• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 10,019 Views, 1,637 Comments

The Dazzlings Are Insane - Justice3442

A collection of short stories about the Dazzlings going through their daily lives of annoying each other and pretty much everyone around them.

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Revenge Is a Dish Best Served When the Target Just Wants to Nap

“Goooood morning, girls!”

“Ugggggghhhhh…” Adagio groaned a response to the chipper greeting as her eyelids slowly opened, both slowly twitching as if deciding if it was a good idea to let any light in or to simply keep shut without figuring out the source of the noise. Though a cheerful ‘good morning’ was pretty common in the house, that Adagio was almost certain the voice belonged to…

Aira chuckled. “Or afternoon, should I say?” Aria asked with an uncharacteristic upbeat tone and an even more uncharacteristic smile. “Sleep well?”

Adagio found her eyes only seemed to open half-way. “A-Aria? Wha… oww…” Adagio moaned as the throbbing pain from her head made itself known. On top of that, her mouth was bone dry and she could still taste… well… lots of things… but mostly last night’s beers.


Adagio glanced over to the purple easy chair which Sonata was currently slumped in. The hand Sonata held up to her forehead let her know that the blue haired girl probably wasn’t feeling any better than she was, and the disheveled mess both Sonata’s hair and clothes were in gave Adagio a pretty good idea of what she herself probably looked like.

Awwww…” Aria uttered, though it’s flat tone and look her face showed she wasn’t exactly being genuine. “Are the two party animals suffering from some post-drinking problems?”

Sonata gave Aria a pained look. “I think a goblin snuck into my head and is now playing the bongos!”

Adagio moaned again. “Ughh… Aria, what are you doing up? I thought you said you were going to sleep through the year?”

Aria shrugged. “You guys were unusually quiet during the hours I like to sleep! I feel great!”

Adagio pursed her lips as she continued to wrinkle her brow. The pain in her head and protest from her eyes kept her face in a near perpetual scowl. “‘Hours you like to sleep?’ You’d sleep until well past noon, if given the chance.”

Aria ginned wide.

“Hey, girls?” Sonata said in a tentative tone. “I forgot what it means when the little hand on the clock is pointed up and the big hand is pointed down…”

Adagio sighed. “Sonata, you don’t even know what it means when the hands are pointed anywhere!”

“Yes I do!” Sonata insisted angrily as she flung her hands to her sides. “Owie…” she uttered as she returned her hand to her head.

“‘Owie’ is right,” Adagio said as she rubbed her own head. “Let’s use our ‘indoor voice’ for moronic outbursts, shall we?”

Sonata wrinkled her nose and puffed out her lips. “I know the more the big hands leans over, the faster the time machine goes!”

Adagio and Aria shot eachother confused glances.

“Sonata,” Aria said, “what the heck are you talking about?!”

“Pinkie has clocks on her time machine!” Sonata said. “The more the big hand leans to the right, the faster we get to the future!”

Adagio thought about this for a moment. “Does… Does Pinkie’s machine have four wheels and requires a key to start?” she asked.

Sonata gasped. “You’ve seen it too?!”

Adagio rolled her eyes. “No, just a lucky guess…” She turned to Aria. “If it’s past noon, then why the heck do I still feel tired?!”

Aria smirked. “You two kept screaming at the TV for quite some time. At one point you got mad at it for ‘ooo’ing at you and both started getting angry at the colors cyan and magenta for ‘not committing to one color or the other’.

Sonata sighed. “Yeah, that rainbow show wasn’t very fun.”

Adagio scrunched her lips up to one side of her face. “We got angry at a test pattern!?”

Aria nodded. “Must of… That would explain why you said you ‘missed the chief’ and ‘wanted to have sloppy make-outs with his disembodied head.’”

“Bleh,” Sonata said, “that old black and white Indian circle show was boring anyways! I can’t believe how many seasons it lasted!”

Adagio swallowed. “Please tell me you didn’t record any of what happened last night.”

Aria smiled and shook her head. “Oh, Adagio. What kind of petty vengeance seeker do you take me for?”

Adagio breathed a sigh of relief.

Aria suddenly wiped out a cylindrical item with a cone on the end of it, pointing it up into the air. “Hey! You two want to hear my new air horn?!”

Adagio grit her teeth.

Sonata gave Aria a confused look. “Wait, wha—”




The two suffering girls covered their ears as Aria released an eardrum shattering wail into the living room courtesy of her air horn.


