• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 2,202 Views, 143 Comments

Imperial Revision - The Sound of Loneliness

What would you do if you already had everything? Or everything you wanted. Her Majesty Nightmare Moon has recently discovered there is more to life than war, intrigues and edicts. Luna is trying to be helpful. She has no choice.

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Airbase Economy

Rainbow Dash was bored. Well, it was a little better than usual, at least she was on the airfield and being bored on the airfield is by default cooler than being bored in the palace. She also was about to get another cubic ton of paperwork to sign, as this was a testing night.

“Swirling Wings,” Rainbow yawned. “You gonna finish checking any time soon? I just wanna know if I can take a nap or no.”

“Almost done, Lieutenant,” the stallion in the cockpit responded.

“Well, give me a rundown before I fall asleep.”

“Well, engine looks nominal, I replaced the oil again so it should run extra smooth. The fuel tank has no leaks, fuel line is fine too. Both rotors are oiled up and spin correctly, though the main shaft was starting to rust, so I had to get the techs to replace it.”

“Well, at least they had something to do instead of just sitting on this box and waiting for this damn check-up to finish. By the way, you found out why it shakes so much now?”

“Apparently that was the rotor rust, Lieutenant. I noticed it spinning a bit unevenly. It should be fine now.”

“Instruments all working fine? You fixed that horizon ball? I don’t wanna see it spinning on us again.”

“I replaced the whole panel, Lieutenant. If that won’t fix it, I am out of ideas.”

“Just finish the check-up,” Rainbow brushed off.

“I am just about to be done, Ma’am.”

With a monumental metal rumbling, the hangar door slide open,
“Attention, EAW! Prepare for an unscheduled inspection!” the base colonel’s voice reached them.

“Tch,” Rainbow snorted, hopping down from her box seat. “That’s the second time in the last few months, we sure damn popular here, aren’t we?”

“Where’s the rest of your unit, Lieutenant?” another stallion in the senior officer’s uniform asked.

“In barracks, Sir,” Rainbow dully spoke back. “Should I line them up?”

“Now, Lieutenant, I believe this is quite convenient, we shall see how quickly they are to dress. The normal is sixty seconds, is it not?” Rainbow Dash sighed, “Now then, let us introduce ourselves. This is General Breech Slider, Her Majesty’s Minister of War, if you are still unacquainted. I am Air Marshal Trail Blazer and with Colonel Torque Bender you are already acquainted.”

“Since when are we an aviation crew? We are testers, we are supposed to be answering to the Logistics Corps,” Rainbow asked, just so she won’t have to stand quietly and listen to some more speeches.

“As long as you are occupying space on the Imperial airbase, you are under the Air Force jurisdiction, Lieutenant. Now would you be so kind to demonstrate to the Minister what his financing went to?”

Rainbow proceeded to drag her hoof across her face and walked over to her aircraft,
“This is Manehatten Aviation Model Number One,” she talked through without even trying to hide her boredom. “MA-1 for short. It achieves vertical flight using rotating blades. It’s is fully capable of both vertical take-off and landing, and can achieve two hundred and fifty kilometres per hour of horizontal velocity. Maximum take-off weight is about four thousand kilos, including fuel and the vehicle itself. It is designed for logistical purposes but includes two 7,62 caliber machine guns by the doors of the passenger compartment. On this specific vehicle, they currently are not installed. Shall we arrange a showcase flight?”

“And the cost?” the Minister asked.

“Four million bits.”

“Hmm, one and a half more than an M48 and for a fancy utility aircraft.”

“A revolutionary aircraft at that,” the Colonel added.

“Revolutionary or not, it is expensive and only marginally more flexible than a heavy transport plane and four times as costly.” Colonel proceeded to spread his hooves, conceding to the argument,
“Whatever, really. If Rich would finance your testing further, you can do whatever you want. By the way, where’s he? He’s been gone for over half an hour now.”

“Mister Rich asked me where he could find the water closet and did not return,” the base's Colonel answered.

“Lieutenant, would you be so kind to find him for us? After all, you are the fastest flier alive, are you not? In the meantime, your esteemed technician shall acquaint us with the mechanics,” the Major cut in.

“Sir yes sir,” Rainbow sighed and headed to the hangar doors.

Rainbow Dash sighed again and spread her wings to fly over to the control tower, she couldn’t imagine a puke this high up would use the restrooms in barracks.

