• Published 2nd Mar 2017
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Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 21: Fool me once! (Edited.)

[E.A.T Colosseum - Aftermath - Third Person POV.]

"Oh... You hate to see this sort of thing happen,"

*Blech* "What do you mean Siren?"

"Take a look at those devastated faces Puggy," Siren had a valid point. Looking around the Colosseum, Pudge could see nothing but despair. All of the minotaurs efforts, including the noble sacrifice of Cloven Hoof, proved for naught. Son Goku was too much for them. "Hmm..." *Blech*

Siren shoots a deadpan stare at his rotund cohort. "Nice to see a full display of your sympathy puggy,"

"Bah! It's their fault for fighting a monster like him. But I got to admit that I like Son Goku's style. I can't think of a better way to crush your enemies than to take their best shot, only for it to fail miserably. Ha! I can't wait for my crack at him!"

"Calm yourself Raam. Fighting him now is pointless. We must find the other orbs first,"

"Any ideas junior?" Siren asked.

Junior narrows glares at the arena below as his eyes landed on Goku and Vegeta. "Go and get information from one of them. I want to know everything about these orbs!"

"Why should he go!?" Raam protested. "I can ring the information out of them!!!"

"It's simple my angry, vertically challenged cohort, I possess a charming quality that no male can resist," The wink Siren sends to his companions caused them all to shudder. "Sit tight and keep my seat warm for me," With that said, Siren moves down the bleachers as the minotaurs began to file out of the Colosseum. There were no shouts of anger or promises of retribution. The minotaurs quietly exited the structure without so much of a huff. Even Mary Horn excused herself from her company as she briskly caught up with her people.

Most of the bulls, specifically Bronze Saber and Steel Grip, chose to send death glares at Goku. But the Saiyan from Earth could see past the exterior and gaze upon what they were feeling; defeat, anguish, self-loathing, hatred. The sight of the once proud minotaurs wallowing in such negative emotions was enough for Goku to take a step towards them, to try and explain the situation and alleviate their view of him. However, Vegeta's hand grabs his shoulder.

"Forget it Kakarot,"

"What? Why!?" Goku demanded as he powers down.

"Do you honestly you say will help? They came here to destroy you, and they lost spectacularly. Their pride as warriors shredded to pieces. Their will to fight on went up in smoke along with their ruler. Gestures of kindness would only be rubbing salt in the wound!"

"But we can't just leave things like this! Chrysalis used my face to hurt these guys! We need to--"

"--If you believe they are inclined to listen to us make excuses, then you are far more naive then I thought," Vegeta looks back to the minotaurs as he continued. "Don't trample on their pride further,"

Goku looks down at the ground in contemplation. He tightened his fist while clenching his teeth. "Then the only choice I have is to find Chrysalis, Dende, and the remaining Dragonballs! It's the only way to make this right!"

"I couldn't agree more," Both Saiyans whipped around to see Celestia, along with others, standing behind them. "The only way to appease the minotaurs, as well as prove your innocence, is with the capture of Chrysalis! I have a few leads on her whereabouts. However, I believe it is best to begin the search in a few days time--"

"--We've wasted enough time sitting around like fools while our so-called enemy gains ground!" Vegeta said in an irritated tone.

Celestia was unfazed. "Then perhaps you have found a way to locate Chrysalis?" Vegeta scoffs in response. "Two days at the maximum. We will meet at the front of Canterlot Castle. In the duration, please bring along Trunks for the journey,"

"Why just Trunks and not the others?" Goku asked.

"They need to stay behind and guard the Dragonballs. A small elite strike force consisting of myself, Luna, you, Vegeta, Trunks, and king Thorax should be sufficient," Celestia explained. "You both can stay at the castle tonight. I imagine we all could use some time to rest after today's events,"

A solemn expression resurfaced on Goku's face. "...Yeah..."

"Hmph! Just so we're clear, I'll be the one to end Chrysalis!" Vegeta said as he flew off to the castle.

"He is a headstrong one," Cream Puff stated. "But more to the point, I will lend my services to aiding in Chrysalis' capture,"

"you want to help too?" Goku asked.

"The minotaurs were not the only one that suffered. I intend to get my pound of flesh from that walking concubine,"

There was a subtle twitch in Celestia's brow before she spoke. "I appreciate the gesture, but I cannot ask you to plague yourself with Equestrian affairs. You do have your kingdom to rule after all,"

"Do not take my aid as a request! Like Cloven Hoof, I will not stand idle while a villain terrorizes my lands and escape retribution!"

