• Published 11th Sep 2019
  • 19,045 Views, 3,671 Comments

Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

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CH 35.6 Interrupted Day Court

Blueblood sat at his opulent desk and stared into the new full-sized mirror opposite. Most ponies would think having a mirror setup like this in his study would be the height of vanity. To him, it just made it much more convenient to converse with Platinum Check.

Blueblood pushed the latest scroll towards the mirror. The refined mare within the mirror seemed to be sat opposite him.

Her magic lifted the scroll and held it before her. “Interesting… This Nobel Guide seems to be spending quite a bit of money on philanthropic endeavours. It’s almost like he doesn’t plan to have anything left in a few years.”

“I know, he was always one of the better nobles, but this is too short-sighted, even for him.”

“He might be trying to do something that money will not be an issue for him any longer, or he doesn’t think he will be around after a few more years.”

Blueblood considered things, “Perhaps but, if that was the case, I would think he would try to get an heir instead.”

“So what do you think he might be trying then?” She said in a leading tone.

“I would not be surprised to find out that this is either one of Princess Celestia’s mental manipulations or Noble Guide has been replaced with a changeling.” Waving the quill in his hoof thoughtfully. “The whole construction project could be a front from something much more sinister than housing refugees.”

“I already know that he’s not a changeling, I checked his lineage. So that leaves the first option or something we haven’t considered yet. What might he be up to with a refugee camp?”

“The most benign would be Aunty decided to bankrupt a noble instead of using the royal treasury to pay for it.”

“Possible, and certainly something to keep an eye out for.” She raised her head, and her silver eyes met his own. “What if it’s something that we haven’t considered and he isn’t under Celestia’s control, what good would the refugee camp be?”

“It is possible its nothing to do with the camp. The whole attack on Manehatten might have been faked just to get ponies away from the area. The camp could simply be to launder bits?”

“Could be. Could be more.” Her elegant sapphire mane shifted as she tilted her head in consideration. “Conclusion, we need more information. What resources might be able to applied to get information about what he’s up to?”

A polite knock on the door indicated that it was time to head out.

He rose, checking his own reflection in the mirror. Yes, everything was in place, nothing needed adjusting. Platinum Check’s work with his mane was far more durable than his normal servants.

Leaving the room, Blueblood walked past his new guards. His last line of security and something anypony that ‘knew’ him over the years would never expect. Two heavy armoured earth ponies and two swift pegasi. They were wearing his house colours, but not proper uniforms. Getting uniforms for them had been a bit of a nightmare, nopony thought a noble would need such uniforms for the ‘lesser’ ponies. He shook his head. How could the other nobles be so foolish to not see the strengths of the other tribes?

Because they just don’t want to see it. It’s something Celestia has obviously let keep happening, even though she could have put a stop to it generations ago. Platinum answered.

His mind went over the hundreds of bad decisions he now knew was Celestia’s doing. There could have been so many more. His entire life, he had been nothing but a pawn for her. As a Prince, he should be more than that, he should be better than a joke used to discredit the nobility.

And you will be, now that your will is your own again. Nice choice of guards as well, I approve.

He nodded gracefully to his ponies as he passed. They were still looking at him, a little puzzled. It was as if in doubt that this ‘new’ more reasonable Prince would be around to stay, and were still unwilling to do anything that would anger the old him. It would take time, but they would come around.

Despite that, he could see that his servants were looking a little less haggard. His insistence of increasing both their pay and the length of their breaks was working at least.

As he exited his home, two unicorn guards fell in next to him, reading his intent to walk to court instead of taking his carriage. It was honestly not that far, and these extra walks would improve his health.

Canterlot was a truly beautiful city, its tall, elegant buildings reaching for the heavens. His gaze surveyed the craft of many generations, the amount of love, pride and effort condensed in the jewel of Equestria.

His new insight found a way to spoil even the picturesque view. How many of the ponies that dedicated their entire lives to a project they would never see finished really wanted to do so, how many were just compelled by Celestia.

A flash of colour caught his attention, a pony darting out of his way. He once would have glared, turned his nose up at them or barked out a rude comment at them for even being that much in his way. Was I really that petty? He thought given the pony a faint nod.

I don’t believe so. Though I can’t say for certain as I wasn’t there at the time, your very questioning of it leads me to think that you were that way because Celestia needed a patsy. The disgust in Platinum’s voice was evident. The more I see of you, the more convinced I am that you are far better as yourself. She said in a much more approving tone.

Thank you, Lady Platinum.

He continued his walk, taking in the sights, grateful for how everypony cleared his path if not the hidden looks of contempt.

