• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,087 Views, 3,673 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 94.1 It Should Have Been Such a Perfect Day

For Fluttershy, waking up to the soothing pressure and comforting sound of a brush working through her mane had been quite nice. Twilight's strong hoof had rested on her withers, lightly stroking between her wings. Even a few days later, Fluttershy could not hide the smile that had made a home on her face.

When Starlight had walked in, she had frozen. Oh no. Had been her only panicked thought as guilt, fear, and embarrassment drowned her and demanded action. Normally, she would have hidden. The need to be somewhere safe and out of sight would have compelled her, and all anyone else might have noticed would have been her departing eep.

Instead, Twilight's hoof pressed down firmly, holding her there and as quiet as a mouse spoke. "Relax my dear. Everything will be alright. There is no cause for embarrassment." The Alicorn's voice caressed her ears.

The coiled spring tension vanished, and as that powerful hoof kneaded into her muscles, Fluttershy could not help but purr. Starlight had just stared, but said nothing. Instead of embarrassment, a sort of pride built in Fluttershy's chest. Yes, she was being petted by Twilight, and yes, she liked it. She had always wanted to know how her animal friends felt, and now she did.

She had raised her gaze to Starlight’s, whose face twitched and contorted with worry before she shook her head and looked away. Fluttershy wanted to say something to let Starlight know everything was alright, but the mare pushed past to the reason she was here.

There had been talk of maps, borders, and construction. Fluttershy heard every word and could have recalled it if she needed to. It was only when it moved on to relocating some cows, sheep and chickens that Fluttershy looked up and emerged from the bliss.

Twilight leaned down and, in a voice that was only for her, asked. "Would you see who from the herd and flock would be willing to move?"

Fluttershy leaned up and nuzzled her friend, "Of course, I'll go now if that's all right?"

With a nod, Twilight gave a smile. "Thank you, Fluttershy."

With her heart singing with joy, Fluttershy rose and trotted out of the room with only a moment to stretch like a cat. She held her head high and wings slightly mantled. Even the eyes that followed her as she made her way through the castle did nothing to cow her.

Everypony just looked so short when she walked like this, when she actually stood up to her full height. She had a mission, she had a purpose, but still, everyone got their hellos and good mornings as she inquired how they were doing.

With every creature being so crowded in the castle, it had been easy to find the animals willing to move, even if it caused a few raised voices from some parents who did not want their chicks to leave. Fluttershy had to promise there would be somepony nice to look after them, but she would do that anyway.

It was a lot of running around ensuring all the animals had all their things packed and gathering the needed supplies and feed. Daisy even had a small collection of dresses and hats she just had to bring. It was a lot of work, but her heart held a content bundle of pride and joy despite her weariness.

That night, Fluttershy, when she settled down to sleep, she found a little jewellery box on her pillow. The lavender ribbon around it gave little doubt about who it could be from.

So that night, it was not just some of her animal friends she snuggled with. As if it were the most precious thing in the world, she held a slightly glowing magenta gem to her chest. As she closed her eyes, the warmth of another pressing in against her as a wing pulled her closer. The sensation of a hoof stroking her mane and a wordless lullaby escorted her to the lands of dreams.

The first rays of sunlight pierced her closed eyelids. She greeted the day with a smile. Past the window, Canterlot hung alone on the mountain. All those ponies that still did not trust Luna or Twilight, all those ponies that would never know this peace, this utter contentment. A hint of sadness dimmed her smile.

The ghost of a sensation caressed her coat as Twilight's voice whispered from the past. Relax my dear. Everything will be alright.. Fluttershy nodded, and her smile brightened.

Her own grooming paled in comparison to the memory, but the rasping sound of the brush through her mane was still the same. It had been nice being Twilight's pet. She smiled and fussed over those of her little friends she would be leaving behind. Each got their food, water and physical affection, a pat here, a stroke there, and the crowd favourite, the scritching behind the ears.

Angel Bunny glared angrily and stomped his foot. You can't go!

"No, Angel, I can't stay. These ponies are counting on me."

His ears lowered, and he glared harder, letting out an adorable little huff. Instead of backing down or yielding to his demands, she just scooped him up with a wing and nuzzled him. He squeaked in surprise and then huffed again. It's dangerous.

She leaned in and nuzzled him. "Don't worry, Angel. Everything will be alright."

He sighed in exasperation. You better be…

"Most of the girls will be there, and there will be guards, and Harry is coming with me."

He slumped in defeat.

"Now, you be a good rabbit. Look after every creature here, and I'll make you that salad you like."

