• Published 8th Jun 2012
  • 6,161 Views, 276 Comments

From man to mare: An aching heart - The Psychopath

Derry now has to cope with bizarre feelings he has gotten for Cyclon Opal.

  • ...

Training and preparations

Cyclon had awoken early and ran towards the farms at the first glimpse of sunlight. He didn't need Silver to wake up as he prepared for his "lessons" with that irritating stallion. As they returned to Ponyville via train, the pegasus spoke of a little "training course" created in the hills near the farms. These were, apparently, the same hills that connected to those of the jewel site of the diamond dogs. The guard panted and wheezed as he reached the tall hills of the farmlands. He looked around and wondered where that idiot was. He may not like him, but he was his only chance, and the way he managed to sway most mares, despite their personalities, proved that he atleast knew what he was doing when it came to complimenting them.

He took one more peek over another hill to see a few tables strewn here and there with some ponyquins in dresses. As he questioned the ethnics that Motel had, hopefully, this would help him with Silver.

"Hey!" yelled a voice from behind Cyclon.

"Ah! Motel. Don't ever do that again. "

"Ha! We won't be doing this 'training course' first today. It shall come after we reach the territory of the diamond dogs. We need to find her the crystals and jewels that she loves so."

The guard rolled his eyes. He didn't want to go there, but, if he met a diamond dog, atleast he would be able to vent his anger upon it. After a non-describable walking, they arrived at the dead, brown colored landscape of the jewel fields. There were a few holes here and there, indicating the proximity of diamond dogs. Motel took in a deep inhale of the surrounding stale air and observed the surroundings with a smile. A few small monuts here, a lowering chasm there. Not very important.

"Sooooo...what now? How do we find the gems?"

"First things first." the pegasi turned to face Cyclon. "What colors does she appreciate the most?"

"Blue and purple I guess."

"Good enough. Now then. To find gems upon the surface, you must simply tap the ground with your hoof and feel the texture of the ground as well as hear the sound it emits."


"*sigh* Here, I'll show you."

The blue pegasi started to tap parts of the ground with his front hooves, occasionally stopping for a moment to listen correctly before continuing his path. Cyclon was growing tired of this already.

"Here!" Motel suddenly shouted.

The stallion dug into the ground to reveal the prescence of several gems and jewels of all shapes, sizes, and colors. Motel dug through the pile to pull out two blue gemstones and one purple. He threw them at Cyclon with a smile.

"Wow. I'll try too. Let's see...what do I have to do again?"

"Feel the ground and listen to the sound, then the gems and jewels will be found."

"You're doing triple rhymes now?"

"I'm just having some fun."


Motel was the only one really finding the stones easly, while Cyclon could barely find his first hole. Without paying attention, a few hours had already passed, and there was now a humongous pile of blue and purple gemstones just laying near the exit of the excavation area. Cyclon wiped his forehead as he began to dig through one last hole while Motel sat next to the gemstone pile to relax. The guard dug fervently through the ground, only to find three strange gems. One was red, the other was blue, and the last was purple. The interior of these things seemed to have shaped into some form of alicorn or somewhat.

"Hey Motel, come see what I found."

The pegasi ran towards the hole and sqealed in delight at what Cyclon had found.

"Do you know what these are?"


"They are shapeshifting jewels. When you think about something real hard as you hold them, the interior takes the shape of that thought. You have to think very hard though. I'm assuming that you were thinking of your duties to the princesses as the interiors are already in their shape."

"I guess so."

"This will be the best gift possible. She may not like red, but this is sufficient. Did you bring something to carry them?"

Cyclon facehoofed.

"Of course you didn't. I'll take care of this, don't worry."

The two ponies headed towards the pile of gemstones, only to see two armored diamond dogs in front of it.

"Hm?" Motel chimed.

"These ours now. They belong to diamond dogs now." one of the two shouted.

"What? No! There are holes full of the other gems that we didn't take. You take those, and we'll take these." Cyclon lift a hoof in anger.

"Nuh-uh. These belong to us. Run along now, little ponies."

"I'm goING TO-"

"No need. Watch closely."

