• Published 11th Sep 2019
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Twilight's Nightmare - Nightsclaw

Twilight in her most desperate of moments, issues a cry for help. She was not expecting the Nightmare to be her saviour.

  • ...

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CH 40.2 Reluctantly Through the Looking Glass

Night regarded the bizarre arcane contraception surrounding the portal mirror as Twilight’s magic carefully set Sunset’s journal back in its place. Despite having watched its construction, how and why it worked was still beyond her. Somehow it broke half the rules Starswirl had insisted were absolutes about his mirrors.

Intense magic swirled and danced rippling along its surface as the simple reflective pane became much, much more. If it was not for the grim reason for their trip, Night knew her mind would drift back to happier times. The many-worlds she, Tia and Starswirl explored, just for the fun of it.

Night shook her head. “Why are we taking this detour when Candice needs healing now?” She was doing her best to keep her anger and impatience out of her voice. It was hard to get the image of the charred near-corpse that lay on Twilight's bed out of her thoughts. Yes, she had inflicted worse, far worse on others, but this was different. This time, this was the first time in a long time that somepony she cared about had been so grievously wounded and yet lived.

We are only going to get one chance to do this right. She is in temporal stasis, we have the time. Twilight trotted around on the obsidian plane of the mental space arranging her lists around her. Like I said they have books and experts we need if Candice is going to make a full recovery.

Night huffed. “I fail to see what some primitive upright monkeys are going to be able to do that we can't.”

Their science has discovered so many fascinating things about how life works; they just don't have magic to be able to affect it.

“So you're committed? You are really going to force me through this humiliation?” Night complained without any real heat.

Yes, Night. This needs to be done. Also, stop talking to me out loud, if anypony hears you, they will think I’m insane.

You are. Night scrapped her hoof along the crystal floor. “Why do I put up with this?” She sighed. Fine, let's get this folly out of the way. Night advanced as if heading to her own funeral. At least a determined Twilight was infinitely more desirable than the sobbing distraught Twilight of a few hours ago. She still had no idea how Dreams had calmed and redirected Twilight's energies towards something somewhat productive.

Remember what I told you. I'm not sure if we will be able to talk on the other side. Twilight said as if Night was a foal under her care being reminded not to wander off with strangers.

I know, I have been manipulating ponies since before… Night shook her head. The girls on the other side are almost the same as your friends here, and I was there for every time you have met them. Night met the eyes of her own reflection, allowing the image to shift revealing Twilight's pensive look. Be at ease, Twilight. You can trust me to have such a simple task in hoof. If you are indisposed, I will simply ask Sunset Shimmer for help while pretending to be you.

Good. Twilight paused for a moment, the reflection changed now showing both of them. Twilight pulled the reflection into an embrace. Night felt Twilight's warm feathered wing wrapped around her as gentle words whispered into her ear.Thank you, Night.

The gesture was nostalgic. It was so similar to how she had comforted Luna all those years ago. The affection from her host was pleasant, she welcomed it. She shifted some attention to the mental space to return the embrace fully. Night’s own leather wings closed around Twilight. The subtle show of dominance apparently unnoticed by her host. Twilight snuggled getting comfortable, settling in for a prolonged hug. She clearly only saw it as a sign of protectiveness and affection.

Twilight was no longer just her host. At some point, she had truly accepted Twilight as her family. Even fully committed to that fact, it was still something she was getting used to. There was no denying this arrangement had a lot of benefits. The duel with Luna, the whole traditional fair and events were more than worth it. There was no way she could have arranged something so perfect for Luna on her own. Her mind drifted back to that kiss, pinned beneath Luna, exhausted, beaten, defeated and loving every moment of it.

Night held in a content sigh. Yes having Twilight as family was proving to be worth it. But by the stars, it was complicated. At least it kept things interesting, even if some of the compromises required were galling. Night felt her lips twitch, almost forming a smile. She resisted it, she had an image to maintain at least. “The sooner this is done, the sooner I will be back to the perfection that is the equine form.”

The crossing was jarring, like all Starswirl’s portals were. There was no grace nor artistry to his magic. Yes, she could not deny it's brilliance, but he was just a cold schooler. He would never be a true master at the art of magic.