Angle nodded, but still, he looked sad. So she gave him another hug. She turned to leave, and Angel stomped his foot angrily.

"I have…" she started before she saw what he was pointing at. "oh, thank you for reminding me." With a wing, she reclaimed the magenta gem. Some cord and a few quick knots, and she slipped it around her neck.

She gazed down at its faceted surface and smiled. "Everything is going to be alright." So, with that being the start of a song, she headed out to face the day.

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, Fluttershy would have been at home hiding under her bed instead of being here. She should have been scared, even with the warmth of Harry beneath her as a living safety blanket. Instead, here she was, head held high, wings slightly spread to better feel the morning breeze without even a blush. Eyes open and ears up, she took the world in without the slightest bit of fear despite the monsters that might still be lurking in dark shadows and deep holes.

The cool breeze played with the grass, the sound almost inaudible under the clopping of armoured hooves and rolling of wheels upon the brand-new stone road. It was still a little scary that the fresh volcanic rock was the side effect of Twilight and Spike playing.

She took a deep breath. Not even the slightest scent of ash or sulphur haunted the air. Just fresh grass with a hint of morning dew and fall flowers made the background. The comforting pheromones of her calm ponies and her animal friends wrapped it all up like a comforting embrace.

She petted Harry's head in gratitude, and he rumbled in response. Is this how Rainbow feels all the time? She mused before turning her gaze to her friends.

Imposing Applejack strode forward along the newly raised road, wrapped in armour, a calm bastion of stability, as she pulled a wagon full of saplings and seed stock. By the sound of her hoof falls, she must have weighed more than Harry right now.

Pinkie Pie bounced along, singing, her cannon-armed party wagon somehow not shedding any contents as it followed in her chaotic wake. Even the most stoic of guards travelling with them bobbed their heads or swayed slightly with the music.

Fluttershy's own hoof swayed as if she was somehow conducting the whole thing. With only the slightest of blushes, she let herself join the performance, even if she was only humming along.

Rarity walked proudly at the front, her distinctively styled mane a banner all could follow. Her elegant armour and weapons were more of a fashion compared to the bulky equipment of Applejack. She looked just like a hero on a quest to rescue her prince. Not that she needed to. She had already caught her prince. Who would have thought after how their first introduction went, it would be him?

Fluttershy smiled. Just the thought of the foals those two were going to have almost made her squee at how adorable they would be. Maybe they would let her foal sit? Then, there would be finding just the right animal friends to grow up with.

Another memory stopped the happy squee before it happened. Instead, she sighed wistfully, a hollow in her heart still there. "Discord… what did I do wrong?"

After a moment, she brought her hoof to the gem hanging from her neck. "Everything is going to be alright," she whispered.

Harry glanced back at her and gave a soft rumble of agreement.

She petted his head again. "Thank you." Her hoof continued on automatic as she studied the newcomers. The ones that made all this possible so quickly.

The Manehatten guards were quiet and watchful, diligent in their duty. Half pulled more supplies as the other half ranged out in a ring around the cattle. One of them smiled at her and nodded. It was still hard to believe they were all changelings, and not from Thorax's hive. Despite being unreformed, they were helping and happy to be doing so. Everything is going to be alright. Again, Twilight's words came to her. She returned the gesture, her own smile sincere. Their own smile widened, and then they quickly returned their attention outwards.

The trailing cows gossiped as if the trip was a sightseeing tour. What their new home would be like was one of the hottest topics. One kept calling out to the guards, trying to tempt the poor pony to join them. Even going so far as to offer fresh milk.

They meant well, but they could be too much for most ponies after a few hours. Being a cow looked like a nice, peaceful life. They worried for little, trusting ponies to look after them.

In the distance, the magenta dome grew closer. As impressive as it was, all Fluttershy saw was proof of just how much Twilight cared for others. Twilight had been scary recently, but she was just like a mother bear, soft, kind and cuddly until you threatened her cubs, or in this case, ponies.

As the fortunately uneventful journey came to its end, the new town square came into view. Four statues stood proudly watching over the ponies, Three Alicorns and a single unicorn. Whoever had carved them had an eye for detail and a wonderful talent. From a distance, it was as if they might simply hop off their pedestals and say hello.

Instead of the statues, it was the ponies that approached to say hello. They were still in the haze of contentment that Princess Luna's party caused. Their happy smiles did wonders to banish the chill going down her spine. She looked around, but nothing seemed wrong. There were no dangers, and there were not even any sick or hurt ponies she needed to help.

