• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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Sorrow, and a Reunion

The inside of Cocoa Bean’s shop was a busy place tonight as quite a few ponies had gathered to eat, celebrate, and mourn at the same time. Much like the ceremony, it was being used as an opportunity for a lot of ponies to reconnect and get back together after so much time apart. Right now, Rainbow Dash was at a large table with most of the group from the burial service along with the nurses Heartwrench, Blue Rose, and Cough Drop, who had joined up with them later. The entire group was eating some of Cocoa’s best food and happily talking together. Rainbow Dash didn’t exactly feel left out but she didn’t have as much to talk about as the rest of them.

She listened as they talked about stories from the past—either about Anathema or some of the patients who hadn’t survived. Things Rainbow Dash just had to listen to and learn about for the first time. All the while she ate at a plate of delicious truffles that had been prepared for her. It ended up being Ardent Elm who saved her from her inability to join in.

“I’d like to propose a small toast to Anathema,” the old wizard said. “For saving us from the plague and letting things return to normal.”

“That sounds good to me,” Rainbow Dash suddenly interjected.

“I’ll tell Cocoa Bean to get us some drinks to toast with,” Swab said and briefly got up from the table.

“If we’re toasting that then we should toast Rainbow Dash as well,” Heartwrench said and reached over to squeeze her hoof.

Rainbow Dash grimaced and shook her head. “Uh no, no, I didn’t really do anything-”

“Better just get over it,” Ardent Elm said. “You’re not talking your way out of this. And don’t try and play down your role either.”

“Ugh, fine...” Rainbow let him have his way, as much as it annoyed her.

Swab shortly after came back with a tray full of several steaming mugs of hot chocolate that he hoofed out to everyone else at the table. Rainbow Dash took hers but didn’t so much as take a sip yet, instead introspectively staring into it. She was fine with giving a toast to Anathema but besides that she was pretty much ready to go back to the cabin and sleep her way to next morning. Now there really was no reason for her to stay here. The day was saved, despite her displeasure at how some of it had turned out, and adventure called again.

“If no one has any objections, I would like to start the toast,” Swab said.

No one did so the doctor continued.

“As her coworker, I feel I probably knew Anathema best. Though she had become more bitter in recent months I still remember the smiling face of a young doctor who always looked out for her patients. Of course even at her best she was often quite the stubborn and difficult pony to work with, something I’m sure my nurses can also agree on,” he winked at Heartwrench and the others. “Anathema was always the one who let things get to her the most. Even though she liked to act detached, things hurt her on a level I can’t comprehend. I think that’s part of why she made the decision she did. Anathema… she was a wonderful, wonderful, doctor and I loved her very much. I’m going to miss her.”

Swab was silent for a moment—the others at the table remaining silent as well—until he smiled and looked over at Rainbow Dash. “Her sacrifice is not in vain, not so long as we all go on living our lives. And it was a sacrifice that would not have been possible were it not for Rainbow Dash here.” He clapped a hoof down on her shoulders and she fought back a wince. “Rainbow Dash is really the one who kept our heads above the clouds, I think we all would’ve lost hope without her. You were a breath of fresh air that Pinetree Warren sorely needed.” He sighed and raised up his mug. “And now I’d like to toast both Rainbow Dash and Doctor Anathema.”

“Hear, hear!” Honey Sight cheered, he and the others raising their mugs to join in.

Rainbow Dash chewed on her lip in discomfort but raised her mug as well.

“A toast, to the two mares who saved Pinetree Warren!” Doctor Swab said and everyone clunked their mugs together.

While the rest cheered and smiled at her, Rainbow brought the mug to her lips and took a big drink. That warm tasty liquid was just what she needed right now and it went a long way to lifting up her mood. It might’ve just been a placebo but Rainbow Dash didn’t care for the moment. She didn’t need to bring down the mood or act all sullen with these ponies right now. Especially since it was probably the last time she was going to be speaking to most of them.

“So what do you think of Pinetree Warren anyways? Not having to do with the plague or anything like that,” Blue Rose suddenly asked her. “Do you like it? Does it seem like a nice village?”

“Yeah, it does,” Rainbow said. “It reminds me of the town I come from, you know, a quiet, close-knit sort of place?” She didn’t mention all the insanity that occurs in Ponyville, or how she intentionally sought out adventure for fun, but she didn’t need to. It was the truth that Pinetree Warren was a nice place. The kind of place she would enjoy stopping at and making new friends in if the situation was normal.

