• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 762 Views, 82 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Ultimate Showdown - Masterob

The final battle, a multiversal showdown with Spider-Man and Twilight Sparkle caught in the center.

  • ...

Facing Struggles

It was the following morning in the Parker-Sparkle home. Peter, despite having some sleep troubles as normal lately, still tried to put that aside. He had more important things to worry about as his problems just kept piling on and on.

The hero had stepped into his kitchen, joining Aunt May, Trixie and Starlight as the hero plopped himself on the chair and took a deep breath. "Another day, another headache."

"Someone's grumpy," Trixie said, getting Peter's attention. "But I don't blame you. After all, you have a lot on your plate."

"Tell me about it, I still gotta figure this Discord thing out, along with seeing Eddie, my other enemies and even those sirens," Peter said. "That's on top of trying to figure out Cozy Glow's connection. Then there's those civilians going rogue, and some big reveals last night."

"Twilight came home practically unconscious," Starlight said. "If I recall, you mentioned that she saw or heard something distressing."

"Kind of," Peter said. "Something happened that neither of us could believe."

"Quite the understatement, Peter," Twilight said, the mare making her presence known as she stepped into the kitchen.

"Hey Twi, you're up and at'em," Peter said. "Did you sleep well enough?"

"I did my best," Twilight said.

"I can relate," Peter said.

"What does that mean?" Starlight asked, causing some worry out of Peter.

"Uh well...I just remember the first time I went to sleep without one of Aunt May's bedtime stories, it really screwed me up," Peter said, this earning a confused reaction from his aunt. "Never mind me though, this is about last night."

"Well, mind explaining what happened then?" Starlight asked.

"For starters...I met another friend of mine from my past," Peter said.

"Another one?" Trixie asked. "Did Twilight bring this friend over?"

"No, Twilight had no idea about this friend," Peter said. "Because we thought she was dead."

"Dead!?" Starlight asked, Trixie looking just as weirded out. "Wait, did she come back to life?"

"No, she's not from my dimension, she's from another world," Peter said.

"Gonna need to do a lot of explaining," Trixie said.

"Yeah, what dimension is this girl from?" Starlight asked. "It's not like Capcom or anything."

"No, Capcom is completely separate from my reality," Peter said. "Let me put it like this. My world has a lot of different versions of it, like copies. This isn't another realm like Asgard, or another reality like Capcom, there are whole other timelines."

"What's the difference?" Starlight asked.

"Look, Sunset's probably an expert on this by now, so we can ask her later," Peter said. "Point is this, years ago I met other Spider-Men. One guy was kind of like me, except he had a personality like an old detective. You've read some of those mystery books that Twilight has, right?"

"Oh yes, I believe I have," Starlight said.

"You've seen ones where there is some grizzled old detective doing his best to fight the troubles of the criminal underworld," Peter said. "Like this guy is basically if I had Batman's personality."

"Batman...he's the guy who's dressed like a bat, right?" Starlight asked.

"Right...I guess you don't know Batman too well, I should rectify that somehow," Peter said. "Point is, he's a version of me that's less punny and more like he’s seen too much."

"A better way to put it is basically Peter swapping personalities with Wolverine then," Trixie said.

"Yeah, wow that would have been so much easier to explain," Peter said, shaking his head. "I still feel so scatterbrained."

"Just take your time, Peter," Aunt May suggested.

"Yeah, of course," Peter said. "Aside from him, there were more versions, like me with that symbiote suit that Venom had, and a cartoon pig named Peter Porker."

"...A what?" Starlight asked.

"Yeah, it's as silly as it sounds," Peter said. "Among them was a guy named Miguel O'Hara, a Spider-Man from the year 2099. He and I are kind of opposites, he sees justice one way, I see it another. He probably would have sided with Tony Stark and The Accords."

"Oh yeah, that's a definite opposite," Trixie said.

"So other versions of you exist, or at least other Spider-Men," Starlight said.

"Yes, now this friend of mine says in her world, she's the one with the spider powers," Peter said. "She uses the alias, Ghost Spider."

"Sounds spooky," Starlight said.

"It's clever, even if it's similar to another hero I know," Peter said. "The thing is, this girl is actually an alternate version of a friend of mine, Gwen Stacy."

Trixie's eyes widened in disbelief, "Gwen Stacy? You mean your first girlfriend?"

"First girlfriend?" Starlight asked.

"I'm not sure if I told you this, Starlight, but I dated a girl before I met Twilight," Peter explained.

"I may have heard this in passing," Starlight said. "And you said she's...dead?"

"Yes, thanks to an enemy of mine, The Green Goblin," Peter said.

"Green Goblin?" Starlight asked, feeling a bit of a headache. "That's terrible."

"It was a really hard time in Peter's life," Twilight said. "In fact, when I brought him to Equestria, he was still grieving her loss."

"It was very recent at the time," Peter said.

"Thinking about it, the term Ghost Spider is kind of cruel with this type of context, but I'll keep that to myself for now," Trixie mentally noted.

"So now this girl is back? And with spider powers of her own?" Starlight asked.

"I don't know what's happening, or why it's happening," Peter said. "I do know that everyone else needs to be made aware of it."

"Where is she?" Aunt May asked.

"I don't know, after Twilight fainted, I immediately brought her home," Peter explained. "I'm guessing she'll pop up again later."

"That she will," came the voice of Julia Carpenter, her sudden appearance startling everyone present.

"Geez! Who are you and where did you even come from!?" Peter shouted.

"Sorry, force of habit," Julia said.

"Wait, are you human?" Starlight asked.

"Yes, it would appear so," Julia said, flexing her hand as she took a seat nearby. "I suppose you want an explanation for all this, don't you Peter?"

"How do you know my name?" Peter asked. "You also haven't told me who you were."

"Right, I suppose introductions are in order," the woman said. "I'm Julia Carpenter, you may refer to me as Madame Web."

"Madame Web?" Peter asked. "Wait, the Madame Web I know is an old lady."

"I'm her successor," Julia confirmed. "My predecessor is unfortunately no longer with us. She transferred her powers to me before her death."

"Oh...sorry to hear," Peter said. "That lady was nutty but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't miss her. It must be hard on you too so I'm sorry about the loss."

"No use dwelling on the past," Julia said. "Peter, as you may already know, a war is coming. The multiverse is in danger."

"Is this related to Discord's team?" Peter asked. "Or does it have to do with Albert Wesker?"

"Both," Julia said. "Discord has been messing around the multiverse, as has Wesker and his team. Last year, they crossed into other dimensions of other spider powered individuals. The one you call Wesker had a brief encounter with Ghost Spider, or Gwen Stacy as you know her."

"What did Wesker want with her?" Peter asked.

"I have not deduced that," Julia said. "The way Gwen made it sound, he was just there to practice."

"Practice? To fight me?" Peter asked. "Man, he really wants to avenge his loss, doesn't he?"

"You mentioned other spiders too," Twilight said.

"Yes, one of whom Peter is familiar with," Julia said. "Spider-Man 2099."

"Oh, you mean Miguel?" Peter asked. "Did someone try messing with Nueva York?"

"I believe her name is Juri Han," Julia explained. "She is also from the Capcom world."

"Juri Han...I think I heard Chun-Li mention her once," Peter said. "I don't suppose a guy named Vergil and a girl named Tron Bonne were there too?"

"Yes, each battling their own spider," Julia said. "It all related back to you. Wesker has grand ambitions, which include defeating you."

"So, bad enough Discord's team just threatened this whole Multiverse Armageddon as they call it, but now we need to worry about Albert Wesker?" Trixie asked. "I miss the days when all our problems were limited to one universe."

"That all went out the window the moment I got transported to Equestria," Peter said.

"Actually, it started with Norman Osborn when he tried stealing Discord's power," Julia said. "That's why you were sent here Peter, to stop Discord and Osborn."

"Uh, pretty sure I'm here because of a spell Twilight cast," Peter said.

"My spell was to bring the greatest hero in the multiverse to Equestria," Twilight said.

"Greatest Hero?" Julia asked. "Weird, that's not what Cassandra said...was it?"

"Well things just got even more confusing," Trixie said. “Is Peter meant to be the greatest in the Multiverse?"

"That is very hard to decipher, the multiverse is infinite after all," Julia said. "There may be even greater heroes than Peter."

"That's fine with me, I don't want that type of pressure," Peter said. "What I do want are more answers."

"I can get you them, but first, it would be a good idea to reunite you with Gwen," Julia said, using her abilities to summon the girl to Equestria.

Spider-Gwen had appeared in costume before the Parker-Sparkle family, the girl pulling her mask off to reveal her face. "Hey everyone."

A stunned silence fell across the room. Trixie knew enough of Peter's past to know how big of a deal this was. Starlight, while not knowing as much, still felt some tension in the air by this girl's presence. Aunt May looked in awe at the sight of the young girl who once dated her nephew, or at least a version of her. Twilight was grateful she wasn't fainting, but that didn't make this moment any easier for her.

Out of all of them, Peter was the most amazed. He had seen her last night, he had spoken to her, but to see this again is a big reminder that this is very real.

"Gwen...it's good to see you again," Peter said.

"Yeah, likewise," Gwen said.

Silence fell on the room once again, as no one really knew what to say at this point. Peter had so many questions for Gwen, he just couldn't think of one to start with. Gwen was feeling similar, but also had a nagging sense of worry.

The tension broke when Mayday stepped into the room, the girl noticing the guests, "Huh? What's going on?"

"Mayday?" Peter said, turning to the side and spotting his daughter.

"Dad, who are these ladies, and why does one look human?" Mayday asked.

"Dad?" Gwen asked. "Peter, is that your daughter?"

"Uh yeah, this is Mayday," Peter introduced. "Mayday, this is a friend of mine."

"Hi," the girl greeted. "My name is Gwen Stacy."

That introduction was very confusing to the young girl, "Gwen Stacy? As in...THE Gwen Stacy?"

"I take it your dad's mentioned me," Gwen said.

"I've heard your name but...I thought you were...well..." Mayday wasn't sure how to word this. "Not alive..."

