• Published 11th Jan 2016
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A Penny for your thought - Damaged

A human finds himself yanked out of his own life and plunged, with no field guide, into Equestria!

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100 - Slice of life

"Are we ready? Is everypony here? Do I look alright? What if-" Penny was shaking like a leaf.

"Penny, calm down." Jenny reached and began to rub the mare's mane; it hadn't been done up yet so it wasn't going to mess up anything. The reaction was fast, the unicorn taking a few deep breaths and calming. "There you go, I swear, you have told those mares of yours how much you like this, right?"

The unicorn giggled. "I didn't need to, Stick saw how much it affected me and now I have trouble keeping her from melting my thoughts with her magic." She didn't struggle from the relaxing and slightly arousing, for her, massage. "When will Rarity be here?"

"She is just finishing with Hay. Then she will be here to get your dress on and ready. Aloe and Lotus will be here in a minute or two, they will be working on your coat, tail and hooves, they have a stallion with them who is working on your mane." Genevieve was crossing things off on her fingers. Penny turned to look when she felt the massage stop.

"What about the guests? Is everypony waiting?" Penny felt her jitters rise but the hand was quickly back.

"The guests will take care of themselves. You have to focus on being the prettiest unicorn mare you can be." Jenny leaned in and kissed her friend on the cheek. She had a moment to reflect on how different she felt now, as opposed to her almost introverted lifestyle before. She liked this a lot better.

"She won't need to focus much on that, not with expert help." Making a grand entrance, Penny didn't recognize Neat Cut, but she thought he looked a little familiar. "Here, let Neat Cut take everything in hoof."

Penny was guided to her belly and watched as the stallion removed bottles of products, a comb, and a neat pair of scissors.

"Let's start with your tail, I took a peek at your dress, so I think I have a style in mind. Lets work on neatness first, then move on to style." His comb worked through her tail and Penny almost instantly relaxed again. She hadn't realized how much she missed having her hair worked at with such a comb and careful work, but she really had.

"Penny? Penny you okay? Wow, guess tail is the same?" Jen was crouched before the table Penny was on, the relaxed mare barely getting her eyes half open to look at the human.

"Yeah… don't get ideas…" Penny's words were sluggish, even in her estimation. She closed her eyes.

"ALL DONE!" The stallion had to shout it in her ears. Penny startled awake and looked around. "Neat Cut has never seen a mare get quite that relaxed on her wedding day. He thought you woke when he asked you about things but it seemed you were back off again. Your friend told him he should just continue."

Penny just smiled at Neat Cut, looking in the offered mirror. Her mane looked amazing, it was done up with staged braids that hung down from it every inch so that she looked like she had about four times the mane than she thought she did.

"Tell him how much of a master Neat Cut is." The speech patterns of the stallion made Penny smile more, she guessed any pony with enough opinion of their talents had the chance of going for the third-person.

"Neat is truly a master of his profession." Penny tried to stop herself from following his example but it was a hard fight and she could see the stylist grinning back, knowing just what he had done to her. "Oh drat you, you have done a wonderful job, thank you. You have done Hay and Stick already?" Penny got a nod. "Do I look half as beautiful as them?"

"My dear, if Neat Cut didn't make every mare the most desirable pony in all Equestria, he would not be the pinnacle of his art." Neat struck a pose and had both Penny and Jenny giggling.

"Hello? Do we have the right room? Ah, here she is!" Aloe and Lotus came in, bringing a little trolly of bottles, brushes and odder devices. "Lets get started, Aloe, would you like to take her tail?"

"Of course!" Aloe started selecting brushes and bottles. The moment the first brush reached her tail, Penny was down again, her eyes closing in bliss.

Penny was aware of the mares chatting away. They seemed to notice her distracted nature and laughed it off. Her fur was tugged and scented and rinsed and scented some more. She was primped to within an inch of her hide and, when the two were done, Penny heard the door close again. Lifting her head she was relieved to see it was Rarity.

"Darlings, you have excelled. Three mares, three completely different styles and even species. I feel honored to be the mare to fit dresses to them." Rarity stepped in and had some sewing equipment with her. "I will assume the dress doesn't fit around you, why on earth don't you use some magic to keep yourself trim?"

Penny stared blankly at the white unicorn. "Magic? What?"

Rarity waved a hoof. "The spell, every mare gets taught during their… oh…" It was like all the wind was out of her sail.

"Rarity, I wouldn't trade my time like this for all the sweets in Sugarcube Corner. I feel her growing, moving… I am perfectly fine without keeping my foal so… hidden." Penny beamed, her eyes closing as the biggest smile ever was plastered all over her face.