"Given the fate of Cloven Hoof, vengeance will only lead to your destruction. I implore you to reconsider,"

Cream Puff looked ready to disagree, that is until Goku added his two cents. "...She's right. Enough people have suffered from this mess. Right now, it's best you return home. I promise you, and everyone else, we will stop Chrysalis,"

Cream Puff wanted to argue, but she couldn't muster the words. Instead, a coy smile adorns her muzzle. "Very well ambassador. I will return to New Equland. On the condition that you explain what these Dragonballs are, and why everyone is pining for them,"

Goku balked at the request. "W-what!? I-I, uh... I can't exactly go into details--"

"--I believe both you and the Equestrians owe an explanation for the recent troubles that have plagued me!" Cream Puff wraps both of her arms around Goku's forearms as she sends him a look that made the Saiyan from Earth uncomfortable for some reason. "Come. We can discuss these matters in private,"

Despite her advances, Goku pulls his arm away as he began to follow the others to the castle. Cream Puff arches a brow before following after them. Along the way, Goku caught sight of the minotaur ships leaving the castle airspace. His gaze met with three figures leering down at him. It was easy to tell identify two of them as Goku fought them in the arena. However, the female bovine was someone Goku didn't meet personally. She never initiated a dialogue with him. Of all the looks Goku's received today, hers had the most impact. There was no anger or hatred, just pure overwhelming sadness, and despair. She displayed a look of utter bleakness at the thought that he could come back to their lands and wipe them off the planet. Goku watched the tears stream down her face before he turned away.

[A few hours later - Canterlot Castle.]

Vegeta was idly flying around the airspace above the castle. He had to admit that being in a castle brought back many nostalgic memories from planet Vegeta. He also had to give it to the ponies for crafting such fine structure. Not that he wasn't without his criticisms. "What kind of moron places their capital city on the side of a mountain? An earthquake alone could topple this building. But I'm sure magic has something to do with securing its foundations. Must be convenient!" The Saiyan prince then perches himself on top of the tallest tower as he turns his gazes into the sky. Vegeta was about to turn away when he felt a presence behind him. He quickly turns around to find a minotaur smiling at him.

"Quite the lovely view isn't?"

"Who are you!?" Vegeta demanded.

"Oh! How rude of me! My name is Siren. I came with the other minotaurs not too long ago. Please to make your acquaintance," Siren gave the Saiyan prince a short bow of the head.

Vegeta said nothing as he studied him. His tension faded away as he responded. "The view is the same as everything else; happy and nauseating!"

The minotaur giggles at Vegeta's response. "Come now, don't be such a sourpuss. You have to enjoy the little moments in life, or else you'll never lose that frown," A dismissive grunt was all Siren got from the prince.

"If that is true then why were you not fighting against Kararot? I hear he's a wanted criminal in your neck of the woods," Vegeta had no idea why he was speaking so freely with a stranger, yet he found himself relaxing as they conversed.

"I couldn't possibly do that! I would ruin my perfectly trimmed nails..." Siren held out his palms to Vegeta as his nails sparkled. The atmosphere around Siren seemed to change. There was a slight rise in temperature around Vegeta's face as he stared into the dreamy gaze of Siren. "What do you think of them? Give me your honest opinion~."

Vegeta voice got caught in his voice at the request. He responded with a small stutter. "I-it's alright.."

"Really? Is that all you have to say?"

"I said it's fine!" Vegeta snapped, angry at having to repeat himself. Siren's eyes narrowed slightly at the curt retort.

"Easy there sweetie. I realize it today has been stressful, but there's no need for hostilities," A silence surrounded the pair as they looked out into the twilight sky. "But I am curious about something,"

Vegeta grunts again as he spoke. "What is it?"

"Oh, it's nothing that big, just that, I recently came across this marvelous little orb," Siren said as he pulls out the Dragonball, much to Vegeta shock.

"That's the Dragonball!!!"

"Dragonball? What funny name. I wonder if that phasing sparked any awkward? Hmm. Anywho, care to tell me about it?"

Vegeta grunted again while shaking his head. "Grr. It came from our planet. T-there is seven in total and..."

"And?" Siren urged Vegeta to continue. He leans in closer to the prince's face while sending him his best whimsical stare.

There was another pause from Vegeta as he started to look visibly uncomfortable. Siren frowns at this. He never had this much trouble with his persuasion talents before. "Base on what I know; the Dragonballs houses the eternal dragon. A magical wish-granting entity. Gather all of them and call upon Shenron. Chrysalis brought it here, so we came to retrieve them. Now hand it over!!!"

Siren was deep in thought from this new information. "A wish-granting dragon called Shenron, you say? And Chrysalis is alive!? Wait, what did you say?"

"I said hand it over now!"

"Come now. There is no need to get testy. I'm not going to break it. So, where are the rest? Does Chrysalis have them? Maybe I can help get them back,"

A vein appeared on Vegeta's forehead as he gritted his teeth. He didn't know why he felt so compelled to talk to this stranger, but he did know that his pride was telling him to resist despite how the pleasant aura Siren was projecting. "No! I won't ask again!"

