• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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“I hope you don’t actually plan on doing something so stupid. These four are the greatest warriors of the Sarraroccon Order—and there are more who would be willing to fight and chase you down for me. The only way for you to survive is by giving me what I want. So let’s not cause trouble for me. Otherwise I might not be so forgiving,” Coral Sea said. The whole time a smug smile was on her face as she stared down Rainbow Dash.

“Those might be your greatest warriors but I really don’t think you know who you’re dealing with here,” Rainbow said as she pointed the sharp tips of the Trident at Coral Sea. She then glanced up and behind her at her friends. “The rest of you get down here too.”

Coral Sea merely chuckled as Senax and the others came down the stairs to stand behind Rainbow Dash. “I know you’re the only one in your group who can fight for real. This isn’t going to end well for you.”

“Uh-huh. We’ll see about that,” Rainbow said as she started to walk and circled around to the side of Coral Sea, Wasabi, and the others. She kept them in front of her and her friends behind her, the power and threat of the Trident keeping the enemies at bay for now.

Wasabi and the warriors as well were quick to put themselves in front of Coral Sea and the groups shifted a little until Rainbow and her friends weren’t completely blocked off. If they hugged the wall behind the pillars they could run back to the convocation chamber. Rainbow wanted that, and Coral Sea had to know that too but she merely kept grinning.

Rainbow narrowed her eyes at her opponents as she quietly spoke to her friends. “Okay—you guys get out of here. Go somewhere safe while I deal with them.”

“Rainbow Dash-” Senax began.

“Go!” Rainbow yelled and glared back at her before her expression softened and she winked. “This is my job, remember?”

“I… yes. I understand,” Senax nodded. She looked to the others. “Come on, let’s go!”

They all started to run by, going back to the big chamber.

Daylight briefly looked over to Rainbow Dash. “Good luck.”

“Pff, like I’ll need it!” Rainbow Dash snorted and grinned.

“Someone is certainly confident in themselves,” Coral Sea said as she watched the others go, seemingly not worried about it.

“If you knew me better you’d get it,” Rainbow shrugged.

“Heh,” Coral Sea laughed and turned to stare down Rainbow Dash. “I’m going to give you the opportunity to throw down that Trident one last time. It belongs to me anyways, it’s my legacy to claim, not the merpony’s or anyone else’s. It’s what I will use to bring every last island and kingdom on the Grand Ocean under the hooves of the Sarraroccon Order. We deserve that power. The Sarraroccon Order will reign supreme above all!”

“Well then I really can’t let you have the Trident,” Rainbow scoffed and rolled her eyes. “We came down here to keep it away from ponies like you. You’re not going to use it for anything bad, and you’re definitely not hurting my friends. Deal with it.”

Coral Sea shrugged. “It’s no matter.” She glanced at Wasabi. “Kill her and bring the Trident to me. I’m going to kill that merpony personally before she can get away.”

Her horn then lit up with golden magic and she disappeared with a powerful spark and crackle of energy.

Rainbow Dash blinked—and then groaned in annoyance. “Oh of course she can teleport.”

She opened her wings and strongly flapped them, rising up above the floor and getting ready to jet over the warriors and make sure her friends were alright. But before she could build up any speed, before she had gone five feet, two of the warriors had jumped up into the air—much higher than any normal ponies could jump, after spring-boarding off the others—and threw off their black cloaks at her. Rainbow Dash squawked in surprise and flew back, avoiding getting tangled or covered by the cloaks, but right as she did two weapons came out from the cloaks at her while her vision of the warriors was obscured.

Rainbow brought up the Trident to defend herself and the weapons clanged off the metal of it while she momentarily dropped back to the floor, facing off against the four warriors. A brief check showed her the Trident wasn’t dented or damaged in the slightest by what had hit it. Not surprising.

The two warriors landed as well, Master Wasabi and the fourth one joining the two of them in removing their cloaks and revealing the weapons they carried.

Both of the ones who had jumped at her were pegasi. One wielded a three-section staff while the other carried a spiked flail. The other warrior she didn’t recognize was a unicorn, he raised two short scythe weapons that Rainbow hadn’t seen before in his magic. And Master Wasabi stood without any noticeable weapon at first—until Rainbow looked at his hooves and saw the black metal gauntlets he was wearing. Simple but effective for a warrior trained in hoof-to-hoof combat like him. The four of them were completely stoic, they said nothing, looked at her and the Trident as if this was the most normal thing in the world. They were doing their job well.

