• Published 14th Jan 2023
  • 762 Views, 82 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Ultimate Showdown - Masterob

The final battle, a multiversal showdown with Spider-Man and Twilight Sparkle caught in the center.

  • ...

Working Toward Goals

The heroes had explained everything to one another. Peter went into further detail regarding some of his villains, Capcom explaining the villains on their end while the Spiders had finished explaining their own situations.

"We're sorry you spiders had to deal with our enemies," Chun-Li said, bowing toward Miguel and company.

"It's fine, I deal with threats like this on occasion, it was just another day of work for me," Miguel insisted. "Besides, that Juri woman wasn't that menacing, not to me."

"Juri is a very capable martial artist, and the experimentation done to her has greatly increased her abilities. But I suppose she's nothing against a spider," Chun-LI said.

"Lucky you Miguel, I had to deal with that freak with a sword," Miles said. "Not an easy fight."

"Kudos to you for being able to last against my brother," Dante said. "That's no easy feat considering he and I are half demon."

"Well...I suppose it's just another day for the great hero, Spider-Man," Miles playfully boasted.

"Yeah, um...gonna be hard for me to call you, or anyone else 'Spider-Man'," Dante said. "That's an honor I have reserved for Peter."

"Same, when we think Spider-Man, we think of Peter," Chun-Li said.

"Appreciate that, but Miguel is just as capable of being Spider-Man," Peter said. "And if Miles really is using his power wisely to protect his home, he deserves the Spider-Man name just as much too."

"I really appreciate that, Peter," Miles said. "I know I have big shoes to fill, you're a a local legend back home."

"Where I'm from, you're considered one of history's greatest heroes," Miguel said.

"Guys, come on, it's no big deal," Peter insisted.

"I concur, I don't quite understand the hype behind Spider-Man," Viper said. "Can someone explain it to me? Is he the strongest hero in Marvel?"

"Well, no he's not. I'd say Thor is probably the strongest, or The Hulk," Chun-Li said. "But Peter's got a lot of heart and for many of us, sets the example of what a superhero should be."

"I'm not perfect," Peter said.

"We know, no one is," Chun-Li said. "We respect you, but we understand that you have flaws just like everyone else."

"For starters, you're too nice sometimes," Spencer said. "Good to show humility but you really gotta stand up for yourself more, you did a piss poor job back when Ryu, Chris and Dante treated you like dirt."

"To be fair, Spider-Man did call us out when we acted like assholes to him, and was not afraid to fight back if we pushed him too hard," Chris said.

"...Why were you treating him like dirt exactly?" A now very unhappy Gwen asked.

"Our pride got the better of us a few times, plus we just felt so angry at the time," Dante said. "Personally, I won't make excuses for being such a dick."

"Same here, we'll own up to our mistakes a thousand times before we make them again," Chris said.

"I'm holding you to that," Gwen said.

Peter started sensing some tension building, and was quick to put a damper on it. "Alright, let's not dwell on the past. I've made peace with Ryu, Chris and Dante. They're friends now, let's leave it at that."

"Good man, Peter," Logan said. "Let's keep this going."

"Peni Parker, you went against Tron Bonne," Mega Man said. "How would you rank her abilities compared to yours?"

"I will admit, she's very crafty with that suit of hers," Peni said. "Her mech piloting skills are pretty top notch."

"That's not all she can pilot," Volnutt interjected. "I've had my run ins with Tron, plenty of them in fact. She's quite a crafty fighter if I do say so myself, and her piloting skills are nothing to brush off."

"She's piloted bigger machines too," Spencer said.

"That's cute, but I can pilot big machines too," Peni said. "If she's not careful, I daresay I could hack into her mainframe and turn her robots against her."

"You seem confident, I respect that," Dante said.

"She has reason to be, Peni Parker is a very intelligent young woman," Julia said. "Her technological prowess is not to be underestimated."

Tails tapped his chin in curiosity, "Now she's piqued my interests."

"Same here," Donatello said.

"So, girl spider..." Chris said, gesturing to Gwen. "Sorry, I don't think I caught your hero name. Is it Spider-Woman?"

"Some call me that, others call me Ghost Spider," Gwen said. "It's pretty badass."

"Right, Ghost Spider..." Chris scratched his head. "That name seems familiar somehow."

"Of course, it sounds like Ghost Rider," Dante said, glancing at Gwen. "Did you take his name or is it by pure chance that your names sound similar."

"I can neither confirm, nor deny that possibility," Gwen said.

Dante raised his eyebrow in confusion, "What the hell does that mean?"

"It means let's focus on the topic at hand," Gwen insisted.

"Uh, sure," Chris said. "So, you did battle with Wesker, right? Did he happen to mention what he was planning?"

"He didn't say, he just said he had his reasons for being there," Gwen said. "Then he just bailed."

"None of them really said what they were up to," Miles added. "Just something about practice, guessing it's for Peter."

"I feel flattered that Wesker and his buddies wanted to practice for a rematch," Peter said. "If I'm being honest, I'm not worried about Wesker. I'd say Vergil would give me more of a fight."

"Yeah, you'd be right, Peter," Dante said. "To this day, I can't imagine why my brother would take orders from Wesker. He's strong, but not stronger than my brother."

"What brought those villains together in the first place?" Twilight asked.

"We've wondered this many times," Spencer said. "The fact that Wesker could amount so many allies is concerning."

"It all started when he teamed up with Doctor Doom, and it looks like he wants to do so again," Chris said. "Given that he's aligned with those Tartarus villains, that's going to make this much more difficult."

"I'm still processing the fact that Dormammu might show up," Strange said. "His magic is dangerously powerful, they don't call him 'Dread' for nothing."

"Then we got Ultron to worry about," Janet said. "Hank's big mistake is once again rearing its ugly head."

"We just need to learn all we can about our opponents," Twilight said. "Ryu, you seemed to recognize this Kazuya fellow, what's he like?"

"He is a dangerous martial artist with a devil gene on par with the Satsui no Hado," Ryu said, glancing at Xiaoyu. "Of course, our friend here can explain it better since Kazuya is from her home in Namco."

"He's the father of someone very dear to me," Xiaoyu said. "I don't suppose any of you remember Jin Kazama?"

Twilight scratched her head, "Sorry, I can't say I remember exactly."

"Years ago I came here for the Marvel vs Capcom Tournament," Xiaoyu said. "I also came with a guy, one who wasn't too talkative."

"I think ah remember, moody fellow," Applejack said. "So, he's the son of this Kazuya guy?"

"Yes, Kazuya more than anything wants to take over world using his company, G Corp," Xiaoyu said. "His only rival was the Mishima Zaibatsu, which was founded by his father, Heihachi."

"Let it be known that Kazuya's father is also a creep," Dante said. "It's a miracle Jin didn't turn out worse."

"Alright, so an evil martial artist," Peter said. "And you mentioned a devil gene, is that right?"

"Yes, it gives him demonic abilities," Ryu said. "He is not a man to take lightly."

"Alright, I also heard a Doctor Eggman I believe," Twilight said.

"I know him, he's a mad scientist who's tried taking over the world I live in," Sonic said. "He would kidnap little critters and use them as batteries for his robots."

Fluttershy's eyes widened in terror, "That's awful, how could someone treat an animal that way!?"

"Eggman is not a nice man, that's why," Sonic said. "He's so dangerous, he once blew up half of a moon just to threaten the world into submission."

"That's...just insane," Peter said.

"Do not take Eggman lightly," Tails said. "He acts goofy at times, but he's a dangerous threat."

"Sounds just like Doctor Wily," Mega Man said. "To think it took this long for him to align with Wesker."

"Any reason they wouldn't before?" Twilight asked.

"Ego, I doubt Wily and Wesker could have gotten along," Mega Man said. "I don't know how they worked things out, but I can't imagine it's a stable relationship."

"Well there's that," Peter said. "What about The Prowler? Miles seemed to recognize the name. The only Prowler I know is Hobie Brown."

"Hobie's The Prowler in your world?" Miles asked. "In another dimension, he's Spider-Man too. Well, Spider-Punk but still."

"Right, multiverse rules," Peter said. "Still, Miles, mind elaborating on The Prowler?"

"Well, it may be biased to say, but I don't consider my uncle to be a bad guy," Miles said. "He's just made some bad choices. Not easy living in New York City sometimes. I know it's not an excuse to break the law but, I just consider my uncle desperate."

"I know it can be hard, Miles," Miguel said. "Unfortunately, your uncle is potentially assisting in something much grander than being a simple thief."

"Yeah, I know," Miles said.

"Then there's Goku Black, but we don't know much about him," Twilight said. "Still, an evil Goku? That's very concerning."

"Yeah...how did he get the name 'Goku Black' anyway?" Goku wondered. "Is he really me from another timeline?"

"That is a strong possibility," Julia said.

"Is there anything else Discord's mentioned?" Johnny asked.

"I've told you everything he told me," Fluttershy said.

"Where is he?" Peter asked.

"In my house, resting," Fluttershy said. "He got hurt pretty badly when Grogar's Bell stole his magic. I feel so bad for him."

"You feel bad for the guy who pretty much assembled all of these villains together?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Anything bad that happens is his fault! We have a big multiversal crises all because he thought it'd be funny to bring everyone together!"

"And now he's lost control of his minions for them to wreak havoc," Strange said.

"I know he did something bad, but I just can't help feeling sorry for him," Flutterhsy said.

"And I thought Spider-Man was soft-hearted," Spencer said. "Still, if he told us all this, then at least we can prepare. Those punks lost the element of surprise."

"Hold on a second," Bobby said. "Why are we trusting Discord, what if he's lying?"

"Yeah, that's a good point!" Rainbow Dash said. "Discord's all about deceit, he's pretended to be our ally before, hasn't he?"

"That is true," Twilight said. "Discord just may be setting us up for a trap."

"I don't think he was lying though," Fluttershy said. "It really did seem like something bad happened."

"Hey if he's good at deceit, then he might have easily faked it," Johnny said. "Probably why he went to you since you're clearly the nicest among The Elements of Harmony. You're literally the embodiment of Kindness."

"You make a good point Torch, Discord would want to use Fluttershy's Kindness to his advantage," Logan said. "But, I gotta go with 'Shy here, somehow I don't think he was pulling one over on us."

"Should we go and see him ourselves?" Twilight asked. "That might help out quite a bit."

"I'd like some personal answers," Peter said.

"That might be smart," Steve said, Celestia nodding in agreement. "We want to be sure Discord isn't planning anything dangerous."

"Alright, you all do that," Miguel said. "I'm going to help Madame Web look further into this multiverse level threat."

"What should I do?" Miles asked.

"Stand by and be ready for a fight," Miguel said. "You too Peni."

"She can come to our side if she wants," Chun-Li said. "We have plenty of tech she can work with."

"I'd like to see firsthand what she can make," Tails said.

"Sure, if Miguel's alright with it," Peni said.

"Fine by me, just keep an ear out just in case I need you," Miguel said.

"Will do," Peni said, heading through the portal, briefly taking the form of a Unicorn.

"That was a fast transformation, usually some humans take a while," Twilight said.

"We came by before, just for a bit and just to adapt to our pony forms," Miguel said.

"And to keep an eye on Gwen," Miles added.

"That all adds up," Twilight said.

"Well since we're making plans, I should stay in Equestria for a bit, just to make sure things run smoothly here," Gwen said, stepping through the portal as well.

"That's fine, you can stay here while Twilight and I go find Discord," Peter said.