Siren backs away as Vegeta reaches out for him. "Aha, I think our time is up. I had a wonderful time talking to you. But before I go..." At that moment, Siren's pupils glowed a bright silver color. He stares directly into Vegeta's eyes as he spoke. "Do me a favor and forget this entire conversation. You know how anonymity works and all. But don't fret sweetie, we'll see each other again~" Vegeta stopped his advancement as he begrudgingly nods at the command. Siren smiles sweetly that his order worked for the most part. He blew a kiss at Vegeta before teleporting away.

Vegeta blinks and rubs his eyes. "What the-- Who's there!?" He demanded while checking the area. When he found nothing out of the ordinary, Vegeta folded his arms and went back to his thoughts.

There was a flash at the empty Colosseum as Siren reappears in front of Junior and the others. Once he got his footing, Siren buckled over as sweat dripped profusely from his brow. "By Tirek's great bread, that was an ordeal!"

"What happened? Did you finally get rejected?" Raam joked.

Siren scoffs at this. "Not entirely, although I did have a harder time then I care to admit. My charms can sway any male I come across. But our alien visitor was more resistant than I thought,"

Junior arched a brow at this. "How vexing for you. We'll have to be more careful around them,"

"I know honey. But, I learned a lot from our chat!" Siren chirps.

*Blech* "So what did you learn?"

Siren holds up the Dragonball as he retold everything. Raam had a skeptical look once Siren finished. "You're saying that there's, is a Dragon trapped inside these balls, and it can grant wishes? Are you messing with us!?"

"Raam, sweetie, you know that any being I talk to is incapable of lying to me. These orbs are from another planet after all. For all we know, the sky could be purple. Eesh!!" Siren shudders at the thought of such an awful color plaguing the skies.

"So now the question remains on how to find Chrysalis?" Junior asked the group. Everyone began to brainstorm ideas before Pudge made a suggestion.

"Eh, why don't we leave it out on the floor?"

"What kind of idea was that!? Why would we leave something so valuable where anyone would pick it up!!!" Raam berated.

"Because it sets up the perfect trap," Everyone turned their attention to Junior. "Chrysalis is looking for these Dragonballs much like we are, so let's give her what she wants. She must possess a means of collecting them better than we have at the moment. Therefore, the only solution is to allow her to take this orb and leads us to the rest,"

"It's a sound plan, honey. I love that sharp and calculating mind off yours," Siren praises.

*Blech* "Yeah, let's do it," Pudge said.

"Anything to break this streak of sneaking around!" Raam added.

"Indeed. Now it becomes a matter of getting Chrysalis attention..." Junior stated with a smirk.

[Two days later.]

"Thanks for seeing us off mom," Trunks said.

"No problem Trunks. Hopefully, we can head home after this," Bulma replied.

"Hey Trunks, let's get going," Goku shouted over from his group. Celestia and Luna donned their respective armors along with King Thorax. Vegeta stood by Luna with a frown on his face as he taps his index finger on his bicep impatiently.

"Every moment you doddle is a moment Chrysalis should be drawing her last breaths!!!" Vegeta shouted.

"You better get a move on before Vegeta gets a hernia," Bulma said.

"Right, see you in a bit mom," Trunks said as he ran over to Goku and the others.

"We are glad you can make this journey with us young Trunks," Luna said.

"Yeah. I'm looking forward to ending all this. So how are going to find Chrysalis?"

"With this..." Thorax said as held out a turquoise geode in his palm. "I've tuned this geode to Chrysalis' magical signature. She is somewhere outside the borders of Equestria. The closer we get to her, the brighter this stone will glow,"

"Wonderful! After days upon days of uselessness, you managed to come up with something that's marginally adequate. Took you long enough," Vegeta mocked.

Thorax gritted his teeth. "I didn't see you coming up with a means of finding her!"

"Such an act was beneath me. Almost as the act of fighting the bug woman once, I face her. However, one would think a member of her species would be less inept at locating one of their own,"

Thorax was about to retort when Celestia raised her hand to stop him. "We are deviating from our main objective," She then turns to Bulma and sent her a gracious smile. "Thank you for coming today, Bulma. My guard will escort you back to Ponyville," With that said, Celestia's and Luna's horn glowed brightly before the group of six vanished in an orb of light.

The guard Celestia assigned walked behind Buma as they made eye contact. Bulma's eyes flashed green as she spoke. "Why are you sending out of Equestria's borders my queen?"

"It's simple my dear," The 'guard' said in a distorted and feminine tone. "I need those three powerhouses as far away as possible for when I summon Shenron,"

Bulma quirked a brow at this. "You found the last Dragonball? That great news my queen!"

