• Published 19th Jul 2021
  • 2,097 Views, 190 Comments

Piece by Piece - Eltirions

There's a lot wrong with the world. Rarity intends on making sure her small part of it is less wrong than the rest, one step at a time.

  • ...

Chapter 46: Ending

31 December 1008

Hearthswarming Eve was a new experience to Lilac, but so far she couldn’t complain about it. There were good drinks, good food and great company.

Like the mare by her side.

‘’I hadn’t ever expected to attend a Hearthswarming Eve party together with the Empress,’’ Long Winter commented. ‘’But I can’t complain, can I?’’

‘’I hadn’t ever expected to attend a Hearthswarming party at all,’’ Lilac couldn’t resist pointing out.

‘’And how are you finding it so far?’’ her partner inquired.

Lilac took a moment to consider that question. ‘’Enjoyable,’’ she answered. ‘’The dinner was excellent. So too is the company.’’

Long pressed a quick nuzzle to her cheek. ‘’Charmer.’’


‘’Hush you.’’

‘’You are both sickening,’’ Ocellus remarked as she approached them. ‘’Sickeningly in love. I’m getting nausea just from watching you two.’’

Lilac gave her niece a cool stare. ‘’There’s plenty to look at here besides us, isn’t there?’’

‘’Sure,’’ Ocellus agreed with a shrug, ‘’but you’re so prominent that I can’t help but look anyway.’’

That was patently untrue, but perhaps a Pony might agree with Ocellus’ assessment. After all, seeing a Changeling was rare enough, but Lilac was unique now even amongst Changelings.

She still wasn’t used to it herself, but it appeared that the new appearance she’d gained after the Crystal Heart’s burst was here to stay, sans the sparkling crystal effect. While she could still transform like any ordinary Changeling, she’d decided to discard her disguise after the Empress herself had authorised their presence in the Crystal Empire - indirectly pardoning her of any charges people might have pressed against her.

Most Crystal Ponies had taken to it surprisingly well; apparently, if you survived the Crystal Heart’s pulse, you were fine to stay. Lilac wasn’t sure the system was sustainable, but she also wasn’t going to complain.

‘’Ocellus, dear, how are you finding the party?’’ Long asked, snapping Lilac out of her impromptu train of thought.

The younger Changeling shrugged again. ‘’Meh. It’s fine. Not a lot of people my age.’’

Lilac frowned. ‘’If you’re not enjoying it, you can leave anytime. I won’t mind.’’

‘’No, it’s alright. Thanks. I’ll be fine.’’

‘’If you say so…’’

‘’Yeah. I’m gonna talk to some of those guards. Bye!’’

Before either Lilac or Long could reply, Ocellus had already turned around and headed away from them.

‘’Still not used to her new look,’’ Long said. ‘’It’s nice, I mean, but still.’’

‘’I know what you mean.’’

Ocellus had been affected by the Crystal Heart just like Lilac had been, but in her case her chitin had turned a pale shade of blue and her neck fin and wings had turned amaranth red. It suited her, but just like Lilac’s appearance, it took some adjusting to.

‘’Are we sure she’s still alright at her school?’’ Long wondered.

‘’I think so, yes,’’ Lilac answered after a moment of thought, ‘’but we could always ask her. But not tonight. Tonight’s a party, or so I am told.’’

‘’Indeed it is!’’ Long agreed, as she pushed a few loose strands of hair out of her face. ‘’Shall we dance when the next song comes on?’’

‘’I’d love to.’’

Even though I’ve got no clue how Ponies dance.

With that thought in her head, she spent the remaining minutes observing the Ponies that were dancing; it was going to be hard to imitate them, and she was sure to make some mistakes, but Long would know this was her first time.

Everything would be fine.

And isn’t that a great feeling? The idea that everything will be fine? Of course, everything is a rather large term, but I can say that everything will be fine for tonight, at least.

Of course, Chrysalis has probably heard from her spies what’s happened here. Maybe she knows about us too.

That was probably her greatest worry, she reflected. Chrysalis.

What had happened to Ocellus and herself was, as far as anyone knew, unprecedented. She was doing research in the records of the Palace with the assistance of Long and a few people that Tight Ship had been able to find, but nothing they had found indicated that this had ever happened before. It was known that Changelings had lived in the western parts of the Empire once, but never had it been reported that they were present within Crystal City whenever the Heart pulsed.

But Lilac refused to believe that she was the first. The first of what, she wasn’t sure of either, but she was the first of something to be sure.

‘’Hey,’’ Long prodded her side, ‘’that’s our queue, sweetheart.’’

‘’Oh, right.’’

Long laughed as she led them onto the dance floor. The sound was as lovely as ever. ‘’I get that you’re busy,’’ she said as the musicians began the first part of the new song, one which Lilac didn’t recognise, ‘’believe me, I do. But these evenings will be wasted if you spend them thinking only of the work you do.’’

‘’And what if I said that I was thinking of you?’’

‘’Now that is certainly not a waste,’’ Long agreed, ‘’but I am right here. And I’m not going anywhere.’’

‘’Good.’’ Lilac leaned in and pressed her muzzle against Long’s for a few seconds, before breaking away as the chorus - or so it sounded - kicked in. ‘’Then let’s dance.’’


At least for tonight, the worries could wait.


31 December 1008

‘’So how are you enjoying the party, Miss Shimmer?’’

Sunset gave Tight Ship a polite smile in response. ‘’It’s quite excellent. Much better than the last one I attended.’’

