• Published 2nd Mar 2017
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Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 13: Reminiscing. Part 1. (Edited)

Author's Note:

God, this took forever. Enjoy.

[Ponyvile - Capsule Corporation Spacecraft no. 3. Third Person POV.]

After that utterance of words, Celestia primed her horn. There was a bright flash, and everyone appeared at the entrance of the ship. Celestia, Luna, and Shining Armor all donned their respective armors the moment they materialized. The Z Warriors wasted little time rushing inside the spacecraft. They adopted their battle stances, assuming the worse, as they scanned the spaceship's interior. Nothing was out of the ordinary save for Bulma currently snoring on the ground. Goku and Gohan rushed over to her as everyone stayed on alert.

"Guys, it clear!" Krillin said, prompting the Equestrians and two dragons to enter.

"Is it? Remember; Chrysalis stowed away on Goku's ship. She could've just as easily disguised herself again," Piccolo stated.

"So what do you suggest? Do we tear apart the ship to find her?" Ember asked incredulously.

"It won't matter because she's long gone. Look, everyone," Tien said as he pointed to the now empty podium. "She made off with the Dragonballs,"

"WHAT!?" Spike shouted with alarm. "I don't believe this!" Ember couldn't help but arch a brow at his reaction.

"Hey, Bulma's waking up," Gohan said as he helps the blue-haired woman to a sitting position.

"Uh...! Wha-- What happened?" She muttered.

"That's what we would like to know. Talk woman!" Vegeta demanded.

Bulma instantly frowns at the prince. "Bulma, are you alright? She didn't hurt you, did she?'" I believe that's what you wanted to say Vegeta!!!"

"I see your run-in with the bug didn't curb that snide tongue of yours,"

"And I see your compassion is still non-existent!"

As Bulma and Vegeta continued to argue, the rest of our heroes were unsure of what to do. "I feel like we should be stopping this..." Shining Armor said.

"Well... It does provide a perfect example of a What not to do in a healthy relationship, doesn't it?" Cadence offered.

"It's amazing that every word that came out of your mouth has yet to be anything of merit," Vegeta fires.

Bulma was about to counter when Celestia steps forward. "Enough, Bulma, we are all glad you are unharmed. But you must explain to us what happens here,"

"Well, as you know, I thought I was with Vegeta. When I went to put away the Dragonball, Chrysalis revealed herself. She knocked me out and made off with them. I'm sorry everyone,"

"It is not your fault Dame Bulma," Luna comforted.

"Even so, Chrysalis has managed to get one over on us again. Which makes all of our efforts the past few hours utterly meaningless!" Piccolo said in an irritated tone.

"Let's try to focus on what's important, darlings. We can still heal dear Trunks and then stroll right up to the Changeling Hive and confront that vile deceiver!" Rarity said hotly.

"Um, everyone..." Scootaloo said, gaining our hero's attention. She pointed to a scorched mark on the tile floor.

"Please don't tell me that's not..." Tien began as Yamcha walked over to the mark.

He inspected the remains, and with a dejected sigh, he spoke. "Yep, it is. Chrysalis destroyed the beans,"

Goku slams his fist into his palm in frustration. "Darn it. It figures she would make sure we can't heal ourselves,"

Zecora places a gentle hand on Goku's shoulder. "While this setback is a pain, Chrysalis efforts to cripple us will be in vain,"

"Why's that Zecora?" Twilight asked.

"Just like the cure for poison joke. I have senzu beans saved in bulk,"

"Hey, that's right! You grow beans thanks to our last adventure in episode 15 of DBMLP! Now we can give Trunks the fixer-upper he needs," Pinkie exclaimed.

"What's DBMLP--" Krillin started but was cut off.

"There is no time to waste, I shall retrieve them post-haste," Zecora said.

"Hold on. There is something else we need to address," Piccolo spoke up.

"What do ya mean, partner?" Applejack asked.

"I believe I know what Piccolo is saying. This incident is just one of many time that Chrysalis has used her magic to fool us. This time, she took the form of a comrade from Earth. So the question becomes; how can we prevent this from happening again?" Celestia stated.

"When a changeling takes a disguise, they don't give off a Ki signature," Spike reminded.

"Yeah! That's how I knew a changeling was impersonating Spike During the first E.A.T tournament," Scootaloo added.

"Expect when Chrysalis posed as Vegeta, she was an exact duplicate. Mannerism and all," Starlight said.

"Hmph! You all need your heads examined. I cannot fathom how you all continually allow the bug queen to pull the wool over your eyes," Vegeta commented.

"Hmph. Well, I suppose it wouldn't take much to mimic your brutish behavior," Rarity said as she stuck her nose up in the air and turned away from the Saiyan Prince.

Bulma giggled as Vegeta sent the marshmallow unicorn a glare. But, before he could retort, Goku spoke. "I think it's safe to assume that Chrysalis has gotten better at morphing into others. Even I felt Vegeta's Ki coming from her,"

"So we need to sharpen our senses to more than what we see and feel. We need some pass phrased to identify ourselves," Twilight said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"But what can we come up with?" Cadence asked.

"Hmm... I might have an idea. However, we must have everyone present. No one is to go alone from this point forward. If you get separated from the group, then we'll just assume you a changeling in disguise," Piccolo stated.

"If you think I am going to spend any more of my time with you all then you're sorely mistaken Namekian," Vegeta declared.

"Vegeta! You can't just brush this off! We can't keep pretending Chrysalis is not a threat to us or our cause! Even if you are strong enough to ward off capture, A Changeling could still use your likeness to trick us!" Starlight said with urgency.

"Then all you need to do is knock-out the imposter. I doubt they can hold a disguise when they are unconscious," Vegeta said in a matter of factly tone. Deciding he had enough standing around, Vegeta walked out of the ship despite the protest of the others and flew off again.

"Let him go for now," Piccolo said.

"Yes, and besides, his suggestion has some merit. The next we see him, we have free reign to engage him," Ember said devilishly.

"Verily," Luna agreed with a wicked smirk.

"Let's go and collect the other two members of our party then Piccolo can explain his plan in more detail," Celestia said as our heroes exited the ship. It did not take long to collect Master Roshi and 16.

However, everyone didn't know what to think when Bulma smacked Master Roshi across the face shouting "Lerchous old fool!" when he was teaching a yoga class. Finding 16 was easy enough as he was at Fluttershy's cottage taking care of her woodland critters just as he promised. The cream and pink Pegasus were in awe at how well 16 handled his duties despite his usual stoic demeanor. And Pinkie shot the tall man a knowing look when she caught the small smile on his face. Our heroes returned to the ship and informed the two of the current circumstances.

"I see. So Chrysalis now hold the advantage," Master Roshi said thoughtfully.

"There are still two Dragonballs unaccounted for at this time. However, we will need better security measures to prevent Chrysalis from stealing from us again," 16 stated.

"I was getting to that, and I have several ideas we can try out. First, I want everyone here to hold out their hands," Piccolo said as everyone obeyed. His antenna glowed and shot everyone's palms. A symbol appeared above on the back of their hands.

"Wow, is this your cutie mark?!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"No, but it is the symbol of my school of martial arts. With this Kanji, we'll be able to know who is on our side and who isn't. So if anyone gets separated from the group, just show the image on your hands,"

"Cool!" Scootaloo said with excitement.

"But won't a changeling just copy your Kanji?" Starlight pointed out.

"True, which is I want you all to remember this password; Mafuba. This way, a changeling will have to display not only the kanji but also say the password," Piccolo said.

"Mafuba. A fitting password to ensnare an enemy," Master Roshi said with a chuckle.

"But what about Vegeta?" Yamcha reminded. "We should give him the kanji and password too,"

"Pfft! We all know what his reaction will be; nothing but a rude comment with him telling us to leave him alone," Bulma scoffed.

"I realize that, but, thankfully, I have the solution. Especially when it comes to Saiyans," Piccolo said.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Goku asked.

"Think about it; what's the one thing unique to only Saiyans that not even a changeling could recreate,"

Gohan's eyes widen as he put the pieces together. "The ability to turn into a Super Saiyan! That's something only Saiyans can do!" At the moment, Gohan decided to power down back into his base form. Everyone was in awe as they watch the golden hair turn black.

"That look certainly suits you, my dear. I have to admit that I'm still envious of your ability to change your hair color at will," Rarity said with a pout.

"Yeah, we like you no matter whether your hair is black or blonde," Diamond Tiara said with a small blush.

"Heh, good thinking Piccolo. Now we should just get those beans and heal Trunks," Goku said.

"Let us venture to my place. There is little time to waste," Zecora said as she left the ship. Goku joins her for added protection.

"Hey Gohan, there was something I've meant to ask you," Spike said.

"huh? What that?" Gohan asked.

"How did you and Goku become Super Saiyans?"

"Oh! I want to know too!" Applebloom said with enthusiasm. All the fillies nodded in agreement.

"No problem. I guess I'll start with my dad. He was the first one to become a Super Saiyan back on Namek," He said as he began his epic tale.

[The Hive Castle - Chrysalis POV.]

I madly cackled as I listened to their entire conversation. Although Goku and the others will be more on guard now and Vegeta's suggestion does hold some water. A drone cannot maintain a disguise if they are unconscious. No matter, whatever those fools will come up with, I will be able to counter it thanks to my little mole. But, sooner or later I'll have to deal with the Earthlings entirely. I could use the Dragonballs. But that is a risk in and of itself. No doubt that Oaf Goku will teleport to my location the instant Shenron appears. Hmm...

"Dende," I called out to my little servant. He was walking by my side after we just finish locking away a total of five Dragonballs. Such a glorious sight to behold. Honestly, if they are not going to protect something so valuable, then they might as well declare me Empress of the world right now. But, it is not like the Earther's will leave without the Dragonballs. Thus, brings me back to my question for little green here. "How do you suppose I get our friends to give up their foolhardy quest for my Dragonballs, hmm?"

"You should try and open their minds to your wondrous will as you have done to me..."

Now that is quite the suggestion. "Hmm, I like it, but it comes with some pitfalls. For example, they all possess a strong mental fortitude. I might be able to claim the humans' minds. However, the Saiyans and the Namkian will prove to be a challenge,"

"Is there perhaps something that can aid you in weakening their defenses? Such as a plant or maybe a spell?"

I held a thoughtful expression for a moment. I already have a mind control spell. It worked well enough on Shining Armor. But it still won't be enough for much stronger warriors. A smirk worked its way on my face as I realized there was indeed something native to our world that will help. "There is such a plant, Dende. Not too far into the Everfree forest. It is very potent and very dangerous. I'll send my elite to find it immediately,"

"Will there be anything else?"

"Yes, it's time for that talk with Thorax. Perhaps he can be persuaded to our side. Or maybe I can gloat about my success. Either way, I'm sure it will be interesting," I said with unbridled glee. We made our way to the dungeon where thorax is under lock and key. I had two of my drones stationed as a precaution in case he got out. A king or queen of a hive is still dangerous even if they are no longer in charge. We stepped inside the cell and witnessed the delightful sight of Thorax with his arms and legs bound while he floats inside a cocoon.

"Ooh~ Look at sleeping beauty. Let's wake our little usurper, shall we?" I said as I walked in front of the cocoon. I took a single finger and placed it on the soft membrane. I dragged my nail down and split it open down the middle. The containment fluid spilled out on the ground with Thorax along with it> His bindings held high as I looked down on him. "Thorax~ It's time to wake up~," I got no response. Not surprising given the thrashing I gave earlier. But even my immense patience has limits. So, doing the only reasonable thing at this point, provided Thorax a swift kick in the stomach.

"AAH!!!" He yelled as he regurgitated some of the cocoons contents. He sat up in a kneeling position and checks his surroundings. Once his eyes fell on me, he sent me the most humorous glare. "Chrysalis...!" He seethed.

"Enjoy your nap usurper~."

"You are the thief here tyrant!"

"Hardly, I'm merely taking back what is rightfully mine," I said as I bent down and cupped his face. "What you stole from me," I drove my knee into his stomach and watched him squirm.

"We - *cough* - are not-your-toys!"

"You poor deluded fool. But, I have come here to give you an offer,"

"Does it have anything to do with him?" He questions as he gestured to Dende. "I see another innocent has fallen to your wicked charms,"

"Dende is a valuable asset to the Changeling regime. Think of it Thorax, the entire world completely under our hooves. With all the love we can eat. We'll be unstoppable!"

