• Published 11th Jan 2016
  • 13,502 Views, 1,396 Comments

A Penny for your thought - Damaged

A human finds himself yanked out of his own life and plunged, with no field guide, into Equestria!

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40 - The night comes

We sat side by side, each with their own book. Mine was a foal's first guide to magic, Stick's had a warning on every page as to how dangerous not only each spell was to cast, but the potential problems with miscasting.

As it was, I kept getting distracted as I saw my marefriend's green magic light her horn and a glance revealed that it wasn't quite the same symbols that were on the page. "You form those differently." I leaned down and nosed at the one she was obviously working through.

"Of course I am, that is why it takes so long to learn them. My magic… changeling magic, works a little different to unicorn, but with some changes we can get a spell to function okay."

I read the description of the spell. A 'force spike', it said.

This spell projects spears of solid force that fly unerringly toward a target of your choosing. It works particularly well against physical-blocking shields and less so against magical ones.

"This would work well against the shadows." Stick was working through the runes, slowly. "That one, it seemed every time I poked at it or bit at it there was nothing but smoke. If that smoke is part of them, this should still harm it."

I looked quickly back to my book, the simple runes there a comfort. "I will leave that to you, at least until I can put a spell more complicated than fireworks together."

Stick nuzzled my horn, startling me from my attempt at a new rune and making me giggle. "Learn faster, I want my talented little nibble standing at my side." It now made sense, all those times I had overheard people using pet names for their partners, it made even the most mundane and silly things a shared experience. Of course, with Stick working on magic and me making on runes as well, I was starting to feel a little hungry and just as my belly rumbled a guard opened the door with his magic, bringing in more of those neat meal boxes.

I glanced first to Stick. "They're fine." I nibbled at her ear and felt her nibble at my emotions in return. She was hungry too.

The unicorn passed out meals, laying one beside each of our books. Stick had flicked a marker into hers and closed it before the unicorn got close. "Here we are. I am sorry, there are no meat dishes here." He was looking at me like I expected one.

"Oh, uh, that's fine, I don't have to eat meat…" My reply got a smile of relief from the pony and he trotted back from the room. "Do lunar ponies really eat meat? I just… don't really feel I have to."

"You got the teeth for it." Stick was already raising a neat little mound of food up and I took it from her, chewing happily. Grilled carrots and… I looked down into the plate in delight, scalloped potato! "See something you like?"

"I used to love those back… are they potato slices in a creamy sauce?" Stick swirled a wooden spoon around in it and nodded. "Oh boy, is this normal food for guards? Where do I sign up?"

Sharp laughed at this. "We are fed well, it is true. What best to keep a big pony from complaining than to ensure his belly is well filled?"

There was a stomp of agreement from the other two, both nodding but with their mouths full.

Stick reopened her book, leaving the page she was on bookmarked while she leafed ahead. She didn't pause in her work with me and to return the favor I started to channel, making a little light. To my surprise, she even tried some of the food and brightened up for it. "This really is good, you used to have something like this at home?"

I nodded but didn't reply, I knew the moment my mouth would open it would be filled again. Leaning a little closer to Stick, pressing our shoulders tight, I rubbed my cheek against her neck.

The runes seemed easier to work through, the more of them I mastered. I had six now, that I would need to show to Silver. Lunch turned to afternoon and that toward night time. Ponies brought main meals for us all. I stood up to stretch before Stick managed to start unwrapping the food. "Wow, I feel every bit as cramped as I used to when I read a book… before." One back leg twitched and I stretched it more to get it feeling right again.

The door flew open with a dramatic thud against the wall. Stick was all focus and action, before recoiling. "It's okay!" She managed to say as Luna entered, two of her night guard waiting by the door.

"We felt that, you would dare to assault a princess?" Stick stood her ground, well, a little. She certainly didn't bring out her spikes or show any overt hostility but I could see my mare wasn't going to take quite as much guff as she used to.

"Princess Luna-" I began to try and explain but Stick lifted a hoof to push me behind and to the side of her.

"Yes, I do. I promised Cadance I wouldn't let any further harm come to Shining Armor, I will test any who come in."

Luna seemed to quickly reevaluate her tack. "We see she chose well for a defender, then."

Stick just nodded and moved to the side to let Luna pass. I felt pride in her doing that, she was letting Luna by, not simply moving as was expected. I moved up a little to nuzzle Stick and heft a hoof up and over her withers, hugging her to me. "He is safe with Luna here, you can rest a little bit."

One of Luna's ears twitched a moment to my words but her focus was back to Shining. "The night will guard you, bright prince." I wasn't completely sure, but it sure didn't sound like Luna was in a mood to 'protect' right now, seeing her niece's husband laid low.

She turned and nodded to her guard. "You are rested. Take over the inner door, dispatch any Stick tells you to." It was a shocking command to give and proof that she recognized Stick's authority in this. "I go now to find Night Watch. She too has had a run-in with the shadows. Penny, could you make sure to give Silver the good news that his wife has returned from her foalnapping?"

We got a glance back from the princess of the moon and Penny nodded to them. I was really glad I wasn't a shadow right then. Then it hit me about Night, I really hoped she was okay.

Dinner was finished after the princess left, I still felt a little jittery from having to stand up to her but it had been right. For all I knew they could look like anypony.

"It will be a long night, too." I shook my wings out and buzzed them a little. "At least the company is good."

Penny kept glancing at the two lunar pegasi. She was dying to ask questions, I could tell.

