• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 752 Views, 81 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Ultimate Showdown - Masterob

The final battle, a multiversal showdown with Spider-Man and Twilight Sparkle caught in the center.

  • ...

Sticking Together

That night before going to bed, Peter warmed up some milk to help his sleep.

"Here's hoping I can get a good night's rest," Peter said. "While being comforted by Twilight after waking up from a bad dream is nice, I just really need a decent nice sleep."

"Peter?" Starlight said, getting the hero's attention.

"Oh hey Star, need something?" Peter asked as he chugged down the milk.

"Just thought I'd check on you, I heard about how hectic today was," Starlight said.

"Nothing I couldn't handle," Peter insisted, taking a moment to wash and dry the cup.

"Still, as a guidance counselor, I should have been more attentive," Starlight said. "I couldn't even do anything when Rumble and Gallus were fighting."

"That took everyone by surprise, to an extent," Peter said, placing the cup back. "Gallus is a bit of a smart-mouth and Rumble acts on emotion at times, though I didn’t expect a fight. But seriously, it's all good."

"What about Wallflower Blush?" Starlight asked. "She seemed really mad. Honestly, I don't even remember her acting this way. I mean, she always kept to herself, but she still seemed respectful for the most part."

"Well like her name says, she's a Wallflower," Peter said. "She seems like the type to bottle up her emotions, I mean I can be the same way, so I actually empathize with that girl."

"I can relate myself, I don't like talking about my feelings sometimes either," Starlight said. "Honestly I'd rather help others with their problems, but this may be beyond my capabilities."

"How so? Weren't you a Guidance Counselor?" Peter asked. "You were pretty good too, and you already know Wallflower, don't you?"

"A little, but like I said, she always kept to herself," Starlight said. "If there's one thing I learned from Luster Dawn is that some ponies may be beyond my reach. I'm just not good at giving advice to ponies who struggle with being social."

"I can't blame you for that, feels like a product of this culture," Peter said. "But, you've learned a bit since then. You learned from Luster Dawn that even non-social ponies can make friends under the right conditions. I mean she managed to befriend my daughter, and she's also very much to herself."

"Yeah, it's adorable how close the two have become," Starlight said. "Still, I'm not perfect at this. I want to be better but I don't know how."

"Sometimes it's about being yourself," Peter said. "But I get it, not everyone can solve every single problem, and you don't need that type of pressure. If you want to try and help, give it a shot, but you're not alone on this. I mean Trixie's always there to help you out, and you have Autumn Blaze too. You're not alone here."

"I know, and it makes me happy," Starlight said. "Years ago, I never would have thought I'd be part of such a loving family. I really do appreciate you taking me in, and I guess that's why I feel so obligated to help you and Twilight with problems. I'm just not always good at it."

"I wouldn't say that," Peter said. "Look, do your best. Hopefully that girl can open up to whoever makes her feel comfortable."

"You know, you mentioned that you were like her once yourself," Starlight said. "How did you manage it?"

"Not well, like I wanted to fit in but...things just got complicated for me," Peter said. "I was going through a lot back in the day, I had my responsibilities and I just never really bonded with my friends on Earth, if I can even call them my friends nowadays."

"Sounds like shyness runs in the family with you and Mayday," Starlight said.

"Yeah, that's why I understand how she feels," Peter said. "Granted I would rather she have friends too, I just want her to have friends she can trust. I feel better knowing that Franklin and Luster Dawn are there for her."

"Well, I hope you know that I'm here for you, just in case you feel like you messed up in the past, I like you for how you are now," Starlight said.

"Same here, you've grown a lot since I first met you," Peter said. "I'm proud of the mare you turned out to be."

Starlight nodded her head, blushing from the compliment, "Thank you. And thanks for letting me live with you and your family."

"Hey you are family now, Starlight," Peter said. "You're Trixie's best friend, you're Twilight's apprentice, Spike and Janet really like you, Aunt May thinks you're pleasant to have around, and you're one of my closest pals."

"...What does Mayday think of me?" Starlight asked. "In all these years, I don't feel like I've bonded much with her. Which is a shame because she's so adorable and the type of daughter I wish I had."

"You should tell her, it'd definitely make her feel better about herself," Peter said. "Mayday likes you though, I can tell that she sees you as family too. Try spending time with her if you'd like, you'll see for yourself."

"That's good, and maybe I can spend time with Benjy too, be like that cool aunt," Starlight said.

"Good practice so if you ever want to be a parent," Peter said. "Though, is there any guy you'd like?"

"I'm not too sure yet, some stallions have caught my eye but I'm kind of nervous about approaching any of them," Starlight said.

"Honestly, the stallions you like should be approaching you," Peter said. "I mean, didn't Trixie say something about a stallion approaching both of you at the gala?"

"Yeah, Tender Taps," Starlight said. "He's cute but he's kind of young, so I'm a little mixed. Plus it seems like he's keeping his options open."

"Well some guys do like older girls, honestly I was the same way as a kid," Peter said. "Ironic that I married a girl younger than me. If you're put off by Taps's age, then that's fine, maybe you don't want a guy who just turned into an adult, but if you change your mind and you're just worried about the other girls, then you gotta make yourself appealing somehow. Objectively speaking, you're very attractive, so he's already hooked in. Now you show your personality."

"So, let’s say you were single...would you have dated me?" Starlight asked, almost regretting it as she realized it wasn't the best question to ask.

Peter's eyes widened in surprise, "Should have expected this." Peter was quick to clear his throat as he began to speak. "It's highly possible."

"Well, thanks for your honesty," Starlight said, immediately turning around. "I should get to bed."

"Yeah, goodnight," Peter said. "That was a bit awkward, but she could use the confidence boost."

Meanwhile Starlight was mentally berating herself, "Geez, why would I ask a married man if he found me attractive? Hypothetical or not that was crossing the line! Twilight would be furious if she heard that!"

A bit later on, Peter laid down in bed, hoping to be able to sleep well. It wasn't long before he felt someone next to him, that of course being Twilight, the mare cuddling next to him and planting a few kisses on his cheek.

"Hey Twi, you seem happy," Peter said.

"Of course, I'm laying next to you aren't I?" Twilight asked, placing a few more kisses. "You always make me happy."

"Feeling's mutual," Peter said, returning her kisses.

"Peter, I'm really sorry about our fight today," Twilight said, nuzzling her husband's cheek.

"It's in the past, don't worry about it," Peter said.

"No, I can't just disregard it," Twilight said. "I know Friendship is a rickety situation for you and well...I should be better about addressing it with you and Mayday."

"Just consider things from Mayday's perspective, think less like a Princess and more like a mother," Peter said. "Mayday's still adjusting to certain things and it's our duty to ensure she makes the right choices without making them for her.'"

"I know, it's just that, I really love how close she's gotten with Luster Dawn and I just want to make sure they maintain their bond," Twilight said. "Aside from Franklin, no other pony has made Mayday so happy."

"Yes, Franklin, Mayday's new crush," Peter said, almost lamenting it.

"Are you worried?" Twilight asked.

"Not too much, he's a nice boy and I'm happy that he's friends with Mayday, but it feels too soon for her to develop a crush," Peter said. "Guess it just means she's growing up and it's a hard fact to face."

"We can't stop her from growing up, but that will not take away the fact that she's our daughter," Twilight said. "No matter how old she gets, she'll always want you in her life. I mean, you're a grown man and you still have your aunt around. I still regularly visit my parents because I'm still their little girl."

"I know, it's a tough adjustment but as long as she's happy, that's my main goal," Peter said. "I am forever grateful to have a daughter like Mayday, just as I'm grateful to have you as my wife."

"I'm grateful you're my husband," Twilight said, kissing Peter some more. "You know, Johnny had a great idea earlier."

"What idea?" Peter said, thinking about the one thing that Johnny said that stood out. "Oh that...Heh, you're so generous lately, I feel lucky."

"So do I," Twilight said.

"...Say are you in heat?" Peter asked.

"Hm? No, I'm not in heat yet, why?" Twilight asked.

"Just wondering," Peter said.

"If I were...would you still want to do it?" Twilight asked. "Would you want another baby?"

"Honestly, I would rather Benjy get older before we try for another baby," Peter said. "But if we get blessed with a 'surprise', then I'm fine with that too."

"Well it won't happen tonight, but the future is still untold," Twilight said, casting her sound proof spell. "Come on, lets 'make-up' for earlier."

Meanwhile in their room, Spike is seen dragging his feet inside, the dragon a bit worn out from the previous day. "Impromptu training from Ember can really take a toll on a dragon."

"Hey Spike," Janet said, the woman in bed and looking through her phone.

"Hey Janet...uh, you have signal here?" Spike asked.

"Sort of, I'm actually playing a preinstalled game, showing fruit who's boss. Peter has been trying to see if he can bring Wi-Fi to Equestria," Janet said. "Might help with the computers he feels Twilight can add to her school."

