• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 8,810 Views, 997 Comments

Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 27: Please to make your Re-acquaintance! (Unedited)

Author's Note:

Here you go, guys. Sorry, this was a few days late. I will be releasing this mouth's chapter as well. It will be the last in the main story. But fear not, there will be some bonus chapters.

[Minos - City Ruins - Third Person POV.]

The ground finally settled as Tirek landed. The centaur panted heavily for a time before his breathing was back under his control. tirek stumbled back, finding his balance slightly off. He looked back to his hind legs only to discover that he no longer had any. Confused, Tirek looks himself over and notices two large webbed wings protruding from his back and seven golden orbs around his neck. "What manner of magic is this? What has happened to my body!?"

"It is simple, father," Junior's voice called out.

Tirek turns his head to find Junior coming floating out of the hole he made. Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha were all within his magical grasp. Although, Yamcha was unconscious while Krillin and Tien grunt in exertion. "Son? I assume this is your doing?"

"It is, father. Your body remains in Tartarus, but the ritual I performed freed your soul from its confines," Junior replied.

"Hmm, then whose body I am possessing?" Tirek asked while looking himself over again.


Tirek began gritting his teeth in silent fury at the mere utterance of that name. "So you used that spell to place me in *his* body!?" He seethed.

"It is no longer his body," Junior stated. "Just as you were bound in Tartarus, Scorpan is confined to the deepest recesses of your sub-conscience. A fitting fate for his betrayal," Junior then handed his father Scorpan's staff as Tirek inspects it with disinterest. He went to channel his magic, and his disinterest morph into a frown as he had to redistribute his magic to his hands instead of his nonexistent horns. The stave morphed into a pair of horns much like the ones that once adorned his head. "Is everything to your liking?"

"No!" Turek responded harshly. The information hardly soothed Tirek's growing angry. The mere thought of his former sibling residing within him made the former centaur nauseous. However, those thoughts died down when he finally noticed the strange beings floating in his son's magical gasp. "What are these creatures?" Tirek asked as he moved closer to inspect the humans.

"I don't know their species, but they are allies with the ponies that sealed you away. They are quite formidable,"

Tirek scoffs at this. "If they so easily captured then I doubt the credibility of that claim," He tries reaching out and examine Krillin's features as a Ki blast sailed past him. It was then that Tirek's eyes widened at the sight of the Earth's mightiest heroes.

Vegeta had his arm outstretched as smoke left his palm, indicating he was the one that fired that attack. "While you are correct about your assertion regarding the weak humans, I wouldn't say the same about us Saiyans," He crossed his arms and smirked as he continued. "And ignoring us would be your first and last mistake!"

"Humans? Saiyans? It appears as though Equis has gained an infestation of primates and slugs in my absence," Tirek insulted.

"Hmph. How original. I am a Namekian. I would teach you some manners myself, but I'm the ponies wanted first dibs," Piccolo said with a smirk.

Tirek arches a brow in confusion until a blue and golden aura enveloped his form. He looked up in the air to spy Celestia and Luna keeping him contained. Then, a bright light illuminated behind him. He turned around just in time to see Twilight and the others activated their rainbow forms as the power of the elements bared down upon him. "No! Father!!!" Junior exclaimed, but he was far too late to do anything. The harmony wave engulfed his entire form much like before when they first acquired them. His scream of dismay was muffled out from the explosion that followed.

"Did that work?" Ember asked as everyone returned to the ground.

"Ha! Naturally. I mean we are that awesome!" Rainbow proclaimed.

"Then you should look again before screaming your little catchphrase," Vegeta stated.

The girl was about to inquire what he meant by that when the dust finally cleared away. Tirek was shielding himself with his arms as the Dragonballs glowed brightly, but remained unresponsive. Confusion was the common theme between the girls and Tirek as Twilight spoke what was on everyone's minds. "B-But how!?! He should be back in Tartarus right now!"

"Ho Ho Ho," A haughty laughter went off as every turned back to Siren who was hiding a smirk with the back of his hand. "Honestly. Did you expect the same method of defeating Lord Tirek to work twice?" He shrugged his shoulders as he chuckled again. "Sadly for you lot, we've taken some precautionary measures to ensure your rainbow light show will fail this time around,"

"That is impossible!!!" Celestia shouted. "A being as foul as you Tirek would not ward off the elements!"

"What have you and your ilk done!?" Luna demanded.

"Spoilers honey," Siren said coyly.

