• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,044 Views, 3,671 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 35.4 Rainbow's New Blade

Her eyes darted around, seeking threats. A crossbow bolt and six magical blasts rushed towards her. There was no panic in her mind, only a rapid assessment.

Rainbow rolled, dived and twisted in well-practised evasions. She forced extra flight magic to her wings, the power tingling as small arcs of lightning danced with white whispers of air. None of the attacks even got close to her. She smirked, they would have to try better than that. She was not called Rainbow ‘Danger’ Dash for nothing.

Spitfire’s endless drilling prompted her to glance over at the dodged spells. She had many long hours ranting and busting Rainbow's flanks about not underestimating how cunning hornheads could be with their spells.

Two of the bolts erupted into clouds of vicious webs, that would have easily brought her to the ground if she had been slow enough to get hit by them. The last four curved back around, moving to bracket her. Each rocketed towards her from a different direction, trying to herd her. She was not going to allow that.

Not that Rainbow minded the challenge, but magical bolts that bent and twisted to pursue her felt like they were cheating. Determination blazed in her eyes. She would just have to start taking this more seriously.

She flared her power more. Pegasus magic saturated the area around her. The sky within tens of wing lengths was now hers. Two of the bolts shattered in bursts of colour. Unable to withstand the raw tempest of flight magic the mare that could do a sonic rainboom at will could summon.

Rainbow darted into the opening she created and not the one they so carefully left for her. That left two trying to force their way through her power.

The edges of the bolts started to fray. Their shapes becoming ragged and their flight became drunken just like she got last cider season. The opposing energies successfully disrupting the last two spells. For a moment, she was in the clear.

Rainbow did not know what these chumps wanted with the guy. But it did not take an egghead to tell he was the victim and they were the hostile force here. Whoever they were, they were dedicated. Even after kicking their flanks, they were still trying to kill the guy.

Rainbow was a Wonderbolt, she would not lose to these second rate thugs.

She once again evasively rotated around, getting a good look around. Habit made her glance to Canterlot, her mind pinning down her exact location with ease. It would only take one Rainboom to take most of them out, but there was no way to do that without risking the very pony she was trying to protect.

Something brushed her perceptions and she reflexively jinked away from it. A bolt clipped a single feather instead of crippling her wing. The sound of it cutting the air made her ears flick back.

Her air sense kept tracking the projectile that nearly hit her wing. Her eyes traced its path back to the archer, who was now reloading. She now had three and three-quarter seconds to act without having to worry about them at least.

Ok, maybe these guys were not so second rate. They had teamwork, tactics and between them, were at least giving her a good workout.

Now if only she had reinforcements she could call on. If she let up her harassment for even a moment, they would kill the stallion. The most skilled opponent was moving to do just that. The griffon, she was Rainbow's nemesis in this fight. Every time she tried to go in and rescue the poor guy that griffon was there, blade in talon to block her.

If I can’t go around her, I will just have to go through her. She dove towards the griffon, she slipped around a pegasus that tried to block her. Rainbow lashed out with a rear hoof at his head as she passed. A meaty thump and solid impact vibrating along her leg announced her success.

A glaring red flash caught her eye. The brighter unicorn magic was, the more powerful it would be. This attack was nearly blinding. Time seemed to slow as a spike of fear pumped more adrenaline into her body.

She spun and planted another buck on the now tumbling stallion, kicking off him. She radically adjusted her course, changing vectors. Heat washed by her, the expanding air pushing against her.

Rainbow had only narrowly avoided a searing beam of ruby magic. The explosion of hot air along its path violently pushing her away. She adjusted automatically, taking every advantage she could get. Her heart pounded in her chest and she could feel herself slowly tiring. She did not want to think about what would have happened if she was even a little slower. She had to end this soon.

Determination flared in her, she felt eager energy build in her wings, matching her will. The power tickled her senses as her feathers crackled with all the power of a raging thunderhead.

Rainbow lashed out with her charged wings. Lighting arced out, passing through empty air. Her eyes widened in dawning shock. The griffon was just gone.

She tried to adjust, but her planned follow-up hoof strikes smashed into the ground instead of her target. Pain lanced up her legs even as her magic transferred most of the strike's momentum into the earth. Dirt erupted from the ground, obscuring her vision. Where did you go? Rainbow thought almost growling.

‘Dodge’ every instinct she had screamed. Her athletic body tensed and her muscles bunched ready to propel her away from the unknown danger.

A chill gripped her heart as she had a sinking feeling. Somehow she knew she would be too late.

A burst of light and a familiar dizzying sense of vertigo swept through her. Rainbow’s situation had changed. Rather than being on the ground, she was in the air. Her wings instantly adjusted, catching the air and flapping to manage altitude. Being in a fight, she immediately dodged. She did not know who teleported her, but being where a foe expected you to be, could mean death.

