• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 762 Views, 82 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Ultimate Showdown - Masterob

The final battle, a multiversal showdown with Spider-Man and Twilight Sparkle caught in the center.

  • ...

Learning from the Past

That night as Peter slept, he once again found himself in his own realm of dreams, a place that has done nothing but cause him grief as of late.

"Why do I feel like I'm about to deal with even more crap?" Peter lamented as he stood in a dark room while in his human form. "I just hate this space, it feels so negative, like something is weighing me down."

"As it should, Peter," came a voice. Walking over from the shadows was the sinister Peter from before, symbiote suit and green nightmare eyes.

"Who are you supposed to be anyway? Some evil version of me?" Peter asked. "Like a Dark Spider-Man or something?"

"Call it what you will, Peter," Dark Spider said. "It won't change your circumstances."

"You're right, it won't," Peter said. "I don't even know why I'm here, is there something you want to tell me?"

"I don't need to tell you what you already know," Dark Spider said.

"Well how about a review then? Everyone needs a refresher occasionally after all," Peter said. "For starters, why do you even exist? Who created you?"

"Well that's a foolish question, Peter," Dark Spider said. "I am you of course."

"You're me?" Peter asked. "Okay, would you mind elaborating a bit? Or are you just going to speak using riddles and crap?"

"There is no riddle, I am you, or rather I am a part of you," Peter said. "The part you wish to keep hidden from the world."

"So what are you then? My deepest desires or something?" Peter asked. "Because I never had much of a desire to look like some edgy goth punk."

"Clever pun, but you know exactly what I'm referring to Peter," Dark Spider said. "You feel so tied down by your image. To be the perfect hero and the best role model. A slave to your so-called responsibility. No matter how angry you feel, how unfair life is, you just bottle up those terrible feelings. Even when you unmasked in public, to reveal that Peter Parker and Spider-Man were one in the same, you still held on to your true mask. The one that reveals you and I are one in the same."

"You and I? This better be a joke," Peter said. "Seriously, you're acting like some Sith Lord trying to drag me into the Dark Side. If you think you can turn me evil then don't bother, I know who I am."

"Do you really?" Dark Spider asked. "Or do you just refuse to admit the truth?"

"What truth!?" Peter shouted. "Listen, if this is about the crap I went through earlier, don't bother with it. I've had naysayers my whole life, but I can always count on my wife to be there for me when I need her. Just like how my kids must rely on me. I choose to be strong, not just for myself, but to be a good example for my daughter and my son."

"Your kids are precious indeed, imagine their heartbreak when they find out their father cheated on their mother," Dark Spider said, this causing ire within Peter. "Suppose Twilight still feels bitter about it? How long before her hidden anger surfaces, and you're left with nothing?"

"I made a mistake that night, it won't happen again," Peter said. "Twilight trusts me, just like I trust her. That's what love is, that is what me and Twilight are!"

"Can you protect her?" Came another voice. Peter turned to face Gwen. "Suppose you fail her? Like you failed me."

"Not this again," Peter lamented. "I know this isn't the real you Gwen, I know you don't really feel these things?"

"And why is that?" Gwen asked. "Is it because of that double of mine? You think a version of me from another universe suddenly makes you letting me die even consequential?"

"I never said that!" Peter said.

"You don't have to, it's clear as day," Gwen said. "Maybe that Gwen is living the high life, but it doesn't change my own death by your negligence!"

Future Rainbow Dash appeared by his side, glaring at the hero, "Just like going back in time doesn’t erase our own deaths!"

"How many have suffered because of you, Peter?" Dark Spider asked. "You know many do, but you try your hardest to ignore it. Then when the criticism comes, you just don't know how to handle it. You want to lash out, you want to put others in their place, but you're just unable too. All that power and you hold it back."

"I would never misuse my powers!" Peter said. "Not when others rely on me to keep them safe! I would never want to hurt anyone!"

"You do, Peter! You want to hurt them! You want to make them regret crossing you! That's why I exist!" Dark Spider said, generating various figures from people's lives. "All their words, they all haunt you, and it angers you!"

"No, that's not true!" Peter said.

"Isn't it?" Dark Spider said, gesturing to everyone. "Does anyone have words for our friend here?"

"I have plenty of words," Came the voice of J Jonah Jameson. "It's what I've been saying for years now. Spider-Man is nothing but a menace, his presence is just a magnet for all the villains that have terrorized innocent people. If not for him, then Captain Stacy and his daughter would still be alive."

Gallus came up next, "If not for him, Equestria could be safe. We wouldn't have to worry about the dangers yet to come."

Cozy Glow stepped up next, "If he weren't so busy trying to decide between siding with Iron Man and Captain America, maybe he could have seen that I was a poor lost soul who needed help, and not a year in hell!"

Martin Li stepped in next, "I dare say he could have even caught on to what I was doing, but it worked to my advantage, and I thank you for that one, Peter."

Next came Capper, the Abyssinian sitting nearby on a crate, "I remember when your careless fighting resulted in a whole ship crashing into Las Pegasus. How many ponies do you think died just because you struggled with a pirate lady?"

"How sad..." Came Ryu's voice, the martial artist stepping in alongside Chris and Dante. "I knew you were just a boy. A weak, helpless spider."

"If you stayed out of our way when we told you, then Wesker would have been stopped much sooner!" Chris said.

"But you had to play the hero, didn't you?" Dante asked.

"And what of Sweetie Belle?" Came the voice of Vega, the ninja leaping in and glaring at Peter. "Had you been nicer to her, she wouldn't have been at our mercy. But I enjoyed having her company, to mold a young, pretty woman against you."

"I'm sure she'd make a fine host of that symbiote with all the trauma you've left for her," Eddie said, the anti-hero making his appearance. "Just like it worked for me. Remember how you threw away what could have been a great friendship?"

"That's his specialty," Harry Osborn said. "Just a walking sob story who won't take accountability for his screw ups!"

The tension in Peter's heart was rising, all those who criticized were surrounding him, causing more worry in his mind as he did his best to drown out the noise. "I'm not letting this get to me! I've heard worse than all of you!"

"Peter!" Came a voice. "Peter! It's me!"

Peter's eyes widened in surprise as he saw a figure in the distance, "Uncle Ben!?"

"Peter..." the old man came into view as all the others disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "My boy, you don't look so good."

"Uncle Ben...wait...is this another trick?" Peter asked. "Last time you were here...you..."

"Hey, don't worry about it, I'm here now, the real me," Ben said. "It's gonna be okay son."

"Ben..." Peter's eyes teared up. "I just don't know what's going on...it's all too much at times...I try to be strong like you were but-"

"Hey come on, are you really going to let a few harsh words get to you?" Ben asked. "I know that you're-"

Suddenly a gunshot went off, some blood splattering on Peter's suit. Ben looked down at his chest, seeing the wound emanating from the gunshot as he fell over. Peter looked in horror as his uncle laid dead, blood surrounding the older man.

Looking up, Peter saw Dark Spider with a gun, a wicked glee on his face, "Actions speak louder than words. And we know that despite who pulled the trigger that night, it might as well have been you who killed your uncle. Just like you killed Gwen."

Peter started trembling, wiping the blood off him, "No! That's not-"

"Face it, no matter what you do, you're always going to have those sins to live with," Dark Spider said, tossing the gun aside. "But now, you're stronger than any gun, imagine what you could do with your own strength. You could own the world, make it regret treating you like filth."

"That's not me!" Peter shouted. "I'm not a monster!"

"Oh, you are Peter, you're just good at hiding it," Dark Spider said. "I exist because of your anger. Every horrible thing I'm capable of doing, is what you're capable of doing. The symbiote I wear now didn't turn you into what you were, it just made you stop hiding who you truly are. Break that seal Peter, embrace your true potential. Find those who have wronged you, and make them regret it. I promise, after the first few, it just gets easier."

"SHUT UP" Peter rushed over and started punching Dark Spider. "I'm not like you! I'm nothing like you! Bastard! I'll...I'll..."

"You'll what? Kill me? " Dark Spider taunted. “Do it, we both know you're more than capable of it. Just ask Charlie. Or how about Trixie, since she was much more relevant."

"NO!" Peter punched Dark Spider more, his blows hitting harder and harder as blood began to splatter on the ground. Peter took a step back, seeing a mess of blood on his fist, matched by the downed body of his dark doppelgänger, one that slowly began to morph into Twilight.

A horrified Peter stumbled back, falling over as he couldn't believe what just happened. "Tw-twi?"

The girl began to stand up, a look of death in her eyes as she glared at the boy, "Poor Peter..." Her voice echoed as her eyes began to glow green. "Always hurting the ones you love!" She lunged at him, her teeth turning sharp as she snarled maniacally at the hero. "How long before you're satisfied with the pain you inflict onto others!?" She began trying to claw at him, "And you call yourself a real hero!?"

Peter did his best to keep Twilight away from him, the demonic look in her eyes greatly startling the boy. "Twilight! I'm sorry! Please! Snap out of it! TWILIGHT!"

Seconds later, Peter fell through a hole, the other Twilight gone as he landed in a field of flowers, a strange and confusing sight for the hero.

"Where am I?" Peter asked.

"Don't worry, you're safe," Luna said, the mare trotting over to the hero, who had resumed his pony form.

"Kind of wish you came sooner, better late than never though," Peter said.

"I will always be here to protect you, but remember that I do have many others in Equestria that require my constant aid," Luna reminded.

"Of course, I would never take that from any of them," Peter said.

"Still...you remain in turmoil, no doubt the stress from earlier today," Luna said.

"Am I doing enough?" Peter asked. "Like, am I actually useful to Equestria?"

"Peter, you've done so much good here, don't let the negativity affect you," Luna said. "If not for you, I don't think I'd have the confidence to be who I am today."

"I appreciate that, but I just worry that my presence is causing suffering for others, and I don't want to be responsible for that," Peter said.

"Peter, you have just as much right to live in Equestria as anyone," Luna said. "The same goes for your friends. So long as they don't cause trouble, they are free to live here. What's happening isn't your fault, you yourself know that Equestria has faced danger far before you had come. Do not burden yourself with the world's responsibility."

"Well that's familiar advice," Peter commented.

"One you really should take," Luna said, gently stroking Peter's face. "It's endearing how much you care about others. You are very pure hearted Peter, don't ever change that about yourself."

"Pure heart may not be totally accurate," Peter said. "Whatever I saw, it felt real. It's like, deep down, that anger is raging in me. Given what happened at the tournament while fighting Ryu, I can't help but wonder if there really is something wrong with me."

"You don't know that, maybe it was the negative effect of Ryu's Dark Hadou," Luna suggested.

"Twilight said the magic looked real, it resembled Nightmare Moon," Peter said.

"Impossible, Nightmare Moon resides within me," Luna said.

"Yeah, that's true, still it seems kind of fishy," Peter said. "You haven't seen anything strange in my dreams, have you?"