Gwen looked a bit weirded out hearing that, though she had heard about what happened to an alternate version of herself. "Yeah, I suppose you're confused. I'll explain everything."

"That might help," Peter said, trotting over to the girl, placing his hoof on her shoulder. "Still, I'm really happy to see you, Gwen."

"Yeah...me too," Gwen said, bringing Peter in for a hug, really holding the hero close, and not wanting to let him go.

"Uh, wow...hope the other me doesn't get jealous," Peter joked.

"...Right, other you..." Gwen lamented.

"Ahem..." Twilight said, getting their attention. "Gwen, you should focus on what you're going to say, but it won't only be with me. Everyone else should know too. Mayday, is your uncle Spike awake?"

"I think so," Mayday said.

"Trixie, go check on him, and Benjy too while you're at it, I need to round up some friends," Twilight said, immediately disappearing.

"Whoa, where did she go?" Gwen asked.

"She teleported," Peter said. "Sounds like she's getting some friends of ours."

"Let's go meet up in the living room," Trixie suggested.

"But I'm hungry," Mayday said.

"I have some food for you dear," Aunt May said. "I'll bring it with me to the other room for you."

"Thanks Aunt May," Mayday said.

In the Capcom World, Sunset had finished eating breakfast and had just entered the personal gym of their main HQ. Immediately she could see that she wasn't alone, several other warriors were gathered by machines.

These of course included Laura, Makoto, Ibuki and Viewtiful Joe, the latter looking extra determined as of late.

"One of these days, I gotta be the first one here," Sunset said. "I can only imagine how early some of these fighters wake up, assuming they went to sleep at all."

"Even warriors need sleep," Ryu said, walking up beside her. "The body cannot function without rest, no matter how strong a person is."

"Or without a good meal too," Dante said, also walking up.

"Is that why you constantly eat pizza?" Chris teased, having joined his friends.

"Hey, I don't eat pizza that much," Dante said. "Even if I did, it's my choice on the matter."

"Variety helps," Ryu said. "Make sure you balance your diet with plenty of greens and meat."

"That I've definitely had to learn," Sunset said. "The greens are no trouble, but I did struggle to eat meat."

"Is it bad for you?" Chris asked.

"Not necessarily, an Equestrian's biology isn't exactly like the biology of ponies found in human realms," Sunset explained. "If that were the case, I couldn't eat chocolate."

"Not that you need chocolate," Ryu said.

"I know I don't 'need' it, but it's a nice treat to have," Sunset said. "Besides, Chun-Li eats sweets too, she says it gives her energy."

"Chun-Li is very wise for the most part, but that is one of her more flawed ways of thinking," Ryu said. "It's a good way to end up with a sugar crash."

"Pretty sure it's also the reason she's got such huge legs," Dante said. "All the sugar from that candy she eats went straight to her thighs."

"It's a miracle she turned that into pure muscle," Chris said. "Guess it works for her but it's still risky."

"Maybe it can work differently for ponies too," Sunset theorized. "Pinkie Pie certainly doesn't let all the sweets she eats affect her."

"Pinkie Pie is very...unique in some aspects," Ryu said. "Of course I do not know her well so I won't make brash generalizations. But, given her recent spar with Paul Phoenix, she has definitely shown signs of unpredictability."

"That girl's a wildcard for sure," Dante said.

"You should see her human counterpart, just as whacky," Sunset said.

"Human? Oh, is this related to those sirens?" Dante asked. "They seemed to know you."

"Yeah, sometime after I first met Peter, I went traveling the multiverse and ended up spending time in a world where Twilight and her friends were High School students at Canterlot High. Twilight recently transferred from Crystal Prep because the principal there was such a bitch," Sunset explained. "While at Canterlot High, she formed a band with her friends called The Rainbooms, and one of their biggest threats were those Sirens, they called themselves The Dazzlings. I helped defeat them and free the school from their tyranny."

"Sounds like quite an adventure," Dante said.

"Sure was, come on, let's talk more by the weights," Sunset said.

As the group passed a Butterfly Machine, Cloud, who was the one using it, was quick to get their attention. "Hey guys."

"Oh Cloud, you're here early," Ryu said.

"I got bored," Cloud said. "Plus I need to keep up my strength, so here I am."

"Working on your upper body?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, gotta keep up the strength," Cloud said, then gestured to his weapon. "Otherwise I can't use my sword."

"Oh yeah, this thing," Chris said, kneeling beside it. "You mentioned it was heavy."

"Heavy is an understatement," Cloud said.

"I tried using something like this once," Sunset said, gripping the sword and trying to lift it. "But yeah, it's a lot heavier than it looks."

Dante grabbed it with one arm, "Doesn't seem so bad to me."

"Show-off," Chris said. "Anyway, I'll just stick to what I know."

"You sure you don't want to try and lift it? "Cloud asked. "Not confident in your muscles?"

"Cute," Chris sarcastically stated. "What good is a weapon if you can't effectively use it?"

"He's got a point," Ryu said. "Of course I do not fight with weapons but if I needed one, I'd pick one I could effectively use, not one just because it's strong."

"Well if you could effectively use a strong weapon, that's an advantage," Dante said, swinging the sword around. "Still, this looks pretty badass. You got yourself a nice sword Cloud."

"Your sword's pretty cool too," Cloud said. "It was a gift from your father, right?"

"Yeah, not his only sword either," Dante said, placing the Buster Sword down. "Of course I use more than one type of sword. I don't even limit it to swords. Guns and gauntlets work just as fine for me."

"I just stick to different types of guns," Chris said. "I would not be able to use a sword. But I can probably use a bow and arrow. I am the top marksman here, so I should be able to handle anything like that."

"Pretty sure Chun-Li is top marksman," Dante said.

"Chun-Li? She doesn't even use guns," Chris said. "Even so I doubt she's better than me."

"Don't be jealous now," Dante teased.

"It's not jealousy, I'm spitting facts," Chris said. "Go get Chun-Li right now and I'll prove that I'm better!"

"Chris, don't start," Ryu said.

"Yeah, I think you're pretty great," Sunset said. "I'm sure you're as awesome as you think you are."

"No offense Sunset, but it sounds like you're patronizing me," Chris pointed out.

"Hey if you're really gonna do a marksman competition, let me know," Dante said. "I'll call Nero and see if he wants to take part of it."

"Bring it, I'll take him on as well," Chris said.

"Then later we can do a best swordsman competition," Dante said, then turned his attention to Cloud. "Think you can handle that, 1st Class soldier?"

"First off, it's SOLDIER 1st Class," Cloud corrected. "Second, I would say I'm not interested, but I wouldn’t mind putting my skills to practice against you."

"This is why I love this world, you guys are always up for a challenge," Sunset said. "Makes me want to prove myself as well...I bet if I work on my magic, I can outshine Doctor Strange!"

"Ambition, you really are one of us, Sunset," Dante said.

"I'll feel like it when I get my skills up to par with you guys," Sunset said. "That's why I gotta keep working my body."

"Don't forget mind and spirit," Ryu said. "Have you practiced your meditation?"

"...I've tried to but it's so boring," Sunset lamented. "I need something more exciting."

"Sunset, if you can't balance body and mind, you will not achieve your goals," Ryu said. "Martial arts is not just about physical prowess, it's mental as well."

"I guess..." Sunset said. "Still, how do I just sit still for so long?"

"It takes practice, just like anything else," Ryu said. "Mastering your mind is arguably harder than your body. But I believe you can pull it off. You're already good with magic, and that took a lot of studying, so you can focus when you need to. The basics are very important, every strong monument needs a good foundation to stand on."

"Alright, I'll try meditating later then," Sunset said, then spotted a couple of newcomers. "Oh, I can see two of Sonic's friends."

"Hello," came the voice of Amy Rose, the girl joined by Knuckles.

"Here to use the gym?" Ryu asked.

"Yeah, Knuckles and I are gonna try some boxercise together," Amy said, throwing some jabs.

"I don't think you need my help, Amy. You're strong enough already," Knuckles said.

"Maybe, but if I'm gonna keep up my skills, I gotta train with the strongest guy I know," Amy said. "Plus I gotta make sure you're up to par too."

"I'm always up to par," Knuckles said, flexing his muscles. "If I competed in that exhibition bout prior to the Marvel vs Capcom Tournament, I bet I could have taken out all those Equestrians by myself."

"Someone's cocky," Dante said.

"Honestly, it should have been me in there, and not Tails," Knuckles said. "He really made us look bad by losing."

"Tails did his best, that Fluttershy girl was just tougher than she looked," Amy said. "But I kind of wanted to fight myself."

"Hey there will be more tournaments," Dante said. "Next time, we'll do Team Battles."

"As long as I get to team with Sonic," Amy said, holding out her hammer. "Our love will demolish the competition!"

"I keep forgetting you can pull that hammer out of nowhere," Sunset said. "I'm amazed it does so much damage, it looks like a toy."

"It looks cute, but my Piko-Piko hammer is nothing to scoff at," Amy said.

"What is 'Piko' anyway?" Sunset asked.

"It's the sound a toy hammer makes when you hit something with it," Ryu said.

"...So it is a toy?" Sunset asked.

"I'm fairly certain it's not," Ryu said.

"Hm...Amy, could I borrow that hammer?" Sunset asked.

"Uh, are you sure? It's kind of heavy," Amy said.

"It can't be that bad," Sunset said, grabbing the hammer and immediately falling over. "OW!"

"Sunset!" Ryu helped her up, "Are you alright?"

"Geez, that hammer's REALLY heavy!" Sunset said.

"Is it really?" Chris asked, gripping the hammer and trying to lift. Unfortunately for him, he could not lift it. "What the hell is this thing made of!?"

"Not easy to lift, is it?" Knuckles said. "Amy here is MUCH stronger than she looks."

"It's nothing, really," Amy bashfully stated.

Dante lifted the hammer up, with much more ease than his allies, "To think something like this could be so hard to lift."

"Again, you're a show-off," Chris said.

