• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,692 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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Signing On to Discord

"Schnorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Pinkie Pie slept like a rock in mid-air. She drifted slowly over Rainbow's head, her muzzle dribbling with ghost drool.

Rainbow looked up from a sleeping mat that she was sprawled across. The phantom shadow of a slumbering candy pone crossed over her spectral features. After a roll of her eyes, Rainbow smiled and shifted to the side.

The city hung sideways in her tired vision. In the distance, she could spot the white shape of the wagon. Logan, Flynn, and Kepler formed slumbering dots around the dormant vehicle and its chaotic contents.

More sleepy breaths—this time it wasn't Pinkie. Rainbow looked over her shoulder.

Ariel slept on a mat just a few meters away. Even in slumber, she refused to leave Rainbow's side. Her fuzzy gray body was curled up in a foalish ball that almost made her look the same size as her petite companion. Almost.

Rainbow's eyes wandered further. She knew better than to look for Wildcard. The Desperado was undoubtedly perched somewhere lofty and advantageous—where he could swoop down and protect the Austraeoh at a moment's notice. He always made sure that he could see her, even if she couldn't see him. Somehow, Rainbow knew that Bard would be proud.

A warm breath escaped her lips.

There was no sign of Seraphimus at the moment either. For the first time in as long as Rainbow could remember, she didn't care.

Her eyes wandered a bit until she spotted a familiar flicker of gold. Somewhere—off in the distance—the Midnight Armory loomed beyond the metal, the chaos, and the great Cuve of the Dark Side. Now—with all that she had learned—its shine was all the more dazzling. Even with her eyes closed, Rainbow could see its minute shape in all its alicorn glory.

Abaddon had a Song. The ancestors of Whitemane had a Shine.

Rainbow's eyelids hung heavy. She curled up, trilling a bit to herself as she settled into a comfortable position...

...and drifted away.

"... ... ... ... ... ...the itsy bitsy Sparky went up the webbed spout."

Rainbow's eyes popped open.

"Down came the exposition aaaaaand washed the Sparky out!"

Rainbow's eyes rolled. She looked directly up.

Pinkie's sleeping body drifted by. Soon, a lazy dragonequus came into focus, lounging on a magic "hammock" above the scene. He made shadow puppets against the underside of a metal bridge through the use of a ghostly flashlight. The spotlight featured spidery limbs encircling a stick-figure pegasus enmeshed in webbing.

"Up came the kaizo and dried up all the angst." He puppeted a shadowed bevvy of mute explosions against spotlight. "And the itsy bitsy Sparky threw up a fight scene again."

Rainbow exhaled long and hard.

A pair of red-on-yellow eyes peered down at her, above a glinting grin. "How're my improv skills? Hmmm?" He twirled the flashlight until it turned into a microphone that produced a whine of feedback. "Better with or without the watermelon gag?"

Rainbow clenched her jaw.

"Ehhhh..." He shifted his hairy body. "Let's face it. The show was better before the special host ditched everything for 'The Plot Is Right.'" He backflipped off the vanishing hammock and slowly descended via an open umbrella. "I should just stick to the menacing veneer and empty threats—" He nearly bumped into a sleep-gliding Pinkie Pie. "HEY! I'M MONOLOGUING HERE!"

Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Nice girl." Discord landed beside the sleeping mat, folded up his umbrella, and shoved it into his earhole. "But she really shouldn't be asleep at the whinny." He winked and placed his knuckles against his hairy hips. "Friends don't let friends doze and drool."

A low grumbling sound escaped Rainbow's muzzle.

"Okay. Here it comes. I know it's coming."

Rainbow's eyes narrowed.

"It is coming, isn't it?" Discord leaned in, fang glinting. "Come on. I wanna hear you say it." He twisted his ear until it turned into a phonograph funnel aimed at the petite pegasus. "'Get lost, you freakin' harmony-pooper!'" his voice cracked raspily. "'You bloody chaos lord of anti-alicorn menacing! Ya inside out cat-huffing eggplant-chocolate...' or whatever your glorious catch-phrase is." He shook his head until it was back to normal and gestured at the sleeping, drifting Pinkie. "You know what to do. And you can do it! Just wake her up and the rest of your bosom buddies will come scampering in to herd me back into fart-space where I can't ruffle your precious feathers." He raised a pinkie finger while a red tie materialized beneath his neck. "Do it bigly, ya snowflake!"