"Not particularly," Luna said. "You're just stressed out, you need relief. Perhaps another vacation?"

"It's been a few years since the last one, but it feels like there's way too much to do to consider a vacation right now," Peter said. "That Multiverse Armageddon is supposed to be coming, I have to be ready."

"Of course," Luna said. "But, afterwards, maybe consider taking a break. It's good for your mental health."

"I will," Peter said. "Thanks Luna, really appreciate you coming here."

"It's nothing," Luna said, the mare blushing a bit. "You know I will always be here for you. Whenever you need me."

"Feeling is mutual, Luna," Peter said.

"Yes...of course," Luna said, gazing into Peter's eyes. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Peter?" Came Twilight's voice, the mare trotting over to her husband.

"Twilight?" Peter said. "Wow, you literally have become the girl of my dreams."

"This is quite a surprise," Luna said. "I did not expect to see you here."

"Well you did teach me about entering dreams," Twilight reminded. "I saw Peter struggling again, I got worried so I came in."

"Oh yes, I had taught you how to enter dreams," Luna said, feeling like a third wheel. "Well, I will leave you two be then."

As Luna left, Twilight trotted over to her husband, "What happened this time?"

"Well for starters, I had to deal with my usual critics," Peter said. "Gwen, Jameson, Harry, our friends from the future, even Gallus. Capcom showed up too, and I'm talking old, angry for no reason Capcom."

"Things seem to be getting worse," Twilight said. "Peter, I don't think we should hold therapy off much longer. You really need to talk about your problems."

"I can do it here," Peter said.

"I'd rather do it with our friends," Twilight said. "Logan has said he's willing to hear you discuss your struggles. He's already helped Mayday out a little."

"Logan has his own troubles, I don't want to burden him," Peter said.

"If it were a burden Peter, he wouldn't offer," Twilight said. "Besides, don't you trust Logan? Or our friends?"

"I do, but talking about my problems is so embarrassing sometimes," Peter said. "Especially when some of the other heroes suffered more than I did."

"It's not a competition," Twilight said. "Come tomorrow, we have to talk things over with our friends."

"Uh, what about discussing the pending destruction these villains threatened to unleash?" Peter reminded.

"That will come, but I need to make time for you," Twilight said. "Your feelings matter after all."

"There are way more important things than my feelings," Peter said. "The safety of the world is one of them. I don't want to be a distraction. I've already caused enough trouble for everyone, I don't want them to worry about me when they should be worrying about what really matters."

Twilight groaned in annoyance, "Peter, only you can be so selfless yet somehow, so self-centered."

"Huh? Wait, am I selfless or selfish then?" Peter asked.

"What I mean is that your actions come across as selfless, because I believe that's what you're trying to be," Twilight said. "But in doing so, you're acting like anything bad that happens in the world is because of you. You're not the center of everyone's grief Peter, you need to stop acting like you are."

"Well given prior examples..." Peter began.

"I don't want to hear it," Twilight said. "It is ironic though, I have hoped that one day ,you would be a little selfish, but I had hoped it'd at least be something that benefits your mental health, not worsen it."

"...You're giving me mixed signals Twi," Peter said. "Do you want me to be selfish or not?"

"What I want is for you to be happy with yourself for once in your life," Twilight said. "This guilt complex you have gets out of control. I know you feel terrible for what happened to your Uncle Ben and to your universe's Gwen, but-"

"It's...more than that though," Peter said.

"Huh? Is it about Harry?" Twilight asked. "Or your old friend Eddie?"

"Well that's part of it," Peter said.

"That settles it then, when our friends come over, you're confessing to everything," Twilight said.

"Wow, how fun," Peter sarcastically stated.

"I wouldn't do it if I didn't think it would help. If you're going to save the world though, you need to start with yourself," Twilight trotted over, affectionately placing her hoof on her husband's face. "I'm doing this because I love you, Peter. You do so much to make me and our family happy, I couldn't call myself your wife if I didn't try to mend the scars that plague your heart."

Peter bashfully rubbed his head, "Geez, you really get such a reaction out of me."

Within seconds, the background turned into a peaceful looking valley near some mountains and a large rainbow passing overhead and a city in the distance.

"Such a peaceful looking place," Twilight said.

"Yeah, but how did we get here?" Peter asked.

"Well this is your dream after all," Twilight said, nuzzling next to Peter. "Let's try to enjoy ourselves for a bit."

"Sounds good to me," Peter said, taking his wife in for a kiss.

Nearby, Luna was still present, the mare having not yet left Peter's dreams. She glanced back, feeling a bit jealous that Twilight has the stallion she yearned for herself. She resented her jealousy, knowing she should be happy for Peter and Twilight, but at the same time, it just made her wish she said something sooner.

Without another word, Luna left as the two lovers grew intimately closer, unable to bear much more of this. She simply focused her attention as Princess of the Night, but not without sadness anchoring her heart.

The following morning in Capcom's Base, Sunset, having just finished her breakfast, made her way to the gym. She put on her usual training gear of a black tank top with some black shorts and a red headband before entering the facility.

From what she could see, Jill was present, doing some pull ups, Tifa hitting the punching bag and Ken using the butterfly machine.

Sunset took a moment to see what she could work on. "Alright, I did my back yesterday, I can try my legs again but I feel like I should work on my upper body strength. Should I go with the free weights? Or try the machine?"

"Making decisions?" Came the voice of Leon, the man entering the room alongside Roll.

"Hi Sunset, going to work out again?" Roll asked.

"Sure am, you know me, I work out daily," Sunset said.

"Didn't Ryu say that's not smart?" Leon pointed out. "Your muscles need to rest."

"They can rest when I'm out on a mission, and not working at the gym," Sunset said.

"That doesn't count as rest, unless you're doing something light," Leon said. "Even so, don't overdo it. Even the strongest fighters in this world know to take breaks."

"I'll keep that in mind, but I do need to get stronger," Sunset said. "I want to be able to keep up with all of you."

"I get that, seems like you've really adapted to the Capcom mindset," Leon said. "Just be smart about it. You know we all like you and we're willing to let you grow at your own pace. You've made progress since you started your training. You've even been helpful in missions here, helping Dante slay some demons and helping Chris bring down B.O.W.s is nothing to sneeze at."

"Even so, I feel like I still have a long way to go," Sunset said.

"Hehe, you sound more like one of us every passing day," Roll said.

"She's right. No one ever stops training, Ryu's practically a Master and he still looks for new ways to push himself," Leon said. "It's kind of like a curse for us, we're striving to always be better. For some of us, it's out of desire. For others, it's out of duty. I chose to be a cop, so I want to be better, but given that I had to fight zombies on the first day of work, I had to learn fast."

"So, I should throw myself into extremely dangerous situations and hope my body adapts?" Sunset asked.

Leon and Roll offered a confused glance toward one another.

"Uh, no, that's far off from what I'm trying to explain," Leon said, focusing back on Sunset. "Just stick to what Ryu and the others tell you for now."

"Yeah, I'll do that," Sunset said. "I still want to learn everyone's fighting styles. Ryu's taught me a lot about the Anatsuken, at least the non-lethal parts."

"Try not to get cursed," Leon said.

"Leon!" Roll scolded.

"Don't worry, I do not plan to turn into a demon again," Sunset said.

"Again?" Leon asked. "Oh right, you turned into one before when you first met Spider-Man."

"Not my proudest moment," Sunset admitted. "I can fully understand why Ryu is so worried, especially after transforming the other day."

"That got everyone worried, same with Spider-Man's transformation," Leon said.

"I have to talk to Peter about that," Sunset said. "Fortunately we're heading to the Parker-Sparkle home later today, we can get to the bottom of this."

"With any luck at least," Leon said. "Especially given the impending danger."

"That I'm aware of, that's why I need to be strong," Sunset said. "And why I need to train hard."

"You've been training outside our world too, right?" Roll asked.

"Yes, I've gotten to train in Namco with Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law," Sunset said, recalling some of her time training.


"Punch harder!" Paul instructed as Sunset was hitting a punching bag. "Really make that thing feel it!"

"Think of fighting like finding the perfect recipe for your next meal!" Law said. "It takes a lot of trial and error, but worth it in the end as the right style sends your tastebuds into a higher state of existence!"

Sunset unleashed further on the punching bag, generating some magic on her hand, "SHORYUKEN!" She hit it hard to send it flying, the girl wiping some sweat from her head. "How was that?"

"Awesome...but I'm pretty sure that wasn't an actual Shoryuken, you just hit an uppercut and shouted the word," Paul said. "I've been hit by a Shoryken, and that was not it."

"But the enthusiasm is appreciated," Law said.

"Thank you," Sunset said, bowing to her instructors.

"Now...did Chun-Li say anything about payment?" Paul asked.

"...Huh?" Sunset replied.

End Flashback

"Turns out Chun-Li really was offering to pay them, made me really want to work hard so her money was worth it," Sunset said.

"Well everyone needs to make money somehow," Leon said. "Law really wants to open another restaurant, but not many investors trust him since the last time he really got his restaurant going, he got into a fight with some people because they didn't like how his food tasted."

"Paul just likes getting paid, but oddly enough, it's not his main motivation for fighting," Roll said. "Like any martial artist, he just wants to be good."

"Best in the Universe!" Sunset said, mimicking Paul's voice. "Or now, he wants to be Best in the Multiverse."

"That guy sure aims high," Leon said. "You've done a lot of training in your time."

"Sure have, ever since my desire a couple of years ago," Sunset said. “It’s been an interesting few years so to speak.”


Capcom World: China. Interpol Base.

"Bring all that power to your legs," Chun-Li said, showing off her stance that Sunset attempted to copy. "Focus all your Chi for this one strike!"

Chun-Li effortlessly kicked through a cement wall. Sunset, who was wearing a red Kung Fu uniform, looked on in amazement. "Whoa..."

"Your turn," Chun-Li said.

Sunset sent a kick through a wooden wall, barely breaking through, "Aw..."

"Don't be discouraged, no seed becomes a tree overnight," Chun-Li said. "Try again."

Capcom World: America. California Beach.

"Come on, this is supposed to be a light jog," Ken said, running along the water with a tired Sunset behind him, the girl wearing a black tank top with some shorts.

"We've been running for three hours straight, how is that light?" Sunset asked, the girl wiping some sweat away.

"You can do better, I know you have it in you," Ken said. "Really work those leg muscles, we're almost done with the warm-up."

"Wow, quite a warm up," Sunset said, chuckling to herself, if to hide her worry.

Capcom World: Japan. Suzaku Castle.

"Again!" Ryu instructed as Sunset threw a punch. "Again! But keep your arm straight!"

"Seems easier said than done," Sunset said, trying to keep it so. This time she was wearing a Gi similar to Ryu's, only with a white belt.

"It's about proper posture, work on your stance!" Ryu instructed, demonstration for the girl. "If you lack balance, you lack control!"