Twilight stomped her hoof in the mindscape. Night. I can feel you thinking badly of Starswirl. Stop that.

He was not even a tenth of the mage you are. Even with her senses still scrambled, Night smiled as she smoothly rose to two legs. After taking on the form of so many ponies, and non-ponies worse nightmares, a simple slightly top-heavy biped was no challenge.


Night put on Twilight’s happy but surprised smile and turned. A girl with yellow and red hair stood before her, some strange device held in her blunt claws. This form’s senses are pathetic. Night mentally snarled. “Sunset I need your help,” Night said in a perfect copy of Twilight’s imploring tone.

“Twilight what are you wearing?” Sunset's eyes looked Night up and down, keeping her weight carefully balanced on her legs, ready to act. Suspicion clear behind her gaze, it was gratifying to see she was not just a trusting fool like so many ponies, even if it made things more problematic now.

Night looked down at herself, sensible and stylish dark armour barded her body. It was only missing weapons to be a practical outfit. “Armour?”

“Why do you need armour here? To the humans here you look like you're dressed up for Nightmare Night.”

“Forgive me. Multiple attempts on one’s life tend to have that effect.”

Sunset stared deeply into her eyes as if seeking something. Slowly she opened her shoulder bag. Her blunt claws reached in. Night restrained her reaction. Despite the suspicion, this was one of Twilight’s trusted friends. “Can you explain this entry?" Sunset asked, flipping open the slightly singed journal.

Night relaxed. “I overreacted when the noble council decided my daughter was a magical construction and was to be put down.”

Sunset blanched. "They what!?"

“I start helping the poor ponies, the hybrids, and those that wish to follow their hearts instead of inter-house politics, and this was my reward.” Night said using Twilight deadpan delivery to hide her anger.

It took a few seconds for Sunset to speak again. “I knew some of them were bad and often dismissed the value of others’ lives. I never imagined they would go that far.”

Night half shrugged. “I may have also summarily permanently imprisoned most of a noble house for crimes against Equestria.”

“That would give them motive at least,” Sunset said.

“Howdy, Twilight,” Applejack’s distinctive drawl called out.

Night spun only barely avoiding launching an attack. Only the lack of a familiar body saved Applejack from a painful fate.

These senses are utterly useless. How did these upright monkeys even survive long enough to develop civilisation?

They are inventive and smart. Twilight commented.

Applejack tipped her hat in greeting. “Didn’t know ya were visitin.”

Night nodded her head to Applejack. “Yes, I need to do some shopping. I need as many tomes on healing as I can find. Especially the treatment of severe burns.”

“Oh my.” A soft meek voice spoke up from behind Night.

I was snuck up on by Fluttershy. In that moment, it was so very hard not to face hoof, or commit ritual suicide out of shame.

Twilight sniggered. Well, she is often very quiet and unassuming.

Night offered a wave and a smile of greetings to Fluttershy. She could not really hold this useless body’s abilities against this world's version of the Element of Kindness. At least the ‘ambush’ generated a moment of humour for Twilight.

“What happened?” Sunset demanded.

Taking on a solemn tone Night straightened. “There was an incident. Before it was resolved, my Guard Captain was severely injured.”

Sunset's eyes narrowed. “Twilight, I know with your magic if they're still alive you can heal them. “

“If them flames were normal. Yes.” Sunsets eyes widened. Night held Sunsets gaze. “I see you understand.”

Applejack looked between Night and Sunset. "Care to explain?"

Sunset slumped, seeming to deflate. Her voice came out as little more than a whisper. "You really don't want to know."

Applejack opened her mouth to speak, but one look into Sunset’s eyes stole the words from her.

“Now, where may I exchange gold for books on healing,” Night asked.

Sunset shook her head. “You can't, they made it very hard to trade gold in this world. Trust me, I found that out the hard way.”


“The same.”

Night held in all her frustration except for a sigh. It would not serve any purpose here. She hated being powerless. Being unable to even attempt to reach her objective. She was strong. She was powerful. Any problem she could not overpower she knew she was cunning enough to out think. All except repairing the damage Candice’s brave mistake had caused.

For once, she was grateful for her current inferior form. With no wings to flair or horn to light, it was much easier to conceal her desire to smite something with her hooves. Such behaviour was unbecoming of her. Candice’s state and Insight’s personality must have had a larger impact on her mood than she thought.