"Wait, let us come too," Chris said. "We have some questions for him as well."

"You, Dante and Ryu can come," Twilight said. "Everyone else stay there."

"What about me?" Sunset asked.

"I suppose you should come too," Twilight said. "If you all have anything further to discuss, now's the time."

"We can handle anything else from here, Twilight," Steve reassured.

"Very well, I leave you to it," Twilight said.

"Alright, let's go," Peter said, about to make his leave.

"Daddy!?" Came Mayday's voice, the girl still upstairs and getting his attention.

"Oh, hey Mayday, glad you could grace us with your presence," Peter said.

"Right, I just overheard something about you leaving, where are you going?" Mayday asked.

"I'm going to Fluttershy's house to figure something out," Peter said. "Stay here, if you need anything, call Starlight, Trixie or Aunt May."

"That's your daughter, right Peter?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah, that's my little girl, Mayday Parker-Sparkle," Peter said.

Miguel rubbed his chin, "Never seen a version with hair like that."

"Version?" Mayday asked.

"Oh right, Julia's let me peak into the Multiverse," Miguel said. "I've seen other versions of you, though usually you have brown hair like your father's."

"Me? With brown hair?" Mayday asked, checking her mane. "That's sure something. Didn't expect there to be versions of me, the multiverse is a strange and confusing topic."

"It can be explained, we just need some cookies," Goku said.

"Cookies?" Twilight asked.

"I used cookies to explain the multiverse to him once," Strange said. "How places like Marvel are chocolate chip cookies, Capcom is Oreos, and Equestria are sugar cookies. Some worlds are the same, and some are different, just like cookies."

"Why is Capcom Oreos? Why can't we be Oreos?" Peter asked, earning some confused glares from his fellow Marvel Earthlings.

"When you tell the story, you can be Fig Newtons for all I care," Strange said. "I'm just using examples."

"Why does the multiverse exist?" Rumble asked.

"That is quite the question," Miguel said. "There are many reasons, the biggest one is branching. You see, within a universe, several rules are set, and those rules usually make up the multiverse. Marvel's rules are in what's unique to it. Things like the X-Gene, places like Wakanda, people like you and me, Peter. Not everything exists in other worlds, because they have their own rules."

"Chi may be more common in places like Capcom, while Magic is more prevalent in parts of Namco," Strange said. "Sometimes it's specific magic too. The magic you'd find in Square is not like what you'd find in our world."

"That's one facet of the multiverse, the different designs," Miguel said. "The other facets are the different timelines."

"How are those made?" Mayday asked.

"Like I said earlier, Branching," Miguel said, showing off some nodes that circled around the library lobby. "These here are more for the Spiders in the multiverse, a mere tiny example of the ever-growing multiverse."

"So...it's like a Spider-Verse?" Mayday asked.

"Sure, if that's what you want to call it," Miguel said, much to Miles's confusion.

"Excuse me, when I called it a Spider-Verse, you told me it sounded stupid," Miles said.

"Only when it comes out of your mouth," Miguel said, smirking at the kid.

"Again, you're just cruel," Miles lamented, Gwen playfully patting his back.

"The actual term is Arachno-Humanoid-Poly-Multiverse," Miguel said. "But, I know that's a dumb name too."

"I like it, sounds sciencey," Mayday said.

"You got a smart kid, Peter," Miguel said, Mayday sheepishly rubbing her head.

"Tell me something I don't know," Peter said.

"Point is, these here are different spots of the multiverse, and all the spiders that inhabit it," Miguel said. "Different worlds, and all of our homes. My home, in Nueva York. Miles in his version of Brooklyn. Peni's world, Gwen's world. Other spiders too, like Pavitr Prabhakar from Mumbattan, India."

"A Spider-Man from India?" Chun-Li asked.

"Wow, just like Master Dhalsim," Sunset said. "But, I don't remember a Mumbattan."

"It's only in this world, a combination of Mumbai, India and Manhattan, New York. The multiverse can be strange like that," Miguel said.

"So even within these 'Chocolate Chip cookies', not everything is the same?" Peter asked.

"Just think of it as...some of those chocolate chip cookies having M&Ms in them," Strange said. "This Pavtir kid's world is one of those types of cookies."

"Wait...how come he gets the M&Ms?" Peter asked.

"Does it really matter!?" Strange asked in annoyance. "Point is that even some of these cookies aren't that identical, despite being the same thing. Some have different brands of itself."

"Can we be Chips Ahoy?" Peter asked.

"Yes, Peter, you can be Chips Ahoy..." Strange said. "Now please focus and stop asking these dumb questions. Better yet, weren't you going to find that Discord guy?"

"Sorry, got sidetracked by this multiverse stuff, it's kind of cool," Peter said.

"How about I wrap up the explanation? Saves time," Miguel said.

"Hey, do what you want, doesn’t affect me," Strange said.

"Man, and people say I'm grumpy," Miguel joked, much to Strange's annoyance. "Still, one key thing in the multiverse is something called a Vital Point."

"Vital Point? What is that?" Twilight asked.

"Parts of the multiverse that pretty much have to happen, sometimes they can't be avoided," Miguel said.

"In comic book terms, it's like the 'Canon' stuff that makes the story," Miles said.

"Oh, can we call them 'Canon Events'?" Gwen asked.

"No, because that would be idiotic," Miguel said. "Save that talk for your comics, not for something in our universe."

"Now who's being moody?" Strange quipped.

Now it was Miguel's turn to shake his head in annoyance, "My point being that there are Vital Points in someone's life that need to happen. In a lot of multiverses, Peter gains his powers through a radioactive spider bite."

"Wait, that's how you got your powers, Spider-Man?" Strider asked.

"Oh right, not everyone knows that," Peter said.

"I knew," Dante said. "So did Ryu, Chris, Chun-Li, Leon and Spencer."

"Be careful where you keep your memories," Chris said.

"Yeah, noted," Peter said. "Already learned that from Mayday."

"I got curious," Mayday said.

"Oof...wait, how far did you get?" Dante asked.

"Talk about that later, please," Peter said. "Miguel, mind continuing?"

"Right, so Peter in many universes gets bitten," Miguel said. "However sometimes the Vital Point can break, hence why in some worlds, Gwen is the one bitten instead of Peter. That causes a change that branches into its own true multiverse where things are much different than say a few 'What-If' situations."

"So, me getting bitten is a Vital Point, what else about my life is like that?" Peter asked.

"A lot of things, including your key battles," Miguel said. "One Vital Point is your interaction with the Symbiote."

"Of course," Peter said, earning a side eye from Sweetie Belle's suit.

"He didn't mean anything bad," Sweetie Belle reassured.

"Yeah, yeah," Serum said.

"I can list all the Vital Points, but that would take some time," Miguel said. "You get the idea, don't you?"

"I think so, so does that mean me coming to Equestria is a Vital Point?" Peter asked.

"Actually, no, this part of your life is a big break away compared to where things were going for you," Miguel said.

"Wait, so daddy was never meant to be here?" Mayday asked.

"Not quite, it's no big deal if a Vital Point didn't happen, it just creates a new part of the multiverse," Miguel said. "It's not world ending, it's not going to cause some type of incursion, it just means that a new branch was created. Even that branch has leaves of its own, since this isn't the only multiverse in which Peter is summoned to Equestria. So even if it's not common, it has a place in the Web of Life."

"Oh, so me being born wasn't some type of anomaly?" Mayday asked.

"No, you are just as legit as the other Maydays," Miguel said.

"I guess you'd have to be, since there are other versions of you," Rumble said.

"Well...not all of them have the same mothers," Miguel said.

"Uh, Miguel, maybe don't go into that," Peter nervously insisted while glancing at a now unhappy Twilight.

"Right, I don't think that was a smart thing to say," Miguel admitted. "But you get what I mean, don't you?"

"Basically," Peter said. "I gotta know, can some of these realms be merged? Like a half Chocolate Chip and half Sugar Cookie?"

"Yes, that's possible," Miguel said. "There are universes where Marvel and Capcom are one for example. Just recently I spotted a universe with many of your worlds together. You and Twilight are happily married there too, and you're childhood friends with a pink hedgehog and that cop woman who survived Raccoon City."

"Amy and Jill?" Dante asked. "That's interesting."

"I like that world," Amy said.

"Same, I don't mind it," Jill admitted.

"I don't know all the details, but it does also related to that man there, the blonde buff guy," Miguel said.

"Who, me?" All Might asked, the man pointing to himself. "Wait, how much do you know about me?"

"Not a lot, but anything I do know I'll keep to myself," Miguel said. "Not like it needs to be said anyway."

"Uh, right, thank you," All Might said.

"Is that guy hiding something?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"He is a superhero, they usually have secret identities as I can personally attest to," Peter said. "It's just something personal most likely, no reason not to trust him."

"He does give off that heroic vibe, so alright," Rainbow Dash said.

"That was close, much appreciated Spider-Man," All Might thought to himself.

"Another good way to create a multiverse is usually through altering time," Miguel said. "Time travel is a tricky concept, very rarely can the past actually be altered, what you instead do is just create another future."

"A friend of mine did that," Goku said. "He went back in time to save the lives of myself and everyone I knew. But it didn't change his past, only our future."

"I've been guilty of time travel once," Peter said.

"Same, mostly by accident," Donatello said.

"How do you accidentally travel time?" Chris asked.

"It can happen," Peter said. "My result was because I was checking out some of Starswirl the Bearded's old spells. That old dude understood time travel."

"Well that's concerning, suppose with that grudge, he time travels to make sure none of us ever show up in Equestria?" Dante asked.

"I doubt he'd mess with time like that," Peter said. "Point is that's how I ended up in that Dystopian Future."

"I ended up in one myself, it was terrible," Donatello said. "A lot of my friends were dead, along with my father, two of my brothers hated each other, my goofball brother was all serious, and a good friend of mine became a resistance leader. I hope she's doing alright in that timeline, if it still exists. Everyone else perished to defeat our foe."

"...Wow, something like that happened to me too," Peter said.

"Did you also fight an evil mechanical samurai version of your greatest enemy?" Donatello asked.

"Uh...no, I fought a Changeling Queen," Peter said.

"I can vouch for that, I've been to that timeline Peter's mentioned," Leon said.

"Still, the similarities are quite remarkable, how long were you in that timeline Spider-Man?" Donatello asked. "How did you get back?"

"I was there...honestly I don't remember, it all feels so hazy," Peter said. "I'm gonna say about a couple of days maybe? I got back thanks to some magic that brought be back to the exact point I left."

Strange shook his head, knowing this was not a possibility, something Twilight noticed but refused to pay any mind to.

"Sounds like really fortunate magic," Miguel said.

"You're strong for sure, I was in my realm quite a while too, it was not pleasant, but I was relieved when I got wooshed back into my dimension," Donatello said.

Strange rubbed his chin, glancing at Donatello and comparing the two stories.

"In the multiverse, it's not uncommon for two people to share a similar adventure, nothing is the exact same but similarities are common," Miguel said. "That was quite the time travel story."

"Sonic's got some Time Travel stories too," Tails said. "One of our friends is from the future."

"My time travel stories are a bit too complicated to explain right now," Sonic said. "Except maybe one that happened around one of my birthdays, I met a younger version of myself and we had to stop two versions of Doctor Eggman."

"My father's done time traveled too," Atreus said.

"Yes, I have," Kratos said. "The Sisters of Fate in my world attempted to erase my existence to protect Zeus, they failed."