"Right, balance, control," Sunset said, trying to do the punch properly.

"Still wobbly, again!" Ryu instructed.

Capcom World: America. Air Force Base.

"Stay crouched, and wait for your moment," Guile instructed, Sunset copying his mannerisms. "Sometimes the best offence is a great defense."

"Yes sir," Sunset said, the girl wearing her black tank top, but with camouflage shorts.

"Wait for your moment and..." A moving punching bag came close as Guile quickly knocked it back with his Flash Kick. "Just like that. Now I wouldn't suggest using the Flash Kick, not yet. Focus on another attack."

"I will," Sunset said.

Guile stood up, "Bring out the next one!"

A punching bag came moving at Sunset, the girl leaping for a knee strike, but got hit with the bag instead. "Ow..."

"That'll happen," Guile said. "Get up and try again."

Capcom World: England. Delta Red Base.

"When fighting, it's good to laser focus on your goals," Cammy instructed. "You need good posture, a little stiff but flexible enough to move."

"Right then," Sunset said, the girl wearing a green one-piece suit similar to Cammy's.

"Lock on! And strike!" Cammy said, gesturing to a dummy.

"Hi-ya!" Sunset rushed to attack but completely missed. "Ow..."

"Shake it off and try again," Cammy instructed.

"Yes ma'am," Sunset said, pulling at her suit. "Hey, this kind of rides up a little, is it necessary?"

"If you want speed, then yes," Cammy said. "Put your shame aside, and keep going."

"Yeah, alright," Sunset said, trying again.

Capcom World: India. Mahajara Palace.

In a room inhabited by elephants, Sunset, dressed in Shakti Yoga gear, was practicing some meditation with Dhalsim, though was bothered by the nearby elephant noises.

"Can't we go somewhere more quiet?" Sunset asked.

"If you wish to truly master Yoga, you must be able to relax your mind no matter where you are," Dhalsim said. "Do not let the outside world cloud your mind. Find peace even in the toughest of situations."

"Alright..." Sunset said, trying again. While the Elephants weren't that bad, their occasional sounds were distracting to her. "Geez, how does Master Dhalsim handle the noise?" Something else occurred to her. "Oh right, will this help me breathe fire?"

"That comes later," Dhalsim said. "Focus, no more distractions."

"Yes sir," Sunset said, trying again. "Wait, how does-"

"Sunset...if you cannot focus, you will not achieve your enlightenment," Dhalsim said.

"Sorry, I just have a lot that I'm thinking about," Sunset said.

"There will be time for that later, but if you can't clear your mind, you will overwhelm yourself," Dhalsim instructed. "I know you can do this, my child. Clear your mind."

"Okay..." Susnet said. She did as told and was coming close to finding that inner peace, but elephant noise knocked her out of it. "This is going to be troubling."

Capcom World: America. BSAA HQ.

"Keep'em coming!" Chris instructed as he brought more targets for Sunset to shoot. This time she had a full army suit and a vest to complete it.

"Chris, when can I try the machine gun?" Sunset asked, firing away with her handgun.

"Later, and this time, don't act like you're some action movie star," Chris said. "Take this seriously."

"I will," Sunset said, firing at the targets. "Oh, what about grenades?"

"Focus!" Chris instructed. "Keep firing!"

Capcom World: Africa. BSAA HQ.

Sunset, now wearing her usual training gear, was sparing with Jill, the woman in her battle suit.

Despite her best efforts, Jill kept taking her down with relative ease. "Come on, I know you're better than that."

"Sorry, you're too quick," Sunset said.

"Then be quicker," Jill ordered.

"Dang Jill," a nearby Carlos said. "Go easy on the poor girl, she's doing her best."

"This is not her best, I know she can do better," Jill said. "Try again, Sunset."

"Yes ma'am," Sunset said, going to attack again, and getting flipped over. "Ow!"

"You got this Sunset! Believe in yourself!" Carlos encouraged, then noticed the nearby Sheva Alomar. "Hey, Sheva, wanna join us?"

"Maybe later," Sheva said, wincing a bit at Jill's training of Sunset. "That's gotta hurt."

Capcom World: America. Devil May Cry Office.

Sunset, now dressed in her tank top and black pants, swung around a sword at Dante's instruction.

"Should I be doing this in here? I don't want to break anything," Sunset said.

"You're fine, don't worry," Dante insisted, the man kicking back and eating some pizza. "It's good to practice in tight spaces, never know when a fight could break out. You want to be ready."

"Good point," Sunset said, swinging the sword some more. She turned to Dante, wiping some sweat off of her. "Hey, any chance you can save some pizza for me?"

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna leave you without any," Dante said. "But only if you put in the work."

"Alright, here we go," Sunset said, trying different moves.

Not only was Dante observing, so were Trish and Lady, both amazed by Sunset's determination.

"Think she's any good?" Lady asked.

"She's still learning, but she has potential," Trish said. "I think she'll do great."

Capcom World: Doctor Light's Lab.

Sunset, dressed in robotic armor, was doing a run and gun test alongside Mega Man.

"This is a basic drill, stay focused and don't lose motivation," Mega Man said.

"Right, of course," Sunset said as she used a blaster to take down some training robots. "Not too bad."

"It'll get harder as time progresses, so don't get too comfortable," Mega Man warned, as he too blasted some robots.

"You got it," Sunset said, blasting more training robots. A bunch more began to come, faster than Sunset could blast. "Rock, what's going on? Is this normal?"

"Yeah, of course," Mega Man said.

Soon a bunch of traps were going off, Sunset had to avoid some lasers and pit falls, the girl getting increasingly worried. "Uh, why is it getting so hard already!?"

"Huh? This is the easy part," Mega Man said.

"How can this be easy!?" Sunset asked, taking the high ground and blasting. "This is very difficult!"

"Man, you're really not going to like the later levels," Mega Man said. "Just wait until we get to the simulations of my prior enemies. I get the feeling you're gonna hate Yellow Devil."

Sunset leapt to safety, landing in front of a simulated Met robot. "You look harmless." She blasted the robot, who ducked into his helmet, the attack deflecting. She tried again, all of the attacks deflecting. Sunset furrowed her brow as she kept firing. "Why won't you die!?"

"Sunset, that's not going to kill it," Mega Man said.

She kept firing, but the attacks kept deflecting. Getting irritated, Sunset began to charge up, really letting the power build in her gun. "Try to dodge this then!"

"Sunset, wait...WAIT!"

"DIE!" Sunset let off a big explosion that destroyed entire simulation, much to Doctor Light's annoyance.

"Auto, please get that cleaned up," Light said.

"Sure thing," Auto said, going to clean the mess.

Capcom World: Scotland. Cave near Castle.

"Uh, why am I wearing this?" Sunset asked, gesturing to a suit that resembled that of Morrigan.

"Because you look cute in that," Morrigan said, the succubus seductively glancing at Sunset. "My, you have such a nice figure, much better than I expected."

"Uh, thanks?" Sunset said, the girl covering up a bit. "Also why are we here? This place is kind of spooky."

"It's just a cave dear, nothing spooky about it," Morrigan said.

Sunset freaked when she thought she heard something, "So like...no monsters?"

"My dear Sunset, no one will take you seriously as a warrior if you let such trivial things get to you," Morrigan said. "A true warrior doesn't get so easily scared. If you sense danger, treat it like you would treat any other danger."

"Right, of course," Sunset said.

"But, if you do get really scared, don't be afraid to come to me," Morrigan said, the woman flying over and affectionately cupping Sunset's face cheeks. "I will take good care of you, and fill you with the most amazing feelings you could possibly imagine."

Sunset's face turned red, the girl immediately taking a step back, "Hey! Are you trying to get me to let my guard down so you can steal my life force or something!?"

"Now what makes you think I'm trying to do that?" Morrigan teased.

"Starting to see why no one wanted me training with you," Sunset said.

"Yet you came, despite the protest," Morrigan said. "And why may I ask did you choose to do that?"

"Because you're strong, and I respect you as a fighter," Sunset said. "If you can make me stronger, I want to take that chance."

"Good on you," Morrigan said. "I can see that strong will in you, it's very admirable."

"Uh, thanks," Sunset said.

"Attractive too," Morrigan added.

"Can you knock it off!?" Sunset shouted. "I'm not in the mood to get laid, not in a place like this anyway."

"So...the location is what's bothering you?" Morrigan asked, flaunting her breasts.

Sunset grumbled in annoyance, "Get out of my head!"

Square World: Aboard the Highwind.

Sunset, wearing her traditional training gear, was seen boxing with Tifa standing nearby and observing.

"Focus on precision over power for now, a few good punches is sometimes better than one powerful punch," Tifa said.

"Right," Sunset said, focusing on one part.

As she trained, Cloud walked by, also observing her skills. "She's getting faster."

"She's got the tenacity, she just needs to focus on balance," Tifa said. "But that comes with practice."

"Well let me know when she's done, she and I have some weightlifting to do," Cloud said. "Plus she wanted to practice with Materia more."

"I won't hold her for too long," Tifa insisted. "Stick around, see her progress."

"Sounds good to me," Cloud said, taking a seat as Sunset continued.

Square World: Wutai Village.

"Try dodging these!" Yuffie said, the ninja girl tossing some fake shuriken.

Sunset, dressed in ninja gear, did her best to dodge, but ultimately failed. "Geez, if those were real, I'd be dead."

"You tend to get frantic when dodging," Yuffie said. "I know it's hard to focus when you think you're going to die, but if you can't maintain a calm composure all the time, then you're going to risk getting hurt. Have the confidence that you can pull it off."

"I'll do my best," Sunset said. "Let's try again."

"One day we can practice with the real thing," Yuffie said, getting some fake kunai. "For now, just do your best with this."

Square World: SeeD Training Facility.

"GAH!" Sunset shouted, the girl wearing a spare SeeD Univorm. She was blasting monsters in the facility. "Squall! How did this Academy get these monsters in the first place!?"

"Don't ask," Squall said. "Just hurry up, Professor Trepe only gave us an hour to use this place."

"If I can even make it that long!" Sunset said, blasting the monsters.

"You've handled worse, stop overreacting," Squall said, sighing to himself. "I told her to train with Zell but no, she wanted to push herself. Now she's acting like she's biting off more than she can chew."

Sunset blasted a monster, the last one in existence. Feeling relieved, she did a quick pose. "Da-da-da-daa-da-dah...Da-da-daaa!"

"Never do that again!" Squall said.

"But Prompto does it, Barret too sometimes," Sunset said.

"They have their own sections of this world, you're in mine," Squall said. "Get ready for the next round."

Namco World: Japan. Mishima Zaibatsu.

Sunset, wearing her usual training gear was sparring with Xiaoyu, and while the former was not as experienced, she held her own against the King of Iron Fist veteran.

