• Published 22nd Sep 2018
  • 3,595 Views, 360 Comments

Ponies in Hogwarts [Edited] - KittyrinnAiko

A pony stranded in the past must go to another dimension and learn the ways of wizards before she can return to her own time.

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Chapter 32 Good morning!

Loki slowly roused from sleep with the sensation of a pony laying on top of him. He was presently in human form owing to the necessity to bunk in the duplex. Granted the only reason any of them bunked in the duplex was in case of surprise visits. Normally the Bolts would sleep in pony piles, and he’d bunk with Corporal Pfalz. The Corporal was not in the habit of nuzzling him and was predominantly sable with a gold mane. He certainly never straddled him, and it was probably a good thing ponies were not much bigger than people.

Loki cracked an eye open discovering the mostly white lithe form of Nova.

“Mmmm morning,” Nova whispered in a husky voice. The cold look in her eyes, with her pupils unnaturally dilated, was sending all the wrong sort of chills through Loki.

This morning was proving a bad time for morning wood.

“Nova?! What are you doing?!” Loki protested as he shook himself awake, and he’d definitely mixed feelings concerning his present predicament. At least there were blankets between the two. Nova’s breathing seemed heavier then it should be, she was perspiring ever so slightly, and there was a heady musk about her that threatened to derail his sense of self-preservation. Over the past few days their relationship had indeed been blossoming, but this? He was at a loss as his mind raced.

“Let's do it brony style,” Nova whispered seductively.

“What? No!” Loki protested. “Luna will geld me for sure. - What’s gotten into you? - Someone? Anyone? A little help?”

Meanwhile, in Trixie’s office across the street, the entire drama can be seen through the duplex’s large street-side window.

“Good morning.” Trixie offered to a young man as she entered her office. He was a new intern freshly graduated from Hogwarts and presently transfixed by what was going on across the way. “Something amiss?”

“There’s a winged unicorn over there, and it has a man pinned.” The intern offered.

Trixie went to the window to have a look. What she saw was a couple of the bolts trying to talk sense into Nova who seemed dead set on doing something inappropriate. Nova’s head was down low in an aggressive posture off to one side, ears back, and mouth agape like she was ready to bite anyone who came too close. Trixie couldn't help but chuckle as she was fairly sure Nova had just said, ‘mine’.

“Shouldn't we do something?”

“I’d imagine a perception filter on that window might be a good idea. - That or some drapery.” Trixi offered as a little gray pegasus flew in from another part of the duplex. “She is being rather aggressive.”

“Now there’s a pegasus in there? - Hang on, what is…?”

“She's making a cloud.” Trixi offered to explain the actions of the pegasus. “Pegasi can manipulate the weather.”

The two watched as the cloud was maneuvered over the top of Nova, and with a thump of a hoof a shower of cold water cascaded down onto the pair.

“Alice!” Nova protested as she sat up. The world had gone gray. No wait, she’d stuck her head in the cloud.

“By any chance are you sensible now?” Alice offered. The cloud rotated back and forth. Alice, who was in her pegasus form, gave the cloud another thump causing more cold water to pour out of it. Nova gave a violent shake of her head and broke up the cloud.

“What the hay?!” Nova protested and blinked as she looked about. “What was I doing?”

“Sleep molesting apparently.” Alice offered.

Nova looked at who she was presently sitting on. Loki had a rather sheepish look on his face, his hands up in the bunny paws position with his covers pulled tight.

“Oh,” Nova replied. “So um, what’s going on with you switching from bat pony to pegasus anyway?”

“I’m actually a pegasus. I’ve a similar issue as Princess Shy. Nightmare Moon put a whammy on me. - It’s primarily an external thing.”

“Which do you prefer?” Nova asked. She was actually hoping to distract from the present situation.

“Bat pony actually. Bat ponies are faster in a sprint and very maneuverable. I just can’t do any weather magic while I’m a bat pony.” Alice offered. “As long as you are going to be out here, what say we change back to humans?”

“That might be a good idea.” Nova offered, and the two transformed. Alice had a slinky nightgown on and across the way the young intern hemorrhaged at the nose and passed out.
Nova wasn’t wearing anything.

“How is that supposed to help?! Loki protested. He was relieved when Scootaloo and Alalme came in search of Nova and escorted her back into the closet each having a knowing smirk on their faces.

A short time later the mares, including two Aiko’s and Trixie, are sitting around the breakfast table while the foals scamper about in play. Trixie had popped in presumably for a spot of tea and a bit of marmalade. Scootaloo and Alalme had book-ended Nova each with a wing over her, not like they were holding her down or anything, and Istel and Talma were looking on with mirth on their faces. Alice was also at the table and was presently peering over a cup of tea. Everyone was in their pony form.

“Drink,” ordered the Aiko not presently in a maid’s outfit.

“Blah!” Nova protested momentarily after drinking the potion. “What is that? Why are you even here?”

“I felt a disturbance in the force. As though a thousand zippers were straining to hold back a great swelling pressure.” Trixie announced followed by a moment of silence while everyone gave her a puzzled look. “What?!” Trixie asked as a big smile formed on her face. A chuckle escaped from somewhere deep inside. "Your antics were on full display."

“Nova, you’ve gone into season,” Aiko offered. “You are in heat. Your libido has gone into overdrive.”

“Congratulations,” Istel offered.

“It’s not like it’s the first time.” Nova protested with a grumble.