"They deemed you a threat to Zeus?" Miguel asked. "I take it you're quite the foe."

"My past with the Gods of Olympus is filled with pain and triumph," Kratos said.

"That reminds me of something else," Peter said. "This big dude met not only Zeus, but his new world contains Asgardian Gods. Thor, Odin, all that stuff. But our world also has versions of Zeus and Odin."

"Some realms will share the commonality," Miguel said. "Just like New York exists in many realms from Marvel to Capcom, so can key figures. Every realm has probably heard the same stories about Christianity and other religions. Greek and Norse Gods are probably no different."

"That would explain why Marvel and Capcom celebrate Christmas," Sunset said. "Plus other places too."

"The Thor you know, he's a good guy, right?" Atreus asked.

"Yes, he's a proud Avenger," Steve said. "And a good personal friend of mine."

"Why is he good here, but in my world he's...well, maybe not evil, but kind of..." Atreus tried thinking of a good word.

"A fat drunk who follows orders to destroy from Odin without second thought," Mimir finished.

"Yeah, that..." Atreus said.

"Sometimes personalities shift across dimensions," Miguel said. "It could depend on the environment. I don't suppose anyone has personal examples?"

"Well, the Sonic in my world is not like this Sonic," Sally said. "He's got an ego, while this one's a bit humbler. But we did grow up trying to survive an evil dictator who controlled the planet, filling most of it with pollution because of his factories. We spent weeks destroying them just to clear the air."

"Sounds like you'd make a great fit at Avalanche," Cloud commented. "As for me, I know a kid who's seen a version of myself. He's also got a different upbringing, and from what I hear, is even more anti-social than I am."

"Like Mayday then?" Bobby asked.

"Hey!" Mayday shouted.

"I would classify Mayday as Asocial, not anti-social," Chun-Li said. "There's a difference, the simplest way I can explain it is that asocial means you're not good around others. Anti-social means you intentionally avoid social interaction."

"Well I guess he's anti-social and I'm asocial, that's our difference," Cloud said.

"I met versions of Twilight's friends who are much different, but of course they were teenagers in High School," Sunset said. "Rarity was very full of herself, Rainbow Dash was a stereotypical jock, and Twilight was a total introvert, almost as shy as Fluttershy."

"Wow...I can't imagine Twilight being like that," Peter said. "I've personally seen other versions of myself. Miguel remembers that story."

"Oh yeah, fond memories," Miguel said. "Even when the dimensions got shattered, nothing stopped Spider-Man, regardless of the realm."

"One question too, similar topic," Sally said. "What about worlds where there are evil counterparts? Like evil versions of any of us?"

"That again goes to the upbringing thing," Miguel said. "Villains aren't born villains, something happens. It's likely there are worlds where I'm evil, or Peter, or Twilight, or any of us. We just heard about Goku's evil doppelgänger after all."

"I'm just worried, if Goku's can come, what's to stop other versions of us?" Sally asked. "I've met an evil version of myself and Sonic, they were not easy foes to deal with."

"I've personally seen a world where I lost my heart rather than my hands," Strange said. "That's a path I'd like to avoid."

"I can't make promises, but we can do our best to make sure that evil doesn't come to pass," Miguel said.

"Does this also mean some versions of these villains are good?" Bobby asked. "Imagine having a good Doctor Doom on our side."

"Or a good Wesker," Peter said.

"I can't even imagine that anymore," Chris said. "Well maybe a little. I imagine a good Wesker would still be a normal human rather than superhuman."

"I'd like to think that at least one version of my brother is good," Dante said. "Maybe my mom's still alive too."

"Gee, I'm wondering about Uncle Ben now," Peter turned to Miguel. "My uncle dying, is that one of those Vital Points?"

"Unfortunately, it seems to be Peter," Miguel said. "Your uncle dying is a big part of your path."

"...So my uncle has to die, regardless?" Peter asked.

"No," Julia interjected. "Versions of you have saved your uncle, I know it means little for this world, but I hope it further proves that these Vital Points aren't as permanent as they may be."

"Yes, they're hard to break, but not impossible," Miguel said.

"Do new Vital Points form when the timeline diverges?" Twilight asked.

"That does seem to be the case, it might depend on the timeline too," Miguel said. "Truth be told, there's plenty more I still want to learn."

"The multiverse is still a big mystery, and cannot be predicted," Julia added.

"Just be mindful of it, and don't treat it like a game, as opposed to...some others," Strange said, glancing at Sunset.

"Lay off Doc," Dante said. "Sunset's been behaving, stop holding her mistakes over her head."

"Given what happened in Asgard... " Strange began.

"She's learned from it, move on," Ryu said. "Now, I do believe we should go and see Discord now."

"Right," Peter turned to Miguel. "Thanks for explaining everything, I really appreciate it."

"Remember, I may not be totally right about everything, treat what I told you as a suggestion book not the finalized blueprints," Miguel said.

"I'll take a step in the right direction over being totally clueless," Peter said, then turned to his friends. "Logan, Fluttershy, mind leading the way?"

"On it," Logan said, he along with Fluttershy escorting Peter and Twilight to their home, along with Sunset, Ryu, Dante and Chris.

"Excuse me, Mr. Miguel sir?" Mayday said.

"You don't need to be formal, you can just call me by my first name," Miguel said.

"Um, okay, Miguel," Mayday began. "So, these Vital Points, do they talk about marriage?"

"Well, sometimes," Miguel said. "Is this about your parents? I didn't worry you with anything, did I?"

"No, you didn't worry me, I'm asking more for...a friend," Mayday said, twiddling her mane. "She really likes this boy and wants to make sure he's with her forever. She wants to marry him one day, and probably would like a hint that it's possible."

"I see..." Miguel said, rubbing his chin. "So this friend of yours wants concrete evidence?"

"Yeah, if it's possible at least," Mayday said. "I...I mean, my friend can wait."

"Well, tell your friend that she can make her own future," Miguel said. "Don't worry about Vital Points, if she really wants something, she can make it happen. It requires hard work but every good thing in life has to be earned. Hard work pays off."

"Okay, thank you sir, this makes me...I mean, my friend happy, bye now," Mayday said, running back into her room.

"Cute kid," Miguel said.

"Takes after Peter," Gwen commented. "So, is there a gameplan to find these guys?"

"It will require some searching but-" Chun-Li's explanation was cut short when an alarm went off. "Huh?"

"What's wrong?" Gwen asked.

"Give me a second," Chun-Li said as she checked the computers.

In the middle of all this, Celestia was quietly observing, something Steve noticed, "You've been pretty quiet today."

"Yes, I suppose I have," Celestia said. "You've taken a backseat yourself."

"I suppose it's better to let Peter lead most of this since he knows this stuff a little better than I do," Steve said. "Still, what do you make of all this?"

"It's all so surreal, I almost miss the simple days when it was just Equestria and Marvel Earth, or rather, just Earth as I knew it at the time," Celestia said.

"It takes a lot of getting used to," Steve said. "Soon it will feel normal."

"It's been five years, I thought I'd be used to it, and I was until more and more started to show up," Celestia said. "Such a wide array of worlds, it's baffling."

"Yes, it is," Steve said. "Some information is not meant for others, mortals or otherwise. But we make the best we can out of it."

"How do we make the best out of this?" Celestia asked.

"Give it time, hope usually finds a way to make itself known," Steve said.

Chun-Li had returned to her friends, "There seems to be trouble brewing near Metro City. Can a few of you handle it?"

"Hiryu and I got this," Spencer said.

"Of course," Strider said.

"Mayor Haggar is probably on it as well, Cody and Guy should hopefully be there too," Chun-Li said.

"So they've got a head start, let's kick it up then," Spencer said.

Spencer and Strider made their way to a teleporting table, warping to Metro City.

"Hey, Chun-Li, that's not the only danger," Viper said, checking some monitors. "I think there's trouble in the other worlds."

"Really?" Chun-Li checked through her monitors, each one showing parts of the multiverse. "I see it. Sonic, I think there's trouble on Angel Island in your world."

"Angel Island? But that's where Knuckles is!" Amy said.

"He might need our help," Sonic said. "Alright, Amy and Tails are with me. Sally, you can stay and help Chun-Li out with whatever else she might need."

"Of course, good luck, and be careful," Sally said.

Sonic offered a thumbs up before heading through the portal with his friends.

"Xiaoyu, I think there's trouble in the Mishima Zaibatsu," Chun-Li said.

"Jin needs help?" Xiaoyu asked. "Any chance you can contact anyone from your end?"

"Um...I think I can let Paul Phoenix and Marshall Law know," Chun-Li said, grabbing a pad to send a message. "You should hurry though."

"Right, of course," Xiaoyu said, heading through her portal.

Chun-Li saw one more bit of trouble, "Cloud, it's your world, specifically Squall's section."

"Squall?" Cloud asked.

"Sounds like he needs help," Barrett said. "Guess we're gonna have to cut our part of the meeting short."

"...This is concerning, so many things happening at once," Tifa said. "What if it's the villains? What if it's Sephiroth?"

"If it is, then we fight," Cloud said. "Come on."

Cloud jumped through his portal with his team.

A worried Chun-Li rubbed her chin, thinking everything over. "Could this be the villains?"

"It might be," Donatello said. "Maybe some of these friends could use a bit of backup."

"Yes, I'll see what I can do," Chun-Li said.

"What about us?" Johnny asked, stepping toward the portal with the Fantastic Four. "Doom might be involved, good enough reason for me and the family here to step in."

"Victor is very dangerous, as you yourself may remember," Reed said.

"If he's here, I'll let you know," Chun-Li said. "If I start scattering you all around now, it's going to be hectic."

"Take this," Mega Man said, presenting Reed with a walkie-talkie. "It works across universes, we can contact you if we spot Doctor Doom."

"The rest of you should take a few," Chun-Li said, passing some out to Steve, Celestia, Shining Armor and Spike. "See to it that Peter has a radio, same with Wolverine."

"I can give Peter his," Spike said.

"I don't think I know how to use this thing though," Shining Armor said.

"I can teach you," Steve reassured.

"You do that, I'll go reunite with Miguel and Miles," Julia said, flying over to the other portal. "We'll observe what we can from there."

"Perfect, do you have a radio too?" Chun-Li asked.

"Yes, and a spare for Miguel," Julia reassured.

Miguel grabbed his radio, "I will keep in touch with you, Chun-Li."

"Thank you," Chun-LI said. "Everyone, it's been great seeing you, I hope that next time it will be with better results."

Chun-Li shut down the portal to her world, disconnecting from Equestria.

"Same here, we'll stop this mess one way or another," Miguel said, shutting down on his end too.

"Guess we should be planning too," Bobby said.

"Or at least be ready in case someone needs us," Rainbow Dash said. "I'm waiting and eager to stop some bad guys."

In the Capcom World, Goku himself was ready to make his leave, "I'm gonna let my friends know about Trunks, and Goku Black."

"Sounds good, Goku," Chun-Li said. "Be careful yourself."

"I'll be fine," Goku said, heading through a portal.

Peni looked a bit disappointed, "Kind of hoped I could work with that little kitsune."

"Kitsune?" Donatello. "You mean fox?"

"Yeah, the one with the two tails, he's cute," Peni said.

"You mean Tails?" Sally asked.

"Yeah, is that his actual name though?" Peni asked.

"No, his actual name is Miles Prower," Sally said.

"Oh, kind of sounds like 'Miles Per Hour'," Peni said. "Looks like I have a chance to befriend another Miles."

"You'll get your chance, Peni," Chun-Li said.

