• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 8,816 Views, 997 Comments

Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 20: Retaliation! (Edited)

Author's Note:

Enjoy guys. Happy Valentines Day.

[Ponville - Ponville General Hostiptal - Third Person POV.]

The Z fighters stood gathered around a hospital room as a nurse and doctor tended to the five patients lying in the beds. Gohan was breathing softly with a rag resting on his head. Beside him, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon were all sleeping soundly with a few bandages covering their wounds. Each of them had varying degrees of concern plastered on their faces while they watched. Goku steps forward with a solemn expression as he addressed the doctor. "So what's the verdict doc? How soon we take Gohan and the girls out of here?"

"Aside from a few cuts and bruises, the foals are fine. They've been through quite the ordeal, and require rest. Although, for your son, I would like to keep him for overnight observation. He seems to be suffering from the most extreme case of exhaustion I've ever witnessed,"

"Uh! Are you sure we can't move them to the ship instead? I--" Goku wanted to press harder until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked back to see Piccolo with a neutral expression as he shook his head in disagreement.

"You never did like hospitals, huh Goku?" Bulma chuckled. "Gohan and the girls are fine right here,"

"That's right sir. We promise to take good care of them. Princess Twilight wants you in the main lobby. Please go and give them the good news so they can see the patients. Keeping an apple away from a bedridden relative never ends well," The doctor said as the Z warriors walked out the room and into the main lobby. Rarity and Applejack were displaying concerns of their own. The marshmallow pony was wearing a trench on the floor with how much she was pacing. Whereas Applejack had to be physically restrained by her brother, who had her in a master lock, as per doctors orders. Scootaloo was sitting next to Rainbow as the prismatic mare draped a wing over her left shoulder.

"Dagnabit Big Mac! Let me go!" Applejack ordered as she struggled against her brothers' grip.

Big Mac responded accordingly. "Nope!"

"I concur Applejack. I can't stand knowing how my darling little sister is disabled!" Rarity said.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that," Goku said, gaining everyone's attention. "Gohan and the girls are fine. They need some rest. Gohan especially,"

"The doctor said you all can see them now if you want," Bulma offered. The moment she said those words, three dust clouds were left behind from where Applejack, Big Mac, and Rarity stood.

The girls exhaled a breath of relief at the news. Scootaloo fidgeted uncomfortably. While she was glad her friends were ok, the memories of that night were daunting. Rainbow's wing tightened around her adoptive sister to ease her worries. "Relax squirt. Everypony is safe and sound. Besides, it's not like anything in that forest can shake you, right?"

Scootaloo wanted to affirm her sister's belief, but couldn't muster the usual bravado the two pegasi shared. "...Those monsters were not the everyday critters I could handle," This confession left everyone confused.

"What do you mean? With our training, we could live in the Everfree for months if we wanted too," Spike said.

"Ok then, what were they?" Krillin asked.

"...Blood Hooves..." Scootaloo said, causing the Equestrians to recoil in shock.

"W-what!?" Spike gasped out. He knew full well what the Blood Hooves were thanks to the myth's and legendary creatures guide Twilight has in stock.

"Haha... Good one squirt. That's just some old mare's tale," Rainbow chuckled.

"Wasn't Nightmare Moon just an 'old mare's tale' too?" Scootaloo countered. Rainbow retort died in her throat.

"What the heck is a Blood Hoof?" Yamcha asked.

"Essentially they are zombies," Twilight grimly stated.

"N-no way! Zombies are a thing here!?" Yamcha exclaimed.

"Huh, that's a new one," Goku said, his voice devoid of any alarm.

"Goku, zombies are no joke. They're undead monsters that go around eating your flesh!!!"

"I wouldn't stress about some reanimated corpse. We've dealt with far worse," Piccolo said flatly. "What I want to know is why Gohan's power spiked when we found you all passed out with the Dragonball,"

Scootaloo shuddered as she recounted her encounter with the Blood Hooves. The Z warriors and the Equestrians were quite disturbed by that there was an entire town full of seemingly innocent town goers turned out to be ravenous monsters. Their views of friendship and how they attempted to force on Scootaloo and the others caught Twilight's ire especially. However, it was the cruel fate of a filly named Ruby that gave everyone pause. A sweet girl punished and murdered due to ignorance and paranoia. Scootaloo went to on in great detail after the battle started and how the Dragonball allowed Ruby to control the Blood Hooves as she saw fit. But the most perplexing part was the closing moments of the fight when the fillies and Gohan found themselves cornered. Only for the youngest Super Saiyan of the Z fighters to turn the tables.