"Excuse me," I lifted my voice to address them and one looked over, "I was wondering if we could ask a few questions it… well, I will be honest. My marefriend here was once a human." Sharp looked shocked at this, the two night guards didn't. "She now shares a tie to the moon and I think she will explode if she doesn't ask at least a few questions."

This got the attention of both of them but one quickly turned back to the door, a grin showing a little fang.

"We had heard of a new sister to the lunar tribe. We heard she dealt with two shadow creatures on her own, in an albeit odd manner. But it is good to know that she has the fight within her to defend her mate." They stepped slowly over to where we sat, between the door and Shining's bed.

Penny was blushing and pointed to her book. "I am working to fix the problem with my spells. It is slow going but I want to do it right." The pegasi nodded, then noticed the book beside that one.

"Those spells are a little more advanced, you are not learning those?"

"Stick is studying them, she didn't like needing to be protected." I felt her lips on my cheek, taking the heat out of the observation. "And further, we don't want anypony to be hurt."

The guard smiled, not afraid of showing fangs to other ponies that have them. "So what is it you need to know?"

"For one, meat. Everywhere I go everypony seems to expect me to want to eat meat but I just don't… well, I haven't actually tried it, as a pony."

The lunar guard nodded to this. "Next time you are in Canterlot, there is a nice little place, down on the west side of the city, does fish and little shell things. Started out as a niche griffon eatery, the food is so good it is often patronized by lunar pegasi now. You should try it once to see what you think."

Penny looked surprised. "I hadn't thought of seafood, I love oysters and crayfish… salmon too. Or I used to, I wonder if it will taste different?"

"It's a date." I leaned in and nibbled her ear, whispering my plan to her.

She perked right up and leaned into the attention. "Oh, what is up with some ponies? I had one call me a wingless batpony…"

Both the other lunar ponies stiffened and angry looks flashed over the one nearby. "How did you respond to that?"

Penny looked a little worried. "I was shocked, before I could say anything a nice unicorn berated the pony into an apology."

"Not the best of solutions, but better than most. It is good to know that there are ponies out there who are willing to show some moral fortitude."

I shook my head. "You will excuse Penny, she was and is a little clueless in some things. I am fairly sure the reason the stallion stood up for her was he wanted to 'get to know her'." I air-quoted with my hooves to emphasize the point.

Penny blushed and pushed me without any heart. "Really? I thought he only wanted to take some photos?"

One of my hooves lifted and plonked into my forehead, just below my horn. So very clueless indeed. I noticed more holes in my hoof, as did the guard.

"You have my permission to drink from me, if you need to." Their words were formal, something seemed to be implied in the way they offered. I was more confused than grateful.

"And mine." The other lunar pegasi followed suit and, not one to be left out, so did Sharp.

"What… why? I will only need to do it in emergencies or to verify who you are." I tried to explain it away as being nothing huge but their faces were adamant.

"We are aware of that. After what your princess did, a lot of ponies have pledged such to her and her changelings." My confusion was evident, what had happened? "And I think we have some explaining. How long have you been away from Canterlot?"

I tried to figure out the days but they cut in again.

"Okay. Chrysalis returned." The words were like being stabbed with a blade. A sharp blade, forged of fear and horror. "If I ever thought to question your loyalty, that look would be my answer. She challenged Princess Fast Change-"

"Princess?" Both Penny and myself were caught by surprise. A raised hoof from the pegasi was enough to halt our questions.

"I will get to that, but I would not give that mare anything but her full title." The pegasi's words were full of pride and respect. "One of her changelings tried to fight off the rogue, losing but surviving. Then the two met."

It was nearly impossible not to ask more questions, but I realized that this pegasi might not have all the answers. I needed to visit Canterlot soon.

"Princess Fast, well fed and strong, weathered every attack Chrysalis threw, but the tyrant had a trick. She drained the changelings, fed from them as only a queen, apparently, can. It went bad for Princess Fast, until, in desperation, she reached out to the ponies of Canterlot. She took only a sip from each, but there are a lot of ponies in the city."

I was staring in rapt attention, there was no sign of negative emotions on the lunar pony's features, so I knew it had to have at least a neutral ending.

"She fought back, finding shapes of creatures even we have not heard of. But it seemed a stalemate. With little training, Princess Fast was the match for a queen born to the role." No, no negative emotions, but there was a good helping of pride there. "Then the changelings rose, with their new leader a match for Chrysalis, they were ready to tip the scales. She was driven off."

My hooves clopped together excitedly. "And she is a princess and queen now?"

That dark-maned head shook. "No, just princess. Accepted by Celestia and welcomed by not just the changelings, but everypony in the city. She bore holes, however. While she only fed a little, it was not with the full consent of everypony." They gestured to my hooves and then up to my horn. Damn it I had gotten more holes. "And we see these, too, as badges of honor. So we offer ourselves, as is right for anypony, so that you don't need to suffer."

Penny was already putting a leg over me, hugging me, crying in happiness. Then it hit me.

"Fast Change has holes? But she was a unicorn…"

"Not any longer, it seems." The guard got up, walking back to the door and leaving us to our moment.

"I should go, Silver will probably be out of his mind with worry and I doubt Luna will be done with Night until she knows every little thing that happened." Penny got up to her hooves and made for the door.

Author's Note:

Is it wrong I shed tears of liquid pride for Princess Fast Change? Damn it, there are very few things that have ever brought me to real tears, but well-crafted stories are high up there on the list.

/salute David

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