"I had more to ask him, like can he grow more tails?" Peni asked.

"No, it's just the two," Sally said.

"I don't think he's an actual kitsune of legend, it's just part of how he was born," All Might said. "Kind of like a quirk."

"Or a mutation as my world would put it," Strange said.

"You know, speaking of the multiverse, should we call Batman or something?" Donatello asked.

"If we need to, we do have easy access to his world," Chun-Li said, then heard some more alarms. "Ugh, what is going on?"

"Something is definitely happening," Sally said. "We might need to contact your friends who just left."

"Aren't they getting answers from that Discord guy?" Viewtiful Joe asked.

"We can give them some time, that information could be useful," Chun-Li said. "Still, other dangers seem to exist in this world."

"And others," Morrigan pointed out. "I think the world where Terry Bogard lives is facing danger."

"Terry's? But why there? Are Geese Howard or Iori Yagami part of this?" Chun-Li wondered.

"Maybe the villains want the Orochi power," Morrigan suggested. "If that's so, things may get complicated."

"I should hope they don't know about it," Chun-Li said.

"I can go and check on Terry, I'll bring Felicia and the new guy with me," Morrigan said.

"I'm not a 'new guy', I'm Rashid of the Turbulent Wind!" the newer fighter said.

"Still, it might be good for you to go to Terry's world, see our rivals outside of Marvel," Morrigan said.

"Yeah that sounds fun," Rashid said. "Man, what an exciting adventure! It's like being in a movie!"

"Someone's excited," Donatello said.

"Rashid's big into movies and stuff," Chun-Li said. "Just like Viewtiful Joe."

"My brother Mikey too," Donatello said. "Speaking of brothers, should I get mine? They might be able to help."

"I'd hate to inconvenience you guys though," Chun-Li said.

"It's not, my brothers love helping others," Donatello said. "Leo is always ready to fight for justice, Raph loves having an excuse to beat up bad guys, and Mikey like your friend here, loves adventure. If you want, I can even see if my father, Master Splinter wants to come. Oh and our friend Casey can help too. He's not a ninja but he's great at vigilante work."

"Does he have powers?" Rashid asked.

"No, he's just a regular guy, but he's still good at what he does," Donatello said. "But, he is married and has a kid, he may be hesitant to travel the multiverse."

"If he can't then don't worry about it," Chun-Li said. "Go get your brothers and father if you want, just be careful."

"Wait, does your world have anyone we should be worried about?" Viper asked. "If the villains find out about your involvement, they may recruit from your world to even the odds."

"Right, me and my brothers have dealt with quite the number of foes," Donatello said. "The biggest one being Oroku Saki, The Shredder."

"Well with a name like that, I'm guessing he's not the friendliest guy," Viper said.

"He's a megalomaniac, and very cold hearted," Donatello said. "He will do anything to get power, even vanquishing his foes without hesitation. Something my father's sensei found out the hard way."

"I'm sorry to hear about that," Chun-Li said, recalling memories of her own father. "Listen, I don't want to risk danger for you or your brothers so-"

"It's fine, really!" Donatello said. "Listen, I'm not just gonna be able to ignore when bad things are happening. If I can make a difference, that's all that matters to me. Besides this threat may come to my world anyway, if I can stop it now then that's better than being ambushed later."

"In hindsight, it might help to let the other worlds know," Viewtiful Joe said. "Guys like Spawn, John Rambo and even Luke Skywalker might need to be aware. Loki probably remembers them all from Ragnarök and wants revenge."

"That's something I consider myself, as does young Mark here," All Might said.

"I wanna stop Loki, so I can ensure my world's future," Mark said. "I just...recently got with someone I care about, and I want to make sure she and I can have a good future together."

"It's not that one girl who gave you a hard time because you didn't tell her your secret identity sooner, is it?" Chun-Li asked.

"No, I broke it off with her," Mark said. "I hooked up with someone else, one who already knew my identity since she's a superhero too."

"Really now? You didn't tell me any of this you sly little sneak," All Might playfully jabbed.

"Sorry, I didn't want to brag," Mark said.

"Who's the girl?" Donatello asked.

"She's called Atom Eve, her powers are amazing," Mark said. "She can use her imagination to create just about anything."

"Sounds like how Mikey described a Green Lantern," Donatello said.

"So, is she a reality warper?" Chun-Li asked.

"That's one way to put it," Mark said.

"Well I'm happy for you," Chun-Li said.

"We all are, I don't suppose you can ask this girl for help if she's this strong?" Trish asked.

"Um...well..." Mark rubbed his head. "It might be dangerous, I don't know if I want to bring her into that. I know she's strong but..."

"Don't ask Mark for something like that," Chun-Li said.

"It's fine, she might find out on her own anyway," Mark said. "Thing is, our world still needs heroes to protect it. We're dealing with some troubles, some more personal than others. I can help how I can but I still need to be mindful and make sure my world doesn't fall apart."

"Same here, my world is at peace, but I don't know how long that will last," All Might said. "As it stands, I am on a mission to entrust a suitable successor should the day come where I have to retire."

"I wish you luck on that," Chun-Li said. "Now, if that's all-"

"Wait up," Atreus said. "Is there anything I can do?"

"I don't think so, you and your father can return home for now," Chun-Li said.

"Are you sure? Maybe I can help you with one of these emergencies," Atreus suggested.

"Atreus," Kratos warned.

"Come on father, I know you want to help too," Atreus said. "Besides, Loki might be around."

"Huh? You want to find Loki?" Chun-Li asked.

"I have to, for personal reasons," Atreus said.

"Lad, I thought this was behind you?" Mimir said.

"I am, at least in my world," Atreus said. "But I'm still curious. I have to know more about this Loki, so we can understand our own family."

"There is nothing to understand, this Loki is not connected to us in any way," Kratos said. "Do not worry yourself on this matter."

"I'm not gonna worry, I'm just curious," Atreus said.

"No offense laddie, but keep in mind that your curiosity has landed you in quite a bit of trouble over the years," Mimir said.

"You should listen to that...talking head," Strange said, a little bothered by Mimir but not dwelling on it. "Kid, I don't know what's going on in your world, but I can tell you that Loki is a very dangerous God. He's the reason many in Capcom lost some good friends, he along with his allies."

"I still haven't forgiven what he did to Cammy," Chun-Li said.

"Or Carlos," Jill added.

"Or what he and Mystique did to Jin and Hayato," Viewtiful Joe said.

"Plus, I do feel a little guilty that Akuma, a warrior from my world, is the reason Thor's brother, his good brother, is gone too," Chun-Li said. "I know it's not my problem directly, but Baldur did not deserve what happened to him."

"Shame about Baldur, guess those Vital Points that Miguel guy mentioned truly does affect the multiverse," Mimir said.

"I know you're all worried, but I still need to know," Atreus said. "I have to know why Loki turned out how he did."

"Wasn't this Loki raised by Odin?" Mimir asked. "Is it any wonder he turned out to be such a monster?"

"You shouldn't say that, Odin wasn't some terrible father," Chun-Li said. "Not the Marvel Odin at least."

"Actually, while Thor doesn't go too deep into it, I think he mentioned that the Asgardians have had a troubled past, and Odin wasn't as nice as he was in his final days," Strange said. "It may be harsh to say, but Odin may be a reason this Loki turned out how he did."

"He did mention it himself," Mega Man said. "Granted he could have been lying, but we don't know the full story ourselves."

"For that, we'd need to ask Thor," Morrigan said.

"That's a better idea," Mimir said. "Atreus, if you have questions, ask Thor. This Thor, the one that isn't a drunk."

"Mimir..." Kratos scolded.

"Right, sorry," Mimir said. "Seems as though I have my own issues to work out. A few days does not make up for hundreds of years of unpleasantries."

"Understandable," Kratos said.

"I can send you both to Asgard," Strange said. "Meanwhile I should get Ryu and the others."

"I'll go get my brothers," Donatello said.

"And I'll do what I have to do on my end," Chun-Li said. "Alright, everyone spread out."

Rewinding time a bit, shortly after Mayday had asked Miguel about her future, the girl had gone into her room, a massive blush on her face.

"So...what's happening out there?" Luster Dawn asked.

"And why is your face red?" Flurry asked. "Oooh! Something happened, didn't it?"

"Everything seems fine, daddy and the heroes are doing what they need to do to keep us all safe," Mayday said. "Seems like Discord got betrayed though."

"Ha, serves him right, Flurry said. "But, what about the villains? How is Uncle Peter going to stop them?"

"He'll figure it out," Mayday said, the girl feeling worried. "I hope."

"That doesn't explain the blush," Luster Dawn said.

"You're not sick, are you?" Franklin asked, placing his hoof on her forehead.

"I am...I'm lovesick," Mayday said.

"Huh?" Franklin asked.

"Miguel told me to work hard for what I want in life," Mayday said, stepping closer to Franklin, her nose inches away from his. "You're what I want in life. One day, you and I are getting married. No power in any world will stop that."

"Uh, wow..." Franklin said, feeling awkward.

Mayday leaned in closer, love still filling her heart when she eventually remembered that she wasn't alone. She looked to see her cousin and friends just staring. Feeling self-conscious, Mayday backed away.

"Mind giving Frankie and me some privacy?" Mayday asked.

"No way, I wanna see you two make-out," Flurry said, earning a confused reaction from Luster Dawn.

"That's very weird to say," Luster Dawn said, dragging Flurry away. "Let's go."

"Wait, no! I'm not ready!" Flurry said as she got dragged out. "Take some pictures!"

Once the door was closed, Mayday focused right back on Franklin. "So, where were we?"

"Uh...talks of marriage?" Franklin said.

"Right...I know it sounds early but, I can't imagine myself with anyone other than you," Mayday said. "I'm not saying we need to get married now, we're only kids. But I hope we can be together in the future. I want to get married and have a family."

"Wow, you are looking into the future, aren't you?" Franklin asked. "I feel kind of special, given how much you like your alone time, I'm amazed I'm one of the very few you like to spend time with."

"Well you opened my eyes a bit," Mayday said. "You and Luster Dawn have been so nice to me, Flurry too. All three of you make me feel special in different ways, so I don't feel like that much of an outcast. Three friends seem like too little for a lot of ponies, but to me, it's plentiful."

"Right, Quality over Quantity, just like your dad says," Franklin said.

"Well, when it comes to your company, quality and quantity are basically the same thing," Mayday said. "The more time I spend with you, the happier I am."

"Geez, you're gonna make me blush," Franklin said, sheepishly rubbing his head as he turned away.

"Wow, usually you fluster me, nice to be on the other end of it," Mayday said, turning the boy to face her. "You're the best, Frankie."

"So are you, May," Franklin said.

Mayday leaned in for a kiss, one Franklin was quick to return. As they held onto their moment of passion, Flurry peeked into the room, excited to see the kiss.

"Just gotta get my camera ready," Flurry said, holding it up.

"Where did you even get that?" Luster Dawn asked.

"Uncle Peter gave it to me once as a birthday present, I think he used to be a photographer or something before he was a superhero," Flurry said. "Now...smile."

The click of the camera alerted Mayday's senses as she broke away from the kiss, glaring at Flurry. "What the hell are you doing!?"

"Oh boy, she's mad," Luster Dawn said.

"I regret nothing!" Flurry said, teleporting away.

Mayday angrily gritted her teeth as her face turned red, this time from anger. "FLURRY!"

Down below, many heard Mayday's outburst, which took them all by surprise.

