• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Make Friends With Someone Your Own Size

“How did you eat all of that?” Rainbow Dash asked in awe as she watched Wish shovel the last bite of chocolate cake into her mouth. “Seriously, where do you put it?”

“I’m used to eating big meals,” Wish said and immediately placed a hoof over her mouth to keep the cake from falling back out.

“You’d get along well with Pinkie Pie… and Applejack when she’s introducing you to the family,” Rainbow murmured.

The table around them was filled with empty plates and bowls as all five mares had eaten way, way more than they should have for dinner and dessert. Post-binging sleepiness was starting to catch up with them as well. Angie and Jolene were already yawning and Rosalie looked like she wouldn’t have minded if they turned in for the night soon. By Rainbow’s estimation it was probably about 8 at night and she was getting slightly tired too.

She had definitely eaten enough.

In the middle of her thoughts, Mayor Charlotte once again stood up from her table. The mayor commanded the attention of the Arondel ponies and the light music that had been playing quieted down entirely as all eyes and ears turned to her. This time she had what looked like a glass of white wine in her hooves.

“My lovely fellow ponies of Arondel, once more we’ve had a magnificent first night of the Harvest Festival-”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Wait. First night?”

“Oh,” Rosalie blushed and giggled a bit in embarrassment. “Did we never bring that up? The Harvest Festival is two days, not one.”

“Huh,” Rainbow Dash said, briefly thinking before shrugging. “Well, whatever. It’s not like we were in a hurry to leave or planning to just head out tomorrow. Right?”

Wish nodded. “Right.”

Rosalie sighed in relief. “Oh good, so you’ll stay for tomorrow too then?”

Rainbow Dash smiled. “Yep, I think we will. Maybe even after tomorrow too.”

“-so I know that tomorrow when the Harvest Festival ends you will all have brand new memories of fun and love for your town and the great land of Vissidia we all live in. Every month we do this to remind ourselves not just of the importance of the food we grow, but the luck we had to be born here and the gratitude we must show for these lush and fertile lands. Our town of Arondel is strong thanks to all of you. It grows thanks to all of you and the wonderful children being raised here. Just like our crops, our town is grown with care and love. Thank you all, and please now enjoy the rest of the night and the second day of the Harvest Festival tomorrow!”

The mayor sat back down as everyone in the town square cheered, clapped, and whistled for her.

“It really is...” Rainbow Dash mumbled.

Rosalie heard her and raised an eyebrow. “Hm? Did you say something?”

“Nothing,” she shook her head. “Just talking to myself.”

“Tomorrow most of the kids will be playing a game together in the field south of town. Maybe you can finally introduce yourself and hang out with them, Wish?” Angie suggested.

“Umm… I don’t really think so. I think I’d rather just keep spending time with all of you,” Wish said.

Rosalie discreetly shot a look at Rainbow Dash, who nodded back to her.

“Really? I know a lot of kids who’d love to make a new friend,” Jolene said.

Wish nodded swiftly. “Yes, I’m fine. Are things done for tonight? There isn’t anything else going on in the festival until tomorrow?”

The question was abrupt and Wish clearly just wanted to change the subject but Rainbow Dash had to admit that she was curious too. After the mayor’s little speech it seemed like some ponies were already leaving the town square. Mostly families with younger children but she saw some others getting up and heading back on home too. Some of the elders and the ponies she had seen working with the mayor were cleaning up tables and talking with some of the other townsponies. There was probably a lot of work that still had to be done if this place was going to be prepared and filled up with food tomorrow as well. On the ground, the flower petals and hay was still being left there for the festival’s second day.

“No, and I think it’s about time we should go back to my house. We’ll want to get plenty of rest for tomorrow after all,” Rosalie said.

“Do you want us to come over early just like today?” Angie asked.

“Mhm,” Rosalie nodded. “Bright and early!”

“Okay, Jolene and I can meet up first and then we’ll see you before breakfast,” Angie smiled and stood up.

“Have a good night’s rest!” Jolene said and winked at Rainbow Dash. “Let’s dance some more tomorrow.”