Of course that didn’t make Rainbow Dash happy.

“Do we really have to do this, Wasabi? You don’t have to fight me. I kind of don’t want to fight you at all,” she spoke with a resigned look on her face.

He didn’t answer. Instead the four of them just started to walk towards her.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “If that’s the way it’s gotta be.”

“Where are we going?” Gilbert asked.

“I don’t know, away from there!” Daylight answered.

“I don’t think there’s anywhere down here that’s actually “safe” right now...” Breakwater said.

“Just trust in Rainbow Dash,” Senax said. “When has she let us down before?”

“That’s not nearly as reassuring as you’re making it sound, Senax,” Daylight said.

“Only if you’re pessimistic,” Gilbert smiled.

“And I am.”

They were running up the steps and long hallway that had led down from the convocation chamber to where they had found the Trident. At the moment they were close to getting back out to that big balcony but from there they weren’t exactly sure where they’d go. There was only one way back out of it but then what? They’d be lost in here and Rainbow might not be able to find them if they went too far.

Thinking ahead proved to be pointless though.

Right as they made it back to the balcony and could see the high walls of the convocation chamber, a pony poofed into existence in a cloud of golden magical energy right in front of them.

The four of them came to a screeching halt as Coral Sea smiled at them.

“Well hello there. I hope you weren’t expecting to actually get away?”

“Something like that,” Breakwater said, both he and Gilbert stepping in front of Senax.

“Please… please don’t do this...” Senax said to her.

“Hahahaha… oh merpony, you have to know that isn’t going to work,” Coral Sea said. “And The stallions protecting the poor defenseless merpony? How nice,” Coral Sea mockingly clapped for them. “Must feel awkward knowing you danced with me, Captain Breakwater. And how you watched a play with me, Gilbert. And even how you spent a nice afternoon on a warm beach with me, Daylight Gleam. Are you all willing to die for that creature?”

Daylight stepped forward and glared at her. “Maybe you’re not familiar with the meaning of friendship.”

“I see. A pity then,” Coral Sea sighed.

Daylight looked back at Gilbert and Breakwater. “Come on you two—we can take her. She’s just some priestess, we can handle her and protect Senax until Rainbow Dash gets here.”

“Oh can you now? Let me show you why I came to kill that merpony alone. You’re the ones who should be afraid right now,” Coral Sea smirked maliciously at them as her horn lit up and a bright light covered her hooves. It crawled up them, leaving amber metal armor behind, then went up her legs, then body, and finally neck, leaving the segmented and highly ornate amber armor behind everywhere it traveled. Her tail whipped about behind her while her mane stayed free for the moment, a blood-red ruby in the middle of her gorget. “I am going to record the moment I snuff your life out in history, merpony. The first of many of your kind that will die by my hooves.”

Her horn flashed again and an amber helmet with a platinum horn guard appeared around her head, visor swinging down over her face.

The other three gulped while Daylight grimaced. “Okay… we might have a problem.”

The spiked flail came at Rainbow’s face before she knocked it away with the Trident and had to immediately block a thrust by the staff while jumping backwards to avoid the scythes coming down and decapitating her. Pushing the pommel of the Trident into the floor she used it as leverage to do a backflip and avoid the punch from Wasabi as he came at her from behind. Landing, she was immediately set upon by the pegasus with the staff again as he made numerous quick thrusts at her with one end before swinging the other end at her. She had to block again with the Trident before flipping her weapon around and thrusting it towards the unicorn to keep him at bay. He jumped away from her thanks to her weapon having greater reach, and then Rainbow Dash ducked lower to the ground and spun the Trident around in a circle over her head to hit away the flail and block a second punch from Wasabi, who had to use his gauntlets to not get cut. The four warriors hopped away from Rainbow Dash for a brief second to get their bearings while she stood up and spun the Trident around in her hooves before holding it across her body in a defensive position.

For a second they faced off against each other. Rainbow Dash letting them make the first move—if they dared.

The unicorn spun his scythes around in his magic on either side of his head and slowly walked towards Rainbow Dash while the two pegasi began to circle to her left and right. Rainbow backed up slightly towards the stairs that went up to the Trident room so they couldn’t surround her. Seeing that she wasn’t going to just let them get behind her like that, the three of them swiftly changed tactics and charged her at once.

