• Published 8th Jun 2012
  • 6,170 Views, 276 Comments

From man to mare: An aching heart - The Psychopath

Derry now has to cope with bizarre feelings he has gotten for Cyclon Opal.

  • ...

The painful surprise

We arrived at Sugarcube corner, nothing visibly out of the ordinary appearing anywhere. All I could see was the gingerbread building covered with cream and various imitations of fruits and chocolate. I winced at my remembering of what I had almost done to the babies.

"Uhhh, do you really think it's a good idea after what I-"

"Shush!" AJ shouted as she slammed a hoof to my mouth. "They don't know nuthin' 'bout that. We managed ta circulate the rumor that it was Discord who had gone 'n taken yer appearance to terrorize everypony again."

"Yeah. Besides, we know that you didn't do that on purpose." Rainbow added.

I gave my best poker face available.

Yeah. You "involuntarily" submitted to his powers after he rendered you crazy, you stupid naive boy.

"Yeah. I guess you're right. Whatever. I've taken toll and whole responsability for what happened anyways."

Good. You still have many things to learn about life. And you won't be disappointed with what I have in store for you later on.

"You really creep me out sometimes."

I'm here for that.

"Uhhh, you alright there Silver?" Rainbow waved a wing in my face.

"Huh? Oh. Sorry, I was having a discussion with...myself."

They both looked at eachother with worry.

"Okaaaaayyyy...Let's get inside then. We've got a real tasty surprise waitin' fer ya."

"A cake?"


Once inside, I saw that Mr Cake was at the register, waiting for somepony to buy something new from him.

"Ah? Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Silver? Oh yes! I forgot. Let me get it for you."

The stallion ran back into a room behind the counter, leaving us to wait like idiots on the spot. A few seconds of coughing and Mr Cake came in with a huge-ass cake that had atleast ten layers on it.

"Hey. I thought you said it wasn't a cake."

"I lied." Rainbow Dash snirked.

"Very funny. And this will get out of here how?"

"Like this." Mr Cake answered while pushing the pastry golem with his head.

Somehow, he managed to get the thing outside as it smushed against the top of the door entry. I surmised that Pinkie Pie had something to do with that. I couldn't see anything outside, and even when I tried to look, AJ and RD blocked my way of seeing and closed the door behind them.

"Come on! Let me see what's outside. Stop blocking me. Hnnnngh!"

I pushed with all my strength against the door and some more, only to slouch against it again in fatigue. I took the opportunity to notice my hind-legs.

"Oh yeah. I forgot."

I turned around and bucked that sucker hard, causing the two ponies behind to fly away with the door. I just looked at the hinges blandly and said:


"Don't worry Mr Cake, I'll fix that."" Twilight reassured the baker.

"Twilight? What's all this and how'd it get here?"

Apparently, a huge amount of colorful ornements, tables with tasty treats, game zones (No. Not THOSE types of gaming zones) and various other centers of activity. Pinkie Pie was buncing about while Fluttershy just stayed in a corner helping some of the animals around there out.

"How'd this get here so fast?"

"Oh. That. I kinda used my magic to hide everypony. We were already here when you came with Rainbow and Applejack."

"I seeeee...where's Spike?"

"I'm right here." said the little dragon as he poked me.

"There ya are! I heard that you met some new dragons."

"Oh. You heard about that." he chuckled nervously.

"Ya. Ah did."

"Hey Silver! I heard that you came back from your resting time and that you didn't want a party yesterday so I thought that I could make one for you tomorrow which is actually today by yesterday and I wanted to make you a HUUUUUUUGE cake that would go several hooves high but it only went ten layers so I decided to make those layers super thick and added chocolate and cupcakes and cream and afterwards I thought that you liked games so I brought a bunch like racing and an eating contest and even a belching contest in-case you wanted to be a little dirty and I got you the dress that Rarity had made before here you go!"

