• Published 14th Feb 2020
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Imperial Revision - The Sound of Loneliness

What would you do if you already had everything? Or everything you wanted. Her Majesty Nightmare Moon has recently discovered there is more to life than war, intrigues and edicts. Luna is trying to be helpful. She has no choice.

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The New Policies

Twilight quickly worked with her pen, scribing down orders for construction materials to be sent to the rubbled changeling lands. For whatever reason, this task could not be left to a clerk and fell down upon her shoulders. Luckily it only took a day to finish and she was about to finish the late evening. Now only to report and she could finally have a few hours of sleep, before she is needed again.
Finishing her report, Twilight rolled it up and put them into her trusty bags. The last edition of the griffon treaty followed and lastly her own list of propositions.
Giving a slight yawn and starting to hum a melody to herself, Twilight walked to the door and into the hallway.

“Twilight, wait up!” Twilight gave another yawn and turned around to the blue pegasus quickly catching up to her. “You going to Hag?” Rainbow asked.

“Uh-hum,” Twilight responded without too much interest.

“Great, I wanted to catch you before you do that. Mind getting my piece to her too?”

“Rainbow, do your own damn work!” Twilight dropped flatly. “I just finished writing down my own report and now you want me to shoulder yours too!”

“Hey-hey! Chill!” Rainbow raised hooves in surrender. “I just thought I could get out of having to talk to her. Can we at least go together?”

“Alright, Rainbow, but I am reporting first. Can’t wait to hit the hay.”

Both mares strode onward in silence. According to the schedule, Nightmare Moon was in her throne room now. In her typical fashion, Rainbow took the freedom to reach for the door first. The pegasus froze.

“Damn,” she breathed out. Rainbow made a little space allowing Twilight to stand beside her, “She looks like she didn’t sleep for a week,” she nodded at the monarch hunched over on her throne.

“Crap,” Twilight facehooved herself. “Well, let’s go. If it is our problem, she’ll tell us.
“Your Majesty, I am here with the report,” Twilight said mundanely, taking out her papers and coming closer. Nightmare Moon turned her head slightly looking at her with one eye for a moment, then straightening herself.
“I would like to start with my report on the building materials order. Twenty-five tons of still from Mareland, One hundred tons of- ”

“Did Miss Gilda depart satisfied?” Nightmare Moon interrupted Twilight’s stream, causing her to lose her bearing.

“Aaaahh… I have it here somewhere,” Twilight begin to fiddle with her papers.

“Gilda is fine, she resisted a lot, but Twilight made her agree. She is on her way back to Griffinstone now,” Rainbow leapt to rescue.

“Good...” Nightmare Moon seemingly lost interest, moving her sight back on the floor before her throne. Both ponies fiddled nervously before the regal mare spoke again, “Twilight, do you understand your responsibility now?”

“My responsibility?” Twilight cluelessly asked. “Are you still speaking about Miss Gilda, Your Majesty?”

“Uhmm… Then you have failed,” Nightmare Moon spoke definitely.

“Y-your Majesty, I don’t seem to-”

“Twilight, I hoped that you would realize what is it exactly you were doing. A Princess cannot be blind to what consequences her actions cause,” Nightmare Moon wearingly stood up and approached Twilight, towering over her and glaring down at the suddenly very tiny pony.
“This,” she pointed with her hoof at the paper Twilight was holding, “is much more than merely a trade deal,” her voice quickly exposed her disappointment.

“But… You approved it!” Twilight gasped in shock.

“Of course. Your plan did no harm to us, only to Gilda’s people. They will live on, you have achieved as much. But what would become of them now? Gilda was right to resist, for you were pressuring her to sell her people off in our slavery. Have you for a single moment contemplated what would happen when the Imperial companies will come to dominate the region as you intended? Griffons are in the state of economic collapse, Twilight. It is not only food that they lack, but any sort of prosperity at all. The mines will pay proper wages, the ones that can be used to buy Equestrian goods. Why would they toil their rough soil if they can simply buy what they need? In a generation, there will be no farming left at all. From that point onwards, Griffons will not be able to survive without the mines. What if the concerns decide to cut the expenses? Let’s say to lower the wages. In the Empire itself, the workers could simply find another job. In Griffinstone there is no other job. The Griffons shall toil endlessly underground, helping the ponies to mine their own riches and ferry them away and if they don’t they face hungry death once again. They cannot ask any help, for they are not a part of the Empire and do not have any rights in our legal sphere. Neither they can simply start their own business, for the concerns will ensure they do not have the means.” Having finished her lecture, Nightmare Moon walked away from the awestruck Twilight back to her throne,
“They are yours now, whether they will it or not. It is clear to me that you are not ready to be a Princess yet. You have much to learn. I hope that managing your new subjects will prove more educational to you.”