"How the hell am I a show-off? All I did was pick it up," Dante said. "Hey why don't you just build up some more muscle then!?"

"Boys, knock it off," Sunset said. "Chris, Dante wasn't trying to show-off. Dante, you have been bragging recently so it's understandable that Chris considers you a show-off. Now no more arguing, be better."

"Whoa...she really laid down the law," Cloud said.

"That shows trust," Amy said. "Sometimes I have to reign Sonic and Knuckles in."

"When!?" Knuckles asked.

"All the time, you two bicker a lot," Amy said. "You're probably the only person Sonic really bickers with."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Knuckles asked.

"Nothing Knuckles, just that you two have moments, but I guess it's fine, it's a boy thing after all," Amy said. "I don't mean that in a bad way, personally I think it's kind of cute that you and Sonic have that type of bond."

"Hey! I'm not cute!" Knuckles insisted while flexing his muscles. "Do these muscles look cute?"

"Yes, they do," Amy said, grinning at the Echidna, much to his annoyance.

"You're something else sometimes," Knuckles said.

"Heh, I like that girl," Dante said. "She's got that badass feminine thing going."

"She kind of reminds me of Aerith," Cloud pointed out.

"Who's Aerith?" Knuckles asked.

"She's...an old friend of mine," Cloud said, a hint of sadness in his voice.

Amy immediately detected the tone, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine..." Cloud insisted. "Don't worry about me."

"Well...if you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you," Amy said.

"Seriously, I can feel that sweetness from here," Dante said. "Kind of reminds me of my mother."

"Whoa, that's quite the comparison," Chris said.

"Well what can I say, I lost my mom when I was young, and most women I met later weren't exactly...super nurturing," Dante said. "Except maybe Trish, but she's still pretty tomboyish."

"Hey my sister's a bit of tomboy but she's got that nurturing nature to her," Chris said. "You can ask Sherry Birkin just how much of a caring big sister Claire was during the Raccoon City incident. Claire even acts like a big sister to me, and I'm actually the older sibling."

"Oh yeah, she would go to Raccoon to check on you," Sunset said.

"I can't cook worth a damn, so Claire would come to the city at times and cook my meals for me so I wouldn't spend so much money at a restaurant," Chris said. "Thankfully I have Jill now, she's a damn good cook, but I do like my sister's style as well."

"Never heard you two go into such depth about this," Sunset said.

"Here's an important lesson for you, Sunset," Chris said. "No matter what anyone says, there's nothing wrong with being feminine."

"Why would there be?" Sunset asked.

"Most girls think they need to act tough like guys to earn respect, especially in this type of hobby or profession," Dante said. "I admit, it is hard for a girl to become a respectable martial artist, women aren't naturally built for fighting. Not a bad thing in my mind, women have plenty of talents that men struggle with."

"That won't stop some women, but at least they work hard for it, "Chris said. "Chun-Li worked hard to become a police officer, and a martial artist, and we respect her for that because she didn't take shortcuts and she earned our respect."

"Some women, like that Chavez woman, act like they're entitled to that type of respect, and act like life's so hard," Dante said. "Men have to work hard too, just like women. But she took shortcuts and now she's considered a joke."

"From what Strange has said, there's others like her in his world," Chris said. "Sad to say that it's becoming a problem here. Not just women, all types of entitlement from the younger generations."

"And from what I can see, it's going to be a problem in Equestria," Sunset said. "Where did all this entitlement even come from?"

"It's always been there," Ryu said. "At one point however, it was considered a bad thing and those who acted that way were properly disciplined. Nowadays, that behavior is being nurtured and enabled."

"You got all these people acting like they can take on the world, and higher ups who don't give a damn," Chris said.

"It's so ridiculous," Cloud said, then turned to Amy and Knuckles. "Make sure this crap doesn't happen in your world."

"No promises, I see some entitlement coming," Knuckles said.

Ryu focused on his Equestrian friend, "This is why I urge you to practice hard, and respect the foundations, Sunset. I don't want you to feel that entitlement that others are plagued with."

"Oh I promise I will never act like Luke Sullivan or America Chavez," Sunset said.

"Given that shit with that griffon in Equestria, it makes me worried that someone in this world or Marvel will try that same crap," Chris said. "Luke already tried getting some of the newcomers on his side, especially the new Monster Hunters, Leo and Leia."

"Nero and V are keeping an eye on them," Dante said. "So is Rashid. If anyone's going to be the future, it's him. He actually respects everyone who came before him and is getting by on his own laurels."

"So it's not all lost hope then," Sunset said.

"As long as there's at least one person to speak out against the injustice, then there is hope," Ryu said. "Newcomers are a good thing, so long as they understand that they are not entitled to anything. I have no doubt that this world along with Marvel, Square, Sega and Equestria have its fair share of that."

"Yeah...I think so too," Sunset said, thinking over those who have a bright future in Equestria.

Within that particular world, Rumble was seen entering the newly opened house of his best friend Silverstream, one she shared with Smolder, Ocellus and Gabby. He was joined by Scootaloo, Dinky, his wife Apple Bloom and his son Cumulon.

Sandbar was also there in support of his girlfriend Ocellus, the stallion marveling at the house and happy that the girl of his dreams was living close by.

"This is such a nice place, Silver," Rumble said. "Peter really had this built for you?"

"Yeah, it was super sweet of him," Silverstream said. "But it's hardly a surprise, I guess. Peter's just that nice of a guy."

"Well, he is a superhero, they have to set an example," Rumble said. "But knowing Peter, he sees it as less of a hero thing, and more of a 'Doing the Right Thing' kind of deal."

"Just some friendly hospitality," Apple Bloom said.

"Whoa! There's a sauna in here!" Smolder called from another room. She ran back to the center of the house. "It goes pretty high too!"

"Oh yes, Peter mentioned that to me, he told me it was a surprise for you," Silverstream said. "He figured it'd make you less homesick. But he also warned you to be careful with how much of it you use."

"I'll be good," Smolder said.

"He also added hoops to the backyard," Gabby said. "So Silverstream and I can practice our flying tricks."

"Gonna join the Wonerbolts for real there, Gabby?" Rumble teased.

"Of course, this way I can fly with my friends," Gabby said. "I just hope I can pull it off."

"Well remember, it takes a lot of practice," Rumble said. "You have to be dedicated, not just anyone can join The Wonderbolts."

"Yeah, I'm aware," Gabby said. "I'll still try my best."

"I know you will," Rumble said. "Now then, we all know why we're here."

"Yeah, to throw a housewarming party for our friends," Scootaloo said.

"Well that, and to further our plans," Rumble said. "Equestria needs more superheroes after all."

"Oh boy..." Sandbar lamented.

"Hm? Something wrong?" Rumble asked.

"I still don't know what you or Gallus are thinking when it comes to this," Sandbar said. "What's with this sudden desire to form more superheroes?"

"You remember the Tournament, those villains showed up and said they were gonna destroy the multiverse," Rumble said. "We can't just sit around and let Peter do all the work. We need to do our part to help him and everyone we love."

"You really think you can handle those guys?" Sandbar asked.

"I can't promise we can, but it's worth trying," Rumble said. "I want to be a superhero, it's the main reason I joined The Wonderbolts. I didn't really get to live my dream that much since I was just either patrolling or trying to capture other heroes. But this is my second chance, I want to be the hero I know I can be."

"So do I," Silverstream said. "We owe it to this world to do our best."

"And show those villains they can't mess with us," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah but...it still seems risky," Sandbar said. "The other heroes will figure this out eventually."

"I know they will, I have confidence that they can save the world," Rumble said. "But I'm still not going to just sit aside and do nothing. Peter does so much for us, he risks everything to keep us safe. But while he's fighting for our freedom, he's sacrificing his own. That's not fair to him, why should he have to give up everything for us?"

"Because it's his job, I guess?" Sandbar asked.

"It ain't his job, Peter isn't obligated to do anything fer us," Apple Bloom said. "He chose to be a hero because it's the right thing to do."

"Well if he chose it, why are you so worried?" Sandbar asked.

"Did you really just ask that? Like did you even learn anything at The School of Friendship?" Rumble asked.

"Of course I did," Sandbar said. "I learned plenty."

"Prove it then," Rumble said. "Tell me, Peter being a superhero, what Element do you attribute to that?"

"Um..." Sandbar scratched his head. "Loyalty? Like he's doing his job."

"Again, not a job. That said, I don't entirely disagree with the Loyalty thing, because Peter exemplifies Loyalty to not only those he loves, but to any place he vows to protect," Rumble said. "But a better answer is Kindness. Peter and his friends are heroes out of Kindness. They don't have to save the world, but they do it anyway. They do good just for the sake of doing good."

"Be good for goodness sake," Ocellus said, earning a confused reaction. "I've heard Kurt say that. It's from a Christmas song, but he also says there's Christian truth to it."

"Peter believes that With Great Power, comes Great Responsibility," Rumble said. "That's why he's a hero, he's got the power to protect people and he does. He doesn't need to but he does it anyway. That's where I'm coming from. I want to do it because I know it's the right thing. Peter is my inspiration, and it would be an honor for me to uphold his beliefs and make sure they get passed on to future generations. My son will grow up with lessons we've learned from Peter and the other superheroes, and I will be damned if anyone tries to destroy the good legacy that the heroes worked so hard to build."

"Huh...wow..." Sandbar said. "You're really passionate about this, aren't you?"

"Got that right," Rumble said. "If I can make it so that Peter has even one extra second to spend with his family, I will take that chance. Not just Peter either, I want to ensure everyone has that chance, because this burden should not be Peter's alone. Heroes aren't a curse, they're a gift."

"Well, I can respect your reasoning I guess," Sandbar said. "But, haven't you tried being a hero even before being a Wonderbolt? Like with Magneto, and that Weapon X team."

"I have, and I admit I haven't had the best results so far," Rumble said. "But Peter wouldn't give up, Johnny wouldn't, Logan wouldn't, so I won't either."

"Wow...this is super inspiring!" Gabby said. "You really make me want to try my hardest Rumble! You're just like Peter already!"