Rainbow smiled to her and gave a curt nod. “Sure, no problem.”

The two mares then waved goodbye and started heading south past the crowd and tables, their homes on the other side of town from Rosalie’s. After that, Rainbow took a little stretch and downed a little bit of juice just to refresh herself before she stood up as well. Wish and Rosalie both did the same and soon the trio was also taking the short walk out of the square and to Rosalie’s home. Arondel was a small town, even smaller than Ponyville not counting all the fields around it, and it only took a couple of minutes before they were back at Rosalie’s cottage. It really made the whole place seem even cozier and connected than it already was. She’d be shocked if Rosalie didn’t know the name of every pony that lived here.

As soon as the door closed, Rosalie yawned and looked at her two guests with a tired smile. “I don’t know about the two of you but I’m ready to head straight to bed after all of that.”

“I think I am too. Someday I need to take a nap again… a nap is different from sleeping and I haven’t had the opportunity to take one in ages,” Rainbow said. “Uh, anyways, you ready to sleep, Wish?”

“Yes,” Wish yawned along with Rosalie.

“Cool, goodnight Rosalie,” Rainbow said to her.

Rosalie smiled and gave her a brief hug. “Goodnight, Rainbow Dash.” She leaned down and hugged Wish as well. “Goodnight, Wish.”

“Goodnight. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Wish said to her.

The earth pony mare yawned once more and with a small smile she walked across the sitting room to her bedroom door. Her eyes were practically already closed as she gave a tiny wave to the two of them before opening up her door and retiring for the night. The darkness of night was now completely upon Arondel and only the shadows of the various objects and furniture in Rosalie’s cottage were visible. Whatever light from the moon existed currently wasn’t reaching her windows. With Rosalie now in bed, Wish started to take a step towards the den, but she ended up being stopped by Rainbow Dash who put a hoof on her shoulder.

“Wish, hold on for a second.”

The filly looked up at her, now only barely being able to make out Rainbow Dash’s face and colors. “What is it?”

Rainbow Dash stared at her before taking a deep breath. “Why don’t you want to meet or do anything with any of the kids that live in Arondel?”

“I-” Wish’s eyes opened up wider and she took a step back. “What do you mean?”

“Come on, kid. Don’t even try to deny it. You’ve been weird since we stepped hoof in Vissidia. And at every opportunity you refuse to go play or even talk to any kids here. Why? What’s been bothering you this whole time?” Rainbow Dash asked. “You’ve had a decent enough time with Rosalie, Angie, and Jolene. So what’s the matter? Please, Wish, you know how much I want to help you, how much I would do for you.”

“I know...” Wish quietly muttered, looking down at the floor. “But… I don’t think I know how to get along with kids my age anymore. It feels weird. I feel weird. A-And…”


Wish shook her head. “Nothing. It’s nothing.”


“I’m just tired, okay!” Wish said, loudly, before quieting down so as not to disturb Rosalie. “I just… I just want to go to bed now.”

Rainbow Dash bit her lip, she didn’t really know how to handle things like this. As good as she was at giving encouragement and saying awesome things, there were some issues a little more complex that required more than that. And it wasn’t a battleground she had much experience in. Or much comfort in. A ray of moonlight came in through the window in Rosalie’s sitting room and it briefly illuminated them. Late.

In the end, she decided to relent. But only partially.

“Alright… we can go to bed now. And we can just enjoy the second day of the Harvest Festival tomorrow. But.” Rainbow Dash fixed Wish with a steady gaze. “You’re going to play with those kids tomorrow—you’re going to join in that game Angie mentioned. Because I think it will be good for you. Okay? Can you at least do that for me?”

Wish frowned, her eyes looking back and forth at anything that wasn’t Rainbow Dash. The dismay was clear as a bright day on her face. Finally she gave a little nod. “I can do it. I’ll do my best… I-I want to get along with them, and have fun, I really do...” Her lip quivered slightly and she took a deep breath. “Can we go to bed now? I really am tired...”

Rainbow Dash gently stroked her mane and smiled at her. “Yeah. I’ll be there for you tomorrow too. If you need me.”

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