“M-my subjects?!”

“Why, of course, Twilight. It was your plan that brought them in compliance. By all means, they are your subjects now. It is time you learned to make plans past the superficial goals.”

“But… you… I...” Twilight attempted to find the words. “Why… couldn’t you simply tell me my mistake?” the purple alicorn finally said with her voice trembling.

“Not everything in this world can be learned from another, Twilight,” Nightmare Moon answered much gentler. “There are things that require you to witness them understand. You put Gilda’s kin in a sad position. But they need not remain in it forever. The part of learning is witnessing the consequences of your actions. Your call was poor, now learn what it takes to make it right and never make it again.”

“I… I understand,” Twilight surrendered.

“What?!” Rainbow’s temper ran short. “She just used you as her doormat!”

“Quiet, Rainbow! Before you embarrass me even more!” Twilight hissed at her. “Royal matters are not your concern! Be grateful that you are allowed to even listen!”

“Wha...” Rainbow’s eyes went wide.

“You heard me! Learn to be quiet!” Twilight stomped her hoof with authority.

“Control yourself, Twilight. This is your friend you are speaking to,” Nightmare Moon cautioned. The uneasy silence ensued, until Twilight finally turned around and marched out of the throne room through the same door on the side they entered.

“You need to stop doing that,” Rainbow spoke unusually calmly as if stating the obvious fact. “You are trying to do good. I get it, I do. But it’s just like you just told Twilight, mind the consequences. You ain’t just teaching her to be a good Princess to the ponies, you are twisting her into your copy. I don’t think this is what you want,” Rainbow finished gloomily. “By the way, I’ve been to Applejack. She has a policy on being strictly non-violent. But you’d have to worry about a lot more ponies than you might think. Also, Cloudy is leaking her information, you might want to do something about that,” Finishing her short report, Rainbow followed Twilight out of the room, leaving Nightmare alone to contemplate her options.
The blue pegasus was more right than she could imagine. This had to stop. All of this. Her real domain was not the Empire, nor even the Dreamscape. In reality Nightmare Moon was the Empress of deceit. Her entire reign is one endless lie. A lie is a sticky thing, though. She is long since trapped in it like a moth in a web. The truth would be lethal to the measure of stability she brought. Was the truth worth to risk with the lives of ponies?
The questions for another time, perhaps. For now, Nightmare Moon had urgent business. Cloudy Dawn was exceptionally loyal to her over many years, even though she was not overly happy with her. It seems that she finally made her decision. Well, in honor of her many years of service it would be fit to honor her with one last audience and to give her a word to say before she has to depart.

Nightmare Moon left her throne room through the main entrance, the carved doors obeying her without question.

“You are dismissed for the night,” she said to one of her Honor Guards, hardly remembering who was on duty tonight. “Tell the others to have some sleep.”

Not waiting for a response, or looking in his direction she moved on. She knew that her most trusted would not fail her, unlike the others frequently did.

“Sister!” the familiar voice called to her. “Cadance waits for-”

“Later,” Nightmare Moon stopped her, once again without even looking.

The Empress decided not to use teleportation spells. It has been too long since she walked the streets of her city for the last time. She drifted too far away from the needs of her subjects.

Her Guards respectfully bowed in her approach. But she heard no compliments for her appearance tonight, she must have looked exhausted.

It felt like an eternity until she reached the main doors. For the moment Nightmare Moon stoped and marvelled for a moment at the work of art that it was. She remembered the day when the carpenter presented her with sketches. The glorious gate was carved with cohorts of warriors in armor, bearing banners with crescent moon and thestrals flying above amongst the dots of stars. She could even recognize the faces of her Guards, a touch that she appreciated. They deserved to be remembered.