‘’Which would have been?’’

‘’In Canterlot, quite long ago.’’

‘’When you were still…’’

‘’Yes, indeed.’’

The stallion nodded. ‘’I see. Well, I’m afraid I must be off. The work doesn’t end, you understand.’’

‘’Of course. Enjoy your evening.’’

‘’You as well.’’

Sunset sipped from her drink as she watched the Chamberlain disappear into the crowd again, no doubt on his way to prevent some issue from cropping up and ruining the celebrations. A commendable task, and not one she’d ever be good at, most likely.

With the drink held in her magic, she too made her way through the partygoers, heading for one of the windows of the grand ballroom they were in. It was located quite high up in the Palace, so the view of the city was - supposedly - pretty good.

Once she had reached the nearest window, she looked out of it.

Crystal City was an imposing sight in the winter evening darkness, countless lights spreading as far as the eye could see across the ground. The largest city in the world, reportedly larger in population than Manehattan and Canterlot put together. Sunset wasn’t sure she believed it, but she couldn’t dispute that Crystal City was one of the biggest cities she’d ever visited.

And now it was her home.

The joys of teaching an Alicorn are soon to be mine. Joy.

There was a measure of irony to the whole situation, but Sunset found little amusement in it. While teaching Flurry Heart was sure to be a challenge, and one she looked forward to, it would cut heavily into her own time for research.

‘’Enjoying the view?’’

‘’Captain Darkheart,’’ she acknowledged the stallion without turning to face him. ‘’How’s the security looking?’’

‘’As great as can be,’’ he replied as he stopped beside her. ‘’Between the police, the local Night Guard and the Empress’ own, we’ve got enough soldiers to stop a small army. And no threats that we know of.’’

‘’Aren’t the unknown threats the most dangerous?’’

‘’Perhaps,’’ Darkheart agreed, ‘’but even an unexpected enemy will not find an easy way into the Palace tonight, let me assure you.’’

‘’Mhm.’’ Sunset finally turned to face him. ‘’Was there something you needed of me, Captain?’’

‘’Nothing serious. I was just curious about how the process of moving from Manehattan was going.’’

Whyever are you interested in that?

Darkheart lowered his voice and continued: ‘’I’ve been informed there might be need to transport several individuals here.’’


‘’There’s not.’’ Sunset took a sip from her drink - a rather delightful red wine, apparently from Vinovia - and then shook her head. ‘’Those individuals will be redistributed throughout the Eastern Seaboard and Heartlands. I have neither the time nor the need for them anymore, with my new tasks.’’

‘’Fair enough.’’ Darkheart paused. ‘’The Empress has instructed me to inform you that facilities are available here, should you have need of them for whatever reason. However, I personally think that the Governess will not approve.’’

‘’So don’t tell her.’’

‘’That is also what the Empress told me. I don’t intend on informing her unless I have no choice.’’

‘’Good.’’ Sunset downed the rest of the glass, relishing in the wine’s taste. ‘’I’m already going to be dealing with her enough as it is; no doubt she will sit in on some of my lessons to the Princess.’’

‘’She is the Governess’ ward by Her Majesty’s decree. It’d make sense.’’

‘’Doesn’t mean I have to like it.’’

Darkheart smiled. ‘’Indeed not.’’

Sunset met his gaze. ‘’I was under the assumption that Nightmare cared for the Governess. What changed?’’

If he took offence to her irreverence, he didn’t show it. ‘’Nothing has, as far as I know. I shan’t attempt to imagine what the Empress’ reasons for her actions are, but I am bound to follow them.’’

‘’Such a loyal soldier.’’

‘’That is my duty, yes. I believe the job description mentions it.’’

‘’I’m sure it does.’’

Darkheart chuckled. ‘’You are an interesting person, Miss Shimmer. I look forward to working more with you.’’

‘’As do I, Captain Darkheart.’’

‘’In that case, shall I get you another glass of that wine? You seem to be enjoying it.’’

Sunset narrowed her eyes at the Thestral. ‘’Are you flirting with me, Captain?’’

Darkheart gave her a fanged smile. ‘’I’ll be back with those drinks,’’ he said instead of answering, slipping away before Sunset could formulate a response to that and grabbing her empty glass from her telekinesis as he did so.

With a huff, she watched him go, then turned back to the window.

Stallions. Honestly.

She might have drunk a little, but she wasn’t anywhere near drunk enough to consider anything like that seriously. And Thestrals weren’t her type.

But that could be left unsaid. She’d take the drink, and then just disappear.

‘’Here you go.’’

‘’Fucking Tartarus!’’ she exclaimed. ‘’You could have given me a warning first!’’

Darkheart, two glasses held in his wings, chuckled again. ‘’I couldn’t resist the opportunity.’’

‘’I should be used to this,’’ Sunset muttered to herself as she took one of the glasses in her magic. ‘’I grew up around Thestrals. Always trying to spook me.’’

‘’I’d like to think I’m more stealthy than your average Pony, Thestral or no.’’


Darkheart cleverly hid his grin behind his drink - or tried to, anyway. ‘’So, what I also wanted to ask: when do you start teaching the Princess?’’


‘’Anything planned in specific?’’

‘’I’ll need to gauge her power and ability first. Then I can work out a plan. I’ve been reading up on teaching methods, so I should be good.’’

‘’You haven’t had an apprentice before?’’

‘’I left Celestia when I was still one myself, and I didn’t get an opportunity to teach whilst I was away.’’ I couldn’t do very much with magic at all, but he doesn’t need to know that.