Hmm, I might have an idea. Twilight interjected. Hold our hand out as if you’re doing some magic, please.

Night mentally shrugged and reached out, holding her hand in an uncomfortable position Minotaur shamans used to bless their warriors before they went into battle.

In the mindscape, Twilight lit her horn. Now I just need to add a little bit of illusion to sell it.

Magenta magic rippled down Night’s arm. From her extended fingers, a swirling mist formed into a perfect, if miniature, replica of Twilight's body. A moment later, a hollow feeling manifested inside her. Twilight had abandoned the body again.

“You can use your magic here?” Sunset leaned in, studying Twilight's conjured body. “How?”

Night did not know what Twilight was up to, but she could certainly improvise. A confident smile with a hint of sadness due to the current situation would be all she needed to sell the act. “Just because I’m missing my horn does not mean I have lost my magic.”

Twilight, in her mini body, stretched and flexed her wings. “Mission, copy books. Books!” She said before vanishing in a flash of light.

Fluttershy was staring at where Twilight was with wide adorning eyes. “Is that what you really look like?”

“That’s what my physical body looks like.” Night smiled and secretly watched Applejack with her peripheral vision. There seemed to be no reaction.

Rainbow laughed. “And I thought you were some sort of important Princess that battled evils, not a cute little thing like that.”

Night had to avoid shaking her head, in disappointment. There were so many defects with the human form she did not even know where to start with a comeback. A tired sigh escaped Night, her mournful expression did not need to be faked. “Rainbow Dash, can we agree not to insult each other's species, at least for today. My friend is only barely alive after being almost completely incinerated.”

Rainbow and the rest of the girls froze. Night took that moment to turn some of her attention inwards. Yes, in her mindscape, she still wore her currently preferred form. She still looked like Twilight’s athletic, night-aspected sister. She closed her equine eyes, seeking out her wellsprings. Yes, they were still there, her current body just lacked the mana channels to directly express the common uses of tribal magic.

Dreams, do you know what Twilight is up to? Night asked, opening her eyes, peering through the reflection back into the physical world. A simple spell here allowed her a poor approximation of Twilight’s magic vision. She studied Sunset. The mare in human form still had her unicorn magic. It was a little atrophied due to lack of use, but it was there. How could Twilight let her friend suffer like this, most ponies denied their magic would stop eating, some even going as far as to directly take their own lives.

As she said, she's gone book hunting. Just keep Sunset Shimmer and the girls’ company till she gets back.

The things she has me doing for her.

I know you really do it for Little Star and this attempt at having a family.

Well, I can at least do something useful while she is away. Night thought.

“Twi, you in there?” Rainbows Dash’s hand waved in front of Night's eyes.

Night refocused entirely on the physical world. Her eyes met Rainbow’s. “Yes, I’m in here. That spell was just a little distracting.”

“Look I’ve been trying to say sorry so...Sorry.” Rainbow eventually got out.

Placing a hand on Rainbow’s shoulder seemed to be an appropriate thing to do for a human, so Night did. “Apology accepted, Thank you. Just from now on, please think before you speak. You don’t always get a chance to take your words back. Sometimes that can leave you with regrets for the rest of your life.” Night held the contact for a few more seconds then looked to the rest of the girls. “While we wait for my magic to complete its task, shall we talk about more pleasant topics?”

“About that spell.” Sunset began, her expression troubled. “I've never seen its like before, and I know of almost every spell ever written. What is it?”

“Not ones of my own creation, you don’t.” Night smiled proudly. “This one allows me to, in effect, be in two places at once.”

“That sounds awesome, just think of the pranks we could pull with that.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, perhaps that can be investigated in happier times.” Night said.

“So, what’s going on back in Equestria?” Rainbow asked.

Night sighed. “Rarity and Pinkie are going to want to know too, how about I explain it to all of you at once? Rainbow would you be so kind as to gather the girls?”

Rainbow zipped off.

“Applejack, Fluttershy, might I have a moment to speak with Sunset Shimmer alone?”

“Oh, ok,” Fluttershy said. It was no effort to offer a sincere looking smile to the meek girl.