The blue pegasus gave a bored yet serious look at the diamond dogs as he spread both wings into a straight line. The dogs began to grunt and seemed to be falling down, much to both their surprise and that of Cyclon, who just stared at what was happening. With one final grunt, the two diamond dogs found themselves smashed against the ground and forming an ever widening crater. The pile of gems, including the shapeshifting jewels, all levitated into the air and floated near the stallion.

"Tsk tsk gentlecolts. This is NOT how one should treat guests. Trying to steal what so HARSHLY toiled for? This is not a way to act. We shall leave with our findings while you stay here in your holes to ponder about what you have done."

"How...how are you doing that? You aren't a unicorn." Cyclon stuttered.

"Heh. Like I told you, there are some things that should not be spoken of. How about we take these to the barn where I can make a gorgeous dress for your mare?"

"That sounds...like a good plan."

"Glad you liked it. Now let's go."

After another unspoken trip, Cyclon had to wait near the tables for Motel as he went to the Carrot family farm to put the gems in safe keeping. The mysterious pegasus returned with a list in his mouth. This arouse suspicion on Cyclon's part.

"Hey, I thought you could use those weird powers to levitate everything."

"Well, that 'power' as you call it takes a hefty toll on my energy. Why do you think I've never used it up until now?"

Motel placed the list on the table and wiped his mouth of any possible traces of spit, then started to go over the plans once more. Cyclon stepped forward and looked at the list, then asked his "pal":

"So...if you have that weird ability, an you say that you know Bullseye very well...does that mean he also has some weird ability?"

Motel didn't move his head, but he moved his eye to look at the curious guard and gave a smile, only to clap his front hooves together and say:

"Well, here's your planning. The first thing you'll want to do is get her to follow you to someplace very beautiful. Preferably, the petal parade tomorrow. Even a heart-locked mare like that couldn't resist something so beautiful."

Cyclon gave a "are you sure?" face.

"Next, you'll want to perform some activities and whatnot, all the while complimenting her. Bear in mind that these are just basic steps in any start of a relationship. Seeing as she's also the tom-coltish type, why not try to beat her in something rough?"

"You mean like martial arts?"

"You taught her that?! I sure hope you know what you're doing."

"Yeah. I do."

"Well then...At the end of the day, I'll pass you the dress I've made for her, and you'll take her to that hillside over there, where the trees are. You see it?"

Motel pointed towards a hill covered in trees with droopy branches. This shielded any attempts at viewing what was happening behind said tree branches.

"Oh yeah. So?"

"Once there, you'll give her the dress. If she doesn't kiss you afterwards, you'll have to force it on her. There's a ninety percent chance that she'll fall for it and love you heftly in return."

"What happens with the other ten percent?"

"You'll be able to call the holiday 'Hooves and Faces'."

Cyclon instinctively put a hoof to his face in horror.

"Ya. So make sure that tout soit parfait pour elle. Now for the wording? Let's get started."

It had already been a few hours that Cylon had left. Did I care? Of course I didn't. Either way, I did the necessary (I swear I'm still not used to these new parts. I hope nothing else was added with it) and left the house, only to see everybody putting up hearts and horrible pink things. I see Twilight who is overseeing things, so I walk up to her and ask:

"Twilight? What is this?"

"Oh. Hi Silver. Were decorating for tomorrow."

"What's going on tomorrow?"

"Oh. That's true. I had almost forgotten. Tomorrow is Hearts and Hooves day. We're decorating everything for tomorrow."

"Is it related to love?"


I felt my ears drop as I grew irritated. No girl had ever liked me when I was a man, and, as a cause, I never liked them in return. I always felt lonely, and that's how I loved it. If I couldn't live with anyone, then my sole companion would be me and only me. Did I really, truly care about being "forever alone"? Tch. Yeah right. But now, I've got to deal with Valentine's day again. I guess Cyclon wasn't much of a fan either as we didn't pay much attention to it either.

"Great. Well, I'm going to go talk to Spike about more dragons, unless he's occupied with decorating as well."

"Yes, he is actually. Why not help us with the decorations then? You don't really have anything to do anyways."

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, but just because you're a friend."

I hope nothing happens tomorrow. If anyone hits on me, I'll kill them.