"You're doing great, Sunset!" Ling said, throwing a punch that Sunset side stepped.

"Thanks, glad I'm improving," Sunset said, going for a kick.

Xiaoyu backflipped away, going for a blow that Sunset parried.

"You're open!" Sunset tried to attack from behind, but Xiaoyu was quick to fight back, using her Backwards fighting style to hit Sunset with some elbows and kicks. "Whoa!"

"Never assume victory," Xiaoyu said, leaping and hitting Sunset with a kick that knocked her down. "It could lead to your downfall."

"Thanks," Sunset said, standing back on her feet. "Didn't know you could fight backwards."

"It comes in handy, this way I'm well-guarded no matter where my opponent is," Xiaoyu explained. "I can teach it to you, but it's gonna take some time to pick up. It requires an excellent sense of awareness and balance."

"I'm all for it," Sunset said, then noticed Jin making his way into the room. "Hi Jin!"

"Oh, you're here," Jin said, passing by. "Training with Xiaoyu?"

"She's a great trainer," Sunset said.

"You should join us, teach her that Mishima-Kazama hybrid style of yours," Xiaoyu said.

"Maybe later," Jin said, heading toward a practice dummy. "I have some working out to do. Feel free to keep sparring, just leave me out of it."

"Wait, how about I spar with you instead?" Sunset asked.

"You're not ready for me," Jin said, striking the dummy with an electric punch. "Maybe if you improve, but that can be a long way from now."

Sunset furrowed her brow as Xiaoyu gestured her away. "Come on, let's keep fighting."

"Sure thing," Sunset said.

Namco World: Sea Horse Hotel.

Sunset, dressed in Brazilian type gear, was seeing practicing Capoeira with Christie Monteiro near the Electric Fountain.

"This feels a bit like dancing," Sunset said, practicing the moves.

"It is in a way, fighting and dancing both involve proper rhythm," Christie said, throwing a kick. "From what I've heard, Equestrians love music."

"Yeah, I was actually in a band, sort of," Sunset said, trying her own attack. "This feels kind of natural."

"It should be," Christie said, showing off more. "You're doing great by the way, soon you might be ready to train with Eddy."

"Awesome, I look forward to that," Sunset said.

Namco World: Iselia Forest.

Sunset, dressed in a mage cloak and hat, was trying out a Kendama under the instruction of Genis Sage.

"Focus your magic on this one item, then unleash it on your enemies," Genis said. "It might take some time, some spells are complicated but worth it. Soon you will be able to do those spells much faster."

"Sure, sounds great," Sunset said, trying to focus her magic. "Fireball!" A small fire came out, much to Sunset's annoyance. "Oh come on!"

"You'll get there, at least you can use your mana well, that's better than most people," Genis said.

"This magic's different than what I'm used to," Sunset said. "Is this Elven magic?"

"Yeah, around here elves do most of the magic," Genis said. "Humans can do it too, but they usually need to have some elven ancestry or something, or gifted Elven magic, like the Chosen."

"Funny that's how it works here, guess magic has all types of rules," Sunset said.

"Of course, even Unicorn magic is different than what an elf can do," Genis said. "But I know humans can do magic in other realms without elven stuff. Like Rita Mordio."

"Speaking of Rita, I gotta get to Aspio soon, she's got some magic spells to teach me," Sunset said.

"She should be coming soon," Genis said, just as a portal began opening. "Oh, that might be her."

Indeed Rita had come through thanks to a Rheaird, "Wow these things are handy, glad we figured out how to amplify their power to traverse more dimensions."

"Hey Rita, I'm just about done training with Genis," Sunset said.

"It's no rush, I came by early because I needed a break," Rita said. "Some of the mages were annoying me. I couldn't even get alone time in my home with everyone knocking on my door and asking for advice. I kind of miss the days where they didn't want to be near me."

"Well you did help save your world, so you're kind of a celebrity," Genis said. "I've gotten attention too, not all of it good due to my Elven Ancestry, but most people are just grateful."

"Why don't you stay here for our training then?" Sunset asked.

"Sure, this is a peaceful forest anyway," Rita said. "Doesn't a friend of yours live around here, Genis?"

"Yeah, Lloyd's not home right now but his house isn't too far away," Genis said.

"Lloyd uses two swords, right?" Sunset asked. "Is it difficult for him?"

"Probably was at first, but he's not bad considering he was self-taught for a long time," Genis said. "He got better thanks to a mercenary we met years ago."

"Being self-taught can be rewarding," Sunset said. "But having friends makes it better."

"I wholeheartedly agree," Genis said.

"Same, but I won't say it out loud, it's a bit embarrassing," Rita said, opening her book. "Alright, let's get to it."

SNK World: America. South Town Village.

Sunset, dressed in her typical training gear, was practicing some moves from her three spectators. From Terry Bogard, she was learning his street brawling style. From Andy Bogard, she was learning his Koppoken Karate. From Joe Higashi, she was learning his Muy Thai.

Sunset was currently practicing Terry's moves, mimicking the mannerisms of his Buster Wolf, only without the fire.

"Alright, try Andy's style next," Terry instructed.

"Yes sir!" Sunset said.

"You don't gotta call me 'Sir'," Terry said. "Keep it casual with me."

"Let's not make it too casual, we're training her after all," Andy said. "Sunset Shimmer, do the moves I taught you."

"You got it," Sunset said, practicing Andy's moves. "Gotta say, this feels kind of natural for me."

"I should hope so, I learned this style of martial arts since I wasn't as muscular as my brother here, so I had to make use of my limitations, and turn it into strength," Andy said. "Koppoken is good for those with smaller statures."

"So I don't have to worry about bulking up then?" Sunset asked.

"Well...don't take this the wrong way but...bulking up may not work for you," Terry said. "Since you're a woman and all."

"...I know you meant no offence but I would like a little elaboration just so I understand why," Sunset said.

"Women aren't meant to be overly muscular, it's not good for their body," Andy said. "You can have muscles of course, but don't try to copy my brother's physique."

"That makes sense, even She-Hulk isn't as muscular as The Hulk," Sunset said.

"I hate to say it, but genetically, men are stronger than women," Terry said. "There's exceptions to the rules but you need to understand that if you want to improve yourself."

"You can totally fight a man though ,you just have to know how," Joe said. "Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, use your strength to fight their weakness."

Sunset threw a powerful punch, "So how do I do that?"

"No matter how strong a person is, the moment that person lets his or her guard down, that person is subject to a critical strike," Andy said.

"Be smart when fighting," Joe said. "You're an intelligent woman, you can definitely pull it off."

"Nothing you can't do," Terry said.

"Thanks boys, I appreciate what you're doing for me," Sunset said.

"Any time," Terry said.

After a few drills, it was time for Sunset to practice her Muy Thai. "Hey Joe, is it possible to learn wind techniques too?"

"Maybe, focus on the basics right now," Joe said. "I'll teach you wind later."

"Sure," Sunset said, practicing more.

Sega World: Japan. Yuki Budokan Dojo.

Sunset, dressed in a Gi, focused hard on a training dummy under the guidance of Akira Yuki.

"Know your enemy's weak points, and fight hard!" Akira instructed.

"Yes sensei," Sunset said, hitting harder and harder strikes.

"After this, you will be sparring with Sarah," Akira said, gesturing to the woman in question. "She will not be an easy opponent."

"I'll try not to hurt you," Sarah insisted.

"...That sounds a bit patronizing," Sunset said.

"Just focus," Akira said, allowing Sunset to continue.

Sega World. South Island. Green Hill.

Sunset, wearing her usual street clothes, was holding a Blue Chaos Emerald, trying to focus her attention on it's magic. Despite her attempts, she could not bring out it's potential, and nearly injured herself when the Emerald zapped her.

"Whoa, you okay Sunset?" Sonic asked, the hedgehog joined by Amy, Tails, Knuckles and Cream.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Sunset said. "This is just proving to be more difficult than I anticipated."

"Don't push yourself too hard, those Emeralds are a bit tricky to figure out," Sonic said.

"But they do lead to some pretty amazing things to discover," Tails said. "Each Emerald even has it's own gift."

"Really do want to figure it out," Sunset said. "But, my magic is based on Harmony. That's the opposite of Chaos, which is considered a bad thing in my world."

"Not all Chaos is bad," Amy said.

"Chaos is Power enriched by the heart," Knuckles said. "If your heart is pure, the Chaos will be too."

"That's a bit unusual to hear, but different worlds have different rules," Sunset said. "But if I can't pull this off, does that mean I'm not pure?"

"Don't say that, you're plenty pure," Sonic said.

"Thanks, but it sounds like you're just trying to be nice," Sunset said.

"That doesn't make it any less true, Miss Sunset," Cream said.

"You're learning something new, go easy on yourself," Amy said.

"We're here to help," Tails encouraged.

"Thanks, you're a friendly bunch," Sunset said.

"Hey, why don't we try sparring a bit, I know you want to get physically strong," Knuckles said.

"Oh totally," Sunset said, taking her jacket off and getting into a stance. "So, you're up first Knuckles?"

"Sounds good to me," Knuckles said, slamming his fists together.

"Try to go easy on her," Amy said.

"Don't worry, I got this," Knuckles said, generating some electric power. "SHIFT ROCK!"

Knuckles moved too fast for Sunset to catch and caught her with a punch that sent her flying, a scene that startled Knuckles and his friend.

"KNUCKLES!" Amy scolded, much to Knuckles's embarrassment.

"Sorry, I took it too far, didn't I?" Knuckles said.

"Smooth move, Knucklehead," Sonic scolded, much to Knuckles's annoyance.

Dragon World: Mount Paozu.

Sunset was currently assisting Goku and Piccolo by using precision to punch some cabbages into a crate. Sunset had a harder time than the other two.

"Goku, I don't think I'm doing this right," Sunset said.

"Don't worry about doing it correctly right away, just focus on your technique," Goku instructed.

"She's got talent, that's for sure," Piccolo said. "But she also seems too hard on herself."

"Yeah, she wants to be great right now, and I understand that, I respect it too," Goku said. "But if she's too impatient, she's going to slip up."

"Hopefully she doesn't end up with a chip on her shoulder like Vegeta has," Piccolo said. "I can sense the pride in her voice at times."

"Pride's not a terrible thing, so long as we remind her to maintain some humility," Goku said. "But I don't think any of us can talk. We've both had our moments after all."

"Yeah, even Gohan has had a few himself," Piccolo said. "But I can also tell she has a passion for getting strong, that's something I'd definitely want to nurture."

"In time, she'll be the strongest in her world," Goku said. "I can promise that."

Marvel World: New York. Sanctum Sanctorum.

"Keep circling your finger," Strange instructed to Sunset, the girl wearing a Sorcerer’s Training Robe. "Imagine where you want to go."

"Why am I doing this exactly? I know how to open portals," Sunset said.

"Yes, recklessly at points," Strange said. "This allows for better control."