"And all I have to do is swear fealty to you,"


"Never! I would just be trading one cage for another. Your way is anarchic and morally wrong. Love is more powerful when you embrace it rather than stealing it. We both know you would never share anything including power. So why are you here!?"

He was right of course. I ruled alone for centuries, and I wasn't going to share anything with this traitor. "Oh poo. It seems you saw through my ruse. But enough games. I want you to know that I am one step closer to realizing my vision. I want you to know how pitiful you are as a ruler. I want you to know that the first thing I will do when I control everything is to change back my Changelings to their original forms. Not this horrid excuse of a metamorphosis!"

I watched as his eyes widened at my declaration. "It's not enough that you control their minds and kill them at your leisure, but you must take away who we are now because you deem it!? You're still nothing but a monster!!!"

I was silent for a time before I shagged my shoulders. My long swamp green mane fell over my eyes. My shoulders jostled up and down as I began to giggle. Which soon turned into laughter and finally morphed into a full-blown maniacal cackle. I maliciously grinned as I got down on my hands and knees and slowly crawled over to the retreating form of Thorax. Once I was in his trembling face, I spoke in a low, sweet tone.

"You believe I am a monster?" I said as I licked his nose. "Amusing, because I've seen actual monsters. Some monsters that delight in the suffering of others. Other monsters that kill and kill for the mere fact that they can. There's an entire universe out there full of beings that make me look like a saint. And they can come bearing down on our unsuspecting planet at any moment. So, in truth, I'm saving our world by conquering it. The Earthlings have a saying; Better the devil you know than the one you don't,"

"W-what are you saying..." I could feel the fear building in him as I went on.

"Allow me to share my experiences on Namek and the Earth. I'm sure you will find them-- Enlightening," I said as I linked our minds and displayed my memories.

[Plaent Namek - Fives years ago. Third Person POV.]
(The character's in the past will have highlighted text to prevent confusion.)

Chrysalis and Thorax appeared inside a familiar spaceship. Thorax stood up from his floor and looked around the interior. "What is this?"

"We're on Goku's ship, just a few moments from his arrival on Namek. In fact, he's standing right there," She said as she gestured to the Saian standing in front of the door with a focused expression.

"This is the first I saw of him. He certainly lives up to the rumors. He's very imposing," He said as he inspected Goku.

Chrysalis scoffs at this. Chrysalis lit up her horn and conjures a leash as a collar appears around Thoraxes neck without his knowing. With a firm yank, she pulls him away from Goku's image. "Sit boy, heel!" She gave another tug on the leash as it chokes Thoraxes throat.

"Now that you're finished ogling, you should know that I disguised myself as a floor tile and that the doors will soon open,"

"Why - *Gasp* - did you even went along with him?"

"Good question. Perhaps it was a spur of a momentary impulse. Or maybe I was thinking of escaping the world altogether after my battle with Celestia. Either way, it's time to be a real mutt and be quiet. It's starting now,"

The ship trembled as it landed. The monitor in the background lit up, and the image of an older human came on screen. "Good luck out there my boy. We are all counting on your success,"

"Don't worry Dr. Briefs. I won't fail," Goku said as the entrance opened up. Goku took his first steps out onto another world, all the while oblivious to the additional member accompanying him. A green flash erupted from the far end of the ship, and the battered form of Queen Chrysalis came into view.

"It looks like you've seen better days-- ACK!!!" Thorax choked. The present Chrysalis bared down on him with an intense glare. The changeling queen regarded her past self with disdain. The idea of looking weak in front of her prisoner was not sitting well.

Past Chrysalis hobbled her way through the door frame. Immediately, she took in her surroundings. The differences of the planet were quite apparent. The sky was bright green and high in the sun was the sun. But it wasn't just one. The changeling queen looked to the west to see another sun setting, and from the east, the third ball of fire was rising. Thorax watched with amazement at the fact that there were three stars instead of just one.

"Amazing. This planet has three suns! Is there even a nighttime or moon?"

"You would be impressed by something so trivial and utterly pointless that it holds no relevance to the matter at hand. Pay attention!" Present Chrysalis stated.

She watches as the memory continued. Past Chrysalis carefully followed behind Goku. She didn't have a plan at the moment. For now, her only goal was finding a food source to heal her wounds. However, she quickly took cover behind a boulder and poke her head out. What lied before ahead was shocking. Immediately, she recognized Son Goku. However, there were other's that thoroughly confused. A child with a bowl-cut hairstyle, a shorter man with a bald head that reflected the sunlight, and another spiky-headed individual that wore strange armor. The Chrysalis of the past could only assume that these were Goku's friends and the other three creatures were enemies considering that some battle took place here.

"Who are these beings?" Chrysalis asked to herself as she got a good look at the other three. One of the opposing bore a resemblance to Goku. Although, he towered over the orange-clad Saiyan warrior. And his body surprisingly surpassed what minotaurs possessed in musculature. The bulky being appearance was something to be desired, however. His black body suit was scuffed and torn. There were even holes in specific areas. His hair was burnt away, leaving only a poorly styled mohawk. And his teeth looked like he ran face first into a boulder. Past Chrysalis turned her attention to his comrades. A blue male that resembles a fish or lizard of some kind was the most eye-catching, and he was the tallest out of everyone present. The short one next to him could pass as another hairless primate if it weren't for the fact that his skin was a bright shade of crimson.

"That's what I'd like to know..." Thorax said thoughtfully. He turned to the present Chrysalis for some insight. But he found that she was silent while she watches the scene play out.

"Hey Jeice, Burter. Did you hear this guy? He said I wouldn't be able to a lay a finger on him. I guess that means I have to beat him up with my feet!" The large man said with a chuckle.

"What a regular comedian," Burter said.

"Go on Recoome, finish 'em off so we can link with the captain," Jeice encouraged.

Recoome devilishly grinned as he began using odd poses. "Get ready to feel the power of Recoome!" He declared. He cocked back his massive left hand as a purple aura encompasses his body. He swung his fist down on Goku only for him to miss entirely. Confused, Recoome looked around to spot his foe, but he was nowhere in sight. Chrysalis was in complete awe at Goku's sudden disappearance. Chrysalis was able to find him standing casually behind Recoome's allies while they still looked for him.

"How in Tartarus did he do that...?" She asked.

"Hey! Where did Goku go?" The bald one asked.

"What happened?! Did you see where he went!?" The child said as they continued to look. Eventually, everyone turns their sights on Recoome's allies with Son Goku standing directly behind the two.

"Huh? This guy is fast. So what do you think Jeice? Did just run off?" Burter asked.

"I don't know, maybe..." Jeice replied before his scouter activated, notifying him of a power level behind him. Burter did as well and they both whipped around to find Goku's staring back at them. Jeice gasped out in shock as he spoke. "H-how did--"

"All of you have caused enough problems here. It's time for you to leave!" Goku said with authority. "Otherwise, you'll answer to me!" Both Jeice and Burter were angry at being told what to do and by the enemy no less. Burter and Jeice lunged forward to attack only to discover that Goku had once to dodge effortlessly. Goku left the two where they were as he floated back over to Recoome.

"Ok we get it, you're fast. But you'll need more than speed to beat me!" Recoome stated. He hunches over as his power began to rise. "Alright tough guy. It's time I put an end to all of you. This next move will wipe everything off the map!" Recoome then slams both of his fists on the ground as the terrain started to quake. Pieces of rocks and debris floated up into the while Goku's friends panicked. However, Goku remained unmoved by Recoome's display of power. "Here. It. Comes! Recoooome! Sparkling! Miracle! ATTAC-- AARGH!!!" Recoome's word died in his throat as he felt a debilitating pain in his chest cavity.

"T-that's impossible...!" Chrysalis muttered out, her eyes opened wide in shock. She may have witnessed his feats at the tournament, but she never stayed for his fight with Celestia, and she downplayed most of his action just because he was a foreigner. Now the Changeling was getting an up close and personal view of Goku's prowess.

Goku removed his elbow from Recoome's sternum as he backed away. "Sorry, but I had the strangest sense of deja vu when you left yourself opened like that. So I just went with, hehe,"

Recoome's eyes bugged out as his trembling arms clutch the area where Goku struck. "That-not-funny...!" He gasped out as he collapsed face-first into the ground. Meanwhile, Recoome's allies stood slackjawed at the scene.

"H-hey! Recoome's not getting up!" Jeice said in shock.

"What!? That's crazy. That was barely even a tap! It didn't even register on the Scouter!" Burter exclaimed.

"Have I underestimated him? What could I possibly do against Son Goku? Especially in my weakened state!" Chrysalis muttered to herself. She watched on in rapt attention as Recoome's allies confront Goku next. They flanked his front and back as Jeice spoke.

"Now you listen to me, Ya punk. We're the Ginyu Force! And we will not--" Only to be caught off as Goku launched a fist into his nose.

"Ouch," Thorax said as he rubs his snout.

Jeice grasps his face and winces in pain. An ugly bruise was quickly forming around his nose. He snarled as he shook with grief. "W-why you rotten...!"

"I'm sorry, what were you saying? You really should not leave yourselves open like that," Goku said, dropping his fierce exterior for an aloof one/

"That's it! We are done talking!" Jeice shouted.

Chrysalis observed as the battle shifted into another gear. Goku was practically untouchable. The two Ginyu force members were moving so fast that Chrysalis could only make out the blue and red streak they left behind. Despite their combined speed, Goku still had the edge. In fact, it unnerved the Changeling queen to no end at how calm and in control the Saiyan was of the fight.

"If one could even call this a battle..."

The fighting took to the skies where Goku had finally decided to settle things. He lands a critical hit on Burter that shatters a portion of his armor. Then he launches him toward the ground and catches him before the impact. He holds up with one hand for a moment before he tosses him to the dirt. Chrysalis shifted her attention back to the remaining member of the Ginyu force still conscious. The look on Jeice's face said it all. Pure abstract fear. Chrysalis might've commended Goku's display if she wasn't busy shaking herself. Jeice wised up and retreated.

"No wonder Sombra was so obsessed with this creature's power. Not even I can defeat my foe with such ease," Chrysalis watched as the group converse with one another. However, the shorter male seemed to be eying Recoome with a look that promised death. And much Goku, Chrysalis completely lost track of the man with the widow's peak. In a blink of an eye, the man reappeared and slammed both of his knee's into Burter's neck. Thus crushing his windpipe and killing him.

"Vegeta stop!" Goku ordered, but Vegeta ignored him. He held up his arm with an opened palm. A blast erupts from his hand and engulfs Recoome prone form. The resulting explosion left not a single trace of Recoome.

"Good riddance," He said as he spat on the dirt. Thorax watched on in horror as one of Goku's allies ruthlessly killed two defenseless being.

"...Why would he do that? It's like Goku said; they were no longer a threat,"

"Vegeta had the right idea. Why give foes that great another chance to harm you? These beings are prime examples of what is waiting beyond our world," Chrysalis stated, Thorax chose to remain silent and continue watching.

"That was uncalled! They were no longer a threat!" Goku berated. But Vegeta would have none of it.

"Wake up fool. Do you believe monsters like them will offer you mercy? You were a fool to allow Jeice to escape. Now he'll inform captain Ginyu!"

"I'm with Goku on this one. We're no better than them if we stood to their level. Besides, with how strong Goku's become, we won't have to worry about those Ginyu guys," Krillin said. Vegeta gritted his teeth at that.

"Imbecile! It doesn't matter how strong Kakarot is because his strength won't matter in a hostage situation! All they have to do is take his son, and he'll be at their mercy!" Vegeta explained. While the other's debated, Gohan spied something in the background.

"Hey guys, I sense something behind that boulder," Gohan said as Chrysalis breath hitched.

"No! No!! No!!!" Chrysalis cursed her luck. The ship was far away, and her magic reserves were at an all-time low. If she had to guess, she would only be able to shape-shift one more time. But what could she turn into at the moment?

"Hello? Whoever you are, it's safe to come out," The voice of Goku said. Panic started to rise. Chrysalis was trapped and about to be exposed. She got up, took a few steps back, and stumbled over something. She looked down to find a corpse of what appeared to be a giant slug.

"Is that the native of this planet?" Thorax asked.

"It is called a Namekian. A being far less irksome than a Saiyan,"

The duo watch as past Chrysalis analyzed the Namkian body. It appeared to be a male foal if she had to guess. It was wearing a blue vest on top of a yellow undershirt with white baggy pants. With no other option left, Chrysalis assumed the form of the corpse. Thankfully, her transformation hid the fact she no longer had her left hand. She could even manipulate it with illusion magic. She steps out from behind the bolder, making a mental note to act like she was scared and confused, as she approached Goku's group.