Long hours of training focused her mind. She rapidly reassessed her surroundings, working out how it happened would wait. She was over a hundred body lengths in the air. A fading flash of magenta drew her attention downwards.

Below her, was the fight she was in with one major difference. There, exactly where Rainbow had been, was Twilight. The griffon had plunged her blade into Twilight’s body.

Rainbow’s gut clenched, her eyes went wide. She dropped like her wings forgot how to fly. Helplessly she watched as her friend, as Twilight who had just saved her... died.

Her eyes focused on Twilight with perfect clarity, the rest of the world fading into a meaningless background. Every hair of Twilight's well-groomed coat now marred as blood started soaking into it. Her face even now had a calm look of relief.

Twilight had changed places with her. She knew exactly what she was doing and what it would cost. She had her and now… now was dead. Nopony could survive having that much metal though them.

The world was silent, no spells flew. The shock of a Princess turning up was too much for them. Everypony was stunned. All eyes were on Twilight. Some of the mercenaries had looks of dread, others glee, almost as they were seeing her friend as nothing but a pile of bits.

Anger fired in her mind mixing with clawing self-hatred. How could I fail my friend? How dare they?

Twilight's face shifted, becoming a crazed grin. The horrific expression was too wide for her face. Rainbow was surprised it did not tear her flesh. What the hay? She thought as fear started to trickle into her mind.

An evil laugh shattered the stillness. It would have made even Nightmare Moon flee in terror. Slowly, inevitably Twilight turned her head to look at the griffon who still clung to the blade rammed to the hilt. "Is that the best you can do?"

Panic visibly shot through the griffon. Her body leapt back, long trained reflexes acting before her dazed mind started to even truly process events.

The sword’s hilt still protruded from Twilight’s barrel, but she did not seem to care. What the buck? Rainbow thought, panic and relief almost made her careless.

A glint of moving metal seized her attention. She locked on to it, a crossbow bolt was hurling itself towards her friend, its vicious tip glinting in the sunlight.

"Twilight!" Rainbow bellowed out. Rage shattered her shock. Rainbow only barely noticed Twilight's lack of reaction to the new addition to her neck.

An instant later, she smashed hooves first into the archer pony. A well-practised use of her power and all the momentum was shifted straight into her target. Against ponies, she was meant to dump most of it to the air, right now she did not care.

Bones broke and splintered under her. She felt more than heard the sickening sound. Standing atop her now thoroughly disabled target, she looked up. She spread her wings dramatically. She tried not to think of the wetness she could feel against her hooves.

Another flash of magenta dragged her attention back to Twilight. A large dome of energy shimmered into existence, trapping everypony inside it.

Twilight’s eyes glinted with joy, she was excited, she looked like everypony here was her gift at Hearth's Warming. She licked her lips, somehow looking incredibly hot and terrifying at the same time.

Her wings slowly spread, like she was trying to draw attention to them. It seemed like she was a beautiful dancer posing just before the start of the performance. Rainbow watched the power as it moved through Twilight’s body as muscles tensed and flexed.

Her friend launched into explosive motion. If she had blinked, she would have missed it. For instance, Rainbow thought she had made an amateur mistake. It looked like the attack was poorly aimed and had little chance of achieving anything. Then instead of merely pushing her target's leg a bit, there was a loud snapping sound. She had broken both his front legs.

More blood poured from the ever-worsening wounds, but Twilight did not care, she did not flinch.

Like most of the combatants, Rainbow was stunned by the display of brutal physical might. She could do nothing but watch for the first few seconds. Twi, how strong are you?

The griffon was not so hindered. Flashes of metal glinted in the air. Rainbow's eyes tracked them. Each one was aimed at the same poor stallion that they were trying to kill all this time. Oh, Buck! She was too far away to do anything.

Twilight’s tail lashed out, plucking each projectile from the air one by one. She lit her horn again, a shield bubble popping into existence around the target.

Just like that, the fight was back on. Dodge, evade, outmanoeuvre. Freed from having to protect somepony she could really kick some flanks.

Manoeuvring freely, she kicked and bucked, rolled and dived. Each moment building up more and more energy in her wings. Her enemy’s skill and weapons made every attack she made a gamble. She wished for some actual weapons, like the ones from her duel with Twilight.

One attacker got too close, parting her coat with a blade. She slapped him with a charged wing, sending him convulsing to the ground, blackened and singed. Flicking her other wing out at another, she threw a bolt of lighting making space. She immediately started to gather more energy.

A blinding magenta light filled the area. Again training kicked in, Rainbow dodged to an area she could feel had nopony in it. A rapid series of snaps and another pony was screaming.

Rainbow blinked away the spots in her vision. Everything felt still, nothing was darting through the air. She looked around. All of the bad guys were pressed into the ground with Twilight's magic. By the looks of it, they could only barely breathe. One of the more unfortunate pony's legs were bent at an unnatural angle beneath them.