Nightmare Moon opened the doors and moved into the courtyard. She took a breath of night’s air, it tasted like the most delicious thing she ever had. Why didn’t she ever notice how wonderful the air is in this city? Spreading her wings, Nightmare Moon soared in the aid, no one would dare to tell her to land, much less to shoot at her. Not in her own home.
She enjoyed the air currents on her face and passing through her feathers. Her short by necessity flight ended on an old plaza. There stood proudly the stone carved Celestia, on her pedestal, gazing impassively at the city. This statue was the only remaining Celestia’s depiction in the city, she kept this one out of respect. The artist’s name was long since lost to the archives, if it even was recorded in the first place, but the stone endured everything, just like Celestia herself has endured millenia. In the end, the statue proved stronger in their competition, outliving its inspiration. Perhaps in future centuries Daybreaker would outlive her pain and allow Luna to have her sister back. But it would be long after everyone forgets Celestia’s name. Only the statue will remain.

Nightmare Moon made her way to one of the houses surrounding the statue and pushed the door open without hesitation. It was open, the mistress was home. Ignoring the empty secretary desc on the first floor, Nightmare Moon went straight for the stairs and approached Cloudy Dawn’s personal office. The door opened without a hitch.

“Ah, I wondered if Rainbow would make it on time,” Cloudy said without a tiniest note of surprise. “Welcome, Your Majesty. Would you like some tea? I just had the teapot steam.”

“Yes, please,” Nightmare Moon responded politely, mostly out of habitt. “I did not expect such a warm reception.”

“A host does not receive guests empty handed, especially so esteemed,” Cloudy explained, swiftly fetching the teapot from the electric stove and a pair of porcelain cups. “Please, Your Majesty, sit down.”

Nightmare Moon obliged, sitting down on the chair before the desk. It was rather tiny for her, but she spoke nothing of it.

Cloudy soon put a steaming cup before her,
“Careful, hot,” she warned.

“Thank you,” Nightmare Moon played along. “Miss Dash was indeed quicker than I imagined she would be. She was less than ecstatic about her task.”

“I imagine, how did you make her agree?” Cloudy musingly asked. “Oh, I am sorry, this is an inappropriate question!” she quickly excused herself. “We just so rarely meet alone.”

“Quite rarely, yes,” Nightmare Moon nodded. “I imagine you would have many questions.”

“Actually, quite the opposite, Your Majesty.” Cloudy proceeded to try the tea. “Ughmm… still hot,” she remarked. “I wanted to speak to you instead, see. There’s just so few ways to get your attention, much less to lure you out of your palace, where there are so many ears.”

“So it is an assasination attempt you are planning? I expected more of you.” Nightmare Moon picked her own cup and blew the steam of taking the sip afterwards. “Good tea,” she approved.

“Not at all, Your Majesty. Everyone knows that trying to do so would only lead to the inevitable demise of everyone involved. I only wish to speak without unwelcome listeners. I imagine your sister would be quite distressed if she heard us. By the way, I adore her new mane, so dashing! Totally unlike Celestia. Her eternal multi-color was getting bland, I have to say.”

Nightmare Moon frowned, the amount of information this mare gathered was far from comfortable.

“Very well,” Nightmare Moon agreed. “You sacrificed your standing in my government to get this opportunity. I shall honor your request of a private audience.”

“Thank you!” Cloudy smiled. “It would look rather disgraceful if I was to simply ‘fall on my face’ as Rainbow would have said.”

“I imagine this would have something to do with the current discontent?” Nightmare Moon decided to get to business.

“Why, yes, Your Majesty. I have to confess, I’ve been leaking information to a fair number of individuals over the years. I am pleased to report that it seems my work was not in vain, as some were saying to me. But yesterday’s incident increased the discontent amongst your citizens higher than I could in all these years. It is humbling, really.”

“I take it you understand that this demonstration they are preparing will not lead to the collapse of the state. Commoners sometimes need to ‘blow steam,’ to march around and shout their troubles for the world to hear.”

“Of course, Your Majesty. But you are no doubt aware that this only applies to isolated cases. I managed to channel thestrals’ anguish over your recent decision into something productive, see. They will now march together with your other subjects, asking for answers. There are even a few disgruntled military personnel who expressed an interest. Your decision to not suppress them made it so the rally calls could be sent openly. But they will remember this with gratitude, I reckon.”