"Ugh...I was hoping you'd teach me to use the Eye of Agamotto or something," Sunset said. "Or teach me stuff from the Book of Vishanti."

"That impatience you're showing is why I'm starting you from the basics," Strange said. "Don't make the same mistake with me that you made with Celestia, I will not be as nice as she was."

"Alright fine," Sunset said, trying again. "I get the feeling he just doesn't take me seriously. Everyone else I trained with was tough, but they respected that I could handle it at least."

"I heard that," Strange telepathically communicated, freaking Sunset out.

"Hey! No mind reading!" Sunset said.

"Then focus," Strange ordered as Sunset continued.

End Montage.

As Sunset thought to herself, Leon was waving his hand in front of her face. "Sunset!"

"Huh?" Sunset snapped out of it.

"Finally, you zoned out for like five minutes," Leon said. "Felicia just passed by looking worried about you."

"I thought Leon said something stupid to you!" Felicia called from the treadmill.

"Hey!" Leon said.

"No offense, but you do tend to run your mouth," Felicia said.

Leon turned to Roll, "Do I really do that?"

"Well, you do say dumb one-liners sometimes because you want to sound cool," Roll said.

"Who asked you?" Leon said, then focused back on Sunset. "Just keep doing what you're doing, and you'll be fine."

"Yeah, I will," Sunset said.

"By the way...have you learned anything about the Changelings?" Leon asked. "Like, are they still a threat? Does Equestria have anything to worry about?"

"Aside from the ones Chrysalis still leads, they're mostly fine in Equestria," Sunset said.

"Okay...it's just that, you know, after the other day at the Tournament," Leon said. "I just wanted to be sure that-"

"It's fine, if anything pops up, Twilight will say something," Sunset said. "Now, I'm gonna hit the weights."

"Sure," Leon said as Sunset approached a bench press machine. Leon then noticed Roll was glaring. "What is it?"

"Still think your little stunt from a few years ago was worth it?" Roll asked.

"Chrysalis was about to attack, and after seeing what Sweetie Belle had to go through, I did not want to risk it affecting Equestria any more than it needed to," Leon said.

"You still overreacted, just because they were gonna cause problems in the future doesn't mean you needed to not give them a chance in the present," Roll said.

"I know what I saw, if I did nothing, Spider-Man, his friends and his family would be dead," Leon said. "Seems like Chrysalis is still going to be trouble, I need to go to Equestria to finish what I started. Then I can report to Sweetie Belle that at least one timeline won't suffer."

Roll sighed in concern, "I hope you know what you're doing."

Leon chuckled to himself. "I hope so too. I also hope I really don't need to worry about those Changelings. Especially Ocellus."

"Roll! Leon!" Came Sakura's voice as she entered the gym. "Sorry I'm late, I ran into that Spartan guy and his son. Did you know he has a friend that's a talking head?"

"I think everyone knows about Mimir," Leon said. "That guy really runs his mouth."

"Like you?" Roll said.

"Put a cork in it," Leon said.

"Also, I ran into Viper as well, according to her, Madame Web is taking us to Equestria in like an hour," Sakura said.

"Alright, thanks for the update," Leon said. "Come on, we got some of our own training to do."

"Sweet, let's hit the weights!" Sakura said, the three heading to their workout.

In Equestria a bit later, Twilight had invited all her Element Friends over, all of whom had brought their husbands.

In addition, Laura, Lightning Dust, Thunderlane, The Crusaders, Rumble, his entire squad, Autumn Blaze and Scott Lang were there. MJ, Harry and Flash were present as well, and while Harry wanted to be elsewhere, he sucked it up and endured. The rest of the Fantastic Four were there, along with Franklin, alongside Shining Armor, Cadance and Flurry Heart, with their Crystaller Sunburst.

Luster Dawn also came by, not for official business, but to see Mayday.

To Peter's surprise, Kitty Pride, Kurt and Matt were present as well. "Whoa, I can understand Kitty and Kurt since they visit from time to time, but Matt?"

"Twilight called, she said you needed some assistance, both physical and personal," Matt said.

"Well this is gonna be embarrassing," Peter said.

Mayday, Trixie, Starlight, Spike, Janet, Hope, Benjy and Aunt May of course were present, amazed by the turn out.

"I can't believe so many ponies fit in here," Mayday said.

"Well according to Twilight, Pinkie Pie threw a party for her on her first day in Ponyville, and invited the entire town," Starlight said. "Given that this house got expanded since then, I guess this place isn't too crowded."

"I don't think I like seeing so many ponies, but on the bright side, it's ponies I know," Mayday said.

"Don't worry Mayday," Franklin said, getting her attention, along with Flurry Heart and Luster Dawn. "We'll stay in your room."

"Sounds good to me," Mayday said.

Franklin gave Mayday a quick kiss on the cheek, "Good to see you today, though."

"Aw, you too," Mayday said, blushing a bit. She then saw Flurry and Luster Dawn awing at that. "What? It's just a kiss on the cheek."

"Yeah, and it's cute," Flurry said.

"Whatever, let's just go," Mayday said, the girl quickly trotting away.

"Aw, she's cute when she's embarrassed," Luster Dawn said, following her with Flurry and Franklin right behind her.

"Man, this place is gonna get packed once Capcom shows up," Peter said. "Same with Gwen and those spiders."

"Don't worry, I talked things over with Madame Web," Twilight said. "She has an idea."

"Alright good," Peter said.

"First thing's first, you have some explaining to do," Twilight said.

"In front of everyone?" Peter asked. "Isn't this a bit much?"

"Peter, I know it's embarrassing but...it's important that everyone knows what's happening with you," Twilight said. "I thought about bringing Luna, but when I contacted Celestia about it, she said Luna was asleep."

"Makes sense," Peter said.

"Celestia herself will be here later with Steve Rogers and a few others," Twilight said. "Right now it's just everyone here."

"What do you mean 'just'?" Peter said.

"You know what I mean," Twilight said. "Now go on, get on with it."

"...This is gonna be so embarrassing," Peter said, then got the attention of everyone present. "Hey, how's it going?"

"Going good, Peter," Johnny said.

"Awesome, now it looks like all of you are here for some villain stuff, correct?" Peter asked. "That's what you came here for?"

"Yeah, Twilight said that's part of it," Wade said.

"She also said you had something to get off your chest," Fluttershy said. "Something that's been bothering you."

"We think we know what it is too," Bobby said. "It's those naysayers right? Or as we say in Equestira, Neigh-Sayers!"

"Bobby, please never do that again," Janet said.

"Oh come on, I heard Trixie say it once," Bobby said.

"Well I am a pony, it sounds natural when I do it," Trixie said.

"Bogus explanation!" Bobby said.

"Well, you're close it is the naysayers," Peter said, the hero feeling awkward. "Sorry, I don't think I'm ready for this."

"It's fine, Peter, I didn't expect it to be easy, so I figured we all could make it easy for you," Twilight said, then got everyone's attention. "As a lot of you may know, Peter's life hasn't been exactly easy."

"Understatement of the century," Johnny said.

"He's dealt with a lot of hardships but he does his best to press on, because he wants to be strong," Twilight said. "Not just for the people he protects, but those he calls his friends. Peter doesn't want you to worry about him, but I think it's safe to say that, we all worry anyway."

"Oh yeah," Wade said.

"All the time," Janet added.

"Ah think about it a lot," Applejack said.

"Me too," Apple Bloom agreed.

"Peter has a lot of pent up frustration, I figured it would be important if he could tell us how he was feeling, but it might help if some of you shared your emotions," Twilight said.

"Oh! I'll go first!" Autumn Blaze said, clearing her throat. "Peter, as you know, we Kirin once had a terrible curse placed on us. None of us could talk because well, we didn't want to hurt each other's feelings. That led to us bottling everything up, and honestly, that's just not healthy is it."

"Of course not," Peter said.

"I still remember when we first met, by pure luck," Autumn Blaze said.

A Few Years Ago.

Peter while on a trip with his friends, came across Kirin Grove. Twilight was fascinated with the new culture while the rest of her friends went to mingle, but quickly realized no one was talking.

Applejack and Fluttershy took some initiative to find a cure while explored the village and the others tried non verbal ways to communicate.

"So, this whole town is cursed into silence?" Peter asked, the stallion sitting with Autumn Blaze near a waterfall."

"Yeah, one bad argument and everyone thought it'd be better to just not say anything," Autumn Blaze said. "Personally, I hated the silence. Fortunately I stumbled on a bed of Foal's Breath flowers and it turned out they could restore the ability to speak. I made myself some and boom, instant talking."

"Oh, so you have a cure?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, but no one else wants it," Autumn Blaze said. "What's the point of being able to talk if no one wants to talk to you back?"

"I can almost understand," Peter said. "I'm normally shy so talking is not my strong suit."

"You? You don't seem shy," Autumn Blaze said.

"I endure it," Peter explained.

"Endure? Oh no, am I making things bad for you?" Autumn Blaze asked. "I'm not making you awkward, am I?"

"No, you're good, I'm talking to you because I want to," Peter said. "Shy as I can be, if I know you're a nice person, I don't mind getting to know you. And I can tell you're a great person to be around, or rather, great Kirin, Autum Blaze."

"Aw, you're sweet," Autumn Blaze said, the girl blushing a bit.

"But I can understand why harsh words can be bad, sometimes when you're angry, you say things you don't mean, and you want nothing more than to take them back," Peter said. "I once said something terrible to someone, and not a day goes by that I wish I could take it back."

"I'm sorry to hear, did this someone you mentioned move away?" Autumn Blaze asked.

"Sort of," Peter said, not wanting to go into detail. "But even so, that taught me something. Not saying stuff is never a good idea, because all that frustration will bottle up and explode. It's alright to tell someone if you're feeling angry, or sad, or scared. If that person is your friend, then that person will understand."

"So...it's alright to be angry then?" Autumn Blaze asked.

"Of course, just don't hurt someone with that anger," Peter said. "I'm not saying it will be easy, but I think it's better than pretending the problem doesn't exist at all."

"Yeah, you're absolutely right! I want to tell that to the other Kirin, but they just don't want to listen to reason!" Autumn Blaze said, the girl getting frustrated. "Ugh, it really ticks me off that they're all so stubborn about it, it makes me wanna...wanna..." For a brief second, Autumn turned into a Nirik and shouted in frustration. "Whoa...that just came out."

"Do you feel better?" Peter asked.

"A little," Autumn Blaze said. "Glad you're not scared, the whole Nirik thing can be freaky, especially to outsiders."

"Oh so that's what that was," Peter said. "Seems like you have a lot of power in that form, just use it responsibly."

"I will," Autumn Blaze said. "So, think you can help me?"

"It won't be easy, but with my friends around, I think we can pull it off," Peter said.

"Yeah, let's do it!" Autumn Blaze said. "Oh, and Peter?"