"Indeed. Originally, I thought it resided in the Minotaur kingdom, but according to the Dragon radar, the last Dragonball was here in Canterlot. After that delightful spectacle at the E.A.T Colosseum, I activated the radar. Imagine my surprise when I found the Dragonball being sold from a merchant stand by a portly minotaur. Now all that is left to do is to collect the Dragonball in your possession,"

"But even so, I thought you wanted the Saiyans under your control. That's why you had your drones excavate those florae from the Everfree,"

"And I still plan on doing just that. What's the status on Gohan? Is he awake yet?"

"The doctors said that he should be up and about later today,"

Chortling laughter escapes Chrysalis lips. "Perfect. I will have a better result on him than Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks. His mind is young, and I can mold to my whims. He will be far more susceptible to the properties of the florae than the others. Plus, having those powerhouses inside the castle would spell doom for my plans. Instead, I will let my new alicorn puppets deal with them,"

"What about the humans, Piccolo, and Android 16?"

"What about them? I know their silly password and symbol. They pose no threat to me regarding power. The world is my oyster along with all the pearls!"

"I am happy for you my queen, but we can't underestimate Krillin and the others. They survived for this long on their own!"

Chrysalis eyes narrow at Bulam dangerously. "Are you questioning my authority Bulma?"

"N-no my queen. I thought that--"

"That is the issue right there; you thought!" Bulma began backpedaling as she fumbled her words. Chrysalis kept up her piercing glare until a smile broke out. "Luckily for you that your keen mind is exactly why I made you my slave. In any case, since your so worried, I will handle them myself. But first..." There was a green flash as the guard form took the image of Goku. "I need to pay my son a visit. While I'm doing this, gather the humans inside the spaceship,"

A sinister smile adorns Bulma's face as she bows her head. "By your will Queen Chrysalis,"

[Ponyville - General Hostpital - Piccolo POV.]

I'm beginning to understand why Goku hates hospitals so much. Being here is starting to work my last nerve. I can hear all the machinations one would expect from a place of healing. The steady clopping of hoof against the marble floor is irritating. The patient was moaning and groaning from the different injuries. I have my superior hearing to thank for my discomfort. Who would've thought such a peaceful world can still have hazards? If it weren't for Gohan being here, then I wouldn't be able to stand it. The only saving grace was the fillies that somehow wound up in my brand of babysitting. By which I mean I had all six of them sitting in a meditative posture. None of the girls were ecstatic about it, save for Scootaloo and Flurry Heart, but the last thing I need is more children shrieking a frequency that harms my ears.

"Are we done yet?" The tiara-wearing one said.


"How about now?" The one with the glasses asked.


"How about--"

"Girls! Meditating is supposed to about clearing your mind of all distractions. You can't do that if you keep on talking," Scootaloo chided.

"But it's boring just sitting here," Sweetie Belle whined.

"And not very fun to be honest," Applebloom added.

"Well, Flurry Heart gets it," Scootaloo gestures to the filly, however, upon closer inspection, Flurry Heart head was gently rocking up and down as a trail of drool escaped the corner of her muzzle. The other girls turn to Scootaloo with knowing smiles. I couldn't help but smirk at that.

"Oh yeah, she got sleeping down to a tea," Diamond tiara jibbed.

Sweetie Belle turns her attention to the resting boy on the bed next to them. "Do you think Gohan will be able to give us some pointers?"

"Hey! What's wrong with me?" Scootaloo said in an offended tone.

"Nothing at all Scootaloo. I think you make a great a teacher," Everyone in the room turned to the familiar voice as Goku steps inside.

"GOKU!!!" The fillies exclaimed, waking Flurry Heart for her sleep. The girls started to rush over to their friend, but a firm command from me stops them in their tracks.

"Hold on!" I said. I got up from my position and walked over to Goku. I held up my palm with my kanji and stared intently into Goku's eyes. He nodded and repeated the gesture as we both said the password.


"So what brings you back from the castle on the hill? Base on how your Ki was flaring up, I assume you were having the time of your life,"

"Yeah, I felt that too. Were you training with the royal guards?" Scootaloo asked.

"Nah, nothing like that. There was an issue we didn't know about with the minotaurs. Apparently, Chrysalis caused some trouble with the other kingdoms," Goku stated.

"That would explain the ships I saw in the skyline. But what does that have to do with you?"

"Well, it was just a misunderstanding. The same thing happens to Trunks in New Equland remember?"

"Yeah..." Something wasn't right here. The Ki I felt was Goku going Super Saiyan. Why would he do that if it was just a misunderstanding? "Then I'm guessing the princesses called Trunks to explain his experiences with being framed as well huh?"

"That's right,"

"So why invite Vegeta? He spent the majority of our time here in that forest nearby,"

"That fella is plum crazy," Applebloom said.

"And he's rude. I don't know how Ms. Bulma likes him," Sweetie Belle added. The kid made a good point. Even I haven't figured out the connection between them.

"Vegeta is the prince of the Saiyans, and it was a royal meeting, so he was better suited when it came to formal speaking," A valid point. One I never thought Goku of all people would make.