“Perhaps. This is your plan then? A ‘revolution’?”

“Not quite, Your Majesty. See, I don’t have any quarrel with you personally. In fact, you strike me in awe!” Cloudy admitted. “It is no wonder that thestrals believe you a goddess! Your wisdom and intelligence can only be compared to Princess Celestia! Your magical prowess indeed can only be described as divine, everyone who ever witnessed you in battle will forever walk humbled. You lift vehicles weighting dozens of tons as effortlessly as I would lift this cup, your lighting can devastate entire lines of your enemies and your tremor spells can demolish even the most powerful walls! But what impresses me the most is your boundless understanding of your fellow ponies! You can say exactly what a pony would do even before they themselves know! It is as if you know your subjects better than they know themselves!”

“As flattering as your praise, Miss Dawn-”

“I am getting there, Your Majesty, grant me a moment more!” Cloudy promised. “My point is that you are amazing, but your use of your abilities is not. Your subjects are terrified of upsetting you, or of attracting your attention at all. You use this fear to make them comply to your rule. You lie to strengthen your rule and spin webs of intrigue to protect your lies. Does Luna approve of you lying and pretending you are one and the same?”
Nightmare Moon emitted a low growl upon hearing the name of her named sister.
“Your Majesty, you are better than this. You demonstrate it every day! I believe you are! You treat those around you with kindness, it saddens you when ponies fear you! You released most of your earlier, repressive policies, you even allow your Guards to show you their appreciation informally. They adore you! One of them brought you flowers, for goodness’ sake! Go just one step further, don’t oppress your subjects! Step away and let them decide for themselves! You will have an enormous number of ponies remembering you forever, you will be a hero for them! You did not start on the correct way, but you did the right thing in the end!”
Cloudy stopped, panting for air from her passionate speech.

“And if I refuse you’ll leak out me and Luna being separate,” Nightmare Moon asserted coldly. “If I jail you, your dissenter friends will say it is me suppressing the truth. I have nothing to sway you away of your course, and I have no means of stopping you from spreading the information. Good attempt, Miss Dawn,” Nightmare Moon nodded approvingly. “Since you know so much about my affairs, perhaps you know what late Queen Chrysalis did wrong?” Nightmare Moon stood up from her chair.
“The poor Queen believed she had a drop on me.” Nightmare Moon effortlessly liftend the pony in the air by her neck,
“I cannot let you threaten the stability of our land. If there is no other way, then I shall do what I must. Goodbye, Miss Dawn.”

Nightmare Moon tightened her grip to crush the pony’s neck and give her a quick death. If there was no way to appease the mobs, then she shall show them an example.
Just before the doomed mare’s bones began to shatter, asound distracted Nightmare Moon. Someone dropped something soft on the floor behind her.
Behind her stood a foal in Mail Service uniform, his jaw dropped, eyes staring at her in horror. The sight made an immediate effect. The squeezing abruptly stopped just short from breaking Cloudy’s neck, but the grip was not released.
Nightmare Moon did not know what to say or do. She was caught in the act. Eventually, Nightmare Moon recovered enough to do something. She still did not know what to say, but she attempted to smile and reach out gently to the foal. But the gesture only caused him to panic, leaving Nightmare Moon to watch as the foal she found herself so attached to fled away. She finally remembered about the mare that was still choking in her grasp and promptly released her. Cloudy dropped on the floor with the sound a heavy bag would make, she was desperately gasping for air.

Nightmare Moon began nervously pacing, trying desperately to find an acceptable alternative to what she was about to do. This was not the way, this was exactly what Dawn wanted her to do. To destroy the image she was building. To make her subjects turn on her.
There was no way of preventing it from leaking out now. Even if she were to get rid of Dawn now, there is no telling who she told this already. The fallout will follow, either way, the only thing she could do now is to soften the impact. Or perhaps…
A sudden idea hit her, what if she did not just prepare for the fallout but instead prevented it from being used against her instead of letting others do that and stir the populus to their intended conclusion? This was a gamble, no doubt about that, but this could potentially yield the best possible conclusion.
She could still crack down on the dissenters. But no, after all, there was something Dawn was right about. She was better than this.

Nightmare Moon left the office knowing exactly what she had to do.

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