"Might be hard for ponies to use those things since they don't have fingers, but I trust that Peter already took that into consideration," Spike said.

"Modern inventions in Equestria, this world is sure evolving," Janet said.

"Well, it's taking a while, but it can get there with enough effort," Spike said, lying in bed next to his wife. "I am so tired."

"Get some sleep then, you've earned it," Janet said, stroking his head.

Spike rolled to his wife's side, placing his hand over her belly. "This might sound random but...are you interested in having more kids?"

"You're right, that is random, what's bringing this on?" Janet asked.

"I figured it'd be nice if Hope had a brother or sister to keep her company," Spike said. "I mean, she has Benjy who's close to her age, but I feel like a few more kids wouldn't hurt."

"I'll think about it, I mean being pregnant usually means staying in bed and it was a pain last time," Janet said. "Though, being a mother is a rewarding experience so there's a plus at least. But make sure you can contribute some time as well."

"I will," Spike said, letting out a big yawn as he deepened his cuddle. "Have I ever mentioned how soft you are?"

"Many times," Janet said.

"I just love being next to you," Spike said. "I still can't believe you're my wife too, I feel so lucky."

"Heh, you always say that. But I should be grateful you think that way," Janet said. "I met you at a really great time, you really helped me past my divorce."

"That's good...that reminds me, have you thought more about seeing Hank?" Spike asked.

Janet shyly looked aside, "Yeah, a little."

"You two have really gotten along better, granted he doesn't visit much but I feel like you two should just get together one day and air out some grievances," Spike said. "I can't help but feel like you're still awkward near him."

"Is it that noticeable?" Janet asked.

"I know you pretty well by now Janet, I can tell when you're feeling awkward," Spike said. "I think you want to move past your prior issues, but you need a bit of motivation. Seriously, why don't you go to Earth and visit him or something, talk in privacy."

"You sure that's a good idea?" Janet asked. "What if things get worse and our friendship just falls apart?"

"You should at least try," Spike said. "I mean, I can be there if you want me to."

"It might be awkward for Hank if you were, but I would like it if you were not too far away," Janet said.

"We'll work it out," Spike said. "I feel like this will be great for both of you."

"Yeah, I think so too," Janet said, placing a kiss on Spike's head. "Thanks for looking out for me."

"Anything for you," Spike said, drifting off to sleep. "I love you..."

Janet held her sleeping husband close, but still had thoughts of her ex in her head, wondering how things would be if she and him sorted stuff out sooner. If some problems really could have been resolved without all the heartache. Janet was almost afraid to find out, but at the same time, really wanted this behind her.

The following day in the Friendship Center, the place was once again packed with ponies eager to try all the activities once again, or try something different than before.

Two such attendees were Sweetie Belle and Smolder, the two exploring the halls and looking for a new activity to try together.

"So wanna try Taps's dance class?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"That place might be packed," Smolder said. "We can try later, though."

"How about swimming?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Maybe..." Smolder said. "Not much for swimming, unless it's lava. It feels nicer on my scales."

"I'm not lava-proof," Sweetie Belle said. "How about sewing?"

"No way, last time we tried that at your sister's place, everything went wrong," Smolder said.

"It wasn't that bad," Sweetie Belle said, then noticed one of her closest friends. "Scootaloo!"

"Sweetie Belle?" Scootaloo said. "Oh, you're here, and with Smolder."

"Hi," Smolder said.

"You two seem together a lot these days, almost a bit jealous," Scootaloo said.

"Oh, are we really?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Sorry, I'll do something with you soon, promise."

"It's all good," Scootaloo said. "Where are you two off to?"

"We're not sure yet," Sweetie Belle said. "There's a lot to do here."

"Sure is, just a moment ago I saw Silverstream, Gabby and Ocellus walking into a room together, they seemed eager about something," Scootaloo said. "I think Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were with them."

"Wow, they're not with Tender Taps?" Smolder asked.

"Not this time," Scootaloo said. "You two should definitely go and check it out."

"Sure, let's go Smolder," Sweetie Belle said, quickly dashing off.

"Hey wait up!" Smolder said, following her friend.

"Hold on! I didn't tell you where it is!" Scootaloo said, trying to follow the two.

Meanwhile near a snowy mountain, Discord had just created a portal for the villains. "Alright, you all know what you need to do right?"

"You mean find that stupid bell you've been rambling on about for a year?" Adagio asked.

"Precisely," Discord said. "This Bell is the key to great power after all."

"And you're sure it's in this mountain?" Shocker asked.

"According to Legend, Grogar's Bell was taken to a mysterious cave by an old pony known as Gusty the Great," Discord explained. "She hid the bell after defeating Grogar in hopes that it will never fall into evil hands again. But it didn't take too long for me to narrow it down, just travel to the top of Mount Everhoof and you should be able to find it."

"Why would she hide the bell instead of destroying it if it's so dangerous?" Electro asked.

"Oh it cannot be destroyed," Discord said. "Lucky for us too."

"This Bell better exist, Discord," Aria said.

"It does, now enough questions," Discord said. "To keep it simple, I can't send all of you, so this expedition will only require Adagio, her two siren friends, Electro, Shocker, Mysterio, Cozy Glow and Mr. Negative."

"Wow, lucky us," Aria said.

"Now don't be like that, I still need some villains to help me with other stuff," Discord said. "Annihilus and Doc Ock are in Dragon World, maintaining contact with Goku Black, and having a bit of fun. Tirek is helping me finalize plans on where to strike, and everyone else is busy."

"Busy how?" Electro asked. "You know, for this all powerful being you sure like relegating your duties onto others!"

"Is it any different from other power-hungry villains?" Shocker asked.

"Hey, I hear Doctor Doom gets things done by himself," Electro said. "Guess Discord is all talk and no-"

Suddenly Electro was lifted into the air by Discord's magic, the Draconequess smugly grinning at his underling. "You were saying?"

"Discord!" Adagio shouted. "Put him-"

Suddenly she along with her entire team were levitated into the air as magical chains surrounded them and a pit of lava appeared below.

"What is this!?" Martin shouted, struggling to escape.

"Hey! Let us go!" Sonata shouted.

"Careful, that might be a poor choice of words," Discord said, lowering Sonata enough to barely be above the lava, and its random explosions. "Still don't think I should be in charge?"

"Alright fine, you win," Electro said. "Now put us down! On land!"

"Gladly," Discord said, removing the spell as everyone fell hard to the ground.

"Ow, my tush," Cozy Glow said, rubbing herself.

"Aren't you able to fly?" Aria asked.

"It's not that easy to just flap my wings, you know!" Cozy Glow shouted.

"Talk later, the bell awaits," Discord said.

"Uh-huh..." Shocker said. "Come on, lets get this over with."

As the villains made their leave, Discord turned his attention to the nearby Green Goblin and Chrysalis. "You two, be on standby, I may send you to check on them."

"What do you hope to achieve with this bell exactly?" Goblin asked.

"Simple, we need a bit more fire power, and that bell has some special properties that could really come in handy," Discord said. "Plus it's great for keeping certain villains under control."

"Funny how this is being done so close to the start of our plans," Chrysalis said.

"Well it did take a while to find the bell, and even when I did, it's better that power like that doesn’t stay in one place too long, the temptation would be torture," Discord said. "That bell could be our ticket to finding more useful items to aid in our conquest, specifically The Crystal Heart and Queen Novo's Crystal."

"Do you intend to steal them before the invasion, or after?" Goblin asked.

"If any volunteers believe they can steal either of those before without getting caught, then be my guest," Discord said. "It's not as simple as just poofing there and taking the items, they're well guarded after all. Plus doing so too soon could raise too many defenses, no doubt some have already been raised due to Adagio and her friends getting caught at the Gala."

"Yes, that was indeed the amateur move," Goblin said.

"It's nothing that can deter us," Chrysalis said.

"Oh I don't doubt that," Goblin said. "This is good, a little fear is what Equestria needs as it faces it's inevitable end."

"That's a great way to think of it," Discord said, flying away from the portal. "Well I shall be back to check on them in about twelve hours."

"Would it really take that long? I thought you tracked it down?" Chrysalis said.

"I did, it's at the peak of the mountain and I left them at the base," Discord said. "Should build a bit of extra teamwork. Anyway I must tend to something."

The draconequess disappeared from sight, Chrysalis suspiciously eyeing Discord. "I will never trust that creature."

"I don't think anyone does," Goblin said. "But how many of us are trustworthy? I've held my secret from my own son for as long as possible, meanwhile you are a shapeshifter."

"I suppose it is no secret that trust is a fragile thing here, and why we all keep to ourselves," Chrysalis said. "It is our common goal that keeps us from betraying one another."

"For the time being," Goblin said. "If I were you, I'd keep looking over your shoulder."