"I suppose that makes sense. I'm glad you were able to resolve things so quickly,"

"Yeah, it was a hassle. Anyway, It's time to get Gohan out of here,"

"Really!!!" The girls cried out in excitement.

"That's odd. The last time I spoke with the doctor, I can get Gohan once he woke up,"

"Don't worry Piccolo. I cleared with them. They said that as long as I'm gentle, then I can move him," Goku being gentle? Those are words I never thought I'd hear. He started to move to Gohan's cot, but there was still something bugging me, so I decided to try another safety measure.

"Just one more thing I need to check,"

"Jeez, Piccolo. What's got you this paranoid? Maybe you should take a break and let me do the babysitting," Goku stretches his arm to Gohan, but I stop him by grabbing his wrist. The others looked on in confusion while I pressed further.

"There was one little tidbit regarding the password. Being Master Roshi's student, you should know the answer to this; who created the Mafuuba, and who did they use it to seal away?"

There was a slight pause as Goku's eyes widened. That alone confirmed my suspicions, however, the girls were naturally against this line of questioning. "Hey! What gives!?" Scootaloo said hotly.

"Goku already show us your Cutie Mark and said the password!" Silver Spoon said.

"Even it does sound lame," Diamond Tiara commented.

"Goku passed our test, so everything is fine," Applebloom added.

Before they could continue, Goku started chuckling in a very eerie, very familiar, and irking voice. "My, I guess I should've accounted for your cautious nature, huh Piccolo?"

I tightened my grip on his wrist. "I knew that with your ability to disguise yourself, we would need a means of sniffing you out. So I set up a secondary password after you stole the Dragonballs a second time. I made sure to tell only the fighters in our group now drop the act!"

Goku sucked in his teeth as green flames engulf his form. Chrysalis stood before us, putting the girls in a state of panic, and Scootaloo on alert. "It looks like you have right where you want me, Piccolo. But I can't help but ask; what shall you do now?"

"Tell me where Dende and the Dragonballs are and I might go easy on you!"

"Yeah! We got you outnumbered!" I had to admire the grit this pegasus has on her.

"Aw~ The naivety of youth. This brat doesn't understand who is in control, huh?" She was right in a way. Concerning Ki energy, I had the experience. But terms of magic, she was more adept than I was and I didn't like my odds. I was about to send a telepathic message to the others when Chrysalis grabs hold of my wrist and begins to pry it off of her. That smug smile she was wearing was sickening. But not as much as what she said next. "You gave me your ultimatum; now I'll give you mine; surrender Gohan to me, and no harm will come to you..." She looks over to Flurry, who in turn, glares at her. Although, I'm sure it equated to a pout. "The alicorn foal as well. I'm starting a bit of a collection, you see, and having her at my side will eliminate any future rebellions. So what is your decision?" I stared at the one the whose foolish actions put the Earth in greater jeopardy than Cell, then at the assembled girls under my care, and finally to Gohan, the boy who was the first one to call me a friend and made my choice.

My eyes shot open as I thrust my free arm into Chrysalis' face, hoping to impale her. However, as expected, she veers her head to the left and counters with a knee to my abdomen. I could hear the girls scream in alarm as Chrysalis roughly yanks me back to eye level. With a vicus sneer, she spoke. "Wrong choice Namekian!" She then charges a Ki blast and drives it into my sternum. The attack blew me out of the hospital room and down to the ground outside. Thankfully, I saw Scootaloo put up a barrier around her friends before my sudden exit. I quickly got back to my feet and removed my training weights. The ponies in the area fell into a panic, but I ignored them for the moment as Chrysalis saunters out of the hole she made with Gohan tuck under her arm. She floated down to me with a few feet of space between us.

"Let him go now!"

"Try and make me!"

I was about to rush when Scootaloo flips out of the hole and flings a Ki blast like a curveball. The attack detonated on top of Chrysalis' head as it drew up a smoke cloud. She landed next to me while I kept my eyes on the smoke screen. I decided to use this lull in combat to talk to the little pegasus via telepathy. 'What are you doing!? You could've hit Gohan with that last stunt!'

'We both know that didn't work!' She had a point.

'Regardless, I need you to get Flurry Heart far away from here!'

'Then what? She'll find us in a blink of an eye! There's no way we can win unless it's together! Besides, the girls are taking Flurry to the back entrance. Now let's take her!!!'

The girl then charged forward as the smoke cleared away, revealing that Chrysalis had put up a shield at the moment of impact. Chrysalis flicks her hair out of her eyes while the squirt attacks her with ferocity. Despite her intensity, Chrysalis effortlessly glides past her blows like they were nothing. I felt the others were on their way. The best we could do was wait until she slips up. "Ha, easier said then done..." I lunged forward the moment Chrysalis swatting Scootaloo away. She saw me coming and fires another Ki blast at me. I vanished behind her to set up for an elbow strike, but Chrysalis whips around and holds up Gohan as a human shield. I instantly stop my attack which left me wide open for a counter. The damn bug scored a roundhouse kick. I braced myself as best as I could while sliding across the dirt, digging a trench in the soil. Scootaloo tried to attack before she recovered, but Chrysalis vanishes to her and slams her knee into her gut, followed by an elbow strike that plants her into the ground.