Master Roshi dejectedly sighs as he spoke. "It seems that not even a world as sweet and peaceful as this one is free of such evil..."

"It sickening they resorted to such extremes, and on a child no less. Its no wonder she somehow came back as a vengeful Spirit," Tien said.

"I must disagree darling. This Ruby was traumatized by her untimely passing. She didn't know any better, and she just wanted her pain to stop. It doesn't excuse her actions, but we should be more understanding of her plight," Rarity explained.

"How could those mean old ponies mistake something as wonderful as cutie marks for a curse?" Pinkie wailed.

"They were an isolated community Pinkie. They had little ties with the outside world, and the only contact they had with cutie marks was with the cutie-pox affliction," Starlight said, trying to reason about the terrible choices the happy towners made. "It's pretty easy to prey on fear and paranoia when a town is cut off from everything else. Trust me on that one,"

"It doesn't give them the right to turn on their friend like that!!!" Rainbow snapped.

"What I don't understand is how this all happen right next to us, and we couldn't sense a thing until Gohan's energy shot up like an erupting volcano," Ember said.

"The Everfree forest has a magic of its own. It has categorized as wild magic - completely uncontrollable and unpredictable - I summarise that the influenced of the wild magic blocked our ability to sense any happens within the forest. Never mind the fact that the Dragonballs are amplifying the prowess of whatever it comes into contact with, making them exceed their normal limitations," Twilight explained.

"So what's to stop Chrysalis from bolstering her forces by giving them a Dragonball?" F. Trunks asked.

"That strategy would prove to be grossly negligent. Chrysalis would risk losing the Dragonballs she already acquired, and thus hinder her goal of using them for a wish," 16 commented.

"That would be counterproductive I suppose," Bulma said thoughtfully.

As the conversation continued, Spike felt a familiar pressure in his stomach. He lurched forward and bleched out a scroll with Celestia's royal seal on it. Twilight noticed this and began to read its contents. "It's a letter from the princesses. They all returned from the Hive castle,"

"Um... Did he burp out a scroll?" Yamcha whispered to Tien. The three-eyed man dumbly nods in response.

"What else does the letter say Twilight?" Fluttershy asks.

"Hmm... She wants the elements in Canterlot immediately. King Thorax has found a way to detect Chrysalis!"

"Alright! Let's get going," Goku said. He was about to tell everyone to grab hold of him before Twilight stops him.

"Actually. Princess Celestia wants us, Spike, and Ember to come to Canterlot. She says that it would be better for the Earth Forces to remain here and protect the Dragonball we have,"

"Not a fan of that name," Krillin commented.

"I can't fault that logic. I'll stay here with Gohan until he recovers," Piccolo said. Flurry Heart, who has been idly piggy-backing on Piccolo, let out a grunt at Piccolo's words. The Namekian warrior softly smirked as he spoke again. "Correction; we'll stay here and watch over Gohan. Everyone else. don't stray too far from the village,"

"I don't know Piccolo. I'm sure Cadence would want her foal back with her," Bulma argued.

"It's fine Bulma, after all, Piccolo's the best babysitter on both worlds. Hahahaha!" Krillin jested, but the icy glare of Piccolo silenced his laughter.

"I'll go tell Applejack and Rarity we have a summons. Spike, I could use a hand. You know how stubborn Applejack can get and how melodramatic Rarity most is at the moment," Twilight said as Spike nodded. The two went to fetch the remaining Elements while Scootaloo hopped out Rainbow's embrace.

"I'll stay and protect my friends with you too!" She said with determination.

"Sure. The more, the merrier," Piccolo said.

[Canterlot Castle.]

True to Twilight assessment, Applejack and Rarity were vehemently against leaving their siblings alone. But some strong reassurances from the Z fighters managed to convince the two worried sisters. Spike sent the letter that they were currently on their way to Canterlot. Pinkie decided to save Twilight the headache of magical teleportation and brought everyone in a hug before they popped in front of the castle gate.

"I must say, darling, that instant transmission spell is certainly more convenient than teleporting via magic," Rarity said.

"It's a technique, not a spell you silly filly," Pinkie corrected.

"It is handy that's for sure," Applejack said.

"Focus girls, we can go over these techniques later," Twilight said as the group ventures pass the gates to see Shining Armor and Cadence waiting for them. "BBBFFF! Cadence!"

"Hey LSBFF!"

"It's good to see you all again," Cadence said.

"Before we go any further..." Ember said as she held out her with Piccolo's kanji on it. The others quickly got the message and displayed their hands as well. Shining Armor and Cadence replicated and showed their kanji as well.