The scythes created a high-pitched whine as they sliced through the air each time the unicorn swung them at Rainbow Dash. At first she tilted her head to the left and right to avoid them before catching the blades on the shaft of the Trident and kicking the unicorn away—just in time to jump over the flail from one of the pegasi as it went for her body. The other pegasi gripped his staff by the very end of one of its sections and swung it at her but Rainbow caught it between the prongs of her Trident and yanked it from his grip. She swung the Trident at him so his weapon came loose and smacked into his body.

When he stumbled away from that, Rainbow jammed the sharp spears of the Trident into the floor (impaling it like a knife into butter thanks to how otherworldly strong and sharp the Trident was) and pole-vaulted over the staff-wielding unicorn right as the flail came back down where she was and obliterated the floor tile there. The unicorn came running at her with a fast series of swipes from his scythes that Rainbow turned away with the Trident. Sparks shot off each time his metal blades struck the green shaft, the unicorn made a scissors attack against the Trident, catching the treasure and pulling his blades in both directions to lock Rainbow Dash up. The two pegasi then came at her from behind, Rainbow only had a second to act.

She put one hoof above where the scythes were and another below them—putting all the muscle she had into it she spun the Trident around to knock the blades off. Once she was free she quickly brought the pommel end of the Trident up and smashed the unicorn in the ribs with it. He wheezed in pain and stumbled away.

Her ears told her the attacks were coming at her from behind so practically on reflex Rainbow Dash raised the Trident over her head to catch the flail and staff on it. She pushed them back and flapped her wings to make a wing-assisted jump, jumping between the two of them and over their heads. She kicked out her back legs and caught both warriors in the back of the head—making then stumble forward and join their unicorn comrade.

As soon as she landed though, Wasabi jumped over them and came rushing at her. While he didn’t have the same kind of weapons they did, Rainbow soon realized it didn’t matter.

She pointed the Trident at him to keep him back but he swiftly knocked the prongs away with one of his gauntlets and punched towards her face with his other hoof. Rainbow twisted the shaft of the Trident up to block it as a resounding thunk rang out when his gauntleted hood hit it. She was pushed backwards slightly—surprised that he had that kind of muscle on him at his age. And he didn’t let up in his attack either, coming at her low and throwing several punches towards her chest that she had to all block or turn away with the Trident.

On the latest punch she pushed away his hoof and swung out with the Trident in a wide arc aimed at his head. But Wasabi ducked under it and spun around, throwing a sweeping leg kick to take Rainbow’s legs out from under her. Unfortunately for him her reactions were just as quick and she easily jumped over it, but she still found herself being pushed back by the elderly warrior. Her hooves reached one of the dual staircases and she had to walk backwards up it for a moment while swinging her Trident at him as he blocked and deflected all the blows with his gauntlets while pushing forward.

Rainbow Dash was surprised at how he moved and fought for his age. Looking at him she would’ve guessed he was in his 80’s but he still moved like a pony not even half as old. He fought like a warrior in the prime of his life, moving as water while striking with the strength of steel. Compared to Godfrey he was probably much better trained and more knowledgeable of martial-arts, but didn’t have the same speed or power that Godfrey had. But Godfrey was unusual. Wasabi would almost surely dominate some of the others she had fought with on her journey like Sia’Lorna and Vox. It wouldn’t even be close.

Before she had gone to train at Black Sand Island he’d probably have been much more dangerous to her as well.

She really didn’t want to fight him like this. Or seriously hurt him. But it looked like there was probably not going to be any way around that. They were all far too loyal to Coral Sea. If Wasabi was having any trouble with fighting the pegasus he had helped train, he showed no signs of it.

Reaching the top of the stairs, Rainbow Dash hopped up the last steps and fought with Wasabi by the railing. She was able to mostly keep him at bay with the superior range of the Trident as any attempt he had to close in on her was met by her taking another step back. Every thrust and swing of the Trident she made against him though was either blocked or parried without effort on his side. They were in a bit of a stalemate.

Trying something new, Wasabi ducked under her latest thrust and threw one of his gauntleted hooves up at her higher hoof grasping the Trident. Rainbow grunted in pain as the metal brace whacked her hoof and she let the Trident go with that hoof out of reflex. Put in an awkward position, unbalanced, and unable to effectively utilize the Trident with only one hoof grasping too far down its shaft, Wasabi pressed forward in the effort to deliver a devastating punch to her face. He wanted to take her out in a single blow. But while he expected Rainbow Dash to maybe attempt to back away, or clumsily dodge or block the punch, he didn’t expect her to move forward and lower her head towards him.

