• Published 8th Jun 2012
  • 6,161 Views, 276 Comments

From man to mare: An aching heart - The Psychopath

Derry now has to cope with bizarre feelings he has gotten for Cyclon Opal.

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Who takes the bed?

Cyclon stopped immediately as the strange stallion bowed and presented himself:

"Pleased to meet you. I am Motel. Written like motel but pronounced like model. Heheh."

"I am Cyclon Opal, captain of the royal guards. What do you need?"

"Nothing much, but I was hoping that you would know where General Bullseye is currently located." the unicorn smiled.

"Bullseye? What do you want with him?"

"Ah. Well, we are GREAT friens he and I, and I was hoping to see him and announce the wonderful news that I was going to move to Canterlot."

Cyclon crocked an eyebrow and leaned forward menacingly.

"And how do you know him?"

The blue stallion's gleeful demeanor darkneded horrendously, even taking Cyclon off-guard.

"Let's just say that we met in the most unusual of circumstances and leave it at that. There are things that even you should not learn of."

"Riiiight. I can take you to Canterlot tomorrow, but I will need to pass a message to Twilight Sparkle for immediate messaging so the guards can bring you to him."

"That would be fantastic. But tell me, why Twilight Sparkle?"

"Well,let's just say that she has a speciall connection to Princess Celestia."

"I see...Well, I better get going. The Carrot family awaits. Have good night's rest."

"You too. Goodbye sir."

And, as quickly as they met, their paths separated. While that was happening, I had a good dinner at Fluttershy's house. While the first time I went there, I had quite a rough time, things were much easier to adapt to now, and even the animals were approaching me...a bit too much. They wouldn't stop LANDING on me! Those dirty little bastards. I don't hate animals but these guys were putting a scarface song in my head (yeah, you know which one I'm talking about). Anyways, eating this fruit salad was like paradise. I guess that...that fruit is my new food fetish. Sure, in the year I was gone, I was given some fruit and vegeatables and yadda-ya, but Cyclon is about as good at cooking as clowns are good at not causing a phobia in pretty much every person they meet.

A wave goodbye to both and I headed out to da hoose. The moon was shining brightly in the sky tonight. To be honest, I prefer seeing Luna's moon than Celestia's sun. Why? Because it belongs to Celestia. That's reason enough for me.

"Huh. This was a good return. Maybe tomorrow would be a good day to have a party with Pinkie Pie. That ninja certainly knows that I'm back already. But, I wonder where Applejack and Rainbow Dash are. Those two tom-boys are always the ones to see things first.*Yawn* I better get to bed. Amazing how fast everything went. I was beating up Cyclon in the morning, and now I'm going to bed in my cottage from home in Ponyville. I still find that suspicious."

Finally reaching my house, I reach for the handle, only to see a little blue spark take off and surround the house. I shrugged and entered it. Stretching a bit, I decided to go take a shower. What? It is basic hygiene to do such. I had already eaten, so drying myself off and hopping on my bed were the last things to do for today. Unfortunately for me, the second I land on it, I hear a muffled "hey!". I jump on the untaken spot of the bed and lie down like a cat.

"What's wrong with you?!" Cyclon shouted at me after getting out from under the comfertor.

"Huh? I thought I said you'd be sleeping on the couch or something."

"What? No! I'm sleeping in this bed. It's also mine."

"No. You honestly don't think that I'm going to sleep with you in this bed do you?"

He kinda choked on his spit when I said that. I understood what he understood, seeing as he became a seething red.

"N-no! I'm just going to sleep on th-this side, is all."


I pushed him out of the bed and blocked any of his attempts to get back on.

"You aren't getting back on here." I say while pushing one of his hooves off the side.

"Ech. Hey! I'm a hard working soldier who patrols to save your flank in case anything bad happens around here. I think I have the right to sleep in a bed." he stares at me angrily.

I simply extend a hoof and say:

"And I should care, becauzzzzzze?"

He seems to get even angrier and pulls back. That guard suddenly extended his wings and shouted:

"I'm getting on that bed whether you like it or not!."

"Hey wait!" I desperately try to tell him.

It was too late. He literally body slammed me then rolled over to the other side and slides underneath the covers. I got angry, so I tried to pull him back out, but he wouldn't budge. I let go and slam a hoof on his chest while showing anger and frustration on my face.

"Fine! Just don't touch me while we sleep."

"Whatever. Just don't snore."

"Aren't I supposed to say that to you?"

"Heh. Good night."

The lights go out, and while I feel uncomfortable with this, the surprising comfiness of this matress and comforter made me fall asleep in ten seconds flat.

Everything was white and colorful. I didn't get what was going on. It wasn't the same as that white, no, it was colored everywhere. I was in a some strange room full of mirrors and flowers and all the weird ass crap. I see a strange mare with no face messing around with whatever I was wearing. I gasped in horror.

"A wedding dress? Why am I wearing a wedding dress?"

"Well, Silver. It seems that ye be havin' eh good wedding taday, eh?"

"Yes. I've been waiting for such a long time to be with my beloved."

"What the...it's not me who's saying that! It's not!"

"It's time." a stallion shouted through the curtains.

"I can't wait to hear what he says!"

"Oh great. Apparently, I can think, but I can't control the actions of speech or movement. That, and this whole thing seems like some form of cliché wedding drama. 'My beloved'? What is this? A Disney movie?"

Welp, apparentliek, I exited this white tent into the prairies, where a huge ass amount of ponies were standing.Little colts and fillies were tossing white petals everywhere while the six I knew all too well accompanied me along the carpet to the podium where Celestia and Luna awaited...along with...General Bullseye in his army suit and...is that Cyclon in a blue tuxedo? Why is he looking at me like that? What is happening is so painfully obvious, yet, when you sleep, your ability to reason is pretty much cut in half. I find myself standing on the podium with some sort of smile on my face while Cyclon is doing the same. We stare at eachother in ye holy clichéness, then we look at Luna who starts to speak some gibberish about marriages. I'm guessing my brain was just reenacting what it recalled of these marriages and tried its best to recreate a scene. I see that I'm saying "I do" along with that other idiot, then we stare at eachother and our faces are getting closer...and closer...and closer...oh god! Our lips are about to touch!


"HOOOOOOMPH! Awwww...*thump*"

In fact, I was so horrified that my arms slammed to my sides, where, unfortunately, Cyclon was laying down. He took one of my full strength arms to the stomach, groaned in agonizing pain, then rolled over and fell on the floor while clutching his stomach.