• Published 8th Jun 2012
  • 6,161 Views, 276 Comments

From man to mare: An aching heart - The Psychopath

Derry now has to cope with bizarre feelings he has gotten for Cyclon Opal.

  • ...

Hooves to Faces day

The day which Cyclon awaited eagerly, and the day which Silver hated absolutely, had finally arrived. Leaving the house, they could both see the festival had already begun. Several couples were already together and performing various activities. Baloons in the shape of hearts floated about everywhere. Flags and other various things related to love were flapping in the wind as the pink, red, and white of Hearts and Hooves day illuminated the day. There were markets here and there selling chocolates, flowers, gems, portraits, drawn portraits, and so on and so forth. Cyclon didn't wear his armor today, as he needed to look his best. He was jittery from nervousness and excitement. Looking around everywhere, he looked down to see Silver with her ears down and looking very irritated.

"Yeesh. She doesn't look too happy about this. Hmmm. What did Motel say to do first? Oh yeah! Do an activity with her. I wonder if the Petal Parade is now."

"C'mon guys! The Petal Parade is coming!" a little colt shouted to his friends as he ran by.

(Silver narration transition)

I looked at those little things run by, only to see my sight whirr bizarrely and to feel something hit me in the forehead. I fell back, only to be caught by Cyclon.

"What was that? Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah. I think it was aftershock after waking up so early by your fault."

"Hey. I'm just here to help you see Hearts and Hooves day. You look like you never liked it before."

"I don't." I said violently.

"Woah. This is definately on to a bad start. Well, time to take her to the parade."

"How about we go see the parade? It'll take your mind off things. Ponies everywhere in town worked hard on making their floats and other things."

"Fine, seeing as I have nothing better to do."

He dragged me along with him as I continued to frown at this horrid holiday. He took me to where several of these ponies were standing and cheering. Forcing the passage, we went to look at the sights. Apparently, the ribbons and hanging signs everywhere weren't enough in color as there were several floats coming up, and they were made from beautiful flowers. The first was purple, red, and white and had the shape of a musician playing the Harp. The second was the one I would hate the most. It was colored and shaped like Celestia. I made a slient growl as I "rolled" up. Everyone seemed to feel the tension I was giving out and moved away. Even Cyclon looked at me weird. However, the other float showing Luna standing up proudly as various "stars" made of white flower flew away from her like comets was actually very pretty. I just didn't understand the name of the parade. Wasn't it supposed to just be a flower parade?

"Hey Cyclon."


"Why is this called the 'Petal Parade'? Isn't it just a flower parade?"

"Hold on. You'll see."

The floats suddeny stopped, and I saw everybody getting ready for something as they adorned creepy smirks. Before I could say anything, the floats all exploded into a shower of petals of diverse colors and sizes. They all floated around the area like several rainbows of color. Speaking of rainbows, Rainbow Dash was above performing several different acrobatic moves while dispersing colorful smoke everywhere, attracting the attention of everybody who looked above. I couldn't help but try and swipe the petals away when they got too close. I may have not liked it too much, but I still loved this beauty thrown upon my face. Maybe I was missing out on some things back on my world. Suddenly, all the petals flew around once more, nearly blinding me with their colors, only to stick back onto the floats they respectfully belonged to. I was dazed for a second until I heard Cyclon laugh.

"Ha! You should see your face."

"Yeah yeah. Very funny. Thanks for showing this to me anyways. It was nice."

"Yes! She's going for it. What was next? An activity. Hmm. You know, there having a little fighting contest for those who like rough-housing."

I spun quickly towards him, and I noticed that he seemed enamored by something, showing some sort of stupid smile.

"Then I'll kick your ass." I said as I poked his snout with my hoof.

"What? No. I'M the one who'll kick your ass!"

"Noooo, I WILL!"



"Then let's settle this!"

We both rushed towards the little fighting tournament. We signed up for two rounds victory, and after the last couple left in "loving manners", blech, we both stood atop the matress. Needless to say, providing about an hour of details on what we did exactly is not on my perogative list. Either way, I emerged victorious, but only by a hair. Walking away, everyone around jumped out of our pathway. Oh, I forgot to mention that we exaggerated and started to toss eachother into the nearby furniture and beat eachother with them. Anyways, we walked off laughing. Cyclon complimented me unusually during our fights, and I felt my ego filled to the brim. We did some more activities afterwards, like trying to knock eachother off a beam and into the nasty slime below. Then, we did some sort of cupcake shoot-out that Pinkie Pie organized. Needless to say, she put us on the same team, and noone survived the onslaught. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Of course, my evil laughter after the sweet victory was short lived as Cyclon stopped me and showed that everybody around was entirely creeped out by what I was doing. While I was laughing, I had been standing on a pile of the moaning defeatees. Meh. I feel better like this. More activities passed through the day, like an eating contest at noon. We hadn't eaten anything since last night, so we easily won the competition. We got to hold a trophy for the best eaters. These activities were always followed by compliments from that stallion. I felt like he had something planned for me. Why did I feel so naive?