"... ... ... ... ..." Rainbow gazed blankly at him.

"Or maybe..." He yanked the tie until it retracted into his voice box like a venetian blind. Eyes thinned as his voice hissed. "...you simply don't want to shoo me away? After all, what's the excuse at this point?" His eyes darted towards the wagon. "The metal's over there, Sparky. All the trolls are spider food. So—please, humor me before I humor myself into stitches."

"... ... ... ... ..."

"Here's something I don't understand." Discord leaned back, twiddling his digits together. "You'll talk to long-winded half-alicorn do-gooders. You'll talk to giant blind turtles living in cities named after penultimate saints. You'll even talk to evil frosted chaos dragons with a fetish for indoctrinating entire tribes of wayward cultures. Now—lo and behold—you're about to go on a field trip to listen to a giant spider diva pontificate about who-knows-what... and yet... you just will never... ever talk to me! Well? What's the deal, Sparky?" He flung his arms out. A long gray beard and a bent cane materialized on his person. "Aren't I just as old and wise as the rest of the motley crew? Has that ever occurred to you? Not that I'm jealous or anything, ya little whippersnapper... but what have they got that I haven't? Owwwww..." He rubbed his aching backside. "Aside from a metal hip replacement..."

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. At last, she muttered in his direction. "You killed my friends."


"You killed my friends!" Rainbow Dash hissed. Ariel stirred slightly beside her, snorted, then fell back into deep slumber.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight..." Discord nodded slowly. "We're still hung up on that precious nugget, aren't we? Very well." He backflipped. A psychiatrist chair materialized in time for him to land on it, wearing a three-piece suit and thick glasses. "Very well..." He struck a match across Pinkie's flank as she drifted by, lit a cigar, and flipped open a notepad. "How doez zat makez you feel, fraulein?"

"And what just irks me..." Rainbow's teeth clenched. "...is that you still have the gall to joke about it. Even now."

"Shtill... haz... sie gall..." Discord puffed on his cigar as he scribbled into the notepad. "Ja... Ja..." He held the paper towards her, displaying a foalish drawing of a rocket launcher. "And vat does your mother haf to do vith thees?"

Rainbow sighed hard, shaking her head. "Can you at least tell me one thing straight?"

"Well, naturally, I have to tell it to you straight," Discord said in his normal voice. He adjusted his spectacles. "Local spider legislation doesn't allow that kind of marriage. I mean—besides—have you seen their public restrooms here?" He laughed, hugging himself as the disguise vanished from his thrashing figure. "Hahahaha... ohhhhhhhhh I'm so relevant and fuzzy..."

Rainbow's eyes narrowed. "Why did you do it?"

"What? Skip shaving? Puberty's a female dog and I left my newspaper at home."

"Why did you kill my friends?!?"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Sparky..." Discord "stood up" and walked towards her. "Kill... be killed. Be harmonic... be chaotic..." He bent back, doing the limbo beneath Pinkie on her latest slumbering fly-by. "For such a prismatic pegasus...... guhhh..." He stood back up straight, hands on his hips. "You truly love to see things in black and white."

"It's the life I've had to live," Rainbow muttered. "Thanks to you."

"Oh, it's me who's to blame, huh?" Discord pointed a finger at himself. "As if I just strolled in and did backup drums for the song we're all singing?"

Rainbow blinked. "Huh...?"

"You heard the Mouth of Arachno-Sauron earlier!" Discord gestured. "The music's been playing long before either you or me swung up to the home plate. Doesn't matter if it was the Drag Queen of Strings or the alicorns who first uvulated the ditty into the vacuum chamber. Fact is... the rhythm's been a-clangin' for a long-butt time, and we're both caught up in the chorus."

"So..." Rainbow cocked her head to the side. "...you're saying that... you didn't mean to kill my friends?"

"Did you mean to become the Austraeoh, Sparky?"

Rainbow frowned. "That's no friggin' excuse."