The kind of thing she would’ve done if it wasn’t for the plague. She had only planned for Pinetree Warren to be a brief stop before she found another adventure. It turned out to be both more and less than she hoped. She had made and lost a good friend.

“I think… I think Pinetree Warren seems like a really great place,” Rainbow said after a pause. “I wish I could’ve seen you guys under better circumstances.”

“Well, same here,” Honey Sight said.

“I think we all wish that none of this happened,” Ardent Elm said. “We’re lucky we had such capable ponies taking care of us—and that a stranger from out of town had such a big heart.”

And that you know your magic,” Rainbow snorted.

Ardent Elm shrugged. “I’ll let you young folk who actually figured things out and took charge get the credit. Anathema would’ve been just as annoyed and trying to refuse all this praise as you are right now.”

“That is very true,” Swab nodded.

“Fine, whatever, I’ll let you give me credit and do whatever… I’m probably going to be leaving here early tomorrow anyways,” Rainbow said.

“I had figured,” Ardent Elm said.

“Do you truly need to go so soon?” Honey Sight asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded. “The thing is, I’ve always been going from place to place and haven’t really stayed anywhere longer than I’ve needed to. There’s just more out there for me. With the plague gone I don’t have anything else to be here for. I’m on a journey around the whole world right now, and I’m searching for fun adventures while I’m doing that. Pinetree Warren, thankfully, doesn’t have what I’m looking for.”

“We get to have peace. At least now we do,” Ardent Elm said.

“That’s right,” Rainbow said.

“And I think I speak for all of us when I say how thankful we are for that,” Swab said and was joined by a chorus of agreements.

“Seriously...” Rainbow muttered and glanced up at the ceiling before looking over at Swab. “Hey, Swab? Early tomorrow morning do you wanna meet with me near the south edge of town? Got a few last things to talk about and then I’ll be on my way.

“Of course,” Swab shrugged.

“And that being said, I think I’m going to turn in for the evening,” Rainbow said and scooted her chair back, putting her now empty mug on the table. “I’ll remember you guys… and Anathema most of all. But it’s time for me to head out.” She looked over at Cocoa Bean, who was busy working behind the counter, and whistled to get his attention. “Yo! The food was great again.”

“Thank you!” He smiled widely back at her.

Rainbow Dash waved goodbye to him and looked at the others at the table. “Honey Sight, Ardent Elm, Cough Drop, Blue Rose, Heartwrench. Thanks for everything, goodbye.”

“Goodbye, Rainbow Dash,” Ardent Elm said.

“Farewell,” Honey Sight waved to her.

The three nurses stood up and each gave Rainbow Dash a hug and a goodbye in turn, thoroughly embarrassing Rainbow Dash.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough of that,” Rainbow said and backed away. Her eyes found Doctor Swab before she reached the door. “And I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“That you will,” Swab nodded.

Rainbow Dash gave him and the others one last smile before she opened the front door to Cocoa’s shop and went outside. A second later she was in the air and gliding over the rooftops on her way to Anathema’s cabin. There were pomies actually out now, kids and families having fun, voices that carried up from the ground. It was a real village again. It was a beautiful thing, Rainbow Dash only wished that Anathema could see it too. She shortly made it back to the cabin and went inside, smiling at the table of gifts by the bed before plunging herself below the covers. It was so different. All the attention, all the praise, this time it only filled her with regret and shame.

Rainbow Dash sat on the south side of town, past any houses, and stared at the forest and hills beyond. “So what am I going to see next? I hear there’s a desert just a little ways south from here.”

“That is correct,” Doctor Swab said from right beside her. “Just a short ways beyond those hills, especially by flight, and you’ll end up at the Great Camel Desert.”

“Oh, so it’s got a name and everything?” She raised an eyebrow at him.

“It’s a massive, massive, desert. I visited the edge of it once and Pinetree Warren gets quite a few traders and travelers coming from it,” he said.

“Gonna be a lot hotter than I’m used to on this trip...”

“Oh, guaranteed.”

“Anything between here and the desert? Like any last little settlements?” Rainbow asked.

“You’ll find a small river that goes into those hills and if nothing has changed on the other side since the last time I was there you’ll see a mill and a few other small buildings that act as an outpost for ponies and other creatures coming up from the desert, and speaking of that desert I do have some other minor knowledge.”

“Yeah? Like what?”