"H-hello..." 'He' said in a high-pitched voice.

The team blinks in confusion at the appearance of a Namekian child. Goku offers a smile and introduces himself. "Hey there, I'm Goku, and these are my friends; Krillin, Vegeta, and my son Gohan,"

"I-it's... - 'Think of something you fool!' - Chala..."

"Hey, it's ok. You don't have to be nervous," Gohan said soothingly.

"Yeah, we won't hurt you, little guy," Krillin reassured. "How'd you get way out here anyway?"

"I-I--" Before he could think of a decent excuse, Vegeta growled in frustration.

"Tch! So are we playing nursemaid now? Ditch the child. We have more important things to worry about, like dealing with the remaining Ginyu force members and finding the Dragonballs again! Frieza has no doubt made his wish by now!" Vegeta reminded.

"Not likely, When we summon the Dragon, the sky turns black, and a massive dragon shoots out of the balls," Krillin informed. Chala gave him his full attention. A magical wish-granting Dragon would help with his current predicament.

However, No sooner did he finished, the group felt a powerful Ki heading straight for their position. "And lo and behold, Jeice has informed Ginyu about what happened here!" Vegeta said.

Chala felt panic began to rise again. "W-what do you mean? I don't see anything,"

"Then you should look behind you," A new voice said. The group around to find that Jeice has returned with a large purple man. "So these are the ones that decimated my team?"

"That's right Captain Ginyu sir," Jeice confirms.

"Gohan, Krillin. Take Chala and find Bulma. We'll handle the rest of these Ginyu guys!" Goku said. Krillin and Gohan nodded in agreement and picked up Chala. Chala, in turn, clung tightly to Krillin's form. They took off to Bulma's locations at breakneck speeds. Chala felt relieved that they bought his cover and that he was leaving the ensuing battle. But an immense curiosity and terror filled him as they pressed onward.

[Frieza's space ship.]

"I honestly forgot how irritating that cursed woman could sometimes be," Chrysalis said.

"Their females are interesting. Bulma is much more pleasing then someponies I-- ACK!!!" Thorax gagged as Chrysalis pulled on his leash again.

"Silence fool! This next portion is where I saw the Dragonballs,"

The two changelings turned their attention back to the memory where Gohan, Krillin, and Chala were standing over the Dragonballs. Thankfully, getting the Dragon Radar was quick and easy despite Bulma's attitude. Chala was taken aback by her appearance momentarily before it was time to leave. From there it was a simple matter of finding the Dragons, which were all buried together, and summon the Dragon.

"These are the Dragonballs?! They're massive!" Chala muttered in a low tone.

"Alright, now it's time to summon the Dragon," Krillin said. The two earthlings and Namekian stood side by side as the Dragonballs emitted a soft glow. As Krillin started to perform dramatic poses, Chala focused intently on the magical orbs.

'If this dragon indeed can grant wishes then I could use them to heal my body. Perhaps I could even use them to make these fool subservient to me. Then I can return to Equestria and exact my revenge!' Chala thought.

"ETERNAL DRAGON! I SUMMON YOU FORTH TO GRANT OUR WISH!!!" Krillin shouted as he thrust his hands in the air, a big smile plastered on his face. Gohan looked to be excited as well whereas Chala trembled with anticipation. After a few moments, nothing happens. "...Uh, hey, what gives?"

"Did you say something wrong?" Gohan asked.

"No, that usually all it takes with the Dragonballs on Earth,"

Chala scoffs at their incompetence. "Then maybe, since this is a different planet, the Dragonballs work differently,"

"Of course! these are the Namekian Dragonballs, so we need a Namekian to use them!" Krillin said. Both him and Gohan turned their attention to Chala. They looked at the young Namekian expectingly whereas Chala had a look of confusion. The awkward silence went on for a few minutes before Krillin spoke again. "Sooo... What's the password?"

"What are you talking about?" Chala asked.

"The password to the Dragonball. You know it right?" Gohan asked. Chala's eyes widened in horror as he realized his blunder.

"O-oh, yes, the password... You see - Think! Think!! THINK!!! - My home was pretty isolated, and we didn't hold any of the Dragonballs, so I don't know the password, sorry," Chala said nervously.

"I guess not everything can go well for us," Krillin ruefully said.

"Hey, there's still Dende, Guru, and Nail. I'm sure they have the password!" Gohan quickly realized.

"You're right! Let's head over there right-- Wait! Do you feel that?" Krillin said as his head snapped up to the sky.

"What? What's wrong?" Chala asked, fear building again.

"It's Jeice. He's coming here. But... Does that mean that Ginyu guy beat my dad?!" Gohan asked. Moments later, Goku landed in front of the group with Jeice flanking behind him. Both of them had a look that promised dark intentions.

"What's he doing with that Jeice character?" Thorax asked.

"Be silent and watch. While I believe the Ginyu force were fools, their leader had some interesting abilities," Chrysalis said.

The two earthlings didn't know what to make of this. Why was Goku now with Jeice when they were enemies just a few minutes ago. Krillin went to talk to his longtime only for that said friend to throw a fist aimed for his head. Krillin responded quickly and dodged. He was understandably confused, but, instead of answering, Goku went on the attack. Both Krillin and Gohan tried their best to avoid striking while dodging themselves. Thorax watched on with mounting confusion. Did Goku betray his friends for the likes of the Ginyu force?

"I don't get it. Why is Goku doing this? I thought he was their friend,"

"Bah! Keep that friendship dribble out of this. And to answer your question; that is not Son Goku,"

"What do you mean? That's him!"

"I'll let Vegeta explain it to you," She said as the prince made himself known.

"Quit holding back you fools! That's Captain Ginyu! He has taken over Kakarot's body!" Vegeta said.

Krillin and Gohan become shocked at this revelation, but before they could retort, Jeice's scouter lit up. "Hey Captain looks like the block survived," Jeice gestured to the new arrival which was none other then Ginyu himself. But something was off. The heavy breathing was a clear testament to how much pain he felt as Ginyu clutches the bleeding hole in his armor. And he was barely able to sustain flight.

"Dammit! I guess I didn't make the wound deep enough...!" Goku muttered.

"I... finally caught up to you...!" Ginyu said, his voice laced with exhaustion.

"So, wait, I don't understand. Ginyu is has taken over Kakarot's body?" Thorax asked.

"That should be obvious by now, and his name is Goku" Chrysalis responded in a bored tone.

"Then why did Vegeta call him Kakarot?"

"Because that is his name,"

"So which is it, Kakarot or Goku?"

"Listen, you mumbling fool. Goku's Saiyan name is Kakarot, but he changed it when first went to the Earth. So the Earthlings are calling him by his new name, and Vegeta is using his real name,"

There was a brief pause after her Chrysalises rant before Thorax spoke again with a smile on his face. "So does that make Goku Ginyu-- ACK!?!" A sharp tug on the leash stops that little jib.

Chala watched in amazement as Ginyu fought Goku along with Gohan and Krillin. "How can one fight with such an injury!? What kind of monsters am I dealing with" He whispered. He also noted that Vegeta decided to join in the fight after he dealt with Jeice. Chala found himself shaking at the cold ruthlessness at Vegeta's display of power. Chala could faintly hear Jeice pleading for his life before Vegeta wiped it out of existence. It almost seemed unfair to the Ginyu member. And Captain Ginyu himself fared no better.

Thorax listened intently to Chrysalis monologue. Moreso, he could pick up faint traces from the present Chrysalis as she seemed to relive the events along with the memory. "I never thought you would be afraid of anything..." He said. Chrysalis paid him no mind.

Vegeta took full control of the battle and was beating Goku's body like a rag doll. Just when he was about to deal out the final blow, Captain Ginyu attempted to switch bodies with Vegeta. Thankfully, Goku saw this and interrupted his attempt and gained his body back. However, the rigid damaged his body took a left him incapacitated. Ginyu was back in his body, suffering from his self-inflicted wound, as Vegeta laid waste to him again. Vegeta tosses Ginyu high into the sky, preparing to finish him. But the crafty captain had other plans. Once more, he tried to take over Vegeta's body. And once more, he was thwarted by Goku, courtesy of a Namekian bullfrog.

Thorax chuckles at this turn of events. "I guess you can this fight was very "ribbiting" huh?" Very slowly, Chrysalis turns her head to Thorax and sent a bemused glare. She activated her horn and hoisted him off the ground by his leash where she held him until he chokes and gagged. After a few moments of this, she callously drops him on the ground and listened to him coughed and wheeze.

"Any more inputs you like to share?" She asked sweetly. The only response she got was a sharp glare and cold silence.

The memory shifted to inside the medical bay of the ship. Vegeta had placed Goku into a state of the art healing pod. He also outfitted Gohan and Krillin with armor much like the one he is currently wearing. With the apparent lull in combat, Vegeta had decided to take a nap. Of course, Vegeta's decision left Gohan and Krillin with the perfect opportunity to enact their plans. Thankfully, the trio ran into Dende.

"Hello there, my name is Dende. What settlement do you hail from?" He asked.

Chala was slow to respond as he thought up an excuse. "Like I told the Earthlings, I come from an isolated village in the western hemisphere..."

"Really! That where the wise elder Groom resides. Please tell me all about him. My guardians would never let me go there myself because of the distance," Chala swallowed a lump down his throat. His ignorance of this planet's machinations was working against him.

"W-we should hurry and summon the dragon. The longer we wait, the greater the chance we'll get caught...!" Dende appeared confused by Chala's nervousness but heeded what he said.

"Smooth," Thorax said. That jib earned him a slap across the face.

The group agreed to move the Dragonballs away from the ship. They found a small patch of land and Dende stepped forward. He leveled his hands over the glowing orbs and began to speak. Chala smirked as this was the opportunity he needed. 'As as this Dragon appears I'll make all of you serve under me,' He thought. However, things did not go the way Chala would've liked. Dende began speaking in a dialect she couldn't understand. The Namekian native tongue. What happened next, shocked the changeling beyond all belief. A brilliant golden beam shot forth from the Dragonballs. The light began to morph into a familiar shape of a dragon. However, this dragon put all the Dragons on Equis to shame.


Thorax mouth hit the ground at the sheer size of the Dragon. He could feel its immense presence despite the scene being nothing but a memory. "A-astonishing...! No dragon on Equis can compare to this one, Rhose muscles would make Minotaurs jealous,"

"Whoa, three wishes!?" Gohan exclaimed.

"That's unexpected. But at least we get to wish back three of our friends back," Krillin said. After a telepathic conversation with King Kai, everyone decided that Piccolo would be brought back first. Everyone else elected to stay behind for the time being. "Dende, for our first two wishes, we want our friend Piccolo back to life and bring him to Namek!"

"Piccolo? That's a Namekian name, isn't it? Alright then," Dende said as he stated his wish.

Chala gritted his teeth as he watches. 'Of course, you have to state your wish in their tongue. There's no way I coerce Dende with these two around!!! Not to mention that I would blow my cover!' Dende spoke the wish in his native language. Porunga's glowed a deep red before returning to normal.


Gohan and Krillin looked around to find their newly revived ally. Sadly, they discover that there was no sign of Piccolo. "Um, hey, where is he? Did Porunga make a mistake?" Gohan asked.

"Hey! If Porunga said he is here, then he's here!" Dende said, sounding greatly offended.

"Yes, it is not smart to doubt the great Porunga," Chala said, playing up his role.

"Ok, ok, sheesh. For our last wish, let's just bring Piccolo here," Krillin said.

"Well, what do we have here?" A familiar voice called out. The group felt their blood run cold as they turned around to find an irate Vegeta marching toward them menacingly. "You dirty rats! Shame on you! I spoiled you! Give you my kind services, and this is how you repay me!?" His hand glowed with power as Vegeta looked to end everyone on the spot. Feeling desperate, Chala spoke up.

"W-wait. There's still one more. It's all yours!"

"Hmph! Don't mind if I do. Dragon. I wish to be immortal!" Vegeta proclaimed with his arms outstretched. However, when he felt nothing happened, he became bewildered. "What's going on!?"

"Porunga will only grant wishes spoken in our tongue. And I refuse to tell him to grant any of your wishes!" Dende spat in a venomous tone. "You and the others have come to our world and have done nothing but hurt our people!" Chala shook his head in disagreement.