"Eh, not yet," Rumble said. "Peter's good at talking but it means nothing without action, which Peter does well too. He's the type who will back up what he's saying and I need to do the same."

"You got it under control, Sugar Pie," Apple Bloom said.

"Thanks hon," Rumble said, focusing back on Sandbar. "Now you see where I'm coming from, don't you?"

"Yeah...one more thing though," Sandbar said. "Do you really believe that the Heroes are a good thing? And not a curse? Like, Gallus did have a point that a lot of problems started because of them."

"Sandbar, you want to know something that not many ponies do?" Rumble asked. "Peter's been to another timeline, and you know what happened in that timeline?"

"Uh, no," Sandbar said.

"It's a complete and utter wasteland," Rumble said. "Ponyville looks like trash, actually all of Equestria does. It's been turned into a wasteland, everyone either dead or prisoners. Peter told me how Apple Bloom didn't make it, and it broke his heart because he loves her."

"Ah felt more terrible fer that version of Applejack," Apple Bloom said.

"Scootaloo's gone, Mayday's done, Twilight's gone, everyone has suffered from this villain," Rumble said. "You know which villain it was? Do you know where the villain came from?"

"Uh...not exactly," Sandbar said.

"It was Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings," Rumble said. "Someone from our world."

"Chrysalis?" Sandbar asked, briefly glancing at Ocellus. "Wait, she destroyed the future?"

"Yes, no superheroes around either, Peter was but that version of him was gone too," Rumble said. "Chrysalis destroyed Equestria."

"I had no idea," Sandbar said. "Is it really true?"

"Ah can verify that it was," Apple Bloom said.

"Same, we've seen the evidence," Scootaloo said. "Sweetie Belle too. You can ask her when you see her again."

"You can also ask Logan, or Twilight, or even Chun-Li and Leon Kennedy," Apple Bloom said. "There are ways to access that future."

"Point is that an enemy from this world destroyed this world, so no, the heroes are not to blame for everything," Rumble said. "Yes there are threats from outside Equestria but that doesn't mean Equestria itself is free from harm. Without the heroes, we'd probably be dead, and Ocellus would still be under Chrysalis's control. There's always going to be danger, pinning the blame on the heroes is not only false, but also cruel because they’re the ones who risk their lives to protect us!"

"So you can understand why what Gallus said was very insensitive, right?" Scootaloo asked. "Imagine volunteering to do something nice for someone, and that person complains."

"It don't have to be heroing either," Apple Bloom said. "You could take time out of yer day to buy somepony something with bits you earned. You give it to that pony and instead of being thanked, yer told something like 'I didn't want Vanilla Ice Cream, I wanted Chocolate Ice Cream'."

"That was kind of specific, did that happen to you?" Sandbar asked.

"Once with Diamond Tiara, she wasn't feeling too well so ah surprised her with a snack, then she complained about it because it wasn't to her liking," Apple Bloom said. "Ah would have been fine if she just told me that it wasn't her favorite flavor but she appreciated what ah did, not that ah messed up when ah didn't even have to be nice to her in the first place."

"Did she apologize for that?" Gabby asked.

"Eventually, her daddy found out and scolded her," Apple Bloom said. "Ah forgave her of course, but it still bothered me. Imagine that fer Peter, but ten times worse because he's risking his life, and some ponies have the nerve to act like this is all his fault when it's not."

"It's just super ridiculous that not only does Gallus have the nerve to say those things, but others believe him," Dinky said. "What's become of this world in that heroes aren't appreciated? It's like they forgot how many times Peter saved the world. He and his friends."

"Guess if it ain't recent, it don't count," Apple Bloom said. "What a load of horse apples."

"When you put it like this, I guess I can see your point of view," Sandbar said. "It'd suck to live in a world like that future."

"You know what's really amazing?" Rumble asked. "Instead of 'striking first', Peter decided to offer the Changelings peace instead of war. He gave them a chance to do the right thing, and it paid off. That's why Ocellus is here right now."

"I owe Peter my life, I will always stand by him," Ocellus said. "That's why I too want to be part of Rumble's plan."

"Hey, someone of your ability would prove very useful, you'd be a cool shapeshifting superhero," Rumble said.

"That reminds me, are there any other shapeshifting heroes?" Dinky asked.

"...No, actually most of them are villains I think," Rumble said.

"Well, I'm honored to break that mold," Ocellus said.

"Excellent, now let's get down to business," Rumble said.

"Wait, what about Sweetie Belle?" Gabby asked. "Is she still not coming?"

"I did ask Laura to get her if she's feeling well," Rumble said. "Laura knows where this house is so-"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Wow...if that's Laura then that's REALLY good timing," Apple Bloom said.

"I'll get it," Gabby said, heading to the door.

"Hey Rumble, you think The Wonderbolts are okay with us doing this superhero thing?" Silverstream asked.

"Johnny and Rainbow Dash can be heroes separately," Rumble said. "If I get fired for it, well I'm willing to take that chance. If you don't want to take it, then I won't hold you to it."

"No, I'll risk it too," Silverstream said. "Doing the right thing matters more after all."

"Exactly," Rumble said. "Gabby, needs to keep that in mind too."

"At least I have no real risk," Scootaloo said.

Seconds later, Gabby had entered the room alongside a very concerned Laura.

"Yo, Rumble, we got ourselves a problem," Laura said.

"Hm? What is it?" Rumble asked as Sweetie Belle stepped into the room.

"Hi everyone, like my new look?" Sweetie Belle asked, showing off her symbiote suit.

"Uh...that looks similar to what Venom had," Rumble said.

"Oh yeah, it was a part of the suit that came off," Sweetie Belle said, turning around some more, really showing it off. "Really looks good on me, doesn't it?"

"...We should let Peter know," Rumble said.

At the Parker-Sparkle home, Twilight had gathered her Element Friends along with their husbands, also joined by Spike, Janet, Franklin and Susan. Trixie, Starlight and Aunt May were there as well with Mayday and Hope. In addition, MJ, Harry and Flash having also been invited.

"Thank you all for agreeing to come here on such short notice," Twilight said.

"Well you made it sound really urgent," Johnny said.

"Does this have to do with Discord?" Logan asked.

"It might," Twilight said, then called to the kitchen. "Bring her in, Peter!"

Seconds later, Peter came into the room, joined by Gwen Stacy, the girl fully dressed in her hero suit.

"Uh, who's this?" Johnny asked. "You recruit someone new Peter?"

"Sort of, she came to me," Peter said.

"Her suit's like yours," Bobby said. "Only black and white...and less webs."

"We also have the same powers," Peter said, turning to Gwen. "Show them."

"Uh, alright," Gwen said, leaping up and latching onto the ceiling with one hoof, surprising those present. "See?"

"Hm...I might believe you more if you crawled around," Bobby said.

"No," Gwen said, leaping down. "You believe it, or you don't."

"Geez, it was just a suggestion," Bobby said.

"She's funny," MJ pointed out.

"What's going on, Peter?" Applejack asked. "Who is this girl?"

"Okay...so is anyone familiar with the story of me meeting other Spider-Men?" Peter asked.

"This again?" Logan asked. "Yeah Parker, we're all familiar by now."

"Mostly," Bobby said.

"Wait, there's more?" Flash asked.

"Quick recap," Peter said. "I was fighting Mysterio, then Madame Web sent me to another Dimension, then things happened, I met other versions of Spider-Man. This girl is also a Spider-Man, except she's a woman."

"That I am," the girl then removed her mask. "Hi, I'm Gwen Stacy, nice to meet you all."

Once again there was a stunned silence in the room, everyone glaring in disbelief at this girl's claims.

"Gwen Stacy?" Johnny asked. "As in...THE Gwen Stacy?"

"Funny, Mayday said the same thing," Gwen said.

"That I did," Mayday confirmed.

"Gwen..." MJ trotted over in disbelief. "Is that really you?"

"Yeah...wait, are you Mary Jane Watson?" Gwen asked.

"I am, it's so great to see you again," MJ said.

"Pleasure's mine too...wow you seem a bit nicer than the Mary Jane I know," Gwen said.

"Oh, are we not friends?" MJ asked.

"We are, sort off," Gwen said. "We're bandmates. I'm your drummer."

"That's amazing," MJ asked. "Wow, me in a band."

"Uh, this is great and all, but what's going on?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, the only Gwen Stacy we knew about was...you know...not alive," Rainbow Dash said.

"Hey, Mayday said that too," Gwen said.

"That I did," Mayday again confirmed.

"Yeah, Peter let me know. He said something about The Green Goblin," Gwen Stacy said.

"It was a big deal at the time, a lot of people lost faith in Peter because he couldn't save you," Johnny said.

"Uh, Johnny, maybe don't be that honest," Rainbow Dash said.

"It's fine, he's not wrong," Peter said. "The public already hated me after letting Captain Stacy die, Gwen dying did me even less favors."

"Wait, you didn't tell me my father died too," Gwen said.

"Oh right, I guess I didn't bring that up," Peter sheepishly said. "If it's any consolation, he died a hero."

"Well...that's good," Gwen said, still feeling a bit unhappy. "Sort of, I still hate the idea of my dad dying but at least he did something good. Now I kind of want to go home and give my own dad a hug."

"So, how did you get your powers?" Remy asked. "Mon ami Peter said he once got bitten by a spider during a school trip."

"That happened to me too," Gwen said. "I guess in that dimension, the spider bit me instead of Peter. Then I got my powers and boom, here I am."

"Wait, so could that mean that in another reality, I got bitten by a spider?" Flash asked.

"It's very possible that reality exists," Gwen said.

"Awesome, I bet I was an awesome Spider-Man," Flash proudly stated.

Johnny turned his attention to Bobby, "Five bucks says he sucked."

"I wouldn't bet against that," Bobby said, the two chuckling a bit.

"Boys, focus," Rarity scolded.

"So, if you're like Peter, does that mean you're just as strong and fast?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I guess so," Gwen said.

"So...wanna go outside and prove it?" Rainbow Dash asked, the girl flashing a confident grin.