"You sisters were always fools. Your reliance on that notion of friendship is both abysmal and foolhardy! Real power comes from your strength alone. You do nothing but waste your great magic! Now that I am free, I will rid the world of all your philosophies. Today, the magic of friendship dies!!!"

"You mock the power our friendship has, yet it has defeated you twice already! This day will not be any different!!!" Twilight countered while Tirek snarled. The girls all agreed and took up defensive positions. "And it helps that we have more than magic at our disposal,"

Twilight received a nod of acknowledgment from Goku as the rest of the Z fighters went into their stances. However, our heroes became confused when Vegeta started laughing. "You know, there's an argument we can agree on; Friendships, bonds, and pointless sentiments of the like are unneeded on the battlefield. A warriors strength is his own. Such is the hallmark of any true Saiyan!"

"Vegeta," Goku said in a warning tone while the others stood by aghast.

"Spare your lectures Kakarot. The enemy is right before us, and I refuse to play this cat and mouse game a moment longer!"

With that said, Vegeta instantly flared his aura and charged forward. Junior say this and hurls Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin into Vegeta's path. In response, Vegeta outstretched his arm and fired a shockwave that scattered the humans from his pursuit. Twilight and Starlight caught them before they could be injured as the Saiyan prince reared back his fist and slammed it into Tirek who barely was able to defend with his staff. Vegeta pushes Tirek's guard, dragging him across the ground, as the bull grits his teeth. Tirek opened his maw, attempting to steal away his opponents magic, but nothing happened as Vegeta gripped his mouth with his hand and slammed Tirek to the ground. Ki energy began to outline the Saiyan's prince's glove while Tirek's eyes went pin struck. However, before Vegeta could follow through, Junior's offensive magic barreled into the prince of Saiyans. Tirek took advantage and shift positions with Vegeta, forcing him to the ground with his magic. Getting on top of him, Tirek attempted to devour his magic once again. However, this time, the spell canceled out as no magic flowed into him.

"What is the meaning of this!? I cannot consume your magic!" Tirek asked.

"It seems like you've had some misinformation about my power. Allow me to educate you!!!" Vegeta said as he broke out of Tirek's gasp. His golden aura flared while Tirek stood mystified. That feeling of awe faded as a sharp pain raced across his muzzle courtesy of Vegeta's fist. Tirek stumbles back as Vegeta pressed his assault. Tirek brought up his shield while Vegeta sent a flurry of punches against it. Junior saw his father struggling and tried Intervening, but Trunks appeared in front of him with his arms crossed.

"I'd advise against that. Father hates it when someone butts in on his fights," Trunks said.

Junior frowns at the future Saiyan's interruption and lit up his horn. However, the remaining Z fighters flicker to his position. Junior realized the situation he currently found himself. The two Dragons flanked Siren while Raam remained restrained and Pudge still unconscious. The shield was down as Vegeta was relentless in his attacks. 'I should've accounted for father not being used to a bipedal form! Was I too arrogant for our success?' He thought to himself. With all their enemies surrounded him and his two other compatriots indisposed, Junior knew he wasn't a much he could do without a boost in strength. That was when the young bull recalled the power the Dragonballs granted him. "FATHER! USE THE DRAGONBALLS! THEY WILL AMPLIFY YOUR POWER!!!"

Tirek paused at his son's words. The fight so far wasn't going his way. However, he did feel a surge of energy emanating from the orbs. Tirek hated the idea of being backed into a corner, but there was no other alternative. He closed his eyes and focused on the Dragonballs. The effect was immediate. A surge of energy shot out, and the one star Dragonball glowed intensely. Vegeta found himself pushed back from the shockwave, but he quickly recovered. Tirek smiled manically at the adrenaline flowing through his body. He flapped his wings and primed his staff while gathering a massive orb of magic. Vegeta scoffs and outstretched his right arm while molding his Ki into a blue sphere. The two combatants held a brief staredown before launching their attacks. Magick and Ki collided with overwhelming force and a loud boom. The sky seemed to whiteout as everyone shielded themselves. Vegeta watched stoically as the smoke from the collision shrouded Tirek's form. However, a silhouette was becoming more evident within the smoke until Tirek's form burst through the smog.

Vegeta met him halfway and cocked back his fist before thrusting it forward. Vegeta expected his fist to smash against the flesh of a cheekbone. He planned on Tirek's head swing back from the force of the blow. Or more preferably, snap from the whiplash with a satisfying crunch. The Saiyan prince did not foresee Tirek's entire body turn pale white and shatter away. "What!? A clone!" He stated while turning his head in search of him.