Her time between leaving Celestia and reappearing a few years ago was still a secret known only to a few, and Sunset was quite intent to keep it that way. Nobody, not even Nightmare Moon, needed to know all of the details of that time. Sunset would take that information to the grave.

‘’I see.’’ Darkheart took a sip from his own drink and hummed contently. ‘’A good beverage. I approve.’’

‘’How did you know which one I had?’’

‘’I guessed. It helps that there are only a few red wines available tonight.’’


‘’So, just magical knowledge for the Princess then?’’

‘’Others can handle etiquette or politics or what have you. My expertise is magic, and I do it damn well. That’s all I need to teach her.’’

Darkheart opened his mouth to reply, but at that moment there was a shriek.


‘’Well, there’s someone who’s better at it than you, at least,’’ Darkheart quipped.

‘’Oh shut up.’’


31 December 1008

‘’Oh dear,’’ Rarity said. ‘’Whatever has he done now?’’

‘’I’ll go check,’’ Rainbow offered. ‘’Fluttershy’s probably already dealing with it, but she might need a helping hoof.’’

‘’And yours is the best, of course,’’ Rarity said drolly, rolling her eyes.

Rainbow winked at her. ‘’You know it, Rares. Be right back.’’ She pressed a quick kiss to the other mare’s cheek and then sped away, Rarity’s ‘’Good luck, darling!’’ echoing behind her.

Discord doesn’t like it here, but he’s been good for days now. Whatever’s happened?’’

Rainbow cut a path through the crowds, arriving in the centre of the room to see a sulking Discord being scolded by Fluttershy, while the Ponies around them were carefully keeping their distance.

‘’Flutters,’’ Rainbow spoke up as she stepped into the empty space, ‘’what’s happened here?’’

‘’Oh, Rainbow! Don’t worry, it’s nothing important. Discord just got a little bit upset when I mentioned I didn’t really like my drink and then he started threatening the waiters and so I had to tell him not to do that.’’

‘’And you’re doing that now?’’

‘’I am,’’ Fluttershy confirmed. ‘’Everything’s fine, Rainbow. You can go back to Rarity. I can deal with this.’’

Rainbow watched her for a moment, judging. Surely Nightmare Moon was doing the same across the room.. Then she nodded. ‘’Alright, but call me if you need anything, okay?’’

‘’I will, Rainbow.’’

‘’Good.’’ Rainbow let her eyes linger on Discord for a moment, then turned around.

‘’It was nothing serious, I hope?’’ Rarity inquired when Rainbow joined her again.

Rainbow shook her head. ‘’Just Discord being Discord. Fluttershy got it already.’’

Rarity smiled gracefully. ‘’They’re a good pair.’’

‘’Yeah. So are we.’’

‘’Never did I deny that, darling.’’

Rainbow knew that. They’d had plenty of conversations ever since Rarity had been cleared by the doctors, and they knew where they stood with each other. As far as Rainbow was concerned, they were in a good place.

‘’You’re lovely tonight,’’ she said to Rarity. ‘’The dress is great.’’

‘’Thank you, Rainbow darling! It makes me glad to hear you say so. Do you like your outfit as well?’’

Rainbow shrugged. Where Rarity wore a - very pretty - silver and deep blue dress, she was dressed fittingly in the dress uniform of a Shadowbolt officer. It was similar enough to the old Wonderbolt dress uniform she’d worn sometimes, and it fit well and wasn’t ugly. Sure, it wasn’t as nice as some of the dresses that Rarity had made for her, but that couldn’t be helped.

‘’You had no hoof in this one, but yes,’’ she answered. ‘’It’s pretty good.’’

‘’Is it cool?’’

‘’Because I’m wearing it.’’

Rarity chuckled. ‘’I could design you a better version, if you want.’’

‘’Then you’d have to get all of the other Shadowbolts to agree as well.’’

‘’Or I just ask the Empress,’’ Rarity dryly pointed out. ‘’But yes, I see your point. Perhaps another time.’’


Comfortable silence nestled in the space between them, as they watched the party. It had been a bit of a hassle to organise, with the Empress herself and so many other important guests - mostly from the Empire, but a few from Equestria - in attendance, but Rainbow had seen Rarity, Lily - or Lilac, now - and Tight Ship work together to arrange it into one of the best Hearthswarming Eve parties she’d ever seen.

But it wasn’t perfect.

‘’Something’s missing,’’ she said softly to Rarity.

‘’I agree,’’ Rarity answered, and there was something in her tone that made it sound like she already knew what that was. ‘’It’s…’’


I’m not patient enough for this,

‘’Darling, think of who we’re missing.’’

Pinkie was with her family, and so was Applejack. But they had exchanged cards and letters and sent gifts, and Rainbow knew she’d see them soon. Rarity was here, and so were Flurry and Fluttershy and Discord, and there were precious few others she really cared about enough to miss them at a party.


‘’Fuck,’’ she muttered under her breath.

‘’Language,’’ Rarity chided half-heartedly. ‘’Have you figured it out, then?’’


Rarity’s nod was all the confirmation she needed. ‘’Fuck,’’ Rainbow muttered again. Twilight was gone. Dead. Never coming back.

She had been there, and two weeks later it still felt unreal. Sometimes, there had been a hope that it was nothing but a bad dream. But then Rainbow woke up, sweating, next to a sleeping Rarity, and she knew it was no dream. Good or bad, it was reality.

