• Published 19th Jul 2021
  • 2,096 Views, 190 Comments

Piece by Piece - Eltirions

There's a lot wrong with the world. Rarity intends on making sure her small part of it is less wrong than the rest, one step at a time.

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Chapter 10: Interactions 4

10 December 1008

‘’So, Flurry. Rainbow and I have to go talk to some ponies about the tour,’’ Rarity explained to the filly while Rainbow wolfed down her meal. ‘’What do you want to do?’’

Flurry looked at her with hopeful, pleading eyes. ‘’Can I come with you? Please? I promise I’ll be quiet.’’

Rarity’s first instinct was to say no. Flurry would no doubt find everything very boring, and Rarity didn’t want the filly to be bored. ‘’Don’t you want to play with your friends?’’ she asked instead of answering.

Flurry shook her head. ‘’They’re all busy today. Star Glitter has to help her parents at work, and so does Swift Hoof. Jewel Heart has family visiting, and Moon Tower didn’t have time, I dunno why.’’

She looks so sad.

‘’Well, I guess you can come,’’ Rarity allowed. ‘’But it’s going to be a lot of talking.’’

Flurry nodded. ‘’You said there was going to be a lot of talking with ponies on the tour too. So it’s good if I do it more, right?’’

The filly’s simple yet correct logic stumped Rarity for a moment, before she smiled. ‘’That’s very smart of you, Flurry,’’ she complimented. ‘’And you’re quite right. In fact, after Rainbow and I are done talking with other adults, why don’t we talk about what you’re going to have to do on the tour?’’

‘’That sounds nice,’’ Flurry said with a nod. ‘’Can we go?’’

‘’Rainbow has to finish her…’’ Rarity glanced over to see Rainbow swallow the last pieces of her meal, ‘’... lunch.’’

‘’Done,’’ Rainbow declared with a grin. ‘’Who do we need to talk to?’’

‘’The Captain of the Night Guard, for one,’’ Rarity said as she thought aloud. ‘’The Chamberlain of the Palace, to make sure everything keeps running while we’re away. The Mayor of Crystal City should probably be informed, and of course we need to send letters to the mayors of the cities we’ll be visiting, so they can prepare.’’

‘’Hmmm…’’ Rainbow rubbed her chin. ‘’Y’know, the Wonderbolts always did a press release to announce their tours. Maybe we could do the same?’’

That wasn’t a bad idea. ‘’Yes, we should probably do that,’’ Rarity said. ‘’I’ll make a draft of that then, sometime today.’’

‘’But first talking, right?’’ Flurry asked.

‘’But first talking,’’ Rarity confirmed with a nod. ‘’Come on, let’s go to the Chamberlain first.’’

The position of Chamberlain was an ancient one. Whoever held it was the head of the household, and in this case, the Palace staff. He or she took care of anything that happened between the staff and made sure they all did their duties - and were suitably compensated for them.

The current Chamberlain of the Palace was a crystal pony stallion called Tight Ship, who had also held the position under Cadence’s reign. He had survived Sombra’s return, according to himself, by sneaking back to his home in one of the city’s outer blocks and then pretending he was just another stallion through copious use of hair dye, turning his natural gold to a light blue shade, which in Rarity’s professional opinion clashed horribly with his earth-brown coat.

‘’Princess, Governess, Commander,’’ he greeted them with a bow as they entered his office. ‘’What can I do for you?”

‘’Tight, we will be taking a tour through the Empire’s major cities, starting tomorrow evening after dinner. We will return on the night of the 21th and the 22nd, and we will be travelling via train,’’ Rarity informed him.

The stallion raised an eyebrow, then nodded. ‘’Of course, milady. I shall make sure the Palace remains in prime shape while you are away.’’

‘’Thank you,’’ Rarity said, and she meant it. If Tight Ship didn’t already have enough of a workload managing the Palace, Rarity would have picked him as her steward/secretary in a heartbeat. ‘’The cities we will be visiting are Rainbow Falls, Snowybury, Quebuck, Hedgewards and Ponytown, and we will be staying two days per city.’’

‘’Of course.’’ Tight Ship nodded again. ‘’I assume Captain Darkheart will be providing security?’’

‘’Wait, Darkheart?’’ Rainbow suddenly asked, before snickering. ‘’He was one of the guards I absolutely wrecked,’’ she explained as Rarity turned to look at her.

And promptly resisted the urge to facehoof. Of course you did.

‘’I trust he wasn’t injured too badly?’’ she asked warily.

Rainbow waved her wing dismissively. ‘’Some bruises, but nothing broken. But he didn’t tell me he was a captain.’’

‘’Thank you for that,’’ Rarity said sarcastically, before turning back to a smiling Tight Ship. ‘’So yes, security will be arranged after this meeting.’’

‘’Very well. Is there anything else I can do to help?’’ Tight Ship asked.

‘’Oh, I wouldn’t want to impose,’’ Rarity replied. ‘’I’m sure you’ve got enough work as it stands.’’

‘’Less than you would expect, actually,’’ Tight Ship admitted. ‘’The Palace is running just as efficiently as it did…’’ He glanced down at Flurry. ‘’As it did before.’’

