• Published 12th Mar 2022
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Rainbow Dash Around the World - MagicS

Rainbow Dash continues her flight around the world.

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The Fight

Hooves skidded along the floor before coming to a stop while a drop of blood fell onto the tile between them. Rainbow Dash spat the rest of the blood in her mouth out and brought a hoof to wipe any lingering mess from her lips. Across the way, Godfrey almost fell to his knees before catching himself and rubbing at the spot on his chest that was surely going to be swollen and bruised by this time tomorrow. If he was still alive. If Rainbow Dash was still alive to see it.

The two glared at one another and started walking—stalking the other like a pair of apex predators—in a circle. Standing in the center of the great chamber with not a single soul to bother them.

Rainbow Dash moved first and started running at him with Godfrey quick to follow. He punched at her head as soon as she was within range but Rainbow ducked under it and delivered an uppercut to right under his chest. He however had predicted that and was already rolling back with the blow, bringing his other fist towards her and punching her in the side, making her ribs ache and her body roll over onto the floor a few feet away from him.

Godfrey leaped up into the air and came crashing down towards her with his sharp talons opened wide. Rainbow Dash kicked off the floor and went spinning away, landing safely on her hooves while Godfrey’s talons obliterated the painted tile where he landed. He took almost no time to jump at her again, his wings enhancing his movement, and throw another powerful punch over and down at her. Rainbow knew that if she put up her hooves to block it—even after her strength training—that she’d just break her hooves without having any momentum of her own built up. So she backflipped out of the way and Godfrey’s fist came down to the floor, shattering another tile and sending cracks several feet all around.

She took a deep breath in the middle of her flip and as soon as her hooves touched the ground she lunged at him.

He looked bigger, angrier, and stronger than he had before.

She was full of so much more energy and drive than ever before.

Rainbow Dash jumped in the air and delivered a kick to his face that had enough force to lift him off the floor. Godfrey went tumbling away but quickly recovered and flew up into the air to join her. Coming at her, he dipped slightly to the left and thrust out his wing in an attempt to clothesline her with it. Rainbow dodged under it and flew to his side to land another kick to his ribs but at the last second Godfrey flapped away from that as well. Again he brought a fast and powerful punch around towards her and Rainbow couldn’t react in time to dodge or block it. He punched her in the stomach and knocked the wind out of her, grunting in exertion he launched her towards the wall of the chamber with the follow-through.

Rainbow gasped as her pupils shrank and she had a brief difficulty with filling up her lungs. However she managed to recover in time and flip around before impacting the wall, instead just hitting it with her back hooves and launching herself off it. Springing right back into action and right at Godfrey.

He was surprised by her recovery and the speed she came shooting back at him with and he was too slow to block her—Rainbow Dash punched him hard right across the face. A small spurt of blood came out his beak but Godfrey just angrily glared right back at Rainbow Dash and swiftly grabbed the hoof that had punched him. Rainbow Dash went to kick his wrist to get her limb free but before she could, Godfrey threw her towards the floor.

She would have to sharply come out of the throw very quickly if she didn’t want to smack her face into the tiled floor. Her wings had snapped open and she was just starting to glide up safely—when Godfrey slammed into her from above after diving for her. His talon grasped around her skull, claws poking into her flesh, and pressed her into the floor while the both of them flew across the chamber—Rainbow’s face now being dragged against the hard stone. He was carrying her forward while she was almost totally helpless, her head and face feeling like it was being forced through a rough gravel pit.

Still, he didn’t expect her to fight back in this condition, and that gave her an opening. Though his arms were long she still had enough reach to kick him with her back hooves. Rainbow Dash gathered her strength as best she could, grabbed Godfrey by the wrist to keep her body steady, and then struck out and kicked him in the throat. Godfrey coughed and jerked to a stop while dragging her, Rainbow got out from under his talon, flipped over, and threw him over her back.

He hit the floor headfirst and rolled across it before smashing into the bottom of one of the staircases leading up to the chamber’s balcony.

Rainbow Dash didn’t let up for a second. She flew after him and aimed a punch right for his gut—but Godfrey placed a talon on one of the steps and hoisted himself up it. Rainbow had to screech to a halt to keep from flying into the marble steps and instead only let herself be kicked by one of his back legs into the banister of the stairs. With not a second to spare he came across the steps to punch her.