Just like that, the fight was over.

Twilight took a deep calming breath. Her mane and tail were flowing, making her look much more like one of the princesses. She turned and calmly stalked towards the griffon. Her mane wrapped around the sword’s hilt and slowly pulled it out.

Rainbow could not help but watch in morbid fascination. The wound swiftly closed, leaving the blood matted fur the only evidence anything had even happened to the Alicorn.

Twilight spun the weapon in an expert display. A few flicks of her blood splattered on the ground. “Rainbow, are you and your ward alright?”

Ward? Oh, this guy. Rainbow thought. Turning to him, she quickly assessed him. Other than a blow to his head and a large cut along his wing he was ok… ish. Other than that he only looked battered with a few minor wounds. “Yea, fine. He could use some healing though before we move him.” Rainbow said, hoping it was true.

A ripple of magenta and a bolt of magic shot from Twilight’s horn and slammed into the stallion. For a horrible instant, Rainbow thought Twilight had actually attacked him. That was until his wounds started to glow with magenta light and the bleeding stopped.

Twilight turned back to her prisoners.

One of the unicorns lit their horn, fear on their face. They blinked out of existence and then was right back. Twilight looked to them “Oh don't worry, I will get to you in a moment,” she said sweetly.

The unicorn's fear became silent terror. Rainbow was glad she could not see her friend's face at the moment.

The griffon was slowly floated before Twilight. “You will learn nothing from me.” She bravely said, not even a quiver in her voice.

“Oh, I will, there are so many experiments I can perform on you,” Twilight said thoughtfully. Her voice shifted to having a happy little giggle. “So many experiments I could never do for ethical reasons, and here we have you, a volunteer.” She almost purred the last word.

The griffon spat at her. The whole world darkened, except Twilight. Rainbow was frozen, she could feel her legs shivering with fear.

Snap. Snap. Crunch. The griffon screamed and the horrid sounds continued. Twilight's magic snapping each talon, one my one, curling the extremities into a ball of crushed flesh and bone.

It took a few seconds for Rainbow’s mind to really notice what her senses were telling her. This was not something her friend would do, this was nothing her friend could ever do.

Rainbow regained some of her composure as the torture continued. “Twilight, what are you doing?”

The glow of the magic holding the griffon in the air intensified. The raw power sent shivers along Rainbow’s wings as it disrupted her flight magic.

“Twilight, no!” Rainbow fought past her fear and took a single step towards her friend. This was wrong, they were defeated. She could not let her friend do this, she would not let her friend do this.

Twilight paused, shaking slightly. She stilled, almost seeming to be a statue, not even breathing. Then she subtly tilted her head, one ear raised, the other at a questioning angle. She looked at the griffon as if she was only a puzzle, nothing more.

Rainbow shifted closer, moving around the side to be visible. She moved slow and evenly. Rainbow did not want to startle the currently crazy Twilight.

A feral grin crossed her friend's muzzle. There was a flash of magic. Where the griffon was, now there was a plant in a pot. Rainbow stopped, sitting back on her haunches. What the? She thought before her mind when back to Twilight’s cutiemark story, to what Twilight had done to her parents.

The unicorn that Twilight said she would get back to was violently ripped from where they were. They were promptly floated alongside the potted plant.

Twilight pulled a single leaf from the plant and slowly ate it. “Now you will tell me everything,” Twilight spoke normally, but Rainbow froze.

Each word shook her to her very core. As the pony started to speak, Rainbow was very glad not to be them at the moment. Her eyes went to the plant and how it was missing one leaf. She could just not take her eyes off it.

All the ponies talked, right then Rainbow felt even she would have told Twilight things she had Pinkie promised not to.

Once Twilight had got her answers, she wrapped each in glowing chains of magic. Even trying to think back to Twilight's questioning brought a tremble to Rainbow’s body.

All Rainbow could safely remember was some noble pony had hired them to stop any hybrid ponies from making it to Ponyville alive.

Twilight slowly turned to Rainbow, the movement somehow mesmerising. Still blood-covered, she sauntered towards her. She smiled. “Rainbow, thank you for saving my pony from these monsters.”

Rainbow studied her friend’s face, she, for the moment, seemed calm. Twilight moved closer and pulled Rainbow into a hug, powerful wings enfolded her. Rainbow relaxed into the warm embrace. It was good to feel her friend's body whole and uninjured. She ignored the scent of blood and sweat and just let the familiar, normal gesture calm her. She could feel some of her friend’s blood transferring to her own coat.

“No problem, Twi,” Rainbow said, not wanting to do anything to anger the unstable Alicorn after what she had just experienced.

Twilight nuzzled her. “Please keep Storm Cloud here safe until I get back. Oh, and if any of the criminals manage to escape… deal with them.” Her eyes seemed to flash at the last bit.

Rainbow nodded, she could not bring herself to do anything else.