"Don't forget the password," Spike reminded.

"Mafuuba," Everyone said in unison.

"Now that we're through with the security measures, Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna are waiting with King Thorax in aunties private meeting room. We'll discuss a plan there," Shining said. The elements and drakes were lead to the meeting room post haste. Upon entering, Celestia, Luna, and King Thorax were all looking at a map of the continent while sharing some refreshments. Celestia greeted the group with her usual motherly smile.

"Thank for coming on such short notice everypony and every drake,"

"It was no trouble at Princess. You know we will always answer the call to defend Equestria," Twilight said firmly, earning a round of agreements from her friends.

"Indeed. Please help yourself to some refreshment while Thorax explains his method of finding Queen Chrysalis," Celestia's smile was everpresent as the elements and dragons heeded her request.

"So what's the stitch Princesses? How can we squash this runaway cockroach?" Rainbow asked.

"Ahem!!! Please try and remember that Chrysalis is a changeling like myself, and what you just said is pretty offensive," Thorax berated.

"Oh! That is true. We'll try to be more respectful," Fluttershy offered meekly.

"Yes, your highness. We certainly mean no transgression against you or the new changeling pact. We are all eager to finally apprehend Chrysalis before she can do further harm to the new changeling's reputations," Rarity placated.

"It's a right shame that just when you and your kin got to work fixing the mess Chrysalis caused, she comes back and mucks things up," Applejack added.

"And that's why we got to put that meanie weenie bug Queenie in the big house!" Pinkie chirped while wearing a suit of armor typically worn by a royal guard.

"So what method have you created for locating Chrysalis?" Twilight asked, getting the conversation back on track.

"Yes, the sooner we catch her, the better. My father wasn't very fond of me shifting the responsibility of ruling on him again," Ember said.

"Doesn't his brand of politicking usually consist of being the tallest, highest dragon?" Spike inquired, earning a jab in the gut from his promised mate.

The Princesses and Thorax quietly watched on as the banter continued. A satisfied smile adorned Celestia lips as the ponies and dragons had consumed all the refreshments. They laid out for them. "I believe the time is right. Wouldn't you agree with me, sister?" Celestia asked.

A devious smile appeared on the Luna's muzzle as she addressed the group. "Yes, as harrowing as the task of being ruler can be, we must stay diligent. King Thorax has already given us an adequate psychological profiling pf Queen Chrysalis. To put it simply; she is cunning, self-assured, and her newly gained combat prowess is unmatched-"

"Psh! Yeah right. She's good at running away and hiding. We could take her as easily as the last time," Rainbow interrupted.

"Oh? You seem quite confident even though everypony here never personally faced the queen. In fact, if memory serves, you six were taken down by drones," Luna reminded. All of the girls shied away at that particular fact resurfacing.

"...Right-- I forgot about that,"

"Queen Chrysalis hasn't forgotten," Thorax said. "One of her character traits is holding grudges. She will try and get her revenge. But to do that, she will need an army,"

Twilight gasped as a sudden realization hit her. "She will try to force the changeling back into her thrall!"

"Then the solution is to lay a trap for at the Hive castle!" Spike stated.

"Um, there is something I've been wondering..." Fluttershy started, gaining everyone's attention. "Chrysalis came back to Equis during the Black Sky event right? Wouldn't she already try to attack the new changelings during the confusion?" There was a deafening silence at the timid pegasus statement. "Oh my, did I say something wrong...?"

A mirthful chuckle escapes the Royal sisters and Thorax's lips. As the laughter went onward, the room filled more with unease. Finally, once the laughing died down, Celestia spoke. "That is very good dear Fluttershy. I must say that you should voice your opinion more often. You are the only pony here to ask the right question. Oh, it's always fun watching you pitiful ponies stumble around, tripping over your hooves in trying to catch me. Too bad it's usually too late by the time you finally pieced it all together,"

"Celestia? What are you talking about?" Twilight asked, bewildered by her mentors' words. Ember, however, sensed something was wrong and adopted a fighting stance. This action, in turn, put Spike and everyone else on alert.

"How did you know about the Kanji and our password!?" Ember demanded. Her authoritative tone shocked the ponies present.

"Ember?" Spike said with uncertainty.

"Oh dear, you seem to have caught on to my charade..." Celestia said as green flames encased her form and shifted back to the changeling queen.


"Present," Chrysalis said coyly.

A vicious sneer appeared on Twilight's face as caught onto the implications of their enemy being here. "Where are the Princesses and my brother!?"

