• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 13,502 Views, 1,396 Comments

A Penny for your thought - Damaged

A human finds himself yanked out of his own life and plunged, with no field guide, into Equestria!

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25 - Taking care of business

It had been decided that we continue with Stick's ploy, if only so that if various ponies started comparing notes there wouldn't be any discrepancies.

"Ms. Stick!" My voice was tight, I really wanted to snuggle and hug her, but she had been a big meanie about it and told me no. Of course, she didn't just use the stick, when she had told me no she had lightly grazed me with those ever-hungry fangs of hers. It made not showing affection all the worse. "I believe these will be suitable protection."

A dark black hoof rose up and circled in my general direction. "Supply what she needs." She had already turned from the crystal pony who was running the shop.

They bustled around, gathering the things I had found and quickly tallying them up. I was about to pay when a dark head leaned past me. "Atrocious the price of things here. Somepony really needs to organize deliveries from Canterlot, they could make a killing," Stick flashed her fangs right by my cheek as she said it, "selling them at a lower rate."

The vendor looked a little worried but then her eyes narrowed and I saw her rubbing her hooves together. How did Stick even know things were cheaper in Canterlot? "Of course Ms. Stick, where do you think we should open a new store?"

"There was a shop just across the way, that looked derelict. I am sure we could bring fine, cheap goods in and sell below the market prices."

Hoof-rubbing halted quickly, a little shock and worry passing over the mare's features. "Or we could find an already established merchant, import the goods and offload them quick. I am positive I, and they, could make faster and safer bits like that." Stick was talking to me but I just knew who she was really talking to.

"I couldn't help but overhear…" The mare was wearing a fake smile but the one Stick turned on her then was very real.

"Oh? You know of just such a merchant here in the Crystal Empire?" The fangs that Stick flashed didn't scare the mare one jot, she saw the bait and hook, accepted there was a hook, and bit.

"Well, I happen to be on very good terms with the owner of one and if such goods work one way, what is to stop the latest empire fashions trotting back to Canterlot?" I had to give her credit, she played back against Stick's plan and pushed.

"Then I believe I will be becoming more acquainted with you. Perhaps tomorrow? I am at the Soft Bed, we can talk business if you bring a ledger for the stock you wish to move."

The agreement was made and with Stick leading the way we left the shop. "Okay, I just want to know, how did you learn so much about fashion and costs?" I stopped and was about to nuzzle when she rubbed her mental fangs against me, causing me to wobble a little and not lean in.

"You slept half the morning away at the spa. I talked with Rarity." Stick gave another rub of her fangs and it made my legs wobble quite a bit. "Oh, maybe too much… lets get these back to our rooms and I can show you how sharp my bite is." I couldn't believe how she had just acted, in public and all! I shook myself to get some measure of control back, only to find Stick already walking off, clearly expecting me to follow.

For the first time, in my whole life, I watched a rump and followed eagerly, all but hypnotized. She led me halfway across the city, then up through the inn and finally into a room. The sound of the door locking behind me, in Stick's magic, broke the spell her attentions had cast. "Mmm might just work…" My voice was deep, distracted by the mare in the room with me. On a sudden whim I dashed, teeth flashing and my snout closed at her neck.

She was not a weak filly, to suffer my bite and swoon. Two bites came at once, one sinking into my shoulder, the other my very core. We danced a little, moving, pushing, struggling. Stick had the upper hoof, I had no way to match her emotional grip on me except one.

I channeled.

Hoping to have stunned her to letting go, it seemed my marefriend was a little beyond the drunkenness she showed not too long ago at being fed such. She drank. She drank deep.

As her gift drank the emotion from me I struggled to keep the channel going and, as I thought she was just about full my horn fizzed and spat sparks. My magic failed and she drank a little of something deeper, what most ponies had to offer.

"Mine." Stick's statement was full of chitter, the vibration of her word shaking through my neck.

"Mine." My reply was accompanied by the tightening of my own grip on her.

It was love making. There was never a doubt it was otherwise. We had curled up together and brought nothing but our fangs and our own magics. But to call it anything but 'making love' would be a crime.

We panted, we both made hungry sounds, soft, in our throats. Being with somepony, this close, had never felt like such a good thing before.

And it drained us both. I felt my belly gurgle as I lounged on the bed, pressed to Stick. "We are going to need to fix that." I lifted my nose and nibbled one of her ears.

"I will miss you tomorrow." My whisper was directly into her ear, Stick twitching it a little and turning her head to kiss me on the nose.

"And I you, but we made promises to do this for the Crystal Empire."

Nodding, I leaned up and nipped my lost prize again. "And you are certainly not having fun, are you?"

Stick tilted her head so the ear was easier to access again, I rewarded her with more nibbles.

"No" Her voice was smooth on that word, it would be impossible to tell if she even was a changeling from just the sound of it.