Vegeta wasn't about to take that, not when he was this close. He grabbed Dende by his shirt and brought to his eye level. "Cry me a river! What I've done will pale in comparison to what Frieza will do to us when he gets here! Now quit wasting my time and relay my wish!!!"

"...N-no...!" This response only made Vegeta grip him harder.

"Hold on. If Frieza's the problem, then we should wait for my dad, and we can take him together!" Gohan said.

"That's right. It would be better than making you unbeatable!" Krillin added.

Chala said nothing, but internally, he was cursing their names. 'Will you two morons stop arguing with the male that can kill us!!!'

"Fools. Frieza isn't the type of enemy you can underestimate. I know you've sensed his power. Do you believe we can hold out that long while Kakarot heals!? With me as an immortal, I can wear him down until he's vulnerable!"

Krillin eyed Gohan as his nervousness grew. "Then-then make Gohan immortal!"

"The boy has no tactical experience! It would be like sending a mouse to defend us! I'm your best chance at survival!" Vegeta argued. Krillin shoulders slumped as he couldn't deny the logic in his statement. Vegeta maybe just as rotten as Frieza, but he is the lesser of two evils.

With a defeated sigh, Krillin looked at Dende. "Do it Dende..." Vegeta puts Dende on the ground after he reluctantly agrees. He faces Porunga and speaks his native tongue. Vegeta wore a face of pure elation.

'Finally, my ultimate goal - Immortality - is within reach!'

"I don't know about this so-called Porunga. They say he has great power, but nothing happened so far," Thorax commented.

"Everything said about the eternal dragons is true. It just that, in this instance, we did not get to see it. External forces saw to that," Chrysalis said.

"What do you mean?"

"You will know and understand in a few seconds,"

As Vegeta eagerly awaited his ascension, something went wrong. Porunga began to groan out in pain. Whisp of energy bellowed from his body, and his prominent red eyes were now jet black. The next thing to happen shocked everyone. Ponrunga's body shot into the air, and the Dragonballs reappeared. Only this time, they resemble giant circular stones that crashed to the ground with a heavy thud. Dende collapsed to his knees as tears streamed eyes.

"Wait, is that suppose to happen? Am I immortal or not!?" Vegeta asked.

With a shaky breath, Dende replied. "No... It didn't work. The wished failed. You're not immortal..."

"Why not!?" Vegeta demanded.

"Guru - *sob* - has passed on...!" Dende strained out before breaking down further. Everyone gasped out in shock at the news. Gohan and Krillin were especially shaken up considering they knew the implications and that Guru helped them without a second thought.

"I don't understand. Who is this Guru?" Thorax asked.

"Guru was the leader of the Namekian race. He was also the creator of their Dragonballs. Therefore, his very life force resonates with them. The moment he died--" Chrysalis trailed off.

"--Was the Dragonballs stopped functioning! That is why you captured Dende; to keep him alive to use the Dragonballs as you see fit!"

"Well, look at that. You can learn something. Good boy," She said as she patted Thorax on the head. But Thorax shied away from her and shot her a glare. Chrysalis expression shifted to a stoic demeanor as she turned back to the memory. "You called me a monster earlier for my actions. Now you will witness what a true monster in action,"

Once Dende got done explaining why the Dragonballs has now turned to stone, Vegeta's rage skyrocketed. He sent a look to everyone present that promised death. "You little bastards!!! You just had to get the drop on me, huh!? You have no idea the number of sacrifices I've made to get this far!!! You'll pay for this...! PUNKS!!!" He began to march over to them with his a fist cocked back.

Before he could strike, a chilling voice gained everyone's attention. "Well, this is a most unforeseeable and regrettable turn of events," Slowly, everyone turned to the source of the voice. Standing on the edge of a cliffside was the one being no one wanted to meet. "It is quite unfortunate that your long sought after ambition was swiped away by some nosy interlopers, isn't Vegeta?" Despite his cool features, everyone can hear the undertone of unbridled rage lacing every word. "I dare say I can't imagine what you must be feeling at the moment. But I can guess that it must be something akin to insurmountable fury!!!"

Chala's voice died in his throat. An unrelenting pressure was gripping his very existence from the mere presence of their new visitor. "W-w-who...?" Speaking at that moment turned out to be a mistake because now, those cold, ruthless eyes centered squarely on Chala.

"Oh, forgive me. I do believe I have forgotten my manners. Though, you cannot fault me for doing such. I am having a particularly bad day!" The new arrival said as he jumped down from the cliff. That offensive pressure seemed to intensify on everyone. "I am Lord Frieza. AND I AM THE ONE THAT SHALL END YOUR MISERABLE LIVES FOR DARING TO CROSS ME!!!"

Thorax felt nothing but fear as he gazed upon Frieza. For a being that most likely came up to his lower torso, Frieza dwarfs him in power. Every time he looked into those ruby eyes of Frieza, Thorax felt like a real predator was sizing him up despite the fact that everything he was seeing was a memory. He also noticed that Chrysalis would have this subtle tremble go throughout her body.

'Seeing this Frieza character must be hard,'

"So Vegeta, how do you think your punishment should go? I'm willing to allow you to decide what action I should rectify due to your constant meddling," Frieza said.

"A generous offer. How about the option of you fleeing in terror of my awesome new powers!" Vegeta shot back. 'I guess we're stalling for time after all,'

Frieza chuckles at this. "I see you still have that extraordinary sense of humor of yours. If I wasn't so enraged, I might be remorseful by the fact that you will soon be leaving us,"

"Ha! Don't believe me, huh? Why don't you use that precious scouter of yours to see for yourself," It was at this point that Frieza slams his tail against the ground.

"I've heard of enough of your trivial jokes!"

"Go on then, do your worst! But if you think this is going to be easy, then you're dead wrong!!!"

"Of all the things you might've said, I dare so you have forgotten how utterly terrifying I can be, Vegeta. Let's refresh your memory!"

Frieza lunged at Vegeta with a furious scowl on his face. Vegeta, however, was unfazed and stood firm. Frieza threw his elbow out, but Vegeta countered with his forearm. Frieza tried again with his free arm and threw a fist at the Saiyan Prince. Only for Vegeta to grab hold of his wrist. The two were now in a deadlock as they struggle to gain the upper hand. Both of their auras flared out, and the ground caved in under strain. The small island began to quake from the force of their combined power. Frieza was much surprised when his scouter activated. Vegeta's power level was rising through the roof.



The crater under their fight started to grow in diameter as the scouter kept up the frantic beeping. Frieza's eyes widened in shock when the scouter destroyed itself from the height of Vegeta's power. The last reading Frieza got was that Vegeta's power rivaled his own."Impossible!!!" The two warriors finally broke the deadlock and gained some distant.

Vegeta smirked at Frieza's awe expression. "So, do you still think I'm bluffing? Now, how about you get serious and show us your real power!"

"It would appear your tall-tales finally gained some merit. But don't go thinking your minuscule power-up is enough to warrant my transformation. I wouldn't want to end your lives so prematurely before I can revel in your suffering!"

"Um, hey, maybe it's not a good idea to egg him on," Krillin said nervously.

"Don't be fooled. He's the one that is bluffing now," Vegeta said.

'If he can gain more strength then why allow him to do it? Are Saiyans this insane!?' Chala internally ranted.

"Very well, Vegeta. I am never one to disappoint. And I will certainly enjoy watching that smug grin morph into despair!" Frieza said as he began his transformation. First, he shed his protective armor. After which, he hunched over. His fingers twitched as his arm muscles expanded. Frieza's upper torso bulged outward, becoming twice its normal size. Next, his quadriceps burst out, increasing his four-foot height to a startling eight feet. Finally, his neck jutted out while his horns grew in length. Chala noted that the horns resembled that of a minotaur. He also got a distinct feeling that they weren't just for show.

"By the makers..." Thorax utter in sheer horror as Frieza's transformation completed.

"What is that?-- I don't..." Chala said. Despite not being able to sense Ki energy, Chala felt a sickening, murderous odor coming from Frieza.

"T-this can't be real! It has to be some trick!!!" Vegeta said as he visibly recoiled.

"We'll be torn limb from limb!" Gohan added.

"It's like something out of a nightmare!!!" Krillin eloquently finished.

"Hehe, sorry for the wait, but I hope it was everything you wanted," Frieza drank in the sheer feeling of terror coming from his would-be victims. "Here's some food for thought, Vegeta. It is challenging to control my power in this form," He stated as his tail snake under the ground and nearly cut Gohan in half. The young Saiyan sat on the ground with his mouth agape. "Alas, that is the price you pay when my power level is one million!"

"O-o-one--" Krillin stuttered out.

"--Million!? No way! I refuse to believe your power couldn't have possibly increased that much!!!" Vegeta finished.

A wicked smile adorned Frieza's face as he raised his hand up. A moment later, there was a bright flash of blinding light that engulfed the area. Everyone just barely managed to get into the air in time. The landscape below was barren of any landmasses that once existed. In fact, the only piece of land left was the one Frieza was standing on.

"How can one cause such devastation so easily," Thorax said, his face as pale as everyone else in the memory.

"It gets worse..." Chrysalis said softly. She had the same thousand-yard stare as her past counterpart.

True to her words, Frieza launches himself into the air at speeds no one could follow. His target was the small bald Earthling who was currently holding two Namekian children, thus making him a sitting duck. Krillin had no chance as Frieza impaled him against his horn, forcing him to drop Dende and Chala. A look of disbelief etched itself on everyone's faces. None more than Krillin himself. Frieza lifted his head straight up and began jerking his neck up and down, driving his horn deeper into Krillin body to prolong the immense pain he is feeling. With one final jerk to the side, Frieza tosses Krillin away like yesterdays trash. Everyone watched as his body fell into the ocean depths below.

"That little fool. He should've been worrying about himself," Vegeta stated.

Chala was now clutching onto Dende for comfort and support. "This was a mistake. Why did I come here?" He muttered.

Gohan tried to dive in the water and save his friend, but Frieza cut him off. "Now, now. It's adult swim right now. No kids allowed in the pool,"

Gohan was seething with rage at that point. His entire body trembled as he gazes upon Frieza with murder in his eyes. "You...! You-you-- ANIMAL!!! Something in Gohan snapped as he attacked the tyrant Frieza with all the strength he could muster. He sent a barrage of fist into his midsection, followed by a roundhouse kick to the jaw. Gohan flickered above Frieza's head and sent him falling to the ground with an overhead strike. Frieza's body slams into a small island that managed to survive his initial attack. Gohan was seeing red at this point and rained Ki blast.

"Come on! We have to hurry! He won't last long!" Dende exclaimed. Chala's snapped out his trance to discover that he was on another island far away from the battle. Dende had somehow pulled Krillin out of the water.

"How did we get here?" Chala asked. 'Was I so gripped by fear that I didn't even notice Dende moving me?' He turned his attention back to the battle where Gohan was still bombarding Frieza.

"No time for question! We have to heal him so that he can help!"

"And to what end? You saw that monster. He took him down with no effort at all. W-we need to run away. We need to escape!!!"

"Of course, I quickly realized that running away was fruitless. I didn't know how to fly that ship. I was completely dependent on these fools," Chrysalis said to Thorax as they watched.

Dende saw the fear in his brother's and embraced him in a hug. Chala felt the love and comfort radiating from the young Namekian, giving strength in more ways than one. "It's ok, Chala. I'm scared too. But I know that these beings are good, and they can beat that monster. So they need all the help we can give them,"

"I-I can't heal him. I don't have the power to do it," Chala knew that using magic would not work anyway.

"Don't worry, I will handle it. Just watch our backs," As Dende got to work, Gohan charged up a final Ki blast to end his volley. He launched it at the dome of energy bellow, and a massive explosion followed. The dust settled as everyone waited for the results. To their complete horror, the debris to reveal Frieza with nary a scratch on him. He wore an annoyed look toward Gohan who was in absolute shock.

"Hey, you little miscreant! I somewhat felt that one!" A second later, Frieza flickers behind Gohan and hits him with a scissors kick. That one blow was enough to render Gohan immobile. Frieza came down and placed his foot over Gohan's face. He turned to Vegeta who was yet to face Frieza in his new form. "Is there something wrong Vegeta? You seem rather hesitant to engage me when it was you who goaded me to transform. Not to worry though, once I finished with this boy, you're next!"

Vegeta gritted his teeth in response as Frieza floated in the air. He pointed his palm at the motionless form of Gohan, fully intending to end the young boy's life. When all of a sudden, a loud buzzing noise sounded off. Frieza turns around just in time to see a Ki energy disc heading straight for him. He flips out of the way, losing his tail in the process, and turns to his assailant. To Frieza's great surprise, it turned out to be Krillin. He fires several more energy disc at the tyrant who was able to dodge them.