Rainbow moved right as his fist was coming at her face. Instead it plowed right into the stone banister and obliterated it. To keep Godfrey from immediately pressing the attack, Rainbow Dash kicked one of the pebbles that had gone flying into the air right at his face. He ducked out of the way of it but it was enough time for her to go a little higher.

He clicked his beak in annoyance and rose after her. She wasn’t running away from him in the first place though, she just wanted some space so she could build up a little momentum and put some real strength into her blows. She needed that if she wanted to match the raw physical power he had in his body. That’s why the blue pegasus made a quick, nearly hairpin, turn and came darting right back at Godfrey in less than a second. He wasn’t surprised, and he was still fast enough to block. Godfrey crossed his arms in front of his chest right as Rainbow’s hoof struck with startling force. Flexing—he shoved her away and went for a punch to her face. She ducked under it and flitted to the side, trying to attack his wing, but he barrel-rolled and reached a talon out towards her at the same time in an attempt to rake across and cut up her stomach.

Reluctantly she moved away and let him finish his roll—immediately upon exiting which he came back at her. A series of heavy punches from him, all delivered with prize-fighter precision, kept her on her proverbial toes. The two darted around the chamber with Rainbow Dash perpetually kept on the edge by the blurring punches of Godfrey. He wasn’t giving her an opportunity to attack back. Every time she went to move around him he would match her. And his long arms and strikes kept her at bay from a direct attack.

On the next punch she decided she wasn’t going to let him keep doing this. He threw another straight jab at her body that she stretched out of the way from and while his fist was still in range of her she shot up a knee and threw down an elbow—hitting it on both top and bottom of Godfrey’s wrist. She trapped his talon, pinned down, and refused to let him draw it back. If she had been stronger she could’ve flat out broken his wrist, but Godfrey was a little too tough for that. Of course like this she couldn’t defend herself against new attacks either and Godfrey knew that, he pulled back his other fist and went to shatter her skull with a single punch.

But all Rainbow needed was to mess up his rhythm for a moment. As soon as the other punch was coming at her she dropped her cross-block and kicked Godfrey’s other arm in the elbow joint as soon as it was close enough.

Godfrey grunted and had to abort the punch. Rainbow went in to try and land some direct blows on his body. Being right up in front of him his longer limbs were actually a detriment compared to her compact form. But he was still a master fighter with the best instincts of anyone she had come across. Before she could do anything he lowered his head quickly and aimed his beak at her—trying to stab an eye out if she got too close.

Rainbow had to immediately dart back while feeling his beak slice through the air right in front of her face. And of course that left her open once more to a punch coming in at her right. Rainbow put her leg up to block it but still felt the powerful blunt strike send waves of pain through her limb while also sending her flying away with Godfrey on her heels once more. He flew right over her, practically gliding right in front of her face, and punched at her head.

She moved her head so fast it almost left an after-image, then grinned and bit his talon hard as it went right past her. If he was going to use his beak, she could use her teeth.

Godfrey winced and Rainbow took the moment to grab his arm and throw him around towards the wall of the chamber. He smashed into the stone, breaking part of the wall and sending cracks around him. Rainbow Dash yelled and shot at him again, delivering a kick to his stomach and smashing him further into the wall. She went for another kick but Godfrey grabbed her limb and pushed off the wall—he flew towards the center of the room with Rainbow Dash firmly in his grip and threw her up in the air—then went right at her and uppercutted her in the gut. Rainbow Dash nearly lost the contents of her stomach but instead kept herself together and punched Godfrey in the forearm to knock him away and escape. The two were now high in the chamber, closer to the ceiling, and they started to fly in circles around each other, looking for a new avenue of attack.

Their eyes narrowed as they met and both flew at each other. Full speed. Nothing but colorful blurs.

A sonic-boom shook the entire chamber when they clashed. And then they came around and flew at each other once more. Each time they flew by each other a single lightning-quick strike came from the both of them. A punch, a kick, a wing jab, and the grand chamber shook from the force and speed of every single blow. They were a pair of comets shooting through the air with explosive energy. Looping, corkscrewing, diving, and coming back to meet each other head on.

On the latest pass, Godfrey stuck out his wing and Rainbow stuck out hers to match him. When the two collided in air once more their wings smashed into each other and both of them had the veins and muscles in their bodies popping with exertion as they tried to overpower the other. It only lasted a split second, but it seemed to take ages as they met under the glass dome. Godfrey’s wing ended up being victorious while Rainbow’s crumpled and she ended up spinning away helplessly.