‘’I think Fluttershy knows it too,’’ Rarity remarked. ‘’I know I do. Pinkie and Applejack as well, though less. I think. I don’t know.’’

‘’Neither do I,’’ Rainbow admitted, though it wasn’t much of an admission - it was a topic none of them had discussed over letters. They knew Twilight was gone, by now the whole country did after Nightmare Moon had given a very edited version of her escape and madness to the press, but they would discuss it when they saw each other in person.

‘’Does it feel real to you?’’

‘’Sometimes it doesn’t. I never thought I’d outlive Twilight. Or that I’d be dating you.’’

‘’Yes, indeed…’’ Rarity trailed off, looking at something - Rainbow wasn’t sure even she herself knew what she was looking at. ‘’It’s…

‘’I know.’’ She had lost comrades before, and she knew some of Rarity’s friends and assistants from the campaign hadn’t survived the war either. But this was different. There hadn’t even been a funeral. Not a real one, anyway. ‘’It’s not your fault.’’

‘’We should have visited.’’

‘’And end up like the Crusaders?’’

Rarity winced. ‘’That’s not what would have happened!’’

‘’She broke five of my bones, Rarity,’’ Rainbow hissed. ‘’She tried to mind-control your sister and her own brother. She was gone the moment Nightmare Moon won against Celestia.’’

‘’I don’t believe it.’’

Rainbow met Rarity’s eyes. ‘’I don’t like it either, but we can’t do anything about it. What we can do is keep on living.’’

Before Rarity could respond to that, Rainbow leaned in and gave her a firm, nice kiss. Rarity instantly relaxed the moment their muzzles touched, and Rainbow relished in their contact.

How have I lived without this?

Someone cleared their throat next to them. Rarity’s cheeks turned to flame and she pulled away, damn her.

‘’Ah, Sweetie! Did you want something?’’

Despite herself, Rainbow couldn’t help but wince a little. Yeah alright, that’d be uncomfortable.

Sweetie, to her credit, seemed to be more amused than anything. ‘’Can I talk to you, Rarity?’’

‘’Anytime, darling.’’

‘’In private, please,’’ Sweetie added after glancing apologetically at Rainbow.

‘’I’ll take the hint,’’ she said. ‘’Love you, Rares. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’’

She stole another kiss before Rarity could refuse, then walked away with a stupid grin on her face.

Whatever Sweetie needed, she’d have her time. And then Rainbow would return, and they could continue.


31 December 1008

Guard duty on Hearthswarming Eve was not usually a favoured task, but Shrouded didn’t really mind doing it. While the celebrations were always nice, he had few people to celebrate with aside from his comrades, and most of those were on duty as well, or on leave with their own families.

Plus, they were posted inside the Crystal Palace tonight. Anyone that tried to get in would have to fight their way through dozens of other guards first, and the worst Shrouded expected to deal with tonight was Ponies who could not reign in themselves. Nothing out of the ordinary.

‘’Relaxing evening, is it not?’’ Misty commented besides him.

‘’You mean, aside from the mess Discord just caused?’’

‘’I’m told this is tame for him. He could have turned half the crowd into rubber ducks.’’

‘’Point,’’ Shrouded conceded. ‘’Anything else happen tonight?’’

‘’I thought I saw Darkheart chatting it up with Sunset Shimmer,’’ Misty informed him with a glint in her eyes. ‘’He got her a drink too.’’

‘’Well damn. You think…’’

‘’Who knows?’’

‘’Bring it up after debrief tonight and you’ll get a pot going in no time.’’

‘’I already mentioned it to Evening when I passed by.’’

Of course you did. ‘’How much is the pot at now?’’

Misty hummed. ‘’Fifteen bits say that they’ll wake up together in the morning.’’

Shrouded grinned. ‘’I’ll take that bet.’’

‘’Lovely. Just mention it to Evening then when you can.’’

‘’I’ll be sure to do so.’’

‘’Mr Night!’’

Shrouded’s gaze was drawn to a familiar pair of foals emerging from the crowds. ‘’Swift Hoof, Star Glitter! Haven’t seen you two in a while! How are you?’’

The two kids were both smiling brightly. ‘’We’re doing great, thanks! What about you?’’ Swift Hoof asked.

‘’I’m having the time of my life here.’’

‘’Are you working now?’’

‘’Yes, I am.’’

‘’Who is that?’’

‘’This is Misty, my coworker.’’

Misty smiled. ‘’Hi there. Nice to meet you.’’

‘’Nice to meet you too!’’ the foals said almost in unison.

‘’Are your other friends here too?’’ Shrouded asked. ‘’Or your parents?’’

Star Glitter nodded excitedly. ‘’All of us are here, Flurry invited us! And yeah, my parents are here too, and Swift’s too!’’

‘’That’s nice. Do you like the party?’’

‘’There’s a lot of people, and music and lights! Of course I like it!’’

Misty chuckled next to him, and Shrouded could admit, in the safety of his own mind, that perhaps his question was a little silly. But that didn’t matter; he enjoyed the conversation, certainly more than he’d enjoyed the rest of the evening outside of being next to Misty.

‘’Are you going to be staying up late?’’ Swift Hoof asked next, and how many questions could two children have?

‘’We are on duty until an hour after midnight,’’ was Shrouded’s answer. ‘’So, yes.’’

‘’That's late!? How late is that?’’

‘’What time do you go to bed?’’

‘’Six in the evening.’’

Kids, Shrouded reminded himself. ‘’Well, then I’ll be going to bed seven hours later than you normally would.’’