As Goblin made his exit, Chrysalis couldn't help but deviously smirk, "Well I have some I can trust." She turned to the side, "Pharynx."

"Yes Queen Chrysalis?" Pharynx said, flying over.

"Do a little recon of your own, take a few scouts and detail any new info," Chrysalis said. "And if you can, try to see what my old hive is up to, including your brother."

"Pfft, what brother?" Pharynx said, making his leave.

"What brother, indeed," Chrysalis said.

In the Dragon World's future, Black and Annihilus were flying over the city, looking for any remaining humans.

"Do you detect any of them?" Annihilus asked.

"I do not, seems they've all fled," Black said. "No doubt Trunks and those new friends of his are behind that. Quite troublesome they've turned out to be."

"In the end, mutants or not they're only human," Annihilus said. "Your plans will come to fruition soon."

"Yes, I will eradicate all mortal life in the twelve realms," Black said. "Of course, if a few behave themselves, I may keep them around as servants. They will live so long as they worship me."

"Good call, having worshipers has it's perks," Annihilus said.

"I do not doubt that," Black said, then noticed a new appearance joining him and the Negative Zone Ruler. "It's you."

"Hello Black, how's your remodeling of the twelve universes going?" Discord asked.

"Quite well," Black said. "Did you need something? Is my assistance required?"

"Soon, I sent some underlings to find something, and then we're going to strike," Discord said. "In the meantime, try to grow stronger, I could use every bit of strength you have."

"You need not worry, my strength and skills are top notch," Black said.

"Well that's good," Discord said, disappearing. "Carry on!"

"...I do not trust him," Black said.

"Join the club," Annihilus said.

In the distance, Trunks was escorting survivors with help from Forge, Cable and Bishop.

"Hurry up now, there's no time to waste!" Cable said.

"Black really has it out for humans," Forge said. "This is worse than the Sentinels."

"I'm still not strong enough to beat him either," Trunks said.

"Don't worry, I just need to keep trying to build something that brings him down," Forge said. "I'll get the right amount though, count on it."

"If worse comes to worse, we'll use my time machine," Trunks said. "I can find Goku and my father, bring them here and they can defeat Black and that other creature."

"If you need to time travel, Cable can help," Forge said.

"Thanks, but this time machine goes to a specific period in time," Trunks explained. "I don't know if what you have will work, and I'd rather not take any chances."

"Well I know friends too, if it really gets bad, I can get the X-Men," Forge said. "The only problem is the one guy I know that can last is living in another world. Nothing against the others, but aside from Jean Grey, I don't know how long they can last against Black. And Jean's power is too unpredictable. Last thing we want is another threat."

"Tell me about it," Trunks said. "Let's hurry, Mai's waiting."

Back at the Friendship Center, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Smolder discovered the new class. It was a Cheerleading class, led by two Earth Ponies, an orange one named Lighthoof, and a green one named Shimmy Shake.

"Part of cheer means showing some spirit!" Lighthoof said. "Show why you want to be here!"

"Cheerleading?" Smolder asked.

"This looks fun!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "Smolder, let's try it out!"

"No way, I'm not doing this!" Smolder said.

"Smolder?" Silverstream said, taking note of her dragon friend. "Oh, and you have Sweetie Belle with you!"

"Yes, and we're leaving," Smolder said.

"But I want to try some cheerleading," Sweetie Belle said.

"Hey if you want to then go for it, but I have no interest in being part of this," Smolder said.

"Not even with me?" Sweetie Belle said, flashing adorable eyes at Smolder.

"I'm immune to cute," Smolder said, the faint blush on her face contradicting her statement.

"Oh give it a chance, Smolder," Ocellus said.

"Yeah, it'll be super fun!" Gabby said.

"Come on, do it for me, Smoldy," Sweetie Belle said.

Smolder tried turning away but she could not resist how adorable Sweetie Belle looked when asking. "Ugh...one time, that's it. If I hate it, I'm bolting."

"That's all I ask," Sweetie Belle said. "As long as I get to spend some time with you."

"Geez, are you two dating or something?" Diamond Tiara asked.

Smolder's eyes widened in shock and annoyance while Sweetie Belle raised her eyebrow at her rich friend.

"No, we aren’t dating. Smolder and I are just friends," Sweetie Belle said.

"It's just the way you talk to her, and how often you hang out with her, it even looked like you were trying to seduce her," Diamond Tiara said.

"Uh, how? I just gave her cute eyes, I do that to a lot of my friends," Sweetie Belle said.

"I can verify," Scootaloo said, walking into the room. "Sweetie Belle flashes those eyes whenever she can."

"Also Diamond Tiara, are you really one to make assumptions, I mean you gush over Apple Bloom, does that mean you have a crush on her?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I thought she did," Scootaloo said.

"Once! When I was a filly and didn't know what a crush was," Diamond Tiara said. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I prefer a stallion."

"Yeah, me too," Sweetie Belle said.

"I already have one," Ocellus said, slightly boasting.

"Gonna use your cheerleading moves to give him a personal show?" Scootaloo teased, earning a blush from Ocellus.

"Uh...well..." Ocellus wasn't even sure if she could deny this question.

"I'd like to put on a show for Spider-Mane," Shimmy Shake said, thinking pleasant thoughts about the superhero.

"Oh me too, maybe get him in on practice," Lightfoot said, also thinking the same thoughts.

"Um, you girls know that Peter is married, don't you?" Sweetie Belle said. "Not a good idea to obsess over a taken stallion."

"Now who's speaking hypocritically?" Diamond Tiara said. "You still have a crush on Peter."

"No I don't..." Sweetie Belle said, hiding her face behind her mane.

"You do! I've seen it, and when it's not Peter you're thinking about Rumble, two boys you like and are both married," Diamond Tiara said.

"Dia, be nice," Silver Spoon said. "You're making Sweetie Belle uncomfortable."

"She did it to me first!" Diamond Tiara said.

"Technically you did it first by bringing up her friendship with Smolder," Silver Spoon said. "Please try not to turn back into that spoiled filly you once were."

"Okay fine," Diamond Tiara said. "I'm sorry Sweetie Belle."

"Yeah, it's fine," Sweetie Belle said.

"Alright then, anyone who's up for some cheerleading, go change into your gear," Shimmy Shake said.

"Wait, I'm coming too!" Apple Bloom said, rushing into the room.

"Apple Bloom! Didn't expect to see you here," Diamond Tiara said.

"Yeah, especially after yesterday," Ocellus said.

"Ah almost didn't want to come back, but Rumble told me it'd be good to check this place out some more," Apple Bloom said.

"Is he here?" Scootaloo asked.

"No, I'm not sure if he can come back fer a while," Apple Bloom said. "Twilight wasn't too happy with him fighting with Gallus."

"Gallus..." Silverstream seethed in anger. "Ugh, I am so mad at him! Giving me an ultimatum like that, who does he think he is!?"

"Don't be too hard on him, you know Gallus doesn't mean any harm," Ocellus said. "He's just too vocal about his opinions."

"He needs a brain to mouth, filter," Sweetie Belle said.

"Unfortunately most of us in Griffonstone don't have that filter," Gabby said. "I'm the same way, except I don't really have a lot of negative things to say."

"Mah sister Applejack can be like that too, she's too honest fer her own good," Apple Bloom said. "Still, don't excuse Gallus's behavior, or what he said to Rumble."

"It's true, Gallus was out of line," Ocellus said. "But, Rumble could have handled that better without resorting to violence."

"Yeah, ah know he could have, and he does feel bad about starting a fight. He's worried it will set a bad example fer our son," Apple Bloom said.

"Rumble's a father now, but he's still pretty young, you both are," Silverstream said. "So there's room for growth."

"Yeah, of course," Apple Bloom said. "Well, let's get down to it then, learning a cheer would be great the next time ah join Rumble during a Wonderbolts show."

"We have one in a couple of weeks," Silverstream said. "But, remind me, when are you two taking that honeymoon?"

"When Fleetfoot gives him time off," Apple Bloom said.

"Oh right..." Silverstream said, thinking to her new captain. "Not gonna lie, she can be a pain in the neck. And now she has those four new ponies to make things even more annoying."

"You'll be fine, just remind Fleetfoot how talented you are," Ocellus said.

"Yeah, totally," Silverstream said. "I don't care how good Indigo Zapp thinks she is, she and her team have nothing on mine and Rumble's teamwork."

"I like your spirit," Lighthoof said. "Let’s get to it!"

At the snowy mountain, Adagio led her team through the path to the top. "Something tells me what we're looking for is at the peak of the mountain. If we hurry we should be there by tomorrow."

"Tomorrow!?" Cozy Glow asked. "Why so long?"

"Because it's a huge mountain, of course it would take us a while," Adagio said.