"Rainbow Dash, now isn't the time," Twilight said.

"Hey come on, another hero with Peter's powers! I gotta see how she measures up to him," Rainbow Dash said.

"I'd be more than happy to demonstrate another time," Gwen said.

"I'm holding you to that," Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow Dash, knock it off already," Applejack said, trotting over to Gwen, getting a good look at her. "Still...seeing yer face though."

"Hm?" Gwen got a look at Applejack. "Come to think of it, looking at you is almost like looking in a mirror."

"Just what ah was thinking," Applejack said. "Peter said the same thing to me once."

"It was an uncanny resemblance," Peter said.

"Well it's nice to meet you," Gwen said.

"Name's Applejack," the mare said, then gestured to the stallion behind her. "That's Remy LeBeau, mah husband."

"Most folk call me, Gambit," Remy said, holding up a card while flashing glowing eyes.

"Whoa, how did you do that?" Gwen asked. "You have powers too?"

"I'm a mutant, born and raised in New Orleans," Remy said.

"A mutant, cool," Gwen said.

"We'll introduce the rest of our friends. You already met most of them at least," Twilight said. "Meet Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie."

"Also meet their husbands, in order of those Twilight named," Peter said. "Johnny Storm, Bobby Drake, Logan and Wade Wilson."

"People call me The Human Torch," Johnny said.

"Iceman," Bobby said.

"Wolverine," Logan said.

"And I'm Deadpool," Wade confirmed.

Twilight gestured to another mother in the room. "That's Susan Storm."

"The Invisible Woman," Susan confirmed.

"There's Harry Osborn and Flash Thompson," Peter said.

"And of course you know mine and Peter's daughter Mayday, and her cousin Hope," Twilight said. "This is their friend, Franklin."

"Correction, he's my boyfriend," Mayday said, nuzzling his cheek. "And I love him very much."

"Love's a... REALLY strong word Mayday," Peter nervously said.

"I know it is, that's why I said it," Mayday said, earning a blush from Franklin.

"Mayday and Franklin, sitting in a tree," Bobby teased. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

"Put a cork in it you repugnant buffoon!" Mayday shouted.

"...Repugnant?" Bobby asked. "Kid, I know you're smart but using big fancy words doesn't prove your intelligence, it just makes you seem like a try-hard."

"She gets that from her mother, it's like Twilight is a walking Thesaurus," Trixie said.

"Hey! No I'm not!" Twilight said.

"Yeah...she's more like a Dictionary, as Scootaloo would say," Peter joked.

"Peter!" Twilight scolded.

"Ahem!" Logan said, getting their attention. "Focus, if this is linked to Discord, we need to stay on topic."

"Logan's right, stopping Discord is our top priority after all," Peter said. "Same with Wesker."

"Wesker?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, I ran into Albert Wesker some time back," Gwen said. "He's not alone, he's got friends helping him out. Somehow he's able to travel across dimensions, doing who knows what."

"That explains why Chun-Li and her team had a hard time tracking him down after he broke free," Johnny said.

"According to Miguel O'Hara, he's left some traces of travel behind, his multiverse traveling definitely went beyond what you call Marvel and Capcom."

"Miguel O'Hara is another Spider-Man, correct?" Logan asked.

"Yes, at present there are two others on our side, since we're the ones who had direct contact with Wesker and his group," Gwen said.

"Variations of Peter?" Johnny asked.

"No, different ones," Gwen said. "One of them is a boy named Miles Morales. Unlike me, he didn't get bitten in place of Peter, rather he got bitten afterwards."

"So both of us exist in that world?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, he can explain it better," Gwen said. "Miles is a bit newer in his role, but he's a good kid who wants to do the right thing. You set a good example for him in that timeline."

"That's good to know," Peter said. "Who did he come into contact with?"

"Someone named Vergil," Gwen said, Fluttershy suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

"Dante's twin brother," Logan said, the hero unsheathing his claws. "I'd be more than happy to put him in his place."

"Sounds like this Miles kid handled himself well," Peter said. "Wonder if he exists in my Earth too?"

"Maybe, he's from Brooklyn so you can see for yourself one day, but Miguel says the odds of him having been bitten in your world is low," Gwen said.

"If he was, I would have known," Peter said. "But I guess the next time I visit Brooklyn I'll have an answer."

"Who else is there?" Logan asked.

"A girl named Peni Parker, who commands her suit, SP//dr," Gwen said. "Her powers are a bit different, she doesn't have natural super strength, just a psychic link with the spider that bit her. It lives in her suit."

"Oh, so another female Spider," Peter said. "Is she from New York too?"

"Well she was born in Japan, but she lives in New York nowadays," Gwen said.

"Japanese huh? Does she know English?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, she's fluent in both English and Japanese," Gwen said.

"Just like Capcom's warriors," Johnny said.

"Who or what exactly is Capcom?" Gwen asked. "I know it's where Wesker is from apparently but what is it exactly?"

"A world parallel to ours," Peter said. "Just replace the heroes with warriors."

"Like something out of a video game," Flash said.

"Ryu is one of their strongest martial artists, he might be familiar with the girl who fought Miguel," Peter said.

"Dante, a mercenary half demon, is the twin brother of the guy who attacked your friend Miles," Logan said.

"Hm...so who would know about Tron Bonne?" Gwen asked. "She's the one who fought Peni."

"She's one of Mega Man's enemies...or one of them at least. Volnutt I think," Peter said. "Mega Man also has variations of himself, so this whole thing is not exclusive to you or me."

"Then there's Chris Redfield, a former cop turned Anti-B.O.W. agent," Twilight said. "He knows all about Albert Wesker."

"Well then, it sounds like we need to get into contact with Capcom," Gwen said.

"We should let Julia know," Peter said.

"I heard everything," Julia said, suddenly appearing beside Peter and the others, startling them.

"DON'T! DO THAT!" Peter scolded.

"Seriously, where'd you even come from?" Bobby asked.

"I will relay this message to Capcom," Julia said.

"Do you know how to get there?" Peter asked.

"I should have little difficulty," Julia said. "Meanwhile you should all make a plan of attack."

"Yeah, good idea," Peter said.

"I have some ideas, want to run by them together, Peter?" Gwen asked.

"Sure, that sounds good," Peter said, then turned to his wife. "Twilight, you and Spike should send a letter to Celestia, let her know things are being taken care of regarding the villains."

"Uh...sure," Twilight said.

"Good luck with your planning," Julia said, making her leave.

"Lets go Peter," Gwen said, leading the boy away into the kitchen.

Twilight seemed a bit uncomfortable, the reality dawning on her that her husband's first love has returned to life. "Shake it off Twilight, it's just Peter and Gwen being friends. Peter loves me, not her. I'm the only girl he feels anything special toward. Of course there was the time he cheated on me with Future Sweetie Belle, so...wait, what am I thinking? He didn't mean to do that, he was just in a really bad place. I need to be understanding of that. Peter loves me, only me. That will never change."

"Twilight?" Johnny said, getting her attention. "You alright here?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," Twilight said. "Quite a day, huh?"

"Yeah..." Johnny said. "So...Gwen Stacy."

"Uh-huh...surprising, isn't it?"

"And you're sure you're feeling okay?" Johnny asked.

"It's no big deal, really," Twilight insisted.

"Well, just so you know, it's alright if it is," Johnny said. "I get this is kind of strange, even a well adjusted girl like you might freak out a bit. I'm here if you need someone to chat with about it."

"I'll keep that in mind," Twilight said, hugging Johnny. "Thanks for being there for me."

"It's my thing," Johnny said.

"Well now, aren't you all mature now, huh Johnny?" Susan teased. "Comforting a girl without having to ask her out."

"Come on sis, I'm married," Johnny said. "Even if I wasn't, Twilight comes across more like a little sister than a potential girlfriend. Not saying you can't be a good girl for me Twi."

"I get what you mean, and I'm flattered nonetheless," Twilight said, then heard some loud knocking on her door.

"Peter! Twilight! It's me Rumble! Open up!"

"Rumble?" Twilight asked as the knocking grew loud. "Geez, that boy's gonna break the door down."

She used her magic to open the door as Rumble flew inside, "Peter! Twilight! Where are you!?"

"I'm over here, Rumble," Twilight said. "What's with the commotion?"

"This is bad, like really bad!" Rumble said.

"Is it Discord?" Johnny asked.

"It's certainly related to him!" Rumble said, calling to the door. "Sweetie Belle!"

Stepping inside was a confused Sweetie Belle, "Rumble, why'd you drag me here?"

"Yeah why did..." Twilight noticed the symbiote around her body, as did Johnny and Susan. It wasn't long before everyone noticed and freaked out.

"Oh...crap..." Harry said.

Peter stepped out of the kitchen, with Gwen right by his side. "Hey what's going on out-"

"Hi Peter!" Sweetie Belle said, getting his attention.

Peter's eyes widened in worry upon seeing what he did, "...Applesauce."

Unbeknownst to them, Discord had appeared in Equestria, not too far from the Everfree Forest. "Well things are going bad in that wasteland, and it seems like our heroes are trying to move forward. If they catch us off guard, well then the fun's over. But fret not, I know just what to do." With a snap of a finger, he had fully activated some magic. "I hoped these things would have grown on their own by now, guess all the magical interference and what-not prevented it. But it's fine, one little bit of mischief before the grand finale is just what this world needs."

Discord snapped away as black vines began to emerge from the Everfree Forest, gaining strength as it prepares to strike an unsuspecting Ponyville.

Back in the Capcom World, Chun-Li was in the main monitor room, joined by Leon, Jill, Mega Man, Roll, Squall, Kratos, Sonic and the newly arrived Sally Acorn.

"As you can see, tears have appeared across the multiverse," Chun-Li said. "No doubt Wesker is behind a lot of this."

"But not all, even he can't do this much on his own," Leon said.

"Right, Discord may be just as much to blame," Chun-Li said.

"The way Sonic made it sound, Discord is quite the threat," Sally said.