Before she could recover, Godfrey flew down and grabbed her tail. With a grin on his face he started spinning around and the two of them became like a tornado in the air. She couldn’t fight back or do anything until he finally let her go and she went flying towards the ground. He had been spinning at such high-speed when he released her that there was no way she could get out of the fall in time.

She covered her head with her hooves and tucked in as best she could—and smashed into the stone floor of the chamber. She immediately went sprawling out across the floor, sliding across the cold hard tile and digging up quite a bit of it, and ended up coming to a stop between the double staircases leading up to the balcony. Rainbow Dash took less than a second before she started to climb back up to her hooves.

There was no time to rest.

No time to check if she had broken anything.

She could hear the air whistling as Godfrey dove at her.

There was a lot of dust and small pebbles on the ground around her though from the crash. As soon as she could hear that he was practically on top of her, she got up, spun around, and strongly flapped her wings to kick up as much dust as she could right into his face.

He probably hadn’t been expecting her to mount much of a resistance at all. Godfrey slowed as the cloud of dust hit him and squeezed his eyes shut while an annoyed growl came from his throat. The next thing he felt was a solid kick being delivered to his ribs that sent him flying into the banister of the right staircase. The force of the kick and his own bulk obliterated the stone railing and sent more rubble flying everywhere while he flopped onto the steps in a pained heap.

Rainbow Dash was breathing heavily as she took a few steps out of the cloud of dust and back towards the middle of the room. Godfrey coughed and stood up on the stairs, he spat up a bit of blood and walked down them, glaring at her.

She met his eyes and frowned.

He stretched his body and cracked his neck.

They ran at each other once more without any hesitation.

Godfrey punched her across the jaw and Rainbow Dash just took it, staggering to the side before glaring back at him and jumping up to punch him in the face. The next time he tried to punch her she ducked under his hook and darted to the side, grabbing his wing and attempting to throw him to the ground. He stood his ground though, planting his legs and talons to the floor, and instead yanked her around when he pulled his wing back in. She had to let go of his wing and went stumbling to the floor after losing her balance. He opened up a talon—the sharp claws practically glittering—and slammed it towards her body.

Rainbow rolled away from it so he only impaled the floor.

She turned her roll into a spinning jump to get back to her hooves and charged at Godfrey, keeping as close as she could. He got into a boxing stance and delivered two quick jabs to her face that she weaved in and out of before throwing a few hooves of her own. He protected himself just as well as she did though and neither of them was capable of landing a solid punch on the other at the moment. A glancing blow was the best they got even as they threw enough hooves and fists at each other to overload the eyes of anyone watching.

Evenly matched.

They hated that that thought went through their minds.

Godfrey pulled back his right fist and Rainbow Dash pulled back her right hoof at the same time. The two of them snarled and threw all the strength they had into their next punches. Hoof and fist collided with enough force to ruffle their feathers and almost break their own bones. The impact pushed the both of them backwards, legs sliding over the tile floor. Both of them stood there, panting and glaring at the other. Rainbow’s hoof shook with dull throbbing pain while Godfrey’s fist couldn’t stop shaking either. Together the two of them ignored the pain they felt and placed their four legs back on the floor.

A few feet away from each other they narrowed their eyes—a new well of energy emerging from deep inside their souls. The pain was nothing. They were too agitated and had their blood pumping far too much from the fight. This time they didn’t run for each other, both pegasus and griffon opened their wings and flew hard and fast, parallel to the floor and ready to strike the other with everything they had. The pirate threw a fist out to punch her while Rainbow Dash turned her body around while flying and threw a flying kick towards his face so she could actually reach him before his punch hit her away.

His punch and her kick landed at the same time. Godfrey’s powerful fist smashed into her face, turning it to the side and nearly breaking her neck. Her hoof, with all the weight of her body behind it, kicked into his cheek and did much the same. It was only adrenaline and battle rage keeping the both of them from being knocked out cold.

Instead they were launched away from each other, flying to the floor and skidding across it nearly fifty feet apart.

Rainbow Dash looked beside her and saw the Trident sitting there in the floor.

Across the way, Godfrey was lying right next to his cutlass.

A few deep breaths was all they took. The both of them heaved as they got up and pulled their weapons free. Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and hovered above the floor while twirling the Trident around. Godfrey stayed on the floor for the moment and dragged a single claw along the flat of the blade of his cutlass.

