• Published 19th Jul 2021
  • 2,088 Views, 190 Comments

Piece by Piece - Eltirions

There's a lot wrong with the world. Rarity intends on making sure her small part of it is less wrong than the rest, one step at a time.

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Chapter 27: Pay-Off 7

12 December 1008

After their spa ‘adventure’, as Rainbow had coined it, they made their way back to the hotel. However, instead of taking the car they went on hoof, up through the city. Their two guards followed behind them, silent as the grave.

People, of course, stopped whenever they saw, but relatively few had the courage to walk over to them for conversation. Those who did had little interesting to say, and by and far most were looking to simply get close to Flurry.

Rarity, with the aid of Rainbow and the guards, had managed to scare anyone who actually looked to be trying something with the filly,


‘’Yes, darling?’’

‘’What’re we going to do at the hotel?’’

Rarity glanced down at the filly. ‘’What do you want to do?’’

‘’I dunno. I like the walking.’’

‘’Well, we’ve got a bit of that left yet,’’ Rarity noted. ‘’But if you get tired, just tell me, alright darling? I can always have Rainbow or one of the guards get the car.’’

‘’Will do, auntie.’’ Flurry nuzzled Rarity’s left foreleg quickly, then they continued walking.

Rainbow Falls, it had to be said, was a beautiful city. The traditional pegasus architecture she’d seen in Cloudsdale and other such settlements was mixed beautifully with the Crystallian style of building, creating a blend that was imposing and regal. Rarity liked it a great deal.

‘’Rainbow,’’ she asked, ‘’is there anything you wish to do?’’

‘’Yes,’’ Rainbow replied, and the tone immediately put Rarity on edge. Oh no.

Rainbow smirked, and Rarity was definitely not going to like this. ‘’So,’’ the pegasus said casually, ‘’remember that gap in the central square of each level?’’


‘’You don’t remember?’’ Rainbow faked ignorance quite well.

‘’No, full stop,’’ Rarity said decidedly. ‘’You’re not risking your neck doing that.’’

‘’Please!’’ Rainbow dismissed. ‘’I do more dangerous stunts in my sleep!’’

That was regretfully true, but Rarity still didn’t care one bit. ‘’You’re not going through that hole, and that’s final.’’

Rainbow watched her with narrowed eyes, then snorted. ‘’Fine.’’

Rarity gave a tight nod. ‘’Glad we worked that out.’’

Silence fell as they continued walking; Flurry seemed less cheerful, the guards were as stone-faced as ever, and neither Rarity not Rainbow felt the inclination to talk again. Well, Rarity certainly didn’t, and since Rainbow made no move to do so she assumed the feeling was mutual.


12 December 1008

Lilac wasn’t sure which room was more luxurious: the one she was currently in or the residence she’d been given in the Crystal Palace. In the end it did not matter overly much; both were far more exuberant and wealthy than a drone could ever aspire to have, should ever aspire to have.

‘’So, what’s the plan?’’ Ocellus asked, having already sat down in a rich velvet chair.

‘’I have work,’’ Lilac replied, retrieving several folders from her saddlebags. ‘’Can you entertain yourself?’’

‘’I brought a couple of books,’’ Ocellus replied. ‘’I’ll probably finish them all before we’re back in Crystal City, though.’’

‘’And your schoolwork?’’

‘’Also brought it.’’

Lilac nodded. ‘’Finish that first, at least a part of it. Just because you’re not attending school now doesn’t mean you can slack off.’’

Ocellus rolled her eyes, but got her homework out of her bag anyway. ‘’Teachers would have my shell anyway if I tried that,’’ Lilac heard her mutter.

Well, as long as the work got done Lilac didn’t mind Ocellus’ commentary on it. And as long as she could work in peace herself, all was well.

There was a desk in the room, so Lilac sat herself down at it and got to work. The paperwork, she decided after a while, was not so much difficult as mind-numbingly boring, even by her standards. No wonder Rarity had left it for someone else.

But she was paid to do this, so she pushed aside her reluctance and continued the work. None of it appeared to be important or pressing, so she paced herself, taking breaks whenever she thought it appropriate.



‘’It’s noon,’’ Ocellus pointed out dryly.

Lilac looked at the clock, and indeed it was. Damn.