Applejack just nodded, and they both headed towards the school. “When you're ready, meet us in the music room, we got it booked for band practice.” She called back.

Sunset just nodded. “So what’s on your mind, Twilight?”

Night turned a concerned gaze to Sunset. “Are you happy here, Sunset Shimmer?”

“Yes, my friends are here, I have a life here.” There was no pause, no hesitation. Sunset Spoke her heart.

Night placed a hand on Sunset's shoulder, careful not to touch flesh. “Away from Celestia, you have grown into a capable, determined mare.”

“I learned the value of friendship and harmony.”

“A lesson that is very hard to learn in Celestia’s shadow.” Night said. Sunset’s face twisted, she looked like she might object but Night continued. “Why do you think I was encouraged to stay in Ponyville? Celestia is not very good at friendship.”

"Twilight. What are you getting at? I know I was not ready. I was too arrogant, too selfish."

"Perhaps the failing is not in the student, but the teacher."

"How can you say that about Princess Celestia?" Sunset demanded.

Night held up a placating hand. "You're forgetting I too learned from her. In the end, to get a student that could pass to her standards, she had to literally make one." Night shifted and casually leant against the side of the statue. Staying upright on two legs was getting uncomfortable. "She literally had to leave bits out to make her impossible pony a reality. Reduced ambition, no interest in romantic love or even physical pleasure, so much of what makes a pony deemed unnecessary. Her faithful student was programmed to follow her orders. Her calling me her ‘Faithfully Student’ was a command word reinforcing her authority over me."

"Why would she do that?" Sunset said, beginning to pace.

"To save her sister and safeguard Equestria. I was a tool made by her, one she had to make in a hurry. She even left an option so she could kill me with just a thought."

Sunset stopped dead in her tracks. “Kill you?” She hissed in disbelief.

Night nodded. "It was all merely sensible precautions for a ruler to take."

"How can you just accept that?"

"Do you know how powerful you are? What destruction you could cause with your magic?"

Sunset looked down. "I am aware, I imagine Cadance still has some scars to show from one of my outbursts."

"No, she's fine." Night shook her head. "It's almost impossible to leave a permanent mark on an Alicorn."

Rubbing one arm with her hand, Sunset looked haunted by past misdeeds. “Twilight why are we having this conversation?”

“I guess I'm trying to get things off my chest with a pony who might be able to relate to me. Having known Celestia, you might be able to understand.”

Sunset perched next to Night, resting her hand on the statue. “So what do you want to tell me?”

“The truth of being an Alicorn and how Celestia keeps Equestria safe from other nations.” Night paused in thoughtful silence as she considered how much to tell her sister's former student. “Celestia holds the sun over the head of the other nations. Any nation that goes to war with Equestria or does something she objects to too strongly risks their country being rendered to molten glass. A simple note expressing her displeasure is enough to turn an army around.”

“If that was true, I would know. I read the actual histories, the ones in the restricted sections of the archive.”

Night nodded. “As she was grooming you to be an Alicorn, she let you keep most of your memories about what you read.”

“Are you saying Celestia doesn't believe in harmony?”

Night shook her head. “Celestia most definitely believes in harmony. Perhaps too much. She is just willing to do whatever is necessary to protect it. She even sent her sister to the moon for one thousand years.”

“So Celestia is not as perfect as she makes herself out to be and has to get her hooves dirty from time to time.”

“You respect that?”

“I think I would have, back when I was her student." Sunset crossed her arms " What do you think about it, Twilight?"

Night waved her hand carelessly. “I can respect it. It has flaws, though. It makes her a single point of failure. It only acts as a deterrent so long as she is in good health and has enough magic stored up to carry out her threats.” Night narrowed her eyes. “Though it was cruel of her to send Luna to the moon.”

“How so?”

Night’s magic twisted in anger at the bitter memory. With no path for expression, it vibrated within her, ready, needing to do something. “A thousand years with only your madness for company, the vacuum of space clawing at your flesh and endless gnawing hunger in your chest. It would have been kinder to kill her.”

“That was not the answer I was expecting from you,” Sunset said thoughtfully.