"Impossible! I know you were dead!"

"Too bad your execution was lacking. Catch me if you can, you dirtbag!"

"Dende's healing powers are amazing. Even our best healer need several days to get the same result," Thorax compliment, wondering if there was more than one reason Chrysalis made him her thrall.

Krillin lured Frieza away to give Dende and Chala sometime to heal Gohan. The chase lead into a landmass with crevices in them. Utilizing the Solar Flare technique, Krillin manages to disable Frieza long enough to rejoin Vegeta and a newly rejuvenated Gohan. Frieza quickly returned to discover Gohan was up for another round. The young Saiyan increased his power level as all three of them were side by side. In a combined assault, Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta launch multiple Ki blasts at Frieza. However, much like before, their efforts were in vain as Frieza hardly suffered any damage. But before Frieza could retaliate, an orb of light appeared in front of our heroes. The flash died down to reveal the familiar form of an old friend.

"Mr. Piccolo!!!"


"Sorry to keep you waiting," Piccolo said as he never took his eyes off Frieza.

"Who is that?" Chala asked.

Dende squinted his eyes to get a better look. "...Nail?"

"So they used the Dragonballs to bring you back. Huh! What a waste of a wish," Vegeta scoffs.

"Don't get comfortable Vegeta. You and I still have a score to settle once I take care with Frieza," Piccolo promised.

"You're going to defeat Frieza all by yourself? Ha, now that is something I got to see,"

"Hmph. Piccolo was always the stone-faced one of the group. He would always make himself out to strong only for his strength to become irrelevant," Chrysalis stated.

"I don't know. This Piccolo character seems very imposing," Thorax said.

Frieza stared the new arrival with a hint of caution. For some reason, Frieza believes that this Namekian was far more capable than the ones he previously encountered. Piccolo said nothing as he zoomed to the island below. Frieza followed after him as did the others. Amused by this sudden turnabout, Frieza addresses his opponent.

"I must admit. I wasn't expecting to see another Namekian this late into our little venture. I was positive that my forces had extinguished your entire race by now. Such is the complexity of world cleansing; you're bound to miss a few stranglers,"

"I've seen the mayhem that you and your minions have wrought. And on behalf of the Namekian race, I'm taking you down!"

"What a fascinating imagination you have,"

Frieza extended his hand and fired a Ki blast at Piccolo. The Namekian warrior leaps into the air to dodge and returns a beam attack of his own. Frieza mirrors Piccolo's action and charges him. Frieza throws a roundhouse kick that Piccolo swiftly evades. He tried to counter, but Frieza whipped his tail at him. Thus, forcing him to block it. The tail wrapped around his arm, constricting his movement. Piccolo quickly sent a kick aimed at Frieza midsection that manages to connect. Frieza winces as he was forced to let go. They begin a furious exchange of blows as their limbs become blows. At first, it seemed like they were an equally matched in strength. However, as they continued, Piccolo was steadily gaining the upper hand.

"Haha, he's winning!" Thorax exclaimed.

"Not for long," Chrysalis said.

Back to the fight, Frieza gains some breathing by landing a kick in Piccolo's stomach. He then thrust his arm out and fires a massive purple beam toward his adversary. Piccolo flickers out of them as the blast connects with the ground. A raging whirlpool was the only thing left in the wake of Frieza's attack. It was at that moment that everyone realized the Frieza had just now gotten severe. The tide of the battle had shifted in Frieza's favor as he re-engages Piccolo. Piccolo soon found himself struggling against the very game Frieza. The tyrannical frost demon slams Piccolo into a cliffside and follows it up with rapid Ki blast from his finger. The cliff crumbles on top of him while Frieza watches closely.

Piccolo quickly pulls himself from the rubble. His Gi was tattered and torn on the shoulder guard. Frieza regarded the scene with a smug expression. "Oh dear, I hope you have connections to good tailor on this planet. I'm sure you won't have to wait for extended period to place an order,"

Piccolo said nothing in response. Instead, opting to remove his weighted Gi and headwear. Piccolo cracks his neck and knuckles in preparation for the next round. Without wearing, Piccolo slams his knee right into Frieza's face. The force from the sudden attack throws Frieza off. He tried to counter with another blast, but Piccolo was already on him. He threw series of punches and kicks that Frieza couldn't stop. Piccolo scored a high kick after pelting Frieza's entire body. He then flickered above Frieza's position and slammed his elbow into his back. Piccolo vanishes again to appear face to face with the tyrant as Frieza was still falling. He traps Frieza in a bear hug and ignites his aura to increase their decent. With a smirk, Piccolo lets go of him, allowing the momentum to propels Frieza straight into the ground, resulting in a significant dust cloud upon impact. The dust clears, and for once, Frieza is slow to pick himself back up.

"Ha! He's got him on the ropes! It won't be long now," Thorax cheered.

"You are an optimistic fool!" Chrysalis said.

"What? Surely, this Frieza character can't become stronger, right?"

Chrysalis merely shakes her head at Thorax's naivety. Piccolo lands on the ground, sensing victory was at hand. However, Frieza said something that completely shattered that notion. "Most impressive Namekian. It has been quite some time since an enemy poses any challenge to me. Especially in my current form. But I promise you this, you and your merry band of malcontents will experience true horror by the time this is said and done,"

"Is that a fact? Because from where I'm standing, I'd say your backs against the wall!" Piccolo pointed out.

"Hehehe... Oh, but it's true. You see, I still have two more transformations. This one will be number three!"

"...No..." Thorax said softly.

"...Yes," Was all Chrysalis said.

Frieza gritted his teeth as a menacing red aura flowed from his body. The pads on his shoulder extended outward while two spikes grew out of his back. Several more spikes protruded from his cranium as the back of his jutted out. His face became more pointed and formed a snout, giving him a more feral appearance. Piccolo stood there in shock as Frieza lets out a cruel chuckle.

"This is absurd...!" Vegeta said.

Piccolo wasted little time gaining higher ground. "What kind of monster is he? Where was he hiding that power!? It doesn't matter though. All that added bulk will only serve to slow him down. As long as I stay ahead of him, I should be--" Piccolo was cut off as Frieza decided to give chase. In a matter of seconds, Frieza bypassed Piccolo and hovered in front of him. Piccolo's eyes slams open in shock at how much faster Frieza was. However, the Namekian warrior was far from deterred. He put some more distance between himself and Frieza, only for the Frost demon to head him off each time he retreated.

"NO! There's no way his speed should be able to eclipse my own!"

"It would seem that you deluded yourself into thinking you could escape me. Sadly, I've grown bored of this cat and mouse game," Frieza pointed his two fingers at Piccolo and fired a Ki blast aimed at his knee. The impact tore a hole in his pants leg. Piccolo winced in pain as Frieza bombarded him with little-controlled projectiles with pinpoint accuracy. A malicious laughter escaped Frieza's lips as he took delight in Piccolo's squirming. The others helplessly watched as Frieza continued. Gohan finally had enough and charged in to save his friend.

"What good will attacking that monster in his current state do?" Chala pondered.

"MASENKO-HA!!!" Chala watched as Gohan fires a massive golden beam down at Frieza. The blast pushes Frieza so far that the tip of his tail touches an island. But, despite Gohan'sm best effort yet, Frieza reflect the beam back at him. Piccolo quickly intervened before the blast could touch the young Saiyan with a blast of his own. Meanwhile, Chala overheard the conversation between Krillin and Vegeta.

"You see! After a blast like that, the kid's going to be running on empty," Vegeta said with urgency.

"But what will almost killing you do!?" Krillin asked, still uncertain about Vegeta's request.

"A Saiyan can become stronger by recovering from a near-fatal wound. If you hit me with all the power you can muster, I'll have the Namekian boys heal, and then my strength will be enough to out down Frieza!!!" Despite this explanation, Krillin was still hesitant to harm one of his allies, even a temporary one. But thanks to some convincing persuasion by Vegeta, Krillin took his palm and blew a hole threw Vegeta's torso. The Saiyan Prince fell near the location Dende, and Chala was hiding. "H-hey, you two brats! Quickly - *grunt* - h-heal me now...!"

Dende looks shocked Vegeta state and backs away. "..."

"What are you waiting for brat!? - *cough* - Don't you want me to defeat F-Frieza!?!?"

"N-no, you're no better than Frieza!!! I--"

"DENDEEEEEE!!!" Chala's sudden shout stopped Dende cold. "W-we don't have time for what's right and what's wrong. We need to think about survival! I want to live through this, Dende. So, like it or not, he is our best chance! Heal him!" Dende said nothing for a time until he reluctantly agrees. He quickly goes over and heals the Saiyan, Prince. As a show of gratitude, Vegeta backhands Dende to the ground. Chala flinches as Vegeta walks past him.

"That's Despicable!" Thorax exclaimed.

"That's Vegeta," Chrysalis stated.

"I mean, the plan he came up with was crazy all on its own. But then he goes and hurt the one who saved him!? Will he even become stronger thanks to that?"

"Yes, now shut up and watch,"

During Dende's healing, Frieza announced that he was going to take his third and most potent form. A purple sphere engulfs Frieza's body as his power spiked to new heights. The field shatters like an egg and Frieza's final form is revealed. It far slicker than the previous types, and he has returned to his original height. Frieza opens and closes his fist as he takes a deep breath. He looks to the number of enemies standing on the island across the ocean. Even though he is a reasonable distance away, everyone could feel the murderous intent filling the air.

"Hey, he doesn't look all that tough," Krillin noted.

"Are you kidding!? Don't you feel his power!? Frieza other forms were tame compared to this!!!" Piccolo warned.

"He-he changed again..." Dende said nervously.

"...It doesn't matter. We have a plan now. If you keep healing everyone that falls then, eventually, we can wear him down!"

"Right, as long as we stay hidden then--"


Dende never got to finish that sentence nor will he ever utter another sentence again. The explosion came so suddenly that everyone was slow to react. For Chala, it was a full minute before he registered that he was now looking at the charred remains of Dende just a few feet away from his position. Horror and shock dominated his entire being as he slowly sat down on the ground without taking his eyes off of Dende.

"H-he's dead...! That monster k-killed him! WHY!?!? He was just a fledgling! This-this is true evil!!" Thorax proclaimed.

"..." Chrysalis said nothing. Witnessing these events again was having more of an effect on her than she would care to admit.

"That could've been me! That could've been me! That still can be me! I--" Chala sputtered out. The world began to fade out as he faintly overheard noise in the background.



"Dammit!!! He took out Dende first so he can no longer help us!!!" Piccolo stated.

"Indeed! Quite a bothersome little power to have. A shame he didn't conceal himself better. Oh well, now the proceedings can progress at a faster rate. There will be no more spontaneous miracles for you lot any longer. Your luck is at an end!" Frieza said as he pointed his finger at Gohan. He fires another death beam. This time, aimed at Gohan, however, Vegeta intervened. He batted the blast away before it ever reached Gohan. "Vegeta, I was wondering where you scurried off too. I see you saved the boy. How honorable,"

"I just wanted him out of the way as I destroy you myself. Your reckoning is at hand Frieza. Because I just became the one thing you fear most; A Super Saiyan!!!" Vegeta proclaims. A series of gasp rang while the smile drops from Frieza's face.

"A Super Saiyan? What in Equis is that?" Thorax said.

"A being of immeasurable power. Something that not even the Princesses can contend with," Chrysalis informed.

"And Vegeta became one!?"

Chrysalis chuckles at that. "Hardly, at least, not at this time. What happens next is one of the most spectacular beatings one can endure. It's a shame I only caught bits and pieces of it while in my - *ahem* - daydreaming. But I did manage to catch the end of it before Goku showed up,"

Thorax was silent for a time as he looked at Chrysalis. "It's ok to admit that you became scared. No one can go through a horror like this and not be traumatized. You-- ACK!?"

A firm tug on the leash stops Thorax's tirade. "Do not think for one moment you can psychoanalyze me. Nor should you believe I want your help usurper!"

"You don't have to carry this persona Chrysalis. It will only lead to-- ACK!!!"