Finally the sun began to set, and Cyclon called me up and brought me to some hillside and hid me behind the branches of some droopy-twigged tree. I found it funny and found this place comfortable, so I decided to lie down and appreciate the strange comfiness of the grass. I heard Cyclon mumbling to someone before he came back with something hidden underneath his wings.

"What's that?"

"It's a present for you. Here."

Apparently, it was a dress. I HATE DRESSES! But...this one felt as special as the one Rarity made me. It was a sky blue starting from the rear, but the color gradually faded into a night time purple in the front. Several streams of the same gradiant colors of purple and blue flowed along some sort of current starting diagonally from the bottom of the dress and they all converged towards what could be my neck. There were gems encrusted into the stream of the respective color, and even they became gradient at the same point that the colors began to change, although in reverse, giving bright blue in dark purple and vice versa.. The front had three strange jewels. Two of them had me, and another had Cyclon. The red one was placed below my neck while the other blue and purple ones were placed in its corners. They formed a type of triangle with the red jewel on top. I just stared at the dress with my mouth opening and closing.

"Th-thanks for this Cyclon. I don't know what to say." I continued to fumble with this piece of art.

"Oh, it was nothing. I just wanted to make you happy."

"Well thanks for this gift."

I stood up and was about to go to the house-

"Crap. I hoped that it wouldn't come to this. I have to pull the plan B that Motel told me about. I hope I don't die."

-before Cyclon grabbed me and kissed me. On the lips. I was still in shock, and I was about to crush his face until I felt a spark, then darkness.

Darkness as far as I could see. I tried to walk around, but I couldn't move. As I began to struggle, I saw some sort of giant black serpent emitting an orangy-red light appear right in front of me and roar with all its strength. It was about to lunge at me, only to see itself blasted away by a blue ray. What walked slowly in front of me? The true Silver. She seemed disappointed for some reason.

"Where am I?"

"In your mind."


"You heard me."

"What did you do?"

She started to walk around.

"Nothing. I just trapped you and Cyclon's minds and am controlling thte actions of your bodies from a distance."

"Ungh. Were you affected by the chaos magic that flowed through my mind those many months ago?"

"Heh. No. Derry, I'm a Giga-Sparkle. Our species absorbs magic. The second I brought you to this world, I came into contact with that magic. I've had it since the beginning."

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Because. I brought you to this world for a reason. To learn about the wonders of life is your task, and you have not yet discovered many of the minor purposes. You have, however, learned of some things, like trust and friendship. Those are good, but without the founding stones, the pillars won't stand for long."

"And what does this have to do with you controlling our bodies?"

"Oh, nothing. You'll see. You made me get rid of my seriousness, so I have to enforce your lessons. Now then." she said as she floated slowly up to my face with a joyful smile. "Tell me. Do you feel like a monster?"


I woke up in the house sleeping on the bed. I was worried, but I saw that I had kicked Cyclon into the wall. I was satisfied with end, and I decided to shrug off what I had dealt with was just a dream. If I remembered her properly, my little Silver had never been agressive in any way...even IF she was a stuffed animal in the beginning. Oh well. A little dozing off to dreamland will help me. No more pink gumballs.

(One week later[narrator transition])

Cyclon was cleaning the house, dusting off some things while Silver angrily washed the windows. She absolutely hated doing that. However, Cyclon had become worried about her. Every so often, she would clutch her mouth and jet towards the bathroom to throw up and slouch on the bed after becoming pale. As she was washing the windows, the wet cloth fell upon the floor as she began to tremble. Cyclon looked at her while dusting above the chimney. What he feared had happened. She was throwing up in the bathroom. He shook his head and tossed the duster on the floor.

"Okay Silver. That's enough. We're going to the doctor."

"What? I don't, bleargh! *gasp* I don't need to go to the doctor. I might have a stomach flue or something stupid like that."

"No. I've seen stomach flue. I've caught it. Whatever you have is neither a stomach nor an intestinal flue. We're going to the hospital whether you want to or not."