Twilight released the hug and stood back. Her magic reached out for the blade that once had impaled her. “Rainbow, defender of the innocent. For your service to Equestria, I grant you the blade that sought your life, May it always protect you and those you guard.”

The dried blood on the blade liquefied, wrapping around it and forming magical symbols. The whole blade taking on a red sheen. Its form warped and changed, motes of magenta magic rippled along it.

Twilight reached out and lifted Rainbows right hoof with her own. Her touch was gentle, caring. The rippling pliable metal was warm as it wrapped around her leg. The weapon formed a folding hoof blade. Just like the one she picked for her duel a few short days ago. Only this one was far more lethal.

Twilight's expression hardened once more and in a flash of magic, she was gone.

Rainbow trembled, she did not want to see that expression on her friend ever again. With the Alicorn gone, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her back.

She shifted, the unfamiliar weight on her foreleg catching her attention. Rainbow stared at the weapon. So much had happened and now Twilight had given her a magic sword. She slapped herself with her other hoof. The impact sound and the pain very much reinforcing this was not a dream.

She knew that a weapon granted by a princess was a badge of honour. It could, it should be worn as part of her uniform from now on. But that little speech, it sounded too formal, it sounded like it meant something. Does this make me a Knight? Rainbow thought.

She sat on her haunches and looked around. Broken and injured ponies surrounded her, and one disturbingly tasty looking plant that once was a griffon. Rainbow shuddered. How could Twilight eat that?

Looking at herself, she was a mess. Sweat dried into her coat and mane, red marks from where Twilight's blood rubbed onto her from the hug. Rainbow held up the blade, she did not know what to think, or what to feel. Her eyes focused on her own blood-stained hoof.

Training and duty slowly prodded her into action. Getting to her hooves, she started to provide what first aid she could to the prisoners.

Rainbow was trying to not look at the pony that she had broken the back of. That just brought the blood on her coat into view.

That was the most intense battle she had ever been in. It had felt exhilarating. It made her feel alive. It had made her feel guilty. It was one thing to fight monsters, quite another to leave a pony crippled with her own hooves.

The familiar sound of Twilight's wing beats drew her eyes to the sky. Rainbow could almost taste the fear radiate from the prisoners. It was that thick.

Floating in her magic was a very pregnant unicorn mare. Twilight came to a hover and gently lowered her passenger to the ground next to Storm.

The platinum white mare didn't even take in the restrained ponies around her. She just immediately hobbled over and hugged her special somepony. “Stormy,” she whispered, tears of relief falling from her eyes.

Storm stirred slightly, murmuring something. A single hoof reached for his love.

The glow of Twilight’s magic gave a perfect excuse for the embarrassed Rainbow to look away.

Rainbow cautiously watched Twilight’s gaze trace over all the prisoners as they tried to cower back from her lit horn. She nodded firmly. A simple flash of magic and all of them were plants, each one a little different. Their weapons, armour and other equipment fell to the ground. A second flash and the plants and dropped items were gone.

Twilight gracefully set down, her hooves silently placed on the ground. She was still using that out of date wing movement. Even with everything, that was still nagging at her.

“Radiant, I need you to let him go so I can heal him,” Twilight said, her soothing voice motherly.

Radiant slowly shifted away from Storm, her hoof staying in contact till the last possible moment.

“Now he will still need more medical care after this,” Twilight stated as if to a class. Her horn lit with the same colour as during the battle, but somehow it's seemed warmer, more comforting.

Radiant nodded.

Twilight placed her horn once to each injury, glowing magic filling the wounds and leaving faintly glowing ghostly flesh in their place. “There, and now to give him a bit of energy.”

Storm’s eyes shot wide open then focused on Radiant. “Rad…”

His marefriend tried to move, but her condition hindered her. Not letting that stop her, she lit her horn and pulled him into a hug. The two love birds happily nuzzled.

Rainbow was happy for them, but she ignored them. Now they were clearly safe she had something more important to worry about. She turned back to Twilight.

Her friend was smiling contentedly. That was more the Twilight she knew, doing good because it was the right thing.

Twilight leaned in closer. “Rainbow, please guard the area.”


“I can't risk waiting any longer, or they might lose their foal,” Twilight resolutely stated. “I can’t risk teleporting her and the flight back would take too long at a safe speed.”

Rainbow nodded. She didn't quite understand, but Twilight was trying to save a life. That was one thing she would stand by one hundred and twenty percent.

“Radiant, it's time,” Twilight said, walking over.

Radiant looked worried. “Yes, Princess.”

Storm tightened his hug. “It will be alright.”

Twilight settled down next to the pair. “Yes, your foal will be safe and healthier than you could imagine.”

Magenta magic enveloped Radiant as Twilight laid her horn against Radiant's expanded belly.