‘’Well, that is very good indeed,’’ Rarity jumped in before the conversation could derail to darker topics. ‘’But I do not have anything you could do that I cannot do myself, darling.’’

Tight Ship bowed his head in acknowledgement. ‘’Very well, milady. I shall see to the preparations, and hoof-pick some members of the staff that will accompany you.’’

‘’Thank you, darling.’’ Rarity graciously tipped her head at him. ‘’It has been a pleasure speaking with you again. I think I will come by sometime before dinner again.’’

‘’Until then, milady.’’

‘’Have a nice day, Mr Ship!’’ Flurry chirped as she waved at Tight Ship.

‘’You too, Princess,’’ the stallion replied with a soft smile.

‘’Right,’’ Rainbow said as soon as the door was closed. ‘’The Captain then?’’

‘’Indeed,’’ Rarity confirmed. ‘’I’m sure he’ll be delighted to see you again.’’

Captain Darkheart was the leader of the Night Guard stationed in the Crystal Empire, and until Rainbow had arrived he’d reported directly to Rarity, once a week. Darkheart, it had to be said, was a handsome stallion. He had a midnight black coat, almost as dark as his Empress’, and his mane was a deep maroon red.

They found him in the mess hall of the barracks, together with a couple of other guards who all looked bruised and battered.

‘’Ma’am,’’ Darkheart saluted.

‘’Good day, Captain,’’ Rarity greeted him. ‘’We will be taking a tour of the nation’s biggest cities via train from tomorrow evening until the night of the 21st to the 22nd. I trust you will be able to arrange our security.’’

The other guards stilled, and Darkheart took a single, deep breath. ‘’Of course we can, ma’am. Train, you say? I will select some of my best to guard it.’’

‘’We will be travelling to Rainbow Falls, Snowybury, Quebuck, Hedgewards and Ponytown, in that specific order,’’ Rarity continued. ‘’I imagine it might be a good idea to contact local police forces so you can work something out with them.’’

‘’I will be sure to do that, ma’am,’’ Darkheart said. ‘’Are we travelling with the same train you and the Princess used to get here?’’

‘’We are,’’ Rarity confirmed.

‘’Then I know what to expect.’’ Darkheart gave them all a little smile. It wasn’t much, but it was something. ‘’Is there anything else?’’

Rarity shook her head. ‘’Not at the moment, no. But if anything comes up, I will send for you.’’

‘’Of course, ma’am. I’m at your service.’’ Darkheart saluted again.

‘’Well, we shan’t keep you longer,’’ Rarity said.

‘’Captain,’’ Rainbow spoke up, ‘’present a list of guards you’ve picked to me before dinner tonight, so that I can review it.’’

‘’Will do, ma’am.’’

Rainbow nodded. ‘’See to it.’’

‘’Bye, Captain!’’ Flurry waved again as they left.

‘’Goodbye, Princess.’’ Darkheart gave another salute, which Rainbow returned seriously and Flurry made a very good attempt at.

‘’Why do you want a list of the guards?’’ Rarity asked Rainbow as they walked down the hallway.

‘’I like to know who I’m working with,’’ Rainbow explained. ‘’So once I have the list, I’m going to meet with everyone on it, see what they’re made of. Can’t have shoddy security.’’

‘’They’re Night Guards,’’ Rarity said exasperatedly, ‘’I’m sure they’re skilled at their jobs. Many of them fought in the civil war as well.’’

‘’I know that,’’ Rainbow said, ‘’but I still kicked their flanks today, and it was eight on one. So I’m a little skeptical.’’

Rarity could see the logic in that. ‘’Very well,’’ she agreed. ‘’But keep them intact, please.’’

‘’Of course,’’ Rainbow agreed as if that was obvious, ‘’who do you take me for?’’

A good friend… and maybe more?

But Rarity, of course, didn’t say that out loud. ‘’Of course, forgive me, darling. Now, what was next again?’’

‘’You wanted to talk to the mayor!” Flurry helpfully spoke up. ‘’And then write some letters to other mayors!’’

Ah yes, that’s right. ‘’Thank you for helping me remember, Flurry,’’ Rarity said warmly.

‘’No problem, auntie!’’ Flurry smiled brightly.

‘’I think we can meet the mayor in my office,’’ Rarity thought aloud. ‘’I’ll send her a message, and we can talk while we wait for her to arrive.’’

‘’Sounds good,’’ Rainbow remarked. ‘’Can you bring up some drinks as well?’’

‘’I want lemonade!” Flurry immediately added enthusiastically.

‘’Of course,’’ Rarity agreed, and they went to her office.

Once they had arrived, Rarity penned a quick letter and had a servant send it off, before the drinks were brought in. Flurry got her lemonade, while Rarity took a cup of tea and Rainbow got a fizzy drink Rarity hadn’t heard of before.

‘’It’s called Maneia,’’ Rainbow explained. ‘’Someone in Applewood came up with it during the war, and it’s been a wild success.’’

‘’Well…’’ Rarity eyed the bright green drink doubtfully. ‘’To each their own, darling.’’

