• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 10,019 Views, 1,637 Comments

The Dazzlings Are Insane - Justice3442

A collection of short stories about the Dazzlings going through their daily lives of annoying each other and pretty much everyone around them.

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Hey, What’s Going on with Adagio and Sonata Anyways?

With a frantic, immersion breaking, knocking at her door, Adagio Dazzle looked up past her reading glasses from the folded romance novel in her right hand and sighed. The high pitched chanting of ‘Adagio! Adagio!’s accompanied the knock letting her know this was not just an intrusion she could shout ‘go away!’ at.

Not that she would have had the chance. Her door was suddenly flung open and there stood a pink skinned girl topped with an unruly mop of curls that looked as if it had just had a hair-raising experience.

“Adagio! Adagio!”

“Yes, I can both see and hear you… you…” Adagio stressed as if she didn’t have a name assigned to whoever was now in her doorway.

The girl gasped and placed her hands on either side of her face. “Oh no! Do you have amnesia?! How much do you remember?!” She shrilled in a panic before rushing up to Adagio and grabbing the straps to her lacy purple bra “DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER YOUR SISTERS?!”

Adagio narrowed her eyes and used her novel to smack the girl on the nose like a naughty puppy. The girl recoiled and grabbed her nose. “Ugh…” Adagio groaned. “I know it’s you Pinkie Pie, no one can forget you regardless of how much they drink, smoke, or inject… Now, what brings on this insipid interruption?” Adagio motioned across her body which was clad in only a bra and matching lacy panties and her end table with a snifter that was half-full of some amber liquid. “As you can see I’m trying to relax.”

It’s an emergency!”

Adagio’s eyebrows simply drifted closer to her nose. “Also, I never invited you in!”

“I just told you it was an emergency!Pinkie shrilled.

Adagio rolled her eyes. “Well, if someone, say Sonata, is hurt or dying, I’m sure you know how to dial 911 and get ahold of someone who cares… or at least is paid to care.” She refocused her piercing magenta eyes on Pinkie. “I could have been doing something embarrassing that I’d rather not have anyone see.”

Pinkie threw her hands up in the air. “You’ve let me in with all manner of vibrating device crammed in your holes!” she shrilled. “You’ve let me in with Aria’s face buried nose deep in your thighs!”

Adagio nodded. “Hence why I qualified that statement with something ‘I’d rather not have anyone see’.”

Pinkie let out an exasperated sigh. “Look! That’s why I’m here.”

Adagio glanced down at her book. “Aria’s actually working tonight if you can believe it,” she informed. “If you want her to eat you out, you’ll just have to be patient. Plus she might have hooked up with this delightfully adorable waitress with self-esteem issues, so you might just need to wait your turn.”

Pinkie clenched her hands next to her sides and let out a frustrated “Grrrrr!” before she threw open her palms. “No! It’s just that… Sonata told me you three were sisters!”

“Wow… stop the presses,” Adagio said with an eye roll as she grabbed her drink neatly by the stem.

“But… but… you two sleep together!”

“We have a front-page story on our hands,” Adagio announced sarcastically as she took a sip of her drink.

Pinkie continued, “And by that I mean, you all scissor!” She held up two fingers in both hands and pressed the open centers together. “You go bumper to bumper! You kiss fish! You find the bald man in the canoe and give him a good cleaning! You—”

“PINKIE!” Adagio snapped. “I’m aware of how sex between two women works!” She shook her head. “If this is an attempt for you to proposition me for a three-way with Sonata, it’s a poor one… I mean… working, but still!”

“But… but… that’s forbidden love!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Uh… Sex between two women?” Adagio asked in a surprised tone. “I mean… It’s kind of late for you to suddenly become a prude about this.”

“NO! Sex between SISTERS!”

Adagio simply stared at Pinkie blankly for a moment before giving her a quizzical look. “Wait… You don’t have sex with your sisters?”


Adagio’s forehead tightened. “Really? I mean… They’re right there most the time and all reasonably attractive.”

“Adagio!” Pinkie shrilled throwing her hands back up in the air like she very much cared. “I don’t have sex with my sisters because it’s wrong!”

“… Says who?”

Pinkie shot Adagio a confused look. “Says… society?”

Adagio frowned heavily. “You know if Aria was here, she’d demand to have sex with me right now out of principle…” She seemed to try to stare up at her creased brow. “Great… And now I actually miss her, thanks…” she growled out.

“I-I…” Pinkie shook her head. “Okay… I get you three are different—”

“I’m mildly offended right now given the source of that comment.”

“—but you have to at least understand that sister scissoring, brother banging, sibling sucking is pretty weird by most people’s standards.”

Adagio raised a finger. “Right. People.”

Oddly enough, Pinkie went quiet for a moment as she tried to process Adagio’s point. “I don’t understand…”

Adagio let out a heavy sigh. “HEY! SONATA!”

Sonata called back. “What is it?! I’m busy trying to cheat at connect four! But don’t tell Pinkie!”


Sonata huffed out an annoyed, “Fine!” before the sounds of boots stomping on stairs was heard and Sonata’s head popped into Adagio’s doorway, her ponytail swaying from side to side. “What?!” she glowered, her face softening before she saw Pinkie. “Hi, Pinkie!” she greeted cheerfully.

“Er… Hey, Sonata…” Pinkie pursed her lips. “Why are you trying to cheat me at connect four?”

“Whaaaat~?” Sonata warbled as a big smile appeared on her face. “Noooo~!” She waved her hand about dismissively. “That’s an unsubstantiated rumor that’s floating around! Pay it no mind!”