"I said silence mutt. And take a good look at your monsters,"

True to the queen's words, the scene before them was something only a real sadist would enjoy. Chala stumbled out of his hiding place, the dazed look in his eye, still prominent, and saw Vegeta badly beaten with bruises littering his body. Vegeta found himself suspended in the air with Frieza tail wrapped around his neck. Despite his best effort, Vegeta was still powerless against the terrible might of Frieza. The frost demon himself was busy using Vegeta's lower back like a punching bag. No one was jumping in to save him for fear of receiving similar treatment. Frieza got bored and tossed the beaten prince into a rock wall. He then casually walks over to his prone form and ground a rock into his exposed chest. Thus, inflicting more pain. Frieza maliciously smiles as he prepared to end Vegeta right then and there. Everyone on the battle had the same thought at this point.

"...There's no hope for us..." Chala said in a defeated tone.

A glint went off in the corner of Chala's eyes. He turned to the open air space and saw a saw light gradually making its way to them. Chala could faintly make out a familiar orange, and blue blur before a gust of wind went off in their position. Everyone turned around in shock at the reappearance of Goku. Although, Frieza had a look of annoyance over another foe to fret over. Briefly, Goku's eyes met Chala's, and he sent the young Namekian a small smirk. For some reason Chala couldn't fathom, he felt the haze of fear lift from and moved beside the Saiyan warrior. They rejoined Piccolo and the other's as Frieza drops Vegeta.

"Hey everyone, glad to see you're all ok,"

"Yeah, somehow. It's great to see you, dad!"

"Boy am I glad you're here Goku!!!"

"Gohan. Krillin. And hey you guys manage to bring Piccolo back!" Piccolo nodded in response. "That's great! Now I need you all to step back. I'll take over things from here!"

"ARE YOU INSANE!?" Chala shouted, shocking everyone. "FIGHTING THAT MONSTER IS SUCIDE! WE NEED TO RUN!!!"

"He's right Goku. It's going to take everything we got to beat Frieza!"

"I'm fine! Besides, I doubt Frieza will just let us go" Goku empathized his point by emitting a soft aura as he walked right up to Frieza.

"I believe in you dad,"

"You're the man Goku. Go get him!" Goku finally stops after putting himself between Frieza and his friends.

"I have said numerous times before and I will say again. Saiyans are completely and utterly insane. Nothing but muscle-bound, fight-craving lunatics!" Chrysalis stated as the memory played out.

"I have to say I like a little better than Vegeta. He gives off an almost nurturing aura," Thorax said.


Goku stares Frieza with a leveled glare. A quick glance to Vegeta showed him exactly what fate has in store for him should he slip up. "You must be Frieza. I'll be your opponent from here on out,"

"Interesting. I fear I might be getting sloppy. Another rat has crawled out of hiding with delusions of grandeur. And what name should I crave into your tombstone?"

"My name is Goku. I'm a Saiyan from the planet Earth,"

A deep frown forms on Frieza's face. "Let me amend that previous statement. Another monkey has scurried down from its perch..." Without warning, Frieza flickers from his position and sends a straight jab at Goku. However, Goku is quick to react and flickers behind Frieza. Goku launches a dive kick that forces Frieza back to his original spot. Frieza rubs his cheek as he looks at Goku with surprise. "Not bad, but your shoes untied,"

"Nice try, but I'm wearing boots!"

"Aw, a simian with a modicum of intelligence? That's surprising,"

Frieza pointed his finger again and fired several death beams at Goku. However, with lightning fast reflects, Goku not only deflect all the blasts but ensure none of them hit his friends. Frieza found himself shocked once again. He was about to speak when a chuckling sounded off. Everyone their attention to the battered of Vegeta who was somehow still conscious and laughing. He props himself on his elbow as he sends a pained smile at Frieza.

"Truly, you are a cut above the rest Kakarot. I see now that you are the one. The one warrior that can take down Frieza...!"

"What senseless drivel are you spouting now?"

"Hehehe, you see, Frieza. You're not dealing with the average Saiyan warrior. You're up against the legendary Super Saiyan. Your worst fear laid bare for all to see!" Frieza features morphed into a scowl at this. Vegeta manages an another pained chuckle as he continued. "Oh, if there is a god, he must be good for allowing to live to see this day. You, beaten by a Saiyan! I love it!!!"

Frieza's face scrunched up in annoyance as he thrust his finger at Vegeta and fire a beam directly into his left lung. Everyone gasped out in terror as Vegeta fell back to the ground and coughed up blood. "Y-you fool... Why did you just shut up!!!" Chala said with renewed fear.

"Heartless Monster!" Thorax seethed through gritted teeth.

"...Indeed..." Chrysalis said softly.

"Oh No!!!" Goku hollered before turning to Frieza. "What's your problem!? He was completely defenseless! There is no honor in that!"

"It was the best solution to a long-standing issue that has plagued me for years! He insists about a conjured-up fairy tale his peers made to feel better about themselves. I walk the realm of reality. And the reality is; Super Saiyans do not exist!!!"

Gasp for breath, Vegeta drew upon the last visage of his strength to speak. "K-kakarot...! You don't get it! *gasp* There's no stinking honor in any of this! It's all a game! Play to win! There are no rules!"

"Vegeta! Stop talking it's sapping all of your strength!"

Vegeta stares intensely at Goku as if he recalls something. "You have to get over your soft-heartedness Kakarot! T-they'll get you killed. *cough* They'll get you killed!!!"

"Vegeta please! save your strength!"

"Honestly, I should've hit his vocal cords. And here I thought the expression went "Dead men tell no tales." Or something to that effect,"

"NO!!! You need to hear this! Vegeta destroyed our home planet.! It was him! My father-- and yours! He killed everyone! Our entire race-- gone in an instance!!! Ask him yourself, he'll tell you. He's proud of it!!!"

At the mention of this, Frieza bowed his head humbly as he closes his eye. "Aw, sweet memories~"

"I don't think I ever had such a low and distasteful opinion about another creature in my entire life!" Thorax said with a shake of his head.

"..." Chrysalis said nothing.

"...Please, no more!"

"No, you have to hear this...!" Vegeta's eyes began to water as he spoke of his tragic past. "We work so hard for him! We did everything he asked!" Tears streamed from the dying Princes eyes as his emotions reached their zenith. "He took me from my father when I was just a little boy! He said he would kill my father if I didn't obey him. I performed all the tasks he gave me. Yet-yet he killed my father anyway!" A splotch of blood left Vegeta's mouth as he held out his hand to Goku. Everyone could tell he wasn't going to last much longer. "Please! You must kill Frieza! All that I am is because of him! D-don't let him do it to anyone else...! Please stop him..." Vegeta's arm fell to the ground. He gave one final grunt he laid still on the ground. An eerie silence took hold as the whistle of the wind was the only thing anyone heard.

"At long last! Who knew that the simple task regicide would take so long,"

"...Goodbye Vegeta. You're not as cold-hearted as you believe yourself to be; a heart of stone can't shed tears as you did. You must've been holding them back your whole..." He said as he clenches his fist. "I'm the only one left...!" Goku then sharply turns head, and his eyes glowed. He blew a hole in the dirt as he gently places Vegeta's body into it. "I think I finally understand you. You weren't grieving about the destruction our planet or even your death. You were grieving because he turned you into what he wanted you to be, you never had a chance to be anything else. But despite all that, I still respect you," He said as he began covering the make-shift grave with soil. "I know you made a lot of mistakes. But now I see that it wasn't all your fault.
You had the firey will of a Saiyan. Please share that with me now cause I need it! Goku finished covering the grave as he stood up. "Thank for saving my son and for buying enough time for me to recuperate. I'll do my best to carry out your wish!!!"

Goku turned to face Frieza with renewed determination. "Vegeta's right, you have no honor!!! FOR HIM, AND FOR EVERYONE ELSE YOU'VE DESTROYED!!! I am going to finish you...!"

"You are welcome to try,"

Thorax had to admit that he felt pity for Vegeta's demise. He lived a life much like how most of the drones resided under Chrysalis thumb. However, his upbringing in the brood wasn't nearly as abusive. There was a strict rule of conduct to follow, yes. But, otherwise, he was treated well. Thorax could not say the same for Vegeta. Chrysalis promised to show him monster's, and so far she hasn't disappointed. Equis would not survive if monsters like Frieza ever to invaded. But Thorax knew Chrysalis experiences had changed her fundamentally. Almost as if she picked up some of their bad habits. But, also, something else that he noticed in her behavior. That would have to wait as he was too enthralled by the battle taking place.

Where everyone struggled against Frieza in his various forms, Goku was holding his own against Frieza's most potent form yet. He practically threw himself at Frieza in the beginning. Slamming a massive fist into the tyrant who blocked it in response. They then proceeded to exchange blows at lightning fast speeds. Shockwaves sounded out in the area as several landscapes and cliffsides crumbled before Goku's and Frieza's combined might. Frieza flickers in front of Goku and throws several punches that Goku manages to dodge. He ends his combo with a kick aimed for Goku's midsection. But the Saiyan from Earth counters by vanishing and reappearing behind Frieza. He throws a punch that Frieza easily evades.

The space tyrants perform several flips with Goku hot on his tail. Frieza launches multiple tail swipes that Goku was forced to avoid. He lands on the ground as Frieza directs a beam from above. Goku's eyes widen at the incoming attack. He pushes himself away with a Ki blast aimed at the field. The resulting detonation produces a gigantic mushroom cloud. The other's were hard pressed to follow along as the battle continued.

"Whoa! Check out that speed!"

"I know! It's unreal! Are you following along Piccolo?"

"It's complicated. but it looks like your father is holding his own against Frieza so far!" Piccolo turns to Chala who still had a look of fear. "Calm yourself little one. I know things seem bad, but Goku thrives against stronger opponents. He will win!"

"...I'm not a foal..." Chala muttered. Piccolo quirks a brow at that. Chala realized his mistake and corrected himself. "I-I mean, I'm not afraid. I believe in him,"

Back at the battle, Goku and Frieza were standing atop of a rock pillar before it crumbled away. Frieza had taken to concealing himself behind the terrain while Goku searched for him. The fight morphed into an exchange of Ki blasts as Frieza tried to catch Goku off guard. For a moment Frieza disappeared before he pops out of the water and fires a blast that pushed Goku into a cliff base and drove him through it. Goku deflects it upward only for Frieza to shoot a set of beams from his eyes. Goku dodges, but the impact causes a guiser of lava to erupt from the dirt. Frieza attempted to lead Goku into the lava pit. After which it became harder to tell what was going on. Piccolo volunteered to scout the battle. During the time he was gone, an unexpected guest joined the rest of the group.

"Hey everyone," A scratchy feminine voice called out.

"Bulma!? What are you doing here?"

"Yeah, it is not a good idea to be here right now!"

"No worries. I'm sure powerful fighter's like yourselves will protect me,"

Piccolo returned a few moments later to relay the news on the battle. "Goku's fine for now--" He stops once he notices Bulma presence and Chala's glaring at the woman. "Frieza's giving him a lot more trouble than he expected, but--"

"LORD FRIEZA'S IS FIGHTING!?" She exclaimed as she stood in front of the group to get a better view. "Oh~ What a glorious day! Lord Frieza is in his final form!" Everyone looked confused at Bulma's cheerful attitude in an otherwise dire situation. Everyone except Chala who was sending the most obvious deadpan toward the blue-haired woman.

'Unbelieve! A grade, ranked, amateur! And these fools are buying Ginyu's atrocious act!' Chala mental berating went onward as he ran through all the faults in Captain Ginyu's act. The first and most damning was the horrible impersonation of a female voice. The second was the fact that Bulma is cheering for the monster that will kill them at the first chance. 'The ability to swap bodies is your only redeeming quality. Other than that, you're still an idiot!'

"It is painfully obvious that isn't Bulma," Thorax stated, shocked that he agreed with Chrysalis.

"They're meatheads at the highest caliber. Don't expect much intelligence from them," Chrysalis said.

The battle shifted into a higher gear as Frieza suddenly gained the upper hand. Both warriors were feeling the effects of their drawn-out fight. Frieza slick form was dirty and scuffed. And Goku had discarded the first layer of his Gi. The tide turn right after Goku landed a massive blow that planted Frieza in the landscape. The space tyrant decides to call delve into his reserve of power. From there, Goku couldn't even see Frieza's movements, much less stop them. Frieza was disappearing and reappearing each time he struck. He swipes Goku's feet from under, knocking off balance, while he uses his tail to bring him into a choke hold. Frieza then slams his elbow right into Goku's stomach. Goku crumbles to the ground, clutching his midsection, as Frieza taunts him. He gave Goku no respite as he batted his body around like a nap sack. Goku crashes into the surrounding sea All the while, Bulma took delight in his suffering.