"Why they are in the same place you all are going to be in a few moments," Chrysalis said a matter of factly.

"Fact chance bug queen!!!" Rainbow said.

"Revealing yourself was quite foolish," Rarity said.

"Yeah, you're outnumbered!" Spike said.

"As if that matters. While I would love to engage you all in a rousing sparring session, I'm afraid that simply won't be happening," Chrysalis said while idly checking her nails.

"Why's that?" Applejack asked. There was a thud behind as everyone whipped around to find Fluttershy unconscious on the floor. "Wha..." The farm mare felt a wave of dizziness wash over her as she grips her head. The feeling of fatigue grew too much for her as she finally succumbs and passes out.

"W-what the hay...?" Rainbow slurred as she hit the ground as well.

"It-its the food! You laced it with a knock-out agent!!!" Twilight stated as her knees trembled. Rarity and Pinkie soon followed the others example. Now, only the two drakes and the princess of friendship were still standing, albeit barely.

Chrysalis gave a slow clap to the young princess. "How very astute of you, Twilight. I can see why Celestia chose you as her protege. All I had to do was say consume this, and you did it without a moment's hesitation. Celestia was more wary of me back at the Hive castle. Although, I did let a few keywords slip out that might have given me away. Thankfully, that was not the issue here. It's a good thing too. I would hate to alert the others if we broke out in an altercation,"

"Y-you won't get away..." That was all Twilight managed to say before she too fell to the drugging effects.

"Dammit...!" Ember said as she collapses to one knee. Spike wasn't far behind her.

"You haven't won yet!" Spike grunted. It took slightly longer for the two drakes to fall victim to Chrysalis' concoction, but they joined the elements in their slumber nevertheless.

"You are right. There is still another group of pests to cleanse from my world," Chrysalis replied as Cadence and Shining Armor entered the room and morphed into Chrysalis' elite guard. "Transport them to the castle with the princesses! With the elements under lock and key, we can focus our efforts on the Earthlings,"

"My queen. These letters were given to me earlier before this operation. It's for Celestia. One is from Queen Cream Puff of New Equland, and the other is from Cloven Hoof of Minatos. It would seem both of them are coming to Equestria,"

"Aww. I was wondering how long it would take for the little prince to work up the nerve for revenge. Although, I haven't prepared anything for Cream Puff. Oh well, we could always use another changeling agent posing as royalty. When will they be here?"

"Tomorrow. However, Cloven Hoof's letter was vague on his intent,"

A sly chuckle escapes Chrysalis lips. "Of course he would leave out the finer details of his arrival. He's planning on attacking Goku. A surprise greeting, much like the one 'Goku' dealt with his kingdom," Chrysalis places a finger under her muzzle in a thoughtful expression. "The little calf would have to make an appearance here at Canterlot before settling his affairs...." A flash of green flames erupted as Chrysalis dons Celestia's image again. "Be sure and send Goku an invitation. I'm sure he would love to meet the new king,"

[The Next Day - Everfree Forest.]

Another day has passed, and Vegeta stood in the same spot he made for himself the moment he entered the Everfree Forest. Vegeta glared into the clear blue skies above as birds flew past his perch on a cliffside. He has dealt with many obstacles in life. Certain hurdles that tested his mettle as a warrior. But there is a problem that has consistently plagued the Prince of all Saiyans the moment he set foot on this new planet, boredom. Pure, unadulterated, boredom. There were only so many distractions a measly forest can offer a fighter of his caliber. Hunting the local wildlife was a waste of time given his immense strength. And the fact that he slew the mightest of beasts such as the Hydra has conditioned the animals to stay clear of him.

"Tch!" Vegeta hissed in irritation. "Coming to this pitiful little planet was a colossal mistake! I'd much rather be frozen in time on the Earth than to spend one more millisecond here. A planet like this would've fallen to world auctioneers in mere hours. It's much too soft!" Vegeta thought of the reasoning they were there on Equis and scoffs. "That cursed woman. She is nothing but a coward, relying on deception and disguises. And she is one of this nations greatest threats? Don't make me laugh!"

A sigh escapes the Saiyan princes' lips. "Perhaps I should aid Kakrot and the others. If only to accelerate our departure from this cute and cuddly mud ball as fast as possible!" Just as Vegeta finished his rant, he caught something in the distance. Serval ships were docking inside the castle on the mountain. While the Saiyan culture revolves around a warriors pedigree, Vegeta is royalty, and that entails all its aspects. Such as identifying the difference between a royal emissary and a flagship armada. The former meant little to the Saiyan warrior, but the latter has piqued Vegeta's interest. "Seems like the equine princesses are playing host to some important guest. I might as well liven up the proceedings," With that said, Vegeta flared his aura and took off to Canterlot.