Nightmare Moon really knew how to pick her officials. Rainbow took this time to think while lazily flapping past the lined up bombers. Filthy Rich - the Minister of Finance. Who would’ve thought? At this point Rainbow Dash was seriously considering ditching all this endless nonsense and getting Apple Jack to find her some work on the farm. There were no Wonderbolts anymore. They disbanded rather than to fly for the tyrant’s amusement. Spitfire was a private trainer now, Soarin was in Las Pegasus doing… something, Blaze was in Arabia, flying for the local royalty, and the rest of the crew was scattered comparatively all around the world. Just like that Rainbow’s dream scattered to the wind, while Nightmare Moon likely did not even notice their gesture. Even if she did, she never reacted.
The blue pegasus hated how unmoveable she was. Rainbow tried to get her attention ever since the Civil War ended, but even attacking her palace directly only led to her writing a single letter. A SINGLE letter! She ruined Rainbow’s whole life and did not even see fit to grant her more than a single letter of her attention! Rainbow deserved a chance to say… no, shout into her face how much she hated the self-appointed 'Empress’! But even if she got a chance, both of them would know she’d be lying. Rainbow wanted to hate the tyrant, but she couldn’t make herself anymore. Nightmare Moon was a lot to be blamed for, that did not change, but the truth was that Rainbow was tired. Tired of following orders, tired of feeling like a fool all the time, tired of losing friends, tired of all of it. She didn’t even have the strength to be angry anymore, just frustrated.
If the mare wanted to be as nice as she says, why not just get down and do it? Starting with actually letting the ponies decide if they want her or not. Although considering how many were brainwashed dumbos nowadays, the elections would be redundant. But her stopping terrorizing everypony would be a nice alternative. After all, Celestia was so beloved by everypony because she treated everycreature warmly. Nightmare Moon was the opposite, she was cold and detached, if you were lucky. Making matters worse, Rainbow knew she was pretending to be that way. It was always playing pretend with her.

“That’ll be at least sixty million bits just to start up. It will be years until we can return the investment.” That would be Rich, apparently caught up with money again. Rainbow should’ve guessed. The voice seemingly came from behind the tower, rather than from inside it, so Rainbow lazily started circling it around, “But considering we shall have the land very cheaply, assuming your plan works, we can get the investment back much sooner. I believe this can be arranged, Princess.”

“Excellent, Mister Rich,” Twilight Sparkle’s voice answered him, making Rainbow cock her brow curiously and making her ears perk up. “I see you never lost your knack for seeing commercial opportunities. Expect requests for subsidies to start arriving within a month.”

“Speaking of this, yes. Princess, I dare ask how can you make people as stubborn and greedy as griffons to possibly accept selling their land at such a… price.”

“Rather simply, Mister Rich. As you are aware, we are currently experiencing a rather poor time for agriculture, with harvests falling throughout the Empire. Griffons are not exempt of this predicament either, in fact, they are having it much worse. A few days ago we even received a griffon diplomat from Griffinstone asking for aid.”

“They must be desperate if they would even consider asking us to help.”

“They are, Mister Rich, and they will have their food, for a price.” Rainbow’s eyes shot wide, scarcely believing what she just heard.
This was a new low. As treacherous as Nightmare Moon was, she never before sank so low as to rob someone blind in exchange for their life! Rainbow barely managed to restrain herself from flying out there right now and punching Rich into his smug face for even considering doing something this repugnant!

“Oh, an elegant plan!” Rich approved. “They need us much more than we need them, so essentially we can drive any bargain we wish! Would you, please, be so generous as to forward my admiration to the Empress?”

“I will, Mister Rich. One last thing, I trust I don’t have to explain that you must not compromise the secrecy for the time being.”

“Of course. Until we meet again, Princess.”

“Have a good night, Mister Rich.”

With their meeting concluded, Rainbow prepared to drag Rich back to the hangar, to get this over with as soon as possible. She needed to have a talk with Gilda soon. Very soon.

Twilight closed her book with an audible slap, terminating her connection to the magical drawing she used to communicate with Rich. She then contently hummed and scratched a line out of her checklist.

“So, how did it go, Your Highness? Did Sir Minister approve? Of your plan?” Thorax eagerly asked.

“Mind finally telling me what in Tartarus IS your plan?” Gilda impatiently called. “And who this creep is?”

“Oh, my name is Thorax! It is good to meet you, Miss Gilda!” the Changeling pleasantly answered.

“Right… So, what are we doing, exactly?”

“Did you bring the amulet as I asked you to?” Twilight levitated herself another book from her usual table at the archives centre.

“Yeah,” Gilda reached for the jewel in her bag. “Here is- hey!” Twilight snatched the amulet from Gilda’s claw and quickly examined it one last time.