Twilight closed her eyes, a reassuring smile on her muzzle. Small orbs of light peeled off her horn. She flinched slightly with each. One by one, they spiralled along her horn flowing into Radiant's body.

Rainbow knew Twilight, whatever she was doing hurt her a lot. To get any reaction when being stabbed with a sword got none. She was doing her best not to show it, and as far as how Storm and Radiant reacted, she was succeeding.

It felt like more than an hour later when the light show faded. Twilight’s body sagged, looking exhausted, her mane flat.

That was when Radiant's water broke. Rainbow panicked, she had no clue what to do.

Twilight murmured something about the restoration accelerating something. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. A Flash of magic and the family was gone.

Rainbow flew up to Twilight. “Twi, I thought you said that was not safe.”

“That was before, I stabilised the magic in the hybrid foal,” Twilight said, sounding drained.

“Where are they?”

“At home, Little Star and Emerald are looking after them now,” Twilight answered, rubbing her horn.

Rainbow moved closer, resting a hoof on her friend.“Twi, you alright?”

“Yes, Rainbow. I am fine, I only needed to catch my breath.” Twilight slowly got to her hooves. “Come on let's fly back so I can rest my unicorn magic.” She stretched out each limb one by one, showing off each well-developed muscle group. Finally, she extended her wings ready for flight. A lazy smile crossed her face. “Shall we?”

On the flight back Rainbow watched Twilight in motion. She flew like she had been born with her wings. It was a good change, but it still was a little unnerving.

Rainbow could not help but wonder if Twilight had gone through more time than the week she was missing. It was the only thing that made sense. She looked like she had spent a year of hard training, not to mention all the new skills she had. Perhaps she had a time-travelling adventure and picked up loads of cool new abilities?

Down below, the familiar sight of Ponyville came into view. Rainbow felt some of her tension evaporate from her, just knowing the rest of her friends were close.

A glowing horn caught her attention from the top of the castle. It was Little Star, horn alight. She waved, and Twilight waved back. With a flash of magic, Little Star was gone.

Rainbow panicked, frantically looking around to see where in the air the little menace was going to appear this time. After nothing happened for a few seconds, she let out a relieved sigh. No foal saving was needed this time.

Twilight adjusted her wings, lining up for a gentle glide towards her castle. Rainbow fell in on her wing.

Candice and Little Star erupted into existence outside the castle. Both looked up at Twilight eagerly. Little Star wearing her Daring-Do helm and that Batmare Cape. The foal was prancing on the spot excitedly. Candice was more reserved with only a slight smile. It was good to see she was not an impassive statue, like most guards.

Twilight landed a little too hard but walked it off as if it was nothing. Little Star vanished and appeared wrapped around her mother's neck. Twilight smiled warmly sitting on her haunches and wrapping her daughter up in both wings, lovingly nuzzling her.

Rainbow slowed and stayed hovering, looking around. She could feel the eyes of the ponies on her and her new blade.

“I'm so proud of you for helping to keep Ponyville safe,” Twilight praised.

Little Star’s smile could have melted the heart of a windigo.

Twilight stroked Star’s mane, her eyes darkened promising a serious talk in a moment as she looked at Candice and Rainbow. “Little Star, can you go and make sure the guests in the castle are safe please?”

Little Star did an impression of a salute, and then in a flash, she was gone.

Twilight’s good mood vanished, a dome of magic appeared. Making the sound from the rest of the would dull and distance. Rainbow’s eyes narrowed for a moment, her horn hadn't glowed. How? She thought.

Some scrolls popped into existence and Twilight started writing by hoof on them, one by one. Her writing still neat and clear, even without looking at a single sheet.

Twilight briefly recapped what she had learned from the mercenaries. This time, now that Rainbow was not shaking in her horseshoes, she could take in more of it. Somepony with money, lots of money, did not like Twilight helping ponies. They would keep ponies like Scoots crippled.

Rainbow felt her anger boil.

After Candice took it all in, her expression took on a deadly seriousness. “Just to confirm, you are telling me that there are Nobility trying to prevent any hybrid from getting to you? I'm not miss-understanding that?”

Twilight nodded. “Yes, they seem to be willing to spend a lot of coin on mercenaries.”

“I see. So I know exactly what I'm able to do, I'm your captain at this point, officially, yes? I know I haven't signed any paperwork yet, so I'm checking my level of authority. I understand we don't have much time to talk here, I just need to know the basics. And if you need more time I can accelerate us both so we can get the details out of the way without hindering our response time.” Candice went on.

Rainbow could see why Twilight seemed to like her. She could talk and worry as much as the mare herself.

Twilight paused her writing. Two bars of metal, both different shades of purple and a few gems the same colours of her cutiemark appeared.

All the gathered material did the same magical rippling thing Twilight has used to make Rainbow's blade. She glanced down to her weapon for a moment.