"Ugh, why did I have to get roped into this?" Cozy lamented. She then felt Sonata rubbing her mane.

"Just stay close to me, alright?" Sonata said. "I'll keep you safe as we go up the mountain."

"Yeah, sure," Cozy Glow said, begrudgingly following Sonata.

"You know if it's at the top, I'll just fly up there," Electro said, taking to the air. "Shouldn't take too long."

"Be careful, it looks windy," Shocker said.

"Nothing I can't handle," Electro said, flying off to the top, though the wind started proving too much for him. "The hell?" He tried powering through but he was sent flying back to his group, much to his annoyance. "Are you kidding me!?"

"That wind is very strong, and somehow it doesn't look natural," Aria said. "It might be enchanted."

"Well, that only confirms that something up there is worth guarding," Mysterio said. "Let us not dawdle, the sooner we get that bell, the sooner we start our invasion."

"Will Discord even be able to use this bell?" Shocker asked. "I mean, it belonged to some monster named Grogar. If it was that powerful, that Gusty chick could have used it herself."

"It's probably too powerful for ponies to handle, but Discord can basically warp reality itself," Aria said. "If anyone's strong enough to handle that, it's him."

"It pisses me off how strong that goofy bastard is," Shocker said. "Doesn't help that he has that female counterpart doing...I don't even know what the hell she's up to."

"If he's that tough, why isn't he ruling Equestria?" Electro asked. "Also, how did Osborn take the guy captive once and steal his power in the first place?”

"Yeah, power that he used to warp reality," Shocker said. "Osborn's just got the resources to pull that plan off, not something guys like you or me could do."

"Shultz, Dillion, you were both part of Osborn's plans during that time I believe," Mysterio said. "How ambitious was he?"

"I don't really remember, he just asked us to do something, and I wasn't gonna piss off a guy who could delete me from existence," Shocker said.

"Honestly most of us didn't even want to work for Osborn after he offed Octavius," Electro said. "Osborn's strong but the guy's unpredictable. The last ten years I spent in Tartarus I barely talked to the guy. Actually I barely talked to anyone until Shocker came in."

"I don't blame you, no one there was worth talking to," Shocker said.

"Except us, right?" Sonata asked.

"Yeah...sure," Shocker said.

"I must admit, even I was amazed at the power Osborn showed off," Martin said. "I had to lay low for a bit to avoid his wrath myself."

"Sounds like Osborn was top guy for a while," Adagio said. "Seeing him in Tartarus, you'd never know."

"He spends a lot of time by himself, sometimes he's even talking to his reflection," Sonata said. "He creeps me out."

"Osborn's one of the only guys to get to Spider-Man on a mental level," Shocker said. "Don't like him, but you gotta respect that type of skill."

"I don't," Martin said. "Osborn did cruel things to get to Spider-Man, and crossed a few lines too."

"You mean that girlfriend of his?" Electro asked.

"I did feel a little bad for her, I mean she got caught up in all this just because she was dating Spider-Man," Shocker said.

"Great as he is, he couldn't even protect his own girlfriend," Electro said. "That's a damn shame honestly."

"Of course he couldn't, just like he couldn't even protect Cozy Glow," Sonata said, stroking her mane. "Poor girl got stuck in a place like Tartarus under his watch."

"Oddly enough, that's not what bothered me the most," Cozy Glow said. "Losing my friends hurt way more."

"How are we the villains when the so-called good guys can do whatever the hell they want?" Shocker asked.

"It's a hypocritical world," Electro said.

"And we'll take it over soon," Adagio said. "It all starts with that bell, now come on, let's make plans."

In the midst of all this, at Castle Doom, Tron Bonne could be seen in the lab working hard on her Gustaff. Not too far off, both Eggman and Wily were doing their own work, the latter glancing at the young woman.

"You keep looking her direction, is there something you need her assistance with?" Eggman asked.

"No, I'm still trying to wrap my brain around why someone like Wesker would want that little girl," Wily said. "Smart woman, but lacks true determination."

"Yes, if I recall, that demon boy with the blue jacket said she's not really one to permanently finish off her enemies," Eggman said. "Which is strange, does that mean she allows her Mega Man to live?"

"Of course, she's got a foolish little crush on the boy," Wily said. "She can't bring herself to destroy him or anyone. I can't even imagine why she would go along with a plan like this. She's shown more heroic qualities than villainous."

"Heroic qualities?" Eggman asked.

"Indeed, while I was not present for many of these, I did hear that she has teamed with her Mega Man to save the world rather than destroy it," Wily said.

"Maybe it's a misunderstanding, I've had to team with Sonic on occasion," Eggman said. "I didn't like it, but I was left with very little choice."

"Guys like us treat teaming with the hero like a moment of desperation," Wily said. "Tron Bonne treats it like a secret pleasure of hers. She does not belong with us; I only wish that Wesker would give her the boot and be done with it."

"Well here's the thing, so long as she's loyal to Wesker, in the end, that's all that matters to him," Eggman said. "A girl like that can be easily controlled if you know how to manipulate emotions, and Wesker figures she's very easy to control. Say what you want, that girl is a genius worker, something he needed to his advantage before he came to either of us."

"I suppose you're right, guys like us wouldn't take orders so easily, if anything we're proof that even Wesker could get desperate," Wily said. "He acts calm but I get the feeling that these heroes have him on edge."

"Isn't his greatest enemy a former policeman who doesn't even have superpowers?" Eggman asked. "Kind of embarrassing that he has yet to defeat him."

"Wesker can defeat him, unfortunately he tends to play with his food," Wily said. "Of course, that happens to the best of us."

"Tell me about it," Eggman said. "I don't blame him, simply destroying your enemy isn't enough, sometimes you just want to savor it."

"I wholeheartedly concur," Wily said. "I want to break Light's spirit before I destroy Mega Man."

"And I want to see Sonic crumble before I finish him off," Eggman said. "This plan of ours is our big ticket to that."

"Let us commence then," Wily said, resuming his work.

Tron, while not trying too hard to listen, did overhear some of what the two doctors had to say. The woman now felt a bit of self-doubt, wondering what Wesker truly needed with someone like her, especially that now he not only has Wily and Eggman at his disposal, but now Ultron and Doom as well. She had no way to stand out, and the last thing she wanted was to be useless to Wesker.

"I'll show them," Tron said. "They will fear the power of Tron Bonne."

On Planet Hala, a ship was seen landing not too far away from where Loki's group were camping, the God of Mischief was seen waiting nearby.

"Took you long enough to get here," Loki commented.

Emerging from the ship was a Skrull by the name of Kl'rt, better known across the cosmos as The Super Skrull.

"Be happy I even came," Super Skrull said. "Asking me to step foot on Planet Hala, do you not know about the fragile relationship between The Skrull and The Kree?"

"Yes, I know this world and Planet Skrullos aren't exactly on the best of terms," Loki said. "Which is why I will make this quick. First tell me, do you know the fate of Asgard?"

"Rumor across the galaxy is that it's no more," Super Skrull said. "It's nothing but dust in the vacuum of space."

"Those rumors are correct unfortunately, despite my efforts, I was not able to claim what was rightfully mine," Loki said. "Sutur ruined that dream for me, but it is fine, I have my sights set elsewhere."

"Planning to take Earth as compensation?" Super Skrull asked.

"That is one option, but there is another," Loki said. "Are you familiar with a magical land known as Equestria?"

"I remember some of its residents fighting my skrull army some time ago," Super Skrull said.

"That world has an incredible power source, one I want to myself," Loki said. "But I am willing to share with anyone I consider a teammate. Imagine what you could do with that type of power."

"I need to know what power we're dealing with first," Super Skrull said. "Power is useless if it cannot be controlled."

"I will gladly explain, preferably once we're off this miserable rock," Loki said. "You don't want to be around when-"

"Halt!" Came the voice of Ronan the Accuser.

"Too late," Loki lamented as he turned to the ally of Thanos. "Ah, Ronan, good to see you again."

"Spare me your pleasantries you poor excuse of a deity," Ronan said, this bringing a scowl to Loki’s face. "What is a Skrull Ship doing on Planet Hala?"

"We offer no hostility, Ronan," Super Skrull reassured. "I am here for Loki, nothing more."

"Yes, just business between us," Loki said.

"Didn't Thanos ask you to look for any sign of the Infinity Stones?" Ronan asked.

"Kind of hard to get around, see the ship I used to get here still hasn't been fully repaired from the damage, and my team are not exactly technical experts," Loki said.

"What about those Ravagers that Lord Thanos himself alerted for you?" Ronan asked.

"Well, they came by and unfortunately ticked off my teammates," Loki said. "It did not end well for any of them."

"With me here, you won't need to worry about them getting a ship," Super Skrull said.

"Oh, and I suppose you're willing to pledge your loyalty to Lord Thanos then?" Ronan asked. "Will you be collecting those stones for him?"