‘’Wow,’’ Swift Hoof breathed, clearly amazed. ‘’Do you decide that yourself?’’

‘’Not when I’m working, but otherwise yes.’’

‘’But you’re a Thestral, right?’’ Star Glitter jumped in. ‘’You don’t sleep at night.’’

‘’Not always, no. But most of us that live with other Ponies try to sleep in the night.’’

He wasn’t going to tell kids why they had been all but forced to do that for decades. That was in the past, and tonight was supposed to be fun, and they were children.

‘’Do you like mangoes?’’ Swift Hoof suddenly asked. ‘’’Cause I saw some, I think.’’

‘’How do you know what mangoes are?’’ Misty asked before Shrouded could.

‘’We have them sometimes. I heard that Thestrals liked them.’’

Shrouded considered. If there were indeed mangoes, he’d be surprised if whoever had been stationed closest to them hadn’t already secured them all. But it never hurt to check, and he could really go for a mango - if not for now, then for later.

‘’I do, at least,’’ he confirmed with a nod. ‘’If you could get some for Misty and myself, that’d be great.’’

‘’Alright! Bye!’’ And the kids were off without anything more than that, leaving Shrouded to blink.

‘’They’re fast,’’ Misty observed. ‘’But nice, I think.’’

‘’They are nice, yes.’’

‘’Yeah. Those the ones you had dinner with?’’

‘’Star Glitter and her parents were the ones.’’

‘’Mhm.’’ Misty smirked. ‘’Got a soft spot for children I never knew about?’’

A quiet smack with his wing - nearly unnoticeable by any other guests - was all the answer Shrouded gave to that.

Misty cackled. ‘’I knew it!’’

‘’Oh hush you.’’

‘’Sure, sure. Still though…’’

Shrouded sighed as Misty’s cackles faded into quiet snickers. He didn’t see what was so funny, but Misty, for all that he knew her well, was still an enigma sometimes. One he wasn’t interested in figuring out, now.

When the kids came back with mangoes, just like they’d said, he was more than happy for the distraction - and for the actual food, of course. ‘’Thank you very much,’’ he said to them as he took not one but three mangoes from Swift.

‘’You’re welcome!’’

They’re nice kids.

Perhaps he’d want kids one day. Maybe. He hadn’t ever really thought about it.

‘’I like them.’’ Misty whispered to him as the kids babbled on about mangoes and how they’d found them. ‘’They’re good kids.’’

Shrouded didn’t disagree. ‘’Would you…’’

‘’We’re not at that stage yet,’’ Misty answered his unspoken question. ‘’Perhaps later?’’

‘’Later,’’ he affirmed.

‘’Good.’’ Misty pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, then turned her attention back to the foals. After scanning around for anything he should act on, and finding nothing, Shrouded joined her. After all, he might be on duty tonight, but it was Hearthswarming Eve too, and he’d like to enter the new year with some fun instead of solemn duty.


31 December 1008

‘’Another letter from Spike?’’ was, of course, the first thing Rarity asked.

‘’No,’’ Sweetie replied with a shake of her head. ‘’He already sent one yesterday, remember? And in any case, that has nothing to do with this. I just wanted to talk.’’

‘’Then why did Rainbow have to leave?’’

‘’Because I wanted to talk to you about the Empress’ offer.’’

They’d danced around that topic in the past two weeks, and Sweetie honestly wasn’t sure how much of it was a conscious effort. They had certainly talked a lot with each other, but not about that.

Rarity’s eyes widened in recognition. ‘’It hasn’t been withdrawn, has it?’’

‘’No,’’ Sweetie answered, ‘’but she’d like an answer before she leaves for Manehattan tomorrow.’’

Or so Nightmare Moon had told her earlier tonight. Given the nature of the party, she hadn’t mentioned the apprenticeship per se, just asked if she had made up a response to her offer yet. Sweetie had told her that she hadn’t, and the Alicorn had seemed oddly content with that.

Perhaps Flurry being next to her helped.

Rarity nodded. ‘’What is the problem then? You don’t want to accept?’’

‘’I don’t know, that’s the problem,’’ she answered. ‘’Should I go? Should I stay here?’’

‘’You can stay here as long as you want,’’ Rarity answered immediately, ‘’but I think you should go with the Empress.’’

‘’Do you really believe I can be her student?’’


Rarity sounded so convinced. Sweetie knew it wasn’t an act - she knew her sister well enough to see through it if it would be - but she still didn’t feel like she was confident in her own abilities.

‘’How?’’ she asked. ‘’I’m not as powerful as Twilight or Sunset, and I’m not as smart either.’’

‘’Maybe, maybe not, but those aren’t the questions you should be asking, darling. You should be asking yourself if you want to do this.’’

And I know I want to. Or a part of me does. But what if I become evil? What if I can’t do it? What if I fail? What if I’m too weak and Nightmare Moon sees I’m useless and she has me punished? Or worse, my family?

What if-

She was snapped out of her thoughts as Rarity’s forelegs wrapped around her neck in a hug. ‘’Hey,’’ she whispered into her ear, ‘’you can do it, alright? Whatever you want to do, you can do it. Your time spent with the Crusaders proved that to me.’’

Sweetie barely registered that she was trembling, and only slowly responded to Rarity’s hug by hugging her back. ‘’That was different.’’

‘’Was it?’’


‘’I’m sure Scootaloo and Apple Bloom would be happy to join you in Manehattan, if you asked them.’’

‘’They’ve got their own stuff to worry about that.’’