The loud clamouring of the nobles outside the courtroom assaulted his hearing. His ears wanted to press flat against his skull, but he would not allow himself to do anything so undignified.

“How can she do…”

“We need to…”

“Ten thousand bits per…”

“This is outrageous…”

“Who does she think she is?”

Blueblood almost shook his head in despair. If they stopped shouting and worked together, they could come up with a reasonable argument that Aunty Celestia would have to listen to if not act upon. Like this… well, they were like spoiled foals.

His guards peeled off, heading to a side room he knew the defenders of the other nobles were all gathered in. He wondered what they talked about, how much they gossiped and what information spies shared there.

He could feel eyes tracking him as he made his way to the front of the queue, as was his right. The mere fact he was not joining the schoolyard antics of his fellows was enough to draw suspicion. He let out a quiet sigh, he was going to have to ask for something unreasonable and have Celestia deny him just to avoid her suspicion.

Just remember, it’s the only way to keep your free will, for now. Platinum said sympathetically.

He nodded once to himself and waited the few minutes until the second session of day court commenced.

The wide doors opened, revealing his Aunty Celestia sitting in all her magnificence. The kind appearing eyes and the motherly smile radiating welcome. Platinum had not needed to ward his mind yet, so at least her appearance was honest.

Her smile warmed a little. “Nephew, what is it today?” There was none of the displeasure or judgment frequently in her tone.

He bowed his head in greeting, “Aunty, I want a new estate, I was thinking of having a vacation home near Ponyville.”

“Hmm, very well, you will need Twilight’s permission first.”

That was not the answer I was expecting.

Nore I. She seems to be in a good mood. With your apologies to Twilight, you might actually get it.

“Thank you, Aunty.” He said as if the acceptance was guaranteed.

Celestia nodded, though her eyes seemed to be on some of the nobles later on in the line. Blueblood moved aside, letting the next noble approve the throne.

That one and most of the ones that followed were ranting about two points. One how can they get more bits or Two, almost subtle schemes to disrupt Twilight’s decree and Celestia’s support of it. Platinum’s remarks were the only things stopping him from dying of boredom.

Celestia browsed his mind for the fourteenth time today, this time rooting out some financial information. Did she bother to remember anything, or did she just steal whatever she needed from the minds of others?

It wouldn’t surprise me if that was the case. Platinum chuckled.

The petitioner continued his pitch. “Now, as you can see by this chart here, there is no way we could fund free transit of such a number without spending at least four months gathering funds.”

He was a fool. Not only had Celestia already sent out notification to all public transport, but she could pay for it all out of her petty cash if it came to it.

His Aunty just smiled and listened, nodding along at his points. If it was anything like the last one, she would in about twenty minutes utterly destroy his proposal.

Back in my day, if we had nobility this incompetent, they would have lost their titles or their heads. Platinum commented while leaning against him.

He could feel her coat pressing against him as she sighed in boredom. It was comforting to feel her presence, to know she was there protecting his mind.

Celestia glanced off to the side, looking at a wall and smirked. Blueblood blinked, his Aunt was smirking with a mischievous glint in her eyes. The room fell into complete silence. She turned her gaze back to the crowd of nobles picking a few to hold their gaze for a few seconds.

For the fifteenth time, Celestia's mind magic washed over him. He could see by the slightly glazed eyes of everypony in the room she was affecting all of them.

Inside the scrying gem held by Platinum’s hooves, he could see the last few seconds of court burning away in solar fire. It was being replaced by Celestia asking something of the petitioner and getting an answer. The fake memory did not provide what the question or response and was only the feeling that they were too dull to bother remembering.

Celestia then trotted out of the fake version of his mind. She did all that for…

His chain of thought stopped as another pony proudly stalked in. She was taller than Celestia, mane of blazing fire and infernal slit eyes. Her every motion was guided by a lazy lethal grace. A fanged smile broke out on her muzzle as she looked around as if browsing.

Who is that? Blueblood asked.

A Nightmare Sun? This isn’t good. His companion answered.

Nightmare… Blueblood could feel Platinum controlling his body, stopping the shaking of his legs.

The first memory she pulled up was his ill-timed interruption of Princess Luna, Twilight and their plaything Candice. The firey mare paused, the scene and stalked around Candice in her shadowy lingerie “Oh, why did Celestia give you away?” The Nightmare said. Her voice sounding like a more confidant, crueller and more seductive version of his Aunt.

The memory continued following Blueblood in his unwanted teleport above the fountain. The evil mare laughed, “Oh, I have to show her this.” Her horn lit and a small glass orb formed, holding an image of the scene.