"It's just simply marvelous. Lord Frieza, strong and magnanimous, shall finally do away with the Saiyan scourge~ I can hardly wait!"

Piccolo finally had enough and confronted Bulma. "Alright, that's enough! What in the world is wrong with you!?"

A devious smirk forms on Bulma's face. But before she could speak, Chala cuts her off. "She is not your friend!!!"


"What are you talking about?"

Chala had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. "Just listen to her voice, It's far to raspy and deep. Or the fact that she is cheering for Frieza! That Ginyu person must've swapped bodies with her!"

Our heroes looked at Bulma with caution while the blue-haired woman never lost her smile. "Oh dear. It looks like I've been found out. Whatever shall I do!?" Without warning, Bulma mounted an offensive. She rained down a flurry of blows against Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan. However, she quickly discovered that her body was frail and ineffective for fighting. So the only solution was to steal another one. Spreading her arms out wide, Bulma set her sights on Piccolo. Chala saw this and became worried. That is until he noticed an odd-looking frog making strange gestures at him. Picking the frog up, Chala chucks it in front of Ginyu's line of fire. There a bright flash as his attack struck the frog. When the light died down, Bulma was sitting on the ground with a bewildered expression.

"I'm-I'm me again? YES!!! My horrible nightmare is over!"

"Great to have you back Bulma, but now you need to get out of here. It's way too dangerous,"

"You don't have to tell me twice," She said as she got back on her hovercycle. However, she got off and planted a kiss on Chala's forehead. The child blushes as Bulma gave her gratitude. "Thank for the help my prince charming~" With that said, Bulma left the area. Our heroes turned back to the battle only for despair to wash over them again. Frieza was balancing on something over the water. Everyone could faintly see Goku's arms flailing about as he drowns. Piccolo was about to jump in again when steam began to rise, and the water shot up like a geyser

Gohan was beaming with joy to see his father safe. "GET HIM, DAD!!!"

Even Chala found himself cheering. 'That's it you fool. Fight harder!'

Goku broke out Frieza's grasp and stared defiantly at the frost demon. He released a mighty bellow and spoke with conviction. "For Gohan, Chi Chi! Everyone on Earth and the future of Namek! I AM NOT ABOUT TO GIVE UP!!!" Instantly, the Kaio-Ken aura burst out of Goku's body. It dances around his body with an intensity that was only matched by his roaring. "Less than fifty percent power or not! If I pull off Kaio-Ken time twenty, I at least stand a chance! I just have to give it my all and show this guy YOU DO NOT MESS WITH ME AND MY FRIENDS!!!" Goku's roar grew in volume as his aura doubles in size. He thrust his arms down and faced Frieza as a shockwave shot out. "KAIO-KEN!!!!!"

Frieza gritted his teeth as the concussive force shook his entire being. Goku charges forward and connects with a vicious left hook that sends Frieza flying. He charges again and scores a right uppercut that pushes Frieza skyward. He cups his hands together while chanting his signature attack. "KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAAAAA!!!!!!" A blue beam of grand magnitude barrels out of Goku's palms. Frieza looks on with legitimate concern as the beam approaches him. He sticks out his left in the hopes of stopping the attack. The beam stuck, and Frieza felt the immense pressure threatening to consume him. With considerable effort, Frieza fires a blast from his hand that cancels out Goku's Kamehameha. There was a huge detonation that rocked the surrounding area while a dust cloud enveloped Frieza's form.

"Astonishing...! What massive reserves of strength! There's no way anypony on Equis can contend with that kind of power! He defeated Frieza for sure with that blast!" Thorax praise, but Chrysalis merely scoffs.

"Yes, he is powerful. But all of that was for naught. Frieza still survived," Thorax nearly gave himself whiplash from how quickly he turned his head to Chrysalis. Disbelief etched its way on his face when he turned back to the scene and found Chrysalises words to be true. Frieza was still very much alive with barely any damage done to him. "That's not possible..."

"I'm afraid it is very much possible. Frieza was a league of his own. But that didn't mean Goku was out of options. One of the many things I've come to know him for is his relentless tenacity. Look there," Thorax turns back o the memory to discover Goku stood in place with both of his raised above his head. A look of deep concentration adorns his face as water rises from a fissure in front of him.

"Wait, what's he doing?"

"Something that would turn the tide of this battle,"

"I don't get it. Why is he just standing there?" Chala asked as the battle paused for a moment.

"Wait a second... I recognize that stance!" Krillin stated.

"What!? What's he doing?"

"Oh yeah! Frieza's in for it now. Goku's busting out the Spirit Bomb!"

"The what?"

Krillin adopts a more serious expression as he explained further. "The Spirit Bomb gathers the energy of all living things in the area. It condenses that energy into one enormous ball of destruction power,"

"Ok, but, I don't see anything?"

It was at that moment while everyone was looking around that Chala glances upward. His jaw immediately connects with the ground at what he was seeing. He pointed a trembling finger upward while speaking in a shaky voice. "I-Is t-that i-it...?"

Everyone followed the path of his finger to find the Spirit Bomb high in the sky. Krillin stutters in disbelief at the sheer size of it. "Y-yep... That's it-- The Spirit Bomb Attack!"

"I-It's gigantic...!"

"So why doesn't Goku throw it already!?"

"He probably doesn't think the Spirit Bomb is powerful enough yet. He must be gathering all the energy from the other planets around Namek to make it that big. Alright, you three give me your hands! We're going to give our energy to Goku!"

Chala instantly became worried. 'If he takes my magic then I won't be able to hide!' However, knowing the alternative, Chala hesitantly joined hands with our heroes. A moment later, Chala felt something leaving his body. 'W-what? This energy isn't my magic! Is this the power they wield? How long have I had this!?' A white, shimmering aura outlined their bodies as they gave as much as they could to the Spirit Bomb.

"That should do it. We don't want to give too much energy and leave none for ourselves,"

"So we have that power inside us as well?" Thorax asked.

"Urgh! Every living being - sentient or otherwise - possess Ki energy. Some are more talented in accessing it than others," Chrysalis explains in a bored tone.

Meanwhile, Goku's bout took a turn for the worst as Frieza discovered the Spirit Bomb technique. Goku was now staring down the barrel of a gun in the form of Frieza's finger charged with a death beam. Right before he could fire, Piccolo planted his foot squarely intoFrieza's cheek. Enraged, Frieza flew up in the air. Piccolo offers to stall for more time while Goku finishes. Unfortunately, Piccolo fared no better than he did against Frieza's third form. He was quickly sent back to the ground in a heap. Anxiety grips Chala as he twitches about nervously.

"Now what!? Frieza knows about the attack!" He said while Frieza ascends into the air with his finger raised above his head. A dark purple ball of energy floated a top of his fingertip.

"Gohan! You still have some power left, right?"

"Yeah?" Gohan waited for Krillin to elaborate further until he saw him widen his stance and cups his hands. Getting the gist of his intention, Gohan grabs his right wrist. However, to their surprise, Chala extend his hand as well. A blue, yellow, and green orb appeared in their hands as they launched a simultaneous assault against Frieza while his back was facing them.

The attacks connected and Frieza body shook violently from the sudden surprise. He turns with a glare at the trio that dared to strike him. A sadistic, almost manic grin appears as he spoke. "One after another, these pestilent vermin keeps popping up...! I will do this universe justice by wiping you and this planet off the face of existence!!!" He summons the Death ball again as he ascends higher.


"Throw it Goku! THROW THE DAMN BOMB!!!"

Goku focused the energy in his hands. He connects with his attack and brings his arms down to the ground. "SPIRIT BOMB!!!"

'That fool is going to kill us all!!!!' Chala screamed internally.

Frieza had no idea what was happening as he prepared his attack. He stops once he feels a warm blow on his back. And for the first time since the fighting started, Frieza felt true fear. "W-what!?!?" The Spirit Bomb crashed into to him as he desperately tried to push it back. However, it was far too large to deflect or destroy. The ocean below parted from the immense pressure of the oncoming attack. Goku and Piccolo drive to the ground whereas Krillin, Gohan, and Chala do the same.

"BRACE YOURSELVES!!!" The attack impacts against the planet's surface and a deafening explosion follows. Gohan, Krillin, and Chala felt blown away from the shockwave. The detonation was so intense that even Chrysalis and Thorax had to shield themselves from it.

"What a devastating attack...!" Thorax said as he surveyed the damage. "Did anypony survive?"

Chrysalis shot Thorax an incredulous look. "No. The Spirit Bomb wiped us all out, Including me. You've just been talking to a ghost this entire time..." Thorax smiles sheepishly at his mistake. The blast was indeed devastating. Nearly all of the landmasses were no more. There was also a sizeable hole where the Spirit Bomb impacted. Gohan, Krillin, and Chala miraculously landed on the same patch of Earth. Slowly, they all woke up from their impromptu nap.

"Guys, you ok?"

"I-I think I am..."

"I'm alright!"

They walked to the edge and watched the raging water flow with the wind. The trio was deep in thought at the implications the Spirit Bomb had. "Do you think that did it? Is Frieza finally gone?"

"No way! The Spirit Bomb made direct contact. He's history!"

"...Well... What about my dad and Piccolo!?"

"Don't give up on them yet! I'm sure they pulled through!"

Sure enough, the trios spotted movement in the distance. Piccolo lifted himself from the sea with Goku in tow. Cheers of joy erupted from Gohan and Krillin, and surprisingly Chala. "Alright! They're ok!"

"Come on, let's go congratulate them!" The flight over was somewhat tricky with the little energy the two Earthlings had remaining. Chala seemed a bit hindered, but thanks to the emotions he was gaining from the others, he managed. They landed on the island and greeted their friends. "Whoo! Man, Goku, that Spirit Bomb was insane!"

"I'll say!"

"It outta be, it was made using the energy of the entire solar system,"

"AAH!!! I forgot! Bulma's still out there somewhere!"

"Don't scare us like that! I thought Frieza was back!"

"Well, in some cases, she is scary than Frieza," Another round of laughter went off at this.

Piccolo smirked at the positive atmosphere before his features turned solemn. Gohan notices this and addresses him. "What's wrong Mr. Piccolo?"

With a sigh, Piccolo spoke. "It looks like we were too late to save the people of Namek. I just hope Guru and all the others can finally rest in peace,"

"It is quite a shame. I'm sure the Namekians would fit right in with Equis. But at least that monster has been dealt with!" Thorax stated.

"...I wish that were true...," Chrysalis said.

"What!? There"s no way he could live through something like that!? Goku pretty much threw a sun at him!" Thorax notices Chrysalises body shiver again. He turns back to memory to find everyone was in a state of horror. Thorax couldn't help but blurt out the same exclamation as the others. For there, standing on top of the cliffside again was Lord Frieza.


"I must commend you on such a monumental effort. I never had a close call!" Frieza grin evil as he pointed his deadly finger at Goku.

Piccolo saw this and pushes him to safety. "LOOK OUT-- HRK!!!" A laser outline pierced itself through Piccolo's right pectoral. The Namekian warrior let out a few short breaths before he collapses to the ground motionless.

Everyone gasps out in horror after witnessing their friends' demise. For Gohan, he fell to his knees and stares blankly into the open sky. "...P-Piccolo...!!!" His voice carried an echo that empathized his misery.

The fear and despair that Chala felt earlier returned with a reckoning. "Please... Not like this!!!" He said desperately.

Goku wasn't ready to admit defeat yet. "...Krillin...! I want you to take the others back to the ship!"

"B-but, what about you? We can't just leave you behind!"

Goku's plan was enough to snap Gohan out of his stupor. "No way, I'm staying! I am not letting you fight Frieza alone!"

"This is no time to argue Gohan! Find Bulma! Find the ship and get out of here!!!"

"Yes! Please, let's leave! He can handle Frieza!!!" Chala pleaded. Thorax was taken aback by Chrysalises desperation.

"Hehe, I wouldn't put too much stock in your friends escaping!" Frieza then turns his attention to Krillin - The one who escaped him earlier - With dark intentions in his eyes. He fires a tiny beam that knocks the Earthling back several feet. Krillin flails his limbs as he floated in the air. A quick jerk of Frieza's arm cause Krillin to soar into the sky. Everyone knew what coming next.


"Let's see come back from this one!!!" He said as he closes his hand.

"HELP ME-- AAH!!!" Krillin felt his chest expand unnaturally. His organs ruptured as his flesh got ripped to shreds in a fiery explosion. A crimson red cloud appeared in the sky as bits and pieces of what was once a human male fell to ground level.

