• Published 4th Jun 2017
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Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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Song of Circles, Two



Distant galactic swirls.

Gradually, the wayward light was interrupted by a curved shadow-upon-shadow.

Then, upon the fringes, shades of luminescent ruby structures formed.

One by one—as the eons drifted by—the structures took shape.

Animated and purposeful.

Brimming with energy.

Soon, they made constructs and scoured the inside of the curve.

Covering it with the faintest of light, both hopeful and ominous.

Searching, hungering, engulfing.

First there formed the Ruby Chorus, a glint
Of the same Spark that broke the circles, but
Not the same Spark destined to rejoin them.
Emboldened by a rhythm both dark and
Selfish, they seek to consume all that clings
To the Onyx Eclipse's periphery.

Floating constructs of crystalline plates, piloted by crystalline entities, skimmed the abandoned mountains, cityscapes, and oceans of the Curve.

Streams of ruby light drifted like clouds over the emptiness—only to be gradually absorbed by these icy patrols.

The luminescence intensified, focused through the crystal buffer.

The numbers were few, but the power intense... and only increasing.

Silent, contemplative and most patient,
The peripheral Spawn of the Fringes
Owned every portion of the shadowed Slice.
All portions but one: the Sarcophagus.

Then, there was an intensely blinding beam of light.

From the heavens, it billowed, framed by swarms of luminescent spheres of focused harmony.

The light pierced the slice, forming firmaments along the outer curve.

Within the Penumbra—trailing tongues of flame coalesced, rippling inwards towards the heart of the concave portion and settling into a singular spot.

The spheres took forms, and within an eon of gaining bodies they almost immediately became corpses.

Their bones and wings and hooves became the slade-black framework of a massive ziggurat, impermeable and epic, situated in the heart of the curve, surrounded by a once-verdant landscape cursed by vacuum and chaos.

Harmonic entities, migrating from
The outer edges of the universe,
Chanced upon the loose remnant of the Song,
And with love and pity they sacrificed
More than they had the faculty to know.
Thus in an act of pure benevolence
They unwittingly gave the slice a gift
That would also be, in time, a great curse.

One by one, the crystalline constructs gathered around the edges of the ziggurat.

With all of their ruby light harnessed into a focused beam, they tried to pierce the outer surface of the otheworldly structure.

As the centuries rolled by, they came upon the verge of unlocking the Harmonic puzzle.

The Ruby Chorus, lusting for power
Swiftly sought to contain the prize within.
What they would soon earn was not a treasure,
But instead a war to last forever.
For from the fringes came a nemesis:
A corruption of the benefactors,
Carried on gossamer wings: the Keepers.

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