She looked back up. A large metal necklace floated in the air. The different cloured crystals now fused together to make a copy of Twilight’s cutiemark. The mark seemed to glow with an inner light of Twilight's own magic.

Candice's eyes looked at it seriously, but with appreciation.

Twilight held her new creation out, offering it. “Candice, do you accept this burden?”

Candice nodded as if this was an offer to join the Wonderbolts.

Twilight held her gaze as she placed it around Candice's neck. Fluorescent white energy rippled along Candice’s wings as small whispers of it were sucked into the gems.

Twilight smiled, “Congratulations, Captain Candice, first of my guard. Let all that see this know of your privileges.”

Candice nodded and saluted. "What are your orders?"

“Now, Captain. We have the assistance of the local Wonderbolt,” Twilight said, eyes flicking to Rainbow. “You are to protect any that are seeking shelter here and deal with any illegal armed groups in the area. There is a document in my study you need to read. If you need my daughter's help, please keep her safe.”

“I might need her for scrying and teleportation, but I think that would be all. I'm going to see if there are any Nightguard to volunteer aid as well.” Candice said.

“Expect friendly guests to be arriving via teleportation in the main hall. Some of them may require medical attention."

"I take it these are individuals under your direct protection?” Candice asked.

“Yes,” Twilight stated.

“Very well.” Candice saluted.

“Oh, and you may feel free to use any of this confiscated equipment, secure any you don’t.''

All the mercenaries' possessions fell to the ground in a neat pile, sorted by size and object type.

Candice nodded. “Any other specifics I should know?” Candice asked.

“None I can think of… Keep ‘my’ ponies safe....” Twilight eyes took on a faint glow, a slight snarl on her muzzle.
“any ‘others’ it matters not to me what state they end up in. Understood?”

Rainbow did not gulp, and anypony who said otherwise was lying. And here is the crazy mare who smiles as she tortures the bad guys again. She thought.

“Those that wish to harm others will be dealt with accordingly,” Candice affirmed. It was almost like she was ready just to kill them or something.

“Now, I need to make a few house calls.” Twilight’s horn lit with dark purple power and in an implosion of energy, she was gone.

Rainbow felt an oppressive tension leave her as Twilight did. She was her friend, but recently she could be a terrifying bad flank.

Candice looked at her with a much softer expression. “Do you want any other equipment?”

“Nah, it would just weigh me down. And besides… Twilight kinda gave me this.” Rainbow said while holding up her blade, snapping it out for Candice to see.

“I see. That’s well made. You might want to see what title came with that. Did she enchant that with her blood?” Candice inquired.

Rainbow could feel herself pale, her mind flashing back to seeing the blade piercing her friend's flesh.

“Are you alright?” Candice's voice betrayed concern as she moved closer.

“Why wouldn't I be? I’m fine.” Rainbow started in fake confidence. “It’s Twilight I'm worried about,” she finished under her breath.

Candice gathered up the stuff in her magic and started heading towards the castle. “You’re not the only one that worries about her. I do too. That’s why I’m here to give her any support that I possibly can.”

Rainbow moved to follow Candice. “It would be nice if she trusted us more. No offence, but you’re new and you seem to know more about what's going on than we do.”

Candice waited a few moments until they were inside the castle and the Nightguard closed the doors. “That might have more to do with security clearance than trust. There are some things she legally can’t tell you.”

“Geess, that never mattered between us before. We're the Elements of Harmony for Celestia's sake.”

“Guess who it was that laid down the law on that?” Candice said with a hint of disdain.

Rainbow faced hooved “Really?”

“Yes. In time she may be able to tell you what’s going on. I honestly don’t know yet. You are her friend. That holds a lot of weight with me. If there is something I can help with, then I will do so. Just ask,” Candice offered.

“Well can you tell me why she is acting so…so…” Rainbow did not say bloodthirsty, brutal or sadistic. “So crazy?” Rainbow asked.

Candice took on a sombre tone. “She’s been through more stress and outright trauma than anypony else would ever be able to endure. She’s actually much better than she really has any right to be. It’s had a serious effect on her.”

“No kidding.”

“That isn’t going to heal easily.”

Rainbow felt her wings half flair. “But how do we stop her murdering anypony that crosses her?”

Candice was silent for a second or two. “Alright, what happened that makes you even ask that?”

Rainbow clamped her mouth closed. She did not want her friend to get in trouble; she had already said too much.

“If I’m going to be able to help her, then I need to know how bad things are. Luna gave me to her so I could help her in that way. It would help me do my duty if you told me what happened.” Candice said with honest concern.

Rainbow sighed. “Twilight is…” she looked down at her blade. “This was going to kill me…”

Candice looked at the hoofblade. “She saved you?”

Nodding her head, Rainbow answered. “She did more than save me, she swapped our places. This was… Oh buck it how is she not dead? I thought she died for me. You don’t have a sword driven all the way through you and just smile.”