The fashionista was left blinking as she thought of it, then she smiled back. "You might just be right. Maybe convenience has stolen something from mares. Regardless, you have quite the swell there now and we need to get you into a dress that was not sized for that."

Rarity was on the case, and after taking some careful measurements of Penny, fell upon the dress. She picked at seams and added in new fabric. "I must revise my opinion of Discord, if this dress is anything to go by."

Penny watched Rarity rebuild the dress that, when all was said and done, looked the same as when she had started. "What… that looks the same…" Penny said it before she really thought, she immediately hoped Rarity wouldn't take offense.

It had the opposite effect, if anything. "I know! I am a genius, the art of alteration IS exactly that, to remake an outfit to a new shape, without changing it one bit. Hop down dear, lets get you dressed."

Penny carefully made her way off the table, her mane feeling a little stiff with all the tiny braids. "Where do you want me?"

"In this dress dear, hold still." Rarity lifted the creation on, guiding Penny to step where needed. The lunar pony's tail was carefully worked through the dress and finally it was drawn tight in the places it should be tight.

Penny looked to Rarity, getting a little nod. She turned around, the volume of fabric moving with her, feeling at once both huge and light. It gripped her body but was gentle around her belly. She couldn't stop herself, she bounced up and hugged Rarity. "Thank you so much."

"Darling! You will mess yourself up, down, down!" Rarity urged Penny back to all fours. "There are only two mares who are allowed to mess you up at all today, and they are already waiting for you."

Stick squirmed in her dress. It clung as it should, as it had when she had tried it on every time, but something was just very different when wearing it for real.

"How are you so calm?" Fast Change, princess of changelings, was using her green magic to make sure the drone's dress hung just right. "I haven't really been to a lot of these, but normally the bride is almost buzzing with anxiety and excitement."

"Simple, mom, I am not the bride here. I am the groom." Stick grinned up at Fast, showing a lot of her white teeth.

Fast wanted to bop Stick on the head but was immediately worried it might mess something up. "You are incorrigible. Come on. They buffed your chitin right up didn't they? Might have to see about getting that kind of treatment myself…"

The world was likely falling apart, plans and ideas crashing and becoming lost forever. Hay was stressed. "But mom, I need to look perfect!" She danced on her hooves as the mare who had shaped a lot of her life was using pins to hook the dress into just the right shape.

"Don't fret so much, I have no doubt your mares will have nothing else they will want to look at." Pretty hummed, quite happy at the day finally coming. Her daughter's mates had courted her almost as surely as they had her filly, Pretty had found this a most acceptable attitude and approved of both Penny and Stick greatly.

"It's time, the music is just starting." Dray, looking every bit his changeling self and almost free of holes, had poked his head in the room to let the mares know. "I have our route worked out, we stick with it and this will be perfect!

Rarity walked at Penny's side, having been the lone member of the 'mane six' who could make it for the wedding and, if nothing else, Rarity took her job as bridesmaid very seriously.

The tones of Vinyl's song were muted, almost stately. Penny loved how the beat seemed to make the gardens tremble every now and again. Hay did such good work.

Leading through the royal gardens, they approached a central area that had been prepared as the wedding location.

Three pairs of eyes spotted each other. Time stopped for the mares as each looked between the two others, eyes wide, hearts pounding.

Penny couldn't stop staring, Stick looked astounding, the white dress a monochrome contrast to her black carapace. Hay was nearly the opposite, soft colors bringing the white garment out in a way that was entirely different but just as perfect.

Hay looked between the two dark-toned mares. Her heart swelled with love, more and more, as she couldn't stop herself from almost melting. "Hold steady dear." Her mother's words helped to keep her standing, somehow.

Stick was struck dumb, she froze in place and looked from one to the other, the mares who had given her their hearts. She had given no less and had to fight to keep her tears of joy back.

The music picked up, the signal to bring the three together at the little raised platform. Cadance was, without a doubt, within the very core of her element. She had almost been overwhelmed with the bonds among ponies present. Her vision had revealed the reason everypony was here. Strong, fierce bonds wrapped the three mares, an extra circling Penny. It was hard to fight the silly smile that wanted to break across Cadance's face, she didn't even try.

"Mares, gentlestallions, we are gathered here today for a very special reason. We have come to be witness to three ponies' dedication, love, and promise to each other. To put themselves into the hearts of those they love, and to let the others into theirs. We are here to watch as Hay Cart, Stick Cart, and Penny Cart bind themselves with a dedication that takes their already strong friendship and seals it forever." Cadance had written and rewritten her speech, but that was thrown out the window, the words she had carefully crafted were not sufficient for the love that she witnessed.