“No doubt, but you’ve got it bad right now. Likely a result of the move from Scotland's dreary weather to the brighter southern weather, plus your little jaunt back home giving you an influx of the ambient Equestrian magic.” Aiko explained.

“How is it I’m not having issues?” Scootaloo asked.

“You’re still nursing. Equestrians typically don’t go back into estrous if they are already nursing.” Aiko offered. “Alalme?”

“Yes, but it’s not driving me to jump the first stallion I see,” Alalme admitted.

“I’ve already jumped my stallion,” Alice admitted coyly. Her news prompted Talma and Istel to get up from their seats to give her a hug. “And no, I don’t know yet.”

“Well, it’s still good news to hear that you are bouncing back.” Aiko offered. “As for the potion, it calms the libido, alleviates some of the more uncomfortable side effects of being in estrous, and provides birth control just in case.”

“You know you might have told me before you made me drink that stuff.” Nova protested. She wasn’t too sure she liked the idea of that decision being made for her. After all, she was of age, or so she’d been led to believe and all but engaged.

“You’re not being given a choice.” Aiko countered sternly. “You’ll need to take the potion once a month until such time as it would be more appropriate for you to be having a foal. - It’s going to be a big enough strain to look after Goldwine and attend the Hogwarts school.”

“Alright,” Nova replied sounding just a little defeated.

“Try not to be too disappointed.” Trixie offered. “Now, regarding why I’m here. Your little episode was observed by ministry personnel.”

“I’m already in the Ministry records as a maledictus,” Nova informed her.

“Well, it’s not like it’s a proper Animagus spell in the first place.” Trixie offered. “On the one hand Trixie could be considered an animagus, but I never did any of the things normally associated with the spell as the transformation is dependent on the effects of the portal and Equestrian magic. Oddly enough, Equestrian magic is known as light or white magic here in England. The English brand of magic is more of a gray magic easily swayed to the dark side.”

“Hang on, are you suggesting that our foals should be able to transform now?” Alalme asked concerning what Trixie had said regarding transformations.

“I imagine that the only reason they didn’t transform when they came back through is for the same reason Istel and Talma don’t. They started out here as pegasi. That is their form here.” Trixie offered. “And because Mrs. Hoofstrong here was seen by ministry officials we need to register her as an Animagus or she faces a year in Azkaban.”

“Hang on, run that by me again?” Alice asked. “Are you saying I could end up in prison just for being an Equestrian?”

“She’s embassy personnel.” Nova offered. “Any chance my protections extend to those in my service?”

“They may, but the Ministry of Magic as a whole hasn’t recognized Eques as a sovereign nation outside of the charter.” Trixie offered.

“Which puts us in limbo,” Nova said with a hint of irritability.

“At any rate, I should take Alice over to the Ministry to get her registered. After that, I’m going to see what I can do about getting that silly law amended.” Trixie offered. “No one should have to go to that horrible place simply for omitting that they’d achieved the ability to transform themselves.”

“What kind of a prison is Azkaban?” Aiko asked.

“It makes Tartarus look like a daycare,” Trixie replied. Her tone devoid of emotion, save a hint of resigned hatred. “I want to close that place down, it’s… it’s inhuman. It’s a vile place beyond the imaginings of the worst pony nightmares guarded by inhuman things. Dementors they are called.”

“Have you been there?” Aiko asked.

“I dare not.” Trixie offered. “Dementors, I’m told, cause a person to relive their worst moments, and I’ve some doozies.” Trixie shuddered involuntarily. “They torment a person in such a way as to rob them of all hope. A dementor’s kiss sucks the soul right out of a person. It is a wraith not unlike Nazgul only they aren’t land-bound.”

“Yurei, akin to some form of Gaki.” Aiko said softly. She was aware of the various western mythos, and Trixie’s comparison to the Nazgul in the sagas of Middle Earth was especially troubling. Reading up on all the western cultural phenomenons had been part of the training of Equestria’s agents as no one wanted to be caught out simply by not knowing something as simple as what ‘badger badger badger mushroom’ was.

And yet, here there were things within the wizarding society that threatened to trip them up. To Aiko and the rest of the ponies, being forced to sign a registration or face a year in a hell hole simply for being who they are was unconscionable. At least Alice Mouse could honestly say she hadn’t been in the country a year, a year being the deadline for registration. But what about every pony else? They’d have to be extra careful no pony else blew their cover. Scootaloo would have to register. Meanwhile, Aiko had plans to see what could be done about the wraiths.

“So, um, is she safe?” Loki asked as he poked his head in the door. He stepped into the rotunda, transformed back into a pony, and was answered by Nova’s wings flying out tangling with Alalme and Scootaloo’s wings. The display was followed by Loki dropping to the floor with his wings displayed.

“Loki, why are you down on the floor like that?” Trixi asked as Nova began to squirm and cry to be let loose.

“It’s a fox pony bonding ritual.” Aiko offered. “Go on, let her go so she can reciprocate.”

“I think we’re stuck.” Scootaloo offered. A moment later all three were on the floor, and upside down. It wasn’t quite how it was supposed to work, but the moment their muzzles touched Loki’s muzzle, all their wings relaxed.

“So any pony want to go work off some of that excess energy?” Loki asked innocently enough. Unfortunately, the three mares misinterpreted, and three sets of wings attempted a full display.

“Flying, we can go get in a little air time,” Loki added with a big smile on his face.

Author's Note:

Yes, it's been a while. Since this was more or less ready to go I thought I'd go ahead and post it as an early Halloween offering.

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