"Isn't it?" Discord winked. "You of all ponies should know, Miss Black-and-White, that there are two types of individuals who show up to a concert. Those who like to dance to the music..." His fang glanted. "...and those who like to sing out of tune."

Rainbow sighed pitifully. "You're a coward who won't own up to what he's done."

"I'm a person who likes to bring the house down," Discord said. "And Equestria? Girl... that's one big friggin' house."

"No wonder Celestia and Luna turned you to stone."

"Yeahhhhhhhh. I get ittttttttttttt. Nobody likes a heckler. But if you never boo or hiss at a concert... then all you get is the same music over and over and over again!" He tilted his head back until it practically looped around, along with his boring eyes. "Borrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggg!"

"Hrmmmmmmmmm..." Pinkie Pie smiled, drooled, and smiled some more in her sleep. "Borrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiinggggg... heeheehee..."

Discord side-stepped past the sleep-hovering ghost and loomed above Rainbow Dash once more. "Hard as it may be for you wrap your fruity head around this, Sparky-chan, but I never meant to mail your precious friends to the Department of Pushing Daisies. I'm not unlike the Wanker Children's beloved Abacus..." He held his arms out as a top-hat appeared atop his scalp. "... ... ...I love an audience. It isn't all that fun if there's nopony living to make sense of not making sense." He lifted the top-hat, revealing a gasping blue unicorn with a snow-white mane. "WHOOPS!" Discord puffed the entire illusion out of existence, blushing. "Wrong move, there. Didn't want to train wreck this all again, now, did we?"

"If you didn't want my friends dead..." Rainbow Dash stirred angrily where she pretended to be lying down to sleep. "Then why did you smile and laugh at their deaths in Ponyville?" Her ears curled back, reddening—along with her frown. "Why have you threatened to do them harm over and over again?"

"One... I didn't smile and laugh at their deaths. That was—at best—subdued amusement. After all, when things happen that even I don't expect, it's a full rich day for me." He stifled a yawn. "As for suggesting miserable things in general, Sparky, well... I just enjoy incurring acrimonious reflexes from your central psychological nucleus through consistent unmitigated stimuli of an unpredictable nature for the sake of casual mirth."

"... ... ..." Rainbow blinked. "What?"

He leaned his long long long long neck forward until he was staring her down with a glinting smirk. "I do it for the lulz." He punctuated that holocaustal statement with a wink.

"... ... ...Pinkie Piiiiiiiiiiie..." Rainbow's voice cracked. "Time to wake upppppp!"

The hovering mare stirred with ghostly hoof-kicks, snorting and murmuring.

Discord started flickering out of existence. "Very well. One step forward and a million farts back. Is that the way it's gonna be?" He drifted backwards, holding a glossy tablet in his hoof and "swiping" down illuminated page with a single claw. "Still... probably for the best... otherwise, this could have gone on for multiple chapters. 'Discord Dialogues Part Eight'. Pffft... give me a break!"


"Alright alright... but don't count on a ghostly breakfast just yet!" Discord winked. "Something squirmy, its time now come, slouches towards Sparklyhem to be born." Just as he said this, a set of giant hairy legs phased through his vanishing figure.

Rainbow Dash actually jumped, startled.

A familiar tunnel-weaver emerged from the silkscape below. Merula perched on its back, accompanied by multiple hatchlings. Soon, Rainbow found herself in the company of the All Singer again.

"Austraeoh..." Merula vibrated through the silk construct.

Violin strings shook through the air.

"Mrmmmmffff..." Ariel awoke, looking up with thin eyes. "What...?" She stared into the enormous fangs and twitching pedipalps of the giant tunnel-weaver. "SHIT!" She jumped in mid-air and flailed like a rabid feline. "HOLY FU—"

"Shhhhhh!" Rainbow grasped Ariel, clamping a hoof over her muzzle. "Relax, girl..."

"Gnnnkkt!" Ariel slumped in her embrace. "Whew... cheese and crackers..." She brushed a shakey hoof through her mane. "...forgot where I was for a moment."

"Ahem." Rainbow turned to face the spider-speaker. "What's up, Merula?"

"It is the Songstress of Ages," Merula announced, abdomen dancing. "She awakens."

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