It was then I realized how well Stick could lie.

"No fun at all, nope." She made her lie so obvious by nibbling up and down my throat with her teeth and lips. A sound from my belly got her attention there and she gave the offending sound a bump with her snout and rolled off the bed. "Come on, Penny, we simply must maintain our energies."

Her plan, as it turned out, was a simple meal from the inn's kitchen, well, two meals. She had me well trained by now, I obediently let her feed me each morsel from her plate, mainly because I had discovered how fun it was to simply be pampered.

Safe and snug, fed and relaxed, we curled up together in the one bed, my nose curled in to her jaw as sleep overcame our weary bodies.

I yawned and reached out to Penny. My lips carefully working along one of her ear-tips, the fuzzy little end so adorably perfect to be chewed on. "Mmm s'okay, I'm awake…" I swapped ears, making her twitch them furiously before giving a firm bite with one pointed tooth, pitting a hole through the soft flesh. "Hey, what was that for?" Her hoof came up to rub the now-tender spot. I had learned planning; Penny would feel that little pain all day, she would remember my fangs.

Sitting back, I was the picture of innocence. As much as a changeling could ever appear so. "We both have big days ahead of us. I have a business deal to secure, maybe others to line up. You have some planning." I reached in, gently drawing on her energy and was rewarded as Penny started to channel.

A changeling could describe love, all the flavors of it from simple brotherly, right to what two ponies can only share by sharing all of themselves.

But this was indescribable. She made me want to bare my teeth, to scream and chitter, to track down every pony I could find and tell them to back off from her. She felt the little shudder I gave and opened up more. "Mmm…" But she did stop, she backed off slowly, like a thirsty pony taking a drink, letting the last bits of energy just splash from her. "Delicious." I kissed her nose and got a giggle back for it.

"However will Ms. Stick manage without her secretary with her to take notes?" Penny was lifting up her bags, adjusting the things within. She didn't need all her shawls, but the new clothes, too, had to come out so she could wear them.

We made quick work of a bath, the inn having a large tub that fit both of us just fine. Although I had the inclination to do naughty things to her there, it was a room without a lock and as such would have our little game ruined if discovered.

Dressed in her simple work clothes, Penny looked adorable and I complemented her as much. "Forget their mine, you could start your own and a fashion statement, all at once."

The words got the blush I desired and I nuzzled one of her cheeks to feel the warmth. "Go on now, pretty filly, before your changeling boss ravages you."

Penny laughed and trotted to the door but, just before opening it, she turned back and looked over one shoulder. "Maybe this filly wants to be ravaged?" She gave me a wink that made me think very naughty things of her before she even got her flanks out the door.

My plan had been reversed, now I couldn't stop thinking of her. Curse that delicious mare.

But our recent advance in intimacy really was a step forward, and I was going to introduce something more for her, maybe next time. I crinkled my nose. "Not her time yet, so we can play without any complications." It was odd, being with Penny meant I hadn't really given that aspect of a relationship any thought. It just wasn't something we did.

Did I want to?

A flash of green flame wrapped me and I was now a stallion. I hadn't focused too much on things and was just a brown fur and mane. I sniffed deeply. Penny's scent was wrapped with my own, all through the room.

Yes, yes I did want to.

The flames returned and I shivered, it was so different like that, the thought that it hadn't really bothered my marefriend either way was a little amazing. "Start off slow, then."

I nodded and smiled, no, wrong mindset. Turning to the mirror, I slit my eyes a little more, flicking all my green web-like mane to one side. There.

I trotted from the room, locking the door behind me and taking the key. The shopkeep was a simple task in the end, all she wanted initially was to trade, expensive clothing for cheap. Of course she drove her bargaining hard but understanding a situation and fitting to it perfectly was a changeling's very being. We clopped our hooves together in agreement and both made notes about quantities.

The next and final thing for the day was court. I had heard from a guard that today was going to be an extra long one, to accommodate the lost time from the princess' reaction to myself. This would be fun.

I strode alone to the castle guards and they both tilted their heads. "Here for Ambassador Silver?"

"No, he will be in enough troubles all on his own, I am here for the princess' court."

The guards clearly found a joke in there somewhere but they hid any tell to their reaction behind a gruff exterior a fraction later. "Will you need an escort?" I shook my head to this and leaned in to talk a little quietly to the guards.

"Anypony coming in today that you think is more after coin than care?" This got an odd look from the guard and he shook his head.

"Always those times, but it would be wrong of me to point them out." He looked the picture of honesty and I couldn't help but admire it.

"Well, it was worth a try, guess this mare needs to dive in the deep end and hope she can paddle."

Author's Note:

I apologize in advance. As my blog stated I am not feeling the best but, regardless, the story must go on. Please don't hold back from reporting mistakes :)

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