• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 10,024 Views, 1,637 Comments

The Dazzlings Are Insane - Justice3442

A collection of short stories about the Dazzlings going through their daily lives of annoying each other and pretty much everyone around them.

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Afternoon Delight

Aria glared out at the coffee maker in front of her, her grumpy countenance framed by purple hair which clung to her cheeks in a soaking wet mass. Her eyes focused onto her her dark, dark blue mug that read “looks like I’m the only one here with a mug full of THE ANTIDOTE”. The kitchen’s single cup coffee machine continued to release a black, almost ooze like substance, which dribbled into down into the mug. A small white cup with sat next to the machine, Aria already having used it to get the first half of the strong coffee she required to lift her out of ‘angry cavegirl mode’ as Sonata liked to call it. Soon she’d be able to do more than grunt irritably and perform simple acts of violence; she’d be able to string sentences together and commit complex acts of violence.

As the machine gave out one last spat of dark black dredge, Aria reached for her mug. She brought it up to her lips and took a small sip of the black substance. She felt her eyes widen as the hot, bitter coffee entered her mouth.

Her bleary eyes focused, taking in the kitchen as if really seeing it for the first time that morning. Huh… Adagio must finally broke down and cleaned recently. She mused, noting the sticky crust of miscellaneous substances were absent from the kitchen’s counters, floors, walls, and ceiling. She took another quick scan of the room, craning her neck slightly to see if perhaps a certain someone was ineffectually hiding behind a chair or simply with her back turned facing a cupboard or wall.

A memory of Sonata’s chipper words rang through Sonata’s ears, ‘If I can’t see them, they can’t see me!’

Ari shook her head, as if the action would evict the obnoxious memory. Wonder what the little psycho is up to… she thought, taking note that Sonata hadn’t yet bugged her nor seemed to be waiting for her first sip before launching straight into ‘insane airhead’ mode .

Aria took another small drink and noted Adagio was likewise absent, though that fact was far less surprising. Both her and Adagio tended to sleep in, sometimes until well past noon.

‘Creak… Creak…’

Aria picked out the familiar cadence of Adagio slowly dragging herself down the stairs and decided to take a seat at the kitchen’s small round table. She prepared an almost motherly look of disappointment.

Adagio’s face surrounded by a mess of orange hair soon appeared in the kitchen doorway. This was quickly followed by the rest of her covered in lingerie, which was very short on modesty, and an open purple bathrobe. With a quick glance around the kitchen, Adagio soon caught the look Aria was giving her. Adagio returned fire with a look that seemed to say, ‘Oh you’re one to talk!’

Aria took a sip of her coffee, taking slight solace in the fact that she got to let out the disappointed look today. Given both participants were usually up rather late, this greeting ritual she and Adagio had wasn’t so much a game either could ‘win’ so much as ‘lose to a smaller degree than the other’. The morning pleasantries taken care of, Aria’s eyes shot open wide as she took notice of the many, many bruises Adagio had acquired since the last time she saw her. “Whoa, Adagio! The heck happened to you?! You look like one of your clients after they get out of your room!”

Adagio let out an annoyed sigh as if she knew was going to be having this exact, tedious conversation. She opened a cupboard and pulled out a black mug with a red heart on it. “Trixie came over and confessed her obsession with me.”

Aria waited for a follow up. Aria scrunched her forehead slightly as Adagio wordlessly went about fetching a box of sugar, a spoon, and a black mug with a smudged red heart on it.

“Okay, so what?” Aria said. “Peeps throw themselves at our feet all the time, and even without our powers we’re still super-hot.”

Adagio bent down and opened a cupboard. She looked through a selection of tiny cups full of coffee grounds, picking out a cinnamon flavored one. “Well, I told her my rates of course.”

“Sure, but how did you—”

“I let her have a turn with the flogger, alright?!” Adagio cried.

Aria’s eyes widened in surprise. “Whoa, you let someone else swat the heck out of you for a change?!”

Adagio poured a generous helping of sugar into her mug and placed it under the coffee machine’s nozzle. “She seemed like she would make a good dom and I just wanted a change of pace!” Adagio snapped irritably as she opened the top of the machine, removed Aria’s last coffee ‘charge’ and put in her own. She hit a button and quickly turned to level an agitated glower at Aria. “Do you have to ask so many questions this early in the” –Adagio glanced over to the microwave clock –“afternoon?!”

