• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,692 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

  • ...

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Come To Your Senses

"We're making progress, Rainbow!" Rarity said in a chipper tone. She smiled back her and her friends' anchor as they glided slowly after the bodies of the Herald below. "There's a ravine up ahead! I sense it!"

Twilight Sparkle brightened. "Just like the one in the map! Er... slab!"

Pinkie Pie giggled.

"Very nice, Rarity," Rainbow said, flapping her wings steadily. Her eyelids blinked heavily under the constant twilight. "Just let us know when we're almost over it."

"Right." Twilight nodded. "We don't want the Herald suddenly plunging into a crazy abyss."

"I doubt it's that steep and dark a chasm, silly!" Pinkie Pie insisted.

"Even still." Twilight looked at the others. "We don't want to take any chances."

"I'm with Twilight on this one," Applejack drawled.

"Very well, then." Rarity nodded. "I'll be sure to give plenty of advance warning. Still..." She sighed gently. "This is some welcome calm after all the mayhem we endured to get over the edge."

"Donnnnn't jiiiiiiiinx itttttttttt," Pinkie Pie hummed.

"Oh don't be silly, darling. I think we've met the worst kind of odds already!"

"You'rrrrrrrrrre jiiiiiiiiiiiiiinxiiiiiiiiiiiing itttttttt!"


"Y'know..." Applejack squinted, tilting the brim of her hat forward. "Is it just me... or are the stars above us gettin' awfully bright all of a sudden?"

"I'm sure it's just you, AJ," Twilight said.

"'Cuz they sure seem so to me," Applejack insisted. "Wonder if that's just a natural state of bein' on this side of the plane for so dang long. Even the dimmest speck of light becomes a dag'blame'd sun."

"Heaven forbid!" Rarity exclaimed. "Literally, in this case." She let loose a nervous laugh.

"It's just our eyes' way of adjusting to the constant darkness, I'm sure, Applejack," Twilight said.

"Yeah, but we're ghosts."


Applejack squinted at Twilight. "We don't have natural eyes to adjust to nothin'. We're essences of Harmony at the very best. So how come it's so unnerving all of a sudden?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh..." Twilight's ears drooped. "Shoot. I... don't have answer to that."

"It beginssssssss!" Pinkie chortled.

"Now enough of that, Pinkie!" Rarity scolded while Pinkie Pie giggled. "You're going to give us all migraines at this rate!"

"But we don't have heads! Just ask Rarity!"



All the while, Rainbow Dash was concentrating on the Herald down below. Her eyes rested on the two sleds... on Flynn and Kepler marching between them... and on Ariel flying at a lower altitude.

The petite pegasus exhaled slowly. Her eyes darted slightly to the left.

She spotted the sled that Seraphimus was being dragged on. The starlight caught her silver feathers in a modest glint. And then—


Moving shadows.

"... ... ...?" Rainbow Dash threw her gaze to the left.

Something darted out the corner of her eye.

"...!" Rainbow looked to the right.

She saw nothing but the gentle haze of stars. Otherwise, all was still and tranquil above a solid black horizon gradually looping upwards.

Rainbow's breaths were slightly ragged for the space of a minute.

One mare in particular noticed it.

"Rainbow...?" With a soothing tone in her voice, Fluttershy floated closer. "Is something the matter?"

Rainbow gulped. "No. I'm... I'm fine..."

"Rainbow... ... ..." Fluttershy put on a mild version of the stare. It still rocked Rainbow to her core. "Don't make me sick Applejack on you."

"You wouldn't dare."

Fluttershy tilted her face up with a smug grin.

Rainbow sighed. She looked left... she looked right... and then she floated closer to her ghostly companion. "Flutters... have you... uh..."

"Yes, Rainbow...?"

Rainbow gulped, glancing around. "Have you sensed anything... or anyone out of the ordinary?"

"No, Rainbow." Fluttershy shook her head. "I can't say that I have."

"Nothing whatsoever?"

"This entire landscape has been dead as a grave. Even deader. I can't even detect the remnants of organic material. It's all... delightfully blank. Well..." Fluttershy rubbed her fetlocks pensively together. "I don't suppose that's quite so 'delightful,' but it is putting my head at ease." She chuckled slightly under her breath.

"Well, that's good." Rainbow sighed. "I guess."

"Should... I be sensing anything?" Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow bit her lip.

"Rainbow, if you have something to tell us—"

"I just... rmmmff... can't shake this strange feeling," Rainbow murmured.

"What feeling?"

"As if we're being followed."

Fluttershy's eyes widened slightly. "F-followed?"

"Ehhh... yeahhhhhhhh..." Rainbow fidgeted in mid-glide.

Fluttershy looked all around, her ghostly mane tossing. "By what?"

"I don't know."

"What's giving you the idea that—?"

"I keep sensing... things," Rainbow murmured. "Like... shadows. Reflections. Shades of stuff... y'know?"

"No, I don't know." Fluttershy's brow furrowed. "How long have you been experiencing this?"


"Of course."

"Ever since we took off. Er... Ariel and I. Ever since we began flying."

"You don't suppose it's the Dragonstone?"


"The piece of Axan you picked up," Fluttershy suggested. "It's magical, right?"

"So Twilight says."

"And it's just as old as Axan is... er... was." Fluttershy cleared her throat. "There's an awful lot about it that we don't understand."

"Yeah. But even still... why would it be making me so..." Rainbow shivered slightly. "...paranoid?"

"Is that how you feel?"


"Why didn't you tell Ariel when she talked to you earlier? She seemed concerned—"

"I can't tell her that I'm feeling a bit rattled by shadows'n'crud."

"And why not?"

"Because she and the Herald are depending on me," Rainbow hissed, floating close to her ghostly companion. "I'm the one with all the crazy senses that they don't understand. If I can't get a grip on it—how can I expect them to ascertain it any better?"

"They're your friends, Rainbow Dash! Your protectors and allies—"

"But they're still not the Austraeoh, Fluttershy," Rainbow insisted, gazing down at her travelling companions. "When push comes to shove, there's still a bunch of crud that I and only I will have to carry on my shoulders. Well... the rest of you girls too, I suppose, but even that's different." She gulped. "I just... can't burden them with crud until I know more about what this Dark Side is doing to me and my... er... Austraeoh-ness."

"Rainbow Dash..." Fluttershy folded her hooves in mid-glide and gave her anchor a stern look. "Haven't we all learned by now that honesty is the best policy?"

"Yeah. But..."

"But nothing. If you're feeling that you feel concerned about, then you should tell the Herald. You're right that there are only things that the Austraeoh can handle. But you should remember that the Austraeoh is not alone in this! There's a role for Eljunburma as well! And let us not forget what Yiffydehm did in bringing all of us girls back!"

"It's 'Eljunbyro' and 'Yaerfaerda'."

"You know what I mean," Fluttershy muttered. "Rainbow, forgive me, but there's an awful lot of strange sounding words to memorize..."

Rainbow smirked slightly. "There are... aren't there."

"Promise me that you'll bring this new sensation of yours to the group."

Rainbow Dash blinked.

Fluttershy leaned in. "Promise. Me."

"S-sure thing!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "You bet! And... uhm... I'll see about having Kepler or Big Show carry the Dragonstone for a while." She smiled crookedly. "Share the load and all that token fluff."


"Sorry. Tired."

"That's an excuse you'll run out of sooner than you think." Fluttershy nevertheless smiled. "But I'm glad you've come to your senses... or some of them, at least."

"What would I do without you, Fluttershy?"

"Uhm... I'm scared to think."

"That makes the two of us."

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