• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 2,202 Views, 143 Comments

Imperial Revision - The Sound of Loneliness

What would you do if you already had everything? Or everything you wanted. Her Majesty Nightmare Moon has recently discovered there is more to life than war, intrigues and edicts. Luna is trying to be helpful. She has no choice.

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Rare Is The Apple With No Worms

Rarity stopped under the familiar wooden arch, extending a hoof to get a feeling of it once again. The hard, wooden frame, slightly colored white with this year’s first snow, felt so familiarly appealing, provoking a strong sense of nostalgia.How long had it been now?

Giving the old arch a loving pat, Rarity ventured forth to the red farmhouse. Its lights were still lit, it was good that she went early in the evening.
Taking a look around, Rarity noticed the farm was slowly giving way to neglect. The Apple family didn't have enough ponypower without Granny Smith and Applebloom. Where had that filly ended up even? Well, maybe it was better she didn’t know, like with Sweetie Belle. Rarity’s saddened smile found its way to her face again… well, at least it was better than crying again.

Seeing nothing else to stall on, Rarity knocked on the front door.

“Commin’!” Rarity heard a familiar voice flying through the door. Well, if Applejack says it…
“Heya there! Bit of a late time for a visit.” ...she means it.

“Hello, darling!” Rarity heartily greeted the farmpony.

“Did she finally give ya a leave? Come ‘ere!” Before Rarity could react, she found herself tightly grappled across her chest. Luckily, she decided not to wear anything more than a woven scarf this once, otherwise it would’ve been completely ruined by AJ’s affection, “Ya know that ya’re mah favorite collaborationist! Ya really should come ‘round more often!”

“Oh, AJ! You know just the word for a greeting!” Rarity tried and failed to contain her grin, trying to squirm out of AJ’s grip.

“Just sayin’ how things are. Come on in! Drop yarself down in the kitchen, I’ve been just cookin’. Good ol’ bowl of some hot stuff is just what ya need to get the night’s cold out of yer system.” Rarity couldn’t lie that did sound appealing, the night’s air already became quite chilling.

“Will your brother be joining us, Applejack?” Rarity asked, carefully folding her scarf.

“Big Mac? Nah, he’s ain’t even in the town. Don’t ya worry, we’ve got this ‘ole house just for ourselves,” Applejack tried to sound casual, but she was a poor liar.
“Anyway, how’s Twilight? Haven’t heard much from her since she moved to that palace of yers.”

“Oh, Twilight is great! She finally got the recognition she deserves! Darling worked so hard to prove herself to everyone ever since we met her and it finally came back to her!”

“So, she’s loving it?”

“Well… not entirely, she doesn’t enjoy being watched all the time and having to constantly follow the protocol. What surprised me is that she actually loved the palace!” Rarity gasped, a sudden idea popping into her head.
“Oh, Applejack, you should come and see it someday! The palace is absolutely gorgeous! The Empress made the very walls into the works of glorious art! Oh, and how delightful it would be to bring Fluttershy to the gardens!” A realization stopped Rarity from going further through the palace’s majestic features.
“Darling, I am sorry! You must be feeling awfully left out here on your own!”

“It ain’t so bad. Pinkie still swings by time to time. Fluttershy used to do that too, before she got ‘dose weird eyes of hers, she mostly comes out at night now.”

“And what about Spikey? You cannot possibly suggest that such a gentledrake could leave you all by yourself!”

“Well, he used to come over too, but now he’s got that changeling Twilight sent his way. Guess he’s havin’ his hooves full with her.
Wouldn’t be surprised if he has to keep an eye on her sleepin’. With that folk you gotta watch every move.”

“Applejack!” Rarity scolded. “Just where did this come from? Shadow is our friend!”

“Ain’t no friend of mah she is! She can’t even look ya in the eye while talking to ya. Hay, she’s weird even for a changeling, never talks to ya unless you say somethin’ first, wouldn’t ever turn her back on ya and watches yer every move as if she expects ya to leap on her! That missy is bad people, I’m tellin’ ya.”

Applejack began clanging with spoons, signaling to Rarity that her promised food was ready now. And indeed, Applejack soon brought her a steamy bowl of creamy liquid.

Rarity breathed in the sweet vapor,
“Oh, darling! It’s been so long!” Rarity smiled at the good memories.

“Told ya. Ye all should come ‘round more often.” Applejack grinned back and went to get her own bowl.

Rarity used this opening to get a mouthful of Apple family’s soup. The soft, creamy, a little spicy taste was exactly how Rarity remembered it, at least some things never changed.

“Hey! Slow down a little, Sugarcube!” Applejack laughed at Rarity as she hungrily lapped at the pottage.
“Dere ain’t ‘nough soup for dat kind of speed! Say, Sugar, how’s ya doin’ lately? Hag’s not bossin’ ya ‘round too much?” having finished her question, Applejack began settling down.