“If you have been through what I have… but that's beside the point.” Night placed her hand to her chest and breathed in. With a slow exhale, she extended her arm, letting some of the bitterness out. “I'm bringing all this up to let you know what you will be walking into, should you accept the invitation to my wedding.”

Sunset rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Maybe start with that point next time.”

Night nodded. “Yes, upon reflection. That might have been better.”

Sunset smiled warmly. “And of course I will come to your wedding.”

With how friendly Twilight tended to be, Night light pulled Sunset into a brief hug. “Thank you.”

“So what’s it like?”

Night lifted a single eyebrow in question.

“Being an Alicorn.”

It took a moment to think of a concise answer. “It's amazing and terrifying in equal measure.”


“Alicorns have an absurd amount of power. Both physically and magically. One moment of being careless and it would prove too easy to kill somepony accidentally.” Night glance down, Candice’s fate felt like a weight on her neck. Why did she even care about that foalish mortal, she would be dead in less than a few hundred years at most. Likely less than five with how reckless she was being. She would end up as nothing more than another painting in Luna’s bastion.

Sunset’s face filled with sympathy. “Is that what happened?”

Oh bucking Tartarus, what is wrong with me? Clearly something had crept into her tone.

I believe you actually have a heart somewhere in that black soul of yours Nighty. Dreams teased.

“The only reason the ‘noble’ that demanded my daughter’s life is still alive is Celestia blocked my attack. The only reason any of the nobles in the chamber are still alive is that Candice distracted me.” Night’s nails dug painfully into her palms, her fists trembling. “Somepony you care for getting themself nearly burnt to death by your magic will do that.” Night snarled. The blood dripped to the ground ignored. Things were so much simpler when everyone she cared for was dead.

Sunset’s unasked for hug she was inflicting upon Night was warm. Perhaps not as warm as Twilight’s had been, but it was still pleasant.

“An Alicorn’s magic does what you desire, not what you command it to do.” Night continued the magic lesson, grateful Sunset allowed the change of subject away from Candice. “If you hate somepony, it will try to hurt them. If you want somepony close, it will seek to draw them to you… and if you're not paying attention, it can destroy everything around you.”

“That sounds like dark magic,” Sunset commented.

Night shook her head. “I can see the comparison, but dark magic is fueled by emotions. Alicorn magic is directed by and empowered by them.”

“Is that why Princess Celestia sometimes seemed so cold?”

“One of the reasons. She also gets that way when most of her attention is elsewhere.”

“Like your spell from earlier?”

“Yes." Night considered just how much she should tell Sunset. "An alicorn can split their soul and send parts of it off to perform tasks."

Sunset’s eyes widened full of alarm. “But..”

Night laughed, it was a quite haunted thing. “Not for Alicorns. Our soul can be shattered again and again. In the end, we will most likely pull ourselves back together. Or the fragments can remain separate and act as different minds in the same body.”

“So, Celestia?”

“Has three. Herself, her Mask and her Warmind.”

“And you?”

“Five.” Night stated.

“Five? Does it ever get confusing?” Sunset inquired.

“No, it's just a natural part of being an Alicorn," Night said, letting a warm smile form. "For me, it's just like having more family members."

“So are you Twilight?”

“Legally, yes.”

Sunset crossed her arms. “That’s a ‘technically correct’ answer if I ever heard one.”

“All the fragments of an Alicorn is considered to be one individual.”

Sunset’s gaze was unyielding. Night’s smile widened at the sight of the determination behind those green orbs. Night bowed formulary "I am Night. Twilight’s protector. Her sword."

“And the Twilight I know is the little Alicorn going after the books?” Sunset guessed.

Night nodded.

“And I should believe you why?”

“You could summon Applejack, but…” Night offered her hand. "I know you wield the power of empathy, and like Cadance, it can pierce all deceptions."

Sunset reached for her geode, resting her hand on it for a moment. Seconds slipped by. “What is your reason for telling me all of this?”

“Celestia lied to me, to Cadance, and kept us in the dark. Not telling us the price for becoming an Alicorn nor the risks. If ascension is something, you still seek, I would have you know what it truly means and what it will cost you.”

“So, what is the cost?”

“Ultimately, oblivion. Alicorns break their ties to the Eternal Fields. When we die, we are simply gone. Never to meet those we love in the afterlife.”