"Give me a chance to speak with Loki, then we’ll talk about Thanos's supposed grand plan," Super Skrull said.

"Yes, it won't take very long," Loki insisted.

"...No, I detect deception," Ronan said, glaring at the two. "A God of Mischief and a Shapeshifting Champion talking things over spells nothing but trouble. Perhaps it would be better to take the two of you to Lord Thanos and see what he has to-"

Suddenly Ronan took an electric blast to the back, tumbling him over long enough for Super Skrull to harden up his fist and do a flaming uppercut that knocked Ronan several yards back.

"Hurry, to the ship!" Super Skrull said.

Loki turned to praise the one who offered assistance, "Great work, Tempest."

"Of course sir," Tempest said, the woman following Loki and Super Skrull onto the ship alongside Akuma and Sephiroth.

“About time,” Akuma said.

“Our plan is finally underway,” Sephiroth said.

"Halt!" Ronan quickly ran to the ship, leaping up and trying to slam his hammer down on the crew, but Loki was quick to block the attack with his Scepter. "I managed to destroy Mjölnir, you really think your pitiful hammer would do better!" Loki reeled back and jammed his Scepter into the chest of Ronan and blasted him off the ship. "And tell Thanos that I quit!"

Ronan hit the ground hard as Super Skrull's ship make its quick exit. "Damn that God, I told Lord Thanos we should have executed him. I must report this, then send my fleets out to destroy Loki and those Skrulls."

"Do not bother," came the voice of Ebony Maw, this catching Ronan's attention.

"But, he has betrayed us!" Ronan said. "He must pay!"

"In good time, but Lord Thanos has a lot of priorities at the moment," Ebony Maw said. "Let Loki have his fun for now, we shall be back for him later. For now get our troops ready, we have more worlds to visit."

"Of course," Ronan said, making his exit.

Later on in Equestria, Rumble was seen trotting through the Friendship Center, "Just going in and out, find Apple Bloom and go home. No distractions."

As Rumble made his way through, he passed by Laura, "Yo, Rumble!"

"Huh?" Rumble turned to the girl. "Oh, hi Laura. Apple Bloom isn't with you by any chance, is she?"

"Sorry no, I'm in Taps's class, and he has less students than before," Laura said. "To make matters worse, I think someone nabbed his stereo."

"Where is that dumb thing!?" Tender Taps shouted. "I specifically asked to borrow it today!"

"That's weird," Rumble said.

"I swear if it was those two cheerleaders from before," Tender Taps lamented.

"Cheerleaders?" Rumble asked.

"Some cheerleaders were making a fuss in the halls, telling everypony they knew to come check out their class," Tender Taps said. "They specifically wanted my students, most of them didn't go but a few did."

"I stayed loyal," Laura said.

"Which I appreciate, same with everyone else who stayed," Tender Taps said. "I shouldn't complain, no one's obligated to come and with so much to do here, I don't expect ponies to be in my class every day. But I just feel like someone just broke into my territory."

"Well, maybe Apple Bloom is with these girls," Rumble said. "Let's hurry, I want to find her and leave. I don't even know if I'm allowed to be here."

"Why? Because you punched some jackass who deserved it?" Laura asked.

"Regardless of whether or not he deserved it, I still did something bad, and I don't think Twilight wants me around for a bit," Rumble said.

"Give her some credit, she's very forgiving, and you're like family to her," Tender Taps said.

"That Sugar Queen wouldn't hold a grudge over something like that, she knows you're a better guy than what you think you are" Laura said.

"I hope so, still I'd rather not take chances," Rumble said.

"Yeah we get that," Laura said. "Anyway why don't we all go find these cheerleaders."

"Sounds like a good idea," Tender Taps said. "I cannot wait to give them a piece of my mind."

The trio quickly traveled through the center, asking directions to the cheerleader room, and after some clarification, they finally arrived at their target destination.

"I hear music, my music!" Tender Taps said. "That's the DJ Pon 3 mix tape I use for some of my classes."

"Alright, let's barge in and kick their asses!" Laura said.

"Uh, Laura, did you already forget my story from earlier?" Rumble asked.

"Meh, I'm not afraid of Twilight's wrath, I say bring it on," Laura said.

"Just, let me try first," Tender Taps said, opening the door up, seeing everyone in their cheerleader costumes. "Wow, they're really getting into it."

"Work your bodies, achieve that maximum flexibility!" Shimmy Shake said.

"I'm definitely working it," Silverstream said, spinning around.

"Wow, this is quite a workout," Ocellus said, wiping some sweat off her head.

"I suppose this isn't too bad," Smolder said, shaking some pom-poms.

"See, I told you that you'd like it," Sweetie Belle said. "You just needed to...oh hey, it's Rumble."

"Rumble!?" Smolder freaked and turned to the doorway, spotting not only Rumble but also Laura and Tender Taps. Acting quickly she threw her pom-poms away and tore off her dress.

"That belonged to the center," Lighthoof said.

"Quiet!" Smolder said, turning awkwardly to the doorway. "What are you all doing here?"

"I came here because a certain pair of ponies took my radio," Tender Taps said.

"It's not your radio, it belongs to the center," Lighthoof pointed out.

"Yeah but I told Twilight I needed it first, if you two needed a radio or anything to play music, you should have told her and she'd get it for you," Tender Taps said.

"Oh learn to share," Shimmy Shake said. "Are you really bothered by the radio or because we took some of your students?"

"Hey I'm not that petty," Tender Taps said.

"Look ladies, while I'm sure you didn't mean to, you did take something that Tender Taps needed, and specifically asked for when the school opened up," Rumble said. "Maybe you didn't know and that's okay, but he does run a dancing class, and he would need a radio for that. You should have considered that outcome. I know you technically don't need to but part of being friendly is showing courtesy to others."

"Okay fine, maybe we should have considered that, we didn't think it'd be a problem," Shimmy Shake said.

"We're sorry for the misunderstanding," Lighthoof said.

"It's fine, and if you'd like, you can come to my dance class, we can share the radio in that room and show off more of your skills," Tender Taps said.

"That sounds nice," Lighthoof said.

"Gonna get Laura in a cheerleader outfit?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Pfft, you wish," Laura said, then glanced toward Tender Taps. "Though, I wouldn't mind doing it just for now, should be entertaining for our favorite dance teacher."

"Uh...you talking about me?" a nervous Tender Taps asked.

"Someone's nervous," Rumble teased. "Seriously, I know cheerleading outfits are cute but-"

"I'm back," Apple Bloom said, stepping out of the changing room. "This outfit feels kind of small though." She looked behind her. "Barely covering mah rump."

Rumble's face turned red upon seeing his wife in such a uniform, even more when it brought great detail to how smooth his wife’s flank was. Without a second thought, the colt immediately flew over and brought Apple Bloom back into the changing room with him.

"Uh...what just happened?" Smolder asked.

"I'm not sure, he just saw Apple Bloom and started blush..." it didn't take long for Tender Taps to figure this situation out. "Oooooh."

"...Let's give them some privacy," Sweetie Belle said, the girl blushing as well.

"Heh, you go Rumble," Silverstream cheered as everyone left the room.

"Wish that were me," Diamond Tiara said.

"With who?" Silver Spoon teased.

"Ugh, cut that out!" Diamond Tiara shouted.

Once outside, Lighthoof gave Tender Taps the radio, "Here you go, and sorry again."

"It's fine, you can have it tomorrow, I'll ask Vinyl if I can use anything from her," Tender Taps said.

"We should run this by Twilight, see if she can accommodate," Scootaloo said.

"Sounds like a good idea," Tender Taps said. "Until then, let's get to our new joined class."

Everyone began moving, the only one staying behind for the moment was Sweetie Belle. This was picked up on by Scootaloo, "Everything alright?"

"Yeah...I've just been thinking, since Apple Bloom got married, have things been different?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Different?" Scootaloo asked. "I mean, it's only been a couple of days, too early to tell."

"Well even before, when she was pregnant and she had her baby, it just seems like the Crusaders are drifting apart," Sweetie Belle said.

"No way," Scootaloo said. "Apple Bloom just has more responsibilities. She's a mom now, and she's married. But she's still Apple Bloom, she's still got that curiosity to her, she just tried out for cheerleading."

"Yeah, I guess," Sweetie Belle said.

"Besides you're doing fine yourself, I mean you have Smolder as a friend, you two got pretty close over the last year," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, she's really sweet, and like me, kind of wishes she had more than friendship," Sweetie Belle said. "Since Sandbar and Ocellus started dating, I think she's been feeling envious. I think she wanted a boyfriend and I think she had her eye on Sandbar."

"Oooh, two friends liking the same guy..." Scootaloo recalled something. "Didn't that happen with us and Rumble once?"