I barely followed anything she said until she tossed me that dress that Rarity had made awhile back. I looked at it in detail as I sat on my flank and stared at it. For a reason I couldn't tell, a tear came to my eye as I stared at it. I don't know why, even my brain said nothing.

"Th-thanks Pinkie."

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I need somewhere to put this....I'll be right back."

I galopped towards the house with that dress on my back, hopped inside, and slammed it on the bed, then I galopped back outside, slid right in front of Spike, and pointed my hoof towards him.

"I challenge you to a belching contest. What say thee?"

"A burp contest? I've already beat you!." he stared sternly at me.

"We shall see about that, young dragonling."

"Then I shall wait you upon yonder stage."

"Verily! Wait. Where IS Rarity?"

"Oh. She, um...she went with Sweetie Belle somewhere. I think it was a singing show." Fluttershy mumbled.

"Oh. Who is Sweetie Belle again?"

"I don't think you've ever really met. She's Rarity's little sister." Twilight told me with a smile.

"Ah. Now then...where was I...ah yes. To the BELCHING CONTEST!"

I actually hope that this party lasts all day.

Motel and Cyclon were outside the city walls, wandering around the nearby grounds, taking the time to talk to eachother. It was already late and the sun was setting to an orange sky of fire and light. It was like the greatest of artists had taken his or her entire life to properly place every single detail into the shadowing of the mountains and blains as well as the fading clouds that lingered in the sky like a fluffy white leaf on the water.

"Soooo, come by me with this again?" Cyclon asked Motel as they continued walking around everywhere.

"Tomorrow, I'll teach you how to throw a hook into the lake and fish out your mare's heart. Although I surmise that she is a fiesty one and would be more akin to catching a catfish than any small sardine. One who is the most difficult to impress is usually the one with more experience and should know what to do whenever whatever happens, but that's just my opinion, and I'm starting to question it already." Motel put a hoof to his chin and looked at the floor while grimacing. "Hm. Anyways, how about we go to the train station and return on back home. You'll get to see your lovely dame."

"Shut up."

"More denial will just reinforce the feelings you have for her. I'm here to help with that."

"I'm sure you'll do a swell job at it too."

"Yes. I am sure. Besides, when you go on a date, especially during hearts and hooves day, impressions and planning is very important. I've already got much to do."

"Whatever you say. I'm tired from all this talking and walking around Canterlot with you. You only told me a few things anyways, then you talked to me about your job at the restaurant. I don't mean to be offensive, but does it look like I care?"

Motel eyed the guard from head to hoof and back again, then replied with a smile and head bob:

"Yes you do."

Cyclon was about to strangle Motel with all his strength until he managed to withhold himself and sigh in annoyance.

"Your lessons better be worth it."

"Oh ho. They will be. Don't you fret. Now then, I believe that THIS time, we should be getting home."

Cyclon nodded, fedup with having to deal with this guy any longer.

Finally arrived at Ponyville, the tired guard couldn't help but notice that there were some wrappers and other things on the ground being cleaned up by a humming Pinkie Pie. She looked up to him and waved at Cyclon with a smile. Being courteous, he waved back and hurried on home. He got rid of his armor and took a nice warm shower, had something to eat, then went to bed. He had much to do tomorrow. However, he noticed that Silver was already in the bed and was clutching a dress between her hooves. She seemed to be at peace.

"Wasn't that the dress she wore when she punched me at the castle? I wonder. I best get quietly into the bed then. I don't want her to rage and yell at me for waking her up."

The stallion calmly moved away, tip...hoofed, and slowly slid into the bed. He kept the curtains open, allowing the bright moon to illuminate everything in the room and reflect off of the shiny silver coat and white mane of the mare in front of him. He felt entranced at this sight, but soon decided to go to sleep after enough admiration. As the guard slouched a bit to find the perfect position, he didn't notice that, despite Silver sleeping, a smile began to form on her face while her eyes opened slightly and glowed a faint blue as they slid to indicate his location behind the sleeping mare.