‘’And that ‘stuff’, as you so elegantly put it, includes you, I believe. And what about that Twinkle Flower? He’s not too shabby either.’’

‘’Rarity!’’ she hissed.

‘’Did I strike a nerve?’’ Rarity pulled out of the hug a little to meet her face to face. ‘’The point is, Sweetie, that you can choose whatever you want to, and your friends - and me - shall support you. Mum and Dad too.’’

‘’So if I wanted to emigrate to New Mareland…’’

Rarity sighed. ‘’Yes, if you wanted to. We’d miss you, of course, but you’re an adult now, much as it makes me feel like an old hag. I couldn’t stop you even if I wanted to, and I don’t.’’


How fittingly heartwarming.

‘’I do think that becoming the Empress’ student will be good for you,’’ Rarity said after a short silence, ‘’but if it is not what you want to do right now, then don’t do it. It doesn’t look like she’ll be too upset with you.’’

‘’Are you certain?’’

‘’Of course not. But I highly doubt she’ll force you or throw you in jail. Maybe once I would have believed that, but…’’ Rarity paused, then continued in a far softer voice: ‘’I think that underneath the interior, there’s still the same Pony in there that I ran a months-long political campaign with. I don’t know if there ever was anything else besides Luna - or Nightmare Moon, whichever you prefer - in that mind and body, but I highly doubt there is now.’’

‘’How do you know?’’

‘’When we were talking, the night Flurry was rescued, I saw Luna’s eyes and colours for a second,’’ Rarity answered. ‘’It was but a fleeting moment, but I don’t think it was an accident. And this Nightmare Moon is far different than the one I faced in the Everfree Castle. I trust her.’’

‘’I don’t.’’

And that was the crux of the matter, wasn’t it? Trust. Did she trust Nightmare Moon to be a good teacher, to be a good ruler, to be a good person?

‘’And I don’t think you should need to, yet,’’ Rarity said. ‘’Which doesn’t mean she is untrustworthy, but you’re not convinced yet. That is understandable. But if you do not try…’’

‘’Then what?’’

‘’Then you can stay here anyway, or go back to Ponyville, or go and do whatever it is you wish.’’ Rarity smiled gracefully. ‘’But I think you’ll be better off in Manehattan.’’

‘’You’re biased.’’

‘’I am, yes. Ask Rainbow if you are not convinced.’’

‘’Maybe I will.’’ Definitely, if I can get her before the party ends.

But she was already aware of what her choice would be tomorrow. She just needed confirmation. ‘’Thanks, Rarity. For everything.’’

‘’Anytime, darling. Whatever you need, you can come to me. That’s what sisters are for.’’

They hugged again. She’d missed this.

And with her mind already made up, more or less, she now had only a short time left before they’d go their separate ways again. If Rarity noticed how tight Sweetie’s hug was, she didn’t comment on it.

Sweetie breathed, and peace settled in her mind.


31 December 1008

The best thing about this party, Nightmare had surmised before it had even begun, would be Flurry. Her niece had insisted on accompanying her tonight, and Nightmare had been more than happy to agree.

So far, her early conclusion hadn’t been disproven; between the awed Ponies, pointlessly-courteous nobles and boring conversations, Flurry was a ray of sunshine. And despite the late hour, she was still full of energy, practically bouncing up and down the floor. The presence of her friends, invited by Rarity, surely helped, but Nightmare was glad to see the filly still stuck to her for the most part.

‘’Are you enjoying the party, Flurry?’’

‘’Yeah!’’ the filly chirped. ‘’It’s really fun! I get to stay up late!’’

‘’That you do,’’ Nightmare affirmed with a genuine smile. ‘’Do you need something to drink, or to eat?’’

‘’No, thanks!’’ And then the filly broke out into what seemed like random giggles. ‘’Auntie, look at that Pony over there!’’

Nightmare followed Flurry’s gaze to a stallion clad in a suit that looked more like a lamphead than any type of functional clothing.

‘’He looks funny!’’

‘’It is an interesting outfit,’’ she remarked dryly. ‘’Do you wish to go and talk to him?’’ She didn’t recognise him, but he was a Crystal Pony, so that wasn’t hard to imagine. As a matter of fact the Ponies she didn’t know far outnumbered the ones she did know at this party. It was to be expected, of course, but it didn’t make casual conversation any easier.

‘’No, I just think he looks funny!’’

Children. So easily enjoyed by the littlest of things.

Though it is a very strange outfit.

‘’As you wish.’’

Nightmare looked down at the filly, analysing her. Her mane was braided and decorated with a jewelled headband; she also wore a simple yellow and blue dress that contrasted well with her coat and mane. Any traces of her short captivity by Twilight Sparkle had long since vanished.

As if she could sense her, Flurry’s eyes shot up to meet hers. ‘’What are you looking at, Auntie?’’

‘’You, little star,’’ Nightmare answered. ‘’You and your beautiful dress.’’

‘’I really like it, Auntie Rarity made it sooooo pretty!’’

‘’Indeed she did.’’

The ‘Auntie’ title that had been attached to Rarity and Rainbow’s names had taken a little getting used to, but Nightmare couldn’t hold it against the foal. Try as she might, she could not raise her, and since that task had fallen to Rarity - and now Rainbow as well - it only made sense that they would get titles to fit their status.

And with all but one of her aunts gone, and her only uncle still in the hospital…

‘’Do you want something nice to look at?’’

Flurry’s eyes widened. ‘’Something nice? Like what?’’