"Aah! Let me go!!!" Scootaloo's scream alerted everyone as Tirek held her by in his hand by her Gi. But before anyone could react, Tirek drew the filly's magic from her, and into his maw, as she went limp.

"Ah. A nice appetizer to start with, however..." His gaze drifted to the assembled ponies as he licked his lips. "I can't wait for the main course!" Tirek was about to toss Scootaloo aside when she ignited her aura. The centaur turned gargoyle let out a gasp of shock while Scootaloo grabs hold of his wrist. She loops around his arm like an acrobat, swings her leg over, and scoring a roundhouse kick to his muzzle. Thus, breaking his grip.

Tirek stumbles back as Scootaloo took her stance. "Appetizer? Pfft. I'm one full course meal you can't handle!" She declared as she darts forward and buries her fist into his gut.

Tirek grunted in pain before gritting his teeth. His staff glowed brightly as his aura restricted Scootaloo's movements as she went for a follow-up punch. "How can you still resist!? I drained your magic!"

The answer never came as Gohan came crashing into him with a dive kick, freeing Scootaloo in the process. "Are you ok?" He asked with concern.

Scootaloo trembles slightly before sending Gohan a smirk. "I'm good. It's not like I use my magic anyways,"

Gohan couldn't help but focus on the strain in her voice. But he decided not to dwell on it. Tirek had recovered and snarled at the two. However, before he could retaliate, Vegeta made his presence known once again. A barrage of Ki Blasts detonated on his position, forcing him to guard himself. "Keep your eyes on the real threat!!!" Vegeta exclaimed.

A growl escaped Tirek's lips. "Enough of this!!!" He bellowed.

Tirek began tapping into the Dragonballs again, causing two of them to glow, and expanded his barrier at an alarming rate. The wall was not a standard one as the very ground eroded as the bubble grew. This action made Vegeta cut off his attack and forced the Z fighters to retreat. Sadly, Tirek's maneuver freed Raam and Pudge from the Equestrians custody along with Junior. The centaurs made no effort to run as the barrier engulfed their forms. Our heroes gained some altitude and watched the destruction unfold. It was stretching out of their little warzone and into crowded area's.

"We must end this before more innocents suffer!" Luna proclaims.

"We must attack the bubble from every angle to stop it from expanding!" 16 stated.

"Then let's move!" Spike said as he and Z warriors spread out. They each fired a continuous stream against the barrier. Upon impact, the shield stopped its movement, but there was heavy resistance. "Ok, now what?"

Celestia flew above the dome with her hands reaching toward her star. Her eyes glowed in tandem with the sun as she focused her magic. She swiftly brought her arms down with an echoing shout. "Solar Bombardment!!!" A beam of solar energy descends from the heavens and strikes Tirek's attack with devastating accuracy. Celestia tempered her attack well as not to cause more harm than good, and it paid off. The beam broke through the dome with little effort and remained for a few seconds before dying out. Nothing but a smoldering crater remained in the wake of Celestia's attack.

"Well now, I'm impressed that you had it in you to vaporize your enemies. I am almost inclined to overlook your interference," Vegeta stated.

Celestia shot a glare a the Saiyan prince. "It was not my intent to end their lives,"

"She's right," Dende called out, gaining everyone's attention. "If they were dead or vaporize than the Dragonballs would be here. I sensed their energy move somewhere else,"

"So they gave us the slip?" Goku asked while putting his two fingers to his forehead. "They're not trying to hide their power. We can use instant transmission to head them off,"

"Wait. We need to check the Sons of Tirek hideout," Twilight suggests.

"For what purpose?" Vegeta growled out.

"It might give us a clue on why our rainbow power failed, and what kind of spell they used to free Tirek,"

"In the meantime, we'll go after Tirek. We can't give him a chance to learn how to harness more power from the Dragonballs," Piccolo stated.

"I will also advise that only proficient users of Ki energy should pursue Tirek," 16 recommends.

"Hey, what gives! We're just as capable of handling Tirek. We beat him before!!!" Rainbow reminded.

"That was back when he didn't have seven mystical orbs enhancing his powers," Tien said.

"But that varmint did manage to steal all of the magic in Equestria. Y'all ain't seen what we saw!" Applejack countered.

"Indeed, and the only way to beat him was together, darlings," Rarity supported.

