

“Oh, don't worry, Scootabelle,” Sweet nudged her. “You're alright in our book.”

“You should totally stick around for Unification Day!” Reeds said. “We celebrate the Month of Thawing super hard in Kunmane! What—with our town being the last to accept unification. We like to count our blessings with vigor, if you catch my drift.”

“Sounds nifty.” Rainbow Dash glanced at the others. “And... uhm... Stone Prefecture...”

“What about it?”

“You said that Kunmane was the jewel of the province. Is it super tiny or—?”

“Nah. Stone Prefecture is pretty big.” Sweet snorted. “If nothing else, it's almost super empty.”

“Yeah.” Reeds rolled his eyes. “So Kunmane isn't exactly a maretropolis, but it stands out at the foothills of the mountains.”

“Is there a path through it?” Rainbow asked. “The mountains, I mean.”

“Oh! Totally! And a beautiful path at that!” Reeds glanced over at her. “But you'd better stock up on provisions before you even think of making the climb!”

“Which shouldn't be hard, considering that there's a celebration in town!” Sweet said with a giggle.

“Why is that?”

“Unification Day, ya silly filly!”

“No... er... I mean...” Rainbow cleared her throat. “Why's it so important to stock up for the mountain path?”

“'Cuz it goes on for—like—ever.” Sweet rolled her eyes. “I mean, my brother and I have lived here most of our lives, and even we haven't bothered making the climb!”

“Not that you'd really want to,” Reeds added with a chuckle. “This is pretty much the last warm stop before the frost sets in.”

“We're talking snow or wars?”

“Heehee...” Sweet smirked at Reeds. “She's cute. I bet she's gonna melt once she sees the fireworks!”

“Don't look now, sis...” Reeds pointed straight ahead. “But there they are.”

“Huh?” Sweet took one glance, then bounced in mid-trot. “Oh goody goody goody!”

“Huh?” Rainbow squinted.

“This must be a treat for you, Miss Scootabelle,” Reeds said. “Feast your eyes on the Petrispines.”

“What, the forest?” Rainbow craned her neck. “I can't see it through all of the stone spikes.”

“Heheheh... the stone spikes is the forest.”

Rainbow's ghostly friends all cooed at once. Before them stretched a series of jagged stalagmites sticking up out of the ground. The path wove through it, and Rainbow could see from the bodies of travelers strolling past the formations that the sudden spikes of limestone stood well over thirty... forty... even fifty feet tall.

“My my...” Rarity fanned herself. “How... exotic.

“Huh...” Rainbow blinked. “A forest like that?” She shook her head. “I'm almost scared to see the squirrels.”

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