They flew at each other and covered the fifty feet in an instant. Rainbow and Godfrey both swung their weapons horizontally from the right at each other. When the weapons clashed into each other with a loud bang the momentum spun the both of them around as they grit their teeth and beak. The blade of Godfrey’s cutlass slid against the sleek metal of the Trident as they pushed against each other. Sparks shaved off and scattered to the floor before both of them pulled back and went for another attack. Rainbow swung the long and sharp spears of the Trident at Godfrey’s face and he brought his cutlass in lower to carve apart her ribs.

Both knew if they continued on that trajectory they’d die—so a quick aborting of those attacks happened and they jumped away from each other, letting their weapons glide harmlessly through empty air. Godfrey was the first to lunge back at his opponent and brought his cutlass up in an overhand swing down towards Rainbow Dash’s head. She dodge to the side instead of blocking—letting his sword smash into the tile and break yet another piece of the floor—and brought the Trident up towards him in a swift stabbing arc. He also ducked down low, bending his knees and hunkering towards the floor so the Trident only ended up shaving off a couple feathers on his wing. Godfrey then brought his cutlass back up towards her and swung at her open side.

Rainbow was barely able to jump away in time to avoid the slice of his cutlass. And even then it wasn’t perfect. The blade had managed to nick her just barely over her left wing, leaving a thin red cut in her coat.

Godfrey was already turning his hand to swing at her again but this time Rainbow Dash flapped over the wide swing entirely and smacked the blade down with the spear-end of the Trident as it passed under her body. Twirling and flipping the Trident over in her hooves she then brought the pommel-end down in a high smash towards Godfrey. He was too close to avoid it completely so the best he could do was turn his head to the side and let the spiraling metal slam down onto his shoulder. A pained snarl came from his beak on impact.

She was hoping to take him out with a hit to the head but with this it just left him open to grab the end of the Trident and slam both her and it to the floor. Godfrey then brought his cutlass down at her while her back was still on the floor but she was still able to bring the Trident up and block it right between her hooves. It smashed her into the stone floor, but she stayed strong and didn’t lose her grip on the Trident. Again and again Godfrey raised his sword up and swung it down at her, at her body, her head, her wings, her hooves holding the Trident. Each time Rainbow Dash was just barely able to block him. It was taking a painful toll on her though, she just had to take all the force from his blows lying on the ground like this. Her legs holding the Trident were starting to strain from the pressure and her back ached as he hit her further into the stone, almost like he was trying to bury her in it while the tiles broke around her.

After one swing, as soon as he pulled back, Rainbow Dash lashed out as quickly as she could with the Trident. She didn’t have as much range or ability to really move it well thanks to the position she was in and how she was holding it, but she had just enough to barely slash the middle spear across Godfrey’s other front leg. The thin spear tip cut through his feathers and skin right above his talon and drew a spurt of blood from it. Godfrey hissed and stepped back out of reflex instead of bringing another smashing blow down on top of Rainbow Dash. She had just enough time and space to climb up from the floor, flap her wings, and take to the air.

She only wanted just enough distance to be able to turn around and maneuver. And sure enough, Godfrey was already coming up right behind her and stabbing his cutlass at her body. Rainbow Dash juked to the side and swung the Trident towards his face, he flapped his wings hard and went above it while delivering another slash to her head that Rainbow shot away from. A few rainbow hairs from her mane went falling away though. The two continued attacking each other at range, each one of their long swings merely connecting at the ends of their weapons. They seemed more concerned with attacking what was attacking them rather than the body of their opponent. Each possibly trying to force or knock away the enemy weapon so they’d have an advantage.

It caused the sound of screaming metal to fill the great chamber each time the weapons clashed, and a shower of sparks fell down to the floor in unison. The faster and more volatile they became with their weapons, the more that wind started to whip around them and buffet their manes and headfeathers. Slowly they pressed closer to each other while still violently swinging and stabbing their weapons as fast and chaotically as they could. It was a blur of metal but now they were finally in range to actually cut the other.

Their eyes were locked on each other, unblinking, red, focused. It was a purely offensive battle. The Trident went screeching across Godfrey’s wing. His cutlass stabbed right past her hoof.

Ear. Leg. Talon. Wing. Neck. Cheek. Chest. Ribs.