"That's so cruel..." Thorax whispered out.

"..." Was all Chrysalis said in response.

Gohan could do nothing but tremble in fear. Whereas Chala just stood there with tears trailing down his cheeks. In a broken tone, he spoke. "It's all over... We're going to die!" He said, wholly resigning to his fate.

"How well surmised, my little Namekian. Would you like the honor of going next?"

Chala didn't know what to do. He looked to Gohan who was clearly out of it. He looked at the prone form of Piccolo and knew no help would come from him. Finally, he turns to Goku who was trembling in place. But, before Chala could abandon all hope, Goku spoke. "I-won't-let-you - GET AWAY!!! - With this...! UH!" He continued to grunt out as Frieza laughs at the display. Although, lightning bolts struck all around the tiny island. One bolt, in particular, struck behind Goku, giving him a menacing presence, and silencing Frieza's laughter. "I! Won't! Let! You...!" He growled out as his hair briefly flashed a golden color. Everyone stared in awe at what was happening. Soon, cracks spread out from Goku's feet as his head jerked up and his hair flashed gold, and his eyes turned a greenish-blue color. Goku continued to growl out while he felt a power growing within him. "RAA-AARGH!!!" With a tumultuous shout, a golden aura engulfs Goku's form while his hair stood straight up in a gold visage. His black pupils morphed to the greenish-blue tint as he bared his teeth in a vicious scowl. All of this aimed directly at Frieza who flinched back in fear.

"What is that!?" Thorax asked in awe of this new transformation.

"...The legendary warrior that Vegeta spoke of before, A Super Saiyan!' Even if this was a memory, Chrysalis could still feel goosebumps from such an intense experience. "Leave to that brainless barbarian to have a lasting impression on me..."

Goku turns his gaze to Gohan who was just as shocked as everyone else. "Gohan. Listen very carefully. Take Piccolo and Chala out of here now and return to my ship!" When Gohan still didn't move, Goku lost his temper. "THIS IS THE LAST TIME IM GOING TO TELL YOU. LEAVE BEFORE I LOSE WHAT LITTLE REASON I HAVE LEFT!!!" Gohan quickly obeyed as he and Chala carried Piccolo off the battlefield.

As they flew further away, Chala couldn't help but ponder on the events that transpired. "What in the world just happened?"

"Wow, dad! You are amazing! It's just like Vegeta said!"

"What!? What was that form!?"

"He turned into Super Saiyan!!! My dad - the Legendary Super Saiyan. I am so proud to call myself his son!" Chala recoiled at the words, but he could not deny the power he felt radiating from Goku. He takes one last look to find Frieza on his knees with Goku standing tall over him while crushing his hand.

"Maybe there is hope...!"

[Goku's ship.]

The memory continues to play out with Gohan and Chala resting inside of Goku's ship with Piccolo. They managed to find Bulma on the way back, and now they were waiting patiently for Goku's return. Dr. Briefs was positively overjoyed that everyone was safe. However, the brief respite changed when a massive earthquake shook the entire planet. Those that were still conscious took a look outside. What greeted them was something one that could only describe as Armageddon. Any communication with Dr. Briefs was cut off by seismic interference. Gohan did not like what this meant for his father and decided to leave.

"You guys wait here! I'm going to check on my dad!"

"Gohan, no! Do you see what's happening out there? It's far too dangerous. We both know Goku can handle himself!"

"She's right! Goku's a Super Saiyan now. You would just get in the way! We need to do as he says and leave!"

Gohan shook his head in defiance. "Please Bulma! We can't just leave my dad here! For all we know, he already beat Frieza, and he's on his way back. He might not recognize the landscape in this state! Let bring him back!" Bulma sighs in resignation and lets him go.

"Wait for a second! What about the fight?" Thorax asked, trying not to sound too excited about the new development.

"I never saw it, you fool. Do you believe I would press my luck any further by watching those two titans clash? No! How absurd!"

"B-but I want to see the Super Saiyan-- ACK!!!"

"Too bad! You will have plenty of chances later on. These are the closing moments of my time on Namek."

Back in the memory, Planet Namek was deteriorating at an alarming rate. The landmasses broke apart and crumbled into the unrelenting seas. The ship regularly shook from constant earthquakes. Meanwhile, the sky was a sickly red color. It did not take a genius to know that the planet was dying. After a few more moments, Bulma was fed up with everything.

"Ah! That is it! I can't take it! I'm getting us out of here!"

"'Finally! Somepony with common sense!' Good idea, It's getting worse out there!"

"I mean, the planets about to implode and Gohan goes right back in the thick of it. He was worried about Goku. It's crazy! Goku always finds a way to win! I'm sure he can find a way off this planet!" She ranted on as she activated the ship.

"They will be fine! Let's just go!!!" Chala urged.

"You're right... They will be just fine..." She pauses for a moment. "Except-- They would never leave me behind, and I couldn't live with myself if I left them!" With that said, Bulma powers down the ship and resumes waiting for her friends. Unbeknownst to her, Chala was sporting a disapproving frown.

After what seems like ages, Chrysalis morphs back into her original form. She slowly approaches Bulma as her horn glows. 'You stupid fool! I will not die because of some misplaced sense of loyalty. I'll just take your mind you and force you to fly this infernal contraption!'

Thorax frowns in disappointment at Chrysalises plan. Not that he could blame entirely. Her fight or flight response was running at full capacity. A planetary detonation would do that to anyone. But then something unexpected happens. Bulma, Piccolo, and Chrysalis herself all vanished in a bright flash. They reappeared in a grassy field. Chrysalis quickly morphs back into Chala as Gohan rejoins them. He leads to the most shocking sight of all the Namekians sitting around the Dragonballs that were no longer stone. They were more surprised when they found Dende alive and well as he healed Piccolo. Even Vegeta was back among the living.

"Wait! What's going on here? I thought Dende and Vegeta died on Namek. For that matter, where did you go? Is this the afterlife?" Thorax asked. But, before he continued, the memory abruptly stops and fades out. "Huh?"

"Cease your droopy expression. I merely shut off the memory. There was nothing more of any importance to witness," Chrysalis informs.

"But what about Planet Namek, Goku, and Frieza!?"

"Urgh! To summarize; Goku mentor contacted us through telepathy and explained everything. They conspired to wish everyone off of Planet Namek except for Goku himself and Frieza. The fool a volunteered to stay on an exploding planet just to finish his fight! Then after that, the planet blew up after Goku beat Frieza--"

"--WHAT!?!? BUT THEN-- ACK!!!"

"Interrupt me again, and you will pay! As I was saying, Goku somehow survives after Porunga claimed he was still alive. The Namekians wished for a new planet. They brought back their friends from the dead, and everyone lived happily ever after. Oh, and Vegeta and Gohan a brief scuffle or something. I lost interest,"

"Ok... So what happens now?"

"Now, I will show you even worse monsters than Frieza. The Earth is quite the magnet for trouble," Chrysalis horn glows again as a new memory plays out.

[Ponyville - Goku's ship.]

"And that's how everything went back to normal for two years back on the Earth," Gohan finished. The Equestrians and two drakes were all too stunned to reply.

"..Darling... Your tale was ground-breaking, to say the least!" Rarity finally said.

"I found it to be quite informative. Dr. Gero data were insufficient in regards to the Super Saiyan phenonium. Thank for completing my catalog," 16 stated.

"Um... Is that a good thing or a bad thing," Yamcha said nervously.

"I can't believe you all had to go through such an ordeal," Twilight said with her ears splayed against her head.

"Yeah, I always thought Goku had to complete an awesome task to become a Super Saiyan," Spike said as he shot Krillin a sympathetic look. "I never would've guessed you died for it to happened..."

"I'm so sorry that happened to you!" Fluttershy said with tears in her eyes.

"Y-yeah! That Frieza guy was lucky I wasn't there to kick his flanks," Rainbow said.

"I'd sure as hay would've given him a good bucking where the sun doesn't shine!" Applejack added.

"I would've fed him cake until he exploded!" Pinkie said, earning bemuse looks from everyone. "What?"

"Hey, there's no need to be sad. Yes, I may have died. But I got better, and everything turned out fine," Krillin said in a joking tone. Pinkie and Discord let out a chuckle.

"I guess I can understand why Vegeta seems so jaded," Cadence offers. "I wouldn't be very open to ponies if I faced mistreatment like that for so long..."

"Whatever Tartarus Frieza is in right now is too good for him!" Shining Armor snorted.

"It pains my heart to hear such atrocities befall the innocent," Celestia solemn said. But her features perked up as she eyed the Z warriors. "However, it fills me with great join that there are always heroes to stand against injustice,"

"Verily sister. I am glad to call such warriors my friends and allies," Luna complimented.

"Yeah, Gohan. You were amazing!" Sweetie Belle said.

"No spectacular!" Diamond Tara corrected.

"No, he was brave!" Silver Spoon added her two bits.

"No, no! He was super-terrific-awesome-mazing-spectacular!" Scootaloo finished. By now, all the fillies crowed around Gohan who was sporting a huge blush.

"Yes, yes. Gohan is wonderful. I honestly want these Ginyu Force members. They sound like a hoot," Discord said as he was wearing

The adults save for 16 all laughed at the scene. "There's just one question I have; what happened in those two years?" Starlight asked.

"I want to know how Chrysalis got so close to you all," Ember reminded.

"Hmph! She got close to some of us, not all of us," Piccolo amended.

"That's right Piccolo was the only one suspicious of her the whole time," Tien said. Before he could go on, Goku reappears with Zecora and a fully healed Trunks.

"Hey everyone. We're back," Goku said as Trunks and Zecora flanked him.

"Trunks!" Bulma exclaimed as she brought F.Trunks into a hug. "Don't ever scare me like that again young man!"

"Mother..." F.Trunks said in embarrassment. Everyone expressed their good wishes as well.

"Healing him was quite easy. Now we can all rest easy," Zecora said.

"So what's next?" Goku asked.

"Oh, Gohan was about to tell us about your time on Earth with Chrysalis. We just got through the whole Namek Saga and everything. But we didn't get to hear about your fight with Frieza," Scootaloo said excitedly.

"Oh, I see. Well, we had a rough time on Namek. Frieza was easily the toughest opponent I ever fought. It wasn't until I turned into a Super Saiyan that I started to win. But it was after he blew up the planet's core that things turned dire. He started bagging that he could beat me with 100% of his power. So I let him power up--"


Goku laughs sheepishly in response. "I-I wanted to leave no doubt who was the better fighter! Besides, after a long fight, I proved I was the superior warrior. After that, didn't see any point in continuing the fight,"

"Why is that?" Bulma asked.

"He was getting weaker with each passing second. I figure a blow to his pride as a fighter was better than killing him. And I was going to let the lesson in humility and defeat change his ways," Goku said. Twilight looked like she was going to blow a gasket before Celestia and Luna spoke up.

"I am proud that you tried to reform such a villain Goku, however..." Celestia began.

"We are sure that a being a cruel and vindictive as Frieza would not learn such a lesson. No doubt he still attacked you, yes?" Luna finished.

"You got that right. Frieza tried to hit me with a cheap shot. But he ended up getting cut down to size," Goku said with a smirk.

"Then what happened?" Pinkie said as she ate some popcorn.

"Frieza begged me to save him. So I gave him some of my energy. Sadly, he just to used it to attack me one last time,"

"Hmph, honorless coward," Ember growls out. Spike and the Equestrians nodded in agreement.

"I had no choice but to stop him right then and there. But then I still had a problem. Planet Namek was going to explode any second, and I had no way out. Frieza ship was broke beyond repair. Everything seemed hopeless,"

"Then what?" Spike said as he leans in closer. Ember rolls her eyes at this but leans in herself.

"I found one of Ginyu's ship, hit some random buttons and flew out of there with seconds to spare!" Goku stated.

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dashed and Scootaloo exclaimed.

"After that, I landed on Yarjarat where the locals nursed back to health, taught me instant transmission, and give me a specify set of clothes,"

"I'd hardly call that outfit 'specify' Goku," Bulma teased.

"And that where the story leads back to Earth where we had our second encounter Frieza. And also where we learned about the Androids from Trunks!" Piccolo said.

"The androids? You mean like 16?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, exactly like him until recently," F.Trunks said. Everyone noticed the glare he was sending 16.

"Trunks? Is everything alright?" Starlight asked. F.Trunks merely nodded.

"I think we should start our tale when we all felt Frieza's approaching the Earth," Master Roshi said.

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