Sunset just stared. “I thought Alicorns were immortal?”

“Only almost. No, we are simply ageless and very hard to kill.” Night paused, wondering how much to tell this former student of her sister. “There used to be thousands of Alicorns.”

“Used to be? What happened?”

“I don’t know.” Night hoped she managed to keep the full extent of her emotions from her face. She really did not know what had happened, but she hoped they suffered. Just imagining then in pain, feeling even one-tenth of the suffering she had threatened to make her smile. She deliberately put on a worried frown. “Whatever can defeat over a thousand fully trained Alicorns would most definitely be a threat to us now.”

“That…” Sunset slowly shook her head. “I'm not even sure I want to imagine what sort of thing could do that.”

“Which, Sunset Shimmer, is why I have an offer for you. If you wish it, I will help guide you to ascension.”

“Me? An Alicorn?”

"Yes.” Night smiled. “You have the potential."

“I don't know. Celestia was right, I'm not worthy.”

Night shook her head and reached out, resting her hand on Sunset's shoulder. "You were not the tool Celestia needed to save her sister. That's hardly your fault, and does not lessen your potential."

“But I was arrogant. Selfish. Willing to do anything to get what I wanted.”

“That's strange, I did not see you kill any human here when you went 'evil', and I know you discovered how easy it was to affect these…. flawed humans with your magic. You could have sacrificed all those under your control for more power. It would have been simplicity itself.”

A look of horror crept into Sunset’s face.

“See my friend. Even at your worst, you had limits you would not cross." Night squeezed Sunset’s shoulder, adding just enough pressure to be reassuring, she hoped.

Sunset’s hand came up and rested on Night’s. Something flashed behind her eyes.

"Nightmare!?” Sunset flinched and tried to pull back, shock written all over her face. Night may have only been human, but she was still an athletic warrior, Night’s grip held Sunset firm.

Tartarus damned empathy magic

Sunset trembled, but that did nothing to stop her arms and legs moving her body contorting to try and break free. A fist swung for Night’s face as Sunset started to sweep Night’s legs out from under her.

“Stop,” Night commanded. Sunset froze. Only Night's grip prevented her from falling. “Calm down and think about what you felt. Examine why I did the things I did and how I have been since.” Night slowly let go and stood back.

Sunset did not slump to the ground or anything so dramatic. Her body merely trembled slightly for a few seconds but she held a defensive stance. The panic and fear were gone, but she was still cautious and alert. “That spell? What did you do to me?” Sunset demanded levely.

My, aren't you a strong-willed one. Night thought before she answered. “By infusing our magic and will into our words, we can compel our ponies.”

“And you did not want me to cause a scene.”

“Correct, Twilight would never forgive me.”

“And that Little Alicorn off hunting books...”

“Is actually Twilight, yes, as I said.” Night confirmed.

“And you expect me to believe you’re suddenly good now?”

“By the stars of course not. You’re smarter than that. I'm still the monster I was made to be. But now I have ponies I want to protect. Ponies I wish to have happy lives. That changes things…” Night looked away, suddenly unable to hold Sunset’s intense scrutiny.

“Let's say for a moment I don't dive through that portal and run to Celestia. That I'm willing to give you a chance to explain.”

“Then you would be saving Twilight's life. Celestia knew where I ended up. Sealed. Constrained under Twilight’s wellspring after she used the elements to rip me from Luna.” Slowly Night raised her eyes and met Sunset’s. “If she learned I was free, that Twilight was the one to let me free… it would not end well for Twilight.”

Outrage marred Sunset’s face “Celestia would never.”

Night held up a silencing hand. “She has done many terrible things because she decided they were for the greater good. She exterminated an entire nation just to make a point.” Night said. Fatigue seemed to wash over her, was this what it was like to feel old? She gracelessly sat down. Deliberately settling herself in a way that would be slow to stand from and as defenceless as she could tolerate. She closed her eyes and rested her head against the cool stone of the statue. "If you are going to judge me. Judge me for the full story. "

With a cautious stiffness to her movements, Sunset sat next to her. “I’m listing.”

Night offered her hand, and Sunset accepted, her power shimming in her eyes as Night began her tail. "It all began when I… when Luna was a little filly, and she was chosen by her first master…"

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