Pinkie’s forehead creased. “Okay, because you just said—”

“Right, both of you shut up,” Adagio said. She looked at Sonata. “Sonata. I’m feeling a bit peckish. Could you get me a snack, sister?”

Sonata let out a squeal of girlish delight. “You called me sister! Now I don’t have to put out the traps tonight!” With a massive grin, Sonata turned. “Some sister is getting one of the GOOD Lunchables!” she announced as she turned and practically skipped away.

Pinkie merely turned back to Adagio, a look of confusion on her face.

Adagio sighed. “Sirens are born in clutches of dozens, maybe hundreds of eggs. We don’t have a clue who our mothers or fathers are, generally…” Adagio shook her head. “I have no idea if Sonata and Aria are related to each other or to me through blood or not, for starters.”

The sound of crashing and maniacal Sonata laughter rose up from elsewhere in the house, Adagio acknowledge this with the barest of eye movements towards the door before she refocused on Pinkie.

“So… you’re saying there’s a chance you might be sisters, but you just don’t know?”

Adagio gave Pinkie a fearful glower. “How dare you?!”

Pinkie recoiled fearfully, placing her hands in front of her defensively. “I… I didn’t mean to offend you… I just don’t understand!” she wailed.

Adagio took a deep breath, her features visibly softening. “Okay… So, when the dozens or hundreds of sirens hatch, there’s a sort of sibling culling.”

Pinkie felt her throat go dry. “Ex-excuse me?"

“We hunt and feed on each other. The weaker ones fall to the strong as we all get bigger just to take on our rivals.”

Pinkie simply stared at Adagio with a horrified expression.

Adagio continued, “Eventually, a select few of the most ruthless, strongest, and most cunning sirens appear and a pact is formed. So, brother/sister in our context means ‘I recognize you’re too dangerous to devour without the likelihood that you’d either kill me or injure me severely, so let’s be family instead’.” Adagio shook her head. “It’s a much deeper bond than your stupid and gross mammalian concept of ‘we love each other because we were both shoved screaming from the same female meat hole’ or ‘the same man-mayonnaise fertilized our eggs’.”

Pinkie said nothing. Instead simply staring at Adagio with a dumbstruck expression constructed out of fear and disgust.

Adagio took a sip from her drink, eyes tightening as if she was sizing Pinkie up for an immediate attack. “So, I’d appreciate it if you don’t try to foist your own silly societal constructs on my sisters and I.”

Pinkie swallowed and nodded. “Okay, Adagio. I’m sorry I didn’t understand before.” A small smile appeared on Pinkie’s lips. “Now I do! And the truth is much worse!”

Adagio shook her head. “You asked…”

Sonata suddenly appeared in the door, three plates of three tacos each in hands with one balanced on an arm. She let out a mirthful giggle. “I got excited and made fish tacos!” Sonata announced. She gave Adagio a dark grin. “They’re barely cooked! Just the way we like them… sister…” Sonata added with a malicious sounding purr.

Smiling, Adagio sat up and set down her book and drink back on her nightstand. “Thank you, sister,” she said as she took a plate and set it down on her bare thighs.

Sonata couldn’t help but let out a tiny squeal of delight at being called ‘sister’. She turned towards Pinkie. “Here! I made enough for you too, bestie!”

Pinkie looked down at her plate where a lightly breaded and fried fish head stared back up at her. Looking into its eyes, Pinkie heard distant, high pitched screaming as images of thrashing, red-tinted water filled her head amongst silhouettes of tiny serpent-like creatures with fins and sharp teeth tore into each other. “Uh… You know what?” Pinkie said, her stomach doing gymnastics. “I’m not hungry, you two go ahead,” she said as she lightly motioned with the fingers to move the plate away from her.

Sonata’s smile dropped momentarily then she shrugged as it returned. “Okay! More for us!” she said as she sat on Adagio’s bed and sat the third plate on their legs as she sat her own plate on her lap. Sonata affectionately nuzzled her ‘sister’ with a huge smile on her face before picking up her own taco.

Both Dazzlings took a bite with a sickening ‘crunch’ far too loud to have come from either a crisped exterior or firm lettuce. Despite this, both Dazzlings let out coos of contentment.

“Well done, Sonata!” Adagio said with a smile. “These were prepared excellently.”

Sonata swallowed and turned to smile back. “Thank you!” she said. “You might say the secret ingredient is violence! Hehehehehe!”

Adagio simply nodded. “Well, whatever you did, these are delicious and taste of nostalgia.”

Pinkie inhaled slowly through her nose, her sky-blue eyes growing wider as she looked at the two girls… no predators lounging on top of the bed. “Er… Can you two excuse me for a moment? I need to go… use the bathroom…. and scream through some brand-new thoughts I have floating around in my head like so much chum in the water…”

“Hahaha! Wow!” Sonata said. “Good thing I made food!”

Adagio just gave Pinkie an icepick smile and nodded. “I suggest the downstairs half-bath. It’s small, but it has a walk-in shower. The water gets pretty hot, but probably not hot enough for your purposes.”

Sonata nodded her head up and down. “Plus, the acoustics are great for listening to screaming both your own or someone else’s!”

Pinkie shook her head up and down rapidly, an anxious smile on her face. “Great!” She motioned behind herself to the door with a thumb. “I’ll just terrified yelp myself out!”

Author's Note:

Inspired by the upcoming Dazzling comic by IDW and a conversation with TheGreatCat14!

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