“Well dang, Dagi. You don’t usually walk down the stairs looking like you did a few rounds with a kickboxer. ”

Adagio threw on a mock smile. “Hey! Here’s an idea! Why don’t we fixate on how you spend the last several days holed up in your room!” Adagio let the fake smile fall from her face as her brow wrinkled. “I’m amazed you didn’t gas us all out of the house with the horrendous smell when you finally emerged!”

“Hey, I just need to take a shower and I’m good to go,” Aria said as she brushed a strand of soaked hair away from her face. “You're gonna have to wear pants and a sweater or somethin’ if you don’t want a lot of questions. What the heck was it about Trixie that made you feel like experimentin’ anyhow?”

Adagio glanced at her mug impatiently as a steady stream of coffee dripped into it. She refocused her irritated glare at Aria. “Is it so wrong that I found her possibly all-consuming obsession with me kind of adorable!? Look! I don’t have to tell you everything! In fact, I don’t have to tell you anything!

Aria raised her palms in front of her defensively. “Alright, chill! I was just a little surprised is all.” Aria took a sip of coffee. “You don’t exactly give your clients a ton of freedom… I mean, I thought that was sorta the point.” Aria narrowed her eyes. “Wait… you don’t actually… you know… like her, or nothin’.”

“Of course not!” Adagio snapped as the coffee machine spat out its last few drops of coffee. “Don’t be absurd!” Adagio quickly grabbed the mug and the spoon. She thrust the spoon into the mug and began stirring. “The very idea of me becoming attached to someone is ludicrously absurd!”

Aria cocked an eyebrow and sipped her coffee. “That was a lot of words to just say ‘no’, Dagi.”

Adagio crinkled her nose into a sneer as she flopped down into a chair next to Aria. “Look would you drop it already?! So last night went just a little different from other nights! No need to make a federal case out of it!” Adagio took a sip of steaming coffee and immediately recoiled as the hot liquid made contact with her mouth. “Ow!” she exclaimed before blowing on the hot beverage inside her mug.

Aria chuckled. “I thought you were starting to enjoy pain.” She raised her own mug up to her lips to help conceal a smile. Though far from the hardest person to annoy, Adagio seemed oddly touchy today.

Adagio narrowed her eyes at Aria. “Look, as flattered as I am that Trixie is still obsessed with me despite our magic having worn off, she’s still going to have to pay for the privilege of being with me, just like everyone—”

The Grrrrrreat and Powerful Trixie is feeling peckish!”

Aria’s head snapped towards the doorway as Trixie announced herself before she heard someone stepping down the stairs. She turned back to Adagio who looked like someone suddenly blotted up all the color from her face. “You… you let her spend the night?!” Aria exclaimed in disbelief.

“She… she was a lot of fun, alright?!” Adagio said with a sheepish look as the steps continued. Adagio lowered her head, allowing her frizzy hair to fall in front of her face. “I lost track of time,” she added quietly.

“… Wait, you mean you let her spend the night and you only charged her for an hour?!” Aria exclaimed.

Adagio’s face came back, her teeth already clenched together hard. “Shut. Up.”

Trixie walked into the kitchen her hair a frazzled mess, but her body mostly completely covered by a form fitting full leather outfit with a zipper that went down the middle. Trixie had zipped or unzipped the suit so that her head was exposed, the hood crinkled behind her. The tops of her breasts where likewise exposed, her cleavage enjoying the benefit of the tight-fighting outfit pushing them up.

“You!” Adagio snapped at Trixie. “I strapped you into the gimp suit and put you in the gimp box!”

Hmmm, yes,” Trixie said dismissively, “but I decided I was hungry.”

Aria closed her eyes hard and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Adagio, I think we should agree not to talk about work first thing in the afternoon.”

Adagio ignored Aria. “But… but the flipping box was padlocked!”

Trixie grinned. “The Grrrrrrrreat and Powerful Trixie is a master of many talents,” her grin fell from her face, “but that box was pretty cheaply made… Also, you need a new gimp box.”

Trixie continued her journey into the girl’s kitchen as Adagio let out an irritated growl and turned to Aria.

“Don’t look at me,” Aria said. “Maybe if you bought some halfway decent wood she wouldn’t have Beatrix Kiddo’d her way out of the stupid thing.”

The girls turned as they heard the fridge open. Trixie’s leather clad, shapely backside poked out from behind the fridge’s chrome door as she leaned down to examine the contents inside. She suddenly stood up and poked her head out from behind the door, giving Adagio and Aria a perplexed look. “Do you… do you all just live off Lunchables?!”

Adagio narrowed her eyes. “Get out of our fridge!”

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