"Hay, will you take Penny and Stick, to be always by your side, to keep them in your heart?"

Hay broke her gaze from her two mares to try and focus on the question. "I do."

"Penny, will you take Stick and Hay, to be always by your side, to keep them in your heart?"

"I do." Penny had no hesitation, not an ounce. She already had tears at the corners of her eyes.

"Stick, will you take Hay and Penny, to be always by your side, to keep them in your heart?"

Stick closed her eyes. She thought of everything the two mares meant, of her dedication to them. "Of course I do." The changeling heard a giggle from Hay, she looked to the other two mares and lost all track of what Cadance said next.

"Family and friends. You have seen the dedication these three share, the love they bear and the promise they have made. Will you support them in their journey together?" Cadance almost danced in place, the vows, to include the gathered ponies, had been such an awesome idea, and she adored how it implied that marriage bound communities as well as hearts.

"We do." The chorus, from a score of voices, wasn't perfectly synched, but it was heartfelt.

Cadance trembled a little, she got to say it. She spared a little glance to Celestia, in the crowd of ponies gathered. The immortal alicorn gave her a smile back and a wink.

"I pronounce you now, a herd. You may now kiss."

The three mares leaned in and, with reasonable chasteness, kissed.

Penny trembled, this was the last of her human life, her loneliness, her solitude, thrown away. She felt naked and weak before her loves. She would have it no other way.

Hay was so full-to-bursting with love she could barely keep the kiss just a kiss. She wanted to pounce on the two mares and show them her love.

Stick had all her self-control shattered when she saw tears in the eyes of both her… her wives. "I love you both so much…" Her own eyes grew heavy with dampness.

They turned together, facing their friends and family. Moving with the same hoof forward, all three started to walk slowly back down the path. They passed the princesses first, Luna and Celestia both looking quite astoundingly at peace together. "We each got you something." Celestia spared a smile to her sister that the three brides completely missed the meaning of. Fast looked at Stick, then to Penny and Hay. "My daughters." It was all she said, but all three could see the emotion behind the words. They walked on.

Hay had to struggle not to break and run to her mother and father, both looking so very proud. "You look after your wives, Hay. I have the feeling that it will take every ounce of your mother's stubbornness to keep those two in check." Dray was grinning at his daughter, who blushed and leaned a little more against her mates.

"Go on dear, this is your day." Pretty was fighting hard at the tears that she knew would ruin her makeup. She shared a nod with her daughter.

"Silver! I am glad you could make it. Night." Penny greeted the only friend she still had from before Equestria, it was brutally ironic to her, right then, that he was a pony too. The ponies with them were his adopted parents and a new mare Penny had never seen before, though her cutie mark seemed familiar.

Penny almost jumped as a force wrapped around her, under her dress, hugging her. She beamed when she saw it was Silver's horn alight. She tried to give a return hug but with her lack of strength and without the control born of so much time as he had spent here, she barely gave him a light hug.

Silver went a little red and giggled. "We shouldn't forget how blessed we are. Even in the hard moments." His horn stopped glowing even as his family wondered what went through his head.

With close family out of the way, the small contingent of friends were greeted, words exchanged and the three were soon at the end of the aisle. "I am so going to bite your dresses off you two when we get somewhere private." Penny leveled a smoldering gaze at both her wives.

"You will not, these dresses were amazing." Hay clopped a hoof down on the soft grass. As if summoned, Discord blinked into being beside them, a female-dressed Discord beside him and two little Discord children.

"I do hope we aren't late!" The essence of chaos looked around and then down, seeing the three mares in the dresses of his own creation.

"Looking sharp Discord, how's the family?" Stick grinned up and got an astonished laugh from the being.

"Oh you know how it is, all work and no time at home." Discord suddenly had a suitcase in one hand and was checking his watch.

"It is so lonely, being married to a salarystallion." The wife Discord lamented her 'husband's dedication to his career.

All three newlyweds couldn't keep back giggles. "Discord, I have something very important to ask you." Penny looked up at him, trying to sound as solemn and serious as she could.

Blinking away his family and props, Discord leaned down to the human-turned-pony. "Oh no, what is it, pray-tell?"

Without warning, Penny jumped up and hugged Discord, giving him a kiss on his scaly neck. "Don't stop changing." The twist on the classic saying got a fanged grin from him before he blipped out and was gone. "Still got it." Penny gave a nod and turned back to her family.

Author's Note:

Oh Discord, why are you so adorable and yet STILL WITHOUT AN EMOJI?!?

This has been a long ride, I hope everypony has had fun (don't worry, that doesn't mean this is the end).

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