• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 13,501 Views, 1,396 Comments

A Penny for your thought - Damaged

A human finds himself yanked out of his own life and plunged, with no field guide, into Equestria!

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95 - Decision - pt1

"He's what? But he kidnapped me!" Jenny was not impressed with the news. "The hell is up with the justice here?"

"Well, it is a little light, but this is Equestria, not Earth." Penny was trying to placate the woman who was acting in a very unpony-like way. "I am sure Princess Celestia didn't want you to hug and make up, but at least you don't really have to work near him or anything."

"Still don't like it." Jen reached up to Penny's mane and the former human gave a resigned sigh and let the woman massage her scalp. "Oh, almost forgot, you are invited to a dinner tomorrow night, your whole family that is."

Penny looked up at Jenny. "Celebration?"

"Nah, a thank you. Invited the guard and his marefriend as well. Sablee's idea." Jen blushed a little when she realized she had started to massage Penny's mane like she did her stallion's. She didn't stop though, it was… relaxing.

"Well that sounds like fun. He was really brave, I don't think there are many ponies that would follow Stick into that kind of situation." The mare tilted her head a little without thinking, the fingers guiding up to an ear. "Okay, we should stop this." She gave a little huff and carefully lifted Jen's fingers clear with her magic, a blush in her cheeks.

"Too much?" Jen got a nod back from Penny. "Fair enough. I guess I should find Sablee, but I think he had a late class tonight. How is your little gear-head pony doing?"

It felt easy to relax with the woman, Penny had resolved most of her feelings… so long as she wasn't getting ear rubs. She wasn't attracted to Jen in any way but as a friend. "You heard about the offer from Princess Celestia?" Jen shook her head. "Well, my little mare was asked, flat out, what she would like to do with her days. It came out that she wants to work on trains and locomotives. She likes trains."

Genevieve couldn't hold back her giggle. "So, where does that lead?"

"The princess," it hit Penny as she said it, she was using Celestia's title a lot more now, "Now she has the promise, if she wants to take it, of a job at the railway when she graduates." It pleased Penny more than she would have thought to have this in place for her marefriend.

"Okay, that is awesome news but… I need to ask you some things." Jenny looked down at her hands. "These may get a little personal."

Penny leaned in against her friend. "I take it you are asking about either getting pregnant here, or horns versus hands?"

Jen blushed hotly. "I didn't even think of the first one… wait, can that happen? How would that happen? We are different species!" One of her contemplated hands pressed in at her belly as the woman thought of the times spent with Sablee.

"Well, I did a little research on it, as you could imagine it had me confused as all heck, Stick is technically part insect, it didn't seem possible that she would be fertile with me. You wouldn't believe the titles I had to look up, but in the end I gave up and found a doctor to ask. Reproduction," Penny giggled at the memory of how much she blushed in asking and how lewdly the doctor had replied, "is about one tenth biology and nine tenths magic, we are talking Cadance-magic, not Twilight-magic. Basically, if you love your stallion enough it really isn't going to matter that you are human."

Jenny blanched at this. "I am too young to… but we aren't even…"

Penny grabbed the woman in a hug, only to realize too late that her growing belly was another reminder of what could happen. "If it happens it happens. You have a job, he has a promising career ahead of him too, is it the commitment?"

"Kinda… yeah…" Jen just hugged her friend. "I haven't exactly had a good run of stable relationships, Sablee is the first stallion… guy… that I have really felt this way about. But I-"

There was a hoof stuffed in Genevieve's mouth and she couldn't say anything more. "A mare with a foal and no stallion is not such a big deal here. Life is celebrated a lot more than on Earth. Your job paying well?" Jen nodded, spitting the hoof out. "Well, would it be terrible to have a foal? A little life to gift the world to?"

Jenny's hand strayed down and pressed gently at Penny's side. On cue the filly within gave a tiny buck. "Wait, a foal? What would a half-breed even look like?"

"I think the word would be 'adorable'." Penny giggled. "So think on that, but what did you really want to ask about?"

"The horn thing. I am thinking of asking… well…" Jen blushed and looked down.

Penny lifted a hoof under the woman's jaw. "Don't be embarrassed, you are looking at a human-turned-pony after all. Some things will depend on how it goes. You can actually do a heck of a lot with just your mouth, and these aren't quite so bad." Penny held up a hoof, grabbing Jen's hand with it as an example. "Whether that would be enough to draw with-"

"Could you try?" Jen was pulling her backpack over, grabbing out her pen and paper.

"If you ever saw me draw ponies before, you would not be asking this. I can try to write, however, I wasn't terrible at that." Penny got a nod as the pad was settled before her. Lifting the pen, she moved it around in her magic a little, brought it to the top of the page and did a little practice.

Penny started to write. She knew her friend had a bit of a kink for ponies, and with a flowing script relearned recently thanks to her schooling, she started in on a steamy scene with Twilight and an unknown stallion.

"Okay you can… wait, what does she do?" Jen was blushing hotly but was almost compelled to read more. She was rewarded as Penny finished off just after Twilight did. "Okay, so you have pretty good control of that. What about with just a hoof?"