"Yeah, we all liked him, but he chose Apple Bloom," Sweetie Belle said. "Which is fine, she did have a head start and I really blew my chances when I was dating him."

"Rumble was the first boy that took your mind off of Peter too," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, and it stings differently," Sweetie Belle said. "Peter was older than me so of course being with him wasn't likely, but Rumble was my age. Well a year younger but still close. Both hurt in their own way."

"You're still not holding onto that right? I mean, both are married and have their own girls," Scootaloo said. "You're only nineteen Sweetie Belle, you got time to find someone."

"At this point, I thought about giving Button Mash a chance," Sweetie Belle said.

"First, not a good idea to go for someone just because you're feeling lonely, that might only work short term," Scootaloo said. "Second, he's kind of taken."

"Huh!? By who!?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You might need to see it to believe it," Scootaloo said.

"Well what about you? Are you looking to date?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Sweetie Belle, I'm flattered," Scootaloo began. "But I don't see you as anything more than a friend."

"You know that's not what I meant!" Sweetie Belle shouted.

"I know, just messing with ya," Scootaloo said. "Seriously, don't worry about me."

"Sweetie Belle?" Smolder said, getting her attention. "Aren't you coming?"

"Sorry, I'll be right there," Sweetie Belle said, following her friend with Scootaloo right behind them.

Not too long later, Twilight was seen passing by the room, chatting with Peter and Starlight.

"So, are things any better today?" Peter asked.

"So far, so good," Twilight said. "A few new classes opened up, including this one."

"Oh yes, the cheerleading class," Starlight said. "Wonder if anypony's inside?"

"Let's find out," Twilight said, opening the door with her magic, only to find a surprise. "Huh? No one's here. Did Lighthoof and Shimmy Shake change their minds?"

"Maybe they weren't ready," Peter said.

"I should go find them, see if there's anything..." Twilight noticed the changing room door opening, both Rumble and Apple Bloom coming out looking sweaty and having messy manes.

"Rumble, I'm flattered you found me cute in this thing, but maybe a little warning before you drag me in there and start yer passion," Apple Bloom said.

"Hey you didn't seem to have a problem with it," Rumble said, nuzzling his wife's cheek. "Especially if your cute little moans were any indication."

"Well, yeah ah loved it but..." Apple Bloom noticed that there was company. "Uh...Rumble?"

Rumble too noticed the company, three ponies looking his way. Starlight blushing, Peter looking awkward and Twilight looking irritated. "Oh, what a surprise."

"Explain yourselves," Twilight said.

Rumble looked nervous of course, though he noticed that Apple Bloom was feeling just as awkward about this. Worried about how this would make her look, Rumble was quick to step in.

"This was my idea," Rumble said. "I kind of talked Apple Bloom into, a private work-out."

"Rumble..." Twilight grew very frustrated.

"Sorry but, she looked so cute in this costume and...well you know," Rumble said. "I mean, she is my wife, as her husband I have to show her my love on the regular."

"That's understandable but I would prefer if you did not have sexual relations in my Friendship Center," Twilight said. "Honestly Rumble, first the fighting, now this."

"Go easy on him Twilight, I know how he feels," Peter said. "I probably couldn't control my urges if I saw you in a cute cheerleader outfit."

Twilight cleared her throat, trying to distract from the blush on her face, "Even so Peter, this place has rules. Rumble's already on my bad side from yesterday, he shouldn't have even been here today."

"Twilight!" Starlight scolded.

“I’m serious, he set a bad example with what he did,” Twilight said. “I can’t allow poor behavior to go unpunished.”

"Please, we won't do it again," Apple Bloom said. "Rumble didn't mean any harm."

"Yeah Twilight, it's just a little moment of passion between a married couple, it's cute," Starlight said.

"Fine, but that's the second time you've made a mistake Rumble, one more and I may seriously have to consider banning you," Twilight said.

"Huh? But Twilight, it's me, Rumble," the boy said. "I'm like family to you, you and Peter were parental figures to me for the last several years, you can't mean any of this."

"Sorry Rumble, I can't make exceptions, not even for family," Twilight said. "I worked too hard to open this place again, and give ponies and all types of creatures a place to bond, I will not lose order."

"Twilight, don't get carried away," Peter said.

"I mean it!" Twilight said. "Rumble, you know you're precious to me but if I bent the rules for you, then I have to do it for everyone."

"...Yeah, I get it," Rumble said. "I'll just head out. I'll see you later Apple Bloom."

"No, I'll go with you," Apple Bloom said, removing her cheerleader outfit. "You need me right now."

"Apple Bloom," Rumble was about to protest but he got silenced by Apple Bloom's kiss.

"Don't argue with me, let's go," Apple Bloom said, making her leave with Rumble following.

Twilight sighed in frustration, not liking how things were going, "I hope they don't start hating me for this."

"You know Rumble and Apple Bloom would never hate you," Peter said. "Still, you are being a bit too hard."

"I know Rumble started a fight yesterday but Gallus was crossing a few lines, if Rumble didn't punch him, someone else might have," Starlight said.

"And...I can get that getting all...kinky isn't good either," Peter said. "Guess I can just empathize with Rumble a lot on that."

"I'll talk to him later," Twilight said. "Right now I gotta figure out where those cheerleaders are."

Twilight was quick to make her leave, Starlight looking worried for her friend. "Think she'll be alright?"

"She should be, if we're there to alleviate pressure," Peter said.

"...Still, would you really have done that with Twilight in a place like this?" Starlight asked.

"Probably, temptation would be there at least, but I think Rumble should have just taken Apple Bloom home for that, or at least found somewhere private outside the center," Peter said. "That's what I would have done. But, I guess at his age he's just too eager to think straight."

"Well I'm gonna check on Twilight," Peter said.

"Oh, if I may ask...any update on those villains from the Gala?" Starlight asked. "Especially Cozy Glow?"

"If there is, Celestia hasn't told me," Peter said. "It's been weighing on my mind though."

"I see then," Starlight said. "It's such a shame, Cozy Glow never really seemed all that bad. Makes me wonder how long she's been plotting to take over."

"She's still a mystery to us, but I still feel like someone manipulated her in some way," Peter said. "I just wish I had a say in what would happen to her. I could have come up with a better punishment, I mean we helped out Wanda Maximoff and her friends, I think we could have done something similar for Cozy Glow."

"Personally, I probably would have given her a spanking," Starlight said.

"Wasn't she like fifteen though?" Peter asked.

"Eh, small enough to lay across my lap," Starlight said. "She wants to act like a child, treat her like one."

"Well that is a bold idea. Not my thing though, I can't even spank my own daughter when she misbehaves," Peter said.

"Wait, I thought you did that one time?" Starlight said. "A couple of months ago, when she pushed Pumkpin Cake into mud."

"Yeah...I remember that Pumpkin poked fun at her introverted personality, so Mayday lost her temper," Peter said. "Twilight told me to spank her, and I was going to. She was laying across my lap."

"What happened?" Starlight asked.

"...I wussed out," Peter said. "The idea of physically hurting her, even in a disciplinary way, it just bothered me. So I made her promise not to do something like that again, and so far she's listened."

"So, you've never spanked her? At all?" Starlight asked.

"Twilight probably has, but I can't bring myself to do it," Peter said. "I hope it's not affecting her negatively, I can ground her, I can take away her stuff but I just can't physically hurt her."

"Well she's mostly well behaved, so maybe it's working," Starlight said.

"The day may come where I have to spank her, it sucks but being a parent means making tough choices," Peter said. "Though given the scare she had when she thought I was gonna do it, that might be enough to deter her from doing stupid things."

"Right now we just have to deter everyone else from doing stupid things," Starlight said.

"Oh totally," Peter said as the two left the room, unaware that a grey mare with white hair and yellow eyes was observing.

"Worried about Cozy Glow? How cute," the mare started tailing him. "You're so interesting Spider-Mane, I can listen to you talk all day."

Back in Castle Doom, Wesker was overseeing the land of Latveria. He had some admiration for the order Doctor Doom instilled, and how everyone knew their place.

"Enjoying the sights?" Doom asked, the leader standing beside Wesker.

"You have a marvelous country," Wesker said.

"Indeed, this place is but a small start to the rest of the world," Doom said. "It won't be long before I expand my empire, and this world belongs to Doom."

"You certainly have the resources, and once we invade Equestria and get the power we need there, then you will get your dream," Wesker said. "Of course, you may have to share the power."

"Those who consider themselves allies will get to share in my conquest, so long as they know who reigns supreme," Doom said. "That is what you are doing after all, is it not?"

"Of course," Wesker said. "I aim to be a God, and I will give my teammates what they desire. Vergil desires power, and his throne among the demons. Juri just wants to enjoy herself, nothing too grand. Tron wants treasure, and so she shall have it."

"What of Wily?" Doom asked. "And Bison?"

