• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 2,211 Views, 143 Comments

Imperial Revision - The Sound of Loneliness

What would you do if you already had everything? Or everything you wanted. Her Majesty Nightmare Moon has recently discovered there is more to life than war, intrigues and edicts. Luna is trying to be helpful. She has no choice.

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A Friendly Fracture

“Outstanding worrk, sirr!” Nightstar clapped her hooves for Morning, emerging with a tray. Silver tried his best to not laugh, his Father, as always, looked utterly ridiculous in the apron; looking as proud as he must have been on the Infantry Academy graduation day.
Nightstar noticed his reaction and gave him a quick wink, making him blush, hopefully, Father won’t notice in the dark.

Nightstar spurred from her seat to help Morning serve the table. 3 bowls with creamy soup, a saucer with a few slices of bread, a bowl with apples and a simple water carafe; wow, Father got really quick with that balancing of his! This was quite a weight

“Zis smells pozitevely delightful, sirr!” Nightstar commented after taking a large sniff of the soup. “You must have been practising.” Silver could swear he saw his own Father’s cheeks getting just slightly darker upon hearing the mare’s cheerful praise.

“Thank you, miss,” Morning a little awkwardly bowed. “I am trying my best.”

“Of courrse you do!” Nightstar agreed, taking Father’s hoof and gently leading him to his own place at the table. After having him settled, she trotted over to the window and pushed the drapes apart, letting the moon in. The mare than returned to the table and sat down,
“A moment, if you pleaze,” the mare proceeded to close her eyes and started a quiet prayer.

Whichever star they were walking under, Silver couldn’t believe how lucky they got to have her. After the bat-winged angel appeared on their doorstep, Nightstar changed the atmosphere in the house dramatically. The floors were carefully washed and dusted in the way Silver had almost forgotten they could be, the clothes were clean and carefully folded to avoid them wrinkling (which was particularly important for Silver’s uniform jackets), even Father was more relaxed than Silver had seen him in forever.
Nightstar was a strike of golden… platinum luck!

She was amazingly nice too, much more so than other thestrals he met on the streets. If others mostly just tolerated him, seeing him as a nuisance, she seemed to genuinely enjoy her time with them. Everything about her, even that purring accent she had, felt amazingly soft. Father told him that this was one of High Priestess' hoofmaidens, so being this way was a part of her job, but Silver couldn't care less exactly where she had come from, only that she did.

“Thank you, sirrs!” Nightstar said, signalising her prayer’s conclusion. Without further ado, the mare took a taste of the soup, “Very good, sirr,” she gave her verdict, “you definitely imprroved!”
The appraisal prompted silver to have a taste himself. Father did improve! One more point to Nightstar’s score.

“Thank you, miss.” Morning instinctively answered.

“Thank you, Father,” Silver echoed. Nightstar laughed.

“My, my, you two arre so alike!”

“Thank you, miss,” Silver and his Father said together, causing Nightstar even more fun. Her laugh was contagious, so both stallions soon were giggling alongside the mare.

“Still,” the mare suddenly stopped, “we have a matterr on our hooves.”

“Imprressive,” Nightstar said, checking how clean the bowl was with a smile. “You have a talent for zis.” The mare showed Silver his own reflection in the bowl he just washed.

“It wasn’t very dirty in the first place, miss,” Silver said, trying to hide his blush. “The only thing it had in it was a little fat. Father’s soup always tends to be a little thick.”

“Why, he just wants you to get a little ‘thick’ on your bones!” Nightstar enthusiastically put the bowl down into a cupboard. “Want to help me wiz shopping now?”

“Of course, miss!” Silver readily answered. “Where are we going? I need to know what to wear.” A delighted smile appeared on Nightstar’s face in response to his serious attitude.

“Oh, you arre such a gentlecolt! No wonderr zose old mares at the Ministrry had fallen forr you!” The remark made Silver blush again. Cloudy Dawn wasn’t quite old, though.
“Go get yourr purrse, alrready, they do pay ze firrst month in advance, no?”

“Yes, miss!” Silver hopped down of the chair, he had to climb to reach the sink, and quickly went off to grab his things.

The purse was very quick and easy to find, it had its own place for many years now. Next - clothes. Canterlot streets had no snow lying around, but the air was as frigid as anywhere else. Silver grabbed his warm coat, old but sturdy, and next came his woollen hat.