16 walks up to Scootaloo who was still slightly panting before Gohan handed her a senzu bean. "During the conflict, I detect a portion of your energy was leaving your body and adding to Tirek's own. Am I correct in surmising that Tirek is capable of stealing magic?" The young filly reluctantly nodded, having experienced the process the first time Tirek attacked Equestria. "Since that is the case, having those with magic will only be a burden to us!"

"What you say is true. However, Tirek will seek out those with magic regardless," Celestia said. "With that said, you are right. Most of us cannot aid you without becoming targets ourselves. Twilight, you will investigate the spell. Luna and I shall return to Equestria and put out a state of emergency. Marshall will come under effect, and we will instill a curfew. Nopony should be out of their homes," Celestia took one last solemn glance at the state of Minos. "Do not linger here, Twilight. Who knows how the citizenry will react to your presence after this,"

"I will notify the guards," Luna said as she and Celestia teleported away.

"Let's go, girls," Twilight stated as she and the elements ran back to the hideout.

"Krillin, can you, Tien, and Yamcha stay with them?" Goku asked.

"No problem Goku. The three of us will back them up," A groan from the still unconscious Yamcha made Krillin falter a bit. "Uh... As soon as we wake up Yamcha,"

"I will stay as well," 16 said as he hoisted Yamcha onto his shoulder and followed after the girls.

"I think I should stay back too," Gohan said surprisingly. "I'll make sure no surprises are waiting for us,"

Scootaloo eyed Gohan with suspicion as she walked along with him. "Yeah, I'll go too. I don't want to give Tirek another chance to steal my magic," Goku nodded as the rest of the Z warrior's and the two dragons placed a hand on him. In a flash, they all vanished. Scootaloo adopted a look of concern for Gohan's wellbeing. "Gohan, you ok?"

"..." Gohan gave no response.

"...It wasn't your fault. And besides, we can fix everything once we get the Dragonballs back," Scootaloo said with a hopeful smile. However, it quickly fell after seeing Gohan's solemn expression.

"I hate this..." Gohan finally said.

"Hate what?"

Gohan waved his hand around the vicinity. "All this fighting. All the innocent people getting hurt. I hate all of it. I just wanted to continue my studies and become a scholar one day. I'm not like my dad or the others!" He said in a raised voice. "Yet I couldn't let them down when the world needed us. I trained to become a Super Saiyan so that I wouldn't be a burden to others. And what happens; I get brainwashed and hurt the very people I wanted to help. Even if we fix everything with Dragonballs, it doesn't change what I did!" His shoulders slagged from the outburst as his voice became meek. "I can't forgive myself. That's why I wanted to stay here. This way, I can't hurt anyone else,"

Scootaloo was feeling somewhat conflicted. She loved everything about being a martial artist. It gave a whole new perspective on life. She was an EAT champ. Her skills surpassed every filly and colt in Equestria. But most importantly, her dream was finally realized. "I never was good at flying,"


"Before Goku came along, I couldn't fly for squat. My wings weren't like all the other pegasi. They had something wrong with them, but I forget what exactly. The other foals would call me 'Chicken' or 'Dodoloo,' and it would always hurt, like a lot," Scootaloo walked in front of Gohan while taking his hands. Gohan arched a brow at this while beaming brightly at his confused expression. He felt a tug as Scootaloo floated in the air. The two children hovered a few feet above the ground as Scootaloo continued to speak. "But thanks to his teachings, harnessing my Ki energy, I can fly better than most Wonderbolts! And their the best flyers in Equestria! No, the whole world-- excluding kick-flank aliens, of course," She brought Gohan into a hug as he flinched. "Fighting is pretty awesome and all, but being a martial artist to me is experiencing that same freedom every flying creature gets when their flying!"

"Wow... I never thought of it like that before,"

"Yep, so quit being all mopping. I hate being sappy like this,"

They both laughed as Gohan's mood lifted substantially. "You're right Scootaloo. Martial Arts isn't about fighting. It can help everyone achieve balance and gain a new outlook on life. Its never about hurting people and I forgot that for a moment," They laughed again while bringing each other in another hug. The two young warriors broke the embrace but still held each other by their wrist. Hazel pupils met magenta as they started to lean in towards each other--


The sudden sound made the boy and filly jolt back as Pinkie was hovering beside them with a tub of popcorn while supporting a disappointed look. "Aw! Why did you stop? It was getting good," Pinkie pouted.