"I'll go calm her down," Trixie said.

"I'll help of course," Starlight said,

"Ooh! Can I help too!? I'm good with anger management," Autumn Blaze said.

"Sure, Mayday does like your presence so it might help," Trixie said, the three mares heading upstairs.

Meanwhile Harry was sitting down next to Flash, completely bored out of his mind. "So...how long before we go back?"

"Twilight sends us back, but she's busy right now," Flash said. "Still, how can you be so calm? Especially given what we heard about those villains."

"Let the heroes handle it," Harry said.

Flash grumbled in annoyance, "You know, I get that you're upset. I don't blame you. But acting like you are right now, isn't making you sympathetic. Whatever issues you have with Peter, you need to drop!"

"You don't get to judge me, you used to bully him for years and now you think you know what's best for him?" Harry asked.

"Listen, I know I messed up. Peter was a jerk but can any of us say we were better?" Flash asked. "Two wrongs don't exactly make a right you know. At least Peter admits he screwed up and he's trying to be better."

"Took him long enough, still would he have come to us if his wife didn't get us?" Harry asked.

"You're being petty, just be happy we're getting this chance," Flash said.

"By luck," Harry said. "Face it, despite his hero persona, Peter's just selfish. Couldn't even be honest with me about my father."

"You know, I feel like most of your anger is directed at your pops, and Peter is just the one receiving that anger," Flash said. "That's not fair to him."

"What's not fair is being abandoned by a friend so he can make new friends and forget about us while I have to deal with the crap I did after finding out about my father!" Harry shouted. "You have no idea what he put me through."

"He didn't put you through anything, you're the one who chose to be an addict," Flash said.

Harry's eyes widened in disbelief for a second, that shock then turning into rage. "You think I wanted to be!?"

"If you didn't want to be, then you shouldn't have made that choice!" Flash shouted. "Look, I know you were struggling but even if Peter wasn't around, there were other ways to deal with it! It's not Peter's fault you chose the wrong path!"

This yelling did attract attention from ponies nearby, including Cadance whose curiosity was piquing.

"...This is bullshit, I'm getting MJ, we're going home," Harry said. "Where is she anyway?"

"Over there," Flash said, gesturing to MJ sitting on the couch and feeding Benjy a bottle.

"What the hell is she doing?" Harry stomped over to her.

As she continued to feed Benjy, MJ looked up at her husband, "Oh Harry, what's wrong?"

"What are you doing?" Harry asked.

"...Feeding Benjy?" MJ said.

"Why? He's not your kid, let Peter handle it," Harry said.

"Well he and his wife are busy," MJ said.

"What about his aunt?" Harry asked. "Or those unicorn girls?"

"Aunt May went to prepare some food and I offered to look after Benjy," MJ said as Benjy finished his bottle. The girl positioned him so she could pat his back. "I don't mind helping out either, Peter's kids are adorable."

"We have a kid of our own," Harry said.

"That doesn't mean I can't be like an aunt to Benjy," MJ said, then got a burp out of the baby. "That was a big one." She held the boy up, "You must have been really hungry, huh sweetheart?"

That got a giggle out of Benjy while Harry rolled his eyes in annoyance, "You seem to be having fun."

"Look, Peter trusts me to look after his kids, he's still our friend so I want to be of help to him," MJ said. "Besides, this can be a good thing. Benjy's a good boy, I bet he and Normie would be great friends."

"I do not want our son dealing with the shit I had to go through by being friends with a Parker!" Harry said.

"Watch your mouth, I don't want Benjy saying words like that," MJ scolded.

"Who gives a crap!? He's not our son!" Harry shouted, startling the baby and making him sniffle.

"Great, you scared him," MJ placed Benjy on her back and left. "Listen, go see if you can go home if you want, Peter needs me, and I want to do what I can for him."

"MJ!" Harry called, the boy feeling like scum. "Great...what else can go wrong?"

"Don't tempt fate," Cadance said, getting Harry's attention.

"Huh? Who are you?" Harry asked.

"My name is Cadance, my husband is the older brother of Peter's wife," Cadance said.

"So you're an in-law?" Harry asked.

"Yes...now listen Harry, I don't know you and I know you don't know me, but we both know Peter," Cadance said. "I can tell you're struggling because of your past Friendship with him."

"If you can call it that," Harry said.

"Harry, look deep inside yourself. Do you honestly believe Peter would intentionally hurt you?" Cadance asked. "Do you really believe everything you knew about him was a lie?"

"Given all the secrets he kept from me over the years..." Harry lamented.

"What? Being Spider-Man? That's just what he does, it's not who he is," Cadance said. "It was a hard life for him, and I think deep down, he didn't like thinking about it more than he needed to. Did you want to be friends with Peter Parker? Or Spider-Man?"

"He should have trusted me," Harry said.

"Well maybe he didn't want you getting hurt," Cadance said. "Peter kept his secret here too for a while, not because he didn't trust anyone, but because he didn't want them to share his burden. Peter is selfless to a fault, and I do agree he needs to be more open. But if you act the way you to, it's just going to make Peter feel he's right to keep the secrets he does, because he's afraid of how others are going to react."

"But...my father..." Harry said, the man looking a little distraught. "How could he keep that from me!?"

"What was he supposed to do? If you were in his position, would you have handled it any better?" Cadance asked.

"Even so, there are those other times," Harry said. "How he shut us out after our Gwen died, and how he just abandoned us, and-"

"Here's the thing, you're caught up in how you feel, yet have you ever wondered how Peter feels?" Cadance asked. "Seems to me that you're being just as selfish as you think he is. I'm sorry about your father, but to use Gwen Stacy as an excuse? You have no idea how much that hurt Peter. Weren't you his friend? Don't you remember how much he loved her?"

"He...he should have let us in!" Harry said.

"You keep saying what he should have done, what about what you should have done!?" Cadance asked. "I heard what your friend said about you being an addict. I am not too familiar with it, but if I had to guess, it's like a unicorn being corrupted by dark magic. You think you have it under control but it's actually controlling you."

"Wow, didn't expect a pretty pony like you to know about what humans struggle with," Harry said.

"And now you're being a smart mouth," Cadance said, the mare feeling slightly ashamed. "Harry, despite how you're acting, I know you have love in your heart. You need to give more power to that than your negative feelings. I'm not saying it will be easy, but like we all heard from Miguel O'Hara, you gotta work hard to get what you want."

"...It's not just hard, it feels impossible," Harry said.

"Nothing's impossible," Cadance said. "It seems like you still need a lot of counseling. Just remember, we're here for you if you need it."

"Why help me? You don't even know me," Harry said.

"You're one of Peter's friends, and no, it's not the bad thing you've come to believe it is," Cadance said. "Besides, helping others is an innate thing for me and Twilight. Even if you weren't one of Peter's old friends, this isn't something I can just turn away from."

"...Alright," Harry trotted off, not wanting to say more.

As Cadance let her thoughts run through her mind, Matt trotted up beside her. "You did great Princess."

"Hm?" Cadance turned to the side. "Oh, Matt Murdock."

"It's troubling hearing all this about Peter, he's a great guy too," Matt said. "But, he's made his mistake. It's fine, we all make mistakes, I just hope Peter doesn't continue to define himself with those shortcomings."

"Same could be said about all of us," Cadance said. "I just hope we maintain that strong foundation among us, otherwise we'll fall apart long before the villains even arrive."

"We won't, because I've come to believe that Friendship is Magic," Matt said.

"And we've come to more than appreciate the justice that the heroes fight for in this world," Cadance said.

"Justice that we all must strive for," Matt said.

Meanwhile Peter and the others arrived in front of Fluttershy's house, the mare heading inside.

"I'll let Discord know you're here," Fluttershy said as she entered the home.

Logan turned to the side, spotting some trouble with the animals. "Fluttershy's critters look worried, wonder if they can tell there's danger coming?"

"Possibly," Twilight said, leaning against the fence as Angel Bunny did his best to calm the others. "I do need to let the other Kingdoms know about this."

"Fluttershy and I can help," Logan said, leaning on the space next to her. "She's got a good relationship with the Breezies, especially their leader Seabreeze."

"Oh yeah, you all met the Breezies once," Twilight said.

"Yeah, they tried freeloading here, not as bad as Fluttershy's brother on some days, but still a pain," Logan said. "At least Seabreeze whipped them into shape."

"How is he doing?" Twilight asked.

"He's fine, still got a temper," Logan said. "Still never figured out why Breezies seem to speak Swedish though."

"It's not Swedish, but it's similar," Twilight said. "Guess it's just a natural similarity."

"Maybe," Logan said.

While they were talking, Peter got the attention of the Capcom guys. "Hey...guys. I'm sorry that you might be dealing with trouble from my home world and this one."

"Why are you apologizing?" Chris asked.

"I didn't do a good job of keeping an eye on things here, I should have known something screwy was happening," Peter said. "Now you might be dealing with all of these threats, including my own enemies."

"Peter, we're the ones who should be apologizing to you," Dante said. "Remember, our enemies came here first."

"Besides, guys like Doom already had their eyes on Capcom," Chris said.

"But what about The Sirens?" Peter asked. "I'm a Prince here, I have to-"

"Peter, don't start taking more blame than you need to," Ryu said. "It's not healthy."

"You're strong but you're only human," Chris said.

"No one thinks it's your fault," Sunset said.

"Gallus does," Peter said.

"...Let me rephrase that, no one with common sense thinks it's your fault," Sunset said.

"I know he's a pain but he's not totally wrong," Peter said. "A lot of this is my fault, the villains came here for me. If I didn't live in Equestria-"

"Peter by that logic, you can't live anywhere," Chris said. "It's not your fault evil people are coming after you, that's their fault. You have just as much of a right to enjoy life, and if being in Equestria with your family makes you happy, then do it."

"You can't stop all evil, it's going to exist one way or another," Dante said. "Living a life full of fear because of that evil? That's a good way to let the bad guys win."

"He's right, all you're doing is welcoming them to destroy everything you love," Ryu said. "If you show you can live your life to its fullest, that's less power they have over you."

"Don't let anyone threaten your freedom, it's your right as a person to be happy," Chris said. "No one should ever take that away from you or anyone."

"Wow, you guys are good with pep talks," Peter said. "Thanks, I appreciate it."

"They're awesome, aren’t they?" Sunset said.

Fluttershy opened the door, "Alright, he's ready."

Everyone walked into the house, Peter taking a quick look around, "Where's Rina?"

"With my parents," Fluttershy said.

"We promised them they could spend time with her," Logan said. "Might need to keep her there longer."

In the living room, Discord was enjoying some tea, then spotted Peter and the others. "Ah, Peter, Twilight, good to see you all."

"Discord, how's it going?" Peter asked, albiet cautiously.

"Going well, thank you for asking," Discord said.

"Alright, the pleasantries are out of the way, now start talking," Dante said, pulling his sword out and freaking Discord out. "What's this about my brother?"

"Dante, please put that sword away, I don't want you holding that in my house," Fluttershy warned.

"You can't expect me to..." Dante reeled back once Fluttershy glared at him. "Geez, you can look scary when you want to. Fine."

Dante placed his sword away as Chris spoke up, "To Dante's point though, what's this about Vergil, Wesker and all these other villains, including some evil version of Goku?"

"Right, I suppose you would be curious," Discord said. "I confess, I did assemble a group of villains, but I meant no harm, I just wanted to have a little fun."

"Fun? What kind of fun is this!?" Sunset asked.