"...Those two may be trouble, neither of them want to serve under anyone, so a compromise may be in order," Wesker said. "Then again, I am not good with compromise. We'll just have to see if either of them survive this invasion, or Uroboros."

"Can I trust that you won't turn your attention to this world once I rule it?" Doom asked.

"Victor, you know better than to ask if you can trust me," Wesker said, the man glaring from behind his sunglasses. "Always look over your shoulder."

"Yes, I suppose it's foolish to ask, after all, I can't promise that you can trust me," Doom said.

"At least we're honest with each other," Wesker said.

"If I were to strike you down, you would know it," Doom said. "I have no need to ambush those I know I can defeat."

"I can't tell if that's bravery or foolishness, but I suppose those two go hand-in-hand," Wesker said.

"Mr. Wesker," came the voice of a Servbot. "Miss Tron is nearly complete with her design, she wishes for you to inspect it."

"I will be there shortly, tell Tron I am on my way," Wesker said.

"Yes sir," the Servbot said, making its leave.

"Such a strange creature," Doom said.

"Tron certainly has a unique design for her robots," Wesker said. "Of course she made them at a very young age."

"Earlier, it was stated that she had no desire to finish off her foes, that she was too merciful," Doom said. "Would you say there is truth to that?"

"Absolutely," Wesker said. "Tron acts tough, but she is not as cruel as she presents herself to be."

"Yet you still keep her employed, why?" Doom asked.

"Honestly, I don't really know," Wesker said. "I did need a tech person for my plan, I considered Wily but he did come off as rather inept. Not that Tron is any better, but she was younger, had more spirit, and took orders surprisingly easy. She's a proud woman, but I suppose she respected me."

"Is it true that she loved a hero?" Doom asked.

"Yes, but she could never have him, because he loved another," Wesker said. "She still gave it an effort to be a hero herself but in the end, she just didn't care about the safety of others, just filling her pockets. I promised her riches and she pledged her loyalty to me. Honestly compared to my allies, she gives me the least amount of trouble. Vergil doesn't like taking orders, Bison is even worse, Juri is too sassy and even Wily stays to himself. Tron listens to me, she admires me, she practically worships me. Perhaps it's just nice to have someone treat you like the God you know you are. So long as she is useful to me, then I will gladly keep her employed. Not like she would ever betray me, she doesn't have it in her to do that."

"What will you do once her usefulness expires?" Doom asked.

"I doubt it will," Wesker said. "Anyway, it sounds like she needs my presence, we will talk again later."

"Very well, I must attend to some business down below myself," Doom said, flying off. "I will be back shortly."

"Take your time," Wesker said, making his way back into the castle. Right away he could see everyone preparing, from Kazuya practicing his skills, to Dormammu preparing his magic. Even The Prowler seemed to be checking over his gadgets, making sure that they work.

Nearby he spotted Vergil talking with Juri, and was quick to get their attention. "I'm looking for Tron, is she still in the lab?"

"Last I saw," Vergil said. "Wily's there too, along with that Eggman fellow."

"Here's hoping that they’re getting along," Wesker said. "Wait, what about Vomi?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen her," Vergil said.

"Try to see if you can find her, I want details on what everyone is doing," Wesker said.

"Yeah sure," Vergil said. "Let's go Juri."

"Right behind you, handsome," Juri taunted, Vergil raising his eyebrow but paying little mind as Wesker went about his business.

In the Capcom World, Sunset was seen practicing her sword skills as Dante observed alongside Chris. While she did well at first, she started to get sloppy, which her instructor picked up on.

"Not like that Sunset, you're putting too much force into it." Dante said.

"Sorry, I just don't have it today," Sunset said, trying again.

"You're just having an off day, but that's why you practice, to reduce it and turn it purely reactionary," Dante said.

Sunset swung again but messed up, throwing the sword as it flew right down the hall.

"Yipe!" Roll shouted.

"Sorry Roll!" Sunset called.

“Please be careful, I just cleaned up in here!” Roll called from the kitchen.

"Good thing she's a robot, even if that hit her, I doubt it'd be too bad," Dante said.

"She'd still be pretty pissed about it," Chris said. “And she does feel pain.”

“Why did Light design Rock and Roll that way?” Dante asked.

“Because they both want to feel as human as possible, even pain,” Chris said.

“Ah right…that’s cool by me,” Dante said.

Sunset fell to her knees, the girl lamenting her situation. "I thought I was doing so well. But between his, my marksman lessons and martial arts in general, I feel like I'm not improving."

"You're doing a lot at once, you can't expect instant success," Chris said.

"Yeah, no one gets good overnight," Dante said.

"But it's been a year," Sunset said.

"Yeah so? You think a year is enough?" Dante asked. "It took Ryu many years to get good, and he's still training because he doesn't feel like he's at the top."

"Dante and I had to practice a lot as well," Chris said. "I mean, did you learn magic overnight?"

"Well, Celestia said I had a lot of power and potential," Sunset said.

"Potential means it's there, but you gotta work at it," Dante said. "I was born with potential but that didn't mean anything if I didn't train hard to master it."

“Don’t be like the younger dumbasses in this world and Marvel,” Chris said. “Hard work pays off, those who think they are invincible are gonna be the ones hit with reality the hardest, and then they won’t know what to do once that happens.”

"Maybe I'm just expecting too much," Sunset said. "Goku told me about how on occasion, a year's worth of training was enough to get him next level."

"Goku's a Saiyan, you're not," Chris said. "It probably works differently for them."

"Look, maybe you need different trainers with sword fighting," Dante said.

"Like who? I already asked Cloud, but his sword is a bit different than mine," Sunset said. "Heavy too."

"I can try getting Link," Dante said.

"Link barely talks though," Chris said. "And I doubt Sunset can decipher grunts."

"Well that world's full of swordsmen, I mean we can easily get Prince Marth or something," Dante said. "Or find Geralt of Rivia."

"Geralt? We've never actually been to that world, Chun-Li just found it on that fancy machine of hers, but I don't think any of us have spoken to him," Chris said.

"Look, let's figure that out later," Sunset said. "Honestly I might need a break, something's been nagging at me."

"Is it those Dragon Balls?" Chris asked.

"No, something else," Sunset said. "I still want answers from Celestia about Cozy Glow."

"Oh yeah, that filly from a year ago," Dante said. "Think we should bring anyone to talk things over with Celestia?"

"That depends, is Kratos still around?" Sunset asked.

"Well, he hasn't gone back home yet, I think he wants to soon though, he doesn't like being too far from his son," Chris said.

"His son will be fine, Kratos has friends that will keep an eye out," Dante said. "Plus I think Atreus wants to be a bit more independent, he is at that age."

"Still, Kratos isn't one to be a bodyguard. But you can ask him if you want," Chris said.

"Alright, let's do this," Sunset said. "Call Doctor Strange."

Several minutes later in Canterlot, Celestia was writing some letters to the other Kingdoms, keeping them informed about the incident at the Gala. She especially made sure Thor was well aware, figuring out of all the allies, his skills would come in handy the most.

With her was Starswirl, he and his fellow Pillars, as well as Stygian, still discussing the situation.

Nearby a portal began to open courtesy of Strange as the Sorcerer stepped through, taking Celestia by surprise, "Stephen Strange?"

"Hello Princess, sorry to bother you," Strange said. "Sunset is here, with friends."

"Friends?" Celestia asked. She saw Sunset stepping through with Ryu, Chris, Dante, Chun-Li, Mega Man, Cloud, Goku, Sonic and Kratos.

"Hello Princess," Sunset greeted.

"Sunset, what brings you here?" Celestia asked.

"And why have you brought those ruffians?" Starswirl asked.

"Oh wow, for once Luna isn't here to insult us," Dante said.

"You called me?" Came the voice of Princess Luna, the mare flying in.

"Just had to open my big mouth," Dante said.

"Listen, we're not here for a fight or anything," Ryu explained. "Sunset just wants to talk."

"About what?" Luna asked.

"I know you discussed this with Peter, but I still can't take my mind off of it," Sunset said. "This is about Cozy Glow."

"Not you too," Luna said. "We already tried talking this over with Peter, you remember that, don't you."

"I do, and I don't intend to start that conversation over, but I do have a request to make," Sunset explained. "I want to personally see Cozy Glow."

"What for?" Starswirl asked.

"If she's anything like me, then I might know how to help her out," Sunset explained. "I'm not here to condemn, I'm here to offer my assistance."

"I don't know, can you be trusted?" Starswirl asked.

"Of course she can, she's walked the path of darkness and still found the light," Ryu said.

"That's what has me worried, can we be sure Sunset Shimmer has truly changed?" Starswirl asked. "She is doing what Celestia forbade her from doing. Interacting with other realms."

"Right, you're the type to hold a grudge," Sunset said. "Johnny and Rainbow Dash told me how you treated Stygian there."