Moving into his space before he could punch her—Rainbow Dash bowed her head and gave him a strong headbutt to the face. He grunted (the most noise she had gotten from any of them) and had to step back, his hind legs trembling before he had to half-sit and half-lean against the stair railing for support. He wasn’t bleeding and certainly wasn’t down for the count but he was dazed for the moment.

Rainbow brought both hooves back to the Trident to hold it steady once more and got ready to continue the fight. The flail-wielding pegasus then flew up the opposite stairs and came at her from behind while she was recovering. She looked over her shoulder just in time to see him bringing the spiked ball of pain down at her and jumped to the side—onto the balcony’s railing—to avoid it. It crushed down onto the tile she had been standing on, obliterating it and sending debris everywhere, and the pegasus swiftly lifted it back up and swung it at the balcony railing she was standing on now to force her away and maybe take out her hooves at the same time.

Rainbow was still too fast to actually be hit by the flail though. She had already jumped and extended her wings to glide away from the balcony when the flail destroyed the ancient stone her hooves had just been using for rest.

She had planned to simply land back on the floor below but on the way she was accosted by the other pegasus. He jabbed his staff towards her stomach and Rainbow Dash was barely able to block the thin end of his weapon with the staff of the Trident. Even then the force of the blow knocked her back a little and she landed on the floor with her back hooves first, sliding to a stop.

The flail pegasus went to help Wasabi up while the staff pegasus and unicorn came to attack Rainbow Dash again.

One to her right, the other to her left, one by one they either swung or stabbed their weapons at her while Rainbow Dash blocked them with the Trident. She wondered if they were becoming frustrated at their inability to overwhelm her despite their numerical advantage. She was just some random pegasus to them too, and they were the elite warriors of the Sarraroccon Order. Yet she calmly withstood their attacks and had already landed hits on them earlier in the fight. Stoic as these ponies were she couldn’t believe that it didn’t bother or worry them at least a little. Even if their only real worry was not finishing her off as quickly as their High Priestess would like that was still something. Failing her was likely the only thing they cared about if what she knew of them was true.

She knew she was probably wrong—personal failure didn’t bother them. They had no ambition. No pride or ego. It was all about living up to the High Priestess’s expectations and successfully carrying out her commands. If she could knock out one or two of them, the others might be shaken as doubt crept into their minds as to their ability to do the will of their priestess.

Rainbow Dash grinned, the longer this went on the better things were for her.

Not like they had the chance of wearing her out after all either. She was Rainbow Dash.

On one swing of the three-section staff, Rainbow Dash slammed the pommel of the Trident down into the link of the chain that connected two of the sections. It impaled it to the floor and she used the Trident to jump up and kick the unicorn in the face while he was in the middle of swinging his scythes at her. She then wrenched the Trident up, tore the pommel from the floor while also tearing the staff from the pegasus’s hooves, and spun the staff around before throwing it back at its wielder. He was caught off guard as it smacked into his face, which was right on time for the flail pegasus and Master Wasabi to come back into the fight.

The flail came down at her back but without even looking Rainbow stabbed the pommel of the Trident back at the pegasus. He had to back away, the drilled end of the pommel being almost as dangerous as the sharp prongs on the other end. It caused him to abort his attack so Rainbow could focus entirely on trading blows with Wasabi for the moment instead. She had the Trident gripped in one hoof, right at the neck where the sapphires were, it was a little awkward but the only way she could fight with it in close-range combat like this. Her body had left the floor so she didn’t have to worry about balance, instead hovering very close to the floor with her wings.

She loved being a pegasus. She loved the advantage it gave her here as she didn’t have to worry about hoofwork, about tripping, about balance, how it gave her so much freedom of mobility and more avenues to attack and defend. At this point she could probably fly away from them with a quick opening but since they’d just follow her she wanted to beat them now.

Wasabi’s hooves were like lightning fast blurs as he struck out at her face each time only for her to block with the three prongs of the Trident. Clink, clink, clink, each time his gauntlets struck the green metal of the Trident.

A sudden intake of breath behind her told her the flail was about to be coming at her again. She had to thank the training she went through at Black Sand Island that sharpened her ears and other senses so she no longer relied on just her eyes for a fight. The flail came swinging at her left side so Rainbow Dash very simply flapped her wings a little harder and flew over it. As it hit nothing but air, Wasabi jumped up to try and punch into her now unprotected stomach. She scrunched up slightly and moved her free hoof to block him. It still hurt a bit thanks to the gauntlet he wore, but nothing broke and it was at least better than taking a solid hit to the stomach.