[Ponyville - General Hospital.]

"Seriously. Gohan's still out of it!?" Goku's voice shouted in disbelief. The receptionist mare sent a flat stare at the spiky-haired alien.

"As I've told an hour ago Mr. Son Goku. Your son suffered the most extreme case of exhaustion in medical history. But the worst of it is over, and he should be released later in the afternoon. The four fillies have made a complete recovery in case you were wondering,"

"That's good. Those girls are pretty tough. I guess that makes sense though. The last Gohan's power fluxed like this was during training inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. We were looking for ways to surpass the standard Super Saiyan barrier," Goku said as he crosses his arms.

"...I have no idea what anything you just said is supposed to mean..."

Goku smirks and leans into the mare to whisper. "You didn't hear this from me, but that kid is potentially stronger than all of us combined. I'm sure he'll give Cell a run for his money,"

The mare looked unsure as she scooted back from Goku. "That is good? At any rate, if you want to visit, I must decline it for now. The fillies and the green stallion, who refused to leave, has taken up the slots. You will have to come by later when it is time to discharge your son,"

"Fine. Promise me those sneaky doctors won't try and give Gohan any needles ok?" The mare's eyebrow twitched as Goku left the building. Goku continued to wander through Ponyville, trying to figure out what to do next. "Hmm... Let's see. I could see what the others are up to right now. Maybe Bulma found a lead on the last Dragonball. Speaking of which, when are Spike and the others going to come back?" Goku then made a full stop as he slams his fist on the bottom of his palm. "I know! I could track down Vegeta. Maybe he might be up to for a sparring session!"

However, just as Goku put two fingers to his forehead, a voice called out to him. "Goku!"

"Hey Spike, glad your back. So what's up? Have you found Chrysalis?"

"Yeah, but something else has come up. Oh yeah..." Spike said as he held up his hand with the kanji. "Mafuuba!"

Goku looked at the drakes hand with a bemused expression. "...Uh...?"

"Goku, show me the kanji and say the password,"

"Oh right, hehe, I forgot for a second,"

"Never mind. You're Goku. Let's get going. There's someone at Canterlot that's dying to meet you,"

Ignoring the ominous tone of his pupil's voice, Goku, and Spike vanishes and reappears inside the throne. The three princesses, Prince Armor, Ember, Queen Cream Puff, and the elements all line up the bleachers. Along with was a mare Goku vaguely remember and four minotaurs. All the ponies had a flat, uncharacteristically firm for most, expressions. The Minotaurs all had an intense look of hatred directed at Goku. The Saiyan from Earth blinked several times in bemusement.

"Geez, it's like someone died in here," Goku comments.

"It would seem that the atmosphere in this room is agitated. It is good to see you again ambassador," Cream Puff said.

"Hey, I remember you from the Gala. It's great--" Goku started, but Cloven cut him off.

"You're throwing your lot in with this monster!" Cloven Hoof spat.

Cream Puff glared at the bull in response. "Quell that anger of your Prince Cloven. You are not the only one to air some grievances,"

"I am no longer a prince. I have succeeded the throne, and now I am king,"

"That is an odd development. There was no mention of Iron Hoof relinquishing the throne," Celestia said.

A dark glare was cast upon Goku as Cloven spoke. "It wasn't by choice...!"

"So what happened? Did he get sick or something?" Goku asked, oblivious to the rising anger his words incited.

"You dare!? You dare have the gall to play the fool after what you've done to our home! Our Citizens!!!" Bronze Saber snarled as his hand gripped his namesake.

"We will pay back everything you have done to us!!!" Steel Grip shouted.

"Pay you back? I don't owe you any money, do I?" Goku murmured.

That remark seemed to be the breaking point as Steel Grip, Bronze Saber, and Cloven Hoof brandished their weapons. But before they could charge, Celestia's voice stilled them. "That is quite enough! This place is for diplomacy, where our words decide a course of action, not our weapons, so will you kindly tell us what is the issue you have brought to my attention?"

Cream Puff took the floor as she garnered the Solar Diarch with a mild frown. "I want information, Princess. My kingdom came under attack and your elements withheld information that would've secured the safety of the public. You can imagine the insult I felt of outsiders prances through my kingdom without prior consent!" There was a hint of venom laced in that last sentence. However, Celestia ignored queen's tone and gave the floor to Cloven Hoof who has yet to drop his furious visage.

"I am here for penitence! You have come to my lands and destroyed everything we hold dear!"

