• Published 19th Jul 2021
  • 2,099 Views, 190 Comments

Piece by Piece - Eltirions

There's a lot wrong with the world. Rarity intends on making sure her small part of it is less wrong than the rest, one step at a time.

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Chapter 23: Pay-Off 3

12 December 1008

The Rainbow Falls Station closely resembled the Crystal City Station, though built with the same materials as the rest of the city and some small touches that set it apart from its larger brother in Crystal City.

Waiting a few metres away from the train was a white crystal pegasus mare, with a bright red and golden mane that was done in a neat bun not unlike Rarity’s own. She wore an elegant dark blue suit, which both obscured her cutie mark and brought out her light blue eyes somewhat more.

‘’Your Highness.’’ She curtsied towards Flurry. ‘’My lady, Commander. It is my greatest pleasure to receive you here. I am Snowberry Branch, the Mayor of Rainbow Falls. On behalf of the city, welcome.’’

‘’It is our pleasure to be here, Mayor Branch,’’ Rarity returned the greeting.

‘’I do hope your trip was pleasant,’’ Mayor Branch said. ‘’As requested, our finest accommodations have been prepared for you. The Sheer Cliff Hotel is ready to receive you as their honoured guests.’’

Now that sounds like a pegasi hotel if I’ve ever heard of one.

‘’Very good, very good,’’ Rarity remarked. ‘’I’m certain we shall enjoy our stay in Rainbow Falls.’’

‘’I am certain of that too,’’ Mayor Branch agreed. ‘’Please, if you’ll follow me.’’

‘’Of course.’’

The station, it seemed, was empty except for them, which seemed like an unnecessary disruption. I should ensure this does not happen in other cities.

‘’Pardon me,’’ Rarity said, ‘’but is the station closed?’’

‘’It is, ma’am,’’ Mayor Branch confirmed. ‘’Not as much trouble as one might expect, though. This is the final station of the East Crystal Line, and from what I’ve understood the delay caused by this is minor.’’

Well, that makes things better.

Rarity nodded. ‘’I see. Still, I don’t think it was needed. After all, we are only here for a few minutes.’’

‘’Better safe than sorry, Rares,’’ Rainbow said before Mayor Branch could reply.

‘’I suppose,’’ Rarity agreed, and dropped the issue. Things between Rainbow and herself were already tense enough; no need to throw more oil on that particular fire.

‘’I am afraid there is quite the crowd gathered outside,’’ Mayor Branch informed them. ‘’Of course, they won’t get in the way of the cars, but I thought it prudent to say so anyway.’’

‘’I am grateful for the warning,’’ Rarity replied.

The doors were pulled open by two of the Night Guard, and the square in front of the station was revealed to those inside.

Immediately, they were greeted by a wave of noise. There was a massive crowd gathered outside the station, separated from the road by fences and police officers. Down the square, two cars were waiting.

‘’Ma’am,’’ Mayor Branch pointed at the front car, ‘’that one is for you.’’

‘’Of course,’’ Rarity agreed, and they quickly bridged the distance between them and the cars. A look ensured Rainbow didn’t do anything too egregious, and Flurry stayed close to Rarity, just as they’d agreed upon.

A porter held the door open, and Rarity went in first, followed by Flurry and then Rainbow. Then the door closed, and a few seconds later the car started.

At that moment, Rarity realised she had no idea where the Sheer Cliff Hotel actually was. Terrific.

She resolved to ask the driver. ‘’Excuse me, miss? Could you tell us where exactly the Sheer Cliff Hotel is, please?’’

‘’It is on the fifth level, ma’am,’’ the driver answered without taking her eyes off the road. ‘’Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes until we’re there.’’

‘’Thank you.’’

That done, Rarity settled into the most comfortable position she could achieve while still appearing proper and dignified, and then looked out the window.

The crowds had thinned out a little once they’d moved out of the square in front of the train station, but there were still a great many ponies on both sides of the road, cheering and waving. Rarity made sure to wave back, of course.

One quick drive up the cliffside to the fifth level, through the tunnels inside the cliff, and a quick check-in procedure later, the three of them had arrived at the rooms they’d be using.

The Sheer Cliff Hotel was impressive, certainly, but it was not as great as the Crystal Palace. The best part about it was the view, and that was all Rarity had to say about it; it was just like any other five-star hotel she’d ever stayed in.

‘’I like it here,’’ Flurry declared as she jumped onto the bed. ‘’It’s different from the Palace.’’

That, Rarity couldn’t deny. ‘’It is,’’ she agreed.

‘’I’m gonna go for a fly-’’ Rainbow began.

‘’We have business first,’’ Rarity cut in, just as she heard the door open.

‘’Ma’am,’’ Mayor Branch said, ‘’is the room to your liking?’’