"No. I refuse." Silver pouted as she leaned over the nastlily filled toilet.

"Fine. Keep vomiting out your innards."

"Ugh. Okay. Just let me wash my mouth and I'll deal with the hospital."

Cyclon forced the mare into the open, and towars the white hospital. They went through the back into the emergency room. It was not a pretty sight. We shall not go into details concerning the surrounding ponies. Silver lied down on a bench and clutched her stomach with her hooves. Cyclon was trying to comfort her by rubbing her back, only to get a swipe and a type of mumbling growl, but the guard did not give up there. After several attempts, he accidentally found one of the smaller "chi points" that the sisters would use on Silver to release her life energy.

One of the nurses spotted her and looked at her up close. This was no ordinary nurse. No. It was a very bulky brown stallion wearing a nurse's gown and make-up. He was one of "those" ponies. He had a very dark brown mane tied into a tail along with a gleeming tail. He looked over Silver's eyes and ears, as well as her mouth and grunted. Then he spoke with an unusually light voice.

"C'mon sweetie. We won't let you stay here while you're in SUCH terrible pain. You'll go into the least important room, where Doctor Stalleos waits. Mhmm. Stalleos."

The mare tried to stand up, but the current pain was too much.

"Oh pff. That's terrible. Hold on. For a 'mare' like me, you aren't any trouble to carry."


"Nonono. I insist." the stallion stared at the mare with a very scary smile, causing Silver to shrink.

She was tossed on his back while Cyclon followed slowly behind and was creeped out by the stallion. They were taken to a room where Silver was placed on a large bed. It was full of medical equipment and posters, with the doctor at his desk writing something into a notebook.

"What is it, Greta? You know I'm on break right now."

"I know suga-" the doctor cringed. "-but I thought you could check out this poor filly here. She seems to be in terrible shape."

The doctor looked at Silver who was clutching her stomache and was about to hurl once more. Stalleos was a yellow coated stallion with a chocloate brown mane and tail that were cut short and with the mane gelled. You couldn't see his cutie mark as it was hidden by his white lab coat. He stared long at the cringing mare and passed her a barf bag, allowing her to empty her entrails.

"I'll need a blood sample. I think I know what's wrong with you."

"Go ahead."

Stalleos pushed a needle in, then placed the blood sample into a sealed tube and left the room. The stallion nurse stayed there.

"Um...don't you have somepony else to attend to?" Cyclon asked.

"No. I'm also off right now. You're looking I found you before I left. I also think I know what's wrong with your fillyfriend there. You make a cute couple."

Silver shot a dark glare at the stallion who barely even reacted. A few hours of testing later, and the doctor came back inside with documents in hoof. The mare stood back up, apparently feeling much better.

"So? Tell me doctor. Is it a new disease? AM I GOING TO EXPLODE?!" Silver shouted as she slammed her hooves on the doctor's desk, only to be pushed away by Greta who spoke on her behalf.

"Are the results what I think they are?"

The doctor stood up, and with a smile, walked in front of his desk. A few seconds of stress and silence and he said:

"Why yes. After several diagnosis and testing on composition of the blood and so forth, it seems that, m'am, you are pregnant with a baby."

The atmosphere of the room suddenly grew dull and grey. The two medicinal ponies looked around in confusion at this strange feeling.

"P-p-p-" Cyclon stuttered.

"Well, congratulations anyways m-"


Silver had fainted.

"Huh. Usually it's the stallion who faints when we announce-" Greta was interrupted by the follow-up thud of the guard.
"Ah. There we go."

"I guess they are so overjoyed that they passed out." Stalleos said blandly.

The two medicinal ponies looked at eachother pensively from the corner of their eyes and there was a moment of silence, before they broke into an outburst of laughter.

"Yeah right. I'll take care of them. I think the room fourty-four is free." the nurse asked.

"Yes it is. Go ahead. I'll check them in for the day."

The two unconcious ponies were placed onto the stallion's back, who laughed one last time before closing the door behind himself.

Now then, the reason for this story's shortness is because it's a "cliff-hanger" story. It's meant to give an insight on what is about to happen in the next sequel. Good waiting! Also, I TOLD you you would be shocked! There is no escape. Even if you deny it, you were shocked.

Comments ( 111 )

Damn. That was a shocker :pinkiegasp:

i was not expecting that, but once silver started vomiting, i knew what was happening
and yes, i was shocked :pinkiegasp:

im sure silver is gonna tear cyclones head off now

Did NOT see it coming until I read the throwing up part. But in the long run it's a shocker! Who is Silver going to kill? Cyclone or true Silver?