"I still don't get we your angry at me. I've never been to the minotaur lands before," Goku answered honestly.


"Ambassador... Is that true?" Queen Puff asked.

Goku's eyes shot open with alarm. "What!? No way!!!"

"He ain't lying," Applejack stated.

"Goku! How could you!?" Fluttershy wailed. The other elements joined in on reprimanding Goku who, in turn, continued to look confused.

"Now that's quite an accusation..." A new voice called out. Everyone turned to the doors to see Vegeta walking up to the court. "I guess coming here wasn't a waste of time after all,"

"T-there's another one!?" Mary Horn said in shock.

"Who are you!?" Steel Grip demanded.

"I am Vegeta, Prince of all Saiyans, and Kakarot's superior,"

"Was it you who ordered him to assault our home!?" Bronze Saber asked.

"Tell me something; this attack happen some time ago, correct?" The minotaurs nodded in response. "Then it wasn't Kakarot. He was on a mission retrieving an artifact. If I had to guess, it must've been that shapeshifter Chrysalis posing as Kakarot,"

"Lies! The former changeling queen is dead! Celestia disposed of her in their battle," Cloven Hoof shouted.

"That is true," Celestia reminded.

"It is also true that rouge changelings attacked my kingdom looking for a Dragonball. I assume that is the artifact you mentioned. Chrysalis might not be as dead as we first thought. I am curious about what this Dragonball is exactly?" Cream Puff said.

"You would side with this murderer considering the tales of your promiscuous behavior!" Cloven Hoof spat, letting the unsaid message float in the air.

"How I conduct myself in pursuit of the realm of carnal knowledge is neither something I find shame in nor is it any of your concern. You could stand to indulge in it yourself since you like waving your sword around for anyone to notice,"

"Do not make light of our suffering Queen Cream Puff!!!"

Before the two rulers could go any further, Vegeta spoke again. "As interesting as this dialogue is, I would like to point out that our mission on this planet is none of your concern," Vegeta then turned his gaze to Cloven Hoof. "And as for you, it is painfully obvious that you want blood for Kakarot's supposed crimes against your kingdom. Despite popular belief, you insist on allowing that the bug queen lead you on like a wind-up toy. In Saiyan culture, whenever we have a dispute such as this, we settle the matter on the battlefield. Now name your terms,"

"Vegeta!!!" Goku said indignantly.

"Fitting for a species that excels in barbarism. There will be a gauntlet match! All of my finest warriors against Son Goku! It will be a fight to the death at the E.A.T arena! For the honor of my father and all those that have fallen," Cloven Hoof declared. The four Minotaurs then left the throne room to rally their forces. But not before Goku voiced his opinion.

"You're wrong, you know," He stated as he looked Cloven Hoof dead in his eye. "There is no honor in senseless bloodshed and death matches," The King angrily snorted as they left.

"I'm honestly surprised that you are allowing this to happen," Vegeta said while addressing the princesses. "Don't you equines value peace and tolerance. Having a death match on your soil doesn't seem very harmonic,"

"Indeed Princess. We all know Goku is innocent," Cream Puff added.

"My hands are tied in this insistence. If any of us interfere, it will spark a war with the minotaurs. We cannot risk an alliance that Equestria has worked for centuries to achieve," Celestia stated.

Vegeta merely chuckles at this. "Spoke like a true politician,"

"Then the only option is to go forward with the fight! If words don't work, then I'll let my fist do the talking!" Goku said firmly.

[E.A.T Colosseum.]

Goku stood in the middle of a familiar fighting arena. Under normal circumstances, the Saiyan from Earth would be overjoyed to be there. The thought of fighting strong opponents and improve himself as a martial artist excited Goku to no end. However, fate had different plans. There would be no joy or excitement for the pending battle. The royals and the elements along with the two drakes sat in the spectators' seats, save for Vegeta. The Saiyan prince chose to stand in the arena with the fighters for a closer look at the action. On the opposite end of the field stood a crowd of minotaurs, likely everyone that came aboard the ship, and all of them chomping at that chance for revenge. Cloven Hoof walked forward, fully geared in somewhat intimidating armor.

The young bull glares at Goku as Steel Grip approaches him. "Remember my liege, that armor has never been outside the castle grounds. This battle will be the first anyone wields it,"

"Now is a good a time as any to field test it," Cloven said.

"You will still need time for those runes to do their job. Let us wear this monster down. We can figure out how The monster attacks and you can come in for the final blow," Bronze Saber said.

Cloven Hoof nodded as he faced Goku. "Are you ready to meet your end!?"