Blueblood wanted to complain, to shout at Platinum about letting this thing do this in his mind, but he did not. He knew why she was, to do anything else would attract her suspicion. He braced himself for whatever next humiliation this evil creature would inflict upon his ego.

The invader’s face hardened, taking on a more serious tone and she started acting with more haste. Nightmare Sun stalked around inside the fake metal space, pulling memories one by one to examine.

The inside of the crystalline defences of his mind filled with thousands of images of Twilight. His every memory, every encounter and even thought both fair and foul of the lavender mare flooded the space.

Nightmare Sun slowly browsed each one, pausing here and there, her expression ranging from amusement to contempt. She moved relaxedly, stalking like a predator in his mind for days at a time and yet it was over in only a few moments. One by one, every memory he had of Twilight was drawn into a glass orb, copied.

She halted on the memory of his apology to Twilight in the Palace corridor, studying the smaller Alicorn for a good twenty seconds before continuing.

The very last memory she watched from the beginning. His first meeting with Twilight.

As she watched it, he could feel it enveloping him. The sights, sounds and emotions consuming him until he was the young colt once more.

It was when she first moved into the castle, his bitterness as he sat watching the ‘commoner’ taking more and more of his Aunty’s time. Time that by all rights should be his.

“Hello, my name’s Twilight, what's yours?” The small lavender filly asked in a bright, happy voice. Her eyes were sparkling with the excitement of meeting him.

His past self scoffed. “It would figure a commoner like you would not have the privilege of knowing who I am.”

The little filly looked hurt, her hope and wonder shattered. A small shimmering of tears formed in her eyes.

“I am Prince Bloodblood.” His younger self advanced looming over the useless trash before him. “And you are not even worthy of being in my presence, let alone that of my Aunty. I can not think of a single reason, other than pity, she would even allow a pathetic unicorn like you to even breath the same air as her.” His past self ranted.

Twilight ears drooped and tears started to fall. First one, then another sniffling breaths shock her body.

Had he really been that cruel? He could barely remember the day it was nothing significant to him. Just another pony he had put in their place.

“Now run home and be a disappointment to your family elsewhere, just get out of my sight.”

The little filly Twilight flinched tripping over her own hooves. The younger Blueblood turned up his nose and walked off, ignoring her.

Nightmare Sun rotated the image listening carefully.

The sound of the filly’s hooves as she galloped off was not heading to the exit, they were heading to the library. The impact of her little hooves did not sound panicked, they sounded determined.

“And so this is where it began,” Nightmare Sun’s rich voice purred thoughtfully.

And that was the day after she sealed your magic. Platinum said with obvious disdain.

The familiar thud of the throne room doors being thrown open snapped him back to himself. An incensed stallion’s raised voice broke the mindscape and dragged him back to reality.

“I will see her this instant!”

“You…” A guard started before Celestia raised her hoof, the perfect picture of calmness.

“I am sure whatever brings the young lord here in such a state much be of the utmost importance.” Celestia’s saintly voice seemed nothing but an omen of evil to Blueblood now that he knew who was really behind those eyes.

The noble that was never important enough for Blueblood to learn the name of continued. “Thank you, your Majesty” He bowed respectfully, holding it for a few seconds and catching his breath. By the disarray of his expensive clothes, it was as if he had run all the way here.

“So My Little Pony, what is the urgent matter that could not wait for my attention?”

“Twi... Princess Twilight Sparkle attacked my home and ponynapped my whole family.”

“I am sure she had a good reason,” Celestia reassured.


“I believe your sister was due to have a foal? And with Twilight’s recent decree, your family’s actions might have been in breach of it.” Celestia said, with a twinkle in her eyes.


“I know that your father and mother were intending to offer her foal up for adoption, with Twilight offering to heal hybrids… I wonder if one of them might have decided to do something… ill-advised and incurred Twilight’s judgment.” Celestia said, her gentle voice hardening for the last few words.

There are certainly some power plays going on here. To what end, we need to find out. Platinum stated. At least Nightmare Sun has gone home.

“She has no right…”

“She has every right, after all, she is an Alicorn Princess, like myself.” For a moment, her gaze was just like that of Nightmare Sun.

Another shudder had to be restrained by Platinum.


Celestia silenced the Noble with a smile, if Blueblood had not seen in on Nightmare Sun’s face, it would have been a perfectly pleasant and reassuring facial expression. Somehow without the fangs, to Blueblood, it looked even more menacing.