“Ehh...” Rarity stumbled. “Let’s leave that for later. Say, darling, don’t you have some of that whiskey of yours?” Applejack’s eyebrows instantly reached for the stars, “If you do not have some wine, that is.” They both would need a drink before she could talk on this subject.

Applejack stared at Rarity with bewilderment, the likes of which she rarely saw even at the palace galas,
“I… don’t think I have,” Applejack mumbled. “Ah, ‘ere we are.” The farm pony extracted a bottle full of amber liquid,
“When Rarity is up for drinkin’ whiskey, ya know it’s gonna be good. Well, ‘ere you are, Sugarcube.” Applejack put the bottle before Rarity together with a glass.

Rarity took a deep breath, before uncorking the bottle and pouring herself a drink,
“Your health,” Rarity quickly gulped the alcohol. The liquid tasted like horsecrap, but it would do the work.

“Well, I be damned! Rarity’s drinkin’ whiskey!” Applejack stared at Rarity with bewilderment, the likes of which she rarely saw even at the palace galas, “Hold yer horses, I ain’t goin’ to miss out on dis.” The orange pony darted away for a moment to grab another glass for herself,
“Okay, I wanna know everytin’ ‘bout dis! Spill up!”

“Just a moment...” Rarity decided to down another glass, just in case. “Ohh… Dear, this is some strong liquor!”

“Ya bet it is! Hits like a truck!”

“Yes… I believe that is how ponies say it is.” Perhaps whiskey wasn’t the best choice for a lady after all.
“Well, Applejack. You see… the thing is, I am not exactly on a leave,” Rarity started. Oh dear, this was going to be a long discussion. Applejack proceeded to pour herself some liquor and, following Rarity’s example, gulped it all in one go.

“Ya mean the Hag sent ya ‘ere or somethin’?” Applejack asked slowly. “Sounds like her, never come askin’ herself. So what is it she wants dis time?” Applejack’s mood was now officially soured, well, still more to come.

“She didn’t send me, Applejack. I am here on my own accord, I do have… some free time as of recently and I decided to catch up with my personal issues.” It wasn’t like she had anything better to do now, or ever.

“She bucked ya out,” Applejack punched out of nowhere.

“Well… not precisely that, I still have my title and my room, and all…”

“Rarity, ya got it all written on yer face. The Hag bucked ya out of yer spot. Ya know, even if I ain’t dealing with yer politics things, I can still add 2 and 2 together.’”

“Well, I believe you can, but AJ, she really didn’t… ‘buck me out’!”

“I’m callin’ horsecrap, Rarity! If she didn’t, what the hay ya doin’ ‘ere? Ya ain’t wearin’ yer uniform, ya ain’t lookin’ like ya’re already late somewhere and ya drinkin’ whiskey for the love of Celestia! What else can it be?”

“Well, it is connected with her. But I swear by the stars, Applejack, she didn’t do anything of the like! I just… don’t have many labors anymore. And I didn’t wear my uniform for a while,” Rarity added, finding herself short on excuses.

“How ‘bout ya stop runnin’ circles and tell me then! I ain’t likin’ dis ‘ere guessin’ games, Sugarcube!”

Rarity, drank some more of her drink,
“As I was saying, I am not on leave. I just do not have many duties anymore.”

“Dats it?” Applejack was clearly unimpressed.

“Well… mostly… yes.”

Applejack waited before responding,
“...Rarity, don’t ya trust me?” The very sound of the question swilled a wave of indignation in Rarity.

"Darling, just what sort of question is this? I knew you for longer than anyone else in town! If someone here is worthy of trust it is the Apple family! It was always this way!”

“Could’ve fooled me.”

For a while, both ponies sat quietly, staring at their almost empty bottle, neither knowing what to say.

“Rarity, what do ya want with me?” AJ finally asked, her tone growing cold.

“I… wanted to check up on you. That all, I swear!”

“Well, I say yer mission is done. Ya know where the door is, tell Twilight I said ‘Howdy’.” The farm pony stood up from her chair, finished off the bottle without even bothering to use the glass and began clearing the table.

“Applejack,” Rarity called, sounding shocked. “What’s wrong?”

“Rarity, stop,” Applejack shot back. “Just… go. It’ve been betta if ya haven’t been ‘ere. Don’t make anythin’ worse.”

“AJ! You can’t be saying this! I just wanted to make it up to you for all the years I couldn’t!”

“Then why can’t ya tell me what the hay is yer problem?!” Applejack exploded. “Ya came to mah home, eatin’ mah food and drinkin’ mah whiskey, making me smiley faces and lyin’ to mah face!” Applejack forcefully dropped her hoof on the wood, making the table screech and wobble
“Get the hay out mah house before I drag ya out mahself!”

“Applejack, I am sorry! Darling, can’t we just start over again?”