"I just wanted to see heroes and villains fight each other," Discord said. "And you must admit, it's a win-win. I recruit villains so you heroes can defeat those villains and keep the realms safe."

"Some of those villains were in Tartarus, so they were already detained," Twilight said.

"Please, they ruled the place, and they would have found a way out," Discord said. "Plus, more than anything, I know you and Peter really do anything you can to prove yourselves. Peter here especially has such low self-esteem, I merely hoped to generate a grand battle so he can feel like the hero he truly is. Aren't I a nice guy?"

"I don't believe this," Sunset said. "Do you really mean this shit or are you covering up because you're vulnerable now?"

"Even I could take you at this point," Chris said.

"But you won't," Fluttershy said. "You wouldn't hurt a defenseless creature, would you?"

"Yeah, would you?" Discord asked, doing a mock cute face.

"Don't make me shoot you," Chris warned.

"Ahem..." Fluttershy said, glaring at Chris.

"Fine then," Chris said. "Look, regardless you really caused a lot of trouble for us now."

"What's this about these villains working together!?" Sunset asked.

"Well it's like I told Fluttershy, I assembled some villains together, then Wesker's team came along to attack us," Discord said. "Everyone fought for a bit, then Loki showed up and made everyone get along. Then they stole my magic and now they want to annihilate the multiverse."

"Why did Wesker attack you?" Chris asked.

"He wanted to get rid of the competition," Discord said. "So this whole multiverse thing isn't totally my fault, Wesker didn't want to be on my side."

"You still assembled those other villains," Dante said.

"Including enemies of Peter," Twilight said.

"Yes, I suppose so," Discord said, counting with his paws. "Shocker, Electro, Mysterio, Scorpion, they seemed like small time enough. It's not like with The Green Goblin and-"

"Green Goblin?" Peter asked, the hero feeling a surge of despair. "So, he really is back."

"He's alive huh? Fine by us," Dante said. "I'll kill him myself."

"Who else?" Peter asked. "I know you got Eddie, any other symbiotes?"

"Well...we did get into contact with the home planet..." Discord said.

"You WHAT!?" Peter asked. "Did you want to invade this world with those...Klyntar things!? I can only imagine who you got..."

"You don't want to," Discord said. "There were surprises I didn't even tell my men about. I've been quite busy traveling the multiverse after all, who knows who might show up soon?"

"I need a list, who did you get!?" Peter asked.

"I...don't remember off the top of my head who said 'yes' or was undecided," Discord said, then saw Dante reaching for his sword while Chris reached for his guns. "Ah-ah, no weapons."

"Don't test us, Discord!" Chris warned.

"Look, I do know that Wesker went to New York for something, specifically the area where Peter fought King Sombra," Discord said. "I'd keep an eye out there."

"King Sombra?" Twilight asked.

"And also, Peter...I suggest you and any spider powered person you know watch out, I did run into someone who seems to have it out for you 'Totems'," Discord said.

"Wow, can you be any vaguer?" Peter asked.

"I swear, if you get people killed, no power on Earth or any other world will save you from us!" Chris warned.

"Uh...noted," Discord said. "Look, I'll give you some tips. One, watch out for Grogar's Bell, it can seal away magic. It's too strong to be destroyed however, but the effects can be reversed. Two, everyone was interested in not only the Crystal Heart, but Queen Novo's Pearl. Also keep an eye out for the Alicorn Amulet, it's a real power booster. Loki had an army of Skrulls while The Changelings still exist, keep an eye out and be careful who you trust. Watch out especially for the combined abilities of Martin Li and The Dazzlings."

"...Alright, this helps, hopefully we can plan for it," Peter said.

"And also, I do apologize for those Plunderseeds, I do hope you got all of them, they can be a real pain," Discord said.

"Wait...that was you!?" Twilight asked.

"You're the one who tried exposing Ponyville to your brand of Hentai!?" Peter asked.

"You were the one..." Sunset stopped a moment, glaring at Peter alongside Team Capcom. "What did you just call it?"

"Sorry, I see vines and tentacles, I think hentai," Peter said.

"You think they're perverts?" Ryu asked.

"No, hentai," Peter said.

"Yes, that means 'pervert'," Ryu said.

"Oh, makes sense," Peter replied.

"Wait, did you watch Hentai videos as a kid?" Dante asked.

"...Maybe..." Peter awkwardly admitted, getting weird stares. "Don't you judge me!"

"No, I'm gonna judge you, weirdo," Dante said.

"And we're talking about this, because...?" Twilight said. "Focus on what's important and not whatever weird fantasies you might have."

"I can only imagine what weird fantasies you have with your wife," Dante said.

"I hardly think that's any of your business," Peter said.

"Good God, can we please move on from this?" Logan asked.

"Right, sorry," Peter said. "Now, Discord. Is there anything else you can tell us?"

"Tell you what, keep me on standby, and I will guide you through this, hopefully with as minimal damage as possible," Discord said. "It's up to you to save the multiverse after all, no pressure."

"Well considering you're the scumbag that put me in this position, you have a lot of nerve saying that," Peter said.

"Not like yer alone, Parker," Logan said. "You got us."

"Yes, we will help you Peter," Ryu said.

"We will save every world," Sunset said.

"Thanks, I appreciate that," Peter said, then saw a portal opening, with Strange emerging from the other side. "Hey Strange, need something?"

"Ryu, Chris, Dante, there's more trouble in your world, you need to hurry back," Strange said.

"Shit, what's wrong now?" Chris asked.

"I don't have the details but Chun-Li is spreading help out not only across your world, but others," Strange said.

"Does that include Marvel Earth?" Twilight asked.

"Possibly, which means I need to be ready," Strange said. "Thankfully some heroes are there."

"New or old?" Sunset asked.

"Both," Strange said. "Don't worry, we'll keep the young ones under control."

"What's wrong with the younger heroes?" Peter asked.

"Think Kamala, but with more," Sunset said.

"They're talented but lack common sense," Strange said. "Which reminds me, I gotta check on Chavez and make sure she doesn't get hurt."

"Ugh, we're not gonna have to deal with her, are we?" Sunset asked. "Why did you even let her move into your Sanctum?"

"Someone's gotta mentor these kids, plus I just don't like the idea of someone getting hurt when I could have helped that person," Strange said.

"She doesn't even appreciate what you do for her," Sunset said.

"Even if she doesn't, it's the right thing to do," Strange said. "Being a decent person is often a thankless job but an important one nonetheless. Something you understand well, don't you Peter?"

"Of course," Peter said.

"Fine, but if she ticks me off, I'm going to punch her," Sunset said.

"Noted..." Strange said, opening the portal. "Peter, we'll keep in contact."

"Wait, can I help?" Peter asked.

"Stay here for now, if the villains show up, you're going to need to protect everyone," Strange said.

"Yeah, of course," Peter said as Sunset and the Capcom Trio left with Strange.

"Peter, you should head home and get everyone ready," Logan said.

"Oh yeah, hope everyone's okay," Peter said. "Maybe we can check in with Miguel too."

"Ah, so the other spiders are here, correct?" Discord asked. "I've been wondering when they would show up."

"You knew?" Peter asked.

"I've kept an eye on them, especially Gwen Stacy, your old flame," Discord said, much to Twilight's annoyance.

"Uh, she's not my Gwen," Peter said.

"I know...but she's so similar, isn't she?" Discord asked.

"I suppose, though my Gwen didn't have spider powers," Peter said.

"She's still the same pretty girl from before, it must be amazing catching up with someone like that," Discord said.

"Yes, amazing, truly amazing," Twilight said. "Now let's go!"

"Alright, I'm coming," Peter said, waving good-bye to the Howletts. "See you later!"

Once Peter left, Logan turned his attention to Discord, "So...what the hell was that about exactly?"

"Just curiosity at its finest," Discord said.

"Curiosity can be a dangerous thing, bub," Discord said with a SNIKT of his claws. "I suggest you watch yerself."

"Logan, put those claws away," Fluttershy scolded, before glaring at the Chaos being. "And Discord, behave."

"Yes dear," Logan said, unsheathing his claws.

"Of course, Fluttershy," Discord said, relenting on his humor.

"Wait, where's Eris? Wasn't she just here?" Fluttershy asked.

"She left to see if she could find those villains, and put a stop to them herself," Discord said. "I wish her luck."

Meanwhile outside, while Peter and Twilight weren't aware, The Dazzlings along with Cozy Glow and Martin Li were not too far away.

"I can sense jealousy coming from Twilight," Adagio said. "Maybe we can use one of Discord's old plans to our advantage."

"We just need those plunderseeds, right?" Aria asked.

"And I have plenty," Cozy Glow said, gesturing to a bag on her back. "Twilight won't know what hit her."

"Nor will Spider-Man," Martin said. "How could a man face his wife after all?"

"Gotta say...Spider-Man's still super cute up close," Sonata said.

"Oh shut up," Adagio said, moving forward. "Let's go."

Peter and Twilight continued to walk home, Peter feeling awkward regarding what happened a second ago with Discord. "So...I hope you weren't too bothered back in Fluttershy's place."

"I'm fine, don't worry about it," Twilight said.

"Yeah, sure, if you say so," Peter said. "But if you're not fine, that's okay, and you can tell me everything that's bothering you."

"Never mind it Peter," Twilight said.

"But Twi, remember what you said to me about opening up," Peter reminded. "You said that-"

"PETER!" Twilight shouted. "Just...drop it. I want to focus on what's important."

"But, how you're feeling is important," Peter insisted. "Isn't that what you told me?"

"Peter, you have more emotional baggage than I do, meanwhile I'm better at controlling my personal problems while in the past, you've let your personal problems control you," Twilight said.

"Harsh," Peter said.

"I'm harsh because I love you, now let's stay focused," Twilight said, feeling a surge of anger. "Something feels wrong with me."

Adagio and the others continued to sneak around. She along with Martin working together to fuel Twilight's anger.

As they got close to the house, Twilight started feeling pain, the girl grabbing her head in anguish.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Peter asked, quickly taking his wife by her hoof. "Do you need an aspirin?"

"I'm fine, just a lot on my mind," Twilight insisted.

Peter's Spider-Sense started ringing, he could tell something was off. The hero frantically looked around, "This isn't normal...something's going wrong."

Rumble opened the door, getting the attention of the two. "Hey! Peter! Twilight! Done with Discord!?"

"Yeah, for now," Peter said. "There seems to be trouble in the other worlds."

"Trouble?" Gwen asked, peeking her head out, the mere sight of her upsetting Twilight. "What kind of trouble?"

"Might be the villains," Peter said. "We'll need another quick meeting but, I am a bit worried. I can't help but feel like we're in immediate danger."

"Well that's ominous," Rumble said. "What should we do?"

"Rumble, can you and your friends round up the whole town and get them into The Friendship Center?" Peter asked.

"Oh you bet!" Rumble called inside. "Yo! Rumblers! We got a job to do!"

"We're not using that name!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Yeah, pick something else!" Smolder demanded.

Rumble furrowed his brow, "Look, everyone on my side, come with me! We gotta get the civilians into the Friendship Center!"

"You got it," Silverstream said. "Gabby and I can take the skies, while everyone else splits up across the ground."

"This way we get things done faster!" Gabby said.

"Smolder and I can take the West," Ocellus said.

"Sounds good to me," Smolder said.

"Sweetie Belle and I can search the East," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, let's go Serum!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Lead the way," Serum said.

"I'll keep an eye out for danger," Laura said.

"Same, I'll patrol with you Laura," Rumble said. "Let's go team!"