Nothing more than a shallow cut each time, but soon they were both bleeding from a dozen fresh new wounds. Godfrey grasped his cutlass in both his talons and brought it towards Rainbow Dash’s face in an overhead smash. She brought up the Trident and caught the blade between two prongs and both of them started flapping their wings hard against the other to fight for position. The veins in their necks and foreheads were threatening to pop with both how angry they were and how much exertion they were pumping out.

Godfrey’s greater strength won out and he was able to push the Trident back and get in close to Rainbow Dash. He had the prongs of the Trident and the blade of his cutlass pressing up close to her face and neck while the two were close enough where Rainbow could reach out and touch him with a hoof if she had a free one.

Rainbow decided to ditch the contest of strength and suddenly let herself fall back, pulling the Trident to the side. The sudden lack of resistance surprised Godfrey and caused him to lean forward, his cutlass slicing through empty air. Rainbow Dash then swung the pommel of the Trident into his side as hard as she could to hit him away—but that left her open to getting elbowed right in the muzzle by him as he drifted away through the air. It was a different sort of pain from the light cuts and both of them were flying a little haphazardly after that. Rainbow’s vision was blurry for a moment and Godfrey struggled to pull in a breath before they both recovered. After that it was only a moment before they flew at each other again, ready to continue.

This time they made powerful flights right by the other—letting their weapons clash for just an instant before flying around and coming in again. Both left trails in the air thanks to how fast they were moving. It was an absurd sight. The speeds at which they flew, the way they were able to suddenly turn and maneuver, the forces pulling at them would’ve torn apart a normal pegasus or griffon. Their wings and muscles had to be screaming in protest.

Or perhaps this was just easy for them.

The both of them flew to the walls of the great chamber before quickly shooting up, arcing towards the ceiling, directly under the great glass dome. Rainbow had the Trident held out in front of her, the spears aimed directly at Godfrey’s chest. Godfrey held his cutlass in front of his body, ready to protect himself and slice her in two all at once.


The loud bashing noise erupted across the entire grand chamber. Both pony and griffon spun past each other and started falling to the damaged floor. Neither fully recovered in time, only half able to pull themselves out of the fall to not break their necks when they hit the gouged up tile. Instead they merely landed roughly and skidded to a stop after a few feet.

Both still firmly grasping their weapons.

Both breathing heavily. Bleeding and injured.

They were facing different directions after crashing to the floor and had to stand up and turn around to face each other. They didn’t need to ask if one of them was giving up. Rainbow Dash placed the pommel of the Trident on the floor to steady herself and Godfrey did the same with the blade of his cutlass. He closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath before walking towards her. She cracked her neck, stretched her back, and started walking towards him.

Once they were close, Godfrey swung towards her neck to decapitate her.

Rainbow Dash ducked under it and stabbed the Trident towards his face.

Godfrey tilted his head to the side and brought the cutlass back sweeping towards her legs.

Rainbow Dash blocked it with the pommel and let herself roll over the sword strike, landing on her hooves and swinging the Trident at his side.

Godfrey pivoted and slid across the tile so the swing of the Trident went wide before thrusting the cutlass at her face.

Rainbow Dash parried it with the Trident so the blade went skimming over the top of her head. She then ran in and tackled Godfrey to knock him away.

Godfrey coughed and fell back but not before punching Rainbow Dash in the side the moment she hit him.

Rainbow Dash wheezed and almost dropped the Trident, instead just backing away before he could also bring his sword back at her.

Godfrey took a second to steady himself and then swung down at her once more.

Rainbow Dash caught the blade with the Trident and diverted it to the floor, spears of the Trident and tip of the cutlass cracking the tile they impacted.

The two stood there with their weapons connected once more—catching their breath and glaring at each other. Trident and cutlass shook as Godfrey tried to pull his weapon up while Rainbow tried to keep it pinned down. Both metal weapons scraped across the tile floor as the struggle continued until they were pointed right between each other. Godfrey lifted the blade up but Rainbow still had it caught in the Trident and refused to let it go so simply. A push and pull went on between them for another minute while blood dripped from their wounds and onto the floor. Muscles were being strained to their limits. Lungs burned. Rainbow grit her teeth so hard they were close to cracking. Godfrey’s talons were gripping the sword so hard they were going to be all scraped up and calloused.

Metal screeched and the two weapons were yanked apart, Rainbow and Godfrey both stumbling back a step. Their eyes were lit up with fire as they pulled their weapons behind their heads. And with another yell they swung them at each other with full force once more.

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