EDIT: Back to my previous comment: Is this really good or really bad? Somewhere in between?... DARN IT! All my guesses on good or bad are wrong! For this is not bad bad but not good! Oh, well maximum hilarity shall insue!

silver will hurt cyclone in the most terrible way i'm guessing

You were right, I didn't explode, but It was a shocker... So Silver and Cyclon (maybe) were essentially raped thanks to the giga sparkle? Can't wait for the next story/part.

CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SEQUEL!! WANT IT NOW!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::raritydespair::raritydespair:

Now Silver is going to kill Cyclone for sure cant wait for the sequel

the foal will be the real silver! please make the foal a colt so we can how she likes it

How dafuq did that occur?:rainbowhuh:

748760 me too, and I also expected both fainting... also SILVER BE TROLLING e.deviantart.net/emoticons/t/trollface.png


it was so obvious that this was what was gonna happen.... and now we need to wait for ANOTHER story? oh god dammit.....

after all.... only 3 possibilities existed for what was gonna happen

1. Derry kills Cyclon (45%)
2. Derry reciprocates the feelings (5%)
3. "Silver" takes over and generates an awkward situation (50% and is winner)

oh well.... seems Derry will truly learn some particular lessons.....
AND will want to kill Cyclon for the next 11 months......

751148 That she would make an awkward situation. Not that she would do this.:trollestia:

And that is why you use a condom :scootangel:

what do celestia and luna do when they find out they know he used to be male


well.... I guessed that if the true Silver were to takeover, she would probably go and have *cough* intimate relationships with Cyclon just to screw with Derry's mind and kill off any remaining inhibitions he may have.... but to the point of having a child.... that.... actually seems legit..... with you being the author you are

and I have a feeling the trollbrain was actually Silver.....


you mean you don't?


lying AJ?

ok, I believe you

753007bMaybe I'm lying about lying?

ooooooohhhhh LIEception....

isn't that supposed to be DEception?

753013 Maybe I'm deceiving you about my deception then.


Deception-ception then?

we need to go deeper.....

WHY?!?!? I Thought they NEVER FUCK. How can this happen. WHY PSYCHOPATH, WHY!?!?!?!
They having a real relationship and having a baby was never planned in my calendar so why.
Derry would never accept this, how did...SHE/HE even get pregnant?


759379 *Twichi eye*


WHY GIGA SPARKLE WHY!!?!?!?!?!?!?!




761628 Have you gone to see the sequel? :rainbowhuh:

Yes i did actually 761637
Read my comment there

1023126 Lol. "Love". This is why I consider this a "fictional" story.(I can't explain. Don't ask) I don't believe in "true" love, so...

1023130 That's wierd kid, like how Silver/Derry blacked out and then realized a week later that they fucked.... some bs in finding that out.

Now i'm wondering how it happened. It's all.... just so....CUTE.

1584083 No I won't, and stop answering to yourself.

1919685 You challenge the Illogic?

"pregnant with a baby"

Much better option than being pregnant with a flesh-eating monster.:rainbowwild:

I kinda had an idea, but man that was frawesome!:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Onto the next set :yay:


2444988 Here's a warning. The next two aren't exactly the best ones, and I kinda destroyed the fourth one's stoy telling by creating two tremendous time skips that I could've done progressively.:fluttershyouch:

2445930 It's ok. Overall it's a great story....wait....did you say two? I'm on the fourth set now....are you including a fifth? Those timeskips can be re-edited, all you really would have to do would say that you are changing it. ...Not that it matters to me, it's a great story already.:pinkiesmile:

edit: Oh god, I hate this comment...must fix...much better.

2446039 Yes. There's a fifth. It's on hiatus because I can't seem to get enough people to comment or read it. When I don't get comments, it feels like noone is reading, so I lose interest and envy to write.:ajsleepy:

Comment posted by IkioStar deleted May 18th, 2014

2446960 Sunburn? Oh. Pale skin?

Also, for my stories...nah. I don't really need help with them. Everything's in my head, but I can't get the motivation to finish the chapters...

Comment posted by IkioStar deleted May 18th, 2014

2447109 Haha! I was born tanned. I cheated.

As for the ideas, sure. Why not, but not right now. It's late and I need my sleep.

Title of the next part blew the 'shock' at the end. I saw this coming miles away.:facehoof:

2515271 Crap. I forgot to remove that!

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