“I shall write Twilight a letter, and we can get this all sorted out.” She waved a hoof in a calm, dismissing gesture. “I suggest you go home and make sure your things are in order, there is a chance you may be the head of your household for the foreseeable future.”

“Princess I am unable to do so… Princess Twilight has some sort of ward on the estate that prevents anypony from entering.”

There was a twitch on the Sun Princess’s face, then another wave of mind magic went out as she chuckled quietly, and no pony but him remembered.

Celestia looked to her assistant. “Please draw up the papers needed for the good lord here to be able to borrow up to ten thousand bits form the royal treasury, please.” She looked back. “Now if that is all, I wish you a good day.”

The young lord bowed a few heartbeats too late to truly be respectful. “Thank you, Princess.”

Now in light of what my fellow Princess has instigated, I will have to end Day Court early today. If there is anything of pressing importance, please direct it to my assistant or one of my Guards.” She rose gracefully from her throne. “Oh, and do remember the thousand bit fine if it turns out to be a trivial matter.”

She strode out, her stride stately as her metal shoes clinked on the ground to a precise rhythm. The room was in utter silence until the guards closed the doors behind her. Then the shouting match between the nobles started.

Blueblood restrained himself from facehoofing. Even feeling like this, he was not going to be seen making such a common gesture.

It had been hours before his position had allowed him to slip away from the useless rabble that made up most of the nobility. Each and every one of them had blindspots as large as the palace itself. He could not tell how many were naturally there and how many were planted by Celestia. They were just in such perfect opposition to each other that it could leave the room in endless arguments over the simplest of things.

The only worthwhile nobles were the ones that were his staunch opponents before, like Noble Guide, Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis.

He walked into his chambers letting Platinum remove his garments. The soft touch of her hooves and magic, effortlessly doing what, this late in the day, he would have had to struggle only using his hooves for. He seethed at Celestia for sealing his magic, he could have been more, he could have been great. Images of him being the hero that saved the land, a wise, powerful and respected leader filled his mind. Each poisoning his opinion of his aunt and her hypocrisy.

Another gentle touch snapped him back to the hear and now. Platinum’s hoof rested reassuringly on his shoulder, helping to calm his thoughts.

We need allies first, and with what we found out today, you asking for a vacation home in Ponyville might very well be an accidental win in that regard. Platinum complimented. We should get out of here as soon as we can. If she is willing to so casually use mind magic, this is the most dangerous place we can be.

He tiredly walked to the small desk in his room, quickly writing a note filled with the needed instructions to prepare for a trip to Ponyville tomorrow. He had a personal air carriage so he may as well use it. He would take his new guards with him and two of his old ones for two of each tribe, that might get a better reception.

Pulling the cord to summon his butler, he only had to wait a few seconds before the well-trained servant is his perfect uniform appeared, as if by magic. For all he knew, all butlers were required to teleport. It might be a required spell for them to qualify for the highly paid position.

“Your Highness, how may I be of service?”

Blueblood held out the note with the last dregs of his magic “I am travelling tomorrow, please arrange things.”

The butler accepted the note and bowed. “Yes, your Highness.”

“Once things are prepared, please feel free to take an early night, I will not have any need for any of the staff until morning.”

Unless Blueblood was mistaken, there might have been the smallest of twitches in his butler’s facial expression. He was sure the stallion had a name, but here was another pony he had never bothered to learn their name.

“Thank you, your Highness.”

Blueblood dismissed that stallion with a wave. Who bowed and disappeared with professional swiftness.

Taking a deep breath, Blueblood stretched. How standing around doing nothing for hours on end could take such a toll on his body, he would never know. Maybe it was just stress.

That’s exactly what it is. Platinum explained.

He turned and ambled through his various private rooms, making his way to his personal baths. It would be an excellent way to relax both his body and his mind. He did not need his servants for a simple bath, he was a fully grown stallion, he could take care of himself.

After the fourth minute of his trek, he was wondering if perhaps his sweet of rooms might be a tad on the large size.

Looking at it, he could see it was far more than he would ever need. It was a small swimming pool with more gold than some nations' economies. How many bits did he waste getting this on the top floor of his home?

Looking at the complex array of magical gems and countless grooming and bathing products, he had a moment of doubt. He could not even work out how to change the temperature of the water let alone what bottle of scented liquid, gel or power he was supposed to use.

Just relax. I am trained to help with this. Platinum offered.

Blueblood settled into the warm water catching glimpses of Platinum moving in the many reflections in the finery. Her magic and soft hooves began massaging the tension from his body as her presence and sweet words of encouragement banished the stress from his mind.

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