‘’Auntie, we were gonna talk about the tour,’’ Flurry reminded her in a sort of whiney voice.

‘’That we were,’’ Rarity agreed. ‘’So, let’s plan.’’

She reached into her drawer and pulled out a small book that Tight Ship had gotten her in the first week of her being in the Crystal Empire. It was a short description of the Crystal Empire’s cities, its history and its people.

‘’Rainbow Falls first,’’ Rarity said as she laid the book down on the table, then flicked through it until she found the right pages. Clearing her throat, she read aloud: ‘’Rainbow Falls is the only cloud city in the Empire, populated by crystal pegasi. The first cloud homes around the Falls were built in 489 BLB, and since then the city has grown until around a quarter of a million people are living in it. The city is built in layers around the Falls, with pegasi typically using their wings to get to and from levels, while stairs have been built for non-flying ponies. The higher you come the more beautiful and thus expensive it becomes, and the city hall, barracks and other governmental structures are all located on the top levels.’’

‘’Can I read the next part?’’ Flurry interrupted with a pleading voice. ‘’I really want to.’’

‘’Of course, darling.’’ Rarity turned the book around so Flurry could read it.

Flurry sat up on her chair and cleared her throat a few times, before beginning to read. ‘’Rainbow Falls prides itself on being the northernmost cloud city in the world, and this alone makes it a major tourist attraction. The main reason people visit is, of course, the Rainbow Falls themselves. They are beautiful and massive, larger even than the Neighgara Falls in northern Equestria. The pegasi use the clouds created by the Falls to make their houses, using normal clouds only as secondary material.’’ There were a few stumbles and short pauses as she tried to figure out how to say a word, as well as a few mispronounced words, but the message of the text was conveyed perfectly nonetheless.

‘’Huh,’’ Rainbow said. ‘’Did not know that. That’s pretty interesting.’’

Rarity nodded. ‘’And that was some very good reading, Flurry. I’m impressed.’’

‘’So am I,’’ Rainbow added. ‘’Where’d you learn that?’’

Flurry ducked her head and blushed. ‘’Auntie Twilight taught me,’’ she replied softly. ‘’I like reading. It’s nice.’’

Rarity and Rainbow exchanged a look. ‘’Well, I’m glad you like it,’’ Rarity said after an uncomfortable silence. ‘’Reading is an important skill for later.’’

Flurry nodded. ‘’That’s what auntie Twilight and Mummy said too. I’m going to have to read a lot when I’m a grown-up, right?’’

‘’Yes, you will have to,’’ Rarity confirmed with a nod. ‘’So it’s good that you’re starting it early. Do you want to read more, or I shall do it?’’

‘’No, I’m fine,’’ Flurry said with a shake of her head. She cleared her throat again. ‘’But the page ends here.’’

Rarity turned the book around to look at it. ‘’I think,’’ she said, ‘’that we need to look at this part.’’ She pointed at a paragraph that had the header ‘People of Rainbow Falls’.

‘’Okay!’’ Flurry chirped, before turning the book back to face her. ‘’Rainbow Falls is home to around two-five-zero-zero-zero-zero people?’’ She looked up with a frown. ‘’That doesn’t sound right.’’

‘’It’s two-hundred and fifty thousand,’’ Rarity clarified. ‘’If something has four numbers in it, it’s a thousand. Five numbers is ten thousand and six numbers a hundred thousand. Seven numbers is one million.’’

‘’Thank you, auntie!’’ Flurry said cheerfully. ‘’So, around two-hundred fifty thousand people, of which… what’s a nine and zero mean?’’

‘’Ninety, so a ten and then nine times,’’ Rainbow explained before Rarity could.

Flurry nodded. ‘’There’s a weird symbol behind ninety. It’s two circles, one above and one below, and a diagonal line through it.’’

‘’That symbol stands for the percentage of something.’’ Rarity picked up Flurry’s glass, which was more or less half filled. ‘’This glass is fifty percent empty. Percentages go from zero to a hundred, most of the time.’’

‘’Thank you, auntie!’’ Flurry said again. ‘’Of which ninety percent are pegasi, either crystal or normal. The citizens of Rainbow Falls are a cheerful bunch, and rarely get angry about anything. Given that they are pegasi, there’s a lot of com-pet-itions?’’

‘’Competitions,’’ Rarity corrected gently.

‘’Right. Competitions that involve endurance and strength, as well as bravery. There’s a gap in the central square of each level, through which ponies can dive down. Going up through it is not allowed, and the gap is mainly used as a game for young pegasi. They have to dive through and try to find the next hole all the way from top to bottom, without using their wings to do anything other than glide.’’

Rainbow whistled. ‘’Sounds like my kind of thing.’’

The problem was that it really did.

Rarity leveled Rainbow with her strongest glare. ‘’Do not take Flurry with you,’’ she said softly.

‘’I won’t,’’ Rainbow promised, and Rarity only half-believed her.

Author's Note:

FYI, this is not the same Rainbow Falls as shown in the episode of the same name. Just to clarify that.

Also, I know this was a lot of info-dumping. But I hope I made it entertaining anyway. The next chapter won't have as much lore, I'm pretty sure of that.

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