She pins the girl down with the heel of her hoof, causing the squirt to grunt. "Aah! Let him go!!!"

"Once again, you have shown zero respect for your better," She holds up her hand and gathers her energy into her palm. "A shame you won't be able to go through puberty!"

I was about to charge in to stop the finishing blow when another voice cried out. "Dodon Ray!!!" A golden beam barreled toward Crhyslis, forcing her to evade and free the squirt. I looked into the direction the attack came from to see the others ready for action.

"Nice of you to join us,"

"Well it was kinda hard to miss with all the explosions nearby," Krillin said.

"Do mind telling us who this is and why she has Gohan?" Tien said in an even tone.

"Get ready! We're facing Chrysalis!" I said. This declaration put everyone on alert, everyone except Yamcha.

"What!? That's Crystalline!?" Yamcha exclaimed.

"It's been a long time, boy toy~" Chrysalis sweetly.

"B-but... You're not-"

"This form isn't to your liking? Don't worry honey..." The green flames appeared again as she took her human form she wore back on Earth. "I can always make adustments~,"

"B-babe! It's great to see you,"

"Yamcha!" I said in a warning tone. I noticed that Chrysalis energy began to increase as Yamcha approached her.

"I'm sorry I made you worry about me, honey~," Chrysalis said. There was a distinct glow in her eyes that was unnerving.

"When you left, I couldn't stop thinking about you..."

"Yamcha! Get a grip on yourself! She's the enemy remember!" Tien stated, but it fell on deaf ears.

"We got to stop him! She's feeding on his love!" Scootaloo shouted.

Android 16 dashes ahead while the rest of us recoiled at what we just heard. Chrysalis watches her assailant with a bored expression as she held out her hand. She stops his shoulder charge with no effort at all while 16 grunted from exertion. "It's a wonder why Bulma wasted so much time rebuilding a pile of scrap metal such as yourself," Chrysalis mocked. She retaliated by blowing 16 back with a shockwave. Tien and Master Roshi moved in next. Tien flickered in the air and formed a triangle with his hands. However, he stops his attempt when Chrysalis held Gohan by the back of his shirt while wagging her finger at him. Master Roshi closed the distance and engaged in close quarter combat. But I could tell he was pulling his punch to avoid inadvertently striking Gohan. Chrysalis was taking full advantage of our reluctance as she lands a left jab to his face before kicking away.

Krillin gritted his teeth at the display. "Quit hiding behind our friend!" He stuck out both his arms as two Ki orbs charged in his palms. He fires a beam that barreled toward the witch who response by hold Gohan in the pathway. However, Krillin tilted the stream down, causing his attack to shoot upwards. "Scatter Shot!!!" Multiple Ki blasts rained down on Chrysalis position as the explosion rang out. I used the distraction to flicker at Gohan's side. I manage to pull him from Chrysalis' grasp, But I paid for it soon after when Chrysalis sent the both of us flying with a massive blast of her own. I held the attack in my hand, but I quickly found out, magic comprised this attack, not Ki energy. I felt my palm burning from the heat. I gritted my teeth as I fought against the pressure. Thankfully, the kid came in with an attack of her own. Her wings were shroud with Ki energy and with a flap of her arms, several feather-based projectiles tore the death ball of magic to shreds.

"Thanks, kid,"

"No problem," Scootaloo responded. I laid Gohan down as we all faced Chrysalis. "Now we don't have to hold back!"

"As if it mattered," Chrysalis stated. I didn't like the confidence.

"Guys, come on! Let's ease up and talk this out!" Yamcha said.

"Yamcha, you love-struck fool! Maintain discipline!" Master Roshi commanded.

"Yeah! Don't let her control you!" Krillin added. Yamcha ignores his plea as he continued to move toward Chrysalis.

"This course of action can only prove detrimental to our cause. Chrysalis power is steadily growing past its limitations," 16 said.

"I missed you too, my little cuisine, I missed your touch. I missed your smell. I missed your undying love for me~." I couldn't stand it! She was blatantly using Yamcha. She wasn't even subtle about it!

Finally, I had enough of this farce. "Dammit Yamcha! Get back here now! Can't you see she's just using you!"

"EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP OKAY!!!" He screamed. Yamcha turned back to us with a look I'd never expected to come from him. "I'm not just some poor sap under some spell! I know I can reach her if I try!"

"We don't have time for this!" I shouted.