“Don’t forrget ze scarrfy, Rrayon,” Nightstar said as she joined him by the door. Silver swiftly obeyed and tied one around his neck. The combination of her accent and the wording itself made Silver struggle not to laugh.
“We arre away, sirr! We’ll be back in an hourr!” the mare shouted to inform Silver’s Father and opened the door, letting Silver outside. Nighstar followed immediately after him, closing the door. For the moment after, Nightstar critically examined his simplistic attire.
“Just a...” The mare proceeded to lift the end of the scarf and flip it over his shoulder, “Zere.”

“Thank you, miss,” Silver automatically mumbled.

“Oh, don’t you whisperr to me!” Silver momentarily widened his eyes, but Nightstar was still smiling at him, soothing away any fright he could receive, “The merchants at ze stalls won’t hearr you!”

“Yes, miss,” Silver automatically responded. Nightstar’s smile soured.

“Oh, Rrayon de Lune! You arren’t on duty, zere iz no need to display yourr mannerrs on everry courrnerr.” The mare tried to talk to him, but Silver couldn’t take this anymore! Silver burst in laughter.

“I-I am sorry!” Silver tried to salvage the situation, trying to take a hold of himself with pure willpower. “Your-your-”

“My what? My accent?” The mare’s smile was suddenly back and wide enough to bare her fangs, “Yo alrredi serrtanli know ‘ow to insult e marre!” Nightstar mockingly accused him, emphasizing her accent, making Silver laugh even harder, “Wat do yo ‘eve to say in yerr difens?”

“N-no! P-plea-”

“Ow, yo’rre mal élevé little Rrayon!”

“Please! I can’t...” Silver began to feel his legs failing him.

“Yo prromisin’ me yo’ll stop bihevin’ like yo’rre on e job?”

“Yes!” Satisfied with the tortured out vow, Nightstar let him a minute to calm down, before lowering her head down and baring her fangs again in a mock threat.

“You start whispering in front of other ponies, ze accent rreturrns rrait back! Comprreznes?”


“Yes, what?”

“Yes… Nightstar!” Silver smiled at the saving throw he made.

“Good,” the mare turned on her heels and began trotting out of the alley their home was in, leaving Silver stunned for a second. Just a second.

“Which ones you like more, Rrayon?”

Silver looked over the array of apples, before picking out a dozen the plumpest. The clerk dutifully put every single one Silver wanted into their bag.

“That would be three and a half bits, sir.” Silver opened his purse and counted out 3 silver and a few gold coins, he took a second to marvel at the newly minted crescents and full moon shapes.

“By the stars, did they really mint a new coin?” the clerk wondered aloud.

“Uh? What did zi sirr say?”

“It's the first time I see the new coins,” The clerk explained.

“No, beforre zis. Did you say ‘By ze starrs?’” Nightstar’s sudden interest propped Silver’s own. Just… how come everyone is saying that? The expression was a new one, as he couldn't remember himself hearing it before the Empress ascended to the throne, although his memories of his earliest years were quite foggy. The saying spread like a wildfire since then, even those who do not support the Empress have begun to adopt it.

“Well… yeah. I did,” the confused clerk answered.

“Ooooh!” Nightstar nearly jumped over the counter, making the other pony instinctively back off. “Zis iz fascinating! I never knew you venerrate your ancestors as we do! Who werre they?”

“What?” the completely dumbfounded clerk asked. “Miss...”


“Miss Nightstar, what do you mean? I have some… ancestors but why would you all of the sudden...”

“But sirr,” Nightstar’s smile dimmed, “you've just prrayed to zi starrs, surrely you must be referring to someone!”

“I prayed?”

“Well of course! When we call to zi starrs, we ask ourr long gone to watch overr us.” The clerk proceeded to facehoof himself, Silver bit his lip. This was awkward.

“So that’s why thestrals keep giving me weird looks when I say it!” the clerk exclaimed. “Miss Nightstar, I am so-so sorry! I just keep hearing everyone else saying this and wanted to fit in! I didn’t mean to...”

The bell behind them suddenly rang, signalizing a new customer’s arrival. Silver instinctively turned his head around…

“Rrayon, bow!” Nightstar exclaimed.

“But this is...”

“Bow!” Silver did as ordered, bowing his head so that he wouldn’t look up at the person.