Goku's stone-faced expression hadn't changed since he left the throne room. "If it's all the same with you all, I'd to get this started. One on one or all at once; it doesn't matter to me!"

Cloven gestures to two of his fellow warriors to advance. The Bulls wasted no time charging at Goku. In response, Goku cocks back his right arm and throws his fist forward. The resulting force propels into the Bulls and knocks them behind the minotaurs. Four warriors stepped up next, two mace wielders and two battle axes. Goku tried to knock them out with a shock wave, but they learned from their comrade's folly. They quickly spread out and leaped into the air. Goku notices that each of their weapons bore runic symbols. He deduced that the runes were there to amplify its striking power. Goku gathered his Ki in each of his limbs and struck at them with lightning fast accuracy. The Bulls brought their weapons down at their foe only to discover the staff portion remaining. In that moment of confusion, Goku vanishes behind each minotaur and disables them with a chop to the neck. He reappeared a few feet from the rest of the minotaurs with the same stone-faced expression.

"Well? Is that all?" Goku asked.

"Hardly!" Steel Grip shouted. He slips on a pair of silver coated gauntlets with sapphire gemstones on each knuckle. Steel Grip slams his fist together to activate the gauntlets. The collision produces a similar sound to a gong as he rears back and throws his fist out. A shockwave launches from his fist, mirroring Goku's initial attack, and barrels toward the Saiyan warrior. Goku tilts his body sideways and allows the offense to brush past him.

"Hmph! What an interesting little toy," Vegeta comments as the force cracks the barrier wall to his left.

Steel Grip rushes up to Goku and unleashes a flurry of hooks. Each time he swung his mighty arms, a shockwave followed. However, despite the danger, Goku easily evaded each strike. Steek Grip cups his fingers together for an overhead attack, but Goku caught both of his arms by the wrists. The Saiyan from Earth slowly pulls his arms apart and slams his knee into his abdomen. Steel Grip lets out a wordless scream as the pupils fade out of his eyes. Goku lets him fall to the ground and walks up to his remaining opponents. Murmurs of disbelief began to surfaces after one of Minto's top military leaders easily crumble before this juggernaut. Bronze Saber steps up next to rally their forces.

"Summon your courage and steel your will. We knew this fight would not be easy. But we will avenge our fallen!" That speech seemed to spark renewed confidence within the Bulls. Bronze rushed in as the other bulls followed. They were hoping that their more significant numbers would be enough to deter Goku from reacting. Sadly for them, that wasn't the case. Goku pointed his index and middle finger at the oncoming stampede and fired Ki blast in rapid succession. Bronze tried to defend vital points. But that wasn't Goku's intent. He instead focuses his attacks on the exposed areas on the minotaurs armor. He continued his barrage until all his adversaries no longer stood.

Goku faces Cloven Hoof as a beat of sweat drips down the Bovines brow. "Listen, it's time to stop. Despite what's happening right now, I don't want to hurt any of you,"

Cloven said nothing in response. He did, however, smirked when the runes on his armor hummed a loud tone. "We far past the talking stage. Now is the time for battle!!!"

Cloven Hoof bellowed as he tilted his horns down and charged at Goku. The Saiyan warrior sighs in disappointment as he fires a sizeable Ki blast at the Bull. However, the runes glow upon the moment of impact. The attack only ricocheted back to its sender as Cloven charges onward. Confusion was evident on Goku's face. Goku deflects the blast skyward, but he was barely able to grab Cloven Hoof by his horns to prevent impalement. Goku saw the barrier wall fast on the approach, so he leaps up and plants both his feet against it. Cracks began to form from the pressure Cloven Hoof exhorting. Gritting his teeth, Goku pushes off the wall and flips over Cloven's head. He then brings his knee down on the armor's visor. The two combatants remained stock-still before Cloven jumps into the air, grips Goku by the waist, and powerbombs him into the dirt.

"Guh!" Goku grunted out as Cloven Hoof begins to strangle him.

"Does it hurt monster? I'll make you feel the pain you dealt out to us with every last breath you take!"

"Don't bet on it-- Solar Flare!!!"

The sudden blinding light was enough to cause separation. Goku rubs his throat while Cloven Hoof clutches his eyes. "Man!" Goku exclaims. "What's up with this guy?"

"Surely, you must've noticed it by now, Kakarot," Vegeta spoke up.