"Then make time! Crystal, babe, you can't tell me that you're just going to throw away all the moments we shared. Whoever you were in this world doesn't matter anymore because I know you changed. You can feel it, right? The love I have for you..." Yamcha was now facing Chrysalis. He took her hand and interlocked it with his. Chrysalis just stood there and let him prattle on with his delusions. That same smug smile never left her face once since the moment he started talking. "Come back with us babe. We'll stop Cell and get married and live the good life,"

"Oh, Yamcha~," Chrysalis said, her voice was less loving and more manipulative. "Of all the morsels that supplied me with love, yours is the most boundless and pure," She shudders as she went on with her speech. "But, just like those that came before you, they were nothing more to me than a food source," I couldn't tell from my positioning, but I was sure I heard Yamcha's heartbreaking.

"That's enough Chrysalis! When you came to us, I took you in as my pupil. The only ones to match your dedication to learning the kame-Senin arts were Goku and Krillin. Those moments at Kame House wasn't a lie!" Master Roshi points out.

"What are you doing!?" I asked.

"So the fact that I've felt nothing but lust in that decision had nothing to do with your choice," Chrysalis countered. She then places her hand on Yamcha's cheek as she gazed directly into his eyes. "You, along with all those moments on the Earth, amounts to one thing..." She then slams her knee into Yamcha's stomach, causing him to crumble to the ground. Chrysalis then flicks her wrist towards us as a shockwave erupts where Roshi was standing. The old man was sent tumbling to the ground before Tien stops him. "A means to an end. And now that I do not need for any of you, it's time to cut those ties!" Those of us left standing tensed up for what she might try next. Somehow, Yamcha's arm slowly reaches up and grabs Chrysalis by her pants leg.

"Babe... Please!"

Chrysalis sighs before she took Yamcha's arm, and snaps it at an awkward angle. Yamcha wailed in pain before Chrysalis drives her elbow into the back of his head, knocking him out cold. She turned back to us and had a quizzical look at our expressions. "What?" She said innocently.

"You're as vile as they come. Not even Cell toyed with people like this...!" I snarled.

I could feel my anger boiling over when Chrysalis laugh at my berating. "Do you want to know the best part?" She finally drops her human form and reverts black to her changeling one as her horn came to life. What happened next was something unheard of, at least in our world, but a pink vapor exited Yamcha's body and flowed into Chrysalis. It took only a moment for me to hazard a guess as to what it was. "Even after everything I said, even after everything I did, Yamcha still loves me~,"

"I'm going to rip you apart!" Tien seethed as his aura flared out.

"Get in line!" Krillin snarled as he followed Tien's example.

"Combining our strength yields a higher success rate," 16 stated.

"That's the last time you hurt anyone else!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

Roshi was back on his feet and joined the lineup. "You are a disgrace to the turtle hermit school of fighting!" He spat.

"Amazing! You still hold out hope for defeating me. None of you are a match for the power I possess. And the only ones that could are currently indisposed!"

"You sure about that!"

"That voice-- Gohan!!!" Scootaloo announced. Sure enough, Gohan was back on feet. He walked past our line up, electricity dancing around his body, as he turned Super Saiyan. A smirk made its way on my face when the grin left Chrysalis' muzzle.

"What wrong? Where'd all that bravado go?" Gohan said as he took his stance.

"Looks like the odds tipped in our favor," I said while cracking my knuckles.

"Gohan. I'm so glad you're awake. That saves me the trouble of carrying you around. Now be a dear and come with me,"

"Are you joking!? It's over now. You can't be all of us. especially Gohan!" Krillin affirmed.

"In most cases, you'd be correct. But Gohan will come with me without a fight!"

"That's a bold claim Chrysalis," Roshi said.

"I wonder about that. Bulma, what do you think?" Bulma? Why would she be calling her?

"I think these fools don't know when to give up!" Our eyes widened when we heard that. Bulma made her way on the battlefield with the fillies in tow. She was cradling Flurry Heart while the Four Star ball in her free hand. The girls were understandably bemused at what was happening. It's evident that she must've bumped into the fillies during the evacuation of the hospital, then why is she here!?

"Bulma! Now is not a good time! You need to take the girls to safety!" Krillin commanded. Bulma, however, didn't move. Instead, she wore the same smirk Chrysalis was sporting.

"I will not be going anywhere," We stared at her in disbelief as her irises shifted to from blue to green. "For my queen demands that I remain by her side!"

I knew what was wrong right off the bat, and gritted my teeth in frustration. "I should've seen it was coming...! Chrysalis warped her mind when she stole the Dragonballs from us! Bulma's been under her control this whole time!"

"No way!!!"
"What do we do!?"
"Girls, get away from her!"