"Stygian has learned from his mistakes," Starswirl said. "Can you say you have, Sunset Shimmer?"

"Hey, if I didn't, I'd be trying to take over in revenge," Sunset said.

"She's got a point," Meadowbrook said.

"Ay, she seems like a good lass," Rockhoof said.

"Looks can be deceiving," Starswirl said, this statement bringing about annoyance from Sunset’s friends.

"Ahem..." Sonic got their attention. "If you want others to change for the better, you gotta give them a chance. Sunset just wants to help this girl out, and we'll be there to make sure of it."

"If it were Peter asking, you'd trust him," Ryu said.

"Peter? Didn't he betray Luna and his own mentor Tony Stark?" Starswirl asked.

"Do NOT drag Peter's name through the mud!" Chun-Li warned.

"Man, what's with this old guy?" Goku asked. "Who is he anyway?"

"He's the former mentor of Celestia and myself," Luna said.

"Oh...is that why you're usually so moody?" Goku asked, infuriating Luna.

"Do you wish to quarrel with me again!?" Luna asked.

"Again?" Kratos asked. "You have done battle with her?"

"Yeah, I fought her, and the sun pony, and the robot suit guy, and a guy with a shield before meeting Spider-Man and his wife," Goku said. "Then I lost to Thor."

"Speaking of Thor, you spoke with him, didn't you?" Celestia asked. "How is he?"

"He's fine, settled in quite nicely, and his beloved Lady Sif is due any day with their first child," Sunset said.

"She fought for Thor's home, that should be enough to show you that she's changed," Sonic said. "Not that there should be any doubt, she's clearly got the best interest of Cozy Glow in mind."

"You kept a secret from her, and the hero of this world," Kratos said. "Those in power must not deceive."

"I'm sorry, but who is this fellow anyway?" Starswirl asked. "Is he also from Capcom?"

"He's not really one of us, but we like to see him that way," Dante said. "Just like Shantae."

"Who?" Starswirl asked.

"Eh, no one, got sidetracked," Dante said. "Point is, that's Kratos, the Ghost of Sparta."

"Where I was born, the Gods deceived those they were expected to watch over, even where I live now the Gods do the same," Kratos said. "I would like to think you would not do such a thing, for all intents and purposes, Sunset Shimmer still believes you are worthy of Princess. She does not come here believing you are unworthy, rather she wants to believe you are the benevolent princess she knows you can be."

Celestia looked taken by surprise, not expecting such second-hand praise, "Well...I-"

"What's going on?" Steve asked, the stallion making his way inside with an amazed Blueblood.

"Captain, good to see you," Strange said.

"Stephen?" Steve noticed another. "Sunset?"

"Hi Captain." Sunset greeted. "We were just talking to Celestia about Cozy Glow."

"Sunset wants to take her in," Dante said.

"Like adoption?" Steve asked.

"Well, not exactly, more like a big sister," Sunset said.

"That's good on you," Steve said. "So no trouble?"

"Not yet," Dante said. "But if that Starswirl guy doesn't stop glaring at us, I'm gonna punch him into orbit."

"I'd rather you didn't," Sunset pleaded.

"Well, I must say, I am absolutely thrilled to see you all here!" Blueblood said. "Have you given more thought to a Marvel vs Capcom Tournament?"

"Oh that?" Chris asked. "Uh, what do you all think?"

"I'm down," Dante said. "Only if Spider-Man is."

"Everyone back home seemed interested too," Ryu said.

"Marvelous, I will let Peter know, and the Tournament will commence soon!" Blueblood said. "I just have to get to Ponyville."

"I'll help you with that," Strange said, creating a portal to Ponyville.

On the other side, Luster Dawn and Flurry were playing jump rope with Mayday. Unfortunately the young filly was proving to struggle, despite vocal support from Franklin.

"You got this May!"

Mayday tried harder but she eventually got tangled up in the jump rope, the girl feeling foolish, "This sucks."

"You did your best," Luster Dawn said.

Mayday began trying to free herself, "I really hate physical activities."

"You know it's good for you, better than being cooped up in your room," Flurry said.

"What are you, my mom?" Mayday asked. "I'm just glad no one can see me like this."

"Sup?" Dante said, the half-demon now on the other side of the portal with everyone else.

"YIPE!" Mayday quickly untied herself and hid behind Franklin.

"Mayday, it's just us," Sunset said. "Don't be alarmed."

Sonic was the first to approach her, "Hey kid, remember me?"

"...You brought me that boy who fixed my lab," Mayday said. "And that cute Pokémon, Jigglypuff."

"That's me, and I'm Rock's friend," Sonic said, gesturing to Mega Man.

"Hi Mayday, good to see you."

"Oh, hi Mega Man," Mayday greeted, feeling less nervous.

"Wow, you're good with kids, Sonic," Sunset said.

"It's nothing really," Sonic said. "Just gotta know how to talk to them."

"Especially Mayday, she's very shy," Flurry said.

"Flurry!" Mayday scolded.

"It's fine, I can be shy too sometimes," Sonic said. "It takes practice."

"You? But you look so cool," Mayday said.

"Not to say that I am cool, but even cool people can be shy too," Sonic said. "It's like a mask they wear."

Mayday pointed to Cloud, "He looks cool, is he shy too?"

"Big time," Chun-Li said, much to Cloud's annoyance.

"Can we move on?" Cloud said.

“You’ll have to forgive her curiosity, Mayday’s been dealing with mean ponies who judge her for her shyness,” Luster Dawn said.

“Wow, kids can be jerks sometimes,” Dante said.

“Not just kids, adults too,” Luster Dawn said.

Dante raised his eyebrow, “I’m sorry, what?”

“Some adult ponies have been mean to Mayday, always saying bad stuff about her,” Luster Dawn said.

“It’s true, some even make fun of how bothered she gets by loud sounds,” Flurry said.

“Tch, those adults should be ashamed,” Kratos said.

“Who could treat a child that way?” Chun-Li said.

Sonic knelt before Mayday, "I'm sorry you're going through that, but remember, you're fine the way you are. Anyone who has a problem is just venting their own miserable feelings."

“Give me some names, I’ll make them regret it,” Dante said.

“Try not to fight, Rumble fought Gallus yesterday and Twilight got mad,” Luster Dawn said.

“Who the hell is Gallus?” Dante asked.

“The blue Griffon, same one who said that Peter’s a lousy father,” Franklin said.

“Oh him…” Chris said, disappointment in his voice. “Dumb kid.”

“Wait, Rumble fought him?” Chun-Li asked.

“Decked him right in the face,” Luster Dawn said. “Rumble was a total boss.”

“Well, I know that Gallus kid can be irritating but I can’t condone that type of fighting,” Chun-Li said.

“But Gallus told Rumble his son wouldn’t amount to anything,” Flurry said.

“…Chun-Li, you gotta admit he had it coming then,” Dante said. “Like what does he have against parents now?”

“Listen, I know this sounds all fascinating, but we can’t stay forever, can we move on?” Strange said.

"Uh, right, sorry Doc,” Dante said. “Mayday, where's your pops?"

"He should be in that Friendship Center," Mayday said, gesturing to the building.

"Wow, big place," Goku said, trying to sense Peter's energy. "If I can lock onto him, I can use Instant Transmission to bring us to him."

"Don't bother, here he comes," Sunset said, gesturing to Peter coming outside with company. "Peter! Twilight! Starlight!"

"Oh hey, it's Sunset and friends," Peter said, the trio running over.

"Hey Peter, glad we ran into you," Sunset said. "We have a proposition for you."

"Really? What?" Peter asked.

"A rematch from years prior," Dante said. "Marvel vs Capcom."

"Wait really?" Peter asked. "I heard Johnny mentioning it in passing, is this for real?"

"When Luna took you to talk about whatever, Blueblood suggested another Tournament," Chris said. "It might be a good idea, could shake off some rust."

"Plus, we have gotten stronger, and I aim to defeat you," Ryu said. "What do you say?"

"Um...well," Peter thought about it. "I suppose it couldn't hurt. I just gotta see who else can join."

"Wait, is this a good idea? What about the villains?" Starlight asked.

"Oh right..." Peter said.

"Don't worry, Cloud and the others here can keep an eye out," Chun-Li said.

"Especially me, I want to take Cozy Glow in, help her become better," Sunset explained.

"You know...yeah, that's not a bad idea," Peter said. "Kind of want to see how much better you've all gotten."

"Wow Uncle Peter, never saw you as competitive," Flurry said. "You're so cool!"

"Aw, thanks," Peter said, rubbing her mane. "Alright, rematch time then!"

Unbeknownst to them, another was observing from beyond their domain, a woman with red hair. "This should be interesting."

Author's Note:

Oh wow, I actually made it much shorter this time around, neat. :rainbowdetermined2: Time to keep this momentum.