"You would want to talk to an earth pony about that, since I learned how to grab and lift with this thing I have been using it." Penny giggled and almost felt compelled to continue writing. "Been so long since I have written porn," she looked at the flustered woman, "glad I still have it."

Jen took the pen from her friend, vowing to herself to try and get somepony to make her another so she could gift it to the mare. "So I am fairly sure I could still draw, then."

"So you going to go for it?" Penny felt her little one kicking up a storm now, it was at the same time wonderful and uncomfortable.

"Would you, if you had the choice and weren't… well, if you were fine?" Jen's hand wandered again, but it lowered to Penny's boxing-bag of a belly, rather than her mane.

Penny hesitated. She really thought on it. "In a heartbeat. It wouldn't be a decision. I am a pony now, I even think like one."

Jenny wrapped the mare in a hug, she wasn't sure why but there were some tears on her cheek. "I just realized, I was thinking with 'everypony' myself, now." She gave a giggle that choked with her tears.

"You are scared?" Penny's question got a nod. "It is your choice, Jen, just remember that."

"I… I want to be a pony. I didn't even think before, how much I would want to fit in, but being 'one of the few' in this city…"

Penny didn't reply, she kept hugging.

It had been a fun morning. Jenny and Sablee had spent most of it abed, but at last the two were sated enough to realize they were hungry for other things. "Lunch?" Jenny asked, shifting her hips and getting a groan from her stallion.

"Lunch." Sablee leaned in and kissed her, Jen finding it easy to kiss back. "There is more, something I need to talk to you about, honestly." Jen's arms tightened around Sablee, making sure they wouldn't be parted quite yet.

"You have a captive audience, I wouldn't leave even if you let me." Sablee took his turn to adjust his back-end, watching as Jenny's features melted into a deeper smile. "So tell me, my tender mare, what do you have on your mind?"

"Would you still… no, the wrong way… okay." Jen fumbled with her words, she had rehearsed this, but their morning activities blew all her planning out of her mind. "I was talking with Penny, and I was thinking, about asking Celestia to change me into a pony."

Sablee tilted his head. "This was your idea, or somepony else's?"

"Mine. I have had a love for ponies for a long time, the one in my arms a little shorter, but I was thinking about that, too. I guess I wasn't really sure about… well about how some things worked here, and if I am going to end up with a foal anyway, I should probably raise them as a mare, not an odd human."

"That isn't a selfish reason." Sablee looked across into Jenny's eyes. "I want to hear a selfish reason, you should do this for you."

"I don't want to stand out, I don't want to be 'that human', I want to fit in and have ponies willing to just walk up and make friends, without them having to think 'how will the human react?'" Jen explored this, replaying some memories and giving a little nod. "I want this not only for you, for a foal. I want this for me."

"There. That is exactly what I wanted to hear." Sablee nipped at Genevieve's ear, shifting his body again. Neither were up to saying more for a while and lunch stretched into early afternoon.

"This is not a request we would normally take, for the average human." Princess Celestia had a plate of cheesecake out, she had shared with Genevieve and Penny. "This is a process that cannot be undone, you understand this?"

Jenny nodded. "I understand."

"You are an artist. I have read some of the books that contain your work. It would be a shame to lose such wonderful hands. Genevieve, you are one of the few humans I have seen integrate so well without becoming a pony themselves. Why now?" Celestia took a mouthful of cake, chewing it slowly and savoring the taste.

"The recent… event. I… I think I like how Penny reacted, better than how I reacted." Jenny looked down into her cake, deftly securing some on her fork. "But it is more than that. I have been… active, with Sablee." She blushed hotly. "I didn't realize there was a chance of pregnancy between humans and ponies. I thought… well, what I thought was wrong. If there is a chance I am going to have a foal, I would do so as a mare."

"Is that all?" Celestia gave the woman time to eat her own bit of cake.

"No, I want to… to be a pony. Your sister…" It had been an embarrassing day after the first time she actually saw Luna, as Luna, in her dream. Jenny had been in quite a compromising position, with Chrysalis of all ponies. "Your sister knows I dream more now as a pony than as a human."

"And what pony do you see yourself as? Your talent is your hands, your livelihood, I assume you would want to be a unicorn because of that?" Celestia was calm, which was a facade. It was both a delight and a worry that a creature would so give up it's nature to become a pony.

"A unicorn would be nice but, I have spoken to another artist, an earth pony. She handles a quill amazingly." Jen looked at her hands, she had thought they were so astoundingly unique here, but it turned out that even a hoof could perform most of the same tasks.

"Penny, what are your thoughts?" Penny blinked and looked to the princess.

"Princess Celestia," the unicorn smiled as she said it, it was much more natural to her now, "Jenny is well balanced, but she is slipping more and more into thinking and acting like a pony, like I did. But Celestia, she is doing it while still human."

The words did weigh heavily, Celestia thought it astounding that even without being a pony, this human was becoming one. "I have my answer."

Author's Note:

What is that, a cliffhanger ending? Oh no, and it says pt1! Clearly this means the story will go into indefinite hiatus right now... :pinkiecrazy:

No, I couldn't do that to Jenny, let alone you, my wonderful readers :trollestia:

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