“So ya could tell me ‘nother lie? Gotta give it to ya, Rarity. Ya make a good lapdog, Winona should take some notes.”

“Lapdog?!” Rarity jumped upwards from her chair. “Applejack, you’ve become a complete and utter ruffian! This is no way to treat your oldest of friends!”

“Ain’t no friend of mine ya are! Ya sold us all out!” The farm pony forcefully poked Rarity on the chest, “Ya know, I’m thinkin’ I owe yer Hag a hearty thanks. If it wasn’t for her commin’ ‘round again, I wouldn’t know what kind of a slick ya really are! Sellin’ out yer friends for a warm spot!
“Tell ya what, if ya think her a better friend than us lot, ya go back to her! Maybe if ya lick her shoes a bit better, she’ll let ya get right back to it.”

Applejack glared fiercely at the other mare, happy with the way her thrust turned out. Now the ball was on Rarity’s side. She held the stare for a whole three seconds.

The mare dropped disgracefully back on her haunches and covered her face with both of her free hooves.

“Oh, hay nah! You ain’t playin’ this trick on me!” Applejack grabbed Rarity by one of her hooves and began dragging her to the door, “Ain’t no working on me again, missy!
“Dere, have yer fancy scarf and get back to yer owner.”

“A-applejack, just give me a moment! I didn’t mean to-”

“Just a tiny bit too late, see ya.” Before Rarity could find her bearings, the door was already slammed behind her.

Rarity was left to bear the cool, winter wind; her tears only served to make the cold worse.

Rarity didn’t remember much of her journey when she stumbled on her own old doorstep. Rarity reached for her keyring—it only had few left, the sign of trust lost.
In a mechanical motion, Rarity rotated the key in the lock and the door obediently creaked open.

Rarity dragged hooves across the floor and climbed to her old room; it still had her bed, even if dusty. Rarity didn’t care about such details, too exhausted and overcome with grief to do so. The distantly familiar feeling of her pillows only made her eyes water more.

The worst part of this horrendous situation was it she had no one left to turn to! Her Majesty made her an unspoken exile! Rarity was essentially done for.
Going back to the fashion business was not an option with her type of reputation. What else could she do?! Her entire life was all centred around building up her name, which was now worth less than a single bit; more so, it was harmful to be associated with!
This was the end of Rarity Belle! Unsung and unlamented.
Not even her goal went accomplished! Luna’s body was stolen away at the last moment, making the situation worse than ever! Her Majesty and her sister at least stood a chance of containing this… terror and now it was loose somewhere in the land! A disaster! A total disaster!

Rarity’s grim pondering was suddenly interrupted by a knock to the window, stunning her for a moment. Was she hearing things? But… no! There was the glowing bird outside!

“W-what are you doing here, s-sweetie?” Rarity left the pillowed confines of her bed and approached the window to let the phoenix in. The bird casually hopped through the opened frame and over onto Rarity’s nightstand. Philomena then simply stood there, confusing Rarity further.
Her question was soon answered with a buzzing sound outside the window. Soon, Rarity discovered a familiar, bug-like creature trying to crawl through her window.

“Miss Rarity,” Shadow greeted her, trying to push through the opening.

“Shadow? What are you doing?” Rarity’s prior worries were by no means swooped away, but the sheer ridiculousness of the situation still took her priority,
“You could have just taken the door, darling.”

“Her Majesty’s phoenix led me here, Miss,” Shadow responded dryly, as blunt as ever.

“I think she wouldn’t have minded if you just walked in. Wait… Her Majesty’s phoenix?” Rarity glanced over at the bird, who produced a pitched, chittering sound in response; it sounded awfully like laughter to Rarity’s ear.

Shadow finally managed to push herself through the window and landed face first onto the carpet. Unusually clumsy for her.

“Ah… Shadow, what are you doing here? I believe Twilight sent you to stay in her Castle until Her Majesty needed your help again.” Shadow suddenly looked over to Philomena. The phoenix quietly stared back, then finally looked away. The changeling’s eyes immediately darted back to Rarity.

“Miss Rarity, your aid is required.” The request made Rarity’s brows to rise. Her aid?

“Whatever can I do for you, sweetie?” Rarity asked uncertainly.

“Miss, I’ll tell you on the way, but we need to be back in Canterlot… Miss, I won’t pretend anymore. I am not Shadow!” Rarity’s eyes proceeded to widen. Another changeling in service… posing as Shadow in Ponyville?! Just… how many layers did Her Majesty’s plans have?!

“Hold on for a moment, dear. If you are not Shadow… where is she?”

“This is exactly why we need to be in Canterlot. Miss Rarity, please, I’ll explain on the way,” the changeling hurried her up. “I have a serious charge to make and I need help in seeing Her Majesty, quietly.”

“Charge against who?!” Rarity herself was already sentenced, after all.

“It is against Her Majesty’s sister, Miss.”

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