“Uh-hum,” Twilight scratched out another line and put the amulet into the centre of her chalk-white circle on the floor, crystal powder and power crystal already in place too.

“Twilight, I swear!” Gilda flared. “Take a break from your stupid books and answer my question!”

“Shhh!” Thorax hushed. “Let the Princess focus.” Although he only irritated the griffon more.

“The hay! Twilight, say something!”

Twilight tiredly rubbed her eyes, some creatures have no patience at all,
“I am recharging the amulet for you, Gilda. Would you like the transference spell formula too?” she sarcastically asked.

“What?” Gilda looked genuinely surprised. “You mean, you take this folktale about the wind amulet seriously?”

“Yes, Gilda, I do. Now, will you give me a moment to work, please?” Twilight shot back in annoyance.

With the matter settled, Twilight began weaving her spell.
The Princess lit her horn and shot a tiny beam of energy at the crystal to provoke the reaction. The dust on the circle began to softly glow accompanied by the more brightly shining crystal.
Minutes passed and the emerald on the jewel began to dimly glow too.

“Now what?” Gilda finally asked.

“Now we wait until the crystal dims.”

“No, I mean after that. What is this about?” Gilda insisted on asking the question again. “You said you could help with our food issue, I don’t get how this helps.” Twilight sighed in annoyance.

“Gilda, can’t you just wait for a little? You’ll get what you need in the end, that’s what I promised you.”

“Is that why you called for me, Princess?” Thorax asked excitedly. “Do you want me to assist Miss Gilda? Pharynx says you’d want my help again soon enough.”

“Who’s Pharynx?” Gilda asked.

“Oh, he’s my brother, Miss. He is here, in the palace. He came to Her Majesty to-”

“Thorax, quiet!” Twilight grabbed Thorax’s jaw and forced him to close his mouth. “You can’t just go around wagging your tongue like that. You are going to get yourself and all of us in trouble!”

“Uhmm-mmm!” Twilight let his jaw go. “But I thought miss Gilda was allowed to hear! She is here, after all,” Thorax said apologetically.

“Hear what?”

”Hear nothing. Thorax, I called you for a specific purpose and I am going to explain it later, now we have Miss Gilda’s problem to solve.”

“Is this the time you finally tell me the plan? This is starting to get old,” Gilda grumbled.

“Okay, fine!” Twilight gave up. “Look, Gilda, the matter is like this: I managed to get Her Majesty to agree some help to your people, but it isn’t free. We need you to negotiate mining rights for Equestrian companies, the money you receive will be your way of buying the seeds you need.”

“And why couldn’t you… wait, what?!” Gilda suddenly widened her eyes in shock.

“And that’s why I didn’t tell you,” Twilight sighed.

“You want me to tell griffons that they are now selling their ancestral land for food?!” Gilda showed no signs of stopping in her indignation, hopping straight off her chair and starting to pace around the room.

“Gilda, I am offering you a way to survive, for Celestia’s sake! You do not have the population to mine all of your resources yourselves anyway! Your own village is only a hundred griffons at most!”

“This isn’t about how many there are of us, Twilight!” Gilda gave the mare a burning stare. “These stupid mountains are what our ancestors were fighting for generations! Trading it away for crumbs off a pony’s table is a spit on their graves! Griffons will never accept this!”

“Gilda, be reasonable!” Twilight pleaded. “You need food! You are going to starve!”

“You’d be surprised how many griffons would choose to starve over dishonoring ourselves this much,“ Gilda grumbled back grimly.

“Okay, I am done!” Twilight exploded and finally dropped her book back on the table. “You want to die? Go straight ahead! Maybe Nightmare Moon is right about you! She told me from the start that I shouldn’t bother! I went through all the trouble of getting the deal set up for you, I even came up with a way for you to convince your elders, but I am not going to stand here telling you that you shouldn’t leave your own people to die! If your worthless pride matters to you so much you are willing to let others die for its sake, then have at it!” Twilight gestured a mock invitation. “Go back to your hamlet in the middle of nowhere and tell them that you were offered a way to save them but you refused!” Twilight emphasized by accusingly pointing at Gilda with her hoof.


“This is the deal you are getting, Gilda. Take it or leave it!”

Twilight expected the stubborn griffon to go on round two, but Gilda simply stared at her, Twilight stared back asserting her dominating position in that way instead,
“You’ve changed,” Gilda stated matter-of-factly. “Magic of Friendship, right?”

“Don’t presume to understand,” Twilight spat back.

“Hmph, sure. How can I understand?" Gilda's voice was now flat. "What would you have me do, Your Highness?” Edges of Twilight’s mouth still curved slightly at her victory.

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