Adagio shot Aria a pleading look once the offending noise which seemed to continue to reverberate in her skull subsided. “Okay, you’re mad… I get it… But please tell me you’re not going to continue this one woman attack on our heads all day.”

Aria shook her head. “Of course not! I invited someone over to teach me the drums!”

Adagio cocked an eyebrow. “Invited someone over…? Drums?!”

‘Knock, knock knock knock knock… knock knock!’

Sonata’s pupils suddenly shrunk as if being submerged in a sea of lavender. “Oh no…”

Aria smiled wide. “And there she is now!” Aria walked out of the living room and into the entrance area of the house.

“Aria!” Adagio called out. “Please tell me that isn’t…”

“Hello!” A bubbly feminine voice called out followed by a giggle. “Did someone order a package full of fun?!

“… Pinkie Pie…” Adagio finished with a sad sigh.

Aria’s voice responded from the other room, “I know two girls who could use a whole crate full of fun!”

Adagio and Sonata watched with expressions one might reserve for when a relative visits who perpetually smells of cigar smoke and had a knack for telling inappropriately racist jokes. However, in this case, the ‘relative’ was a ‘friend’ of sorts who always smelled of cake batter and kept a healthy supply of noisemakers in her hair.

Soon the hyperactive girl was bounding into the living room, her light-blue boots stomping on the ground as she sprung up and down and her curly pink hair bouncing along with each skip. “Have no fear, Pinkie Pie is here!” Pinkie announced as she brought a colorful green and pink noise maker up to her lips and blew into it.


Yaaaaaaaaaaay Sonata replied with a sort of empty hollowness to her voice as she simply stared directly at Pinkie.

Adagio simply stared on with her mouth agape as one of her eyes twitched.

Aria walked back into the living room, her lips spread to the far corners of her mouth into an icepick smile.

“I heard you two weren’t feeling well!” Pinkie said with a concerned look.

Sonata frowned. “My tummy is angry at me and I think my brain is trying to tunnel its way out of my skull!”

“My body is a roadmap of pain!” Adagio chimed in. “And all exits get off onto my forehead!”

Pinkie smiled wide. “Well don’t worry! Nurse Pinkie Pie has just the thing to turn those frowns upside down and get you two feeling super-de-duper again!”

Adagio gulped. “Rest and quiet?” she asked, even though she knew that wasn’t the answer.

“No, silly-billy!” Pinkie replied. She pulled out flat, square-shaped item with a trio of cats on it all wearing Christmas hats. “This CD always makes me feel better when I’m feeling down.”

Adagio stared at the cover art as terror gripped her features. “Pulleeease tell me that’s just the sound of cats purring quietly to help the healing process.”

Haha! Noper!” Pinkie replied. “I mean… booooring! This is a bunch of cats singing Christmas songs!”

Sonata swallowed as she forced a hopeful smile despite the obvious dread that wrote volumes over her face. “I like Christmas…”

Pinkie’s face lit up. “Then you’re going to love this!”

Aria quickly rushed towards the TV, bent down, and began fiddling with a few devices. “Here, Pinkie!” She said as she held out a hand. “I got the surround sound working for you!”

Pinkie grinned and hopped over to Aria, retrieving the CD from the case and handing it to her.

“A-Aria?” Adagio stammered. “La-look, I’m really sorry about leaving you alone with Sonata last night! Please don’t—”


Adagio was cut off as cats began to wail in a tone vaguely resembling the holiday classic, Jingle Bells. Both Adagio and Sonata clenched their teeth hard as the slightly off tune cries of cats flooded the room causing the already throbbing pain in their heads to protest further.


Pinkie smiled wide. Snapping her fingers and tapping her toes in whatever passed for ‘rhythm’ on the song. “Yeah! Listen to those kittens sing!”

“DO WE HAVE A CHOICE?!” Adagio cried.

Sonata slumped in her chair, as if hoping the furniture would suck her into it and allow her some respite from the ‘music’. “Please… make it stop…”

Pinkie turned to Aria “HEY!” she shouted over the cat croons. “You didn’t specify which type of drum or drums you wanted to learn, so I just packed my car full of them!

Aria grinned widely. “Well, we’ll just have to try them all, won’t we?!


Pinkie’s smile exploded so wide it seemed her face couldn’t even contain all the joy. “AWESOME-O-POSSUM! Let’s grab some drums!

Pinkie and Aria rushed out of the living room.

“A-Adagio?” Sonata said in a pained tone.

“… Yeah?”


“Is God punishing us for our sins?”


“… Yes. Most definitely, ‘yes’.”


Sonata whimpered as she sank lower into her chair.


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