"No need to worry about the fillies. I do not need for them," Chrysalis said as she flickers to Bulma's side. Her horn glow as she gazes into Flurry Heart eyes. The little princess became drowsy and fell asleep moments later. "Now for you Gohan. Power down and join us. If you refuse..." Bulma took that as her cue to pull out a serrated knife. To our shock, she held the tip against her throat and pressed hard enough to draw a thin line of blood. "Bulma's lovely clothes might be stained with a lovely shade of red. And that's what will happen to her. The elements and the royal family will experience a much worse fate if you don't comply,"

Gohan looks over to me as if I could provide an answer. Sadly, that wasn't the case this time. With no other option available, I, Begrudgingly, shook my head. Gohan sighed profoundly and powered down as Chrysalis commanded. I couldn't believe this! Chrysalis effectively rendered all our power useless with this stunt. Gohan walks up to Chrysalis with his head hung low. The bug woman had the nerve to ruffle his hair before Gohan swatted her hand away. If looks could kill, Chrysalis would be dying a thousand deaths from the glare Gohan was sending her. Satisfied that things went her way, Chrysalis turns back to us to celebrate.

"Enjoy the rest of your stay on Equis. You won't be here for very long," Her lit up, and all four them vanished from our site.

"GOHAN!!!" The fillies cried out.

Krillin slammed both of his fists into the ground while Tien and Roshi tended to Yamcha. I clenched my fists so hard that blood dripped onto the field. I threw my arms out and shouted to skies above. In the midst of my tantrum, the others got Yamcha back to his feet. He looked around frantically as he grabs hold of Roshi's shoulders. "Guys! Where's Crystal!?"

"...They're gone Yamcha..." Roshi said dejectedly.

"Gone? Where did she go!? We have to find her!"

"Is that all you care about!?" I was surprised when the tiara-wearing filly shrieked out indignantly to Yamcha's plight. She ran up to him and started pounding away at his midsection. The other girls followed her example and began assaulting him as well. Better them than me because I have the power to cause permanent damage.

"She took him! She took Gohan and Bulma and Princess Flurry Heart!" Sweetie Belle wailed.

"She had Bulma under her spell and made hurt herself!" Silver Spoon cried out.

"They got mah sister, Twilight, and her friends too. Can't you see she's evil!?" Applebloom added. Each word seems to have a devastating effect on Yamcha as he slumps down and took his beating.

"Girls, that's enough!" I ordered. They reluctantly backed off as I retrieved my weights. Yamcha looks up at me with defeat in his eyes. He was about to say something, but I wasn't in the mood. "Save it. Pull yourself together and get ready to move. We're going after them,"

"But how? I can't sense their energy anywhere! It's like they disappeared off the face of the planet," Krillin exclaimed.

"No, they didn't," A new voice sounded out. The Z fighters whipped around to see Starlight and Discord walking with two newcomers. One was a baby blue unicorn in a magicians getup, and the other looked human-like, but at the same time, he wasn't.

"What's the password!?" They both held up their hands and showed their kanji. But I was far from satisfied with that. I began to ask them personal questions that I knew only the real Starlight and Discord could answer. Starlight recounted the time she brainwashed an entire village and ruled it like a dictator. Discord happily regaled his reign of chaos with visual and special effects. I nodded at them, but that didn't assuage my temper. "Where were you two and who are they?"

"Well, I was peacefully lunging around Fluttershy's cottage when Starlight and her sidekick brought this changeling here-"

"What!?" My patience was at an end at this lunacy. I clutched my fingers like a claw and extended my hand to mismatched rejects throat and pulled him toward me! "We were over here fighting for our lives, and you were waiting around like a lost puppy!?"

"W-well, when you put it like that, it makes me sound insensitive,"

Before I could strangle this idiot, the changeling spoke up. "I know you're frustrated, but I know where they are heading. I'm King Thorax. I can take you to the Hive castle!"

"How can we trust you?" Scootaloo challenged.

"I was skeptical of him as well, but Thorax has made great strides in reforming the changelings! He's our best bet," Starlight argued.

"I'm afraid we don't have a choice. If we fight each other than we'll lose everything!" Thorax pleaded.

I debated our options and found them lacking, so I went along with this proposal. "Fine, lead the way. But if I get any inkling of you betraying us, then consider your life forfeit!"

[Outstirks of Ponyville - Third Person POV.]

"Hmm, look at all those strapping lads. I thought Goku was the only visitor we had," Siren swooned as they spied the Z warriors from afar.

*Blech* "That green one looks sick," Pudge noted.

"They hardly seem like their warriors. Look at how easily Chrysalis dealt with them. Stealing those balls will be easier than I thought," Raam gloated.

"Then you are obviously underestimating the golden-haired one. That boy is stronger than all of those present!" Junior advised.

"At least we know where they are heading. Still, I wanted to be the street vendor for our little ploy," Siren whined.

"Urgh! I hate you!" Raam chided.

"Enough of the pointless prattle. It's time to move. Our salvation is finally upon us," Junior vowes.

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