"Yeah?" Peter asked.

"Thanks for talking with me, it's been so long since I had a real conversation," Autumn Blaze said.

"Sure, you got it," Peter replied. "You should come by Ponyville some time, a lot of friendly ponies live there. Plus I'd love for you to meet my daughter."

"Aw, you have a daughter?" Autumn Blaze asked.

"Totally, here's a picture," Peter said, pulling one out and showing the Kirin girl.

"Oh...my...goodness!" Autumn Blaze said, awing at the picture. "Your daughter is so CUTE!"

"Gets it from her mom," Peter said. "Speaking of mom, let's go meet up with Twilight."

"Lead the way," Autumn Blaze said, following Peter.

Present Day

"You really helped us that day, and I greatly appreciate that. The Kirin are indebted to you and your friends," Autumn Blaze said. "Being able to talk to you is always a treat, Peter. Something about you just makes me feel so...at ease. Like, I can be vulnerable around you."

"Happy to help," Peter said.

"Geez, Twilight's gonna hate me for saying this, but I wish I met you so much sooner," Autumn Blaze said, blushing a bit. "I would have totally asked you on a date."

"And there it is," Johnny said, a snarky grin on his face.

"Wow...I'm flattered," Peter said.

"Yes, real nice," Twilight said, a little annoyed. "But thanks for sharing Autumn. Anyone else?"

"I would like to," Ocellus said, getting Peter's attention. "Peter, I don't think I tell you enough how much I appreciate you."

"Uh, you tell me plenty," Peter said.

"I mean it, you saved my life," Ocellus said. "If you hadn't done the treaty, I'd still be an evil Changeling."

"I think you would have been fine without me, I just sped things along," Peter said.

"Don't discredit yourself," Ocellus said. "I owe you my life, and I will stand by you always. You're my hero, and my friend."

"Geez, you flatter me too much," Peter said, bashfully rubbing his head.

"She's not off," Smolder said. "You do a lot for others, not everyone appreciates it, which sucks. Most dragons won't admit that you're cool, but I'm not most dragons. I know you're a cool dude."

"That goes for me too," Gabby said. "Aside from Gilda, I don't think most Griffons appreciate the hero you are, or your friends. But I can see clear as day that you're a great guy to be around. I just hope that me and Gilda can help make the others understand."

"I'm not looking to be popular or anything," Peter said. "I just want to do my share."

"I can relate to Gabby and Smolder," Silverstream said. "I know the Accords didn't leave the best mark on us, my aunt regrets working with Tony Stark. But I know a bunch of Hippogriffs, myself included, see value in you Peter. Your friends too of course, but Rumble being in Mount Aris as long as he has always talks you up specifically."

"Uh yeah, I tend to brag about you," Rumble said. "Might have annoyed a few Hippogriffs but everyone deserves to know how awesome you are."

"You got quite a 'Griff for Gab' then," Peter said, nervously laughing right afterwards.

"Ha, I get it," Silverstream said. "I love your sense of humor."

"Wow, really?" Bobby asked, earning a glare from Peter.

"Point is, I think you're great, and I think heroes are great," Silverstream said. "My aunt's too proud to really credit Doctor Strange for fighting off The Storm King years ago, but I know deep down, she sees value in you heroes. We in Mount Aris respect heroes. But I personally respect you, Peter."

"Thanks Silverstream, always happy to see your smile," Peter said.

Silverstream turned away to hide her blush, "Oh wow, didn't expect the flattery. Thank you."

"Are you actually embarrassed? Since when is that an emotion for you?" Rumble teased.

"It can happen," Silverstream said.

"Peter," Applejack said. "You know me, and ah know you. We both feel regret fer things that happened. But that should not linger within us. Whatever's bothering you, don't be afraid to be Honest about it. Yer in good company."

"Yeah, we want you to be happy too," Apple Bloom said. "If anyone deserves it, it's the guy who risks his life no questions asked."

"If anything I did to you in High School messed with you, then I'm sorry," Flash said. "I know I said you kind of earned some of it, but I didn't want to go too far. Maybe I should have handled things better myself."

"It's fine, if I was a jerk then I guess I deserved the comeuppance," Peter said.

"Thing is, we all knew you were nicer than you acted, and we're glad you're this super nice guy that everyone respects," Flash said.

"We're happy for you, Tiger," MJ said. "You did well for a kid from Queens. You achieved the grand heights even your teachers believed you could."

"Probably different than they expected too," Peter said.

"Peter," Thunderlane said. "I know things have gotten better between us, but I still feel like trash for what I put you through myself. I should not have let myself get jealous. I could make the excuse that I was grieving the death of my parents, but that's no reason to be a jerk to someone. Just because I was hurting, doesn't mean I should make others hurt."

"I know that anger and rage all too well," Peter said.

"Still, I know I goofed, and probably set a bad example for my brother," Thunderlane said, gesturing to Rumble. "I know he had troubles himself."

"Yeah, if anyone knows about screw ups, it's me," Rumble said. "I got jealous of Sandbar and his friends, and I felt a sense of entitlement too."

"That was Martin Li's exposure though," Peter said.

"I've been told but my emotions were still there," Rumble said. "It took me getting Apple Bloom pregnant to put all that aside."

"Parenthood will do that for you," Peter said.

"Oh totally, Felicity being born was the best thing that could have happened to me," Thunderlane said. "I say that all the time but it's true each time."

"Both you brothers got blessed with children when you needed it most," Silverstream said.

"Well, at least Rumble's still with his baby's birth mother," Thunderlane said.

"Happily married too," Rumble bragged, getting a kiss on the cheek from his wife.

"Same here, Sugar Pie," Apple Bloom said.

"But I got someone better than Felicia," Thunderlane said, placing his arm around Lightning Dust.

"Damn right you do," Lightning Dust said, kissing Thunderane before turning to the spider hero. "Peter, I've goofed up too. I still regret teaming with Vega and Shocker. If I can get past that, you can get past your mistakes."

"Same here," Trixie said. "I admit, even I made mistakes. But good friends help you through them."

"I literally teamed with Loki, I still regret it," Starlight said. "Some nights, I even have terrible dreams about it, including hearing Discord's voice. It's torture."

This caused an awkward silence in the room, all eyes on the mare.

"Uh...Starlight?" Sunburst said, getting her attention. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Hm? Oh no, I'm fine," Starlight said. "This is about Peter, not me."

"...I relate to you on the dream thing," Peter said. "I still have nightmares about terrible stuff that's happened."

"You do?" Johnny asked.

"What kind?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Is it one thing, or many?"

"Many," Peter said. "Sometimes it's about my Uncle Ben's death. Sometimes it's about losing Gwen. Sometimes it's Venom, sometimes it's The Green Goblin, that Dystopian Future, my friends from Earth. It's also about Cozy Glow and how I wished I could help her."

"Gee, sorry my dad's appearing in your nightmares," Harry sarcastically commented.

"Harry, not now!" MJ scolded.

"Come on man, he feels bad enough already, don't add to it," Flash scolded.

"That Dystopian Future, it's the one a lot of us died in, right?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Including me?"

"I hated not being able to save you, I felt like I led you to your deaths," Peter said.

"Hey, don't blame yourself for that," Rainbow Dash said. "Me personally, I wouldn't want you feeling sorry for me. If we won, then it's worth giving my life."

"Same here," Applejack said.

"And Peter, I don't know what happened with me, but I don't hate you," MJ said.

"Even though I pretty much abandoned Earth?" Peter asked.

"You started a new life with a great family, you should be happy, not guilty," MJ said.

"Exactly, don't burden yourself," Logan said. "But if I had to say Peter, it sounds like you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder."

"Whoa, that's a big one," Wade said.

"I honestly felt the same, Peter is suffering the signs of PTSD," Twilight said.

"Didn't think you'd get saddled with that, Spidey," Laura said. "You usually seem so happy."

"It could be a coping mechanism," Logan said. "Everyone deals with it differently. Me, I used beer for a while. Thankfully I have Fluttershy now to ease my worries."

"How much of Logan's past do you know, Fluttershy?" Bobby asked.

"Plenty, Logan's told me a lot," Fluttershy said. "I know it wasn't easy but I really wanted to share his burden so he could heal."

"Sucks that the internal wounds are the one thing that my healing factor has no effect on," Logan said. "But Peter, I hope you know that it's alright to share those burdens. You're young, you have a good life ahead of you. Don't let this shit ruin things for ya."

"Bro, you should have told us a lot of this sooner," Johnny said. "Look, I got some emotional baggage myself. I still feel bothered by what happened to my mother when I was a kid, then everything with my dad. That kind of stuff can get to ya."

"I've had a crappy childhood myself," Wade said.

"Same," Matt replied. "Peter, you know that I have had my share of trauma. Losing my mother, losing my father, going blind. Even with God's guidance, I struggled in my life. One reason I kept going is because, well...you were there. If not for you...if not for all of your kindness, I might have just ended my own suffering."

Silverstream seemed bothered, "I don't like that tone of his. What did he mean?"

"He was gonna take his own life," Johnny said. "Peter's friendship stopped him from doing that."

"Oh my..." Fluttershy said.

"That's...a lot heavier than I was expecting," Rainbow Dash said.

"Matt...I don't know what you saw in me as a person, but I'm glad I was able to be able to prevent you from making a mistake like that," Peter said.

"Everyone can see you for the great person you are, even a blind man like me," Matt said. "You have worth too, Peter. You have a lovely wife, and two great kids."

"God loves all of his children," Kurt said. "You, Peter, are no exception. You suffer, yes, but sometimes, we all must suffer. Is it fair? No, it is not. But sometimes, that's when faith must come in, to know that God has a reason for doing this."

"Kurt, I believe in God, but I can't call myself the spiritual type," Peter said.

"You do not have to be, I am not asking you to turn to prayer when you're suffering," Kurt said. "I believe people should but that is only my opinion. You must find your own way to achieve your inner strength. God has a plan for you, Peter. You do not have to ask him, you do not have to pray to him, you just have to trust him."

"I'll do my best," Peter said. "But skipping Church on Sundays for as long as I have, it might tick God off."

"Peter, he is not petty like that," Kurt scolded. "Given all the good in the world you do, I think that's enough for God to know you're a good person. Your kindness to others is more than enough."

"Plus, this is Equestira, Christianity is a rare thing here, so it's not like there was a Church to go to anyway," Matt said. "Well, a Church for God, there's probably plenty for Celestia."

"Didn't expect to hear the preaching," Johnny said.

"What do you expect, it's Kurt, he loves preaching," Bobby said, much to Kurt's annoyance.

"Bobby!" Rarity scolded.

"I suppose I do preach a lot; I hope I am not offending," Kurt said.

"You're not, you're in tune with your religion and you do it in a respectful way," Twilight said. "I appreciate the kindness that emanates from your religion."

"Thank you, but kindness is not limited to Christianity," Kurt said. "It’s something anyone with common sense should strive for."