“You do if you’re an Alicorn. They are nearly impossible to kill.” Candice's tone was a mix of certainty and disbelief.

Rainbow took a few breaths to regain her composure. “Yeah, the bolt through her neck did not even cause her to flinch.”

“That lines up with my knowledge of them.”

“She… she looked like she was having fun. She looked like… and her laugh. If I was not as awesome as I am, I would be having nightmares about it for weeks.”

Candice’s eyes dilated slightly. “You know that Luna ‘went nightmare’. I’m trying everything I can to make sure Twilight doesn’t get dragged down that path from the insane amounts of trauma she's endured.”

Rainbow's eyes widened. “Oh ponyfeathers, that can happen? To Twilight? How do we know if it hasn't already happened?”

“It’s not impossible,” Candice said with her head lowering a bit.

Rainbow's voice was meek as she did a poor Twilight impression. “So many experiments I could never do for ethical reasons, and here we have you, a volunteer.”

Candice stiffened. “Twilight is more likely to go off to the darkside to protect others than anything about trying to rule the world. So there is that at least.”

“That's what she said before she started torturing the griffon… I can still hear the screams and the crunching as she crushed and snapped every bone in her talons," Rainbow almost shouted. She could hear the quiver in her voice.

Concern was all there seemed to be to Candice. “Thank you for telling me that. You are one of Twilight's closest friends. Do I have your aid, and is there anything you think I should know?”

“You know I will. I won't leave anypony hanging,” Rainbow said before she looked away. “Twilight could have ended the fight in an instant. She only used her magic once they tried to kill Storm again. She pinned them all to the ground with like, zero effort. Before that, other than trapping us all under a large shield, she was fighting them with her hooves.”

Candice’s concerned expression didn’t waver. "That is concerning but not completely unexpected. Her protective instincts might be knocked into overdrive. There are those out there actively trying to harm innocents, just because they don’t like hybrids. That really set her off, and she might be trying to make an example.”

“You don't lick your lips and look like she did to make an example,” Rainbow said, trying not to think too much about it.

“You do if you are trying to scare the ever-loving road apples out of them to make sure they don’t try it again. It could have been an act, but I don’t know about the torture part. That’s what concerns me the most.”

“It was definitely no act,” Rainbow stated.

“Then I will have to have a serious talk with her as soon as I can manage. Would you be willing to be there with me for that?” Candice asked.


“Any other details?”

“Well, she turned the griffon's sword into this,” Rainbow said, nodding to her blade. “And seems a be… well, sounded kinda like Luna did when she first got back."

“I see.” Candice looked thoughtful. “I have dealt with that in her before. That should be easier than the torture part.”

“And then she was back to normal after she saved Radiant, and helped her unborn foal. It's like she is more than one pony.”

“I guess trauma can cause that. I mean just look how Pinkie was that one time. And that was only perceived issues on her part,” Candice stated.

“How do you know about that?” Rainbow got into Candice’s face. “Have you been spying on us?”

“Twenty years as RGIS’s head information analyst,” Candice pointed out, unphased.

“We were being spied on?!” Rainbow could not believe this.

“It was reported after the fact, at least as far as I had access to.” Candice defended.

Rainbow sighed. “So, how are we going to do this. We can't help Twilight till she gets back from Celestia knows where. So how are we going to try and protect Ponyville and others like the family we saved?"

“Well,” Looking to some suspiciously deep shadows, “I’m pretty sure we have more than just us here. Can we count on reports of unusual activity as you guys do your normal job?”

A thestral head poked out of the shadow, offering a quick salute to Candice before sinking back into it.

“Are they in every shadow?” Rainbow asked. She was used to fans, this just felt like she was being stalked. But at least it was a distraction for her fears for Twilight.

“Not at the same time, but can be. I look forward to my thestral magic becoming usable. I will be able to do that too. For now, though, we need to go to Little Star.” Candice placed her hoof on the crystal wall of the castle.

The room around her changed, the air around her changed. Rainbow’s wings shot out in panic.

“It’s alright, Rainbow,” Candice said.

“Hi,” Little Star's voice called out. The filly waved as she munched on a daisy sandwich. He mini timberwolf sat on the table next to her plate.

“Hi,” Rainbow said in a bit of a daze. Her heart rate slowed, and she looked at Candice warily. She kept forgetting she had unicorn magic as well. She must have teleported us here. Can everypony do that now?

“Sandwich?” Little Star asked, floating one half of one each to Candice and Rainbow.

Rainbow numbly bit into the sandwich. She had burned a lot of calories and needed food soon.

Candice took the offered bit of nourishment. “Thank you.”

Rainbow swallowed. “Thanks.”

Little Star looked at Rainbow oddly for a moment. A small pop in the air and the plate was filled with hayfries. She pushed it over to Rainbow. “Here you go.”

“Thanks,” Rainbow said with more enthusiasm, looking at the much-needed food. “Just what I was thinking of. Can you read minds or something?”