"I don't know him too well myself, but the fact that everyone freaked out at the Tournament has me worried," Sonic said. "Especially those villains who just kind of asserted their dominance."

"And you believe that there's a possibility that Eggman and Wily are part of this too," Sally said.

"I can't confirm it," Sonic said. "But considering Eggman hasn't been seen in my world and Wily hasn't been seen in Rock's, there's a strong possibility they might be part of this."

"What about Wesker?" Mega Man asked. "Could he be part of this too? No one's seen him in a long time."

"This is going from bad to worse," Roll said.

"Don't worry, we won't let it escalate," Chun-Li said.

"At the risk of causing more stress, I do feel the need to mention something of importance," Kratos said. "That being Loki."

"Loki...he's got Sephiroth by his side, doesn't he?" Squall asked. "If those two strike out of nowhere, then we're even more screwed."

"That I am fully aware of," Chun-Li said. "Three threats from three different angles. We're going to need to cover a lot of ground.

"Doctor Strange is watching over things, isn't he?" Sonic asked.

"Yes. He, Clea and Wong are keeping a close eye out, even The Guardians are searching Marvel Space for any sign of Loki," Chun-Li said. "Quill hasn't contacted me in a while about it though."

"Space is massive, one group isn't going to be enough" Jill said.

"The Nova Corp should be aware as well," Chun-Li said. "One member, Richard Rider, is personally on it. He's one of their best too. I believe Black Bolt and The Inhumans are also keeping a close eye out."

"But we still need more allies," Jill said. "We have Spider-Man at least, he and his wife are dedicated to protecting Equestria."

"Of course this is going beyond Equestria, hence why all of us need to be prepared," Leon said. "We need to accept help from anywhere."

"And swallow your pride, right Chun-Li?" Came the voice of Crimson Viper, the woman making her way over with both All Might and Mark Grayson by her side.

"Viper..." Chun-Li said.

"So you made it, and I see you met some friends of ours," Leon said.

"Yes, the big brute here and a shrimpy kid," Viper said.

"I'm not shrimpy," Mark said.

"You're fine, my friend," All Might said. "But this lady could stand to be a little more considerate when talking to others."

"Or he can grow some thicker skin," Viper said.

"Geez, what a pain," Mark said.

"Invincible, glad you could make it," Chun-Li said. "You too All Might."

"Who are these guys? Are they from Marvel?" Viper asked.

"No, they're from their own unique dimensions," Chun-Li said.

"We know Marvel Heroes, like Spider-Man," Mark said. "If I had to say, he's probably my favorite of the bunch. He has that relatability to him."

"I like him as well, he's young but determined," All Might said. "Speaking of youth. Kratos, I think your son is around. He said he brought a friend."

"Goku should be with them now," Mark said. "Also...are you aware that your friend is a talking head?"

"Obviously," Kratos said.

"That's...kind of weird," Mark said.

"My world has weirder," Kratos said.

"Well...I guess mine does too," Mark said. "Wonder what they could be talking about?"


"So, you look human, but you're not," Mimir said, Atreus holding him up. "And you can power up by yelling and turning golden."

"Yeah, something like that," Goku said.

"Hm...you know that would explain why Kratos yells a lot as well," Mimir said.

"Well he does admit to using Rage to power-up," Atreus said.

"Rage is how I achieved Super Saiyan," Goku said.

"Father says anger can be a weapon if used properly," Atreus said.

"That it can, lad," Mimir said. "So, tell me more about Saiyans, this is absolutely fascinating."

"Vegeta might know more, he's kind of like Kratos, only Kratos is a bit calmer," Goku said.

"Given how tense Kratos can be at times, him being calmer compared to someone else is quite telling," Mimir said. "But of course, he's mostly at peace nowadays, which speaks volumes considering he was a solider under the service of a cruel God."

"Wow, and Vegeta was under the service of a cruel Emperor," Goku said.

"Think dad and Vegeta can be best friends?" Atreus asked.

"Oh laddie...somehow I doubt it," Mimir said.

"Maybe Princess Twilight can figure it out," Goku said.

"Princess who?" Mimir asked.

"Oh right, I have a lot to tell you about Equestria," Goku said.

Back in the control room

"Atreus seems fine, you can speak to him later," All Might said. "Still, your friend Mimir, quite the talker."

"Very much so," Kratos said.

"Sounds like my Sonic," Sally said. "Which I don't hate but I do appreciate how much quieter this Sonic is."

"Am I really that quiet?" Sonic asked.

"Most of us are," Squall said.

"Anyway we still need to focus on finding our targets," Chun-Li said.

"Perhaps I can help," Julia said, suddenly entering the room and startling everyone as many brought out their weapons.

"Where the hell did you come from!?" Leon asked.

"I have a message regarding Albert Wesker, and a potential link to Discord," Julia said.

"Wesker? Wait who are you exactly?" Jill asked.

"Call me Madame Web, it's my duty to watch over the Web of Life," Julia said.

"Madame Web?" Mega Man asked. "Are you associated with Spider-Man?"

"Yes, him and all his variations," Julia said.

"Um..." Leon looked a bit awkward. "Does this include a female version?"

"You met Patricia?" Julia asked.

"Yeah, long story," Leon said.

"You can talk about it later," Sally said, focusing on the lady. "Madame Web was it? What do you have to say to us?"

Meanwhile in another realm, The Dazzlings in their human form were doing their best to shake off the pursuit led by Doom and Wesker, the trio joined by Shocker, Electro, Mysterio and Cozy Glow, the latter still trying to get used to her human form.

They were still traveling through the wastelands of an unknown dimension, and for the moment, were on their own.

"We've been running pretty much all night," Aria lamented. "Those guys are ruthless."

"Yeah, and we got separated from our teammates," Shocker said. "If we get found here, we're screwed."

"Then let’s try not to get found, not until we run into one of our stronger allies at least," Adagio said.

"Or at least Eris," Shocker said. "That girl's more reliable than Discord. The moment things looked bad he bailed."

"On top of that, it's his fault this even happened in the first place," Aria said.

"Things may not be a total loss," Mysterio said. "We do have that bell, don't we?"

"...Not on us, Martin had it last," Adagio said. "Which means finding him is a top priority."

"Can we take a break though?" Sonata said. "All this running is exhausting and none of us really slept well last night."

"Toughen up," Electro said. "This ain't running from heroes after all, we're running from villains. Most heroes are at least nice enough to just try and arrest you. These villains, they'll absolutely wreck us if we're not careful."

"Way to add the pressure," Aria said. "But you got a point, we need to keep moving, otherwise we're screwed."

"Keep pushing forward, and watch out for any sign of the enemy," Adagio said.

"Better yet, let's try to keep an eye out for any of our allies," Electro said. "Assuming any of them give a damn about trying to find us."

"Let's have a bit of faith, I mean we've known each other for years by this point, so maybe we developed a bond," Sonata said. "I mean, you three are friends now, and you like us."

"Will you stop with that?" Electro said. "I never once said I was friends with any of you."

"You spend time with us," Sonata pointed out.

"Out of boredom maybe," Electro said, though this did not waiver Sonata's gaze. "Look I'm serious, I do not consider you one of my friends, I never will."

"If that's what you want to believe," Sonata teased. "But consider this, you haven't tried to ditch us."

"Maybe I just need someone to take a hit for me, ever think...WATCH OUT!" Electro pushed Sonata aside just before a large fireball hit them.

Everyone looked aside and spotted Dormammu nearby, "Isn't this nice? You're all such good friends with each other, aren't you?"

"Dammit, of all the people to find us first...though I don't suppose it matters," Shocker said. "Not like we'd be any better off with Doom or Wesker. Hell this guy's worse than those two."

"Who is he anyway?" Aria asked.

"He is the Dread Dormammu, ruler of the Dark Dimension," Mysterio said. "One of Doctor Strange's most powerful foes."

"Uh, isn't Doctor Strange like, super strong himself?" Sonata asked as Aria helped her up. "And this guy rivals him?"

"Calling me a rival is an insult, I far exceed Strange," Dormammu said, generating his power. "And I will be more than happy to show you why."

"Should we try and fight him?" Aria asked.

"What are you stupid? He'll kill us!" Shocker said. "We gotta run!"

"Do you think you can escape me?" Dormammu asked. Just before he attacked, multiples of the group before him began to appear. "What is this?"

"My illusions should keep him occupied, but our window is very short, run!" Mysterio said as his illusions ran at Dormammu.

"Foolish," Dormammu said, leveling the area with ease, the shockwave knocking everyone away and into a nearby ditch. The moment they could move, they scurried on, hoping to put a lot of distance between them and the Dark Dimension's ruler.

"Golly, he's strong, isn't he?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Yeah no shit, did you not hear what Shocker said about that guy rivalling Doctor Strange!?" Electro said. "This is why we didn't want Discord getting him. No way he could have controlled someone like that."

"Makes me wonder why he's working with Doom and Wesker," Shocker said.

"Probably out of convenience," Electro said. "That and Doom is pretty strong too. Can't say the same about Wesker, guy really isn't that great but somehow he convinced Doom he was a worthy ally."

"Herman, you knew Wesker, what do you think he's up to?" Sonata asked.

"Last time he went to Equestria, he had two goals," Shocker said. "Capture or kill Spider-Man, and take over that country. He wanted to use the magic to further his goals to becoming a God. His first step was conquering the Crystal Empire and planned to utilize the Crystal Heart. Honestly it wasn't the best plan, it's not like he can use magic anyway, but that's probably why he had that swordsman Vergil with him."

"I don't suppose you know any weaknesses?" Adagio asked.

"Well Wesker has an ego for sure," Shocker said, as he and the others slowly climbed out of their ditch. "I wouldn't worry about him, he's someone we could probably take in a fight. It's Doom that has me worried."

"As you should be, vermin," Came the voice of Doom, the villain standing beside Ultron.

"What do we have here? Some street level thugs, colorful girls and a little brat," Ultron said.

"Shit...Doom and Ultron, just our luck," Electro said, looking ready for a fight.

"Hey listen, we have no issues with you, so I don't know why you're trying to hunt us down," Shocker said. "If Discord pissed you off, go after him!"