She rested her hoof on her gem. "Everything is going to be alright," she whispered to herself, and just like that, it was. Despite all the bad things that had happened these last few months, hope still prevailed. With her friend's help, she would make some of that hope a reality.

With a few words, Rarity took charge. Applejack set about unloading things, and Pinkie Pie, well, Pinkie Pie was just Pinkie Pie rushing around greeting each and everypony with a smile and a cupcake. Fluttershy enjoyed her own, even though, as normal, she did not spot how it ended up in her hooves.

Treat finished, she hopped down and started her search. Somewhere here would be ponies that needed small, fuzzy friends. The ponies that had little trinkets with Twilight's mark on them just made the day a little brighter still.

The fields had been ploughed and seeds planted. Saplings stood, leaves eagerly reaching for the last rays of the sun. The cows happily chatted in their new barn, and more than a few ponies had new animal friends to help heal their wounded hearts. A lot had been done, but there was still more to do. Only the earth ponies were still at work. Everypony else's stamina had long since faded.

Even though Fluttershy's joints ached, it was nothing compared to the tangible satisfaction of making a difference. She took a sip from her drink. Its pink hues shifted with each tiny bubble that burst free from it. The fizziness tickled her muzzle, and sweetness like honey caressed her tongue. As the liquid made its way down her throat, the feeling of a warm hug embraced her.

She smiled and hummed contentedly. Her hoof found the magenta gem around her neck.

"See, I told you you would like it." The disguised changeling said, an amused smirk on his muzzle.

She nodded. "Would you tell me what it is, please, if that's alright?"

He laughed. A part of Fluttershy flinched, but then she caught the warmth in the laugh. Joy-filled and happy, laced with a kindness bullies never held. She relaxed and gave him a warm smile and hopeful eyes.

"Somepony wants more?"

She nodded timidly.

"It's a fizzy honey wine with seasonal fruits and a little cosy love mixed in for good measure."

"You can really feel it."

"I'm surprised you wanted to try some."


"Well, you do know where it comes from."

"We eat normal honey and drink different types of milk. There are eggs, to name just a few similar produce."

"So you think others will want things like this?"

"Once they get used to you, yes."

He shook his head with a quiet laugh. "I still can't believe this is really happening."

Fluttershy reached out and rested a hoof gently on his shoulder. In many ways, she would have to agree. But like any creature, a little kindness and finding common ground was all that could be needed. She did not say anything, but there was no need, for as a changeling, her emotions would speak with far more elegance than words.

He rested his hoof on hers. Such a small thing. But, like with her animals, it meant she had a new friend.

Helping others was its own reward. The smiling faces and lightened hearts that caused them were a healing salve for the soul. Even in a new place in an unfamiliar bed, she had slept fine. She knew she was an early riser, so she carefully put her hooves on the floor instead of bounding out of bed.

Today was going to be a wonderful day. She could just feel it. For the first time in a long time, there was nothing to fear. A quick brushing and a splash of water to banish the last of the sleep from her features, then Fluttershy daintily started towards the door.

She took another step, and an arctic chill rushed in, chilling her to the core. A third step and suddenly, the floor seemed extremely comfortable.


She slowly surfaced from the endless sea of confusion. What had she been doing? An echo of a scream rose from her memory. Pain, loss, and anguish voiced by a familiar pony.

The recollection proved slippery, but even through the haze, it still came.


With that name came light, a blazing chain of mental magic leading back to her crumpled body.

Panic surged through her and lent her strength. She half flew and half hauled herself back to her body.

Fluttershy's heart hammered in her chest, and each breath felt like inhaling broken glass. Her pained whimper was far too much like the last gasps from when there was nothing she could do to save one of her animal friends.

The urge to curl up and hide, to let the darkness of unconsciousness claim her, was far too alluring.

A yellow glow pressed in and demanded attention. Bleary, she opened her eyes. What she saw made no sense. Her feathers glowed. Without a hint of flame, they smouldered and decayed to whips of smoke.

Her heavy eyes followed as the smoke formed patterns and swirled in the air before being pulled down through the ground.

Her gaze next found one of her numb wings. She trembled. In place of her beautiful feathers, the leather of the thestral wings remained.

Are you alright? Harry's deep voice rumbled. Sadness and worry laced every tone of his question.

"Twilight," she whimpered, hoping beyond hope that her friends could hear her.

It was a different pony that answered.

Author's Note:

Happy New Year everypony (also all that are reading this no matter who or what you are). Here's to more pony in the coming year and thank you for reading.

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