“Not here,” Little Star answered matter factly as a bowl, and then ice cream, appeared before her in little flashes of magenta magic.

“Tons of mental magic wards that Twilight put up in the Castle. You would have to know more about magic than she does if you wanted to get around them,” Candice offered.

Little Star nodded. “I'm still trying to figure out how they all work. Mummy Twilight is so clever. I want to be like her when I get my wings.”

Rainbow did not want to say anything to crush her spirits. “Well, if you get wings, I will teach you how to fly like I taught your mother.”

Little legs wrapped around her neck as her world became purple. The pop of a teleport and the scent of daisies made it clear she had a small pony hugging her face.

"Little Star, how far away can you scry?" Candice asked.

“I don't know,” Little Star said. Nearly blinding Rainbow with the teleport flash as she blinked away.

Rainbow blinked away the spots from her eyes. Bright, flashy unicorn magic was getting old. Looking around, she found Little Star pacing on top of the table with a thoughtful look.

“First, tell me what do you want to do? Then I can try,” Little Star asked, fixing serious eyes on Candice. She looked happy as if she was waiting for a test. A few scrolls, an inkpot and a quill appeared next to her.

“I want to check all the main train lines leading to Ponyville for any hybrids that are trying to come to Twilight for aid. There are bad ponies that are trying to stop them from getting help. If we find any that are in trouble, Rainbow Dash and I would need to get to them as fast as possible. Maybe have you teleport us as far as you can to get us to them faster, and we fly the rest of the way if need be. If they are close enough, teleport them here to get them to safety.” Candice went on again.

Little Star held the quill ready over the blank scroll. “So how far out do you want to check?”

“As far as possible,” Candice answered. “All main lines from the cities and towns that lead here. If you need help keeping your horn cool, then just let me know. If you don't already have a cooling spell, I can show you one real quick.”

Little Star horn glowed, and energy started to wrap around Rainbow. She closed her eyes. She felt the teleport, and it was far less blinding through closed eyelids.

When she opened her eyes, they were in the map room. Little Star just appeared on top of it.

Candice was just watching.

“Miss Candice, I need a little bit of blood from each of the tribes please.” Little Star asked as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

“You have Unicorn yourself. Rainbow Dash has pegasus, is Pinkie anywhere around?” Candice asked.

Little Star shook her head. “No, she is an Alicorn in disguise.”

Candice smiled at the idea. “I know what Alicorn magic feels like, she doesn't have any. She just uses her magic in odd ways. Would you prefer somepony else?”

Little Star nodded, “And need thestral, and I'll get Emerald.”

“Wouldn't your own Unicorn blood work? If you just need a sample to know what each feels like then I could do Unicorn, Pegasus and Thestral.”

“No, you can't, you're mixed. Need pure ones,” Little Star quickly answered.

“Ah,” Candice looked at Rainbow. "Willing to give the little burgeoning Arch Mage a few drops of blood?"

Rainbow hesitated, she did not want to see more blood today. “It's to help ponies right?”

“That's the spirit,” a Thestral slipped out of the shadows next to Rainbow. She was really starting to hate how everyone except her could just show up when they liked.

"Alright, got Thestral. Any Unicorn, Earthpony or Crystal ponies available?" Candice asked.

“Crystal is hard to get but, I will get it,” Little Star looked happy as she vanished in another bright flash of light.

“Well, while that’s going on, I have some paperwork I have to read. Be back as soon as I can.” Candice then vanished

Again? Rainbow shook her head but settled back into eating the hayfries that had came with them.

Rainbow was bored, and the hayfries were gone. She flew out and headed to the kitchen for more food. A bowl of apples was balanced on her wing when she met up with Candice. They both made their way back to the map room.

Crunch crunch and an apple was gone. Rainbow did her best not to shudder, biting into nice crisp apples was never going to be the same again. Despite that, she had gone through four apples before a large magenta flash filled the room.

Standing there on the map table was Cadance, Shining Armor and a pair of Crystalguards. Little Star standing on Cadance's back with a tray of cookies levitating in her magic.

Little Star blinked around the room and in seconds collected all the blood samples. Rainbow did not even feel anything, there was not a mark on her coat, but there it was, a small glass vial with her blood in it. Rainbow shrugged.

Shining Armor was watching Little Star cautiously. Cadance put her wing around her husband comfortingly and whispered something into his ear.

“I should get the weather patrol to keep their eyes open,” Rainbow said, turning and flying out carrying the last remaining apples with her.

“I'll keep an eye on the scrying. If something pops up, you might be teleported back.” Candice called after her.

Rainbow waved a hoof. “Just make sure there’s food and drink.”

The last thing Rainbow heard from inside was Candice sounding all formal, "Princess Cadance, Prince Shining Armor."

She needed to grab her uniform and set up some patrols.

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