"P-Pinkie... How long have you been there?" Gohan asked. 'I didn't sense her at all,'

"Well, Twilight trying figure out that spell those centaurs used. Then, this centaur came wearing a cloak just like the Sons Of Tirek had on, which is a weird name because I don't think they're all his kids. Anyway, this centaur was a cow who knew what spell they used and, even better, how to beat Tirek. And Twilight was like 'That's amazing,' and I was like 'I know right' so I came to tell you the good news. But then I saw you were all sad, and I wanted to give you the biggest hug. Thankfully, Scootaloo was doing an excellent job, and I saw how close you two were, so I wasn't about to ruin the perfect Scoota-Han moment. Hmm, or maybe Go-loo sounds better. Either way, the mast is up, and the wind is blowing strong. Time to sail that ship!!" Pinkie finished with an adorable squee.

Scootaloo looked like she wanted to die while Gohan held a bright red blush. "S-So, who is this person?" Gohan asked.

"Y-Yeah, let's go meet them," Scootaloo agreed.

"Ok," Pinkie said, grabbing the two preteens and bring them to Twilight and the rest.

"Good, your three are back," Twilight said.

"Are you two ok? You seem nervous," Starlight asked.

"We're fine!" Scootaloo and Gohan said in unison.

"You all may not be fine for long," The cow said. "Tirek will likely be heading toward his old home,"

"Where would that be if you don't mind me asking?" Fluttershy said.

"A village in the Badlands where the sun burns the hottest and the Ashen Spocions roam," The cow replied.

"Sounds pleasant darling..." Rarity said with uncertainty.

"Why would he go all the way out there?" Krillin asked.

"In that village inhabits gargoyles and centaurs who idolize him. Tirek's name holds much fame," The cow said.

Rainbow shot her a dubious look. "Do you know a Zebra named Zecora?"

"You appear to know much about Tirek and his motives," Tien said. "How do you know so much and how can we trust anything you say?"

"I understand your suspicions, but I have been in hiding, waiting for this moment. Tirek was once someone I knew intimately. I am his mate and mother to the youngest centaur you've seen..." The cow pulled back her hood to reveal her face. "I am known as Illana,"

Everyone gasped at that. "You're Tirek's wife!?" Starlight said in disbelief.

"What in sam hill did you ever see in that monster!" Applejack said, causing Illana to scowl.

"Certainly, darling, you could do far better!" Rarity chided, earning herself a glare from the cow.

"Tirek had not always been as he is now!" Illana retorted tersely before her features went downcast. "There is a compassionate side to him. His hunger for power is what buried it,"

"Surely you realize that by helping us, you'd be hurting your husband," Tien stated.

Illana's only response was a subtle nod. "I maintain no illusions of my mate returning to the bull I once loved. I will help you in this endeavor," A look of grim determination flashed across Illana's. "All I ask is that you all honor my one request,"

[Badlands - Desert Village]

Tirek and his followers appeared on the sand-filled landscape from a sphere. Upon hitting the soft texture of the sand, Tirek fell to his knees while panting from exertion. His body had smoke trails blooming from his head and shoulders. Various scorch marks decorated his form. However, whether they were from Vegeta's earlier assault or Celestia's attack, Tirek was unsure. All the former centaur did know was that the latest conflict did a real number on his body. Anger and frustration boiled over as he let a furious bellow. "Raaaah!!!"

"Father!" Junior exclaimed, rushing to his father's aid. Although he stopped in his tracks at the fierce glare, Tirek was sporting.

"Curse this insipid body. The magic I took from that filly has run its course much faster than I anticipated," Tirek grunted out.

"I wasn't on board with the plan either," Raam said.

"Truth be told, it was only meant to be a temporary solution, my liege," Siren spoke up.

"Temporary?" Tirek inquired.

"Scorpan was never adept at physical strength. Despite your cosmetic change, it will never be of any use," Junior explained. "The goal was to get you out of Tartarus,"

"By placing inside Scorpan's infernal body?" Tirek growled. He found their plan was sorely lacking. "Scorpan's solution to the plague never included gargoyles. I am not receiving any additional power from the magic I drained from the filly," Tirek said in an irritated tone. "Is this the extent for all your schemes? You've done nothing but condemn me to this sorry sack of flesh!!!"

"All is not as it seems father! Yes, any magic you consume now will not add to your power, it will only sustain the possession. It was never our intent to leave you within that body. But there are some benefits," Junior said.

"Benefits?" Tirek's tone suggested that Junior better have a good explanation.

"The ponies and their elements cannot affect you because that body is Scorpan. Your body is still confined. Therefore, the equines abilities do not need to banish what already is banished. Nor will they sentence an 'innocent' to damnation regardless if they deserve it," Junior said.