"Yeah... There's something fishy going on with that armor,"

Cloven Hoof recovers and addresses his enemy inquiry. "My father had this armor commissioned after his fight with you at the tournament. Five years of research on the proper runic spellbinding. Armor forged from the densest metal materials! This armor is made to beat you every way!" Cloven's left arm began to violently twitch as it latches onto Goku's arm like a boa constrictor. Runic sigils trailed along the appendage as they glowed a bright red hue.

"Uh!? What's going on here? I'm losing power!"

"The runes in my armor were specially made to steal away the essence of whatever comes into contact with regardless of what abilities they hold or what species they are! They weren't apart of the design, but I had the place there just for you!"

"Tch! Another cowardly means to steal one's energy huh? Disgraceful!" Vegeta commented.

Goku eyes widen at that. He started getting nasty flashbacks about his battle with Android 19. And yet, something was different about the situation he was in now. "These are taking my Ki, but it's at a much slower rate. Plus, he did say that they weren't going to put these on that armor. That could mean they haven't tested out yet. So..."

"Quit dragging your feet Kakarot. If you honestly let yourself lose because you feel bad, then I'll finish you off instead!!!"

"Hehe, man, I'm just making everyone mad nowadays. But Vegeta's got the point. I'm ending this fight!"

"There's nothing you can do! I won't let you slip away this time!" Cloven shouted.

"Really? You sure about that? Those runes look fragile,"

Goku begins to raise his power level to the maximum as he transforms into a Super Saiyan. The runes couldn't contain the massive influx of power and quickly dispelled. The feedback from the overload caused a magical explosion. Cloven Hoof flew through the air and land harshly on the ground. Goku slowly walks up to his prone form. The newly appointed king was worse for wear. Most of the armor plating around the torso was no more than charred remnants from the detonation. The helmet rested near Cloven's body as the young Bull coughs and stuttered. Blood flowed freely from a gash above his left eye. But despite his sorry state, Cloven Hoof managed to get into a kneeling position and sent a death glare at the Saiyan from Earth.

"You have your father case iron will. He didn't give up the fight against me either,"

"D-don't you - *cough* - dare mention my father! You killed him! You killed my subjects! You killed all those here today!!!"

Goku deactivated his aura as he gestures to the so-called fallen warriors. "Last time I checked, dead bodies don't groan in pain," True enough, all the minotaurs Goku faced was slowly starting to stir.

Instead of rejoicing at this revelation, Cloven Hoof's anger surged again. "So now you have the penchant for mercy. BAH! You only spared them so the Equestrians will see you as the saint!"

"I'm sorry things turned out this way. I'm sorry Chrysalis used my face to bring harm to your kingdom. But, I promise you I can make it right. See, the whole reason we came back to Equis was to get back the Dragonballs that Chrysalis stole from the Earth,"

"What does that matter!?"

"The Dragonballs mystical orbs that contain the Eternal Dragon Shenron. He can bring the dead back to life!" The sheer shock on Cloven Hoof's face brought a smile to Goku's features. "I know it sounds hard to believe. But, trust me, it's true," Goku then reaches into his Gi and pulls out a senzu bean. "I promise that before we head back, you will see your father again,"

Cloven Hoof looked at the one that caused him and his people so much harm. He absorbed his words while gazing deeply into his that smiling visage. A few more moments passed before Cloven began to reach out to Goku's outstretched hand. "You are right-- I will see my father again. In fact..." In that instant, Cloven Hoof traps Goku in a bear. The Saiyan from Earth was caught off guard as a new set of runic symbols appeared all over. "WE CAN BOTH GO SEE HIM RIGHT NOW!!!"

The light from the runes grew in intensity as Goku tried to free himself. But Cloven Hoof refused to let go. The bull crouches down and jumps as high as he could into the air. The amount of built and the blazing light in the runes meant only one thing. "NO WAIT--" Goku pleaded, but it fell on deaf ears.

"THAT CRAZY BASTARD!!!" Vegeta hollered.

"SEE YOU IN TARTARUS!!!" Cloven Hoof bellowed.


The explosion shook the entirety of the Colosseum. A large red dome of magic energy dominated the sky until it fizzled out. Everyone that was shielding themselves stared intently at the cloud of smoke in the air. That is until something started to descend from it. The minotaurs could hardly believe their eyes at the sight of the monster that ravished their homes survive their kings' last-ditch effort to slay him. Goku's aura flared strongly as his boots hit the ground. The outer layer of his Gi lied in tatters, and several scorch marks were adorning his form. Physically, Goku was alright. But his emotions told another story. A solemn look of remorse plagued Goku's features. He could still picture the look of rage that Cloven Hoof directed at him, right until the very end.

With a heavy heart, Goku softly muttered a phrase. "...You fool..."

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