"I have reason to destroy you as well, Shocker," Doom said. "You were part of the failure that was the Invasion of Equestria."

"Hey I did my fair share, I helped Wesker conquer a Kingdom!" Shocker said.

"You lost that same Kingdom, did you not!?" Doom said.

"That's because Wesker was screwing around elsewhere while I had to deal with a pissed off Spider-Man!" Shocker said.

"Screwing around, was I?" Came Wesker's voice, a new villain in the fray and joined by Vergil.

"...You have got to be freaking kidding right now," Shocker lamented. "Wesker...remember that I was a very loyal henchman to you?"

"You, Vega and Lightning Dust started to go rogue toward the end, did you not?" Wesker rhetorically asked. "That didn't seem very loyal."

"I knew getting someone like Shocker was a bad idea," Vergil said, aiming his sword. "Time to correct that mistake."

"Wow...I'm sensing a lot of negativity in you," Adagio said, the girl licking her lips. "It's kind of tasty."

"Don't get any foolish ideas, siren," Vergil warned. "Or I will kill you first."

"Well now what?" Aria asked.

"Let me try," Cozy Glow said, walking over to Vergil. The girl then looked up at Vergil with big, sparkly eyes. "Any chance you could let us go, mister? We would weally, WEALLY appreciate it."

Vergil raised his eyebrow at the girl, "Is this supposed to be cute? Because it's not."

Cozy Glow furrowed her brow, "You big jerk!" She then kicked Vergil in the knee, irritating the half-demon.

"You little brat!" Vergil whacked Cozy Glow to the ground. He was about to strike her again when he took a kick to the head from the oncoming Wizard.

"Run!" Wizard ordered, going after Vergil.

"I don't think so," Wesker was about to go after Wizard when Shocker blasted him from behind. He and Electro then teamed up to blast back Doom and Ultron.

"Nice work, now let's scram!" Adagio said, leading her team away, Sonata quickly grabbing Cozy Glow in the process.

"After them!" Doom said, flying after the group with Ultron by his side.

"I won't let you!" Wizard went for the assist but Wesker kneed his back, sending him flying forward.

"I'll finish him off," Vergil said, unsheathing his sword. Seconds later, Doctor Octopus landed in front of him. "What is-"

Octavius grabbed Vergil by the throat and slammed him down a few times, this mostly just enraging the half-demon as he grabbed his sword and cut off one of the tentacle arms while Wesker sped over and kicked Octavius away.

"That man is Doctor Octopus," Vergil pointed out. "One of Spider-Man's greatest foes."

"Seems like Discord's been busy in his recruitment process," Wesker said.

"Got that right, boys," Came the voice of The Green Goblin, as he hovered above while holding some pumpkin bombs. "Now let's have some fun!"

He threw bombs at the two, both dodging at the last second, and seemingly annoyed.

"Time to destroy this nuisance," Vergil said, leaping up to attack, Goblin parrying the sword strike and punching Vergil aside.

He then extended some blades out of his gear and sped at Wesker, the former Captain blocking, "Don't think it will be that easy, Norman."

"I don't expect easy," Goblin said, reeling back and throwing another bomb that Wesker dodged.

As Vergil tried to stand, he felt a presence approaching him, that of Lord Tirek. "So...you've finally returned."

"Who are you?" Vergil asked, taking a moment to remember. "Oh, that's right. You're that withered old centaur. Here in a pitiful attempt to do damage?"

"You're brimming with magic, aren't you?" Tirek asked.

"What of-" suddenly Tirek started absorbing Vergil's magic.

"Yes, I can feel the power coursing through me already!" Tirek shouted as he buffed up. "Such a powerful young man you are."

"Too powerful for you!" Vergil shouted, grabbing his sword and attempting to slash Tirek, the centaur teleporting away. "Like a mosquito feeding off of an elephant."

"No matter, I can get magic from elsewhere too," Tirek said, making his leave.

"You're not leaving here alive after that stunt!" Vergil shouted, giving chase to Tirek.

Back with Adagio and her team, they were still trying to outrun Doom and Ultron, both villains trying to blast their rivals from the air.

"Escaping is futile," Doom said, zapping at their feet. "Give up."

"You get the feeling that guy is just toying with us?" Aria asked.

"Wouldn't put it past him," Shocker said, then spotted someone up ahead. "Is that Eris?"

"Hey! over here!" Eris said. "Don't worry, I got you covered!"

"It's that woman again," Ultron said.

"She is proving to be a nuisance, kill her," Doom said, the two attempting to blast Eris. She managed to dodge the attacks as she opened a portal.

"Go raise hell, Black!" Eris ordered.

"Do not order me around," Goku Black said, stepping through the portal. "I am here out of my own volition."

"Who is this supposed to be?" Doom wondered.

"Good to have someone powerful on our side," Shocker said. "Can he handle Doom though?"

"You doubt my power? Feeble mortal," Black said, stepping over to the duo of Doom and Ultron. "I can handle this man and his machine."

"You speak with confidence," Doom said. "What makes you believe you can face off against Doom?"

"Doom? Is that supposed to be your name?" Black asked. "Pitiful mortals. You would do well to bow before a God."

"You're a God?" Doom asked. "Is that all?"

"What do you mean 'Is that all?'?" Black asked. "Do you not understand the power of a God?"

"I do...such a concept is beneath me," Doom said.

"You cocky mortal!" Black shouted, throwing a bunch that Doom blocked, the sorcerer retaliating with his own punch that sent Black flying back, the God coming to a stop on his own. "Why you...!"

"Calm yourself, my counterpart," came the voice of another God from his realm, that being Zamasu. "Control your anger, do not let it control you."

"Another one?" Ultron asked.

"You are correct my counterpart," Black said, getting into a stance. "Let us destroy those two, together!"

Both sides clashed once again, Adagio taking a look around. "We gotta make a run for it."

"I don't think so!" Came the voice of Eggman, the scientist landing down in a giant mech. "Get a load of this!"

"Who the hell is this supposed to be?" Shocker asked.

"Call me, Doctor Eggman," the scientist introduced.

"Uh...because you look like an egg?" Electro asked. "Or because your machines-"

Suddenly another robot landed nearby, "And I am Doctor Wily!"

"A lot of evil Doctors today," Cozy Glow said.

"Now then, tremble in fear as my partner and I do away with you bunch of low lives," Eggman said, about to blast them when Venom landed on his machine. "What in the world!?"

"Another mad scientist," Venom yanked Eggman out of his pod. "I will destroy you!"

"Gah! What is this creature!?" Eggman shouted.

"Do not worry, Ivo!" Wily said, blasting Venom from behind with his laser. This just enraged the anti-hero as he tossed Eggman aside and landed on Wily's pod. "Probably didn't think this through."

Vomi then flew in and kicked Venom away, "That was close."

"Wait, you can fly?" Wily asked.

"Hm? Yeah, I can," Vomi said, then focused on Adagio and friends. "As for you seven..."

Vomi was then tackled by Annihilus, the beast engaging in battle with the scientist.

"That was close," Adagio said.

"Not close enough," Prowler said, making his way over.

"...Hobie? Is that you?" Shocker asked.

"Who the hell is Hobie?" Prowler asked, getting into a fight stance. "Wait, some of you look familiar."

"It's us, Shocker, Electro and Mysterio," Herman said.

"Ah, makes sense," Prowler said. "Still, just because I know you doesn't mean you aren't my enemy."

"Bring it, we can take you," Adagio said.

"What about us?" Tron asked, walking over with Kazuya. "Think you can take us?"

"Seven against three," Adagio said.

"Whoa, I don't want to fight," Cozy Glow said. "I'm too cute to fight anyone."

"Says the girl who kicked Vergil in the knee," Adagio said.

"You struck Vergil?" Kazuya asked. "It's a miracle you still draw breath. Of course that will not last much longer."

"Might as well give up, oh and hand over any valuables you might have," Tron said.

"Get ready to fight," Adagio said.

"Don't worry!" Alastor said, landing down between the two sides. "I shall protect you!"

"...Alastor?" Tron asked. "What are you doing here?"

"You and Wesker refused to give my due respect, so I joined Discord's team," Alastor said. "I bet you totally regret not having me and my awesome-"

Kazuya kicked the wannabe villain away with little effort, "What a pain."

"Well that happened," Prowler said. "Now for the rest of you-"

"Watch out!" Tron warned as Martin Li came out of nowhere and nearly impaled Prowler with his Naginata.

"So close," Martin said.

"Mr. Negative?" Prowler said in disbelief. "Damn, this team is stacked."

"You're not worried, are you?" Came the voice of Bison, the villain sinisterly walking over.

"Hell no," Prowler said, ready to fight again.

"You should be," Martin said, bringing out the bell and amplifying his powers to send a blast, knocking the other villains away.

"Great work," Adagio said. "Now we just need to-"

Suddenly Juri showed up and kicked Martin, causing him to drop the bell, "Don't think for a second you're getting the drop on us."

The bell landed near Wesker's foot, the man picking it up, "What's this?"

"Grogar's Bell!" Sonata shouted in worry.

"Don't tell him!" Adagio scolded. "Though I guess it doesn't matter, he won't know how to use it."

"We can figure it out," Juri said. "Well Albert, what say we-"

Wesker then blasted Juri with 'his' magic. Curiously everyone turned to Wesker as 'he' transformed into a human looking Chrysalis.

"So this is the bell Discord sent the eight of you to find?" Chrysalis asked.

"...Guess the secret's out," Adagio said. "We were gonna keep it for ourselves, and anyone who wanted to join us in properly taking over Equestria."

"Very understandable," Chrysalis said. "How does it work?"

"There's a lot of magic in there," Martin said. "With proper control, it can be quite beneficial to us."

"Let's figure it out quick, before things get bad," Adagio said, ducking as an explosion went off.

"I think it's already getting bad," Sonata said, seeing several of her teammates getting thrown their direction, courtesy of the opposing team.

The real Wesker stood beside Doom and the rest of his allies while Discord's team stood on the other side.