"The looks on their faces were priceless," Siren chuckled.

"A minimal convenience at best. I assume that if I don't have a ready supply of magic than I cannot inhabit this body," Junior nods in response. "And what of these strange balls? While they did boost my strength, it only hastened my magic depletion," Tirek said while studying the Dragonball.

"They originate from another world," Junior said much to Tirek's surprise. "Not much else is known about them other than the fact they can embolden our magical reserves,"

"Hmm, then they will be invaluable when I retrieve my older body, but first there are other matters to attend too. And will someone raise up that tub of gelatin flesh," Tirek said, gesturing to Pudge who had fallen asleep during the last battle? He stood up as he looked around his village. Or, more accurately, a barren landscape. There was nothing anyone could see for miles.

Tirek crouches down and picks up a handful of sand while Junior walks up behind him. "Father,"

"There's a subtle disturbance in the sand. Clever. My 'brother's' work holds true. The seal he used places the village in a time lock stowed away in a pocket realm. And thanks to his memories that I have free access to, I know what he did and how to undo it. A shame he never applies himself on more important matters. Boy! How much magic do you and your-" Tirek pauses as he watches Raam and Siren sit Pudge up until the robust centaur tilts forward and lands on top of Raam, "-cohorts hold?"

Junior knew this question would as he straightened up his posture. "Raam, Siren, Pudge," He called out. The other Sons of Tirek nodded their heads and got into formation, forming a diamond with Tirek at the center. "We have enough magic o suit your needs father. Will, you be freeing them?"

"Yes, I will," Tirek holds his staff up while the magic flows from the four centaurs. The staff absorbs the magic into itself and Tirek presses the bottom to the ground. Tirek felt his magical prowess return and began is counterspell. A pentagram illuminates beneath their hooves and expands outwards. Moments later, the very air around shift and becomes distorted as the buildings come back into view. Soon, the village citizens reappear as well while the effects of the time lock fade away, allowing them to move freely once more.

"W-What happened?"

"I feel stiff!"

"Is that Tirek?"

More and more os the village folk began to realize they were in the presence of their savior and quickly went to praise. "Yes, yes, rejoice, for I have returned," Tirek said in a mock jovial tone. Clearly, he did not care for the admiration. But no one paid it any mind. At the same time, the Z warriors arrive on the scene, starling the inhabitants with their sudden appearance. Murmurs of panic set in as many believed their village was coming under attack from these strange foreigners.

"What in the name of creation are those creatures?"

"How did they get so close to the village?"

"One of them is ill! They going to spread a new plague upon us!!!"

"Save us Tirek!!!"

Piccolo groans at the ill remark. "Is everyone on this planet so damn excitable!?"

"Well, we are pretty out of this world, aren't we?" Goku joked, earning a groan from the Namekian.

"It looks like Tirek has found his supporters," Ember said.

"That means we're up against another army!" Trunks grumbled, readying himself for another bout.

"I will exterminate all of you so long as your among them!" Vegeta threatened.

"These outsiders are very amusing," Tirek chuckled, his staff glowing intently. "Fear not my brothers and sisters! We shall work together!"

"So you are going hide behind your little groupie's. Somehow, I saw this coming," Vegeta said

"Then, you saw wrong. They will help, but not in the way you might think," Tirek said ominously. Before anyone could react, the glow on Tirek's staff intensifies while amplified by two Dragonballs. The citizens stared at the light in fascination, eager to see their hero in action. They had no means of defense when their magic flew out of their bodies. Bulls, Cows, and gargoyles of all ages fell the ground as their bodies resembled dried up husks.

Juniors eyes widened in bafflement at the scene. Neither he or the Sons of Tirek was expecting this turn of events. "Father?"

"Quick, stop him!" Spike stated urgently as he rushed in and grab Tirek's stave.

"Release me you fool. You're interfering with the spell," Tirek command, but Spike wouldn't back down.

One claw gripped the pole while the other latched on to one of the Dragonballs. The Dragonballs lit in response while Spike seems to scream from the touch. His wails prompted Ember to jump in to aid her mate while the sky turns black, and the ground where the diagram rest shifted into a pool of darkness. The Z fighters tried to take to the air, but their feet were sinking into the darkness. The effect did not discriminate as the four centaurs and Tirek sank down as well. It when was all said and done, Our heroes along with the villains was nowhere to be seen. The desert village, once filled with life, returned to barren terrain with nary a soul remaining.

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