‘’You can head down to the restaurant if you want,’’ she said. ‘’Or have something brought here, with a room like this I’m sure it’s included in the package.’’

Ocellus snorted. ‘’I am not the only one in this room,’’ she pointed out. ‘’You need to eat as well.’’

Appear to eat, in any case.

‘’Very well,’’ Lilac sighed as she stood up. ‘’I’m due for a break again anyway.’’

‘’I was going to point that out if you’d refused to listen,’’ Ocellus remarked. ‘’Anyway, shall we go and eat in the restaurant? I’m feeling cooped up here.’’

‘’You can leave and do whatever, if you want,’’ Lilac informed her. ‘’I’m pretty sure you’ve done enough homework for the day, in any case.’’

‘’Maybe later, but thanks.’’ Ocellus gave Lilac a quick hug which the older ling-in-disguise returned gladly, then they made their way to the restaurant.

As they walked down the hallway, Lilac realised she’d felt that weird feeling again when Ocellus had hugged her. She didn’t know what it was or what it meant, but it was getting… not irritating, as she thought at first, but intriguing. Surely there was a reason for it?

This bears further research, she mused.


12 December 1008

‘’And then we returned to the surface.’’

Her tale done, Sunset relaxed a little. Nightmare did not blame her in the slightest.

‘’I see,’’ she said at last. ‘’I am glad everyone got out of that alive. I will send a team down there to inspect the damage and assess the golem - or what remains of it - as soon as possible.’’

Twilight pushing the boundaries of magic was to be expected, but Nightmare had thought cutting off her access to friends and resources would have stymied her ability to act. Evidently, she had been wrong. Very wrong.

‘’Tell them to be careful,’’ Sunset warned. ‘’Twilight was probably still doing experiments when she escaped, and in any case most of the stuff I saw in there was a combination of expensive and deadly.’’

‘’There might be some blood and whatnot around as well,’’ Mournhoof added.

‘’They will be well aware of any risks,’’ Nightmare promised. ‘’As for you two, rest and recover.’’

‘’It’s just a scratch,’’ Sunset argued. ‘’The doc checked it. I do know how to cast a healing spell.’’

‘’Mhm,’’ Nightmare hummed noncommittally. ‘’I’m sure you do.’’

Sunset glared at her for a moment, before sighing. ‘’Fine.’’

‘’Go back to Manehattan,’’ Nightmare advised. ‘’At least for the night. Return in the morning.’’

‘’Are you joking!?’’ Sunset exclaimed. ‘’Wait, stupid question, you never joke. In any case, I am not leaving! There’s a castle full of magical knowledge and artefacts right here!’’

‘’Not to interrupt, ma’am,’’ Mournhoof spoke up, ‘’but I was under the impression the Imperial Magician was brought here because no one else was fit for the task?’’

‘’Yet I have little use of my Imperial Magician if she falls asleep while working,’’ Nightmare countered easily, ‘’and contrary to what you might believe I do have some knowledge of the magical arts. Rest assured that the castle will still be there when you return.’’

When Sunset didn’t reply, Nightmare raised an eyebrow. ‘’I can always have you sent there,’’ she suggested.

‘’We had this discussion already; you can’t send me anywhere.’’


Nightmare simply held Sunset’s gaze for a long moment (or five), and then the younger mare capitulated. ‘’Argh!’’ she shouted. ‘’Fine then!’’

Nightmare allowed herself to smile as she gracefully inclined her head. ‘’Thank you.’’

If looks could kill she’d be dead and buried by now, but alas they could not (unless you happened to be a cockatrice).

With a sniff and a huff, Sunset turned and left the room, leaving Mournhoof and Nightmare alone.

‘’Anything else, ma’am?’’

‘’Take your rest as well, Captain’’ Nightmare ordered simply. ‘’And tell your soldiers to do the same. I know I ordered everyone to be on duty for now, but your platoon deserves their rest for now.’’

That they were unlikely to find Twilight was left unsaid.;

Mournhoof saluted. ‘’Yes, ma’am.’’


Author's Note:

Hello again!

See here for my schedule for the coming year, including PbP, if you missed that in the last chapter. Today I've also updated my other longfics (except for Threads and Lines), so if you're in the mood for more horsewords do give those three a consideration.

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