“Eh… alright.” Miss Rarity evidently was as confused as Silver was, “Silver, darling, if I remember correctly you don’t need to bow to me according to the protocol.”

“That’s what I thou-”

“You know Rarity Belle!?” Nighstar nearly knocked him off his hoofs, so rapidly did she moved up to him,
“Oh! I am sorry, ma’am!” she remembered her manners a moment later.

“Well… yes, Darling,” Rarity spoke before Silver could answer. “We are acquainted; Silver sometimes brings mail to the palace and we run into each other in the Office.”

Nightstar looked like she was going to faint. SIlver smiled slightly, he knew how the bat-wing felt.

“Oh, la Lune au-dessus de nous, merci pour votre grâce!” Nightstar rapidly twittered.
“Ma’am, I am so 'onorred to meet you finally! Miss Tears took you all for herrself ze last time I had an opportunity!”

“Oh, darling. Can’t a mare buy some groceries without getting recognized these nights? What is your name?”

“Nightstarr, ma’am, I am a hoofmaiden in serrvice of Miss Tearrs.” SIlver suddenly noticed Nightstar standing at attention, were they 'on a job’ now?

“Why, I am glad to meet you, Nightstar.” Rarity finally directed her attention to the reason for her being here, “Give me some of those juicy tangerines of yours, will you, dear?” This was irregular.

“Ma’am,” Silver addressed Rarity. “If I may, don’t the palace cooks get you everything you may need?”

“I...” Rarity suspiciously hesitated before answering, “I am here for a friend. She is in the Hospital. I thought she would appreciate me doing this myself. Goodness, I almost forgot the feeling!”

The doorbell rang again,
“Rarity! What in Tartarus is taking you so long!?” Rainbow Dash, every bit as charming as always.
“Oh! Hello there, kid! How are ‘ya?” Nightstar bared her fangs in a frown upon hearing Lieutenant's greeting. They shared a tense stare, but neither did act out.

“Rainbow, can’t you show patience for once? We are going to a hospital, for Moon’s sake!” Rarity wedged in, taking the pegasus’ mare attention back.

“Yeah, like we ever do anything NOT for her sake!” the pegasus mare bitterly grunted.

“Rainbow, would you drop it already?”


“Rainbow, when did you become this ill-mannered? I don’t remember you ever behaving this disgracefully!”

“Somewhere around the time when YOU became her unthinking tool!”

The air smelled with a brewing hooffight.

“Miss Rainbow, Miss Rarity!” Silver loudly called out, catching the attention of both mares. “Don’t you have somewhere you need to be? Your friend is waiting for you.”

Rarity’s eyes widened in shock from the realization,
“Oh, goodness! Thank you, dear!” Rarity dashed to the counter with a dumbfounded clerk still holding a basket with Rarity’s fruits. Rarity snatched it from him with her magic and dropping him a few golden moons before dashing back to the three ponies,
“Oh, Silver! Thank you so much! We are almost late as it is! The visiting hours are almost over! Let’s go, Rainbow.” The unicorn then rushed through the door outside without waiting for anyone to answer her. It must really be late.

“Hey, you wanna come?” the pegasus suddenly asked, switching her attention back to the colt.

“Me? But she is your friend!”

“And you are OUR friend! Come on, kiddo, she’d love having a crowd cheering her up!”

“Rrayon, I would question yourr choice of frtiends,” Nightstar whispered to Silver as delicately as possible.
“Miss Dash is not ze best example to follow.” Silver sighed and cast a dreary look at the pair of mares ahead of them, which again have found something to bicker about on their way.
“Rrayon, she trried to murrderr our Emprress! She iz a verry evil marre.”

“Can’t she just be confused? She doesn’t look bad to me, just stubbornly foolish.” Nightstar immediately frowned at him, “I didn’t want to meet her specifically, it’s just that I had to deliver her a letter and we had a chat,” Silver said in an apologetic tone.

“Rrayon, ponies like herr will get you in trrouble,” Nightstar warned.

“But… I can’t just… I mean, I have a job! I have to know ponies, even if they aren’t the best ones,” Nightstar took her turn to sigh.

“I know, Rrayon, just prromise to be carreful.”

