• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,690 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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Angels, Heard on High

"You said we'd let her go?!?" Ariel cackled.

As the mare's voice echoed across a grand cavern, Seraphimus went about her work undaunted. Utilizing chains, rope, and canvas material—she fashioned for herself a crude pack and salvaged a meager collection of supplies from the contents of the hoverwagon. There was deadpan grace to her actions, but also a purposeful swiftness. Her talons moved delicately, careful not to hoarde too much of the Herald's material.

Ariel was still waiting for an answer. She glared daggers at Big Show. She wasn't alone; Flynn was also gawking at the large stallion.

"Mrmmmfff..." Logan leaned against a stalagmite, keeping the wagon—and Seraphimus—constantly in his peripheral vision. "We were in a bind," he muttered. "Rainbow Dash's life was in danger. Also Wildcard's." He shifted the weight of his axe in the crook of his fetlock. "I couldn't be in two places at once. Even if I personally galloped out to meet that troll stampede head on, I'd only be a burden when making the run back to the wagon."

Flynn's bald brow furrowed. "So you thought it was okay to promise our most dogged enemy a ticket to freedom?!?"

"Well, it worked, didn't it?" Logan barked.

"Hell yeah, it worked!" Flynn nodded wildly. "Now she's won herself an opportunity to fly the coop—then come back around and ambush the Austraeoh from behind! Great going, genius!"

"I don't believe she will do that..." Logan said.

"You 'don't believe?!'" Flynn cracked a bitter grin. "Well, that just takes the cake! After all, it's totally cool to bank the entire Herald's fate on a feeling! Shit, why don't you go wish upon a star while you're at it, fat ass?!"

Logan snarled: "If she wanted to murder the Austraeoh, she's had her opportunity!" His teeth gnashed. "Twice!"

"Morre than once, we have allowed herr the frreedom to assist us," Kepler gently spoke up. "And on both occasions, she has not betrrayed ourr trrust, despite having shown herr multiple vulnerrabilities."

Flynn gave him a double-take. "You're taking Big Show's side in this mess?"

"A mess, my good frriend, has been avoided," Kepler said in a firm tone. "Thanks to the quick thinking of ourr companion Big Show—and the timely interrvention of the infamous grriffon of whom we speak. While we cannot forrget the trravesties she's committed in the past, we also cannot ignorre the fact that we owe herr ourr verry livelihood."

"But—Keps—honestly..." Flynn gestured dramatically. "With her free now, how are we to know—"

"Do you trruly think it has been chains keeping herr bound all this time?" Kepler's eyes narrowed behind his spectacles. "I have not been encumberred by the physical demands of the Darrk Side. Not in the same way as you, Wildcarrd, and the otherrs. I've had the good luxurry of sitting back and closely obserrving the cirrcumstances surrounding us. And I can say with full faith—as I am cerrtain Logan can as well—that ourr surrly companion has underrgone a drramatic change." His hairy brow furrowed. "If she wishes forr frreedom and to be rrid of us, then I suspect that she will make good use of it. Months ago—this would not be the same."

"But Kepler..." Flynn paced across the dimly-lit cavern between them. "...we have no assurance that she won't backstab us. No assurance whatsoever! None!" He turned to frown at the distant griffin rummaging through the cavern. "And to even give her some of our shit to take with her—"

"She's not taking much, baldy," Logan droned. "So calm your tits." He squinted at the unicorn. "It was part of the agreement."

"So farr, she seems to holding to that," Kepler remarked. "If you obserrve, you shall see she's prractically finished."

"I... I just can't believe we're going to let her go like this," Flynn stammered. "Does anyone remember the gondola?! Does anyone remember what happened to Axan?!?"

"I'm no idiot, Flynn," Logan said. "But I'm no sissy either. What are the odds any of us are going to see the Austraeoh to the Midnight Armory alive?" His nostrils fumed. "I wanna leave this mortal coil with my honor intact. What about you?"

"Dude... if we cared about honor..." Flynn narrowed his good eye at the large stallion. "...we'd never have ditched the Light Side to begin with. Not with all the crap that we've left stinkin' up the place."

Logan huffed. "Bard got his shit in order."

"You'll notice he's not alive anymore." Flynn clenched his jaw. "He paid his price. Are you nearly ready to pay yours?"

Logan was silent. He gazed forlornly in the direction of Seraphimus.

"My problem..." Ariel began.

Logan looked over at her.

"My problem is not with Seraphimus being set free..." She glared in Logan's direction. "...but rather the fact that you made such a huge important decision for all of us." She gulped. "Without asking Rainbow Dash."

"Baby girl," Logan rasped. "If I didn't make that decision, there would be no Rainbow Dash right now."

Ariel went silent. She trembled slightly.

Flynn stomped angrily around, glancing occasionally in Seraphimus' direction with a venomous expression.

Kepler scratched his hairy chin, sighing. Tiredly, he looked across the earthen chamber. "Wildcarrd... ourr good frriend... what is yourr assessment of this situation?"

This entire time, the Desperado had been perched on a stalagmite above the group—just a leap away from the former Talon Commander. Fresh bandages absorbed his glowing blood, and his feline tail flicked with quite contemplation. At long last, after stroking his beak with a metal talon, he hand-signed in the dim lanternlight.

The others "read" him, and it was Ariel who responded first.

"But Wildcard..." She paced across the way. "...there simply is no 'Commander you once knew.'" Her eyes narrowed. "Whoever that griffin was, she changed after Frostknife. What's left to store honor in all of that?"

Wildcard clenched his beak.

"There is room there," Logan declared. "I didn't once believe it, but Rainbow did." He stood up straight, lifting his axe in his hoof as well. "I was wrong for making the hasty decision for all of us... but if Rainbow was the one who made that decision instead of me... ... ...would we all still be bitching to each other about it right now?"


Flynn folded his forelimbs and huffed. He avoided the large stallion's gaze.

"I believe we should allow herr to be frree," Kepler said. "Whetherr that means frreedom to help us... orr frreedom to leave us... that's up to herr."

Wildcard nodded in agreement.

Ariel looked at Flynn, then back at the rest. "I think you more than know where Flynn and I stand. Plus... all things considered..." She fidgeted, then murmured under her breath: "It isn't too late to get the jump on her and put her in chains again."

"Do you wish to be the firrst to leap, sisterr?" Kepler asked.

Wildcard winced.

Ariel remained locked in place. Her eyes darted nervously towards Seraphimus.

"Well... one thing's for damn sure..." Logan left that spot and trotted towards the furthest end of the cavern, to where a crook in the tunnels formed. "...only one pony gets the final word here. Only fitting I own up to her."

"Too late for that now..." Flynn looked bitterly over his shoulder. "Don't you think, fatso?"

Logan said nothing. He merely marched off.

Wildcard remained on his perch. He cast a cautious albeit melancholy glance in Seraphimus' direction.

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