Rumble's squad headed out to do what they needed to do, leaving everyone else behind for now.

"Apple Bloom, you should head to the Center as well," Peter said.

"Actually, I'd rather head home and personally warn my family," Apple Bloom said. "Plus ah want to check on mah little colt."

"I can go with you," Sugar Belle said.

"Not alone," Bucky offered. "Come on."

"Thanks," Apple Bloom said as she ran off with the duo.

"We should get the kids there as well of course," Twilight said, still feeling pain.

"Don't worry, I got Benjy," MJ said, trotting with the baby on her back. "Also, I fed him, and I even just finished changing him."

"Whoa, you changed his diaper?" Peter asked.

"It's no trouble, he's a sweet little guy," MJ said as Benjy hugged her from behind. "Auntie MJ has him under my watchful gaze."

"Ma Ja!" Benjy said, Twilight's ears twitching from the sound.

"Uh...did he say...'Mama'?" Twilight asked.

"No, I think he said 'Ma Ja'," Peter said. "It sounds like's trying to say 'MJ'."

"Aw, he recognizes me already, I feel so lucky," MJ said, trotting off. "I can't wait to introduce him to my little boy, I can tell they'll get along well, like brothers."

"Brothers, how nice..." Twilight said, her eye twitching.

"You alright, Twi?" Peter asked.

"Sure, never better..." Twilight spoke angrily through her teeth.

"Uh...well let's just get Mayday," Peter said.

"Don't worry, I got her," Gwen said, trotting over with Mayday on her back. "The moment you started rounding everyone up, I figured I'd get this cool little gal to safety as well."

"Heh, she thinks I'm cool," Mayday said.

"You are cool, I wish you were my daughter," Gwen said, Twilight's ears again perking. "Of course I could never take you away from your daddy."

"Or her mother...right!?" Twilight asked.

"Hm? Sure, you too of course," Gwen said. "Uh, you look kind of mad."

"Me? Mad? Nonsense, I'm very calm," Twilight insisted.

Gwen looked in closely, "Are you sure that-"

"I'M COMPLETELY CALM!" Twilight shouted, startling everyone nearby.

"Uh...okay, if you say so," Gwen said, awkwardly trotting away. "Come on kid."

From the distance, Laura called to catch Twilight's attention, "You are the definition of calm there, Sugar Queen!"

"Laura!" Rumble awkwardly pulled her away. "She's joking Twi! Please don't come after us in a fight of rage!"

"Dude!" Peter said.

"Uh, ignore that! Not the joking part, the fit of rage part!" Rumble said. "Because you look just fine! Not angry at all!"

"Just go!" Peter ordered.

"Going!" Rumble said, flying off with Laura laughing right behind him.

From the distance, Gwen looked back at Twilight, feeling worried. "Mayday, does your mom stress out a lot?"

"Yeah, it gets really bad sometimes," Mayday said. "She gets freaked out, then she starts worrying. Fortunately daddy knows how to keep her calm."

"Right..." Gwen said. "I hope she's not bothered by my presence. I get the feeling she doesn't like me."

"Why wouldn't she? You're a nice lady," Mayday said.

"Well, I do resemble your father's old girlfriend," Gwen said. "Actually, I am her, just another version."

"Even so, you're not that Gwen, plus it's not like you're gonna take daddy away from mom," Mayday said. "At least I don't think you are."

"Of course not," Gwen said. "I hope she doesn't think that way."

"Mom's not that paranoid, things should be fine," Mayday said.

"...I may have bothered her with that daughter line, I should watch what I say," Gwen said.

"You're not the first, Autumn Blaze says it to me too, and so does Uncle Johnny," Mayday said. "I guess I'm that lovable."

"Speaking of lovable, you were getting really chummy with that boy," Gwen said.

"Yeah...he's nice," Mayday said, glancing over at Franklin, who was currently being escorted by his mother.

"You'll have your alone time again, just give it a few minutes," Gwen said.

"Sure thing," Mayday replied.

Back with Twilight, the mare still felt some anger and rage as the nearby villains continued amplifying her negative emotions.

"Hey, Twilight..." Starlight said, trotting over. "Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine..." Twilight insisted, feeling rage. "So, fine...nothing...to worry about."

Peter shook his head, "No, you're not fine. I gotta get you to bed, you need some rest."

"I can't...danger," Twilight said, the girl sweating profusely as she tried controlling herself. "My...my children need me."

"They'll be fine, I'll keep an eye on them," Peter said. "Plus MJ and Gwen are helping too so-"

Twilight's eyes turned green with rage, "NO! I don't want those harlots anywhere near my kids! They are my children, and I...AM...THEIR...MOTHER!"

An explosion of rage consumed Twilight, startling not only Peter but anyone who could see, including all of Peter's friends and several neighbors.

"Is that Twilight!?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Johnny's pupils dilated, "Yeah, I recognize that angry scream anywhere. Twilight's sounds beyond pissed off."

"Twilight! What's wrong!?" Peter asked. "Why are you doing this!?"

"Rage is a terrible thing, isn't it Peter?" Came Martin's voice, the villain standing nearby with Cozy Glow and The Dazzlings.

"Martin Li!?" Peter asked. "Cozy Glow? The Sirens!?"

"Surprised to see us?" Adagio asked. "I told you we'd be back."

"What did you do to Twilight!?" Starlight shouted.

"We didn't really do much, she was already pretty mad, we just nudged her so that all that anger would spill out," Adagio said. "Not good to keep bad emotions bottled in."

"You..." Starlight threatened, about to blast them when she was lifted up by magic. "Twilight, wait-"

Twilight flung Starlight away as more rage consumed her, rage The Dazzlings started to absorb into their bodies.

"That's some amazing power!" Adagio said.

"I can make her feel more rage," Martin said, using his abilities.

"Martin! Stop!" Peter called, then took a triple Siren Blast from the Dazzlings.

"Don't interrupt the man while he's at work," Adagio said, then turned to Cozy Glow. "You're up kid."

"Some seeds to further help our plans grow," Cozy Glow said, throwing the plunder seeds near Twilight. "And for some growing pains too, heroes!"

Twilight and the Plunderseeds started to merge in power as the vines returned, once again overtaking Ponyville. This time, it was much more destructive as several homes were destroyed, with Rumble's friends doing their best to escort the ponies away.

"Hurry! To the Friendship Center!" Rumble said, taking note of his mother figure. "Twilight, what’s happening to you?"

"No..." Peter lamented as his wife took a new form.

"I am, Twivine, Queen of Darkness!" Twilight said, as dark magic emanated from her. "Bow before me, my subjects."

Meanwhile in the Capcom World, many of the fighters were taking portals to access worlds and locations that were in danger.

"Kratos, I will take you to Asgard shortly, for now I need to stop by my Sanctum and talk to a girl," Strange said. "I just hope she listens."

"Which girl? That one who sasses you?" Mimir asked. "Take us with you, we'll straighten her out."

"I would not mind," Kratos said. "The young must learn respect after all."

"Sure...what about your son?" Strange asked.

Kratos turned to Sally, "Chipmunk!"

"I have a name," the girl said. "It's Sally."

"Sally," Kratos corrected. "Please keep an eye on my son."

"I'll do my best, but I am multitasking quite a bit," Sally said. “Crimson Viper shouldn’t be too far away though.”

"To be fair, I don't need a babysitter," Atreus said.

"Very well, but if trouble brews, contact me at once!" Kratos said, turning to Strange. "Let us go."

"Sure," Strange said, opening the portal.

"Um, Atreus right? Keep yourself entertained, I gotta manage things for Chun-Li," Sally said.

"Sure thing Sally," Atreus said, making his leave.

"Geez...seems like they're everywhere at once, I hope everyone's alright," Sally said, still working the controls.

Atreus sat alone, thinking aloud to himself, "Loki...I heard him addressed as Thor's brother. Is that how things were with him? What was he like among the giants compared to mom? How much does he know about Jotunheim? What's it like in his world? Man, I really want to ask him some stuff, but how do I contact him?"

Suddenly the room changed, Atreus quickly standing up to look around in panic.

"Hey, what's going on!?" Atreus asked. "Father!? Mimir!? Sally!? Doctor Strange!?"

"Do not panic..." Came Loki's voice, the God getting the boy's attention. "You wished to speak to me, did you not?"

"Uh...yeah?" Atreus asked. "Loki?"

"That's my name...one that I know you are quite familiar with," Loki said. "I promise not to hurt you, I just want to learn from you, and teach you what I know."

"Uh, alright," Atreus said.

"Good, now tell me all about yourself Atreus," Loki said. "In turn, I will teach you much regarding my culture, and any key differences."

"Right...okay," Atreus said. Despite the danger, the boy felt confident to get himself out of it if need be. "I'm ready!"

Goku had returned to his world, flying toward Capsule Corporation. He sensed energy from Vegeta, but he sensed more than that. "Seems like Beerus an Whis are here, along with some powers I don't recognize. Then there's one that's faintly familiar."

He landed in the backyard, his presence being immediately noticed by his childhood friend, Bulma. "Oh, Goku! You're here!"

"Hey Bulma, I have something to tell you," Goku said, then spotted a group of people. "Wait, who are these guys?"

"You're Goku?" The leader walked over to the Saiyan. "Call me Cable. This is my X-Force. Forge, Bishop, Psylocke and Domino."

"Uh...hi?" Goku said, then quickly bowed. "Nice to meet you."

"Goku, these guys are from Marvel Earth," Bulma said.

"Oh, so do you know Spider-Man?" Goku asked.

"Sure do," Forge said. "We've had our interactions."

"But we're mostly associated with The X-Men," Psylocke said.

"Like Wolverine?" Goku asked.

"Yeah, like him," Forge said. "A friend of yours is here to see you."

"Really? Who?" Goku asked.

Looking ahead, he spotted Vegeta standing near Mai, and two boys of the same name. One boy, short and wearing yellow. The other was wearing a blue jacket, and equipped with a sword.

That boy was Trunks of course, and was quick to notice the Saiyan before him. "Goku..."

"Trunks?" Goku asked.

"Yeah, it's me," Trunks said. Something about seeing Goku was uneasy at first, Trunks needed to calm himself mentally. "It's not Black, it's just Goku. The real Goku. Not that fake." Upon taking some breaths, Trunks focused back on Goku. "I have something I need to tell you."

"Is it about Goku Black?" Goku asked.

"Huh!?" Trunks replied, the X-Force looking just as surprised. "How did you know?"

"Long story, but it has to do with someone named Discord, a creature from Equestria," Goku said.

"Tsk, Discord again..." Vegeta lamented. "Getting tired of that creature."

"First, Trunks, tell me everything you can about Goku Black," Goku requested.

"Sure, I'll start from the beginning," Trunks said.

On Angel Island in the world of Sega, Knuckles was engaged in combat with Goku Black near the Master Emerald's altar, under the watchful gaze of Zamasu and Doctor Eggman.

"Wow, he's quite the fighter, isn't he?" Eggman asked.

"Very much so, he's spent many months perfecting his style, and is still growing," Zamasu said.

Knuckles sent a flurry of punches in Black's direction, the villain blocking the strikes and kicking Knuckles back. "Is that all you have, Echidna?"

Knuckles stood up, dusting himself off, "Not even close!"

"Remember to come to me if you feel overwhelmed," Zamasu said. "I shall help you maintain your peak physical form."

"I will be fine," Black said, then saw more begin to arrive, that being Sonic, Tails and Amy.

