• Published 13th Oct 2015
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Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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What's In a Name, Honestly?

Rainbow and the Herald trotted east... more like trudged.

Although ditching the wagon was a necessary practicality, it meant that the group had to labor all the more with the weight of the items that they were carrying eastward. This was made all the more taxing by the multiple pockets of water they had to wade through—some of which lapped up to their necks.

Remna, naturally, was unaffected. As the trek wore on, she found herself involuntarily bearing more and more of the collective weight of the provisions. It almost became a game—with the Herald stacking more and more items atop her violet flank to see if she'd topple over. She never did. Flynn and Logan had a good snicker, much to the "bounty hunter's" mute chagrin.

The winds died down—mostly because they were being blockaded by the limestone formations above. From where Rainbow Dash hovered, she could spot bigger and bigger bodies of water opening up to a grand, undulating ocean. The thunder in the starry heavens grew louder and louder, even though Rainbow still couldn't spot a single flicker of lightning as the source.

This—apparently—was a good enough excuse for Ariel and Wildcard to take wing. The two performed some risky reconnaissance. Eventually, they flew back, reporting that they had caught sight of a remarkably tall chunk of limestone that was forked at its peak. At first, Rainbow didn't understand the significance of this, but it nevertheless brought a loud cheer of joy from Flynn. Pretty soon, the balding unicorn was galloping ahead of the group, splashing salt-water puddles in every direction as he approached the peculiar formation off in the distance.

"I give up," Echo droned, trotting alongside Nicole and Bard. "Is there a special 'End of the World' sale on pocket protectors?"

"Hey! Nerd turd!" Logan hollered. The stallion carried half as much weight as Remna, requiring him to avoid the deepest of puddles. "Where you running off to?!"

"What do you think?!" Flynn jubilantly proclaimed, scampering towards the limestone formation and a noticeably deep estuary residing next to it.

Fwooosh! Ariel flew down next to Rainbow Dash. "This can't be it, can it?" Rainbow merely shrugged.

"We cerrtainly have jourrneyed farr enough," Kepler said. "This is the spot on the map as well!"

Wildcard hand-signed.

"Uhhhhh..." Bard cleared his throat and translated. "Dubya's reminding us that it has been an awful long set of years since you left the dayum dinghy here, Flynn!" The cowcolt tilted his hat back, revealing a nervous squint. "Ya reckon moisture and weatherin' haven't led us to the wrong rock?"

"No! This is it, alright! I'm sensing the leylines of the old crystalline marker I left here!" Flynn paused only once to glare back at the group. "And it's not a dinghy!"

"Is it even anything?!" Ariel shrugged, gesturing at the narrow strip of barren rock stretched out between them and the bodies of water. "I don't see any boat!"

"Because you're not supposed to!" Flynn hollered back. "Behold!" Licking his lips, the one-eyed stallion aimed his horn at the rock. Not long after, a beam of mana flickered between his cranium and the limestone. Within seconds...

Fwooooomp! A length of burlap camouflage magically deflated. In the next breath, Flynn telekinetically tugged the material away—tossing it aside like a waiter might yank a stretch of brown table-cloth. Doing so revealed the slate-gray metal hull of a modest vessel moored in the shadow of the limestone structure. The boat stretched no less than forty feet from bow to stern, and already Rainbow Dash could spot a two-deck cabin situated at the vessel's rear. Dull crystalline pylons loomed along the stern—which Rainbow could only guess was some means of mana-driven propulsion.

Grinning wide, Flynn spun to face the Desperados and Job Squadders in turn. "Ta-daaaaa!"

"Wow..." Remna droned.

Logan flashed her a look. "You're actually impressed?"


"Hmmmff..." Logan. "Dammit. Don't make yourself likeable."

"This is it?" Ariel's voice cracked. "Can it even fit all of us?"

"Uh... it'll be a bit tight, but you b-bet!" Flynn cleared his throat, glancing at Echo and Nicole. "I wasn't... exactly expecting extra company, but we'll do!"

"Hrmmmf... that's right." Nicole blew some bangs out from before her fanged muzzle. "Blame the bat ponies."

Echo winked at her. "Now you're learning."

Wildcard gestured with a smirk.

"Dubya's got a point." Bard shuffled up through the shallow waters flanking the dunes. "We can't just call it 'the boat.' It's mite bit unlucky to go off cruisin' without namin' the thang."

"Ha!" Flynn pointed with a bright grin. "Way ahead of you!" He summoned a light spell through his horn and pointed at a stretch of words along the ship's hull. "Check it!"

Ariel flew up close, squinting. "... ... ...'Stardust?'"

"Whoops! Uhm..." Flynn reached out and brushed off some dark smudges towards the left. "There we go!"

"'Princess Stardust?'" Logan droned, eyebrow raised.

"Well... y-yeah!" Flynn fidgeted in the waters. "I... uh... I was a lot younger at the time. Eheh."

"You were high is what you mean," Echo said. Logan reached out to fist-bump the sarosian.

"Hey!" Flynn folded his forelimbs, his mechanical eye re-focusing above a pout. "It's my ship! I get to name it!"

"Don't worry, dude." Rainbow smirked. "If there's anything I learned from my travels, it's the ponies that you put inside a ship that make it awesome." She turned towards Remna. "Alright. Let's go."

Remna nodded. "You heard the Austraeoh!" she shouted in a loud, draconian voice, matching the thunder. "Load it up! Shove it off!"

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