“Well it’s called the Great Camel Desert because it’s populated primarily by camels. And from what I’ve heard they’re quite nasty—not violent but just mean to ponies and any other creatures that aren’t camels. I doubt you’ll get a warm welcome down in the desert,” Swab told her.

Rainbow Dash snorted. “That’s fine, I’ve gotten enough warm welcomes to last a lifetime.”

“I hope things turn out well for you...” Swab grimaced.

A grin came across Rainbow’s face and she patted the doctor on the back. “You don’t have to worry. Remember, I’m looking for adventure and pretty much asking for trouble. Even when bad things come up, I’m pretty good at handling myself.”

“I suppose that’s true,” he chuckled along.

“Yeah, so don’t sweat it.”

“So I suppose you’re going to be leaving soon then?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah. I think I’m about to get on out of here.”

“I’m happy you came here, Rainbow Dash. I know you’re not in the best mood right now, but I’m glad to have met you,” Swab said as he got up and hugged her. He offered her another smile after breaking the hug before turning away and starting to walk back to town. “Well, if by some odd chance you ever find yourself back in this part of the world, just remember you’ve got friends you can come and see.”

Rainbow smiled and watched him go. “I will, Swab.”

Once he was gone she turned and looked back to the south and the hills that hid the desert beyond them. It’s true, she wasn’t as melancholic as when she departed Oreville, but she wasn’t great either. This wasn’t a failure in the same way that was, but it wasn’t the kind of success she had been looking for on this adventure. The death of Anathema would always hang over her. Just like Barnaby’s. She shut her eyes and took a deep breath, then looked up at the sky overhead.

“Are you perhaps finally regretting coming to this side of the world?”

Rainbow’s jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed immediately. “I’m not in the mood.”

“Oh? So for once I’m bothering you instead of the other way around?” Harlequin Grey said as he walked in front of Rainbow Dash. His impeccable mane and sharp eyes peering at her. “I told you, didn’t I? And now you’re the cause of untold destruction and the deaths of hundreds. Do you want to know exactly how many died in Oreville? I know the number. Even here you couldn’t even save one pony from death. Congratulations, Rainbow Dash.” He started mockingly clapping his hooves together. “You’ve done an excellent job on this adventure so far.”

“I screwed up but I’m not a quitter,” Rainbow glared at him. “I-I’ll have regrets but I’m not going back on what I’ve said or set out to do.”

“You’re going to do worse and worse if you keep going,” Harlequin Grey huffed. “That pink thing is still coming after you as well, do you even care? Do you even know what will happen if she’s just allowed to do whatever she wants? What will she look for after killing you? You should just go now before you cause even more problems down the road.”

“No,” Rainbow stalwartly refused.

Harlequin Grey’s eye twitched. “I would think that after such a grand failure you might have changed a little. Seems I was too hopeful.”

“I… I have changed. At least in how I’ll take things more seriously, and stop being selfish and only thinking about my own fun. I’m not going to screw up like this again. But you know what hasn’t changed? And why I’m still going on this journey and not listening to a lying scumbag like you? It’s the fact that there are still ponies out there who need my help. Oreville showed me that. Pinetree Warren showed me it too. And so long as there are ponies who need me, I’ll be there. The rest of the world isn’t just sleeping and waiting for me to discover it. Things are probably happening right now and if I hesitate and start worrying about stuff it’s only going to make it worse. Mistakes pace the way for future success—I know Twilight told me that more than once. And if I just quit now, I’d never be able to make those mistakes up. I’d never be able to face Barnaby and Anathema. So here I go, going out looking for a new adventure, and looking for where in the world needs my help next, cause if Oreville and the plague here were any indication, this side of the world has plenty bad for me to deal with,” Rainbow Dash finished with a strong grin.

Harlequin Grey rolled his eyes in derision and shook his head. “Fine. Miserable pony. But you had best hope that we don’t see each other again.” He flapped his wings and started to take off into the sky before stopping. “And by the way, it’s “pave the way for future success”, moron.”

And he shot straight up into the clouds, disappearing from sight.

Rainbow Dash just glared up after him. “Yeah, yeah, cry about it. Heh.” She smirked and flew up into the air a little bit, looking back down south again before she took off towards the hills.

Harlequin Grey watched her go with a cold frown on his face. “Tch, I should’ve known a simple plague wouldn’t be enough to stop her. I can’t use my magic again unless it’s a last resort now.” His eyes drifted up slightly, looking south as well to the desert beyond where Rainbow Dash was. “Supernova, for your sake you had best not fail me.”

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