‘’Do you want it?’’


‘’Excellent. Watch.’’

With a simple spell, Nightmare conjured a thick wisp of mist out of the air, and with some thinking shaped it into something that looked like a Pony. Then, with another spell, she gave it an order to prance around Flurry through the air, and watched happily as it did so.

‘’Wow!’’ the filly breathed as she spun around, following the conjuration. ‘’That’s really cool!’’

‘’I am glad to hear you like it, little star.’’

‘’Can you teach me how to do that?’’

Nightmare opened her mouth to say no, but paused. Unicorns couldn’t learn the spell, but Alicorns could. Something to do with them carrying elements of all Ponykind in them, Starswirl had said after she had shown him the spell.

But it was still advanced work, beyond the filly’s capabilities for now. ‘’It is not an easy spell,’’ she said, ‘’but in the future you may learn it.’’

‘’When? In the summer?’’

‘’In a few years.’’


Nightmare, after seeing the sadness creeping onto the child’s face, amended her statement: ‘’If Sunset tells me that you are progressing well with your magic by the summer, perhaps we can try. But you’ll have to follow her lessons very carefully.’’

‘’I will!’’ Flurry said, and there was no doubt in Nightmare’s mind that she would.

Doubt did exist over whether or not she would have her own apprentice by then. If Sweetie Belle disagreed, there were other options, but none were as convenient and suited for the task as Sweetie Belle was.

And yet I cannot force her. That would achieve nothing.

It can only be hoped that she agrees to come.

If she did, then her plans could advance as intended and without delay. If not… well, she would not be outplayed, but it would be a setback. A setback she didn’t want to but could afford to face.

Nightmare suppressed the urge to sigh. Time would tell, and all she could do was wait.

‘’Auntie, can we go to Auntie Rarity now?’’

‘’Of course.’’

Perhaps a conversation with Rarity was not the worst idea either.


31 December 1008

Sweetie had just walked away from her when Rarity spotted Nightmare Moon and Flurry coming through the crowd. To be more precise, she saw Nightmare Moon and guesstimated correctly that Flurry would be with, a guess confirmed when they both emerged from the crowd.

‘’Hi Auntie!’’ Flurry greeted, before trotting over to give her a big hug which she happily returned.

‘’Hello hello darling! How are you enjoying the evening?’’

‘’It’s great! Auntie Luna showed me a living Pony of mist! It was so cool!’’

I should have mentioned that to Sweetie. Flurry still gets to call her Luna.

Rarity’s eyes met Nightmare Moon’s, and the Alicorn inclined her head. ‘’A spell made by me. Only Alicorns can use it.’’

‘’I see.’’

‘’I have said I’ll try to teach it to her by summer if she has progressed well in her magical studies,’’ Nightmare Moon continued. ‘’I am certain that shall happen, no?’’

‘’Of course, Auntie!’’ Flurry confirmed with a bright nod.


‘’That’s great to hear,’’ Rarity smilingly said. ‘’I’m sure you’ll be able to manage the spell once it’s summertime.’’

‘’Yeah!’’ Flurry exclaimed. ‘’Oh, Auntie Rarity, can I get on your back?’’

‘’Are you tired, darling?’’

‘’A little.’’

‘’Alright then,’’ Rarity agreed.

‘’Yay!’’ With a few quick flaps of her wings, Flurry was on Rarity’s back, nestling in against her coat. The filly’s weight was comfortable, like always.

‘’She’s going to fall asleep soon,’’ Nightmare Moon remarked. ‘’Perhaps she should head to her bed?’’

‘’She’ll be fine like this for a little while,’’ Rarity answered. ‘’Was there something you needed of me, Empress?’’

The Alicorn shook her head. ‘’There is not. Flurry simply wished to see you.’’

‘’Of course.’’

‘’However,’’ Nightmare Moon continued, ‘’since the opportunity is there, I would ask if Sweetie has spoken to you about my offer?’’

Rarity considered her answer for a moment. ‘’She has,’’ she eventually decided to answer. ‘’She isn’t sure of her choice yet.’’

Nightmare Moon nodded. ‘’No change then. Very well.’’

‘’It is her choice,’’ Rarity couldn’t help pointing out.

Nightmare Moon’s gaze met hers. ‘’So it is,’’ she affirmed. ‘’I would not impose on that.’’

‘’But you want her to agree.’’

‘’I would not offer otherwise.’’

Of course you wouldn’t. It all makes sense, Rarity. Nightmare isn’t an illogical person.

But that means she has a reason for her choice. Not just choosing Sweetie, but wanting to choose an apprentice at all.

‘’What happened?’’

‘’What do you mean?’’

‘’Why take an apprentice?’’

Public relations, to stir up better memories of Twilight Sparkle? A wish to keep an eye on magically-powerful individuals? Presenting a mirror to Celestia?

‘’Because I need a new Imperial Magician, with Sunset Shimmer stationed here to teach Flurry.’’

‘’So appoint a random archmage from CSGU or any of the other universities. There’s plenty that don’t like Celestia.’’ Now that she had asked herself the question, Rarity was burning for an answer.

Nightmare Moon shook her head. ‘’They cannot fulfil the role I need them to fill.’’

‘’And what role would that be?’’