"Too bad Common Sense is so rare," Wade said.

"Why do you keep saying that?" Trixie asked.

"Because it's true!" Wade said. "Common sense says the ponies in this town shouldn't disrespect the heroes who save them, but they do it anyway. Especially towards Peter."

"Don't let it get to you, Wade," Peter said. "That goes for all of you. I appreciate you standing up for me, but some of you seemed aggressive about it. Please, under no circumstance do I want you to bully anyone, not even Gallus."

"But he's so freaking annoying," Johnny said.

"Even so, Be Better," Peter said.

"He's right, we're heroes after all," Remy said. "We have to set an example."

"Yeah, you're not wrong," Johnny said. "Still gonna take some adjusting."

"Same here," Janet said.

"Just do your best," Peter said.

Cadance took a moment to approach her brother-in-law, “Peter, I’m sorry you’re struggling. If there’s anything me or Shining Armor can do, name it.”

“Yeah,” Shining Armor said. “You may be annoying at times, but you’re still family.”

“Thanks, but I’ll be fine,” Peter said.

“Don’t just say you’ll be fine, actively make sure,” Logan said. “PTSD is not so easily brushed aside. Please Peter, don’t be like me. Let people in. Everyone here cares about you after all.”

“He’s right,” Pinkie said. “If you’re not happy, then we’re not happy. Your happiness matters too.”

“I appreciate the kindness, thanks,” Peter said.

“Peter,” Aunt May said, getting his attention. “I hope you finally see how much you mean to everyone. Don’t let what happened to Ben get to you. He loved you Peter, you were a son to him. He would be happy to see the man you are now.”

“Kind of weird to say since I’m a pony,” Peter joked.

“It’s all relative dear,” Aunt May said. “Like Logan said, please let us in.”

“I’ll try,” Peter said.

"Hey, Peter?" Sweetie Belle said, getting his attention. "Serum here has something to say."

"Serum?" Peter asked, then saw that Sweetie Belle's symbiote grew a head. "Whoa."

"I named him Serum...or them? Can't tell if this is one or many," Sweetie Belle said.

"We Klyntar usually use the plural since we are many formed into one," Serum said. "But for convenience's sake, you may address us with the singular since we are one entity together."

"That's cool, but why 'Serum'?" Peter asked.

"Venom sounded kind of mean, and a serum is what is used to cure venom," Sweetie Belle said. "So together, me and my suit make a Serum. We're going to cure the world, not poison it."

"Wow, that's clever," Peter said. "So, um, Serum...what did you want to say?"

"First off, we still have memories of you, we were part of Eddie Brock's suit after all," Serum said. "Thus, we remember when you rejected us."

"Hey, you nearly made me kill someone," Peter said.

"It was your desire, was it not?" Serum asked.

"...Even if it was, it doesn't make it the right thing to do," Peter said. "But...I was angry, so I am sorry if I confused you."

"It is fine, Sweetie Belle has told stories about you, and it seems like you really are a good person," Serum said. "We cannot fully forgive you yet, we still require time. But we will be making an effort."

"See, Serum's not so bad, he just needed a friend," Sweetie Belle said. "Of course, he should have communicated better."

"Guess both of us suck at communicating," Peter said. "Thanks Sweetie Belle, you too Serum."

"You are welcome," Serum said.

"I trust this means you're even more okay with the suit?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"As long as it keeps you safe," Peter said. "Serum, you'll protect Sweetie Belle, won't you?"

"Of course, she is our host," Serum said. "She is like a mother."

"Whoa, that's a big responsibility," Sweetie Belle said. "I'm not even married."

"Yes, you are correct," Serum said. "And that boy you liked married your best friend, I know how bitter that must make you."

"Serum! Don't say that out loud!" Sweetie Belle said, nervously glancing at Apple Bloom.

"Bitter?" Apple Bloom asked.

"He's joking," Sweetie Belle nervously insisted. "Besides, Serum, I'm moving on, remember?"

"Oh yeah, to that orange colt with the blue hair," Serum said. "You find him sexually attractive."

"Serum! A word!" Sweetie Belle shouted, stomping out the front door. "Serum, what the hell was that about, don't just-"

"Who are they?" Serum asked.

"They who?" Sweetie Belle turned to spot Gallus, Yona and Garble near the window.

"Uh...we totally weren't spying on Peter's meeting if that's what you were gonna ask," Gallus said.

"...GALLUS!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

"Gallus!?" Laura poked her head out the door along with Lightning Dust. "YOU!"

"Quick! Evasive maneuver 54321!" Gallus said.

"Huh?" Garble asked.

"Just run!" Gallus said as Sweetie Belle, Laura and Lightning Dust chased him and his friends away.

"Sweetie Belle! Laura! Lighting Dust! Wait!" Peter called. "Please don't hurt them! Use your words!"

"I'm gonna make you bleed!" Laura shouted.

"Not what I meant!" Peter said as he, Logan, Bobby, Silverstream, Smolder and Thunderlane went to calm the situation.

At the Capcom Base, all the main warriors were gathered together while Chun-Li spoke with Madame Web.

"Are you ready to bring us to Equestria?" Chun-Li asked.

"Yes," Julia said, focusing on the others. "Is everyone here ready?"

"We are," Ryu said, alongside his friends.

Chris, Dante, Trish, Spencer, Hiyru, Viper, Morrigan, Felicia, Viewtiful Joe, Mega Man, Roll, Ken, Sakura, Leon, Jill, Volnutt, Zero, Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Xiaoyu, Kratos, Atreus, Master Chief, All Might, Mark, Sonic, Tails, Amy, Sally and Goku were all gathered around.

"Where's Sunset?" Julia asked.

"Here! I'm coming!" Sunset said, running over. "Sorry, I was checking to see if there was anyone else who wanted to come. I actually ran into Donatello. He's pretty fascinated with this multiverse thing. His brothers couldn't make it, they had their own business to attend to."

"Wait, who's Donatello?" Julia asked.

"Here I am!" Came the voice of the Ninja Turtle, making his way over with Doctor Strange. "Sorry for the hold up. I've been meaning to get in touch with you since our time in Asgard. This whole multiverse thing is amazing, not my first experience, especially after the Battle Nexus Tournament. Still, I love seeing more of it."

"What's a Battle Nexus?" Spencer asked.

"Explain it later, let's get going," Julia said.

Sunset looked around, "Should we get anyone else? Like maybe Akira. Or how about Rashid. Nero and V might want to come, and I can go to another dimension to find-"

"Sunset!" Chun-Li scolded. "Enough is enough!"

"Right, sorry," Sunset said.

"Fortunately we're not actually going to Equestria," Julia said. "Stephen, if you may-"

Strange put up a spell that created a window portal, leading into Twilight's living room where everyone was.

"Whoa!" Bobby gestured to the Capcom Realm. "Awesome!"

"Hi everyone!" Sunset greeted. "I brought friends! Sort of."

"Talk about a party," Dante said.

"Huh, so they are ponies," Sally said.

"Pretty cool, isn't it?" Sonic said.

"I'm happy you can all make it," Twilight said.

"Wow, impressive," Donnie commented. "A real-life talking pony. I've seen this before, briefly on Beta Ray Bill's ship but to see it again."

"Even I'm still getting used to such magic, and I've encountered it for years," Twilight said. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"Donatello," the turtle said. "You're Spider-Man's wife, right? My brother Mikey met him a year ago, he loves his comics so to see the real thing blew his mind."

"Yeah, just like Peter seeing Luke Skywalker," Twilight said. "Funny how the multiverse works."

"Got that right, personally I was happy to see Jedi too, Mikey even more so, he loves those movies," Donatello said.

"I heard they made more, does that include your realm?" Twilight asked.

"Yes...we don't like to talk about it," Donatello said.

"Funny, Star-Lord said the same thing," Twilight said. "Is he here too?"

"Quill's in space right now," Strange said. "He sent an interesting transmission to me about an hour ago, something about spotting Bruce Banner in a space Coliseum."

"Bruce Banner? You mean The Hulk?" Twilight asked. "That's curious."

"He says he'll get back to me on that," Strange said.

Atreus was about to touch the portal when his father called, "Atreus, stand back."

"Sorry, it looks so...weird," Atreus said. "Man, I feel like Sindri would get a kick out of this."

"Oh no doubt, this is amazing magic, enough to make even the dwarves jealous," Mimir said.

"Wish Freya was here to see it too," Atreus said.

"She has business in Vanaheim," Kratos said. "Perhaps next time."

"Now for the next portal," Julia said, phasing away.

"Where'd she go?" Dante asked.

A few seconds later, the portal on the other side of the room opened, revealing Julia alongside some new and familiar faces. "Here's the next half."

Standing next to her were Gwen Stacy, Miles Morales, Peni Parker and Miguel O'Hara.

"Man, that's a lot of ponies," Miles commented. "Is this really the right place?"

"You saw it the other day, remember?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, for like a few seconds," Miles said.

"Oh, you made it," Twilight said, trotting over to the other side. "Greetings, welcome to Equestria. Well, sort of. I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"Miguel O'Hara," the man said.

"Oh, so you're Miguel, Peter's told me all about you," Twilight said.

"Where is he?" Miguel asked.

As if on cue, Peter came through the door a second later. "Geez! Don't ever do that again!"

"Sorry Peter," an embarrassed Sweetie Belle said.

"Again, I appreciate you doing this but antagonizing Gallus and his friends is only going to make things worse," Peter said. "You have to be better, otherwise he's just going to hate us more!"

"Alright, we get it," Laura said, tired of hearing about it.

"You better," Logan said, then saw the portals. "Looks like the meeting is underway."

"Oh, wow, um, sorry," Peter said.

"Did you say 'Gallus'?" Sunset asked. "Is he bothering you again!?"

"It's nothing, don't worry about it," Peter said.

"Who's Gallus?" Viper asked.

"Some punk-shit Griffon who's been disrespecting Spider-Man," Spencer said.

"Come on, no talking about someone behind their back," Peter said. "I appreciate the sentiment but seriously, I know you're all better than that."

"Stuff like that makes us want to stand up for you even more," Spencer said.

"Wow, irony," Peter said. "Still, I'm good."

Gwen grumbled in annoyance, "Freaking hate bullies, all they ever do is..."

"Calm yourself Gwen, don't let it get to you," Julia said.

"Still," Gwen said, feeling bitter about all this. "Peter doesn't deserve it..."

Peter focused on the rest of Capcom and allies, "Good to see you all though. Sunset, Ryu, Chris, Dante, Sonic, Amy, Tails, uh...Kratos...then there's Viewtiful Joe. I see Mega Man, two of them...a turtle...and squirrel."

"I'm a chipmunk," Sally corrected. "My name's Sally."

"Oh, sorry..." Peter said. "Wow, another female Mobian. You girls are really cute."