Discord himself and Eris watched from above, the two worried about how things will play out.

"Equestria is ours to rule!" Adagio said. "Along with The Multiverse!"

"Apologies, but it's not yours to conquer," Doom said.

Both sides charged at each other, everyone engaging in combat with one another. Adagio battled against Tron while Black did battle with Doom. Juri fought against Chrysalis while Vergil went against Martin Li. Vomi fought Annihilus while Wesker battled against The Green Goblin.

"This is not what I had in mind," Discord said.

"What will you do now?" Eris asked.

"...It's possible our fun just might be over," Discord said. "And after all that planning too. Oh well, there are some that didn't end up in this realm...I think. Might be a miniscule amount but I can always rebuild."

"Hey whoever's alive after all this can join," Eris said.

"...Actually, I might need to do away with them, too much drama," Discord said, generating his magic. "Alas, I knew them all well, but it's time for them to disappear."

"Right, best to get rid of that other team too," Eris said, ready to assist. "To a clean slate then."

Wesker got knocked back, with Goblin knocked to the other side, both men glaring at each other.

"Osborn...!" Wesker shouted, his glowing red eyes glaring from behind his sunglasses.

"Wesker...!" Goblin shouted, his eyes glowing bright yellow as his teeth sharpened.

Vergil aimed his sword, "Prepare to die!"

"You first!" Martin shouted.

The villain sides clashed again when a barrier was placed between them, courtesy of Loki, the God having arrived with Tempest, Sephiroth, Akuma and Super Skrull.

"Who is this?" Black asked.

"Loki...?" Doom asked. "What are you doing here?"

"The God of Mischief," Vergil said. "He's got Akuma with him too."

"Hey, what's going on?" Adagio asked.

Loki gestured up at Discord and Eris, "Beware the treachery."

"Oh boy...' Discord said as all eyes were on him.

"You!" Martin grabbed the bell from Chrysalis and blasted Discord, stealing his magic.

"Hey, I was gonna do that!" Tirek said. "Also how did you even do that!?"

Discord had fallen hard to the ground, looking up in disbelief, "Wait, you had the bell all this time!?"

"For someone who plans a lot of possibilities, I'm surprised you didn't see this coming," Shocker said. "Or did you think we weren't smart enough to consider this idea?"

"You egotistical son of a bitch," Adagio said.

"On top of that, it seems like he was ready to kill you too," Loki said. "Some leader."

"Not kill, more like...remove from this plane of existence?" Discord said, backing away.

"Oh man, I've been waiting TOO LONG for this!" Electro shouted, readying his electricity. "You're about to die now!"

"Wait! Hold on! This isn't necessary!" Discord said. "Come on, I brought you all together, didn't I?"

"For your little game," Aria said.

"But now we're taking control," Adagio said.

"And doing things our way," Shocker said.

"Much apologies Discord, but we cannot afford treachery," Chrysalis said.

"So...finally bit off more than you can chew?" Vergil asked.

"He sure has," Martin said, holding his Naginata. "Time to die, Discord."

The human draconequess winced just before the final blow, but was saved when Eris teleported him away.

"Huh?" Shocker looked up. "Shit, we forgot about her!"

"Get her!" Adagio shouted. Just before either Martin or Tirek could steal her magic, she too escaped.

"She may be a problem," Loki said. "But I can find her."

"No, we will," Doom said. "We'll destroy her ourselves."

"She's our target!" Tirek said. "Get your own enemy."

"Do not tempt your fate," Wesker warned.

"My friends...why are you all fighting?" Loki asked. "Would it not be easier to work together?"

"You want us to team up?" Adagio asked.

"All of you have similar goals, you want conquest, you want to rule, build the world in your image," Loki said. "Destroying each other will not gain you that goal, rather...it will only damper your chances."

"The multiverse is a big place, strong as many of you are, this is not a goal you can achieve on your own," Tempest said.

"Our enemies will be aligned, so must those who oppose them," Super Skrull said.

"This is your chance, to remove the adversity and create the perfect world," Loki said. "Where only the strong endure, and those who have felt cast out can have a chance to reach great ambitions! What do you say?"

Wesker and Goblin glared at each other, unsure what to think. The trust was not fully there, but the opportunity was. They knew the best thing to do would be to align for now and dispose of their enemies. From there they would see where their paths go.

With one firm decision, Wesker and Goblin shook hands, signifying their alliance.

"And thus, a new alliance is born!" Loki said. "We shall mend the mistakes of those who have brought the worlds to ruin, and create a better society in its place! Our time has come, and our destiny shall be realized!"

"What should we call ourselves?" Sonata asked. "I don't think we really had a name, aside from Sinister Squadron."

"I fancied the name Malefactor," Vergil said.

"I got it! The Malefactor Squadron," Goblin said. "Ready to unleash a Multiverse Armageddon!"

"I suppose it works, not that it matters. A name is like the sunglasses I wear, mere decoration," Wesker said, removing the accessory for a second, flashing a sinister smile as his eyes glowed red. "We will do as we please."

"Yay! One step closer to our goal!" Cozy Glow said. "And since we're all gonna be friends, it's important that we get to know each other. So give us your name, where you're from and your favorite hobby."

"...Who is this lost child?" Doom asked, much to Cozy Glow's annoyance.

"Hey! I'm not a child, metal head!" Cozy Glow shouted, to Doom's annoyance.

"...Okay for real, who's babysitting?" Prowler asked.

"Why is she here? She looks far too young," Sephiroth said.

"Yeah, she should be somewhere safe," Tempest said.

"We don't want her getting hurt after all," Juri said.

"Uh, excuse me!?" Cozy shouted. "When did I turn into a charity case!? I'm a villain just like all of you!"

"Villain?" Venom asked, making his way over. "We're not villains, we're the saviors, protecting the worlds from the real villains. Spider-Man and his annoying friends."

"Huh?" Cozy Glow asked. "Pretty sure we're evil."

"To be fair, we're in this position because society screwed us over," Electro said.

"Yeah, society is the true villain here," Juri said. "Which is why we're going to destroy it so it can build anew!"

"Like a phoenix from the ashes!" Eggman said. "There the world will realize just how great we truly are!"

"My mission is one of justice, so I suppose this makes me the true hero," Black said.

"Exactly, and now we have allies who understand our vision," Zamasu said. "The Gods made a mistake with mortals and we shall correct that mistake."

"By replacing them with robots, correct?" Ultron asked.

"Eh, if they're all robots, it makes it boring," Eggman said. "Don't get me wrong, robots are so much better than sentient lifeforms but being worshiped is much more satisfying when it's not programmed."

"Good point," Ultron said.

"Yes, being worshiped does have its kinks," Black said.

"Gods deserve to be worshiped," Loki said. "And in a way, we soon shall be Gods to the fine folks of the multiverse."

"I too wish to restore humanity to its former glory, by removing those who stole the planet away from the rightful rulers," Sephiroth said. "Rulers such as my ancestors, the Cetra."

"It's nothing personal against some mortals too, I mean...sacrifices must be made unfortunately, but it's for a better cause," Super Skrull said. "Their own God still loves them after all."

"So, what are we waiting for?" Adagio asked. "Let's fix the multiverse!"

"Who's with us!" Shocker shouted, earning a large round of applause. "Hell yeah! Let's get to it!"

"For justice!" Black shouted.

"And order!" Eggman shouted.

"Maybe some tacos too!" Sonata shouted, earning some confusion initially before the cheered again.

Cozy Glow scratched her head, "Adults are weird." She turned to Martin, the man looking at the bell. "What's up, Marty?"

"Discord had something else he was worried about, but I don't recall what it was," Martin said.

"It's probably nothing, come on, let's plan the downfall of our enemies!" Cozy Glow said, taking Martin by the wrist and dragging him along, with even Venom himself feeling confused.

"What is going in with this group anyway? We're getting mixed vibes from them," Venom cautiously followed his allies.

Unaware to them, Martin's worries were developing.

Off a Pear Farm in Vanhoover, Wanda Maximoff was sitting on a fence, watching some kids playing, a proud smile etched on her face. At the moment she felt nothing but peace and happiness as the boys played with a soccer ball.

"Wanda?" Her brother Pietro said, getting her attention. Suddenly the boys had disappeared, much to her annoyance.

"Don't startle me like that, now I gotta start over," Wanda said.

"Wanda, be careful with this reality manipulating thing you're doing," Pietro said. "You don't want to draw too much attention."

"It's fine, I'm keeping it limited to here," Wanda said. "I'm not gonna put a hex on the world or anything."

"Why are you doing this anyway?" Pietro asked. "Why create fakes?"

"Well obviously I'm having a hard time doing it the old-fashioned way," Wanda said. "The only man I've fallen in love with is an Android, so it's not like he can help me either."

"You know you can try dating," Pietro said.

"I can't see anyone falling for me," Wanda said. "Look, I know this looks unusual but it keeps me happy. You can respect that, right?"

"Of course, but I want more for you," Pietro said. "You deserve better than this fake family."

"If I see it as real, then it becomes real," Wanda said.

"...Maybe you should see Twilight again," Pietro said.

"What is she supposed to play matchmaker?" Wanda asked. "For that I'll find her sister-in-law. Though I wouldn't mind a visit, I do miss Twilight. I kind of feel bad that I haven't seen her in a while, she must be worried about me."

"Let's make plans, we'll get the guys too" Pietro said.

"Yeah sure," Wanda said.

"Actually, even Grand Pear has been itching to go to Ponyville for some reason," Pietro said. "So it works out."

"Yeah, sounds good," Wanda said. "Catch you later, Pietro."

Pietro sped off, leaving Wanda to herself. She generated an image of Peter and Twilight, feeling a sense of happiness mixed with regret.

"I hope you two are doing well, I promise to see you again," Wanda said, then generated an image of Mayday. "I hope your daughter is doing well too. I can't wait to see her actual smile with my own eyes."

While heroes were planning a counterattack against the villains, their enemies were getting stronger and ready to strike, all the while trouble was still growing in the Everfree Forest.