“I promise to be careful,” Silver automatically repeated. Nightstar quietly smiled to him in response.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity eventually stopped bickering, and for the final stretch of the way towards the Canterlot Royal Hospital, Silver could enjoy the blissful silence, only slightly broken by the howling of the winter wind.

The building of the Royal Hospital, as Father told him when they were here for Silver’s vaccinating shots, was the oldest of all buildings in Canterlot. The Imperial palace would’ve been older… if it wasn’t shelled to the ground in the final days of the Civil War. Silver did not miss the old building, not when the new one was this much prettier, but why did it have to be shelled if Her Majesty, practically, already won?

The doctors inside knew better than to question someone as Rarity on her way, so they only had to follow her to the room in question. Having passed a staircase, Rarity led them down the spacious corridor. Silver knew which door they needed long before they reached it.

“Oh, look, an honorduche!” Rainbow commented on seeing the Guard in purple armor standing by the door. “Hey, Rarity, you wanna bet which one of them got this glorious assignment?” Rarity gave the pegasus a fierce glare. “I bet it’s Baron, only he can get this unlucky,” the Lieutenant continued, completely ignoring Rarity’s signal.
“Hey, Imp! What’s your name?”

“Corporal Fire-” the soldier mechanically echoed back.

“Ah, rats! I guess I owe you some bits, Rarity. Well, anyway, show him your clearance and let’s get this over with.” Rarity rolled her eyes and took out her ID card. However, the Corporal stopped her with a hoof.

“I am sorry, ma’am, but I can’t let you in regardless of your clearance level.”

“But… why? We simply want to visit our friend!” Rarity cried out.

“Oh, isn’t this just the most predictable twist ever, our Empress hides something again!” Rainbow Dash let loose her outrage. “Apparently we can’t just be decent ponies without her saying so anymore!”

“Rainbow, you know why it needs to be this way," Rarity immediately leapt to her Empress’ defense. "If Her Majesty doesn’t wish for anyone to disturb Shadow, then let it be so. The poor thing barely lived after all.”

“Ugh...” the pegasus mare proceeded to groan and facehoof herself. “Rarity, is there a SINGLE situation when you WON’T play white knight for her? It’s not even about her this time, we came here for Shadow, remember?”

“I am sorry, but who iz zis 'Shadow' you speak of?” Nightstar asked out of nowhere. Silver mentally thanked her for relieving him of the necessity to break the hostilities again. How could these two even call each other friends if all they do is bicker?!

“That’s Nightmare Moon’s pet!” Rainbow spat out. “But hey, you won’t hear me complaining. Shadow is like the only creature she cares about that isn’t herselfl.”
Judging by the toothy frown Nightstar could barely swallow, she regretted asking the question. That only made the pegasus pick up the pace,
“Oh wait, you didn’t hear all of the story yet!” Rainbow jumped right to the thestral mare peeling her right into the eye and making her to back off instinctively.
“But you might, actually, know the mare already! You can never tell if she’s around unless she wants you to know!”

"Rainbow! You can't say it, it is classified!"

"Rarity, honestly, can you just shut it for once? We all already know what you are going to say anyway, we all read the protocol."

"Me?!" Rarity indignantly cried out. "To your knowledge, Rainbow, I am an official pony at the court and I cannot let you break the established rules simply because you can't be bothered to obey the protocol!"

"All done?" Rainbow asked in a disinterested tone. "Anyway, so-"


"Rarity, you are like a wind-up toy!"

"You cannot go around breaking rules just because you don't agree with them!" Rainbow's eyes widened for a second, before a sly grin appeared all over her face.

Oh-oh, challenging the Lieutenant was a grave mistake...

“Oh, you watch me!” The pegasus readily accepted, “She’s a cha-” Rainbow found herself unable to open her mouth, as the clear magical aura surrounded.

“Oh no you won’t, rough necked, graceless, foul tongued-” Rarity’s own mouth suddenly was obstructed with a timely landed hoofstrike, breaking her focus on the spell.

“Don’t you dare try to shut me up, spineless buttlick!” Rainbow spat out. But Rarity was already done with words...

A moment later, to the stunned bewilderment of both Silver, Nightstar and the Guard corporal, the two mares were already rolling on the floor, exchanging curses and strikes, both having far too much to give each other.

“Rrayon… I have to confess, I am quite dizapointed.” Nightstar quietly commented, to which Silver could only offer a nod of agreement.

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