She pushed him away and slid her hoof down the Trident a little to give her more range as she swung it at his head to try and keep a little distance between him and her. Wasabi ducked under it but Rainbow quickly brought it back and kept swiping at him with it until he realized he had to hop back a few steps. The flail pegasus then also jumped up at her, using his wings for a little extra height, and swung the flail towards her ribs. Truthfully, if that spike ball hit her there at full strength like that, even she probably wouldn’t be getting back up. So of course she blocked it with the Trident, a loud clang coming from the clash of their weapons.

The pegasus didn’t stop there though, he stayed airborne with her and repeatedly swung the flail around at her, spinning with it and throwing his entire body weight behind every attack. Rainbow was able to block every swing with the Trident but it was a little annoying. Thanks to the weight of the spike ball, and the pure kinetic energy behind each swing, blocking it was much more of a hassle than with the other weapons. Each time the flail connected with the Trident it sent tremors up her hooves. A little stronger, a few more times, and it could potentially wrench the Trident right out of her grip. So she decided to end that possibility. On the very next swing she did something similar to what she did with the staff before—when the flail was coming towards her she jabbed the needle-thin center prong of the Trident into one of the chain-links to catch the flail on the Trident. Stopping its momentum (and relishing in the surprised look on the warrior’s face that she could actually do something so precise at such speeds) she spun the Trident around in her hooves and yanked the flail from the warrior’s grip.

Rainbow tossed the flail over her head and behind her where it crashed into one of the stone pillars in the room before falling to the floor. A quick swing of her Trident over her head later and she brought it back around to smash the pommel end into the side of the pegasus’s face. He went falling to the floor like a brick and bounced off it once before lying still.

Well he’s definitely out. Rainbow thought as she landed back on the floor and faced off against the other three.

While she had been hoping that seeing one of their comrades taken out would shake their confidence it didn’t exactly work that way. The staff pegasus and the unicorn with the scythes now came at her again just as quickly and confidently as before. The pegasus shot his staff out at her that she jumped to the side to avoid so it only scraped along the floor. A spinning scythe to her head was blocked by the Trident while the other went for her body, Rainbow twisted the Trident to the side to knock that weapon away too. The unicorn still kept coming at her with his screeching blades that sent sparks everywhere whenever they slid against the metal of the Trident. Left and right she kept blocking with the Trident even as he pushed her back.

Suddenly he jumped out of the way and Rainbow’s eyes went wide as the staff pegasus had been coming right behind him—using his comrades body to block her sight of him. He thrust his staff at her and she had to hastily block it with the center of the Trident. A whirring sound from her right brought attention to the fact that a scythe was coming right for her head and with no opportunity to block it she had to duck her head and hope for the best.

It passed by right behind her ear, shaving off a few hairs of her rainbow mane but otherwise leaving her unharmed.

When the pegasus tried another attack with his staff she flicked the Trident upwards to deflect it and then swung it around and into his side. He grunted in pain as he was knocked to the floor. Down momentarily but certainly not out like the other pegasus.

Wasabi and the unicorn then came at her together. Hoof strikes and scythe swipes coming at her from both sides but her reflexes and speed with the Trident were enough for her to block their attacks for now. She turned Wasabi’s hoof away on one punch and slapped the pommel of the Trident against the side of his face. It didn’t have enough strength to knock him down but it stunned him for a moment so he couldn’t constantly attack her. That gave Rainbow Dash the opportunity to kick the unicorn in the side the next time he came at her since she didn’t have to focus on Wasabi for the moment.

Like that she got into a rhythm, each time one of them tried to attack her she was able to block and counterattack them instead. They weren’t able to attack together to keep her on the defensive. Instead she focused on one and then the other. Wasabi punched at her. She blocked and whacked him in the side with the Trident. The unicorn swung his scythes at her. She blocked and kicked him in the ribs. Back and forth they went like this with neither of them actually landing a single blow on her while she steadily chipped away at them and slowly injured them more and more. It was just small bruises and pain at first but it was adding up the longer the fight went on. Rainbow Dash may have been stuck in the middle of them but she was completely controlling the fight.




A grunt of pain from Wasabi as he finally had to retreat briefly—his age perhaps catching up with him as he stumbled away from Rainbow Dash and leaned against one of the pillars in the room for support.