"Uh...wow," Sally said, blushing at the compliment.

"Told you he's nice," Amy said.

"Didn't take you for a furry, Peter," Bobby said.

Peter glared at the ice hero, "We're literally married to ponies!"

"Got me there," Bobby said.

"It will take a while to introduce everyone," Julia said. "But I think you should know Donatello here."

"Hi, Donatello, Ninja Turtle," Donnie said.

"Oh hey, I met a ninja turtle last year," Peter said.

"Hope Mikey didn't bug you," Donatello said.

"He's cool, I geeked out myself so I understood where he was coming from," Peter said.

"Hey Peter," Miguel said, catching the hero's attention. "Been a while."

"Whoa, Miguel?" Peter asked, trotting over. "Wow, haven't changed much, have you?"

"Well I have a higher role when it comes to maintaining the multiverse, but yeah, mostly the same old..." Miguel said.

"Yo, Peter Parker, finally have a chance to meet you," Miles said. "This you at least."

"Hi, I don't think I know you," Peter said.

"Name's Miles Morales, I'm the Spider-Man where I'm from," Miles said.

"Wow, nice to meet another Spider," Peter said. "You from New York too?"

"Yeah, I'm from Brooklyn," Miles said.

"Not too far from Queens, awesome," Peter said.

"Konichiwa!" Peni greeted. "Atashi wa Peni Parker!"

"Oh, um...mushi mushi Peni," Peter said.

"Peter! That's how you answer the phone in Japan!" Ryu corrected.

"Oh right," Peter said. "Uh, sorry-san, me no speakly Japanese...desu."

Ryu glanced at his friends, "Is he serious?"

"Man his Japanese sucks," Dante said.

"Even Frank West speaks it better," Chris said.

"I can hear you!" Peter called.

"At least he's trying," Miguel said. "And he admits he doesn't know it, unlike someone with Spanish."

"Hey come on! My Spanish is great!" Miles said.

"You keep confusing Castilian Spanish with Latin American Spanish," Miguel said.

"What's the difference?" Peter asked.

"Not much, but it's subtle," Miguel said. "Miles here is Puerto Rican, but he uses Spaniard Spanish."

"One time! I did that one time! I was nervous too!" Miles said. "It was my first time meeting you and I thought if I spoke Spanish, we'd feel closer."

"Please, if I cared about that, I'd move to Mexico," Miguel said.

"So, you're Puerto Rican, right?" Bobby asked. "Real Puerto Rican? Not a poser like that America Chavez girl?"

"Ugh, do not get me started on her," Miguel said. "That girl calls herself Latina despite being a damn alien, then she acts as dumb as Miles did when she spoke Spanish to me."

"Okay, you're just being mean now," Miles said.

Peter turned to Gwen, "Is this normal?"

"Yeah, Miguel's just messing with Miles, you know how playful he can get," Gwen said.

"Right..." Peter replied, then turned to Peni. "Really nice to meet you."

"Likewise," Peni said, doing a peace sign.

“Where’s Mayday?” Gwen asked.

“Upstairs, crowds bother her, so she’s not comfortable coming down here right now,” Peter said.

“Oh boy, she’d hate a Latino get together,” Miles said. “No such thing as personal space there.”

“I’ve seen on occasion,” Peter said.

"Now that that's out of the way," Miguel said. "Peter, I'm not sure if Julia told you but, we have a slight problem involving some guy named Albert Wesker."

"Yeah, I'm in the loop," Peter said. "Some villains threatened a Multiverse Armageddon too."

"We have two villain groups we're worried about," Twilight said. "Three if you count Loki and his allies."

"Loki? You mean Thor's brother, right?" Miguel asked.

"Yes, he's caused his share of trouble as well," Twilight said. "Especially after what he did to Asgard during Ragnarök."

"Thor's home got completely destroyed," Sunset said.

"Well...that's sad but, it's a major event that almost can't be altered," Miguel said. "Doesn't make it any less tragic though."

"So now we're worried about Wesker, Loki and Discord," Peter said.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about Discord, I talked to him yesterday," Fluttershy said.

"Wait, you did what!?" Peter asked.

"Sorry I didn't get a chance to say it before," Fluttershy said. "He wanted to come but, he was worried you would all attack him."

"Of course, this is all his fault!" Johnny said.

"Fluttershy, you spoke to Discord yesterday and you're only telling us now!?" Twilight asked.

"Well we spoke for a while and then it got late and he left," Fluttershy said. "I told him about the meeting but he said he'd talk to us another time."

"I was there, and I can confirm it," Logan said. "Eris was there too."

"Eris? Who's Eris?" Johnny asked.

"A female Discord," Logan said.

"...And she calls herself Eris?" Johnny asked. "That's a strange name."

"Eris is the Goddess of Chaos back in Greece," Kratos said. "If this Discord is a Chaos Spirit, her name would make sense."

"Wait, so does that mean Discord is from Greece or something?" Johnny asked.

"That didn't come up," Logan said. "All Eris did was say that another universe exists where everyone is the opposite gender of what they are now. Men are women, and women are men."

"I'm sorry, what?" Peter asked. "You mean to say a female version of me exists?"

"Actually...he's right," Sunset said. "I saw one last Christmas."

"...Was she hot?" Peter asked, earning some glares. "What? I'm curious."

"That was slightly narcissistic," Spencer said.

"Discord mentioned something important," Fluttershy said. "The villains formed an alliance."

"Well yeah, that's the whole point, isn't it?" Bobby asked.

"Not just his villains, Wesker's too," Fluttershy said.

Peter's eyes widened in worry, "Wait, Discord's Team is working with Wesker's!?"

"Not just them, Loki's too," Fluttershy said.

"Oh...you have got to be kidding me!" Sunset said.

"According to Discord, Wesker has allies from all across the multiverse," Logan said. "That includes some that Capcom's buddies might know."

"Us?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah, he mentioned names like Kazuya Mishima, Doctor Wily, Doctor Eggman, The Prowler and Goku Black," Logan said.

"Kazuya!?" Ryu shouted in worry, the man glancing at Xiaoyu. "Kazuya's with Wesker?"

"So that's where Wily is," Mega Man said.

"Eggman too, so he went and made some friends," Sonic commented.

"Prowler..." Miles said. "Is it Uncle Aaron? He did go missing, but could he really be with them?"

"Who's Goku Black?" Goku asked.

"Some evil you," Logan said. "From an alternate future."

"Evil me? Future?" Goku asked.

"Discord said to check with a friend of yers named Trunks," Logan said.

"...I gotta let Bulma and Vegeta know then," Goku said.

"Did he mention anyone else?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, Ultron and Dormammu," Logan said.

"Excuse me!" Strange said. "Dormammu? As in, Dark Lord Dormammu?"

"Yeah, got yer old pal," Logan said.

"I know you're being sarcastic, but I'd rather you not refer to that fiend as my friend," Strange said.

"Loki still has allies like Tempest Shadow and Sephiroth," Fluttershy said. "And now, he's even gotten the Skrull Army."

"And Wesker got Doctor Doom," Logan said.

Johnny and his family looked on in disbelief, unable to process any of this.

"Crap...Doom and The Skrulls?" Johnny asked.

"That is going to be troubling," Reed said.

"Was this Discord's plan?" Rumble asked. "To build an Army?"

"He really did mean to unleash a Multiverse Armageddon," Twilight said.

"But, why did he tell you all of this?" Sunset asked.

"They betrayed him and stole his magic, using something called Grogar's Belle," Fluttershy said.

"Grogar?" Twilight asked. "I've heard of him."

"Me too, he's a demonic goat from thousands of years ago," Sunset said.

"He was defeated by Gusty the Great, and his magic was sealed away," Twilight said. "How did those villains find Grogar's Bell?"

"What are you doing!?" Came a voice outside. Everyone looked out the window to see Sam and Bucky chasing off Gallus and his team.

"Are you freaking serious!?" Rumble shouted.

"Gallus, you're better than this," Smolder lamented.

Steve came inside along with Celestia, Bon Bon, Taskmater, Fleetfoot, Double Diamond and Sugar Belle.

"That Griffon and his friends were just outside," Steve said.

"Whoa, Captain America, awesome!" Miles said.

Bucky and Sam came inside as well, still glancing back.

"Bon Bon, think you can get those Patroller Robots to surround the house?" Sam asked.

"Totally, Tony gave me access after all," Bon Bon said, pressing something.

"So, did we miss anything?" Celestia asked.

"Let's start from the beginning," Peter said. "Everyone, tell us everything."

At the villains' headquarters, Wesker and Doom were activating several portals, each one leading to different worlds. The other villains were nearby, observing their progress.

"Is it working?" Adagio asked.

"It is," Kazuya said, glancing at one portal. "I can see my world. There's the Mishima Zaibatsu, how I yearn to take it back from that useless son of mine."

"I can see my world too," Sephiroth said, glancing at his own portal. "All of that mako, just mine for the taking."

"Hey, there's my world," Eggman said. "I can see Angel Island, the Master Emerald is mine!"

"I can see Thomas's lab," Wily said. "How I yearn to pay it a visit."

"And there's Equestria," Tempest said. "The city of Canterlot."

"I see West City," Vomi said. "The plan worked!"

"Excellent, everyone, prepare for what's to come," Wesker said. "Soon, we will bring our foes to their knees!"

"I'm right behind you, Wesker!" Tron said. "I won't let you down!"

"Let's fight together!" Sonata said, holding her arm out. "To teamwork!"

"Yeah, teamwork!" Cozy Glow said, placing her hand out.

Sonata turned to her friends, "Hey come on, teamwork!"

"...Fine," Aria said.

"Whatever," Adagio complied.

As both ladies put their hands in, Sonata turned to the others, "Teamwork!"

Shocker turned to Electro and Mysterio, "Let's just get this over with."

"Uh-huh," Electro said, he and Mysterio joining Shocker in placing their hands in.

"Anyone else?" Sonata asked. "How about you Prowler? Or you Vomi? Ultron, I know you want to join. Or is Kl'rt feeling friendly? Oh! Vergil! Gonna show us your approaching storm? Or how about-"

"Aria, just get this over with!" Adagio said.

"Allow me to join," Black said, placing his hand in. "I am all about proper teamwork after all."

"Myself as well," Zamasu said.

"Eddie! Join us!" Sonata said.

"...Fine," Eddie walked over, placing his hand in. "For justice."

"Yes, Justice!" Black said.

"To making a better multiverse, one where you can be yourself, and not feel judged by society," Sonata said.

"Amen to that," Electro said.

"You said it," Shocker said.

"And to our wonderful friendships!" Cozy Glow said.

"Of course, good friendship," Zamasu said.

"Goooo TEAMWORK!" Sonata said, as everyone lifted their hands, albeit without the same enthusiasm, save for Cozy Glow.

"If you're done, get to work," Doom said.

The Multiverse Armageddon had its first step, and many more to come.