‘’The role of someone who is knowledgeable in magic, has an open mind, and serves me willingly. Knowledge in magic is easy to obtain, even if most of Equestria’s mages are tainted by centuries of Celestial doctrine. Finding willing and trustworthy candidates is difficult, but not impossible; there’s dozens of Chiropterrans who would do it in a heartbeat. My issue lies in the aspect of the open mind,’’ Nightmare Moon explained. ‘’Most mages, Equestrian or Chiropterran, are from rich families that could afford to send them to universities in Canterlot and Fillydelphia. They have no perspective on the world that isn’t horribly skewed.’’

That… made more sense than Rarity would have liked. ‘’And Sweetie fits all of these criteria?’’

‘’You know her better than me,’’ Nightmare dryly pointed out. ‘’Would you say she does?’’

Yes, she does.

‘’Yes,’’ Rarity agreed after seconds of silence. ‘’Yes, she does fit into all of those criteria.’’

‘’Then there is your answer.’’

The answer made sense. Everything made sense. But there was more, she felt it in her bones. Nightmare Moon wouldn’t tell her, but she had something. What it was, she had no idea, but it existed.

‘’If Sweetie gets hurt…’’

Nightmare Moon chuckled. ‘’What do you take me for? I do not hurt my students. And Sweetie is known to me. I didn’t send an IIS agent to escort her to Crystal City just because I wanted her to become my apprentice. I would call her a friend.’’

‘’I’m not sure she agrees.’’

Nightmare Moon gave a regal shrug. ‘’Such is her right. I selected you as Governess of the Crystal Empire, and caretaker of Flurry, for much the same reasons.’’


‘’Of course, I made sure you were competent. But that was never in doubt. And you are loyal to me, if not as fanatically as the Chiropterrans or the Tzinacatlians, and to Flurry. And you are not close-minded, far from it. A generous soul can hardly afford to be.’’

Nightmare Moon smiled. ‘’Running an empire is no easy business, Rarity. Once, I tried to do it alone, and for my attempt I was banished for a millennium. When I returned, I was raving mad and in no state to rule even a wardrobe. But now, I am wiser. I have learned much, from you more than most. Many lessons that a younger me would have not appreciated, foolish as I was.’’

‘’I…’’ She wasn’t sure how to answer that, really. It was so much to take in.

‘’The wrong mare in the right place can make all the difference, Rarity.’’

‘’You are right,’’ Rarity agreed after a moment. ‘’Thank you. For your honesty. For everything.’’

The Alicorn tipped her head. ‘’It is I who should be thanking you. For everything.’’

At that moment, Rainbow and Sweetie came wandering back into their little space, having fallen into easy conversation which Nightmare joined after a few moments of silence.

Rarity smiled as she felt Flurry shift a little, clearly asleep, on her back. This was where she belonged now.

The world wasn’t fixed, but it was a little less broken.

Author's Note:

And so, two and a half years later, here we are. The end of Piece by Piece!

But not the end of this series. The Right Place, I've termed it, since it seemed fitting. I have several ideas for sequel stories, most obvious of which is of course Sweetie's training with Nightmare Moon in Manehattan, but also other stories that have been created by this wild ride of a fic.

I'd like to extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Scribbly, Draco, ShiningBeacon, Baron and the many, many others who read this fic and talked about it with me. Or indeed, everyone who read this fic and liked it: thank you for reading it. I would not have continued if it had not been so well-received. As I said in the very first chapter, none of this was planned at all.

Around New Year's Eve, I'll upload a blog detailling my schedule for 2024. For the remnant of 2023, I plan to finish off Rising Sun, Mending Heart with the fifth and last chapter and I plan to write a one-shot that'll close out Jungle Trek's arc from PbP, since there was no room in the fic left for a fourth Omake to finish his story.

If you have ideas, comments, suggestions, reviews or anything to say at all, please leave a comment! I'll happily take the time to respond to you. You can, of course, also find me on Discord via my User Page.

Thank you all, and I wish you all the best in your life; as well as a happy holidays, and a beautiful 2024!

Comments ( 7 )

Banger as per the usual; also, thanks <3

You're welcome!

Well, with all that said and done, I must commend you on your longfic Elt. We’ve been chums for some time now and I’ve followed your story along through about the midpoint- all I can say is that it’s phenomenal and I am intrigued at what a potential sequel will bring. (I also hope that perhaps one day Constant may be able to join the ranks of an appearing character alongside that of Jungle Trek and others, though no pressure- although Dice has been doing quite nicely with him)

Keep doing what you’re doing! See you!

Thank you for your kind words, and who knows which characters might appear in the future!

It was fun to follow it over these 2 years. in my opinion, you described and showed the character and personality of Luna/nightmare moon perfectly, as did Rarity, but I am still curious about what happened to Twilight, technically speaking, it is almost impossible for someone as powerful as Twilight to die forever because of one crystal heart flash. Sombra came back twice with all his power despite both the crystal heart and the elements of harmony so it is rather certain that Twilight will come back even if not in this millennium 😉, I hope you will continue this thread because it is a really good story, Twilight in this story thanks to all With her knowledge and dark magic, she was able to severely injure Nightmare Moon and defeat Sunset and Rainbow with just a fart, but despite all this, didn't Twilight consider such a thing as failure? if Twilight is alive or exiled or imprisoned somewhere, the fact that she was effectively defeated by Flury Heart may either cause her to repent... or destroy the last chains that keep her personality and dark side in check, leaving only something like Midnight Sparkle 🤔🤔🤔

I think I've rambled on a bit, anyway, I'm looking forward to the continuation and happy new year 🥳

I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed the fic, and thank you for reading all of it! I will not comment on Twilight's fate right now tho :)

Happy New Year to you as well!

I like the thumbnail for the story

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