Rainbow turned to focus entirely on the unicorn. He brought both his scythes up in front of him and crossed them over each other before fearlessly attacking her. Slices and swings to her head, to her hooves grasping the Trident, anywhere he could try and land a blow. Rainbow Dash hovered low to the floor as she blocked with the Trident and pressed him back. Every now and then she stabbed out with the Trident towards his head to make him dodge and weave around it. He brought one scythe at her head that she ducked under while another came from below at her throat that she blocked with the Trident.

Rainbow Dash then flew back just barely an inch and when he raked his scythes at her again she flew over his head. In the middle of flying behind him he turned and swung his scythe at her belly—Rainbow kicked the flat of the blade away and then landed on the floor. She swept out with the Trident and knocked the unicorn’s legs out from under him. The moment he fell to the floor she cracked him between the eyes with the Trident’s pommel. He rolled over onto his back and his scythes clattered to the tile.


Before Rainbow Dash could even catch her breath though, the staff pegasus jumped over his fallen comrade and wildly swung his weapon at her. He was attacking much more frantically than before. The flailing end section going for her head most of the time but he also sent a few swings to her wings to try and clip her mobility. Heavy thuds resounded in the chamber as the staff and Trident smacked against each other while Rainbow defended herself. The pegasus was the angriest she had ever seen any of these warriors get. Together they moved as they fought until they were on the floor between the staircases.

His staff came swinging at her temple so Rainbow ducked under it but the pegasus let it swing around his own neck as it came back around and pulled it forward so the staff was now jabbing right between her eyes. She did something a little unexpected again. Moving her head just enough so the end of the staff sailed past her safe, Rainbow leaned forward and “grabbed” the staff, holding it under her chin and against her body before the pegasus could pull it back. Jerking her head to the side she pulled the staff out of his hooves—leaving him weaponless.

And then she tossed the Trident to him.

“Here,” she said as he caught it in his hooves.

The warrior blinked and looked down at it—right before Rainbow came flying into him, kicking him as hard as she could and sending him flying backwards into the stone railing of the right staircase while the Trident went flying into the air. He smashed through the railing, breaking it to pieces, and came to a rest on the stone steps. Meanwhile the Trident flipped end over end before Rainbow caught it, twirling it around with a grin and stamping it on the floor.

The heavy hoofsteps walking towards her told her it wasn’t over yet.

Rainbow Dash sighed, turning to face Master Wasabi. “You don’t have to keep going.”

The old master took a deep breath and dropped into a fighting stance before lunging at her.

“Alright then,” Rainbow narrowed her eyes. She stabbed the Trident out to him as he ran to close the distance with her, he turned the prongs away with one of his gauntlets as she flipped the weapon around and brought the shaft up to block his first punch. More and more punches towards her body were blocked by her perfect defense and reflexes. As good as Wasabi was he couldn’t match her, especially after being worn down the way he was. Every punch he made was either blocked or turned away, a steady bang, bang, bang, from the repeated strikes of metal against metal.

After one blocked punch, Rainbow feinted with the spear end of the Trident before pulling it back and flicking the pommel end towards Wasabi’s head. He blocked it with a hoof and threw another at her face that Rainbow avoided. She swung the Trident down at his head but with both hooves raised over his head he blocked it and pushed it off him.

Using that moment he stepped forward—Rainbow’s Trident still raised high in the air where she couldn’t properly defend her whole body with it now. He threw a punch towards her face but Rainbow Dash used her own momentum from when he had pushed the Trident up and away to flip backwards and dodge his punch completely. At the same time she stabbed the Trident into the floor halfway through her flip, landed sideways on it, and tensed her body and wings to get ready for jumping off it.

Glancing at him, she locked eyes with Wasabi for a split second before shooting forward.

And with the full power of her body and wings propelling her faster than he could defend himself she punched him in the throat. The old warrior gasped and staggered backwards to give Rainbow Dash enough time to land, reach back for the Trident, pull it out, and spin it over her head. He looked up just in time to see her swinging it down at his face.

A painful crack as the blunt sides of the prongs impacted his skull rang out. And Master Wasabi collapsed to the floor.

Rainbow Dash sighed, catching her breath, and wiped the sweat from her brow. She sadly looked down at him and shook her head. “Sorry...”

Then her eyes turned to the Trident she was still holding and narrowed. How did I fight like that with this? I’ve used spears and staffs before, occasionally, but I’ve never fought like that with them. It was almost like the Trident was moving me before I moved it. You’ve really got some crazy magical powers running through you, huh?

She didn’t have time to ponder that anymore though. Her friends were still in danger. Rainbow Dash stretched for a second to make sure she was still doing good, and then shot off to fly back up to the great chamber.

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