‘’Very much so,’’ Rarity replied with a nod. ‘’Now, Mayor Branch, I assume you have some plans for today - and tomorrow, at that?’’

‘’I have taken the liberty of doing so, yes,’’ Mayor Branch confirmed. ‘’May I?’’

‘’By all means.’’

The pegasus cleared her throat, then began. ‘’So, Rainbow Falls has a few major attractions, aside from the Falls themselves, of course. We have one of the best, if not the best, spas in the entirety of the Crystal Empire, which I know from personal experience to be some of the most relaxing hours one can have. Then, we have the Spear Point Tower, named after the mayor who ordered its construction. You have most likely seen it as you approached the city.

Of course, there is the Rainburg, the fortress on the sixth and seventh level. It is still used by the military, though it has only been attacked a few times in its history, and currently it is also partially open to the public. Finally, there are the tunnels through the cliffside, and the caverns further inside. Those are very beautiful, with crystals in all colours and many rivers and smaller waterfalls.’’

‘’Most interesting,’’ Rarity replied after a moment of thought. ‘’Is there any particular order in which we can visit these places?”

‘’There is not, ma’am,’’ was Mayor Branch’s answer. ‘’You can visit them in whatever order you please.’’

Rarity nodded. ‘’Very good. We will discuss what we want to do, and then we shall tell you what the plan is.’’


12 December 1008

Sunset had descended on the shooting range with all the fury she could manage. The resulting storm of magic had torn apart most of the range, and Sunset would eventually have to apologise for that to someone, probably.

For now, she was content to lay on a bench in one of Manehattan’s parks, watching ponies pass by without a care in the world.

She’d gotten a dandelion sandwich and a coffee from a cafe on the way to the park. Currently, the sandwich was half-finished, and the coffee she’d taken only small sips of; it was very good, and so she was drinking it slowly to enjoy the taste that much more.

Manehattan, to Sunset, was an intriguing place. Far more bustling than Canterlot, and Buckcastle was a hovel compared to the Big Apple.

She wasn’t sure she liked it.

She tore her thoughts away from such things and focused on watching other people again. There were all kinds of ponies, of course, but she also saw a couple of hippogriffs, a deer family and even a horse.

‘’Oh, it’s so wonderfully chaotic, don’t you think?’’

What in the sweet name of- Sunset’s head snapped to her right, where she saw a creature straight out of Celestia’s garden.

‘’Discord,’’ she greeted simply.

‘’Sunset Shimmer,’’ he returned her greeting.

Now why is the Lord of Chaos here?

‘’Don’t mind me,’’ Discord said, ‘’I’m just here to admire the view. As I said, this is a piece of organised chaos.’’

Sunset couldn’t help herself. ‘’I don’t see much chaos,’’ she observed.

‘’Because you’re used to it,’’ Discord answered. ‘’Think about it. There are creatures of every race, every culture, every profession, living so very close to each other. By all logic, this should be a battlefield of incompatible ideas.’’

He twisted himself around the bench, then rested his head on his own tail. Somehow. Sunset didn’t want to know how.

‘’But it’s not,’’ the draconequus continued. ‘’Because of you ponies.’’

Sunset blinked. ‘’I don’t follow.’’

‘’You ponies and your Harmony and Friendship,’’ Discord explained. ‘’It’s what keeps your nation running. But it’s a form of chaos too, and I never really appreciated that until recently.’’ He smiled wistfully.

‘’I see.’’ She definitely didn’t, but that wasn’t a problem.

‘’Anyhow.’’ Discord untangled himself from the couch, and looked at Sunset. ‘’What are you doing here?’’

‘’I am relaxing.’’


Sunset raised an eyebrow. ‘’Elaborate, please.’’

‘’Well, you’re not relaxed,’’ Discord stated. ‘’And I’m wondering why.’’

‘’I’m relaxed,’’ Sunset argued, ‘’and even if I wasn’t, that’s none of your business.’’

‘’Maybe not,’’ Discord agreed, ‘’but I’m curious anyway. So talk.’’





‘’I’m not arguing about this,’’ Sunset declared, before jumping off the bench.

‘’It’s not an argument,’’ Discord argued. ‘’You’re wrong, I’m right; that’s fact, not opinion. You cannot argue against facts.’’

Sunset said the first thing that came to mind. ‘’Stop making sense.’’

Discord gasped. ‘’Make sense?! Me? How dare you!’’

Uh oh.

Discord rose to his full height, which was quite a bit taller than Sunset had ever been, looming over her menacingly. ‘’Say that again.’’

Sunset took one look at him, then grabbed her coffee and sandwich with her telekinesis and teleported away.

Author's Note:

My apologies that it took so long for this chapter to be released. I will try to be quicker next time.

Also, I know this one is a little shorter than usual. I know it seems strange that I took so long to write a new chapter only for it to turn out shorter than usual, but here we are.

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