"Sonic!?" Eggman shouted in irritation.

"Long time no see, Eggman. Up to no good again?" Sonic asked.

"Of course you'd be here, figured it'd be a matter of time," Eggman said.

"Knuckles!" Amy ran to check on him. "Are you hurt!?"

"I'm fine, nothing I can't handle," Knuckles said, getting back into position.

Amy glared a hole through Black, "You bully! What did you do!?"

"Looks like Eggman's found himself some new friends," Tails said.

"Great, he brought Tails and Amy too," Eggman said.

"Friends? No matter, you prepared for this," Zamasu said.

"Indeed I have," Eggman said, pressing a button and summoning some robots. "An army for you to command my friend!"

"How delightful," Black said. "But I shall enjoy the fight just as much myself."

"Who is this guy?" Tails asked.

"He looks like Goku, this must be Goku Black," Sonic said.

"Heard of that name, have you? From whom I wonder?" Black said, getting into position. "No matter, I shall crush you all just the same!"

"Be careful, they're no slouches," Eggman said.

"Alright, let's show this creep what happens when he messes with our friends!" Sonic said.

"Right!" The other three said as they collided with their foe.

In the world of Namco at the Mishima Zaibatsu, as Jin Kazama sat at his desk, he sensed a dark presence looming. "How strangely familiar."

He heard some scuffles outside, seconds later a guard was thrown through the double doors, courtesy of Kazuya Mishima.

"Jin..." Kazuya greeted his estranged son.

"Oh it's you, haven't seen you in a while," Jin said, standing up. "Come for a hopeless fight? Will I be given the honor of finally being rid of you?"

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself, I'm here to offer you a chance to surrender," Kazuya said.

"You've gone mad," Jin said, knocking his desk out of the way. "Why would I surrender to you?"

"The Mishima Zaibatsu is not yours to control, you will lead it to the ground," Kazuya said. "I am here to save the family business. Consider this a merger with G Corporation."

"Think I'll let you?" Jin asked, running in to attack. Shortly before an attack landed, Venom appeared and blocked the strike. "What!?"

"Not so fast there," Venom taunted, kicking Jin back.

"Who is this?" Jin asked, taking note of the insignia. "Something about this creature reminds me of Spider-Man."

"We go back," Venom said.

"So, another henchman Kazuya? One you went to the Marvel world to get?" Jin asked.

"Not quite, more like an opportune alliance," Kazuya said. "Venom, Jin is mine, I want you to keep away any unwanted guests."

"Fools..." Jin's eyes began glowing red. "I'll kill you both where you stand."

"Whoa, what's with him?" Venom asked.

"The Devil gene, very dangerous when controlled by someone with Jin's lack of restraint," Kazuya said.

"This guy seems dangerous, are you sure you want to fight him alone?" Venom asked.

"If things get bad, you know what to do," Kazuya said.

"Yeah sure..." Venom glanced uneasily at Jin. "We can just feel the evil from this guy, he looks tough too. This won't be an easy fight."

Kazuya and Jin clashed against one another, both of them seemingly even for the time being as Venom observed in amazement.

"Whoa..." Venom commented.

"Jin!" Came Xiaoyu's voice as she ran up.

Venom blocked her path, "Sorry girly, we can't let you through here."

"Out of my way, I gotta help my friend!" Xiaoyu said.

"The one with the creepy devil powers? I don't think so," Venom said.

"Move, or I will make you move!" Xiaoyu warned.

"You mean 'we'!" Paul said, the man running over with Law.

"I remember that guy, he was at the Marvel vs Capcom Tournament in Equestria," Law said.

"Oh yeah, one of Spider-Man's buddies," Paul said, cracking his knuckles. "Any enemy of Spider-Man is an enemy of mine, time to face The Best in the Universe, pal!"

"Wow you have an ego, I'll gladly knock you down a peg," Venom said, clashing with his foes.

In the Square world, Sephiroth is clashing against Squall in the fields not too far away from Balamb Garden.

The SeeD mercenary got knocked back, dusting himself off as he looked around. Many of his allies were hurt, the only ones still able to stand being Zell Dincht and Selphie Tilmitt, but only barely.

Tempest was observing nearby with some Storm Guards that were still alive and willing to serve, a smile on her face in seeing her master in action. She took note of an opening portal, spotting the three members of Avalanche. "Master! You have guests!"

Sephiroth turned his attention to the trio, "Cloud, you're just in time."

"Shall I take him, Master?" Tempest asked.

"I appreciate the offer, but I will fight him instead," Sephiroth said. "You can handle that other boy; he bores me now."

"What was that!?" Squall shouted.

Cloud stepped over, aiming his Buster Sword. "How many times must we do this?"

"As many times as needed," Sephiroth said. "You will never be rid of me after all."

"Don't count on it," Cloud said, taking a stance. "I can defeat you; I just need to keep working hard at it."

"All that work will amount to nothing," Sephiroth said.

"We'll see!" Cloud said, clashing against Sephiroth.

In the SNK World near South Town, Terry is seen fending off Juri Han, the woman joined by Vergil as he toyed with the nearby Athena, Andy and Mai.

"Weak humans!" Vergil taunted.

"Calling my friends weak!?" Terry ran to engage but Juri blocked his path.

"Don't you ignore me!" Juri went in for a strike, trying to bring down Terry.

Morrigan arrived through a portal seconds later with Felicia and Rashid, each of them taking a quick glance.

"It's Vergil!" Felicia pointed out, seeing Vergil knocking Andy back.

The half-demon noticed the extra guests, "Juri, looks like we're not the only Capcom Warriors invading."

"Huh?" Juri kicked Terry away. "Oh sweet, Morrigan and Felicia, so great to see you." She took note of their breasts. "All of you..."

"Even I don't want any part of that," Morrigan commented.

"Me neither," Felicia said, the girl covering up.

"Juri Han!" Rashid said, getting her attention. "Face me!"

"...Who the hell are you?"

"Huh? I'm Rashid! You gotta remember me!" Rashid said.

"Eh, some of you fighters are a dime a dozen," Juri said.

"That's it, prepare to face the wrath of the turbulent wind!" Rashid said, getting into a stance.

"Fine, I can use some more entertainment," Juri said.

Vergil aimed his sword at Morrigan, "Same here. Come at me succubus."

"Now there's someone I want to get to know better," Morrigan said, seductively grinning at Vergil. "Let's get closer."

In Metro City within Capcom, Shocker along with Electro and Mysterio were causing trouble, with members of the Mad Gear Gang joining in for fun.

"Didn't expect the back up, but it's more than welcome," Electro said, destroying some property.

"Hoodlums!" Haggar shouted, the man joined by Cody and Guy. "This ends now!"

"Who the hell is this guy?" Shocker asked. "Wait, I think he was at the Marvel vs Capcom Tournament."

"You have disgraced us with your actions, prepare to face punishment," Guy said.

"Mayor!" Spencer said, running in with Strider. "Hey, Chun-Li sent us!"

"Great. Any chance you know these guys?" Haggar asked, gesturing to the trio.

"Some of Spider-Man's enemies. Shocker, Electro and Mysterio," Spencer explained.

"We will not allow them to continue this travesty," Strider said. "Let us attack!"

"Mad Gear, kick ass!" Shocker instructed, sending the gangsters after the heroes.

Other parts of the world faced trouble, Dormammu wreaking havoc in a Residential Area that the Temen-ni-gru once emerged from, to which Devil May Cry mercenaries Nero and V did battle, now joined by Trish and Ken.

"Wow this guy's strong," Nero said. "Who is he exactly?"

"Dark Lord from the Marvel Dimension," Trish explained. "One of Doctor Strange's enemies."

"Something about you two boys is really familiar," Dormammu said, gesturing to Nero and V. "You each remind me the one called Vergil."

"Well, how about that?" V said in a taunting manner. "That makes this even more fun."

"Keep attacking!" Ken said, rushing in.

In Aoharu City, Japan, Mega Man and Viewtiful Joe are helping Batsu fend off Alastor and Wily.

"Thanks for coming," Batsu said.

"No trouble at all," Mega Man said, blasting the robots away.

"It's over Mega Man, your end is near!" Wily taunted.

Lastly in Beijing, China, Chun-Li walked by a Marketplace she would often visit, for shopping or fighting. She was joined by Jill Valentine as well as all four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

"Stay close, this place is abandoned, that means there was trouble here," Chun-Li said.

"We'll be ready," Leo reassured.

"Sorry we couldn't get more to come," Donnie said.

"It's fine, better that your sensei keep watch over his world," Chun-Li said.

"Not alone, he's got Casey and April watching his back," Raph said. "Don't worry ma'am, we four are plenty."

As they passed through, they came across what looked like Hunters with the trio of Albert Wesker, Tron Bonne and The Prowler nearby.

"Wesker!" Jill called.

Wesker focused his attention on the girl, "Jill, you came. And you brought friends."

"That's one of the leaders, right?" Donnie asked.

"Yeah, the sinister Albert Wesker," Chun-Li said. "So, come to cause trouble?"

"Just a warning, the Multiverse Armageddon is approaching, it will reshape not only this world, but all worlds," Wesker said.

"Soon we'll be living like Kings and Queens," Tron said. "All the riches will be ours."

"The power too," Prowler said.

"Who's the guy with the purple?" Mikey asked. "Seems like he's stepping in on Donnie's style."

"You can call me 'The Prowler'," the thief said.

"The Prowler? You're the one that a Spider-Man referred to as uncle," Chun-Li said.

Prowler's eyes widened for a second, "How the hell do you know about that!?"

"I had a chance to see him, he seems like a nice boy, heartbroken that his uncle turned to a life of crime," Chun-Li said.

"You gonna judge me now?" Prowler asked. "In life, you do what you gotta do, I ain't taking crap from no one!"

"Is this really what you want!?" Chun-Li asked. "Don't you want better than this!?"

"Don't mind her, she's trying to confuse you," Wesker said.

"You stay out of this!" Chun-Li warned.

"Seriously, turning a man against his nephew," Raph said. "I just met this guy and I already hate him."

"Wesker didn't make The Prowler do anything he didn't already decide for himself," Tron said. "Also, who are you four anyway? Are you giant turtles?"

"Yes, I am quite curious by these four," Wesker said. "What world are you from?"

"Think we'd tell you?" Raph taunted.

"What matters is bringing you down and stopping your reign of terror," Leo said, aiming his sword. "Which one of you wants to go first!?"

Wesker snapped his fingers, alerting his hunters. "Let's see if you survive these little fellows."

"Pfft, is this all?" Jill asked. "I know you're better than this Wesker."

"Please, remind me," Wesker said as the hunters went to attack.

Even in Marvel Earth, Ultron and his drones were descending down toward New York City, ready to unleash his part of the plan.

"My minions will crush this world and bring it to its knees," Ultron said.

"Not alone," Came the voice of Sigma with his own robots. "We will destroy it, together."

"And perhaps meet my 'father' again," Ultron said, glaring down. "Prepare yourself, Doctor Pym."

While everything was happening, Doom was on standby, keeping an eye out.

"All is going according to plan," Doom turned to the remaining villains. "All of you, prepare to fight if need be. We will slowly overwhelm them."

"Fine by us," Chrysalis said.

"Don't take too long," Wizard said.

"I look forward to it," Doc Ock said.

Bison seemed the most eager, "So long as some of us get to choose where to go."

"That is fine by me," Doom said.

The multiverse faced its struggles, as phase one of the Multiverse Armageddon was underway.